Tune in Thursdays 4 to 5pm (PST), at 89.5FM in the northeast San Pablo Bay Area, or on a Smart Phone [link], Desktop U-stream [link], w. chat box [link], Live Mp3 (.pls) stream [link], Netbook [link]. Hosted by Dr.G., Minister of Information of the Northbay MDS, breaking the blockade of censorship, with research archives and verified sources! Be a Community Journalist with our Community Journalist's Notebook [link], send news & info to [NorthbayMDS@) gmail.com]!
[Links] are in-house, offsite links are noted . Backed-up links are to (archive.org) and (archive.today).

Take a look at the Top 25 Most Censored Stories here [ProjectCensored.org link] [archive.org].
The presentation of the 2013-2014 Top 25 stories extends the tradition originated by Professor Carl Jensen and his Sonoma State University students in 1976, while reflecting how the expansion of the Project to include affiliate faculty and students from campuses across the country has made the Project even more diverse and robust. During this year’s cycle, Project Censored reviewed 237 Validated Independent News stories (VINs) representing the collective efforts of 260 college students and 49 professors from 18 college and university campuses that participate in our affiliate program.
Find out how Project Censored evaluates and researches each news story here [ProjectCensored.org link] [archive.org].
National mobilization in Ferguson: Justice for Michael Brown!
** "Ferguson, the Black Radical Tradition and the Path Forward" [TheBlackScholar.org link] [archive.today]
** "FERGUSON UPRISING CONTINUES Weekend of Protests Planned for Oct. 10-13" [SocialistOrganizer.org link] [archive.org]. Socialists defend the people against Police Fascism!
** "Ferguson police shooting protest interrupts St. Louis Symphony" (2014-10-09) [PeoplesWorld.org link] [archive.org]
** "D.C. march continues the struggle for justice for Michael Brown Demonstration takes the fight to elite Georgetown" (2014-10-08) [AnswerCoalition.org link] [archive.org]
** FERGUSON OCTOBER [FergusonOctober.com], October 10-13th. We are in a movement moment.

Join Hands Up United, Organization for Black Struggle, Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment and our partners in Ferguson from October 10-13th for a weekend of resistance. We’re hosting a series of public events—marches, convenings and panels— to build momentum for a nationwide movement against police violence.
We will gather in Ferguson, but the world will hear our call for change.
Don’t Shoot Coalition [link]; Organization of Black Struggle (OBS) [link]; Missourian Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) [link]; Hands Up United [link]; ColorofChange.org; United for Peace and Justice [link]; Veterans For Peace [link];
Below is a tentative schedule of events:
* Friday, October 10th: Justice Now March, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Buzz Westfall Justice Center (100 S Central Ave.) Clayton, Mo.
* Saturday, October 11th: Justice for All: National March and Rally, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Scott Trade Center (1401 Clark Ave.) St. Louis, MO
* Sunday, October 12th,: Hip Hop & Hope, St. Louis, MO
* Monday, October 13th: #MoralMonday Civil Disobedience, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, in St. Louis, MO
In the name of justice for Michael Brown. In the spirit of the Moral Monday movement and the Fight for $15. With the vision to put people and nature before profits!
"Moving Above the Snake Line to the Higher Ground: Moral Mondays Comes to Indiana" (2014-09-22) [HeartlandRadical.blogspot.com link] [archive.org]
"Free Radio Santa Cruz Announces August Activist of the Month", press announcement 2010-10-01:
FRSC selected Direct Action Monterey Network, Sin Barras, and Salinas residents for this fine CopWatch in August, seen here: [IndyBay.org link] [archive.org]. This action demonstrates another advantage of CopWatching, it can serve to protect the public from the police by changing their behavior when they are being videoed. In this action our winners not only prevented the cops from shooting the man, they even got the cops to take his handcuffs off.
Police are legally empowered to publicly torture people.
“As unreasonable as it may sound, a reasonable officer could have believed that beating a subdued and compliant Mr. Davis while causing only a concussion, scalp laceration, and bruising with almost no permanent damage did not violate the Constitution,” U.S. Magistrate Nanette Baker said in a Dec. 31 ruling. Judges don’t second-guess officers’ judgment that they had to use force, or that the force they used was reasonable under the circumstances. In 1982, the Supreme Court gave police and other government employees “Qualified Immunity” from civil rights suits, saying they were liable for damages only for violating rights that were clearly established at the time. In a 1989 decision, Chief Justice William Rehnquist said the “reasonableness” of an officer’s use of force “must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight.”
** "In another Ferguson beating, courts examine police use of force" (2014-10-03) pg.1 [SFGate.com link] [archive.today], pg.2 [SFGate.com link] [archive.today]
"Diego Gomez, a Colombian graduate student, currently faces up to eight years in prison for doing something thousands of researchers do every day: posting research results online for those who would not otherwise have a way to access them." [EFF.org link]
"Seattle Boycotts Hyatt while a Boston Boycott Ends" (2014-10-01) from Labor Notes newsletter [LaborNotes.lorg link ] [archive.org]
** Charter schools do no better than traditional public schools, yet, charter schools are rarely shuttered for low academic performance... "The great charter school rip-off" (2014-10-02) [Salon.com link] [archive.today]
** "Silicon Valley breeding nationwide schools-for-profit scheme" (2014-10-02) [PeoplesWorld.org] [archive.org]
** "Review: Why Privatization Fails", from "Labor Notes" newsletter [LaborNotes.org link] [archive.org]:
In the early 1980s, New York City’s and London’s subway systems were both on the brink of collapse. To bring them back, their city councils realized massive investment was needed. They rejected the idea that public money would fund it, unless there was some type of profit plan for private partners. New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority began issuing bonds representing debt to private investors worth billions of dollars (not including interest), and today, 2014, 41 percent of fares next year will go to debt service. That’s public money that is not available to expand service or settle fair contracts with employees.
London's managers chose to privatize parts of the London Underground with a Public-Private Partnership (PPP). The public-sector workers still operated the trains, but private management held responsibility for maintaining the infrastructure, promoting the idea that private companies would do the work so much more “efficiently” and make a profit from the fees they received. The PPP was supposed to continue for 30 years; it lasted just seven. A new book by Janine Booth, Plundering London Underground, tells its story in great detail [MerlinPress.co.uk link].
The article concludes with a very reasonable program "Toward a Truly Public Transportation System":
* Public transit should be run as a public service, not as a business!
* It should be fully funded by the public sector, through progressive taxation. This would open up the possibility of eliminating the fare and providing free public transit. In France, this is already being done!
* It should be managed democratically by a body representing the interests of transit workers, riders, and the community as a whole.
"Everyone On the Bus: Rider-Driver Alliances" [LaborNotes.org link] [archive.org]
These contract workers are part of a new and growing underclass who work inside some of the world's wealthiest companies. a growing number of contract workers in Silicon Valley who work inside high-tech companies but are not on the payroll at Facebook or Google. Instead, they are employed by outside contractors. For the most part, they earn low wages and benefits. They have little in the way of job security or protections. Some don't earn sick or vacation leave. Shuttle drivers say they received a 75 cent raise, not enough to cover the rising cost of living. With heavy traffic and tight schedules, drivers say they rarely have time to take a break, not even to take a sip of water — which they are not permitted to drink on the bus — or to go to the bathroom. Many of the high-tech companies own the buses but they contract with bus operators to oversee the workers who drive them, including Loop, which is run by SFO Shuttle Bus. It has contracts with Bay Area technology companies.
** "It's a long, tiring haul for Silicon Valley bus drivers" (2014-08-15) [USAToday.com link] [archive.today]
** "The harsh reality of tech bus drivers" (2014-08-18) [sfgate.com link] [archive.today]
** "For Google shuttle drivers, it’s a grueling ride" (2014-09-28) [sfgate.com link] [archive.today]
** Letters to the Editor, Oct. 5 [sfgate.com link] [archive.today]
"Business groups alarmed by rise of ‘micro-unions’ in workplace" [TheHill.com link] [archive.org]
Hundreds of workers and community allies gathered to PROTEST THE WORLD BUSINESS FORUM
at the Radio City Music Hall (NYC), sending a message to 5,000 corporate executives who make on average more than $13 million a year. Raise Our Wages! $15 & A UNION NOW! Stop the War on Workers & the Poor!
The royalty of Wall Street and the leaders of the global corporate establishment attended THE WORLD BUSINESS FORUM (WBF). Paying two thousand dollars per seat, The WBF, the biggest of all the meetings of the 1%, brought some 5000 chief executive officers, and heads of the fortune 500 corporations and banks to Radio City Music Hall on Oct. 7 and 8.
These are the 1% who make the decisions to lay off workers in mass, bust unions and keep the wages that ordinary workers take home as low as possible. The Theme of the World Business Forum is "Provocateurs: Open your mind to thinking differently". The theme is merely a cover for what this mega-meeting of the 1% has on its mind. Their real agenda is to come up with more creative ways to shed workers, pay workers as little as possible, bust unions, destroy the environment, destroy communities, plunder the world, and make the 99% poorer; all out of their insatiable quest for bigger profits.
Confronting the plutocracy, the following organizations gathered for Peace and Justice: Peoples Power Assembly; Occu-Evolve; International Working Women's Coalition; NY Coalition of Black Trade Unionists; May 1st Coalition for Worker and Immigrant Rights; Guyanese American Workers United; Laundry Workers Center; Chris Silvera, Secretary Treasurer Local 808 Teamsters 808; American Islamic Committee for Women and Children; Parents to Improve School Transportation ( PIST); Community Labor United for Postal Jobs & Services ( CLUPJS); Peoples Organization for Progress; East Harlem /EL Barrio Community Action( EHECA); Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST); Egyptian Americans for Democracy & Human Rights; United National Antiwar Coalition - UNAC; International Action Center

** "How 14 People Made More Money Than the Entire Food Stamp Budget for 50,000,000 People" (2014-10-06) [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.org]
** "Amid Soaring Profits, Walmart to Cut Off 30,000 Workers From Health Insurance Largest private employer in U.S. announces elimination of insurance for part-time workers and across-the-board hikes in premium costs" (2014-10-08) [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.org]
"Why the Economy is Still Failing Most Americans" [RobertReich.org/post/98668011635] [archive.org]
"Want Your Constitutional Right to Choose? Live in Texas? Get Driving!" [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today]
** "Student Protests Are A Bigger Deal Than You Think" (2014-10-02) [EducationOpportunityNetwork.org link] [archive.org]
** "Students, Teachers Turn Out in Force Against Censorship of History" (2014-10-03) [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today]. A school board in Colorado wanted to omit any reference to "civil disorders" in their school curricula, and to promote "patriotism" and loyalty, only to face an actual Civil Disorder when students, teachers, and parents organized a strike against such censorship. By the way, the words Civil Disorder is a phrase from the DHS's domestic security agencies, like the partially privatized FBI and NSA, who have a pattern of indoctrinating impressionable adults in positions of power to engage in hostility against so-called "liberal" things like economic Democracy movements, and the Peace and Justice campaigns.
“Establish a committee to review texts and coursework, starting with Advanced Placement history, to make sure materials ‘promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free-market system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights’ and don’t ‘encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law.’”
Indigenous Nations shut down California CALTRANS construction project to save their Sacred Sites [link]
"Delivering 'Postscript' to Historic March, Climate Walkers Unite to Demand Right to Safe Planet 1,000-kilometer walk in Philippines will finish at city hardest hit by last year's record-deadly typhoon" (2014-10-06) [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.org]
"Batteries Included: A Solar Cell that Stores its Own Power World’s first “solar battery” runs on light and air" (2014-10-03) [News.OSU.edu link] [archive.org]
"Documents Reveal Billions of Gallons of Oil Industry Wastewater Illegally Injected Into Central California Aquifers Tests Find Elevated Arsenic, Thallium Levels in Nearby Water Wells" (2014-10-06) [BiologicalDiversity.org link] [archive.org]
"Nanoparticles Accumulate Quickly in Wetland Sediment" [Pratt.Duke.edu link] [archive.today]
"Giant tree fruit grower suggests suing Berkeley over resolution supporting Fresno workers" (2014-09-30) [Indybay.org link] [archive.org]
UFW is honoring the works and legacy of Cesar Chavez through educational materials for all literacy levels, available at [http://ufwstore.com/x/on_sale.html].

Books include:
* Cesar Chavez had a new way of looking at the world. What could he teach us if he were alive today?Sal Se Puedes, by three-time national book award winner Peter Matthiessen (1927-2014) Foreword by Marc Grossman.
* Three years traveling w/Cesar Chavez as the Chicano, Black Power and anti-war movements sweep America in the 1960s.
"Court Lets Cisco Systems Off the Hook for Helping China Detain, Torture Religious Minorities" (2014-09-19) [EFF.org link] [archive.org]: Chinese citizens who suffered forced detention, torture, and brutal human rights abuses at the hands of the Chinese government have been engaged in a high profile court case against Silicon Valley mainstay Cisco Systems for many years. Those Chinese citizens have now suffered yet another indignity in a California court: a district judge dismissed the case against Cisco without even giving them the chance to gather evidence on the key point where the court found them wanting.
Crimes of Poverty:
* "The waste, inequity of filling jails with those who can’t make bail" (2014-10-02) [SFGate.com link] [archive.today]
* "In America, Innocent Until Proven Guilty? Not For Most People Who Are Stuck in Jail" (2013-12-29) [Truth-Out.org link] [archive.today]
"California prisoner representatives: All people have the right to humane treatment with dignity" (2014-10-02) [SFBayview.com link] [archive.org]
"Censorship of books in US prisons and schools ‘widespread’ – report to UN" (2014-09-26) [TheGuardian.com link] [archive.today]
Rev. Edward Pinkney and the campaign against corporate fascism in Berrien County, Michigan:
* "Standing together for a new America" [PeoplesTribune link] [archive.org]
* "Why I'm charged with election fraud" (2014-10-08) [BHBanco.org link] [archive.org]
"Detroit U.S. Attorney threatens supporters of Rasmea Odeh" (2014-10-06, "Committee to Stop FBI Repression") [StopFBI.net link] [archive.org]
“American Courage: Our Commitment to a Free Society” is the theme of fascists in the Republican Party to recreate the USA without protections for the people, the environment or against predatory monopolists. Their vision of a "free society" includes private prisons and a return to prohibitive medical costs. For them, "free" means the freedom to exploit everything and everybody for personal profit. [TheNation.com link] [archive.org]
"Why Doesn't America Care About 2 Black Teenage Girls Who Were Killed? Curious and shocking as it may be, this incident hasn’t made much more than a blip on the mainstream media’s radar." (2014-09-25) [AlterNet.org link] [archive.today]
"Wisconsin moving to stop as many as 300,000 from voting" (2014-10-07) [PeoplesWorld.org link] [archive.org]
Joseph Clancy, the former head of Obama's protective detail until he retired in 2011, was named acting director on short notice from a job as director of corporate security at Comcast. Most of the Secret Service are against "liberals" because of years of dealing with protesters, and coordinate Treasury Dept. operations against activists. It is not a surprise the Secret Service is allowing President Obama to face a potential assasination, and now they are being lead by a fascist from a monopoly information corporation.
** "Secret Service director resigns under fire" (2014-10-01) [Reuters.com link] [archive.today]
Secretive Texas Militias Now Patrolling Along Border, Paper Reports (2014-07-31) [SPLCenter.org link] [archive.today]

** "Enemy or Asset? FBI documents show radical cleric Awlaki communicated with federal agent" [FoxNews.com link] [archive.today]
** "New Documents Show FBI Kept Channels Open to Al-Aulaqi Despite Terrorist Designation" [JudicialWatch.org link] [archive.org]
"Extremists to have Facebook and Twitter vetted by anti-terror police" (2014-09-30) [Telegraph.co.uk link] [archive.today]
"Vian Dakhil, the voice of Iraq's Yazidi minority" (2014-10-06) [SpaceWar.com link] [archive.today]

"Lies and war! U.S. administrations ever since Truman have justified aggressive foreign policies by lying and distorting the realities behind complex international relationships" [TheRagBlog.com link] [archive.org]
"Today's Wars May Signal A Qualitative Change In US Foreign Policy", 2014-10-01 by Harry Targ, Beaver County Peace Links via Diary of a Heartland Radical [BCPeaceLinks.net link] [archive.org]
And, for the sake for "fair & balanced" news, here's a guest commentary from the general Editor of the monopolist "UPI" newswire, dictator of news broadcast the world over!
Originally released July 10th, 2014, "Why America needs boots on the ground in Iraq" by Arnaud De Borchgrave, Editor At Large of the UPI at Washington DC, is a manifesto from a conservative to the so-called "Liberal media" advocating for a renewed military occupation in Iraq alongside an air war. This is not meant for the public to read, as it was released for the monopolist media editors to read and be persuaded. The editor at "Space Media Network", which provides free compilations of news articles from monopolist, venture and university newswire subscriptions, published the war manifesto, and from there it was re-posted at [ICMU.nyc.gr link] [archive.org].
"US-led air war a boon for defense contractors" (2014-10-09) [SpaceWar.com link] [archive.today]
"Who Pays the Pro-War Pundits? Conflicts of Interest Exposed for TV Guests Backing Military Action" (2014-09-15) [DemocracyNow.org]
A new report finds many talking heads who have been fanning the flames of war in the news media have ties to Pentagon contractors. Reporting for The Nation, Lee Fang details how television analysts including retired generals Jack Keane and Anthony Zinni and former Department of Homeland Security official Frances Townsend have appeared on television recently, but their ties to military contractors were not disclosed. Fang writes many of these commentators "have skin in the game as paid directors and advisers to some of the largest military contractors in the world." Keane, for example, is a special adviser to Academi, the contractor formerly known as Blackwater, and a board member to military manufacturer General Dynamics. He is also a "venture partner" to SCP Partners, an investment firm that works with defense contractors.
"UAE suprised at Biden suggestion it backed jihadists" (2014-10-05) [AFP.com link] [archive.today]
"Top German Editor: CIA Bribing Journalists" [Russia-Insider.com link] [archive.today]
"Official Washington’s Syrian ‘Fantasy’" (2014-10-01) [ConsortiumNews.com link] [archive.org]
"Kurds mobilise to fight ‘Islamic State’ over vast front" (2014-08-12) [Links.org.au link] [archive.org]
"As US Bombs Iraq and Syria, Who Exactly Is Being Killed?" (2014-09-29) [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today]
"By mistake? US-led jets bomb grain silos in Syria, 'civilians killed'" (2014-09-29) [RT.com link] [archive.org]
"Airstrikes Hit Grain Silo, Gas Plant in Syria, Activists Say" [NBCNews.com link] [archive.today]
"Tampa protests war in Syria at CENTCOM No war on Iraq and Syria!" (2014-10-02) [AnswerCoalition.org link] [archive.today]
** "Khorasan Doesn’t Exist, They Never Did, You’ve Been Lied To" video report (2014-09-29) [YouTube.com link]
** "Khorasan Group: Obama's blatant attempt to provide a legal rationale for an illegal war" video report from "Young Turks", visit the report for link to more info [YouTube.com link]
"As Endless War Drags On, US Has No Plans to Release Secret Prisoners Kept in Afghanistan" (2014-09-29) [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today]
"Pentagon Dispatches Counterinsurgency Military Experts to Ukraine" (2014-09-28) [RIA.ru link] [archive.org]
Occupy Hong Kong!
What is not seen in the monopolist news is how many of the protesters are mobilizing against capitalism, when instead we are shown how the entire movement is only about the right for foreign-funded candidates to be on the ballot, and the most disturbing thing about Occupy Hong Kong movement is that it is being aided by a USA agency which finances protests to destabilize governments and replace them with a more business-friendly fascist regime without any social programs or worker's rights, like in Ukraine, Libya, Iraq, Honduras, Haiti, etc. The Occupy Central is not intended to be an independent revolutionary movement as long as its leaders conform to the dictates of foreign bankers (yes, that's right, read the articles)!
** "U.S. Students to Don Yellow in Support of Hong Kong’s Democracy Movement" (2014-09-30) [Time.com link] [archive.today]
** "On Occupy Central’s ties with the NED" (2014-10-02) [ClearingTheRubble.wordpress.com link] [archive.today].
** "Hong Kong’s “Occupy Central” is US-backed Sedition" [Journal-Neo.org link] [archive.org]

** "Mass grave found near Mexico town hit by violence" (2014-10-04) [SFGate.com link] [archive.today]
** "Mexico: Violence in Guerrero, Missing Students, Clandestine Graves and Mass Confusion" (2014-10-05) [Revolution-News.com link] [archive.today]
** "Pronouncement of the Social Organizations" (Spanish, 2014-10-08) [YoSoy132Internacional.wordpress.com link] [archive.org]
#JusticeForAyotzinapa #JusticiaParaAyotzinapa #MassacreAyotzinapa
To mark the World Day of Protest against the killing of Teachers and Students and in Mexico, in the Bay Area hundreds were brought together to take a stand at the Mexican Consulate in San Francisco.
** "Venezuelan revolutionary assassinated" (2014-10-05) [LiberationNews.org link] [archive.org]
** "Assassination marks anti-socialist terror campaign against Venezuela" (2014-10-07) [PeoplesWorld.org link] [archive.today]

Friday, October 10, at 6:30pm - 12:00am
At Qilombo, 2313 San Pablo Ave, Oakland, California 94612
Please Join us for the 48th Anniversary for the Black Panther Party, Political Prisoner/P.O.W. Jalil Muntaqim's Birthday, & Solidarity for the Trayvon 2.
We hope to provide dinner for everyone who attends as well as distribute produce and/or groceries to the people. We will be raffling and selling revolutionary propaganda and artwork.
** Shango Abiola-MC-Host
** Melvin Dickson-CCBPP-On the BPP
** Jovanka Beckles-Vice Mayor-TBA
** Frances Moore-Aunti Frances Self Help Hunger Program
** Aisha Mohammed- On PP Jalil Muntaqim
** Anita Wills-Report on Ferguson
** Sharena Diamond Thomas-On PP Antoine Thomas
** Nawal Tamimi-Middle East Children's Alliance-On Gaza
** Hannibal/Tanzeen-On Trayvon 2
** Yusef Bunchy Shakur TBA
** Audiomatic (Shango)
** Eseibeo the Automatic [youtube.com/watch?v=qKu-laBsMEY]
** Fly Benzo [youtube.com/watch?v=k1H8Q2DENr0]
** Ms. Incredible [youtube.com/watch?v=B-QaTylTg3g]
** Jomo Dread [youtube.com/watch?v=iSD9h0LJTSU]
** Richelle Scales & Ruthie Price [m.reverbnation.com/artist/richellescales]
** Sia Love Music/Poetry (Meres-Sia Gabriel) [reverbnation.com/meressiagabriel]
** The Prince
** Ras Ceylon [youtube.com/watch?v=8HL2ecsxBFU]
** Alia Sharrief [youtube.com/watch?v=0v_goRVW-Bc]
** Ark Aingelle [youtube.com/watch?v=N21_MZNa1oo]
..................more to come!!
Revolutionary greetings.
We hope this message receives you in fighting spirits. On behalf of the Commemoration Committee for the Black Panther Party & the Bay Area Solidarity Committee for Jalil Muntaqim, - and all oppressed, struggling people worldwide, we-would like to ask for your support in our commemoration of the 48th anniversary of the Black Panther Party/ Birthday celebration for Jalil Muntaqim and solidarity for the Trayvon 2.
The purpose of this event will be to raise awareness about BPP PP/POW’s and Political repression activists face today. From Ferguson to Gaza back to Oakland,
We will be discussing the history and political repression against the BPP (Speaker: Melvin Dickson, CCBPP) , the framing of Hannibal Shakur and Tanzeen Doha (the Trayvon 2), two Muslim men of color who were arrested during the protests of the acquittal of George Zimmerman for killing Trayvon Martin and were charged with felony vandalism (for supposedly breaking a window), as well as the recent atrocities in Gaza. We also will be featuring conscious music from hip hop and reggae artists.
In light of the recent incursions in Ferguson & Gaza, and the continued aggression against the People of Oakland, we will also be examining the current situation of oppression and brutality in Ferguson, Oakland & Gaza and how this country is swiftly becoming a police state, with it's treatment of the people, mirroring the tactics and treatment of Gazan's with militarized weapons and brutality.
While Gaza is known as the world's largest open air prison, the USA is known for having one of the highest rates of incarceration in the world. The USA incarcerates more people than any other country, and most of these are people of color. These trends and tactics must END and it is incumbent upon we the people, to educate and liberate our people. As Jalil says “We Are Our Own Liberators”!
We hope to draw correlations between the targeting/framing of BPP members in the 1960’s and 70’s to the criminalization of people who resist capitalism and white supremacy from Oakland to Ferguson to Gaza. This will be an edu-tainment (education/entertainment) event with BPP alumni guest speakers, poetry, live art, hip-hop, reggae, live bands and more. It will also be a fundraiser for Jalil Muntaqim (BPP PP/POW), and the Trayvon 2 (Hannibal Shakur and Tanzeen Doha).
Jalil Muntaqim has been a PP/POW since 1971 and has remained a very active contributor to the struggle for Black Liberation.
** View Video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_StrE2Ia7QY]
Hannibal Shakur and Tanzeen Doha will be in need of support with funds for living expenses from the cost of these trumped up charges as they prepare to go to trial. In addition to pulling the Trayvon 2 from their families and projects, this case has delayed Tanzeen's studies, forcing him to take out extra loans, and disrupted Hannibal's fight against stage II cancer. Donations are encouraged; however no one will be turned away due to lack of funds.
** View Video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S5DE4I9wzY]
We are trying to get traveling expenses for guest speakers and headlining artists for the concert following the discussion. We are honored to have the opportunity to sponsor Yusef Bunchy Shakur, a Father, Activist, Entreprenuer, Mentor, Speaker, Author and Educator who is the Organizer for Restoring The Neighbor Back To The Hood. Yusef Bunchy Shakur is also the CEO and Founder of Yusef Bunchy Shakur LLC, which provides educational training, and workshops for schools, universities, churches and community organizations. Bands/Musician & Speakers will be announced as we confirm.
** View Video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tphaRNcaqU8]
If you can help or participate, please contact 510-417-9955 or email freedomforjalil@yahoo.com
We are asking everyone’s support in whatever means they have to do so. Whether it be monetary donations, volunteering for the event, donating resources and/or artistic services, spreading the word, and/or just showing up.
What we need
-Food donations: cooked to eat at the event and un-cooked for people to take home.
-Literature and audio visual propaganda to distribute and display at the event.
-People to spread the word to their communities, organizations, churches, mosques
-Artist to donate art to raffle and/or sell as a fundraiser.
Inside Urban Shield with Special Guest Shane Bauer
Friday, October 10
7:00pm - 9:00pm
at Oakland High School, Oakland

Report-back from activists who “went inside” the Urban Shield convention and trade show in Oakland September 4th-7th and were “volunteers” at some of the exercises. And discussion of next steps.
Join Shane Bauer and others on this, the 3rd anniversary of the occupation of Oscar Grant Plaza.
Shane Bauer is a journalist who, with Sarah Shourd and Josh Fattel, were kidnapped by Iranian border guards and imprisoned in solitary in Iran for many months. After his return to the US. Shane wrote about Pelican Bay, California’s notorious solitary confinement facility for inmates.
As he was observing one of the Urban Shield exercises as a official member of the press he was ordered to stop taking pictures and leave.
Urban Shield, a convention devoted to the glorification of the militarization of the police, has been happening in Oakland since 2007. The Mayor announced that it would not be held in Oakland next year, but it will still be held, probably somewhere else in Alameda County. It should be stopped once and for all or, barring that, Oakland and Oakland’s police should not participate.
Public Meeting and discussion; Evento Público • Todos Bienvenidos
From World War I to today – a century of endless war:
What is Really Behind the New U.S. War?
Friday, October 10, 7:30 pm
2969 Mission St., btwn 25th and 26th Sts. Near 24th St. BART, #14, 49 MUNI
$3 - $5 donation requested, no one turned away for lack of funds.
Refreshments served. Wheelchair accessible.
For more info: 415-821-6171 or [www.PSLweb.org].
U.S. military machine -

For 20 of the last 23 years, the U.S. has been dropping bombs on Iraq – through the 13 years of sanctions and then the eight years of occupation. After three years of civil war, the people of Syria continue to suffer the catastrophic consequences of the funding and arming of the opposition by imperialism and its clients. What is the “Islamic State” and where did it come from? What are the real aims of the U.S. in launching yet another war in the Middle East?
This year is the 100th anniversary of World War I. What were the conditions and interests that led to the start of WWI? How did socialists around the world react to the war? How did that war set the stage for the conflicts today in the Middle East?
Join us for talks and discussion on the latest U.S. war in the Middle East and the tasks of the anti-war movement towards wars past and present.
Protest at his fundraiser with SF’s “elite”,
let’s tell President Obama: No War!
Fri. Oct. 10, 4-7pm
‘W’ Hotel, 3rd & Howard St, SF
Join us to demand:
• Stop bombing Syria and Iraq!
• U.S. out of the Middle East!
• End U.S. aid to Israel!
• Money for jobs, housing, healthcare, education, not war and occupation!
President Barack Obama is coming to San Francisco to raise tens of millions of dollars for the Democratic Party’s “war chest” and upcoming elections, as the peoples of the Middle East suffer a new U.S. bombing war, this time expanding into Syria and deepening in Iraq. The Pentagon generals are demanding “boots on the ground” in Washington’s quest for total domination of the oil-rich region. Gaza is still under rubble and blockaded by Israel, due to both Democrats’ and Republicans’ military aid to Israel. We urge everyone to come and protest Obama’s visit, to say: Stop bombing the people of the Middle East, U.S. Out! Money for Jobs and Housing, Not War!
Beyond The Red Line: Ukraine - Fascism And Anti-Fascism
Sunday Oct 12 6pm
at the BFUU Hall at Cedar st. & Bonita st., Berkeley
Suggested donation $5-10
Wheelchair accessible.
Co-sponsored by International Action Center, United National Anti-war Coalition, and the BFUU Social Justice Committee. For info, contact IAC at [510-600-5800] or [actioncenter-bayarea@) peoplesmail.net]
Please join us for a powerful photo exhibit and slide show. A documentary chronicle of the war in Ukraine and the suffering of people whose lives it has touched.
Forty powerful photos of peaceful civilians and forced refugees. Also: panel discussion on “Ukraine: What is the Truth?”
Photos prepared by multimedia international information agency Rossiya Segodnya, photojournalists in Russia and Ukraine

Pomo Youth Dancers
Sunday, Oct. 12, Noon
Sebastopol Farmers Market, Sebastopol Plaza at Weeks Way, Sebastopol
The Pomo Youth Dancers will perform at the Sebastopol Farmers Market as part of the Pomo Project's efforts to bring closer understanding of the Pomo people, their past and present contributions, and their way of living on the land.
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