Tune in Thursdays 4 to 5pm (PST), at 89.5FM in the northeast San Pablo Bay Area, or on a Smart Phone [link], Desktop U-stream [link], w. chat box [link], Live Mp3 (.pls) stream [link], Netbook [link]. Hosted by Dr.G., Minister of Information of the Northbay MDS, breaking the blockade of censorship, with research archives and verified sources! Be a Community Journalist with our Community Journalist's Notebook [link], send news & info to [NorthbayMDS@) gmail.com]!
[Links] are in-house, offsite links are noted . Backed-up links are to (archive.org) and (archive.today).
In addition to being an open community space several days out of the week, we also have a bookstore, a bike workshop, free use public computers, Sunday "All Produce to the People" mutual aid food distribution, a meditation space, workshops and skillshares, movie nights, and Hip-Hop events. As a registered 501(c)(3), all donations are tax-deductible, and being an all volunteer run organization, all donations go directly to keeping the space open. [http://qilombo.org/donate/]
Bookstore Open Monday 3pm-6pm; Wednesday 3pm-6pm; Friday 3pm-6pm
Mutual (A)id Food Distro Sundays 1:30pm - 4pm
Feeding ourselves and the community – come volunteer and take a bag of produce for yourself!
Breaking the Curse of Forgotten Places with community based resistance against the Politics of Criminalizing Communities, and educating the people on how the neoliberal military political economy has criminalized entire sectors of society both in the US and Mexico under the auspices of the “War on Drugs” in order to take control of territories, displace communities, and extract natural resources, a situation which affects every single one of us.
"The Border Crossed Us" poetry anthology, submissions accepted through November 1st!
Send submission to: [editor@) vagabondbooks.net] / [www.vagabondbooks.net]
Send up to three poems on the theme of ending human rights abuse against Mexican refugees in the USA and against Palestinians in the occupied territories. Include a short factual biography and a clear headshot photo. Files should be in Word (doc/docx) format (poems and bio); jpeg headshot. Include a cover letter with full contact information and titles of poems. Poet’s name should NOT appear on poem pages. Multilingual poems accepted with English Translation.
In Memorial: "The Demise of the San Francisco Bay Guardian" [CounterPunch.org link] [archive.org]
"The Nuclear Resister" E-bulletin, for Sept. 2014 [NukeResister.org link] [archive.org]
Headlines include:
Popular Resistance Newsletter:
* (2014-10-18) Communities Standing Up [PopularResistance.org link] [archive.today]
* (2014-10-11) "The People Are Ready For Action" [PopularResistance.org link] [archive.today]
Million Hoodies Movement for Justice [facebook.com/MillionHoodies] #Oct22, #BlackLivesMatter. Live shut down of I-75/I-85 Highway happening *RIGHT* now in Atlanta, GA! (Photo via Rise Up), followed by the Photo of the week by Hoodies supporter James S. Dugan. See more at [mhfrequency.org]

Northbay Copwatch:
* An open letter to Joshua Coleman of the Vallejo Police Department (2014-10-21) [Justice4MarioRomero.wordpress.com link] [archive.org]
* "Bend police investigating downtown fight Say Vallejo, Calif officer displayed handgun" (2014-09-29) [KTVZ.com link] [archive.today]
"Terrorism, COINTELPRO, and the Black Panther Party --An interview with law professor Angela A. Allen-Bell" (2014-09-03) [Angola3news.blogspot.com link] [archive.org]
Petition by Redwood Curtain Copwatch Humboldt County, to David Parris, Humboldt County Coroner, sign the petition at [Change.org link]:
We request a coroner's inquest into the unexplained, sudden, and violent death of Thomas McClain Thomas "Tommy" McClain was shot and killed by Eureka police in front of his family's home just after midnight on September 17, 2014. He was 22 years old.
There has been no arrest of officers involved in this shooting, and the "investigation" of this shooting is being handled by the Eureka Police Department itself. Chief Andrew Mills has said he will be responsible for deciding the fate of Stephen Linfoot, one officer named in the killing.
Troubling and changing details have been trickling out of the Eureka Police Department, but still no clear explanation of Tommy's death exists. Tommy's family and others in the community are still seeking answers.
* "Santa Cruz: Getting Closer to the Truth About Marijuana Citations and Arrests" (2014-10-13) [HUFFSantaCruz.org link] [archive.org]
* "The Marijuana Citation and Arrests Records That the Measure K Commitee Would Not Request" (2014-10-10) [Indybay.org link] [archive.org]
* "Measure K Committee Craps Out Again--Another Free Ride for the SCPD" (2014-10-06) [IndyBay.org link] [archive.org]
Online petition about (medical) mistreatment at Santa Cruz County Jail [Change.org link].
Intro by John Colby of Santa Cruz:
I ask you to inspect this change.org online petition about inmates at the Santa Cruz County Jail being denied (desperately) needed medicines.
Others have reported this is jail protocol — denying newly booked inmates medications for about twenty four hours. This has caused disabled inmates (serious) medical problems — the local jail reform/abolition group Sin Barras communicated they are documenting civil rights violations against jail inmates.
If occurring as reported, this would constitute a pattern and practice of discrimination as well as criminal negligence. After gaining more evidence, I will file a discrimination complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice against the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office. I shall also seek legal representation for a class action lawsuit on behalf of the identified victims.
I have also heard reports of inmate mistreatment based upon race, ethnicity and gender.
I ask the media to conduct independent investigations into these allegations — you must serve as a check on government abuse of power — the media is the fourth pillar of government.
John Colby, the "Gorilla Advocate" who does not back down from defending disabled people against Police abuse, has himself been targeted by the "Good ol' Boy" network of real-estate managers, police aficionados, and politically connected individuals (majority of the Democrat Party).
"Allow me to file criminal charges against dangerous SCPD informant", letter addressed 2014-10-06 to Santa Cruz Mayor Lynn Robinson and Santa Cruz City Council:
I am petitioning you to require City Attorney John Barisone to respond to the linked to letter — I faxed a signed copy to him and the carbon copied parties last March [http://tinyurl.com/k9jkjkf].
My sister and I saw Michelle LNU AKA Starr AKA Tiger in front of the Downtown post office about two weeks ago. Michelle LNU is the alleged methamphetamine abuser the Santa Cruz Police Department (SCPD) exploited to disrupt a First Amendment protected Downtown protest. Michelle LNU threatened and harassed my sister there, targeting my sister's disabilities. Until Michelle LNU is criminally charged, my sister cannot walk safely Downtown without fear of being assaulted by her.
Santa Cruz City Attorney Barisone — but more generally the City of Santa Cruz — have failed to protect my sister and I from vicious criminals who have terrorized us. At the Mission Gardens Apartments — a Section 8 project in Santa Cruz partially funded and administered by the City — you, your colleagues on the City Council, your city attorney and your police department denied us the service and protection we repeatedly plead for. Instead of forcing Mari Tustin — your planning commissioner who manages Mission Gardens — to evict the criminals there, you allowed Mari Tustin to illegally terminate my tenancy while I was a whistleblower about public corruption, fraud and housing program abuse to HUD's Office of Inspector General. So while I was displaced, losing my emotional assistance cats, the vicious criminals who gang stalked us there remain (under Mari Tustin's protection).
Mari Tustin endorsed the candidacies of two Santa Cruz mayors and three sitting City Council members.
I ask you to require City Attorney Barisone to let me file criminal charges against Michelle LNU on my sister's behalf. It's long overdue you and your colleagues begin serving us rather than the criminals terrorizing us.
It seems clear the City of Santa Cruz has supported criminal hate campaigns against us because of our advocacy for (disabled) homeless people and my Freedom of Information requests — passed to the U.S. Senate, the FBI and the USDOJ — uncovering public corruption by City officials.
Sincerely yours, John E. Colby, Ph.D., Santa Cruz, CA 95060 [Linkedin.com link]
Since Proposition 89 failed in 2006, corporations can spend any amount they want for or against candidates in cities like Richmond.
* "How Chevron swamps a small city with campaign money and bogus news", 2014-10-13 "LA Times" daily newspaper, [peeep.us]
* Purchase of Election by Chevron Shows We Have 'Oligarchy, Not Democracy'. According to estimates, fossil fuel company is on track to spend $3 million in attempt to gain control of city council in Richmond, California. [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today]
USA Navy and Lennar Bay Area are developing radioactive land parcels for habitation and public use, and lying about it [SanPabloBayEPA.blogspot.com link]
Housing Solution: Affordable Tenant Co-ops Could Protect Buildings From Speculative Market" [SFPublicPress.org link] [archive.today]
* Ten Facts about Being Homeless in USA" [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today]
* National Coalition for the Homeless report released this month [.pdf link at archive.org], shows that 21 cities have passed measures aimed at restricting the people who feed the homeless since January 2013. In that same time, similar legislation was introduced in more than 10 cities.
* "More Cities Are Making It Illegal To Hand Out Food To The Homeless" (2014-10-21) [archive.today].
"Ohlone Land Billboard Improvement" (2014-10-13) [IndyBay.org link] [archive.org]:

In the spirit of resistance we give voice to the people of the land. Universities and colleges collecting remains like debt collectors. Alive is the soul of the land. Humming bird is the first mother of the people from the creation story. Basket designs weaving the strength of the past.
An indigenous<>anarchist collaboration.
"Pimicikamak First Nation evicts Hydro workers over flood damage concerns" (2014-10-16) [WestCoastNativeNews.com link] [archive.today]
Harbor Seals are being evicted from Alameda Pointe.
* "Shake, Rattle, and Ignore" (2014-10-09) [AlamedaSun.com link] [archive.today]
Oct. 22: Join Prima farm workers in a march to L.A. City Hall
Fresno-based Gerawan Farming is one of the nation’s largest tree fruit grower. They sell peaches, nectarines and apricots under its Prima label at stores throughout L.A. including their biggest customer, Walmart. Gerawan farm workers voted to join UFW but the company is refusing to implement a state-mandated first contract that gives workers owed back wages, benefits and rights.
* "First witness testifies in ALRB hearing and already a police report has been filed over attempted witness tampering" (2014-10-08) [UFW.org link] [archive.org]
Join the LA Labor Movement, UFW President Arturo Rodriguez, LA City Council President Herb Wesson and farm workers on a march to City Hall calling on City leadership to pass a resolution telling Gerawan Farming to stop violating the law and implement the contract.

* "Chicago Activists ‘Charge Genocide’ A group of activists will be heading to the United Nations convention in Switzerland to discuss police brutality." (2014-10-22) [TheRoot.com link] [archive.today]
* "Hip-Hop Represents in Ferguson, Missouri", 2014-10-19 from the "Revolutionary Hip-Hop Report" [RHHR.org link] [archive.org]
* "St. Louis cops arrest protesters for smashing ‘police brutality’ pumpkins" (2014-10-21) [RawStory.com link] [archive.today]
* "Whites riot over pumpkins in NH and Twitter turns it into epic lesson about Ferguson" (2014-10-19) [RawStory.com link] [archive.org]
* "'White on Pumpkin Crime': Mainstream Riot Coverage from Ferguson, Missouri to Keene, New Hampshire" [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.org]
* "Keene State and the Dangers of Drunken Young White Men" (2014-10-22) [Alternet.org link] [archive.today]
USA Fascism Watch:

* "Leaked TPP Chapter Exposes Sweet Deals for Big Pharma and US Bully Tactics; U.S. pushing rules that 'favor big corporate right holders, and undermine the public’s freedom to use knowledge,' intellectual property expert says" (2014-10-16) [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.org]
* "Hydraulic fracturing linked to earthquakes in Ohio" (2014-10-16) [archive.today], all artificial earthquakes and destruction of public aquifiers are crimes against humanity, but the criminals won't be prosecuted as long as they dominate the economic system. The buck stops at the investors.
* "The Business of America" (2014-10-05) [archive.today], from [PublicBankingPA.org]:
According to the government in Washington, the American economy has come roaring back. The second quarter GDP (Gross Domestic Product) was reported to be growing at a rate of 4.6 percent annually, turning around an economy that was contracting by 2 percent n the first quarter.
Pure propaganda.
The real state of the economy can be found in the US Census Bureau’s 2013 Income and Poverty Report, which concludes that in 2013 real median household income in the U.S. was 8 percent below 2007, the year prior to the Great Recession, and has now declined to the level of 1994.
And both the Federal Reserve and the Office of Comptroller of the Currency reported that there are about $4 trillion fewer dollars in circulation today in the nation than at the onset of the 2008 Wall Street crash.
The way forward for the American people is to use the still vast common wealth of the people to fund local initiative and innovation. The tool we need is public banking.
State and local governments in the U.S. possess trillions of dollars of reserves, investments and bank deposits. They can be harnessed to form public banks to do what Wall Street and Washington will not do: provide affordable credit to fund locally directed economic development, massive infrastructure investments and job creation, low cost student loans and reduced local government debt.
A network of state, municipal and county public banks is the path to restoring the prosperity and security of the American people. The effort to build that network is well underway. A few weeks ago, Santa Fe, NM became the first U.S. city to move formally to establish its own bank. More will follow.
* "Imperialism and Fascism are on the Rise in the USA" (2007) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.today]
* " 'America lives in a fascist state' – trend forecaster" (2009) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.today]
* "Does Fascism Lurk Around The Corner In The USA?" (2011) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.today]
* "US Propaganda: How Corporate America Manipulates the American Public Into Unwitting Support for Corporate Fascism" (2014) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.today]
Billionaires are funding a revolution in Arizona to establish a sovereign state government with Proposition 122: Rejection Of Unconstitutional Federal Actions, which, if successfully implemented, will institute a process to abolish Federal programs administered in the state, including Environmental Protection, Labor Relations, and public medical care... anything that harms the collecting of private profits, generally. One wonders if "Hate Laws" would be abolished, too.
* "INSANE ARIZONA GOP WANTS TO ESTABLISH A SOVEREIGN STATE BY PASSING PROP 122" (2014-10-20) [IfYouOnlyNews.com link] [archive.today]
* "Prop 122 & Backers Ducey & Brnovich Are Too Extreme for Arizona" [archive.org]
* 10th Amendment text: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
"UCSC Student Withdraws from University Citing UC's Connection to War Profiteering" (2013-10-13) [IndyBay.org link] [archive.org]
Shortly before the Fall 2014 quarter was to commence at the University of California Santa Cruz, undergraduate student Marjorie Langdon decided to take a leave of absence from her studies. In a letter to administrators explaining the decision, Marjorie strongly denounced the UC system's connections to the military industrial complex. Photo: Marjorie at a vigil held in Santa Cruz in June for the people of Iraq.

"Lockheed Martin developing compact nuclear fusion reactor" (2014-10-15) [Energy-Daily.com link] [archive.today]
Wars "R" Us! One reason, (many others), why we protest at Beale: Global Hawk Surveillance Drone, controlled from Beale AFB. Northrop Grumman gave more money this year in campaign contributions to members of Congress, especially to members of the House Armed Services Committee, to the tune of $1.3 million in the first 6 months of 2013.

* "Only 84 of 2,379 US Drone Attack Victims in Pakistan Confirmed Al-Qaeda Militants" (2014-10-18) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.org]
* "Clergy and Veterans Among Eleven People Arrested at Beale Air Base Over Two Days of Campaign Nonviolence Demonstrations; 11 people arrested last month while resisting global warfare and drones killing" [link]
* Please watch this beautiful video of action by Devan Phenix [Youtube.com link].
* Find out more about past events and upcoming events at the Occupy Beale Air Force Base website [OccupyBealeAFB.org/] or the Occupy Beale FaceBook Page [facebook.com/OccupyBealeAirForceBase].
Join us for this month: October 27-28
Theme: Honoring and Celebrating the Maidu, the Indigenous People of the land that includes Beale AFB
Monday, Oct. 27, 3-5pm, Protest at Wheatland gate, Intersection of S. Beale Rd. and Ostrom Rd.
5:30pm: Potluck and Encampment at Main gate, End of N. Beale Rd. (parking nearby)
To include learning and sharing about the Maidu people.
Tuesday, Oct. 28, 6-8am, Protest at Main gate, End of N. Beale Rd. (parking nearby)
Truth Troubadour Vic Sadot was interviewed by Bev Collins (bevcollinsshow.com) on the “911 Talks” Radio Show on Oct 2, 2014. Songs Featured: The Ballad of William Rodriguez, Cheney’s in the Bunker, Blowback or Bloody Treason, and Trouble in the Rubble. This 911Talks show is now archived at this direct link:[.mp3 link at Livestream.com]
Vic [VicSadot.com] is a host for the Berkeley Fellowship Monthly Open Mic every 2nd Friday of the Month. Sign-up for performers is at 6:30 pm, show begins at 7 pm, with 20 ten minute spots available. Featured Artist perform between 8 and 8:30 pm. A production of the Social Justice Committee, which meets on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month at 12:30 pm in the Fireside Room on the second floor at 1606 Bonita Ave. [BFUU.org/events/Social-Justice]. "SOCIAL JUSTICE in the HEART of BERKELEY" [Youtube.com/user/BFUUSocialJustice].
Guns and Butter radio news for September 3, 2014: "The Pentagon Attack In Context" with Tod Fletcher. Download this clip (mp3, 10.27 megabytes) [.mp3 link at KPFA.org]. Play this clip in your Computer's media player [KPFA.org link]. The 9/11 Consensus Panel; contextual approach to analyzing events at the Pentagon; origins of the hijacker story; telephone calls from the planes; analysis of eyewitness reports; physical debris; photographic evidence; video evidence; black boxes; FBI takes control of the investigation; means, motive and opportunity; Pentagon specific purposes; planes as a diversionary tactic; John Lear.
Dr. Graeme MacQueen : The 2001 Anthrax Deception - The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy (1:23:23) Julian Childs interview at The Mind Renewed site and YouTube Channel. How the anthrax attacks of October 2001 are connected to 9/11/01 terror events. “Dr. Graeme MacQueen, co-editor of The Journal of 9/11 Studies, in an in-depth discussion on his important new book, ‘The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy’. Shortly after 9/11, the US was once again gripped by fear as letters containing anthrax were sent through the post to news media offices and two US Senators, killing five and infecting perhaps dozens of others. Initially widely-blamed on Al Qaeda and Iraq, the attacks were used to jusify and accelerate the USA PATRIOT Act. But as evidence grew that the anthrax spores had originated in laboratories embedded in the US military-industrial complex, attention was diverted to looking for the "lone nut"; a quest that ended with a convenient suicide." [http://youtu.be/9a0i91-npyE]
"New Evidence Links CIA to APA’s “War on Terror” Ethics" (2014-101-14) [CounterPunch.org link] [archive.org], scroll down past the Annual Fundraising Appeal.
The American Psychological Association (APA) has denied that it's members work with clandestine agencies for the purpose of torture, but the evidence shows that the APA membership contains many contracters who work for torturers. The article doesn't mention how many APA members also serve with domestic security agencies to target human-rights advocates and political prisoners.
"FBI Director: Government Surveillance 'Enhances Liberty'" (2014-10-17) [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today]
"German journalist: European media writing pro-US stories under CIA pressure" [archive.org]
"US calls for 'complete' probe into Hong Kong police brutality" (2014-10-16) [archive.today], which is ironic considering how many Occupy protesters across the USA were tortured in public without a "complete" probe of systematic human-rights abuse...
The USA-backed dictatorship in Honduras is suppressing it's own version of an Occupy movement, with students organizing for freedom being met with police violence and official censorship. For example, here's an update from Daniel Langmeier for "Presente-Honduras Digest", Vol 36, Issue 40, 2014-10-21: "Instead of taking the demands by the students seriously, the Honduran authorities are analyzing if they committed a crime by taking over the facilities of the university in San Pedro Sula. Source, in Spanish, [http://www.proceso.hn/nacionales/item/89856-fiscal%C3%ADa-analiza-deducir-responsabilidades-a-estudiantes-que-mantienen-tomada-la-unah-vs.html]."
Stand with the People of Western Kurdistan! [link]
Until earlier this year, the group labeled "ISIS / ISIL" was funded directly by the USA and allies to destabilize the government of Syria despite the indiscriminate massacres of civilians.
* NATO behind creation of ISIL: Webster Tarpley [archive.org]
* "Senator McCain Visits With Syrian ‘Rebels’ – Terrorists" (2013-05-28) [archive.org]
* "New York Times FAIL: 'McCain No Connections To ISIS?!?" (2014-10-20) [archive.org]

World Fascism Watch: Mexico
* "Mexico: gunmen against student protest", from "Alternative Libertaire (AL)" of France [archive.org], machine translation distributed 2014-10-09 by "A-infos-en Digest", Vol 114, Issue 9:
Mexico shaken by revelations about a Students' protest massacre September 26: 6 dead, 25 wounded and 38 missing. We just found the bodies of 17 missing, presumably executed by paramilitaries in collusion with the government.
Following an attack on a Mexican Students' protest in Guerrero by the armed forces of the State, organizations and associations that support the "Other Campaign" in Europe show their solidarity.
The news about the Students' disparu.es are alarming, since the bodies were recently found in mass graves. The convergent evidence to accuse the paramilitary - in collusion with local authorities - of committing the massacre. Police murdered students -
To the Students in Ayotzinapa and their Families.
To the Sexta.
To Civil Society.
To the Alternative Media, National and International.
We learned the massacre against the students of the Normal School of Rural Ayotzinapa and disappearances that took place Friday, September 26 this year at Igual, Guerrero.
From wherever we are, we express our solidarity with the students and their families will we let them know that we are with them.
We denounce the various levels of government (federal, state and local) responsible for this brutal attack on the peaceful march of students which resulted in six deaths, 25 injured and 38 missing.
We demand the immediate reappearance and alive, missing and immediately stops the harassment and persecution of current social movements.
We join social movements of the world show their solidarity and support and struggling against bad governments.
These bad governments can not crush the dignity of peoples.
Democracy! Freedom! Justice! for all peoples of the world who are struggling.
* "Disappearance of Mexican Students Awakens the Guerrillas" (2014-10-19) [Telesurtv.net link] [archive.org]
* "The Mexican nation under threat of disintegration" [SocialistOrganizer.org link] [archive.org]
* "The Ayotzinapa disappeared: PARTISAN VIOLENCE AND THE CRIMINAL STATE (OF EXCEPTION)" (2014-10-19) [MexMigration.blogspot.de link] [archive.today]
* "Cops and Paramilitaries Tortured, Burned, Massacred Mexico Students" (2014-10-06) [archive.org]
* "Evidence of "Extrajudicial" Death Squads Emerging in Mexico" (2011-03-20) [Narcosphere.narconews.com link] [archive.org]
World Fascism Watch: Honduras
A new page [link] is being compiled showing the process of fascism in Honduras, which suffered a coup 2009 against a "leftist" government, and since then there has been an increase in drug trafficking involving the capitalist politicians, and thousands of victims of death-squads used by "conservative" capitalists against human-rights advocates, captive nations, women and the spectrum of LGBT.
* "Hillary Clinton admits role in Honduran coup aftermath" (2014-09-29) [archive.org]
* A very well done short documentary of the campesinas' struggle in Agua Blanca Sur in Honduras (with English subtitles). More than 700 peasant farmers face judicial processing for the crime of demanding their right to land. Women and their sons / daughters of the countryside have been victims of criminalization and persecution by the authorities, receiving alternative measures to prison by denying them the right to return to land, forcing them to sign in court every 15 days. This is the story of a country where poverty is criminalized.
The Plurinational State of Bolivia has reduced poverty and inequality more than any country in the Western Hemisphere over the last ten years by increasing the minimum wage 87%, doubling investment in schools and healthcare, and lowering the pension retirement age from 65 to 60. The government paid for these programs by increasing taxes on oil profits from 18% to 82%, which also allowed the country to eliminate its debt and amass the world's largest surplus. Bolivia is now estimated to have the region's fastest growing economy this year and next, according to the IMF.
* "Why Did Evo Win?" (2014-10-14) [archive.org]
* "Bolivia's Economy Under Evo in 10 Graphs" (2014-10-08) [CEPR.net link] [archive.org]
* "Evo Morales has proved that socialism doesn’t damage economies; Bolivia’s re-elected president has dumbfounded critics in Washington, the World Bank and the IMF" (2014-10-14) [TheGuardian.com link] [archive.today]

Bolivia is part of the ALBA union of states, which offers a better quality of life for citizens of member states through cooperative trade agreements. An example is member state Nicaragua, which has implemented social programs and human rights for the poor, versus fascist Honduras, which since 2009, under a USA-sponsored coup government, has seen a staggering rise in death-squad activity against labor unions and captive nations, replicating what is seen in Colombia, another USA-sponsored "death-squad" government (with crematoriums to burn the remains of their victims!!) whose respect for human rights pales in comparison to ALBA member state The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela...
* "Venezuelan Government Will Increase Public Spending in 2015, Despite Falling Oil Prices" (2014-10-22) [TelesurTV.net link] [archive.org]
* "Venezuela Fully Prepared to Cope With Oil Price Drop" (2014-10-22) [TelesurTV.net link] [archive.org]
* "Venezuela Slams UN Human Rights Head for Supporting 'Anti-democratic Elements'" (2014-10-22) [TelesurTV.net link] [archive.org]
The Nobel Prize... an acknowledgment of men's intellectual superiority to women?
* "Female Nobel winners are rare: One was a British communist" [PeoplesWorld.org link] [archive.org]
For the sake of Peace for the People of Korea, against nuclear war and the targeting of civilians, we take on the challenge of looking into the mirror...
To distract the public from the millions of dead civilians killed during countless wars, and millions of prisoners captured during the Drug War and tortured in private prisons across the homeland, the USA's "leaders" wag the finger at the usual enemy in order to show how much freedom it allows it's citizens. In this case, the DPRK (North Korea) is usually considered the worst of all enemies because of it's treatment of prisoners. The following are examples of how prisoners are treated in the USA.
* "Alabama Jailers Let Prisoners Die From Easily Treatable Illnesses to Save Money" (2014-10-19) [Alternet.org link] [archive.today]
* Darren Rainey, tortured to death with boiling water, Dade County, FL. "Prisoner: I cleaned up skin of inmate scalded in shower; human-rights groups call for federal intervention" [MiamiHerald.com link] [archive.today]
The prison system administered by the DPRK is estimated to hold almost 250,000 prisoners out of a population of 25 million, (California has 160,000 prisoners out of a population of 38 million), most of whom are petty criminals released after a few years in "reform through labor" centers.
* "North Korea, at UN, mentions its labor camps" (2014-10-07) [AP.org link] [archive.today].
The centers are expanding, and it is speculated that prisoners are being used in special factories to produce domestic goods, in preparation for their release and assignment as a state employee with a paycheck. Petty criminals are part of human-trafficking and illicit narcotic gangs based in South Korea, and the DPRK, having ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in August, has launched an aggressive campaign to root out child trafficking and prostitution. The worst human-rights abuse by the DPRK are against dissenters with foreign contacts. For example, Christians are allowed the freedom to worship at state licensed congregations, and Korean language Bibles are available in public libraries, however, if a Christian is suspected of working with foreign agencies, the state security agencies will send that person to a specific prison system which is estimated to have 120,000 inmates who, according to an escapee, are treated as harshly as drug-offenders are known to be treated in private-sector prisons across the California. There are reports of entire families being starved to death in "prison cities", although these reports are associated with USA clandestine agencies who have been proven to fabricate evidence to make a case for war, however these reports remain believable for the purpose of documenting human-rights abuse. For example, here's Operation Northwoods of 1962 to conduct terrorism against the USA and blame it on Cuba [archive.org], the Yellowcake Forgery of 2003 to fabricate evidence against Iraq [archive.org], 2008 Speedboat incident against Iran [archive.today]... the list continues, and every war targets civilian infrastructure and causes millions to become refugees. And now the USA is calling for war against the DPRK for its treatment of prisoners, which, when considering the recent wars against the People of Libya, Iraq, Syria and eastern Ukraine, is really just a call for the mass murder of millions of Korean civilians...
* " 'Humanitarian Warfare' against the DPRK or 'Conflict Resolution'? The UN Human Rights Inquiry on North Korea" (2014-10-28) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.today]
* "DPRK Human Rights Briefing at UN Challenges US Unending War Strategy" (2014-10-14) [Taz.de link] [archive.org], [begin excerpt]: The Report proposes that the protection of human rights in the DPRK requires putting the political development of the DPRK into its historical context. The Report documents various forms of hostile actions by the US showing the effect such actions have had on the DPRK development after the end of WWII and the end of Japanese colonial rule over Korea. One such example that the Report provides is explaining that “sanctions were imposed on Korea after Korea was liberated from Japanese colonial rule.” Even before the Korean War, the US imposed sanctions against the socialist countries including the DPRK as part of its Cold War politics. The Report also documents recent hostile acts by the US against the DPRK. The DPRK puts the anti-human rights campaign by the “US and its followers” in the context of the effort to “defame the image of the DPRK in the international arena and dismantle the socialist system under the pretext of ‘protection of human rights’.” The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ (R2P) narrative provides the means by which “would-be rescuers lay claim to a monopoly on the virtuous use of violence….”
Keeping in mind such recent examples as Iraq and Libya, (DPRK) observes that the claims of noble goals provides a level of protection to the perpetrators of invasions using the mantle of R2P. Instead of being “viewed as human rights violations in themselves” when they engage in acts of war like aerial bombardment, military invasion, or an embargo on essential goods, they are provided with the appearance of acting as saviors. US concerns over human rights violations regarding the people of the DPRK would have to begin by addressing the massive destruction against the civilian population and civilian infrastructure of the DPRK carried out by the US and its allies during the Korean War and since (the Cold War) by its sanctions. [end excerpt].
* Full Report from the DPRKorea Association for Human Rights Studies, as presented to the United Nations, Part I (2014-09-15) [4thmedia.org link] [archive.org].
The original War against Korea saw carpet bombing of cities by the USA, with massive civilian deaths ranging into the millions. For whom, then, was the country being liberated for? For those who know how energy sources prove to influence the severity of war, northern Korea has Uranium mines.
Examples of "reliable" allies of the USA and their prisoners populations:
* Colombia has 140,000 prisoners out of a population of 47 million [Telesurtv.net link] [archive.org], not including the over 250,000 victims of government protected anti-leftist death squads, as documented by USA State Dept. internal memos released by Wikileaks [archive.org], who use "Hitler-like" crematorium oven facilities to cover up their slaughter, and whose membership trained a civilian spy network to select dissidents for death [archive.org].
* Saudi Arabia has 47,000 prisoners out of a population of 27 million [archive.org], and conducts public executions with beheadings [archive.today] while funding religious death squads across Arabia and Asia.
War in the Ukraine:
* "Preparing for War With Ukraine's Fascist Defenders of Freedom (2014-08-30) [peeep.us], an article which describes the neo-Nazis operating as death-squads in the Ukraine, sponsored by the USA.
* "US-Backed Ukraine Army Used Cluster Bombs Against Its Own People: Reports 'Firing cluster munitions into populated areas is utterly irresponsible and those who ordered such attacks should be held to account,' says rights group." (2014-10-21) [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.org]
* Self-described Anarchists are also joining the fight alongside neo-Nazis in the Azov Battalion against Novorossiya, view photos of the "anarchists" here [archive.org]
* "Putin’s International Brigades" (2014-10-02) [archive.org], describing volunteers defending Novorossiya.
* "Moscow Autonomous Action" (2014-10-19) [archive.org], anarchist observations on the Ukrainian war.
World War against the Eurasian Union:
Since WW2, the European Union (EU) and it's world wide financial empire has been a protectorate to the USA, and today has a population of 500 million and a GDP of USD$16 trillion, whose economy is dependent on energy extracted from resources held by the Federation of Russia.
During the coup against the government of the Ukraine in February 2014, the USA State Dept. has engineered a disruption of the energy arrangements between the EU and Russia (meanwhile the USA is securing Africa to replace Russia as the energy source for the EU). Despite this, the government of Russia secured a treaty enacting the Eurasian Union (EEU) with a population of 171 million and a GDP of $US4 trillion whose energy resources are now being integrated into the economy of China (population 1.4 billion and a GDP of USD$16 trillion). View a non-official map of the EEU, April 2014 [archive.org].
* "US dusted off old USSR-break-up strategy for use in Ukraine - former FSB chief" (2014-10-16) [RT.com link] [archive.org]: “Some US experts such as former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright have suggested that Moscow has power over enormous territory that it cannot develop and it prevents these territories from serving humanity’s needs. Statements are being made about the allegedly unjust distribution of natural resources and the necessity to provide free access to them for other nations.”
* "US Aggression in Ukraine and the Eurasian Union" (2014-06-30) [m.strategic-culture.org link] [archive.today]
* "This Map Shows The Huge Scale Of Vladimir Putin's Eurasian Plan" (2013-12-07) [BusinessInsider.com.au link] [archive.today]
Blood and Ink: Ignacio Ellacuria, Jon Sobrino and the Jesuit Martyrs of the University of Central America with author Robert Lassalle-Klein, Phd.
date Friday, October 24, 2014
time 7:00 PM
where Newman Hall/ Holy Spirit Parish
2700 Dwight Way at College Ave.
Please note that this venue is wheelchair accessible but please call in advance.
admission Free
information 510-482-1062
Newman Nonviolent Peacemakers and the Fr. Bill O’Donnell Social Justice Committee welcome Robert Lassalle-Klein, Ph.D. who will discuss his recently published Blood and Ink (Orbis Books, 2014).
November 16, 2014 marks the 25th anniversary of the shocking massacre of the six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper, and her daughter by government troops at the University of Central America (UCA) in San Salvador. Lassalle-Klein provides the definitive account of the path that led to that fateful day: beginning with the Jesuits' own conversion by the poor; the renewal of the Salvadoran church exemplified in slain Archbishop Oscar Romero; and their faith-driven call to "walk with the crucified people of El Salvador."
Robert Lassalle-Klein, Phd is Professor of Religious Studies and Philosophy at Holy Names University, Oakland. A co-founder of the Oakland Catholic Worker, a house of sanctuary for refugees since 1986, he continues to lead delegations to El Salvador. Over 20 years ago, Fr. Jon Sobrino -- a surviving Jesuit who was outside of the country at the time of the massacre -- personally asked Bob "to tell our story." Blood and Ink is the story of that encounter which redefined Jesuit institutions, giving rise to new ways of addressing issues of social justice locally and abroad.

University of California, Berkeley
Room/Building: 60 Evans
Thursday, October 23, 2014
6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
*The Pacific Pivot: overview
*The Marshall Islands: Ground Zero for nuclear colonialism
*California, US power in the Pacific, and the University
*Universities: intellectual arsenals for U.S. power
Presenters: Dr. Gray Brechin, author “Imperial San Francisco”; Paul Otoko, Marshall Islands elder; Arnie Sakai, Moana Nui Network; Christine Hong, Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz; Stephen McNeil, American Friends Service Committee; Andrew Lichterman and Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation
Sponsors: American Friends Service Committee; Western States Legal Foundation; Working Group for Peace and Demilitarization in Asia and the Pacific; Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies Program, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California at Berkeley
Speak Out Now Presents a Forum on...
U.S.A., Cops of the World
Sunday, October 26th 6:30pm
at the Neibyl Proctor Library at 6501 Telegraph Ave. Oakland
From Iraq to Syria to Sudan, from Haiti to Venezuela to Columbia -- U.S. troops, weapons, and money are used to enforce the elite's system of domination and exploitation. At home in the U.S., the cops are armed with the same weapons used against working people all over, from Ferguson to New York to Oakland.
[www.SpeakOut-Now.org] [510.343.9105] [mail@) speakout-now.org]
End Police Violence
Sunday, October 26 1:00pm
You are invited to discuss solutions to the unjust, discriminatory and deadly treatment of people of color, gender non-conformists and immigrants by the criminal justice system. At New Valencia Hall (see address below; near Civic Center BART). Tasty home-cooked brunch served at 12:15pm for $8 donation.
Occupy Sonoma County!
Monday, Oct. 27, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Unitarian/Universalist Congregation, 547 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa
Currently in a campaign to stop GMO's and threats to public health.
6 P.M. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014
The Iron Heel Theatre Collective presents THE IRON HEEL. Based on the novel of the same title by Jack London, it is a dramatic, Readers Theater production featuring mask/puppetry performance, giant hand-painted Cantastoria illustrations of the story, and live music. Originally published in 1908, Jack London s novel THE IRON HEEL is a dystopian science fiction novel that predicted the First World War, the rise of fascism, authoritarianism, and its brutal suppression of movements for change. The message is a timely warning in this era of corporate domination of the political process.
The October 31production features Jack London' s great granddaughter, Tarnel Abbott, as the socialite-turned-revolutionary, Avis Everhard, and Jack London 's great-great grandson, Devin O' Keefe as the anti-capitalist organizer, Ernest Everhard. Also featuring Artistic Director Regina Gilligan, Mask/puppet Director David Solnit, and guest musician Andres Soto on saxophone. Alicia Littletree Bales will be the Director of the Readers Theater, the cast and crew will include Julie Searle, Amanda Bellerby and Liz Watts.
The members of the Iron Heel Theatre Collective, Tarnel Abbott, Regina Gilligan, Devin O' Keefe, David Solnit, and the cast and crew of this production request a donation of $10.00 to $20.00, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Any proceeds beyond expenses of the production will be donated to Richmond Progressive Alliance (RichmondProgressiveAlliance.net) and the Sunflower Alliance (sunflower-alliance.net) in their fight for our climate, for the health and safety of East Bay communities threatened by big oil, and the building of a sustainable economy.
Save the People's Post Office
Sat. Nov. 1, 2014
2000 Allston Way on the steps of the Berkeley Post Office
It’s now in contract TO BE STOLEN!
The fate of the downtown Berkeley Post Office has reached a crisis point. The transfer of the building to private ownership may be only days away. For this reason, Berkeley Post Office Defenders call for a collaborative mobilization of all those who oppose the threat of privatization. Individuals and organizations will gather to share music, establish an ongoing direct action presence, and provide updates and support for political and legal action including:
- An injunction to Stop the Sale
- Postal banking
- Preservation of historic public property
- Boycott Staples profitization of postal services
• Massive Rally, 11 am to 12:30 pm,
1ST Action: Sponsored by Save the Berkeley Post Office, com
For more information please go to [www.savethebpo.com]
• Jam the Sale, 1 pm till 10 pm
2nd Action: Coordinated by Berkeley Post Office Defenders, [berkeleypostofficedefenders.wordpress.com]
" Come play music! Bring instruments -- including your singing voice, spoken word and dancing body. We will not allow our Post Office to be sold, and nothing can sustain persistent resistance like music. We will play until USPS stops pretending not to hear us say that our Post Office is not for sale!" You’re welcome to pre- schedule at http://tinyurl.com/mlxgpff
• Direct Action Presence, (bring your pillows)
3rd Action: in Collaboration with First They Came for the Homeless [www.facebook.com/pages/First-they-came-for-the-homeless/253882908111999]
It’s time to establish and support a physical presence at the Downtown Berkeley Post Office. By taking direct action to defend our public goods, we affirm our reasons for living in community by sharing our energy and resources for the benefit of all.
"Peace through Revolution" rally and march to the White House
Join the rally and March to the White House being organized by the Black is Back Coalition
Saturday, Nov. 1. Gather at 12 noon at Malcolm X Park and march to the White House.
For more information: [http://www.blackisbackcoalition.org/the-call]
Fighting for Peace: US Intervention in the Philippines and the People’s Resistance

Sunday, November 2, 2014
3pm Pacific/5pm Central/6pm Eastern
Register here to participate online: [http://tinyurl.com/BAYANPeaceMission]
* Amirah Lidasan, Spokesperson for Suara Bangsamoro (Voice of the Moro People)
* Ramon Mejia, Iraq Veterans Against the War
* Juyeon Rhee, Nodutdol for Korean Community Development
This past summer 3 peace activists from the US-- a veteran of the US invasion of Iraq, and 2 activists with the US Out of Asia-Pacific Coalition-- traveled to Mindanao in the Southern Philippines to see the face of increasing US militarization, counterinsurgency, and people’s resistance on the ground. There they spent time with peasant and indigenous communities, and the Bangsamoro, an oppressed Muslim minority in the country struggling for self-determination despite a strong US pacification campaign. Come listen as they report back on their findings. Discuss ways to support grassroots communities in the Philippines defending themselves from state-sponsored violence, militarization and intervention.
Sponsored by: BAYAN USA / International League of Peoples Struggle / Iraq Veterans Against the War / US Out of Asia-Pacific Coalition. For more information: [www.bayanusa.org]
GMO OMG - Free Film Screening
Monday, Nov. 3, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
At the Unitarian/Universalist Congregation, 547 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa
For more info go to [OccupySonomaCounty.org]
Occupy Sonoma County invites you to this FREE screening of the 2014 film GMO OMG. GMO OMG director and concerned father Jeremy Seifert is in search of answers. How do GMOs affect our children, the health of our planet, and our freedom of choice? What is on our plate? Join us for this film to discuss these questions. Sponsored by the Occupy Sonoma County Free School and GMO Campaign.
Next Industrial Revolution: Birth of the Sustainable Economy
a film showing, part of the One Planet Film Festival 2014
St. Mary's College of California, Galileo Hall, Room 201, 1928 St. Marys Rd, Moraga
FREE & open to the public
See the complete schedule here [archive.today/ey44G]
Nov 4: The Next Industrial Revolution: William McDonough, Michael Braungart and the Birth of the Sustainable Economy (2001; 55min)
While some environmental observers predict doomsday scenarios in which a rapidly increasing human population is forced to compete for ever scarcer natural resources, Bill McDonough sees a more exciting and hopeful future. In his vision humanity takes nature itself as our guide reinventing technical enterprises to be as safe and ever-renewing as natural processes.
With the shorts, The Story of Electronics (8 min) & The Story of Solutions (9 min)

"Whistleblowers and Independent Media: A Check on Government Power"

* Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.
* St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 2727 College Ave. in Berkeley
* Admission is $12; no one turned away for lack of funds. Tickets at [brownpapertickets.com/event/901329]
Our constitutional system of checks and balances is broken.
A Congress in the hands of corporations and their lobbyists can no longer protect the public from special interests and government, with its surveillance and endless wars for oil and profit.
Independent media have emerged as a powerful check on government abuses. Whistleblowers play an increasing and vital role in getting information to the public.
Our five panelists will engage in a lively discussion of the public's need for greater transparency and constitutional protection from government intrusion and abuse. How do "We the People" protect ourselves?
Our Panelists:
* Daniel Ellsberg: Activist, whistleblower, co–founder of the Freedom of the Press Foundation.
* Norman Solomon: Author, activist, co–founder of [www.RootsAction.org], coordinator of [ExposeFacts.org].
* Trevor Timm: Journalist and Columnist for the UK Guardian, executive director of Freedom of the Press Foundation.
* Marjorie Cohn: Law professor at Jefferson School of Law; author and human rights activist; former president of the National Lawyers Guild.
* Ahmed Ghappour: Hastings College professor of law; national security and cybersecurity litigator.
This Forum is the third in a series of Civil Liberty forums presented by St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Berkeley, California.
For further information, contact: Robert J. Jaffe, r.jaffe2[at]comcast[dot]net
Occupy the Farm documentary premiere

7pm to 10pm
at the UA Berkeley 7 Theatre, 2274 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley.
Spread the word about Occupy The Farm and bring your friends to the Berkeley Premiere this November 7, playing for 7 days at the UA Berkeley 7 on Shattuck. More details on showtimes and tickets when we have them.
* Film Premiere page [facebook.com/events/1698666823691759].
* More info about the documentary, and updates on Occupy the Farm actions [facebook.com/OccupyTheFarmFilm].
And a movie premiere afterparty, Nov 7 at 9:30pm to Nov 8 at 12:30am
at the PLACE for Sustainable Living, 1121 64th St, Oakland. [facebook.com/events/741693772583887]
Celebrate the opening night of the Occupy the Farm Film with members of the documentary crew and OTF organizers. Live dance music with Los Nadies, and AnthNasty & the "insanely bad ass funk band". Stone soup with ingredients from the Gill Tract Farm! Show your film ticket stub to enter.
Peace & Justice Occupy Creech AFB
Nov. 9-15
Organized by CODEPINK, and our Peace and Justice allies!
Resist drone warfare/surveillance and global militarization!!
As you all probably know, Creech is one of the most important drone bases in the world.
The CIA does many of it's secret assassinations from there, as well as military drone killing independent from the CIA.
The desert is also very gorgeous place in the fall, and we are looking forward to beautiful desert walks with our sisters and brothers to rejuvenate between am and pm vigils, on mother earth's very sacred land.
We’re looking forward to visiting with the wild horses and relaxing in the local hot springs!
You’re welcome to join us for all or any part of the time we’ll be there
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