In central Mexico 44,000 Electrical Power Workers (SME) were fired to privatize the industry and destroy the union. "There are no borders in the working class struggle to build a better world."
We will hear from two dynamic leaders in the front ranks of our common struggle against the 1%.
TUESDAY April 3rd
12:00 noon @ Sac State (CSUS) Hinde Auditorium 6000 J st. Sacramento
5:30pm SEIU Local 1000, 1808 14th Street Sacramento (Cross street is "S street" & 14th Street)
or call: Paramo Hernandez (916) 825-0402
the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) Sacramento Chapter, Sacramento Central Labor Council, Los Rios College Federation of Teachers (CFT/AFT Local 2279), Unión Cívica Primero de Mayo, CFA, Serna Center, Chican@/Latin@ Faculty and Staff Association de CSU Sacramento, Mecha De SacState; Organizacion de Trabajadores Agricolas de California (OTAC), Frente de Mexicanos en el Exterior (FME), El Organizador
CC: Occupy Woodland, OccupySacramento, Occupy Davis, Occupy UC Davis