Tune in Thursdays 4 to 5pm (PST), with our online webstream [
link], and in the San Pablo Bay Area at 89.5FM KZCT [
link]. Hosted by Dr.G.,
Minister of Information of the
Northbay Movement for a Democratic Society,
with a California-wide network of journalists, organizers, and
entertainers, breaking the blockade of censorship, with research
archives and verified sources!
View past headlines [link]. Join the Community Journalist program, send news & info to [NorthbayMDS@gmail.com]. Know more with the
Community Journalist's Notebook [
managers of 89.5FM KZCT, their associates, and sponsors, are not to be
held liable for the information and commentary provided by the Northbay
Uprising Radio News, produced by the Northbay Movement for a Democratic Society, as a non-partisan research and education project.
Stories are reviewed and provided by Northbay MDS Committees.
The event was joined by over 200 people, protected by the Brown Berets who stood guard against attacks by racist vigilantes and police! They marched on Disneyland, making the connection with Disney's support for Anaheim Police, who conduct vicious death-squad attacks against justice activists, and their families, proving yet again that Disney's magic stops when it comes to demands for Human Rights!

Corrupt Mayor of Vallejo petitions to remake his office into a "dictatorship" in order to let his business allies direct policies [
Richmond Elections: "Chevron running slick campaign to control Richmond" [
Santa Cruz selectively enforces "clutter laws" against people who are protesting or of lumpenproletariat (extreme lower class) status [
You are being poisoned by Atrazine pesticide [
link], even the European Union has banned it, and it is killing frogs and amphibians!
Teamsters for a Democratic Union fight back against corrupt union management [
The facts about saving Social Security for ours and future generations [
Petition to Pardon Kerry Max Cook, An Innocent Man:

I can't get a job because the state of Texas still says I'm a murderer even though DNA evidence proved I'm innocent. I was freed from jail, but I still need a full pardon to start my life again.
I spent 22 years on death row for a murder I didn't commit. Now, even though I've been proven innocent and freed, the state of Texas still treats me like a convicted killer.
In 1978, I was sentenced to death for the rape and murder of a 21-year-old woman. After decades in prison and almost 4 separate trials, I never stopped fighting to prove my innocence. And in 1999, DNA evidence proved what I had said all along: I didn't commit that crime.
I was finally released from prison, but nearly 15 years later, Texas won't exonerate me, so I'm still on the books as a murderer. This makes it nearly impossible for me to sign a lease or get a job. Why am I still paying for a crime I didn't commit?
The only person who can officially pardon me is Governor Rick Perry of Texas, and he takes his cues from the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles.
I started a petition on Change.org asking the Board of Pardons and Paroles to recommend me for a full pardon -- will you sign it?
Despite an Appellate ruling throwing out my second conviction with findings that "Police and prosecutorial misconduct has tainted this entire matter from the outset," I feel that the Smith County District Attorney's Office was more interested in saving face than serving justice.
On the eve of my fourth trial, prosecutors offered a plea-bargain: plead no-contest with no admission of guilt, and go free. I had been offered plea-bargains before and turned them down because of my innocence. But by this point, I was facing the possibility of another death sentence and my whole life came apart -- my only brother had been murdered, my Dad had died of cancer, and my mother abandoned me. I took the offer and walked out of the courtroom.
Two months later, DNA evidence proved my innocence.
But because of that no-contest plea, I need Governor Perry to pardon me in order to be considered an innocent man. My time in prison still haunts me -- I have severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder stemming from being raped there. I just want to be free of this terrible nightmare, but as long as I am on the books as a murderer, part of me feels like I will always be in jail.
The Texas legal system ignored and abused me for decades. But they won't be able to ignore me any longer if thousands of you stand beside me.
Click here to sign my petition asking the Board of Pardons and Paroles to recommend me for a full pardon.
Thanks for your help.
[signed] Kerry Cook of Dallas, Texas
Self-Defense forces, preserving the purity the dominant culture in the USA, have begun operations at the border with Mexico to terrorize and turn back the refugee CHILDREN escaping fascist Honduras [
More info about Fascism in the
Republic of Honduras [
Supporters of the terror campaign held a nationwide event last Saturday, July 15th, including an action in the Northbay, at Walnut Creek (which was met with an action by human-rights advocates).
Organized by the “American Legal Immigration Political Action Committee (ALIPAC)” which Southern Poverty Law Center has designated this organization a "Hate Group", plus “Overpasses for America” & “Make Them Listen”, are all coordinating an effort among other Tea Party-associated political groups, which fiercely oppose the federal government's "housing" of undocumented immigrants arriving into the country and what they consider a deliberate lack of enforcement of current immigration law.
THINK ABOUT IT! Marianne Williamson says, "Immigration laws are important, and only those seeking asylum on legitimate grounds should receive it. But in this case, due processes by which asylum would be established for those genuinely in need are being circumvented. This is nothing but child abuse on a massive scale. Many people talk today as though "protecting our borders" is some sort of sacred responsibility, while protecting children is some tawdry inconvenience for which we bear no moral responsibility."
Justice for Aloni, innocent victim of police torture (Los Angeles, 2013-03) [

Aloni Bonilla writes (July 24th), "
Youth Justice Coalition (YJC) has awarded me the Education for Liberation Award. I had the privilege to assist the FREE LA High students in Takashi 'Gao' Matsumoto's math classes for the past 5 months. As many of you might know the incident with California Highway Patrol officer Ramirez and my record doesn't allow me to get a job not even as an academic tutor. I'm glad there is a space like YJC where I can give back and be appreciated instead of being discriminated during the application process. Working with the youth at FREE LA High was a great experience and I hope to be able to contribute more this coming year. #Lovetheyouth #fightthelockdown #YouthJusticeCoalition"
Major Bay Area Kickoff Meeting for the October 2014 Nationwide Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration, Police Terror, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation
Saturday, July 26, 2-5 p.m.
at the First Unitarian Church, 685 14th Street (at Castro, right next to 980 Freeway) in Downtown Oakland
(wheelchair accessible)
Stop Mass Incarceration Network, San Francisco Bay Area [510-984-3648] [stopmassincarcerationbayarea@) gmail.com]
Just in the past few weeks we have witnessed:
**1000's of children being driven across the border by US devastation of their homelands and then finding themselves caught between Homeland Security rounds-ups and flag-waving racists
**The District Attorney in Santa Rosa California refusing to charge the cop who murdered 13-year old Andy Lopez
**2 videos that went viral showing cops brutally and unjustly beating Black women
All these and more outrages only serve to underscore more than ever the need for powerful outpourings of resistance in October– as envisioned in the Call for a Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration, Police Terror, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation (
www.stopmassinceration.net) that was adopted at the meeting convened in New York in April 2014.
Should YOU be at this meeting?
Yes! If you live directly under these threats, this violence, this repression and want to STOP IT!
Yes! Even If you don’t yourself live directly under it, but you know that it’s wrong and you want to STOP IT!
Let’s all come together, individuals and organizations and make real plans so this October, so our determination to end all this reverberates across the country and around the world!
October 2014 needs to be a full month of many diverse forms of resistance.
Already, prominent and respected voices are signing the Stop Mass Incarceration Network’s Call for the Month of Resistance. Join Ayelet Waldman, novelist, lawyer ; Alice Walker, author; Peter Coyote, actor, author, director; Cornel West, author, educator, voice of conscience; Carl Dix, Revolutionary Communist Party; Noam Chomsky, Professor (ret.), MIT*; Cephus "Uncle Bobby" Johnson; Michelle Alexander, and 100’s of others who have pledged to be part of the Month of Resistance
Take the Pledge! Endorse the Call for October. Spread the Call far and wide!
Be at! Bring others! to the Kick-off Meeting
In memorial to Eric Garner
(from Black Riders Liberation Party)
New episode from SubMedia.tv!
This week it's all about Global Fuckin Warming:
Download the mp4 video at [
More Info:
1. Kayapo’s revenge [
2. Antarctic meltdown [
3. California’s lettuce killing drought [
4. Global Fuckin Warming kills! [
5. Eco Anxiety [
6. Blockades work [
7. Women stop Utah tar sands [
8. Rising tide blockades line 9 [
9. Support Marius Mason [
10. Savage Fam & Alas [
11. Unist’ot’en Camp [
Gaza/Israel Conflict Vigil
Thursday July 24th 7:30pm - 8:30pm
at The Crosses of Lafayette
Corner of Deer Hill Road and Oak Hill Road, Lafayette, across from Lafayette BART.
Take BART or free parking at BART station.
your peaceful selves and flashlights to the Crosses of Lafayette to
honor those who have lost their lives in the Gaza/ Israel conflict and
grieve the continued violence and destruction in the region.
This is a peaceful gathering, not a demonstration.
There are no planned speakers or music.

mission of the The Crosses of Lafayette Peace Memorial is to provide a
memorial for Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans and a visitors center to
serve as a place for reflection, healing, reunion, and sharing of
experiences for all who have been afflicted by war.
Also of interest.....
peace activist Miko Peled spoke at the Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice
Center on May 29th. He provided valuable historical information on the
relationship between Israel and the Palestinians. Video of his
presentation is now available alongside other videos on our website [
Vigil in Support of Detained Central American Refugees
Saturday, July 26th, 2:00PM
Hosted by North Bay Organizing Project.
St Vincent de Paul Church, 35 Liberty Street, Petaluma

Join us for a conversation about the migrant children coming to the US.
to official reports, 52,000 children have been apprehended at the US
border since October 2013, the majority from Honduras, Guatemala and El
Salvador. Many make the perilous journey in order to reunite with family
from whom they have been separated for years.
In the United
States, the debate has ranged from vitriolic racism to compassionate
calls to welcome the children with open arms and end all deportations.
But the voices from the Central American peoples and governments are
missing from many of the conversations.
To let these voices be
heard, CISPES, Sister Cities, and the SHARE Foundation will be hosting a
webinar – we hope you can join us!
WHEN: Monday, July 28th at 8:00 PM Eastern/5:00 PM Pacific
Salvadoran social movement organizers and representatives of the
Sánchez Cerén administration will discuss the unique situation on the
ground in El Salvador, and together we will examine the migration
factors, how decades of U.S. and U.S.-backed policies have generated the
current crisis, the Salvadoran government’s response, and what we can
do to help.
* Tune into the webinar on Monday by clicking here [
* Please RSVP here [
is a unique opportunity to hear analysis directly from leaders in El
Salvador about this important issue. Please spread the word by
forwarding this email. Hope that you can join us!
Visit the websites of the hosting organizations for more information about solidarity work in El Salvador
US El Salvador Sister Cities [
Committee in Solidarity of the People of El Salvador [
SHARE Foundation [
Community Engagement and Healing Subcommittee of the Community and Local Law Enforcement Task Force
Monday, July 28, 6:00 p.m.
Andy Lopez was killed, the County formed a Task Force to discuss
various aspects of local law enforcement. We need the public to show up
at these meetings so the County knows we care.
Room 113A, 575 Administration Dr., Santa Rosa
Black Panther Party Historical Walking Tour 'North Oakland'
Join the North Oakland Restorative Justice Council for the August Peace n' Justice Walk
Friday, August 8th @ 6pm
Bethany Baptist Church, 5400 Adeline St. Oakland 94608

want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice, peace and
People's Community Control of Modern Technology-Point 10 of the Black
Panther 10 Point Platform
Next month walk is the Summer Black
Panther Party historical walking tour of North Oakland on Friday, August
8th at 6pm. Stops include Children's Hospital, Its all Good Bakery,
North Oakland Senior Center, 55th and Market, South Berkeley Drop In
Center and many many more sites that highlight the Community
Self-Determination work of the Black Panther Party for Self- Defense
founded in North Oakland, Ca. The walk will be Lead by original Black
Panther Melvin Dickson, with assistance by Panther Aunti Frances Moore
of the Self Help Hunger Program.
The walk will highlight the
Panthers work to fight structural violence and how this applicable in
today's work as it relates to restorative justice. Also come and learn
about the current work of the North Oakland Restorative Justice Council.
RSVP HERE [www.northoaklandrestorativejustice.org]
Join us for a Restorative Justice Block Party- August 5th, the way we get down for National Night Out
introduction to Restorative Justice/Peacemaking Circles for Youth-
August 12th for Neighborhood Groups, OPD, NCPC, and Neighborhood Watch

Tuesday, August 5, 2:00 - 9:00 PM check-in
Peace Camp
Ardilla group campground at Del Valle Regional Park, Del Valle Road off Mines Road, about 9 miles outside of Livermore.
Contact: Scott Yundt, scott [at] trivalleycares.org, (925) 443-7148
group camp-out in beautiful Del Valle Regional Park the night before
the annual Hiroshima Commemoration at the Livermore nuclear weapons
At 6:30 AM the next morning we will caravan to the Lab for the event.
Note:the park gate opens at 5 AM.
PARKING: Limited parking at the campground,carpooling is suggested.
COST: $10 per person. (No additional charge for parking or food.)
RSVP REQUIRED Musical instruments welcome. No pets. No alcohol.
Dinner & simple breakfast provided. Bring your own water to drink.
Tri-Valley CAREs Website: [