The managers of 89.5FM KZCT, their associates, and sponsors, are not to be held liable for the information and commentary provided by the Northbay Uprising Radio News, produced by the Northbay Movement for a Democratic Society, as a non-partisan research and education project.
Listen to the recording of this week's episode:
Interview with an organizer from 99Rise and...

Marchers demand "one person, one vote" political equality, an end to big money corruption in politics
480 Miles. 37 Days. 1 Mission.
Photos and videos: [marchfordemocracy.org] & [flickr.com/marchfordemocracy]
About 99Rise & The California March for Democracy -
99Rise is calling for a mass movement of escalating direct nonviolent action to get big money out of politics and reclaim democracy for the 99%. The California March for Democracy will began May 17th in Los Angeles and will conclude June 22nd in Sacramento. Marchers will are attending local events along the march route, which traverses California’s central valley, passing through Bakersfield, Fresno, and Stockton on its way to the state capitol.
99Rise is demanding that the California state legislature call for an Article V convention to amend the US constitution to get big money out of politics and guarantee political equality. If the state legislature fails to call for the convention by the time marchers reach Sacramento on June 22nd, activists plan on nonviolently occupying the capitol until the campaign’s demands are met.
On May 17th, dozens of activists led by the grassroots organization 99Rise departed Los Angeles to embark on a 480-mile “March for Democracy” across the state of California to raise awareness and mobilize the public around the issue of big money in politics. They plan to complete their march at the state capitol building in Sacramento on June 22nd, where they will demand that the state legislature publicly acknowledge what they are calling “the crisis of corruption” and take immediate action to end it.“This nation was founded on the principle of one person, one vote,” said Kai Newkirk, co-founder and organizer of 99Rise. “Generations of Americans have shed blood, sweat, and tears to make that principle a reality, from the abolitionists to women’s suffragists, to supporters of The Civil Rights Movement. But now their hard work and sacrifice is being systematically undermined by the out-of-control political spending of a small wealthy elite. It’s time for our generation to step up and do whatever it takes to reclaim democracy for the people of this country. That’s why we’re marching to Sacramento,” Newkirk explained.
The statewide march comes on the heels of two Supreme Court decisions—Citizens United vs. FEC and McCutcheon vs. FEC—that have further enabled wealthy donors to contribute even larger sums to candidates running for political office. 2012 was the most expensive election in the country’s history, with a price tag exceeding 6 billion dollars, but with only 0.04% of Americans contributing more than $200 to political candidates, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Newkirk recently made headlines for his interruption of Supreme Court proceedings and his subsequent arrest, the first time such an act of civil disobedience has been caught on video.
The 480-mile march dubbed the “California March for Democracy” is endorsed by a number of prominent political organizations and activists including MoveOn, WolfPAC, Rootstrikers, Money Out Voters In, the Dream Defenders, and public intellectual, Noam Chomsky. Co-founder of the National Farm Workers Association and long time labor and civil rights leader, Dolores Huerta, will be walking a section of the march, as will Harvard University Professor of Law and political activist, Lawrence Lessig.
“The fight against political corruption is one that must be taken up by a movement of citizens,” remarked Lessig. “It will take an army of ordinary people, from both the left and the right, doing the hard work that is needed to fundamentally reform our government and restore our democracy. No matter how difficult, how impossible it may appear, we must have hope. We have to fight.”
Introducing... Strike Debt Radio!
with "How FAR to FREE" [strikedebtradio.tumblr.com],
Stories are reviewed and provided by Northbay MDS Committees.
Defend Rev. Pinkney against unjust incarceration, physical attack, in retaliation against his anti-fascist organizing (2014-06-01) [link]
"A Dozen Surviving Family Members of Police-Related Deaths, Local Attorneys, Religious Leaders & Community Organizations Call for DOJ Intervention in Sonoma County" (2014-06-20) [link]
Click here [link] for a step-by-step guide to using direct action to get the boss to cough up wages you're owed.
"Invisible no more; Threatened with deportation and paid illegally low wages, East Bay recycling workers did the unthinkable: They fought back" [link]
"Pro-Marijuana Canvassers Strike over Unpaid Wages" [link]
"‘School Deserts’ Hit Chicago’s Black Neighborhoods" [link]
California State Prisons threaten to ban all materials offering criticism of policies [link]
How to turn off commercial spying on your Facebook account [link]
"Net Neutrality Supporters Occupy Google"
2014-06-24 [www.occupygoogle.org] [OccupyGoogle@hushmail.com] [510-543-4582]
On the afternoon of Tuesday, June 24, supporters of net neutrality established a protest occupation on the grounds of Google Headquarters, in Mountain View, CA.
The group of demonstrators released the following statement on their website: “We are assembled to pressure Google to take action and protect net neutrality in order to maintain an open internet. We believe the internet must remain as a space:
* Without discrimination against users,
* Without censorship of content, and
* Without access fees.
We are among many who are wary that a proposal by the FCC to regulate the Internet could lead to censorship of content by Internet Service Providers. An open letter directed at the FCC was signed by dozens of major technology corporations including Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon [http://engine.is/wp-content/uploads/Company-Sign-On-Letter.pdf]. Their letter claims that the proposed changes to regulation “represent a grave threat to the internet.”
Unrestricted access to information is a cornerstone of democracy. Our actions today will define the information available in our society tomorrow. The occupation of Google Headquarters aims to generate momentum nationwide to defend net neutrality and the open internet.
We call on anyone in solidarity with the open internet to join us in this occupation.
The demonstrators have invited, “all those concerned with maintaining the internet as a free and horizontal communication platform to join us here at 6pm every day for a general assembly to discuss how to move forward in defending internet freedom.”
A page from their website states, “The truth is that the internet is quickly becoming the greatest catalyst for transforming the world we live in. It is through these tools that we have recently seen governments & corporations challenged, entire political systems revamped, and new innovations birthed.
We are taking action to defend the internet as our public commons.”
On July 10th we are calling for an online day of action to demand Net Neutrality [http://www.occupygoogl.com/online-protest.html].
"Google Threatens Protest Camp With Forced Removal" -
Occupy Google, the protest camp that set up today at Google Headquarters in Mountain View, CA, is being threatened with forced removal by Google Security and the Mountain View Police Department.
The Net Neutrality demonstrators are determined to stand their ground and stay the night.
CBS is already on the ground as the demonstrators and Google Security begin to move towards a potential forced removal with police on their way.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway (Googleplex), Mountain View, CA
"San Franciscans Hack the Housing Crisis But Find No Easy Solutions" [link]
"There is no market solution to the housing crisis in the long-term. The largely free market approach to housing in San Francisco and the rest of the US is the problem."
Update from "Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom (HUFF)- Santa Cruz" [www.huffsantacruz.org] [info@huffsantacruz.org]:
HUFF has been preparing a report documenting the Rising "Crime Wave" on Pacific Ave. in downtown Santa Cruz, where virtually every group of people, including tourists, are now "illegal" though selectively ignored by police who are using new anti-congrgating laws to harrass, assault, and kidnap street performers, travelers, and anybody who looks "poor". Sanctuary Village and HUFF have conducted a "Tent Mob" earlier in June, grouping together to discuss a more organized and systematic series of complaints against police officers selectively citing downtown and elsewhere, look over recent allegations of police abuse, and plan actions in response to information obtained from recent Public Records Act retrievals showing the pattern of police citation downtown, over the last two years, and police hoarding and wasteful disposal of bicycles in its politically motivated freezeout of The Bike Church, which was a non-profit recieving police-confiscated bicycles for free distribution to youth, that is, until actual fascists began a harmful campaign against the personal community liberation politics of the managers of the facility where the Bike Church was located. The Bike Church was stripped of it's program, which was then given to a for-profit group who refuse to work with many lower-income youth who once benefited from the Bike Church's method of distribution.
"Caltrans Willits Bypass Work Stopped by Permit Suspension" [link]
from Redwood Forest Defense
Wednesday 6/18/2014, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Green Diamond Resource Company is actively logging in Strawberry Rock area; protestors meet loggers, delay clear cutting operations.
Work has begun on Timber Harvest Plan 01-13-073, less than a mile from the popular hiking destination known as Strawberry Rock, in Northern Humboldt County. Concerned by Green Diamond Resource Company's unsustainable forest management practices, members of Redwood Forest Defense hiked into the clear cut zone of this harvest plan just as the trees were beginning to fall. Aware that active logging operations are incredibly dangerous, the sawyer's ceased their activities in the area.
During the stoppage, protesters engaged in dialogue with the sawyers who revealed the fact that Green Diamond hires private contractors to do their dirty work, with worker incentives based on quantities instead of the health and sustainability of the forest. “I have been doing this for thirty years, this is how I support my family, and I see that the trees that they are having us cut are smaller and smaller every year,” said one of the sawyers. The remark alluded to a larger history of unethical practices used by the company for short term profits for executives, wiping out entire habitats, devastating local watersheds, and leaving one lone snag as a consolation prize for wildlife in the middle of a clear cut.
This is part of Seattle based Green Diamond Resource Company's larger plan to clear cut the vast majority of their 425,000 acres of California forest as part of a 45 year liquidation plan. The health of the forests are vital to sustaining the longevity of both the economy and biosphere here in Northern California. Redwood Forest Defense, a grassroots community organization, is fighting to change Green Diamond's sort sighted, unsustainable management practices.
contact: Redwood Forest Defense
telephone: 707. 278. 8733
email: redwoodforestdefense@gmail.com
Facebook: trinidadtreesitters

42 Years and Still Waiting...
(poster by César Maxit)

Albert Woodfox #72148
David Wade Correctional Center
670 Bell Hill Road
Homer, LA 71040
Fascists hold conference to prepare for theocratic 'hostile takeover' of United States government [link]
* "Buying Up the Planet: Out-of-Control Central Banks on a Corporate Buying Spree" [link]
* "Wikileaks reveals secret global trade deal for corporations to operate with impunity" [link]
* "WikiLeaked Doc Reveals Wall Street Plan for Global Financial Deregulation; WikiLeaks releases draft text of trade deal exposing efforts to increase stranglehold over global economy" [link]
* "'Politically Explosive' Docs Show How NSA Wiretaps Earth; Latest reporting on Snowden-leaked documents detail importance and reach of agency's third-party agreements" [link]
"Mass Action Needed Now to Demand; End to U.S. Involvement in Iraq!" [link]

Consisting of community members from all background intertwining with various brothers and sisters from around the country with soldiers in the streets working for positive solutions to our inter communal problems, the violence has to be regulated, and our elders are afraid to come out of their homes.

Honoring Leonard Peltier on the 39th Anniversary Shootout at Oglala
Thursday, June 26 2014 @ 6 PM
Willow Street Frank Bramhall Park
corner of Willow Street and Camino Ramon, in San Jose

Honoring Leonard Peltier and remembering those who were murdered during the Reign of Terror on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
Potluck, please bring food and drink to share with others.
Hank Le Beau Swift Cloud will give opening prayer.
Calpulli Tonalehqueh Azteca dancers will dance.
Edward Morillo, Ohlone-San Juan Bautista, will speak about the very important work he does with Indigenous prisoners in local prisons and talk about the history of the Ohlone Nation.
Edward Morillo and Richard Long will play special pow wow drum from South Dakota.
Roberto Duran will read his poetry.
Sponsored by International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee (ILPDC) Silicon Valley Support Group
for more information about this event:
Donna Wallach (h) 408-557-8824 (cell) 408-569-6608
email: Palestineis@dslextreme.com
Activist Lounge: KPFA Broadcast with Miguel Molina
Friday, June 27, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Come take part in Miguel Molina's broadcast of his show on KPFA and learn about Andy Lopez, police violence, and ethnic minority oppressive prejudice. There will also be music. $5 minimum purchase
Come for dinner - great vegetarian buffet
Gaia's Garden Restaurant, 1899 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa
Fight Fascism in Honduras, Defend the People of Venezuela
More info about Fascism in the Republic of Honduras [link], and Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: Target for fascist coup [link]!
Gather in solidarity against fascism!
Saturday, June 28, 1:00 pm
24th & Mission, in San Francisco
On the 5th Anniversary of the Coup in HONDURAS: Protest 5 years of Death, Fraud, Repression, Militarization, and Corruption Stop the Violence! Defend Human Rights!
Five years after the coup in Honduras on June 28, 2009 that overthrew democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya, the US government continues to support a repressive government and its neoliberal economic policy, recognizing highly contested 2013 presidential election results with less than 30% of the votes counted.
At the same time, the same US government has refused to recognize Nicolás Maduro as president of Venezuela. More than a year after the election took place, it does everything in its power to undermine and destabilize the Maduro government. Join us to say:
VENEZUELA: Defend the Bolivarian Revolution! Stop US interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs! Recognize the Maduro government!
Called by Bay Area Latin American Solidarity Coalition/BALASC and Hondurans in Resistance of Northern CA. Endorsed by ANSWER Coalition, Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front/FMLN, FNRP/LIBRE NOR- CAL, Freedom Archives, Haiti Action Committee, International Action Center, Marcha Patriotica/Colombia, Marin Task Force on the Americas, NICCA, Peacemakers, National Committee to Free the Cuban 5, SOAW – San Francisco, Worker’s World Party
Fight for a $15 minimum wage in the Bay Area
3 pm
Oakland Main Public Library [125 14th Street, Oakland CA 94612]
Ty Moore 2013 Socialist Alternative candidate for Minneapolis City Council
Dan Siegel Independent candidate for Oakland Mayor and $15 supporter
Erin Brightwell Founder of Campaign for Renters Rights and local Socialist Alternative organizer
In November last year Socialist Alternative broke through into national politics when its candidate Kshama Sawant won nearly 100,000 votes in a Seattle city council election that made her the first Socialist representative there in 100 years.
Sawant was elected by fighting for a $15/hr minimum wage. In January Socialist Alternative and Sawant launched 15 Now to pressure City Hall to pass legislation for $15 in Seattle. This month the mayor and city council unanimously passed a $15/hr minimum wage. This was a historic victory that continues to have national repercussions.
Come hear how socialists won $15 in Seattle and what we can do to challenge inequality and build a grassroots socialist movement here in Oakland and the Bay Area.
We Want YOU to Join the...
Chelsea Manning Contingent at the 2014 SF Pride Parade
June 28/29 Celebration Civic Center
June 29 Parade Market Street
This year we have more reason to celebrate the SF Pride 2014 parade in San Francisco: Heroic WikiLeaks whistle-blower Chelsea Manning is being honored as an official Grand Marshal! March with us to show your pride in Chelsea!
Organized by the Chelsea Manning Support Network and Courage to Resist.
Endorsing organizations include War Resisters League-West, CODEPINK Women for Peace, CivSol, and the Brass Liberation Orchestra.
Please contact us to include your organization as an endorser!
A motorized cable car will be available for participants with mobility limitations.
For further details, please contact farah@couragetoresist.org
Occupy Sonoma! presents:
Media Skills For Activists:
How to write a press release and a public service announcement
Monday, June 30, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
This training will be lead by Peter Phillips, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University. Peter teaches Political Sociology, Sociology of Media, Social Movements and the Sociology of Power. Former director of Project Censored and a founding editor for the North Bay Progressive Newspaper
Co-host of the Project Censored radio show on KPFA and
President of Media Freedom Foundation
Non-Occupy Sonoma County Guests: Pre-registration and a donation of $5-20 is requested from non-OSC people who wish to attend. If you are not part of OSC and wish to join this training please contact Emerald@OcSoCo.org to register
Pre-registration deadline is June 25
Please submit yourvoluntary donation on our website
The Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County, 467 Sebastopol Ave., Santa Rosa
Labor/Community Street Fair
80th Anniversary of the 1934 General Strike
Saturday, July 5, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
At Capp Street, between 15th and 16th Streets in San Francisco (half block from 16th Street BART station)
free admission
1934 General Strike established San Francisco as a union town! This is also the 100th anniversary of the San Francisco Labor Temple that was built by the San Francisco Labor Council!
- Fight for the $15 Minimum Wage!
- Fight for a Community Jobs Program!
- Fight against Displacement of our Neighborhoods!
- Show that San Francisco still has a fighting Labor and Community Movement! /
stage with local musicians, artists, dancers, performers, poets, and puppeteers
information, local vendor booths
Visit the health care booths in the parking lot of Walgreens (patronize a union store)
Sponsored by the Redstone Labor Temple Association/Patrocinado por Redstone Labor Temple Association; Co-sponsored by the San Francisco Living Wage Coalition, San Francisco Labor Council, Service Employees International Union Local 1021.
For information on booth spaces, to endorse or to volunteer, call 415-863-1927 or redstonelabortemple@gmail.com
part of www.laborfest.net
Smoke-Free Event Prohibido Fumar -/ - SF Health Code Article 19L
This event is assisted by SOMArts Cultural Center's Technical Services Program, which is supported by the San Francisco Arts Commission.
South African Metalworkers Union Speaks
Andrew Chirwa, President of NUMSA
Saturday, July 5, 7:00 P.M.
Meeting room for the ILWU 34, Ship Clerks Union
801 2nd St., SF next to AT&T Stadium
LaborFest film showing [www.laborfest.net]
“Miners Shot Down”
Sunday, July 6, 2:00 P.M.
Meeting room for the ILWU 10, Longshore Union 400 N. Point St./Mason, SF
Special meeting with Andrew Chirwa, NUMSA President
“Bloody Ihursday” July 5 commemorates the police murder of maritime workers in the 1934 Big Strike which provoked the San Francisco General Strike. All U.S. West Coast ports are shutdown to honor the six labor martyrs killed during the strike.
In 2012, at the Marikana mine in South Africa, 34 striking miners were massacred by police. ILWU Local 10 sent a letter of protest to the ANC-led government. Andrew Chirwa, president of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), the largest union in that country will address workers about the massacre and the miners strike, the longest in South African history and the impending metalworkers strike.
On July 1, both the South African metalworkers union and the ILWU longshore contracts expire. NUMSA is preparing for a “full-blown strike” much like the maritime workers did in 1934. Now is the time for international labor solidarity.
Organized by the Transport Workers Solidarity Committee
Solidarity Has No Borders!
For more information: (510) 501-7080, (415) 282-1908
Advocacy for Health Rights in Public and Private Health Services
Sunday, July 6, 2014 - 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Location: NPML, 6501 Telegraph Ave. Oakland, CA 94609The experience in Maharashtra, India -
This talk will briefly report and analyze efforts made during last some years by health activists in Maharashtra, India for fostering civil society action for promoting health rights in both Public and Private Health Service.
The talk will share the work is being done through ‘Community Based Monitoring of Public Health Services’ an innovative project which galvanizes the villagers’ feedback and monitoring of the Public Health Services in about 1000 selected villages and how this process culminates in a yearly Public Accountability meetings at many places in which the performance of the concerned Public Health Facility is systematically analyzed in a Public Meeting; critical questions are asked and promises for specific improvements are sought. This process of a kind of democratization of health services has resulted in greater assertion by villagers, better dialogue between doctors and staff of the concerned Public Health Facilities and has also led to improvements in these services.
The talk will then share how in case of private health care services Civil Society action has focused on the demand for enactment of the Clinical Establishment Act to regulate the private health services; demand for a role for civil society organizations in the formulation of the Bill as well as in the implementation of this Act; inclusion of the Standard Charter of Patients’ Rights in this proposed Act.
Lastly, the talk will share the move to form a broader coalition of Left and democratic organizations in Maharashtra to demand Right to Social Services (including health care) and Social Security.
Dr. Anant R. Phadke is associated with a number of organizations in the Health and Science Movement in India and is Senior Advisor of SATHI-CEHAT, a leading NGO in the Peoples’ Health Movement in India. Has contributed over 250 articles in English and Marathi and a few books on People’s Science and Health movement issues.
Union reception and art exhibit: (a Laborfest event)
A Tribute to Mexican revolutionary artist Leopoldo MéndezJuly 8 (Tuesday) 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Mexican Museum,
Fort Mason Center -2 Marina Blvd., San Francisco
Sponsored by Pacific Media Workers Guild, TNG/CWA
Leopoldo Méndez (1902-1969) was a Mexican artist known for his political and social-justice images, who played a key role in the revolutionary arts movement that flourished in Mexico City from the 1930s through the '50s. A selection of his work will be displayed and a panel discussion held on Mendez's career (starting at 7 pm)
GREAT background article at [http://mediaworkers.org/bought-for-a-buck-media-workers-guild-recovers-artworks-distinguished-heritage/]
Admission is free but please RSVP to PMWG at (415) 298-1335;

Connect the Dots Refinery Corridor Healing Walks Rodeo to Richmond
Saturday, July 12 (All day)
Contact: 510 619 3279
Opening Rally in Rodeo - In the morning
* Native American prayer by Idle No More SF Bay
* Local speakers
The Walk Ending Rally in Richmond - Late Afternoon
* Process of Imagining: The future of our community
* Art Projects
* Picnic
Our purpose:
* Walk in prayer with each step we take on Mother Earth
* Bring people together who are concerned about the effects of the fossil fuel industry on our communities
* Learn from one another
* Bring attention to the refinery corridor in the northeast San Francisco Bay
* To walk by the refineries: Shell & Tesoro (Martinez), Valero (Benicia), Phillips 66 (Rodeo), Chevron (Richmond)
* Imagine our communities beyond fossil fuel
Forum on Local Labor StrugglesSunday, July 13th, 7 pm
At the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian-Universalists, located at the corner of Cedar and Bonita, Berkeley.
With updates on a number of working class struggles in the Bay Area.
Speakers include
* Steve Gilbert of SEIU 1021 &
* Bill Balderston of the Oakland Education Association
sponsored by the social justice committee of the BFUU
USLAW's New Website has been launched [http://uslaboragainstwar.org]. Check it out!
Gathering to Celebrate 25th Year of the Pastors for Peace Caravan
Sunday, July 13, 2014, 5pm
at the Chico Peace and Justice Center
More info [http://pastorsforpeace.org], map of trip at [http://www.ifconews.org/node/1322]
Celebrate the 25th year of the Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba as they pass through Chico on Sunday, July 13, 2014. They will host a "Camp Peace Potluck and Sing-Along" which will include food, storytelling and a sing-along with the folks on this year's caravan. Camp "registration" will be a donation for the Pastors for Peace Caravan. The Pastors for Peace is working for a people-to-people foreign policy.

Brown Berets Statewide Conference!

UPDATE: Organizer for the Conference, Ramon Cairo of the Brown Berets of Santa Rosa (Autonomous Chapter), has opened up the event to the public!
#Digital Story Telling on the illegal theft of the Black Hills at the Homestake Gold MineAugust 29th 2014
Digital Story Telling — 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. —
Press Conference — 9:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. —
RALLY to DEMAND JUSTICE for the illegal theft of the Black Hills at the Homestake Gold Mine @ Homestake Gold Mine, 160 West Main Street, Lead, S.D. 57754
United Native Americans Demand Reparations and Accountability from the Hearst Corporation for CONTINUING VIOLATIONS OF THE FORT LARAMIE TREATIES OF 1851 & 1868!
United Native Americans invites members of the press and community to join us, to both attend and participate in our upcoming rally to demand Justice for the the Lakota Nation.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, U.N.A. is demanding the Hearst Corporation contribute to the struggling Lakota Sioux Nation whom they have stolen land and precious Natural resources from. Professor Lehman Brightman states that the Hearst Corporation “has never tried to make amends with the Lakota Sioux Nation.” The heir to the Hearst fortune, William Randoph Hearst III, has “not given one red cent to the Sioux Indians. They could easily afford to set up a scholarship program or improve dilapidated housing on Sioux Territory.” Nearly 97% of the Sioux Nation's population lives below Federal poverty levels.
The United States Government and the Hearst Corporation can be prosecuted for violations of International Law. Art. VI of The United States Constitution states, “All treaties made, or which shall be made ... shall be the Supreme Law of the Land." U.N.A. believes it is time that punitive damages be paid to the Lakota Sioux Nation for direct violation of the Fort Laramie Treaties of 1851 & 1868.
Reparations need to happen to heal the wounds that capitalism has inflicted upon the people the mainstream media indicates are the least important: indigenous communities, people of color, children, people in poverty, disabled people, elders, and mothers. Daily newspapers are the media through which we consume ideas about what to do and who to be, and tell stories to make us understand where we come from. These newspapers, like the Hearst-owned SF Examiner, tell us stories about what sort of ideal human we should all strive to be. The problem is, most media in wide circulation has been taken over by corporate interests, and ignores atrocities against folks who need their land back, like the Lakota people of the Black Hills, because indigenous people, we are told, are not the ideal humans we all want to be. "Very few people know about these facts," says Quanah Brightman, a Lakota/Sioux leader of the UNA . Manipulation of the media is a strategy that individualizes, like the Hearsts have used throughout history, and now indigenous people are turning the tables with their own people-led media at the Hearst Castle this weekend!
Please join U.N.A for our educational and peaceful protest to Demand Justice for the Lakota Sioux Nation at the Homestake Gold Mine , 160 West Main Street, Lead, S.D. 57754
For more information find us on Facebook.com @ United Native Americans, Inc.
Quanah Parker Brightman is a Lakota Sioux and Creek Indian who was born in Oakland California. Quanah Brightman is Executive Director of United Native Americans Inc., a non-profit indigenous movement organization formed by Dr. Lehman L. Brightman in San Francisco, California in 1968 to promote the decolonization and unity of all Indigenous People. In his capacity as member of UNA, Mr. Brightman has testified before the United Nations Listening Sessions and the U.S. Department of Education’s Urban Indian Education Listening and Learning Sessions. Quanah Parker Brightman has led and participated in many pro-indigenous protests, marches, and sit-ins throughout the United States. Mr. Brightman is a strong advocate against the many hate crimes that are affecting Indigenous people around the world. He advocates for the enforcement of all indigenous treaties made with the United States, reparations and accountability of the theft of tribal ancestral lands and natural resources, the protection of Native American sacred sites and burial sites, pro-indigenous curriculum to be taught in public schools (K-12), ending the use of the blood quantum, improving the negative image of indigenous people and ending tribal corruption in Indian gaming. If you are interested in scheduling Quanah Parker Brightman to present a workshop or be a guest lecturer, please call (510) 672-7187 or [qbrightman75@hotmail.com]

Dear friends and allies of United Native Americans.
I am informing Each of You Now that Our Family has been Evicted from Our Resident here in Sacramento, California.
If you can help us Raise monies to Help pay to fix our for our two storage units and to help us with security deposit & first months Rent, it is all appreciated. If there is anything you can help with, please contact me. Wopila tanka.
Contribution needed for: Storage Units, Security Deposit & First Months Rent for New Facility
If You have Any Recommendations or Suggestions, Please E-mail Me Back or Call me ASAP.
Contributions Large or Small can Be Made
Directly into Our Bank Account at
ACCOUNT NUMBER # 106012446
#WesternUnion or #MoneyGram is available.
Justice For Our Desert
September 20th to 22nd
At the Nevada National Security Site & Creech Air Force Base
* The USA's 2015 budget for nuclearism is $1,560,000,000
* The USA's 2015 budget for new militarism is $786,000,000,000
* The USA's 2015 budget for education is $ 130,700,000,000
What's wrong with the US Government's fiscal priorities? Why so much for violence? Are we learning and teaching self-care? The fiscal indicators above reflect a value-system that violates all mainline religions (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist) and therefore represent anti-human practices such as nuclearism, racism, consumerism, militarism, and terrorism. The billions spent on making more military violence is theft from the masses needing a healthy environment and a healthy society. If those who are spending communal resources (e.g. tax dollars) unjustly, without conscientious approval of the masses, are continuing the injustices, then people of conscience must sing out, take action, make peace in the desert where much of this trouble begins at Creech and the NNSS! The first step is to stop the current works of war at these sites, as together we can begin the work of spiritual cleansing at these institutions of death and mega-death.
Join NDE for three days in September to stop the drone assassinations, to banish the violence-mongering, to protect our precious desert region from the spiritual sickness of the NNSS and Creech. Sing, Pray, Love Enemies, and bring about long-awaited environmental justice to our desert!
* Nonviolence Training: SATURDAY 20 Sept.
* Workshops + Eileen & The In-Betweens: SUNDAY 21 Sept.
* Direct Action at Creech & the NNSS: MONDAY 22 Sept.
Call NDE or email NDE for more info: 702.646.4814 or info@NevadaDesertExperience.org
Updates on this event: [NevadaDesertExperience.org/programs/2014/JusticeDesert2014.htm]
Stop the War on Workers & the Poor!
Attend the Assembly Against Poverty in New York!WED, OCT 8 @ 4 PM
in front of the WORLD BUSINESS FORUM
At the Radio City Music Hall, 50th St. and 6th Ave in New York City
Send A Message to the 1%: Raise Our Wages! $15 & A UNION NOW!
The royalty of Wall Street and the leaders of the global corporate establishment will be attending THE WORLD BUSINESS FORUM (WBF). Paying two thousand dollars per seat, The WBF, the biggest of all the meetings of the 1%, will bring some 5000 chief executive officers, and heads of the fortune 500 corporations and banks to Radio City Music Hall on Oct. 7 and 8.
These are the 1% who make the decisions to lay off workers in mass, bust unions and keep the wages that ordinary workers take home as low as possible. The Theme of the World Business Forum is "Provocateurs: Open your mind to thinking differently". The theme is merely a cover for what this mega-meeting of the 1% has on its mind. Their real agenda is to come up with more creative ways to shed workers, pay workers as little as possible, bust unions, destroy the environment, destroy communities, plunder the world, and make the 99% poorer; all out of their insatiable quest for bigger profits.
The goal of THE ASSEMBLY AGAINST POVERTY outside will be to provoke thinking about how hard it is to live on $8 an hour, and how frightening it is to lose your job and your home, how social and economic inequality is devastating the 99% while the 1% get richer and richer. Let's remind the rich folks at this meeting that low-wage workers can't live on poverty wages. Workers need at least need $15 an hour, and a union now.
The Assembly Against Poverty, scheduled for 4 PM Wed., Oct. 8, will coincide with the World Business Forum's keynote speech by former head of the Federal Reserve Bank, Ben Bernacke. Remember him? He's the guy who decided it was more important to bail out Wall Street, than working and poor people.
The Assembly Against Poverty will feature low-wage workers; homeless people; unemployed young workers; women who make up the majority of low wage workers; retirees who are having their pensions drastically cut or destroyed; people with disabilities; immigrants who are forced to live in the shadows; LGBTQ workers and all whose lives have been made unbearable by the 1%.
Initiating Groups: Peoples Power Assembly; Occu-Evolve; International Working Women's Coalition; NY Coalition of Black Trade Unionists; May 1st Coalition for Worker and Immigrant Rights; Laundry Workers Center; Chris Silvera, IBT Local 808; Parents to Improve School Transportation (PIST); Community Labor United for Postal Jobs & Services (CLUPJS); East Harlem /EL Barrio Community Action (EHECA); Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST); International Action Center
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