Hosted by Dr.G., Minister of Information of the Northbay MDS. Tune in Thursdays 4 to 5pm (PST), at 89.5FM in the northeast San Pablo Bay Area, or on a Smart Phone [link], Desktop U-stream [link], Live Mp3 (.pls) stream [link], Netbook [link].
Be a Community Journalist with our Community Journalist's Notebook [link]. Send news & info to [NorthbayMDS@) gmail.com]! Northbay Uprising News scripts [link]. Archived webpages at (archive.org) and at (archive.today) are available even if the original is taken down. News links are provided for educational purposes only, and do not constitute an endorsement of political tendencies, or, of foreign governments.
In Honor of the original Black Panther Party for Self-Defense
DEFEND THE LEGACY, Honor the Sacrifices, Demand Liberation!
Towards the 50th Anniversary of their foundation, October 2016...
* "The Party" [youtube.com/watch?v=VsShrWagcaY]: A new film that follows the course of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. With footage from Richmond, Oakland, and San Francisco, the film is a Bay Area-centric look at the work of the Party. The film has no narration and is composed of archival footage from a variety of sources.
* "History of the Black Panther Party: Huey Newton and the Price of Black Power in America" (1994) [youtube.com/watch?v=_rf21JLnN-A]
* "The Original Black Panther Party - Power to the People" [youtube.com/watch?v=d4AHkPAge2o]
* "Black Panther Free Breakfast for Children" KPFA audio interview (1969-01) [youtube.com/watch?v=T-n197ygVzM]
* "All Power To The People! The Black Panther Party & Beyond" (1996) [youtube.com/watch?v=rnoLuTH2W5o]
* "The Black Panther Party - Intercommunal News Service" [youtube.com/watch?v=iSEit9BfSGc]
"Free Em' All!"
Music track by E.C.B.O of Oakland [youtube.com/watch?v=mRP8KS0xEng]
Interview with
Oakland Jericho Movement
[facebook.com/chapterbayarea] [facebook.com/pages/Oakland-Jericho/1620370434908278]
- Join Oakland Jericho [facebook.com/joinoakjericho1]
- Follow [twitter.com/oaklandjericho]

Oakland Jericho is a new chapter with members who have experience working with Political Prisoner issues as well as ending Mass Incarceration. We have thus far completed several benefits, speaking engagements and events concerning Political Prisoner Jalil Muntaqim and other Political Prisoners to bring awareness of the struggle as well as provide educational forums. We completed the CD of Jalil Muntaqim's writings and are looking forward to a release party once the final details and art work for the CD are complete. Our chapter Art Directer Kara, has created prints of two Political Prisoner's so far, each with bio's on the back. Please see the photo's with information if you are interested in purchasing. We are preparing for several upcoming conferences, and another "Join Oakland Jericho" event. We have worked with other groups and organizations in a mutually beneficial relationship for the missive of freeing our Political Prisoners/POW's. We welcome and encourage other's who are like-minded friends and comrades to get involved in our monthly meetings, Internship Classes, Prisoner Writing-Study Sessions, as well as participate in our future events and projects.
- [youtu.be/MZ2qoXHeUKM]
- [youtu.be/au_TaieHkK8]
- [youtube.com/watch?v=oamCwWjE4hg]
- [youtube.com/watch?v=upk0DLhS838]
- [youtube.com/watch?v=OHfoULwZgWQ] (books 2)
- [youtube.com/watch?v=MZ2qoXHeUKM] (books 1)
Also, please support our fundraising efforts for materials and items needed for our classes, tabling needs and outreach/education. Your support is greatly appreciated!
And Support the following:
- The Bay Area CA Solidarity Committee for Jalil Muntaqim [facebook.com/committee.jalil]
- PRISONER WRITINGS STUDY SESSIONS [facebook.com/groups/prisonerwritingstudysessions]
- The Bay Area CA Jalil Muntaqim Committee Educational Internship Classes [facebook.com/pages/The-Bay-Area-CA-Jalil-Muntaqim-Committee-Educational-Internship-Classes/1438736569754032]
- Support for Jalil [facebook.com/pages/Support-for-Jalil/583001495072004]
- "Jalil Muntaqim Arbitrarily Denied Receipt of Books, Including His Own" (2015-10-26, from Political Prisoners News):
On October 7, 2015, Jalil was arbitrarily denied receipt of four books after they had been approved by the package room. Jalil would like folks to write to Commissioner Annucci regarding this matter, at:
Anthony Annucci
Commissioner of DOCCS
1220 Washington Avenue
The Harriman State Campus, Building 2
Albany, New York 12226-2050
[begin letters from Jalil Muntaqim]
TO: Dale Artus, Superintendent
FR: Jalil Muntaqim, aka A. Bottom #77A4283, D-38-31
Re: Denial of Books, Violation of:
Superintendent Artus:
There is a reoccurring problem at the package room pertaining to the receipt of books and reading materials.
Today, I was called to the package room to receive several books (Billionaires: Reflections on the Upper Crust, by Darrell M. West; Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else, by Chrystie Freeland; Clandestine Occupations?An Imaginary History, by Diana Block; and Escaping the Prism?Fade to Black, by Jalil Muntaqim). The last book is of my own writings, my third published book. All of the books were originally approved to be received when received by the package room. However, when the package room officer started to give me the books, seeing the one written by me, he decided the books were no longer permitted to be received. I then requested the books be sent to media review pursuant to Directive 4911(H)(1)(b). The officer refused, demanding they be sent from the facility or be destroyed.
This is not the first time I've been denied publications and books from package room officers, or books were not processed according to Dir. #4911 and/or Dir. #4572. For example, as here enclosed, a publication was sent to Media Review without my being informed of receipt to the facility. The only notice of the publication receipt was from Media Review, informing the publication violated specific guidelines. This is not the correct protocol or procedure when books and publications received by the facility are sent to Media Review.
Again, when the officer today recognized one of the books was of my own writing, sent by my publisher, he decided at the window I could not have the book after first giving me the receipt paper for me to sign to receive the book. He then rejected the three other books out of hand, again denying they be sent to the Media Review Committee, although invoices for each indicated they were properly ordered.
I would prefer not to presume the officer at the package room was prejudiced due to my being the author of the book. However, the only conclusion to be reached, after the books were initially approved to be received, is that the officer?s refusal to permit me to have the books at the window obviously provides no other plausible reason than his personal disdain and prejudice.
Needless to assert here, there is a plethora of legal cases and Court rulings that deny violation of First Amendment guarantees as pertaining to free speech and receipt of literature for prisoners. This includes the procedural due process right for the handling of literature for prisoners. In this case, those procedural due process rights are promulgated in DOCCS Directive(s) #4911 (.pdf) [http://is.gd/SBywGp], #4572 (.pdf) [http://is.gd/lb0WiJ] and NYS Employees Manual 14.4 DT: October 7, 2015
This is my first formal complaint to your office, although this has been a reoccurring problem. I sincerely hope your office will investigate this matter, and assure future receipt of books, publications and literature will be processed according to stated Directives, and not subject to officers? prejudice, capricious or arbitrary discretion.
Anthony Bottom #77A4283
Attica Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 149
Attica, New York 14011-0149
TO: Anthony Annucci, Commissioner of DOCCS
FR: Jalil Muntaqim, aka A. Bottom #77A4283, D-38-31
Re: Attica Correctional Facility Failure to Adhere to Directive(s) #4911 & 4572, and Employees Manual 14.1
Dear Commissioner Annucci:
I have been in Attica this time since 2011, enduring the rampant racism and stress of threat of brutality. I've been concentrating on building community support for eventual release on parole. However, there is an increasing level of harassment and prejudice being directed toward me and friends (family) who visit.
Previously, I requested those who suffered such disrespect and harassment to raise their concerns with the office of DOCCS Commissioner. However, the majority of the time I?ve asked visitors to ignore such harassment.
However, it is now approaching a problem in which minor concerns such as receipt of literature are being arbitrarily denied in violation of specific Directives that are in place to mitigate against such violations.
In this regards, I am enclosing a complaint raised with Superintendent Dale Artus, in furtherance of making a record. If litigation is required, Notice is here given.
There is an ongoing and continuing problem of violation of Directive(s) #4911 and #4572 at this facility. I have previously litigated this matter in a general issue of misappropriation of funds, and failure to vote exchange of packages for TV, and no Inmate Liaison Committee elections at this facility. Nonetheless, the persistence of fundamental Directive violations, for me has reached a nodal point demanding this matter be brought directly to your office?s attention.
Given the extent of the reoccurring problem, and the years of experiencing this violation, it is my sincere hope a full and complete investigation will be made subject to this complaint.
Your prompt and concise reply to this matter would be greatly appreciated.
* "Georgia, land of peanuts, pecans and prisons, has always been a penal colony" (2015-10-26, by Kelevin J. Stevenson, sfbayview.com) [archive.is/q0O0H] [begin excerpt]: The reason the Bay View is not hearing from prisoners here in Georgia is because the Georgia Department of Corrections has taken deliberate steps to silence prisoners by withholding incoming and outgoing mail, especially if it’s addressed to Bay View or any media outlet that exposes this system for its cruel and corrupt treatment of humans trapped in its grasp.
The Georgia Department of Corrections is operating a behavior modification torture program designed to break a prisoner’s mind, body and spirit in order to instill fear and docility into each prisoner placed in the program. Prisoners are deliberately denied proper nutrition, media access, medical services, religious and political expression, access to the courts etc.
There is nothing positive about this program. I and others see it as a tool to keep prisoners from organizing and revolting against this oppressive system. [end excerpt]
Read more in the FREE 'EM ALL! section below on this news page.
World premiere song:
"Free Askari X. Free'Em All"
Listen at [http://is.gd/Xd5YCg], feat. Chairman Fred Hampton Jr #POCC/#BPPC, and Ansar El Muhammad #AskariX #RBG, prod.by @pharoahgahmoe
This is Code of Culture: We Ride to Free Em All

Ras Ceylon writes: Many of you may not know who Askari X is, but in the 90s he was one of the most revolutionary eMCees in Hiphop & he had Oakland & the whole BayArea on fiyah, from "Ward of the State" to "Message to the Black Man", my big bro #AnsarElMuhammad (aka Askari X) was a major factor in the rap game & People's consciousness. But, due to constant attacks by the state, he has spent the majority of his life locked down, behind enemy lines. When he was released in 2007, we linked up & made music 2gether as we are doing now.. I wouldn't be a man if I holla'd #FreeAskariX & then when he was home I did nothin... So, along wit the #POCC, we have been doin our part to support the brother on Many Levelz. Despite being institutionalized for so long, the bro still throws down on the mic as you can hear in our new song #PantherTown & #FreeEmAll wit #ChairmanFredHamptonJr. We choose to give our comrade flowers while he still here instead of after it's too late... insha'Allah you will some moor classic solo Askari X music soon & if u didn't know, #deadprez had to ask permission from him to use the term #RBG after he had established that from his group #RighteousBlackGuerillas as early as '91. Go look up his music and check the links for the latest collab we got! #Uhuru!

From his ascent to the legendary status of pioneering Bay Area Rap Artist to his alignment to the Struggle for liberation of Black People, Askari X has been a target. Throughout his years in the 41510 (Oakland Sf Bay Area) Askari has gone in and out of prison for whatever reason the OPD (Oakland Police Departement) could find. The Revolutionairy songs and his workings with NPDUM nowInPDUM and the Ansars Askari educated many Black Youth on Revolution. Starting with the Ansars, then continuing to the RBG's Askari was at the forefront of conscious music. Askari's first album Ward of the State released in 1992 put down the RBGs. Righteous Black Guerrillas waaay before it was coined by the NY group Dead Prez. The DPz to their credit have continued the struggle even reaching out to Askari in the past years.
OPD and the government has been keeping Oakland, and Revolutionaries out here down. What would have been if Askari was not locked in the hells of Amerikkka.
This video is taken from the "Race for the Times" documental... "Askari with his Mother (Rise In Power), at the Uhuru House in Oakland Ca".
Look for the doc, coming to a hood near you.
All power 2 the people, Black Power to the Afrikan Community !!
Video link [facebook.com/359181551054/videos/529524850431310/]
Askari X Music Videos:
* "Ward of the State" [youtube.com/watch?v=9SatYcmmSWA]
* "Oakland Streets" [youtube.com/watch?v=_Itz9VzZJFY]
* "Another Pig Bites the Dust" [youtube.com/watch?v=o2_bwpCWO1g]
A list of gatherings, workshops, and educational events in the greater Bay Area region

* Commemoration of the 49th Anniversary of the Black Panther Party with Chairman Fred Hampton Jr (POCC), with BPPC speaking!
Thurs. Oct 29th, 7-10pm
@ #OICC Masjid
Plz join us & check out [www.gofundme.com/blackpanthercubs] to learn about the new Black Panther Party Cubs campaign! What's the call #FreeEmAll #Forwardtothe50th #WeRide

* Halloween Rally to Save People's Park -
Saturday October 31, 12 noon - 2:30 pm
The Oak Grove at Memorial Stadium, Berkeley
Outside the football game., Piedmont Avenue
Halloween at Noon - Come to the Cal Bears football game and help build public support for People's Park as a California State Park. Help save People's Park and stop the housing plan.
Bring Signs! Bring your memories of People's Park! Bring your aspirations for People's Park!
The UC Berkeley Department of Architecture and Chancellor Nick Dirks has announced their housing plan to replace People's Park. The Dept of Architecture has been trying to build student support for the housing department, as have the student staff of the Chancellor.
Nick Dirks knows that in 4 years, People's Park can be taken away from the University and made into a California State Park.
People's Park had previously not been part of UC Berkeley's development plan, and was going to be left as a Park until at least the year 2020. UC Berkeley had spent funds looking into altering the Park's landscape, and possibly placing a cafe on the lot. The Park was going to be changed, but left as an open space, just under tighter control of the UC.
But Dirks is currently aware that UC Berkeley cannot wait until 2020. In 2019, the Park would go to the California State Parks. Now UC Berkeley has changed plans, and is going to clear out the lot to develop a student housing complex.
* The War and Peace Lecture Series
Tuesday, November 3, 5:30 - 6:50 PM
Internet Technology: Liberating or Controlling
Farid Farahmand, SSU Professor of Engineering Science. The War and Peace Lecture Series offers insights on a multitude of current issues through film, lecture, and panel discussion.The lectures are free and open to the public, but parking on campus is $5.00.
Sonoma State University, Ives 101
1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park
* Sonoma County Taxes for Peace
Sunday, November 8, 4:30 PM
We meet to educate and support around resistance to War Taxes. Contact Ruth Paine for info: (707) 576-6654. Also see nwtrcc.org
Friends House, 684 Benicia Dr, Santa Rosa
* Veterans for Peace
Monday, November 9, 7-9 PM
Monthly meeting. Call for info - (707)573–6047
Santa Rosa Vets Hall, 1351 Maple Street
* Fast Food Workers Strike in California Again — Nov. 10
SEIU has made it a major priority to help lift underpaid workers out of poverty. In the Fight for $15 and fast-food workers movement, we have turned thousands of workers out into the streets to demand elected officials hear our call and respond. Here in the California we have won higher wages in cities across the state as a result.
Our street protests have sparked a national movement for a $15 minimum wage and a union. Now, it's time to stand alongside fast food workers -- and other underpaid workers, including home health aides, child care providers, TPTs, park and rec employees, and every other category -- to demand a better life.
This November, thousands of underpaid workers will hit the streets and members of SEIU 1021 and every other local will be marching alongside them. The biggest events will be a major rally in Oakland, where thousands of workers and allies will demand change. Please join us:
San Francisco: 6a, 25th & Mission
Sacramento: 12p, City Hall
Oakland: 4:30p, Frank Ogawa Plaza/Oscar Grant Plaza
Berkeley: 6:30p, City Council Meeting at 1500 Derby St. (Longfellow School)
* The War and Peace Lecture Series
Tuesday, November 10, 5:30 - 6:50 PM
Veteran's Panel
Three speakers will join us for a panel discussion.
The War and Peace Lecture Series offers insights on a multitude of current issues through film, lecture, and panel discussion. The lectures are free and open to the public, but parking on campus is $5.00.
Sonoma State University, Ives 101
1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park
* Peace & Justice Center's Documentary Film Series
Thursday, November 12, 7 -9 PM
American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs
Grace Lee Boggs was born on June 27, 1915 and died on October 5, 2015. She was an American author, social activist, philosopher and feminist. Her father emigrated from China and owned a restaurant in Rhode Island when she was born. In 1953, she married African American James Boggs and they lived and worked together in Detroit on civil rights and black power issues until his death in 1993. This documentary film, directed by Grace Lee (no relation!) was made in 2013 and has been called “an entertainingly revealing portrait of a remarkable woman...a deeply moving examination of the power of a single individual to effect change.” (707) 575-8902
Peace and Justice Center, 467 Sebastopol Avenue, Santa Rosa
* Occupy Sonoma County presents Body Oppression Teach-In
Monday, November 16, 7-9 PM
Debbie Notkin of Occupy Oakland and Laurie Edison, co-authors of Women En Large, will explore the issues of body image, size oppression, and size acceptance.
Donation Requested. 877-6650, [OccupySonomaCounty.org]
Peace and Justice Center, 467 Sebastopol Ave., Santa Rosa
* The War and Peace Lecture Series
Tuesday, November 17, 5:30 - 6:50 PM
Peace and Protest Song, Literature and Art
Tim Wandling, SSU professor of English.
The lectures are free, but parking on campus is $5.00.
Sonoma State University, Ives 101
1801 E. Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park
Stories are reviewed and provided by Northbay MDS Committees and Affiliates
information collected by the
[SolanoPeaceJustice.blogspot.com], for justice, dignity and human rights, and an end to the USA's endless wars, in harmony with Principle 1 & 6 of International Law [archive.is/tmncz], the 5 protocols of the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW) [archive.is/LhUTj], and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [archive.is/U1Ota].
* "Comprehensive Military Power: World's Top 10 Militaries of 2015" (2015-10-18, by Anatoly Karlin, unz.com) [archive.is/raEb5]
* "Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Special Ops 'Successes' ; America’s Elite Forces Deploy to a Record-Shattering 147 Countries in 2015" (2015-10-25, by Nick Turse, intro by tomdispatch.com) [archive.is/aLmt7]
* "Americans Want to End the Country's Longest War. Why Won't Congress Listen? In 2001, I cast Congress’s sole vote against the authorization for military force. Today, it’s time to bring our troops back home" (205-10-21, by Barbara Lee) [archive.is/kaKbA]
* "Private Military Companies in Service to the Transnational Capitalist Class" (2015-10-20, by Peter Philips, projectcensored.org) [archive.is/5sTkC]
* "Crimes against Humanity: Why Is Henry Kissinger Walking Around Free?" (2015-01-29, by Andy Piascik, zcommunications.org) [archive.is/OWyqf]
* "What If They Gave a War and Everyone Came?" (2015-10-22, tomdispatch.com) [archive.is/Z7FVX]
* "Greedy Pharma CEO Explodes as Competitor Offers Alternative $1 AIDS pill" (2015-10-21, usuncut.com) [archive.is/9COxR]
* "Genies and Genocide: Syria, Israel, Russia and Much Oil" (2015-10-26, journal-neo.org) [archive.is/7n7Qe]
To: Mr. KEVIN MARTIN, Director of Peace Action
Buffalo, New York
Date: October 23rd, 2015
Refer: Memorandum from Sawma of October 16th, 2015, against the Peace Action position on the Syrian Crisis

Would you care to answer, sir, where those facts are wrong in any way?
In All Utmost Gravity,
Buffalo, New York
On Oct 16, 2015, at 11:49 AM, "Martin Sawma" <martinsawma@gmail.com> wrote:
KEVIN MARTIN, Director, Peace Action:
There is no civil war in Syria. Why would you even dare to pretend there is? No doubt the ground of prevalent disinformation in this country over so many years allows such lies to appear credible to an ignorant populace. But as you personally well know, all the forces in the field against the Syrian government are international mercenaries supported by Western imperialism (and, in part, by US allies in the region, Fascist and neo-Ottomanist Turkey, the Absolute Monarchy of Wahhabist Saudi Arabia, and its Gulf Emirates). The forces in the field are not Syrian rebels: they are terrorists, brutalizing the people they conquer with mass murder, barbaric executions, beheadings at the slightest pretext, crucifixions, immolations, enslavement and sexual enslavement. It is your government that has at this time, in this century, sponsored that most cruel inhumanity that has been inflicted upon the Syrian people. Very few of those terrorists in the field are, of course, indigenous Syrians. None certainly have their own political objectives independent of those who are hiring them to destabilize Syrian society and the Syrian government: no mercenary ever has. The politics of mercenaries typically does not extend beyond their own brutal warrior-for-pay mentality. Those trained and armed by the US as if "moderate" elements in a "civil war," predictably have all gone over the Islamic State (a few to their quondam ally, al-Nusra Front), including the so-called Free Syrian Army (with the exception of one brigade), as the utterly barbaric Islamic State is the best paying mercenary force in the field, owing exclusively to US allowance of its sale of seized oil on the international market and a US concession to it of marketing control over their entire Afghan poppy crop. Those are just a few ways the US has used to provide covert support for the Islamic State--its surrogate army in Iraq-Syria. Presently, the US is opposing a resolution by the UN Security Council to separately declare the Islamic State a terrorist force--a resolution that would allow effective sanctions can be taken against it. You well know that over 80% of the Syrian electorate is persuaded that the US is behind the Islamic State and so the war that has devastated their country--a serious underestimation, as truthful answers cannot be expected of people living in those parts of Syria under the barbaric authority of the US-sponsored Islamic State. So-called Islamic State forces and other al-Qaeda derivatives have performed the same function in Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, and Afghanistan--so much of a "civil war" in Syria is that international campaign to overthrow every secular republican government in that broad region for their actual or potential defiance of US imperialism. Consequently, US imperialism being the principal power that has created and maintained those brutally barbaric terrorist forces from North Africa, through the Middle East, to Western Asia, it cannot possibly broker any accord between parties to a non-existent civil war in Syria. No good purpose could be served by catapulting the aggressor-in-chief to that role, as if somehow a neutral party. The US aerial bombardment campaign for over a year against the Islamic State has proven before global publics to have been a complete farce and a perfect ruse. International humanitarian opinion apparently had to be satisfied, however, so the US engaged in a sham war against the Islamic State in hopes to deceive the world. During that period, the Islamic State's control however only grew enormously, while it received air-dropped supplies from the US Military in the witness of many independent observers.
To be sure, there are political differences in Syria, as there are in every polity in the world today, but those Syrians having difference with the overwhelmingly popular, current secular and republican government, have either already been brought into the government or are in talks sponsored under the auspices of the Russian Federation about how to resolve their political differences. It is not an easy accommodation to be made when a country is under terrorist assault, or, as in the case of Syria, has been under unremitting terrorist assault by US surrogate forces, international mercenaries, for over four years.
It is a grave shame, indeed an unpardonable crime on your part, that you have volunteered to be an instrument for promoting such depraved lies in the peace movement in this country from a position of authority; but your recklessness exceeds your own opportunistic subordination to US imperial designs, evidently without your reflecting for a moment on the existence of an informational universe where it is comparatively easy to get at the truth--for anyone, that is, who diligently pursues it against the gravely malignant propaganda dominating the news in this country. Your malignant purposes are indelibly discovered, sir, as a result only of your own heedlessness.
In All Utmost Gravity,
* "Is Tony Blair a Liar, or Is He Actually Stupid?" (2015-10-27, by Eric Zuesse, globalresearch.ca) [archive.is/CksJQ] [begin excerpt]: On Sunday October 25th, CNN headlined “Tony Blair says he’s sorry for Iraq War ’mistakes,’ but not for ousting Saddam” and reported [archive.is/8j9JR]: “I can say that I apologize for the fact that the intelligence we received was wrong because, even though he had used chemical weapons extensively against his own people, against others, the program in the form that we thought it was did not exist in the way that we thought,” Blair said [...].
Blair was referring to the claim that Saddam’s regime possessed weapons of mass destruction, which was used by the U.S. and British governments to justify launching the invasion. But the intelligence reports the claim was based on turned out to be false.
Here is the Downing Street Memo on that matter (dated 23 July 2002) (.pdf) [http://is.gd/qCTRUg]:
“C reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.”
That was written by Matthew Rycroft, to David Manning, John Scarlett, Alastair Campbell, and others. It summarized “PRIME MINISTER’S MEETING, 23 JULY.” Blair was the Prime Minister. The memo then goes on to say: “The Prime Minister said that it would make a big difference politically and legally if Saddam refused to allow in the UN inspectors. Regime change and WMD were linked in the sense that it was the regime that was producing the WMD.” So: Blair at that time considered to be beyond question that Saddam was trying to reconstitute, and was reconstituting, his prior WMD operation. [end excerpt]
NOTE: Saddam did let in the UN Inspectors; they were making progress and were pleading to continue their work when Bush/Blair ordered them out so we could invade. Read more at [archive.is/Kkqu1].
* "Tony Blair uses CNN interview to cover for his lies on Iraq" (2015-10-27, wsws.org) [archive.is/BrlUa]
Updates on campaigns for for Peace, Justice, & Freedom across the greater Bay Area, Norcal, and Socal
* "Solidarity With Qilombo Facing Eviction: Recently one of Neill Sullivan’s companies has ordered the eviction of Qilombo, a radical community center to build a culture of resistance that can subvert, and in our wildest dreams destroy capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, and all forms of oppression" (2015-10-20, indybay.org) [http://is.gd/xQF5m1], original press release (.pdf) [http://is.gd/IIUWQI], photo caption: REO Homes LLC

* "The Man who Attacked Oakland Approximately 300 Times Is About To Do It Again" (2015-10-18, bemedia.weebly.com) [http://is.gd/SSnvrh], photo caption: Qilombo - A radical community center that feeds, clothes & provides housing assistance to the community.

* "From Ferguson to Oakland: 17 Days of Riots and Revolt in the Bay Area" (2015, crimethinc.com) [http://is.gd/ZyeWbm]
* (2015-10-23, Maile Hampton) [archive.is/WMa1l]:
Pictures from the action yesterday. Thank you so much to the Brown berets, Mecha Davis, Voice of Youth, Insight Insight, Davis stands with ferguson, and all others that helped make this possible. Special thank you to the Danzantes for performing a beautiful, powerful blessing and closing for Andy Lopez and all victims. We appreciate you so much. Thanks everyone for coming out!
#AllPowerToThePeople #JusticeForAndyLopez

* "Heal Don't Hurt: Invest in Community Care, Not Cops and Cages" call to action (2015-10-28) [archive.is/mDEfj]: November 4, 2015, marks the one-year anniversary of the passage of Proposition 47, The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act. Thousands of people have been released from prison and jail. More than 150,000 have already applied to erase old felonies from their records, unlocking opportunities for jobs, education, and more. An estimated one million Californians are eligible for relief under this new law and only have two more years to apply.
But we can't rest now. There is a growing threat that the savings from releasing people from prison might be directed back into further incarceration and programs led by law enforcement, not services that are owned by the community. The Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) has scheduled its first of seven regional meetings on the implementation of Proposition 47 right here in Oakland. It's part of a statewide tour to gather public input on our funding priorities, and we must tell them we want care, not cages.
* "Rescue KPFA! Vote for Scott Olson and the UCR 9!" (2015-10-25, by Ann Garrison, via Indybay.org Newswire) [http://is.gd/MWVEhJ]
* "Letter of Support: Preservation of the Beach Flats Community Garden" (2015-10-22, by Beach Flats Community Garden) [archive.is/xMqPu] with organizational links, official copy of the letter (.pdf) [http://is.gd/MMao2D]
* #FreeTio campaign (National Day Laborer Organizing Network) [archive.is/QIAiH] [begin excerpt]: On the morning of Oct 21st, ICE raided family homes in Monterey County by pretending to be local police, including wearing jackets that said "POLICE" on them, knocking on people's doors pretending that they just wanted to ask some questions, and then arresting them without any warrants. These #ICELies are representative of Monterey County's participation in ICE's infamous PEP program that views any undocumented person who has been racially profiled or made a mistake to be disposable. Two of the people detained in these raids were my uncle Jesus (Chucho) Cirino Jimenez (A# 75304442) and his good friend Eduardo Cuevas Vasquez (A#206196790) in Seaside, CA. ICE is claiming that because my uncle Chucho has a previous DUI conviction and Eduardo has two DUIs, they are irredeemable and disposable. [end excerpt]
BAY AREA SOLIDARITY: Updates on campaigns across the Nation!
* "A dozen arrested at #RiseUpOctober protest against police brutality near Rikers prison" (2015-10-23, rt.com) [archive.is/ClszK]
* Uhuru volunteers face repression in Florida! photo (2015-10-23) [archive.is/k8m7n] [begin excerpt]: This morning I was in a meeting when I got a call from Jayy Davis (on the left) crying that the police are at her house harassing her and her family! That they stopped Cleopatra Bollers (one of the right) and her from going to school this morning! SO APPARENTLY 16 YEAR OLD GIRLS CANT DONATE THEIR TIME TO THEIR BLACK COMMUNITY WITHOUT BEING HARASSED BY PIGS!!! My comrade Jevon Gee and I drove their in a hurry to push the pigs of their back!!! #HandsOffCleoandJay The pigs tried to mask it as something else but we know what it is! They are trying to scare our volunteers away yall! These evil ass mayo pigs are picking on high school girls!!! These girls raise funds for the black community, give food to the poor, run our social media apps, hold community meetings, pass out "know your rights" cards to the black community, get signatures for petitions, help build the black community radio station, producing their own radio show and while doing all that they keep a 4.0 and have jobs and give all their money to their struggling families! [end excerpt]
#JusticeForJohnCrawford #OpJohnCrawford
* "Cops killed man at Walmart, then interrogated girlfriend" (2014-12-17, edition.cnn.com) [archive.is/Vo1tc]
* "Beavercreek Cops Plow Into, Knock Down, Then Arrest Retired Law Professor At John Crawford Protest" (2014-12-24, countercurrentnews.com) [http://is.gd/lo5fPJ], attached video [http://is.gd/Yynja8]
* "Escalating Police Violence Has Protesters Saying: ‘Beavercreek Is The New Ferguson’ " (2014-12-25, alternativemediasyndicate.com) [http://is.gd/Yynja8]
* "NBC Reporter Threatened With Arrest For Filming The Police Making False Arrests at John Crawford Protest" (2015-12-25, alternativemediasyndicate.com) [http://is.gd/ozfQnh], more about the protest, a "Die-In" and the Beavercreek Mall [archive.is/3Q1Th]. Cop Block writes: So much for having a free press when you're living in a #PoliceState! She was only one of THREE journalists threatened with arrest. ONE of them actually was arrested, even though he broke NO LAWS WHATSOEVER.
* "Beavercreek Police Arrested Me and Took My Phone, Not Realizing it Was Still Recording" (2015-01-02, photographyisnotacrime.com) [http://is.gd/GBGJiF], attached video, titled "Beavercreek police officers mock police killings" (Greene County Herald) [https://vimeo.com/115729401]

[SolanoPFP.blogspot.com] Use the ballot for our own People's candidates and legislation, campaign for the future!
* "The Silent Majority: Why Aren’t More Californians Voting?" (2015-10-20, ivn.us) [archive.is/BsMvo]
* "Top-Two Primaries, Third Parties, and the Rights of Individual Voters" (2015-10-22, ivn.us) [archive.is/OhrH4]


Black Power! Revive the Community! Defend the Nation!
* "This Morning, Racists Burned a 7th Black Church Near Ferguson; 'You can burn down the building, but you cannot break our body' " (2015-10-22, usuncut.com) [archive.is/jYvxb]
information collected by the Committee to Defend Public Education!
* "Higher Education: Capitalism At Its Most Despicable" (2015-10-26, commondreams.org) [archive.is/mFVHc]
* " 'Fees Must Fall': Student Uprising for Justice Sweeps South Africa; 'We demand, among other things, that the exorbitant fees... be lowered in line with a progression toward opening the gates of higher learning for all' " (2015-10-22, commondreams.org) [archive.is/Ojdba]
information collected by the Worker's Defense Committee [http://is.gd/VOkmLr]
* "Stop Workplace Bullying! SF Rally Speak Out On Bullyfree Workplace Actions" (2015-10-21, by United Public Workers For Action) [http://is.gd/TnrTro]
* "Cal State U. faculty to mark start of a Strike Vote with Picketlines, Theater, Rallies" (2015-10-19, by California Faculty Association) [http://is.gd/D319AC]
* "Faculty Union to Hold Strike Vote Across CSU System" (2015-10-19, socialistorganizer.org) [archive.is/ct5C5]
* "Rolling Rallies for UC Lecturers in Santa Cruz" call to action (2015-10-22) [http://is.gd/3RW4mo]: UC-AFT (Union Council--American Federation of Teachers), with more than 4000 lecturers across the UCs, is in the midst of negotiations aimed at ending our marginal conditions of employment. Lecturers are often hired at the last minute, are paid only per class with minimal benefits, and have minimal or no insurance. Despite being highly credentialed and trained, the university administration refers to us as "at will" employees and has even compared us to fast-food workers in order to defend their mistreatment. This precarious position makes it difficult to contribute what we can and should to UC’s academics and has many of us working at 2-4 colleges as “freeway flyers” because of the uncertainty of one contingent job.
We are trying to change our precarious positions through bargaining. As of yet, all of our proposals towards job security have met with absolute resistance. However, just before the contract is set to expire on October 31, bargaining is coming to UCSC on the 22-23. This is a great opportunity to show that we think quality teaching ought to result in quality work lives, and lecturer security is one way to achieve this. Our working conditions are the learning conditions of our students.
* "University of California vs. Lecturers: The fight to go from precarious to participatory" (2015-10-21, by Chris Hables Gray) [http://is.gd/ZuQgp1]

* "Picket CCSF Faculty Contract Negotiations" call to action (2015-10-21) [http://is.gd/K7TRRI] and (2015-10-28) [http://is.gd/l0qC4H]
* "This Is A Tipping Point: Robots “Cheaper Than Any Human Worker” Means The End Of Jobs" (2015-10-20, activistpost.com) [http://is.gd/jJW2Qh]
* "Will Strike If Provoked: Sonoma County members attend Local 1021's largest Strike School ever" (2015-10-27, 1021 NewsWire): Nearly 600 frustrated Sonoma County members attended SEIU Local 1021 Strike School last week (pictured) in preparation for their contract expiring on October 31; fittingly, they feel negotiations with the County thus far have yielded more tricks than treats.
County workers are struggling to make ends meet as more of their paychecks go toward higher out-of-pocket costs for healthcare and housing in the region. At the same time, cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) to wages have lagged further and further behind over the past eight years.
"I'm so thankful to see this many people at Strike School," said Jarene Bell, a 10-year employee of Sonoma County in Accounts Receivable. "When the economy crashed, we all took mandatory time off without pay, and some people even retired early to save other jobs and help the County out of the red," she explained with a trembling voice and tears in her eyes. "Now that the County has recovered financially, we're all wondering: Where is the humanity and decency to give back to the workforce?" Jarene lives alone and like a growing number of others her age, needs to work longer before she can afford to retire.
Sonoma County has not seen an employee strike in decades, but with a record turnout at Strike School this week, and multiple takeaways from the last contract; the workforce is taking this very seriously.
"I bring home less money now than I did eight years ago!" said Ross Weber, a member of the employee bargaining team who has been with the County for nearly 18 years in the Roads department. "I also pay over $1,900 a month for my family to have healthcare, and rents have gone up 40%. I just hope to make a difference so my dad can retire with dignity, I can afford healthcare for my family, and we can afford to live in the community we work in and serve."
His father, Ted Weber, a Sonoma County employee since 1979, told how things have changed over the years. "I bought a house when I was younger, but my son Ross now pays more in rent than a lot of people pay for a mortgage. When I first started, we had great benefits and healthcare for our families paid for by the County," he recalled. "The pay was never great, but you could afford to live here. Now after nearly 36 years of service, and two knee replacements, I'm just trying to make it to retirement, and hoping I'll be able to afford it. I don't understand how Sonoma County could treat people this way."


* "RNs at Marin General Announce Plans to Strike Nov. 5; Safe Staffing and Workplace Safety Issues Put Patients at Risk, Say Nurses" (2015-10-26, California Nurses Association Press Release, nationalnursesunited.org) [archive.is/nXgRg]


* "A master-plan is needed to support renter protections in Northern California, & elsewhere" (2015-10-24, by Lynda Carson, via Indybay.org Newswire) [archive.is/sRQQn]
* "SF: Midtown Fillmore Threatens to Renew Rent Strike To Stop Evictions!" (2015-10-20, by MÃcheál Madden, socialistorganizer.org) [archive.is/sv2g8]
* "SFBARF's Slideshow Reveals their Divide-And-Conquer Aspirations; SFBARF's slideshow reveals their agenda to 'Disrupt the alliance between rent-control advocates and affordable housing advocates' " (2015-10-21, via Indybay.org Newswire) [http://is.gd/PvHrGG] [begin excerpt]: The pro-development "Build Baby Build" San Francisco Renters Federation (SFBARF) disseminated a power-point presentation over four months ago on their listserv. In it, they include a slide describing their methods. As they state: "Connect pro-density, pro-building individuals to each other. Continue to testify in favor of large projects. Disrupt the alliance between rent-control advocates and affordable housing advocates." The last of these goals includes a time frame of 4+ months.

"Still, for all the political Molotov cocktails Trauss has thrown, she’s eager to listen, and engages in respectful dialogue. So I was frank: Does SFBARF’s voice drown out the voices of activist groups, because SFBARF is aligned with monied interests?
Trauss responds with another question. 'Have you read ‘The Prince?’' referring to the 16th-century political treatise by Niccolo Machiavelli.
'He said that what you want is equal and strong kind of lords,' Trauss said. Public factions advance their interests, she explained, by allying with wealthy classes who in turn advance their own interests.
Following her train of thought, SFBARF has simply allied itself with the wealthiest interests in the room. And as long as they do, SFBARF’S voice will be elevated.
No matter what they say."
So not only does the Trauss-led SFBARF actually aspire to Machiavelli's disastrous ideal of governance, but further she and her group embrace the divide-and-conquer techniques long used in colonial and totalitarian agendas. Many housing rights activists in San Francisco have received cruel communications from members of their group over the last several months, but fortunately nobody takes them seriously. The attempt to ""Disrupt the alliance between rent-control advocates and affordable housing advocates" is not working. [end excerpt]
* "Land and Liberty against the new city (foreclosures in the East Bay)" (2014-04-15, researchanddestroy.wordpress.com) [http://is.gd/87pT8q]
* "Neill Sullivan's Oakland In half a decade, the San Francisco-based investor has become one of the largest landlords in the Town, fueling the debate over gentrification and displacement" (2014-04-02, eastbayexpress.com) [archive.is/gYkzU]
* "WOSP – The City of Oakland’s Plan for Gentrification: A Target For Anti-Displacement Activity" (2014-03-29, advancethestruggle.wordpress.com) [http://is.gd/S4ffXd]
* "Anti-Gentrification Attack Against KONO" (2013-03-01, via Indybay.org Newswire) [http://is.gd/YDPHHF]
* "Uber Takes Oakland" (2015-09-23, sfweekly.com) [http://is.gd/BFRqgT]
* "Oakland (USA): Squat defense for the Stay Away Squat" (2013-08-06, en.squat.net) [http://is.gd/NOos3L]
* "Congresswoman Maxine Waters Calls For More Public Housing Protections" (2015-10-20, by Lynda Carson) [http://is.gd/av9Zcr]
information collected by the Committee to
Brookings Institute: Some Cities Are Still More Unequal Than Others
* "Some cities are still more unequal than others —an update" (2015-03-17, brookings.edu) [archive.is/h8lHH]
* "Beach Flats Garden and Homeless Shelter on the city council agenda" (2015-0-26, by Micah Posner) [archive.is/xmZqB]

* "Fresno City Council Member Hates Homeless People" (2015-10-21, fresnopeoplesmedia.com) [http://is.gd/53eH9x]
* "First They Came for the Homeless" coalition [facebook.com/First-they-came-for-the-homeless-253882908111999/] hosted a Les Misérables-themed Scott Wiener Roast outside his residence, some dressed in costume as per the theme, to demand that San Francisco’s most upwardly-mobile politician serve the City’s residents with the greatest needs, rather than the fewest.
They brought furniture, jokes, food to share, and stayed out all night Friday, starting at 6pm.
* "Wiener Roast 3. Supervisor Scott Wiener's condo" (2015-10-23, firsttheycameforthehomeless.weebly.com): video [https://youtu.be/E9v3DcIjtvg], photos [http://is.gd/FNLicl]
In their press release [archive.is/heLTk] , the coalition writes [begin excerpt]:
Our Demands:
Stop criminalizing homelessness – it only makes the problem worse. Harassing homeless people for sitting or lying on sidewalks, depriving them of sleep, driving them out of parks that are their best available sanctuary makes it impossible for them to heal the damage done to their lives.
Allow homeless folks to take care of themselves. With proper rest and even a minimal sense of security, homeless people will have a better chance of organizing their lives and of becoming self-sufficient. As San Francisco provides shelter beds for less than 20% of its homeless population, urban camping areas must exist within the City limits as an alternative.
Create housing that the homeless can afford. Salt Lake City has demonstrated that this is cheaper than hounding homeless folks like criminals and wasting money on emergency services that obviously don’t solve the problem of homelessness.
As the 2016 election season ramps up, Americans are – true to form – hearing lots of arguments about what to do to fix the economy. In this election cycle, we’re hearing more about growing income inequality than ever before. According to a study by the Brookings Institute (see link below), San Francisco has the second-highest income gap in the country, and the prevailing strategy among the City’s power brokers appears to be to make it number one.
One of San Francisco’s rising politicians – Scott Wiener, Dist. 8 – has tried to make a name for himself as a man-of-the-people by pushing for further codification of tenants rights. But these measures will do little to narrow the chasm between haves and have-nots. On the suffering of the City’s poorest residents, Wiener had this to say [archive.is/kWrA1]: "[T]aking over public space and creating structures on it - is unacceptable in any location at any point in time. The city and our police department need to be much more consistent in quickly addressing this behavior and sending a clear message that it will never be tolerated."
Wiener is very involved in plans to clean up Buena Vista Park, which is in his District. To make plans for eliminating the park as a safe place for homeless people to camp, Wiener has met with local property owners, reps from SFPD and DPW, but has not shown any willingness to consider the needs of homeless folks who depend on the parks as alternatives to inadequate and dangerous shelters or “affordable” housing options that the City’s poorest residents can’t access.
Wiener has very real hopes of winning the State Senate seat for San Francisco next year. In his last two campaigns, more than 40% of his contributions have come from real estate development firms and the tech industry – forces that are widening the income gap. Clearly, Scott Wiener is a tool for those who are aggressively expropriating the scant means the poor have to survive in San Francisco.
[end press release]
* "Corrupting Influence Of Big Money Weakens Rent Laws/Health & Safety Laws" (2015-10-21, by Lynda Carson) [http://is.gd/4vDdMY]
Documenting human-rights abuse by domestic security agencies
[NorthbayCopwatch.blogspot.com] [copblock.org] [wecopwatch.org] [filmingcops.com]
* "Call for Witnesses to a Reported Saturday Police Shooting" (2015-10-19, indybay.org) [http://is.gd/QpEiIC]: If anyone in question saw the incident at all, involving a female SCPD officer drawing her gun on a homeless man and then firing it, please get in touch. If you saw any of the subnsequent arrest of the man, please get in touch. If you have any additional video of the man who was pulling out his wallet when the drawn gun was fired and then misfired, apparently saving the man from serious injury, please provide it or post it.
A few minutes ago, I sent off the following letter to Chief Vogel [begin letter]:
I received an account of a homeless man threatened by a female officer with a gun Saturday 10-17 around 5 PM on Branciforte near the Hiway 1 bridge as he pulled out his wallet. It’s possible this may be off by a day or so. Please advise as to the status of the female officer involved (whether she is still on duty or on administrative leave).
Given recent concerns about lack of police transparency, I believe that full disclosure is the best course here. This requires public access to any video you may have in addition to that filmed by those in the neighborhood. Please clarify whether you will release police audio and video promptly.
The witness I interviewed noted the officer drew her gun and pulled the trigger. The gun supposedly misfired and the officer then arrested, handcuffed, and jailed the individual she'd stopped. The witness reports 6-12 police officers arrived on the scene. The actual reason for the stop is still unclear, and the man involved was released on a vague charge several hours later.
If you have any additional video, I again urge you to make it available. If you can provide any further information about this rather alarming case, please advise me. You may regard this as a formal complaint. [end letter]
Tip of the Hat to John Colby for sending me the following: "Look for the 3rd entry on page 1 for the arrest of Jeffery Patrick Helms on Oct. 19th, 2015 (.pdf) [http://is.gd/cI4HJ0]"
There was also confirmation from the police department that a weapon was displayed over the weekend at the Helms address.
* "The NYPD Is Using Mobile X-Ray Vans to Spy on Unknown Targets; New York City won’t reveal how often cops bombard places, vehicles, or people with radiation—or if there are health risks for residents" (2015-10-19, theatlantic.com) [http://is.gd/qGR6dU]
* "Cop Assaults High School Student in South Carolina Classroom" (2015-10-26, copblock.org) [archive.is/6Wp3i]
* (2015-10-27) Cop Block writes: Police apologists insist that there is "more to the story". But I've seen enough to make my conclusion. How about you? Read the comments at [archive.is/x7nR5].

NORTHBAY COPWATCH: Domestic Security Agencies and private-sector partners
* "Files for El Salvador lawsuit against CIA stolen from university office" (2015-10-22, rt.com) [archive.is/dVAQp] [begin excerpt]: A hard drive with research on atrocities in El Salvador, relevant to a recent lawsuit against the CIA, was stolen from a University of Washington office while the agency’s director was visiting the campus. Police are investigating the “suspicious” theft.
The office of Dr. Angelina Godoy, director of the UW Center for Human Rights, was burglarized at some point between Thursday and Saturday last week. After searching the office, the unknown thief made off with the desktop computer containing the hard drive with 90 percent of the research on human rights violations in El Salvador during the 1980s. [...]
In a statement Monday [archive.is/A0CTi], the center described the theft of the hard drive as an “unusual incident,” describing a number of “characteristics that do not fit the pattern of an opportunistic campus theft.” Dr. Godoy’s office was the only one targeted. There was no forced entry. The door was locked afterward, and while the office was searched its contents were treated with care. While the theft could be an act of common crime, there was also a possibility it was retaliation, the center said.
Though there are backups of the stolen data, the center said it was concerned that the information might make their colleagues in El Salvador more vulnerable.
“What worries us most is not what we have lost but what someone else may have gained,” the center said in a statement about the theft. “The files include sensitive details of personal testimonies and pending investigations.” [end excerpt]
The following is a remarkable how-to on using publicly available resources to track the owners of any website that uses Google Analytics.
* "Open-Source Information Reveals Pro-Kremlin Web Campaign" (2015-07-13, globalvoices.org) [http://is.gd/sJcbIG]
NORTHBAY COPWATCH: Five-Eyes, and other transnational partners
* "UK-US Relationship 'Unchanged' Since Conspiracy to Invade Iraq; The United Kingdom has the same "sidekick" type of relations with the United States that it displayed when London secretly signed up to invade Iraq alongside the US a year before the beginning of that war, former intelligence officer for the UK security service told Sputnik" (2015-10-20, sputniknews.com) [archive.is/35hhk]
* "UK, US Security Services Have Too 'Special Relations' - Veterans for Peace; Security services of the United Kingdom are highly dependent on the US security apparatus as a result of overextended "special relations" between the two countries, Veterans For Peace (VPF) UK told Sputnik" (2015-10-20, sputniknews.com) [archive.is/Sjg5l]
from the Committee to
[PoliticalPrisonersUSA.blogspot.com] End the Drug War! Stop Jim Crow! Close the Torture Chambers!
Become a Human Rights Pen Pal! [link]. [solitarywatch.com] [facebook.com/incarceratedworkers] [supportprisonerresistance.noblogs.org] [denverabc.wordpress.com] [prisonlegalnews.org] [prisonbooks.info] [nycabc.wordpress.com] [powmedicaljustice.com] [sacprisonersupport.wordpress.com]
* "Communities to rally across the country, incl. Pelican Bay & Oakland against solitary confinement; Advocates are rallying against sleep deprivation of prisoners; national effort, 'Together to End Solitary,' to launch website" (2015-10-22, prisonerhungerstrikesolidarity.wordpress.com) [archive.is/9LTxK]: Rallies against solitary confinement and “welfare checks” -
Following the historic gains made against solitary confinement in August, prisoners in Pelican Bay State Prison’s SHU report the use of “welfare” or “suicide” checks occurring every thirty minutes, 48 times a day. The checks are being conducted in an aggressive way and prevent people from sleeping for over thirty minutes at a time. Loud stomping, the slamming of doors, the striking of electronic wands against buttons installed by cell doors, and the shining of lights into prisoners’ faces are routine. Deprivation of sleep is widely seen as a form of torture. Additionally, a national effort “Together to End Solitary,” will be launching its website tomorrow in coordination with the monthly actions on the 23rd, [www.togethertoendsolitary.org].
* " ‘Little Guantanamos’: Super-secret US prison units axe communications for inmates" (2015-10-22, rt.com) [archive.is/C1Xtl]
* "Chicago Black Site Run as South American Military Operation - NGO; US advocacy group PoliceAbuse.com Executive Director Diop Kamau claims that Chicago detention facility at Homan Square where police officers allegedly held US citizens against their will in order to force them into confessions functioned in a way similar to a South American military operation" (2015-10-20, sputniknews.com) [archive.is/xjy3Q]
* "The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery?" (2008-03-10, globalresearch.ca) [archive.is/SXQF0]
* "Infographic: Privatization of the US Prison System" (2014-04-12, arrestrecords.com) [archive.is/ZNUT1] [begin excerpt]:

* "Prison officials, ACA inspectors ignore contaminated water in Texas prisons" (2015-10-21, by Keith ‘Malik’ Washington, sfbayview.com) [archive.is/ZKIPH]
* "Day 6 of 'ElPaso54' South Asian Prisoner's Hunger Strike at El Paso Immigrant Detention Center! 14 Detainees Launch Hunger Strike in Lasalle Detention Center; Since strike began, 11 detainees released, 6 in critical medical condition, and 1 organizer released from solitary confinement" (2015-10-19):
54 South Asian detainees, From Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (known as the "ElPaso54") at the El Paso Processing/Detention Center started a hunger strike at breakfast time on October 14. All of the strikers are asylum seekers. Some detainees have been held for up to 9 or 11 months. The hunger strikers are engaged in a full hunger strike, meaning no food AND no water.
They have been joined by the launch of a hunger strike in Lasalle Detention Center in Jena, Louisiana, where 4 Indian and 10 Bangladeshi are on hunger strike (known as the "LaSalle14"). The LaSalle14 are coordinating their efforts with the ElPaso54.
The detainees are demanding an immediate halt to deportations, investigations into unfair hearings and interference with their legal cases, release from detention for those granted parole.
As a result of the hunger strike, 11 detainees (6 hunger strikers, and 5 non-striking detainees) were released on Friday night from El Paso.
As a result of calls from concerned community members into the facility and local ICE office, one of the co-lead organizers, Haji Khiay Mohamed Bilal (A# 202-156-877), who was beaten up in front of other detainees and kept in solitary confinement for 2 days, was released back to the other hunger strikers.
6 strikers are in critical medical condition, Shamsuddin (A# 202-849-636), Md. Mahbubur Rahman (A# 202-156-816), Delwar Hussain (A# 202-156-197), Md. Aminul Islam (A# 202-155-398), Mohammad Shahjahan (A# 202-155-399), Haji Khiay Mohamed Bilal (A# 202-156-877)
The detainees are coordinating their efforts with DRUM (Desis Rising Up & Moving,) a South Asian immigrant rights organization in New York City. DRUM organizer Kazi Fouzia said "these hunger strikers are strong and well organized. We need to hear their stories and voices and see how this country treats refugees at our borders and in detention centers."
There is an online petition by the Not1More Campaign to bring attention to the issue:
Update: "Prison Hunger Strike Spreads to Louisiana, Ends in Texas" (2015-10-27): The hunger strike at the El Paso detention center has ended after 7 days. During that time 11 detainees were released, several of whom continue to organize for those still detained.
After some of the detainees were transferred from El Paso to La Salle Detention Center in Louisiana, a hunger strike began there. The hunger strike at La Salle is now on day nine.
Both hunger strikes have been organized by south asian asylum seekers who have been held in detention for 9 to 11 months. In both cases, ICE has responded with intimidation tactics, including placing leaders in solitary confinement and threatening the detainees with immediate deportation.
Just before the end of the El Paso hunger strike, for example, ICE brought the Bangladeshi consular minister into the detention facility to pressure and intimidate the detainees if they did not break the hunger strike.
DRUM believes that this is a violation of federal laws, and further endangered the lives of the detainees by exposing them to representatives of the same government they are seeking asylum from.
Please join DRUM in continued support of detainees who are organizing for their rights, and *sign the petition to urge the New Orleans ICE office to stop retaliating against the hunger strikers and release them from detention.
Follow DRUM's Facebook feed for up to the moment updates [facebook.com/DesisRising].
articles recommended by the
Campaigns, info, and more [SanPabloBayEPA.blogspot.com]. Science [discardstudies.com]
* (cowspiracy.com) intro [archive.is/9avWw], the facts [archive.is/gLR5J]. [begin excerpt]: After Cowspiracy co-director, Kip Andersen watched the documentary An Inconvenient Truth about the catastrophic impacts of global warming, he started following the advice of all of the major environmental organizations – composting, recycling, switching lightbulbs, shorter showers, bicycling over driving, you know the drill. But when he discovered that animal agriculture plays a larger role in environmental destruction than even the fossil fuel industry, he was shocked that the organizations that he had been supporting had not even mentioned it.
He tried contacting several major groups for months and in some cases years, in order to get more information and answers, but his inquiries fell on deaf ears. That’s when he decided to team up with co-director Keegan Kuhn, and demand answers – this time with a camera. [end excerpt]
* "Brown signs two oil spill bills, but marine protected areas aren't fully protected" (2015-10-26, by Dan Bacher, via Indybay.org Newswire) [archive.is/n5KET]
* Comment Period on Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Priorities Closes Oct. 30 [archive.is/wkkpU]

SAN PABLO BAY EPA: Health and the Human Ecology
Monopolists enforce a regime that does not recognize the natural right to health and life. Info [detoxproject.org].
* "Lawsuit Challenging EPA Approval of Harmful Herbicide Advances" (2015-10-29, commondreams.org) [archive.is/Y7Vje]
* "USDA Whistleblower Complaint Raises Question: What Else Is USDA Hiding on Pesticides?" (2015-10-28, commondreams.org) [archive.is/mH2H9]
* "They Profit, We Die: Toxic Agriculture and the Poisoning of Soils, Human Health and the Environment" (2015-10-23, by Colin Todhunter, globalresearch.ca) [archive.is/E3irf]
* "2.6 Billion Pounds of Monsanto’s Roundup Sprayed on America’s Farmland" (2015-10-23, by Phil Pepin) [archive.is/ixW3Y]
* "Argentinian Study: Tampons, Sanitary Pads and Sterile Gauze Contaminated with Probable Carcinogen Glyphosate" (2015-10-21, detoxproject.org) [http://is.gd/NS96o0]
articles recommended by the
* "Off-grid Living Punished Like a Crime as Colorado County Criminalizes Self-reliance" (2015-10-20, by Daniel Barker) [archive.is/1r13q] [begin excerpt]: The idea of off-grid living, however, seems a threat to some people. Power companies and others who have a vested interest in keeping folks dependent and plugged in are doing their best to make it difficult, if not impossible, to return to a self-reliant way of life.
In fact, in many places, off-grid living has been all but criminalized. Take, for instance, Costilla County, Colorado, one of the least populated counties in the state and an area where hundreds of people have been purchasing land and attempting to successfully live off-grid. Off-grid homesteaders are facing harassment from county authorities who make things difficult for anyone who dares to pursue a self-reliant lifestyle.
The situation there has become so tense that there have recently been confrontations between authorities and off-grid landowners as the county attempts to essentially criminalize their lifestyle.
The county is now proposing new land use regulations that will require electricity, water and sewer systems to be installed before landowners can obtain a building permit.
Should it be illegal to camp on your own property?
Already, the county has passed rules that require permits for those who want to camp on their land while building their homes, and lately it has refused to issue camping permits as well, effectively making it illegal for people to live on their own property.
County officials and some of the established residents claim that problems are being caused by the new residents, who came to the area seeking cheap land and the chance to do exactly what the county is now doing its best to prevent: living simply off-grid.
Indicative of the attitude of the local authorities, Costilla County’s land-use administrator, Matthew Valdez, said:
“A lot of time we find families living in run-down sheds or in RVs, or some actually in tents. We tell them they cannot live in these conditions.”
Should it be the job of county authorities to tell people whether they can live in a shed, tent or RV while they build permanent homes? Should people be forced to obtain permits to camp on their own land?
The issues being faced by the Costilla County off-grid residents are not unique to the area. Throughout the country, state and local regulations are making life difficult for those who choose to live in a self-sufficient manner. [end excerpt]
* "2016 Cannabis Initiatives in California" (2015-10-22, by Bradley Allen) [http://is.gd/kVNZrV]
* "US Government Accused of Stifling Medical Marijuana Research; With its widespread usage and support, research into the drug has never been so critical" (2015-10-21, commondreams.org) [archive.is/HIKzy]
* "In Victory for Medical Marijuana, Court Tells DOJ to Lay Off Legal Providers; 'Federal raids of legitimate medical marijuana businesses aren't just stupid and wasteful, but also illegal' " (2015-10-20, commondreams.org) [archive.is/G4VLu]
articles recommended by the Committee for
Protect Earth's Sentient Life!
* "Statement From PETA: Death Toll Rises at Dangerous Fresno Chaffee Zoo" (2015-10-17, by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) [http://is.gd/1Z0W1z]
ANIMAL RIGHTS: Save the Whales!
* "California Moves to Keep Whales Out of Crab Gear" (2015-10-23, biologicaldiversity.org) [http://is.gd/QdLTrw], "Entangled Whales 2000 - 2014" map, simplified [archive.is/5jQsp], complete (.pdf) [http://is.gd/MUfWD4]
[UnitedStatesFascism.blogspot.com] Documenting the process of fascism and for whom it benefits.
* "Goldman Sachs’ Rich Man’s Bank Backstopped by You and Me" (2015-10-21, wallstreetonparade.com) [archive.is/UeGHS]
* "Are Big Banks Manipulating Their Share Prices?" (2015-10-20, by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, wallstreetonparade.com) [archive.is/PLjAK]
* "The Banking Industry's Transparent Attempt to Weaken the CFPB" (2015-10-21, by Elizabeth Warren) [archive.is/Vz4MV]
* "Bank Regulator’s Speech Shows the Extent of Financial Reform Failure" (2015-10-22, wallstreetonparade.com) [archive.is/fZ58O]
* "Exclusive Federal Reserve Videos and the Glass-Steagall Media Conspiracy" (2015-10-19, wallstreetonparade.com) [archive.is/FPyVg] [begin excerpt]: A funny thing happened in 2012 after Andrew Ross Sorkin, a financial writer at the New York Times, wrote his spectacularly false narrative telling readers that the repeal of Glass-Steagall Act had nothing to do with the crash because problem firms like Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and AIG didn’t own insured commercial banks — which would have been prohibited under the Glass Steagall Act, had it not been repealed in 1999. In fact, all three of the firms did, indeed, own banks insured by the FDIC at the time of the crash.
We figured that Sorkin had just made an error, or, well, three monster errors, so we wrote to his editor. We heard nothing. We wrote to the New York Times public editor who is supposed to uphold the integrity of the paper. Nothing. We wrote to the publisher. Nothing. To this very day, the errors remain in the Sorkin article [archive.is/m4W0K]. When the so-called paper of record allows three outrageously wrong errors to persist as fact, it doesn’t look like sloppy journalism, it looks like a conspiracy to deny the public an honest narrative.
Sorkin’s lie has since been regurgitated by two other writers at the New York Times: Paul Krugman [archive.is/C1Bfv] and William Cohan [archive.is/HTuIm]. The lie has also spread to President Obama [archive.is/K4agH] and Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton [archive.is/YVut4], as a cover for why they won’t buck Wall Street and work to reinstate this critically needed legislation as Senators Elizabeth Warren, John McCain, Bernie Sanders and dozens of others in Congress are demanding. Marcy Kaptur’s legislation in the House of Representatives to restore the Glass-Steagall Act has 67 cosponsors [archive.is/eR8IP].
The New York Times seems disingenuous at best and conspiratorial at worst: admitting in an editorial that it blew it big time in advocating for the repeal of Glass-Steagall while hiding in the wings as its writers are allowed to push a false narrative that the New York Times refuses to correct. [end excerpt]
* "Killing Off Community Banks — Intended Consequence of Dodd-Frank?" (2015-10-21, ellenbrown.com) [archive.is/xkxxM] [begin excerpt]: The Dodd-Frank regulations are so lethal to community banks that some say the intent was to force them to sell out to the megabanks. Community banks are rapidly disappearing — except in North Dakota, where they are thriving.
At over 2,300 pages, the Dodd Frank Act is the longest and most complicated bill ever passed by the US legislature. It was supposed to end “too big to fail” and “bailouts,” and to “promote financial stability.” But Dodd-Frank’s “orderly liquidation authority” has replaced bailouts with bail-ins, meaning that in the event of insolvency, big banks are to recapitalize themselves with the savings of their creditors and depositors. The banks deemed too big are more than 30% bigger than before the Act was passed in 2010, and 80% bigger than before the banking crisis of 2008. The six largest US financial institutions now have assets of some $10 trillion, amounting to almost 60% of GDP; and they control nearly 50% of all bank deposits [http://is.gd/gprdLV].
Meanwhile, their smaller competitors are struggling to survive. Community banks and credit unions are disappearing at the rate of one a day [http://is.gd/AihDIM]. Access to local banking services is disappearing along with them. Small and medium-size businesses – the ones that hire two-thirds of new employees – are having trouble getting loans; students are struggling with sky-high interest rates; homeowners have been replaced by hedge funds acting as absentee landlords; and bank fees are up, increasing the rolls of the unbanked and underbanked, and driving them into the predatory arms of payday lenders.
Even some well-heeled clients are being rejected. In an October 19, 2015 article titled “Big Banks to America’s Firms: We Don’t Want Your Cash” [http://is.gd/442YGY], the Wall Street Journal reported that some Wall Street banks are now telling big depositors to take their money elsewhere or be charged a deposit fee.
Municipal governments are also being rejected as customers. Bank of America just announced that it no longer wants the business of some smaller cities, which have been given 90 days to find somewhere else to put their money. Hundreds of local BofA branches are also disappearing [archive.is/3Gr8x].
Hardest hit, however, are the community banks. Today there are 1,524 fewer banks with assets under $1 billion than there were in June 2010, before the Dodd-Frank regulations were signed into law [archive.is/RUrWy]. [end excerpt]
* "The Lumber Man In Charge of Climate Policy Bay Area billionaire Robert Fisher profits by logging California's North Coast forests, even as Governor Jerry Brown has tapped him to help implement the state's anti-global warming agenda" (2015-02-11, eastbayexpress.com) [archive.is/3LAMS]
* "Statement On Publication of the Clean Power Plan in the Federal Register and the Resulting State Lawsuits" (2015-10-23, Climate Parents) [archive.is/2cZXl]:
Statement by Climate Parents Director and Co-Founder Lisa Hoyos -
"Today, with the publication of the Clean Power in the Federal Register, parents and families are celebrating this groundbreaking policy that will protect our kids’ health and our damaged climate by growing clean energy. The fact that twenty-four states have already filed suit against the Clean Power Plan highlights the undue influence of the fossil fuel industry on public policy, and underscores exactly why the federal government needed to act.
"The EPA’s authority to implement the Clean Power Plan is steadfast, as court rulings have already established. It is not surprising--only discouraging--that big polluters and their allies in too many state governments are seeking to block energy that is kid-safe and climate-safe. But what is truly exciting is that parents and families support the Clean Power Plan, and will continue to do so until it is fully implemented in every state."
* "Will Obama Name This Big Pharma Insider as Head of the FDA? ‘Too close for comfort’ to the drug industry" (2015-10-22, by Christina Sarich) [archive.is/vWjCf]
* "'Yes, I Lied': Vindicating Villagers, Star Chevron Witness Busted for Perjury; 'Chevron has taken the people of Ecuador and the U.S. court system on a ride, full of lies, deliberate delay, and obstruction of justice,' says Amazon Watch" (2015-10-27, commondreams.org) [archive.is/IaI4J]
* "The Silicon Valley ideology: online bias and technology" (2015-10-19, peoplesworld.org) [archive.is/315c0]
* "EU Trade Deals with US and Canada Blasted as 'Attacking Public Services' TTIP and CETA 'could lock public services into a commercialization from which they will not recover—no matter how damaging to welfare the results may be' " (2015-10-19, commondreams.org) [archive.is/1VpNR]
* "Landmark Look at US Charter System Reveals Waste, Fraud, 'Ghost Schools' ; 'The bottom-line is taxpayers know far too little about how much their federal tax dollars are being used to fund charters,' says Center for Media and Democracy" (2015-10-21, commondreams.org) [archive.is/g2K9v]
* "KeyWiki, Unlocking the covert side of U.S. and Global politics" [archive.is/7iOm6], a hitlist designed by a fascist to influence "conservatives" into believing that the USA is not only ruled by Communists, but that the "communists" need to be targeted for...
* "First Amendment flop: McCain & gang calls for ‘shutting down’ RT" (2015-10-27, rt.com) [archive.is/sLA0Z]
USA FASCISM: Two Party Dictatorship
* "Hillary Clinton Pretends to Be 'Progressive', She’s Actually 'Conservative' " (2015-10-23, by Eric Zuesse) [archive.is/NHjA9]
* " 'We're Baaack...': DNC Reverses Ban on Corporate Cash to Fund Convention; The Democratic National Committee is luring corporate lobbyists with VIP rewards" (2015-10-23, commondreams.org) [archive.is/X2lUz]
How easy it is to manipulate elections in the capitalist republic of the USA
* "Trump 2nd place Iowa Poll a SHAM — paid for by Club for Growth Action!" (2015-10-24, themarshallreport.wordpress.com) [archive.is/vl3R3]
* "Paul Ryan – Liar, Hypocrite, Charlatan, and Right-Wing Extremist" (2015-10-23, commondreams.org) [archive.is/Bw0xi]
* "Paul Ryan Wants to Shut Down the Government, Permanently" (2015-10-21, cepr.net) [archive.is/VDhU5]: Everyone has seen the news stories about how Representative Paul Ryan, the leading candidate to be the next Speaker of the House, is a budget wonk. That should make everyone feel good, since we would all like to think a person in this position understands the ins and outs of the federal budget. But instead of telling us about how much Ryan knows about the budget (an issue on which reporters actually don't have insight), how about telling us what Ryan says about the budget?
It is possible to say things about what Ryan says, since he has said a lot on this topic and some of it is very clear. In addition to wanting to privatize both Social Security and Medicare, Ryan has indicated that he essentially wants to shut down the federal government in the sense of taking away all of the money for the non-military portion of the budget.
This fact is one that is easy to find if a reporter is willing to do five minutes of research. Ryan directed the Congressional Budget Office to score his budget plans back in 2012. The score of his plan showed the non-Social Security, non-Medicare portion of the federal budget shrinking to 3.5 percent of GDP by 2050 (page 16) [http://is.gd/qOEpH2].
This number is roughly equal to current spending on the military. Ryan has indicated that he does not want to see the military budget cut to any substantial degree. That leaves no money for the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health, The Justice Department, infrastructure spending or anything else. Following Ryan's plan, in 35 years we would have nothing left over after paying for the military.
Just to be clear, this was not some offhanded gaffe where Ryan might have misspoke. He supervised the CBO analysis. CBO doesn't write-down numbers in a dark corner and then throw them up on their website to embarrass powerful members of Congress. As the document makes clear, they consulted with Ryan in writing the analysis to make sure that they were accurately capturing his program.
So what percent of people in this country know that the next Speaker of the House would like to permanently shut down most of the government? What percent even of elite educated policy types even know this fact? My guess is almost no one, we just know he is a policy wonk.
* "Though State Refuses to Act, Court Will Hear Kansas Ballot Tampering Case" (2015-10-19, ivn.us) [archive.is/056UK]
USA FASCISM: State Media Watch
* "The New York Times and Washington Post are ignoring civilians killed by US drone strikes" (2015-10-22, theconversation.com) [archive.is/1jzjD]
* "The New York Times Justifies US Afghan Hospital Bombing" (2015-10-21, by Stephen Lendman, globalresearch.ca) [archive.is/9FiQu]
* "Bill O’Reilly wants San Francisco official arrested after she rips Fox and ‘hateful’ conservatives" (2015-10-21, rawstory.com) [archive.is/Uyevd]
* "Bill O'Reilly claims false, admits Fox News: Why that won't hurt him at Fox; Fox News admits that Bill O'Reilly didn't actually see 'guys gun down nuns in El Salvador' or witness any bombings in Northern Ireland. Why Fox News is unlikely to suspend Bill O'Reilly for his exaggerations" (2015-03-02, csmonitor.com) [archive.is/Ock3L]
USA FASCISM: Artificial Poverty and Starvation
* "There Has Never Been an American “Middle Class”. The U.S. Working Class Has Always Been Poor" (2015-10-21, by Alan Nasser, globalresearch.ca) [archive.is/ndTZv]
* "Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year" (2015-10-20, endoftheamericandream.com) [archive.is/8aeW9]
* "Mississippi’s Women Are Some of the Poorest in the Country. But We’re Getting Organized" (2015-10-23, billmoyers.com) [archive.is/lDgGv]
* "ACLU Accuses Biloxi of Running Debtors' Prison in Lawsuit Seeking to 'Dismantle Two-Tiered System of Justice' ; 'Cities across the country, like Biloxi, are scrambling to generate revenue, and they're doing it off the backs of poor people' " (2015-10-21, commondreams.org) [archive.is/TuKLx]
As the Wal*Mart corporation monopolized the markets for many regions across the USA, this process has forced millions to rely on the inexpensive products sold at the corporation's stores. If the corporation is threatened, millions in poverty may not be able to make ends meet, and the speculation of stock value therefore can threaten such a scenario. Such is the illogic of capitalism.
* "Walmart Heirs See $11 Billion Disappear in a Day as Shares Tank; Stock prices plummet as more consumers associate Walmart with greed and exploitation" (2015-10-15, usuncut.com) [archive.is/bQCmS]