Tune in Thursdays 4 to 5pm (PST), at 89.5FM in the northeast San Pablo Bay Area, or on a Smart Phone
link], Desktop
U-stream [
Live Mp3 (.pls) stream [
link], Netbook [
link]. Hosted by Dr.G.,
Minister of Information of the
Northbay MDS, breaking the blockade of censorship, with research archives and verified sources!
Be a Community Journalist with our
Community Journalist's Notebook [
link], send news & info to [NorthbayMDS@) gmail.com]!
Link sources are noted. Backed-up pages are available even if the original is taken down, archived at (archive.org), (archive.today), (peeep.us).
NOTE: Dr.G. will
NOT be in Thursday for the News. The weekly script is posted in the interest of all y'all out there.
Merry Festivus! Tune in January 1st, 2015, as we ring in the New Year of
The Uprising!
Feliz Navidad con su familia en Los Brown Berets de Santa Rosa"
Wishing you all love, peace, and light", photo from
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 100 (Juneau, Alaska), an aeriel-shot in a helicopter showing their peace action, December 17th:

Veterans who stand for Peace, Justice and Freedom everywhere are commemorating the 100 year anniversary of the Christmas Truce, when rank & file soldiers of two enemy nations did something that no politician dared to do: They Made Peace on the battlefield, and chose not to fight...
* "
Christmas in the Trenches, 1914" [
http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/trenches.htm] [
* "
The Importance of the December 1914 Christmas Truce" (2014-12-02) [
http://www.brianwillson.com/the-importance-of-the-december-1914-christmas-truce/] [
Read more about the tributes to the "Christmas Truce" on this page, under the section for the
Solano Peace, Justice & Freedom Coalition! Sign the Petition for Peace, listen to the podcast, and learn about Veterans working for Peace!
Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" music video by John Lennon [
New, Revolutionary hip-Hop from Oakland's very own...
Audiomatic The Fyah Starter: "
More than a Rapper" mixtape vol. 1 [

Jackson City Council unanimously passed a resolution to create a Human Rights Charter and Commission that will support Jackson becoming the first Human Rights City in the historic South." (2014-12-19) [
http://handsupdontshoot.com/jackson-city-council-unanimously-passed-a-resolution-on-tuesday-december-16th-to-create-a-human-rights-charter-and-commission-that-will-support-jackson-becoming-the-first-human-rights-city-in-the-his/] [
Peoples Power Assembly Movement on shooting of police in Brooklyn Don’t let this incident be used to crush the uprising!" (2014-12-21) [
http://peoplespowerassemblies.org/statement-on-shooting-of-police-in-brooklyn/] [
https://archive.today/gcvLv], [begin excerpt]:
We are about to witness a no-holds-barred campaign to criminalize and break the powerful movement sparked by Ferguson, Mo., which every day has brought many thousands of people into the streets of citiesJohn Crawford and towns aAkai Gurleycross the country.
The rhetoric from rulers about “respecting the right to protest” will be replaced with “the protesters are guilty of murder” — and so the right to protest will be revoked.
Ramarley GrahamThe strength of the uprising has rocked the system and weakened the capacity of the police to crack down on the protests, which, after all, is the ultimate goal of the police. How else can they continue their war against Black and Brown people?
Let us not forget: It is the police who kill without mercy, without regret, without concern for the families of their victims. It is the police who function like a gang, alien and hostile to most of society that’s not privileged by class or race.
The only concern of the police is that their violence, their cover-ups and lies not be questioned.
[end excerpt]
People of Conscience Condemn the Unacceptable NYC #BlueLivesMatter Pro-Cop Rally, Dec 19th, in New York City (NYC)", adapted from the original posted at [
http://peoplespowerassemblies.org/protest-pro-cop-rally-sign-on-now/] [
We as community leaders, family members, clergy, people of conscience join together to say NO to the ‘Thank you NYPD’, racist pro-police brutality mobilization in NYC December 19th 2014.
The provocative demonstration callously called ‘Thank you NYPD’, using the hashtag #BlueLivesMatter, is set for City Hall on Friday, December 19. This is insulting and disrespectful to families who have either lost loved ones to police murders and people who have survived police brutality. In fact, also on December 19, at the same time, only blocks away from this pro-police brutality rally, the family of 18-year old Ramarley Graham — murdered in his Bronx home by NYPD Officer Richard Haste on February 2, 2012 — will be holding a rally to demand that the Department of Justice convene a grand jury hearing for his case.
We believe this pro-police demonstration is cause of great concern to millions of people across the country who have been in the streets protesting against racism, white supremacy and police violence. After all it is not police officers who are shot down every 28 hours in the U.S. but this alarming statistic is the daily reality for Black people in the United States.
We believe this pro-police brutality mobilization is a dangerous threat to communities of color already under attack due to police occupation. We see this mobilization of largely armed off-duty and plain-clothes police and their supporters as an effort to whip up violence against people who have peacefully mobilized in the streets for the past several months all across the country.

If the organizers of this pro-police brutality rally go through with their hateful and insulting event and mobilize scores of right-wing and fascistic elements then they and they alone are solely responsible for inciting a climate of violence. The vast majority of posts and comments on ‘Thank you NYPD’ Facebook and Twitter pages for this event confirm its racist and anti-protester intent. The seven-hour police rally from 5pm to midnight is an ominous siege of City Hall.
We understand that this pro-police rally in NYC is part of a national campaign on social media on Dec. 19 to turn the issue of police murders on its head and present the well-armed attackers and killers as helpless victims. The NYPD has already begun a political witch hunt to try to justify suppressing the massive protests by targeting seven activists for arrests at the march on the Brooklyn Bridge on Dec. 13, claiming that they attacked armed detectives.
Millions of people around the world saw the video of Eric Garner, a loving father of six children, say “I can't breathe” as he was choked to death by NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo. We believe to talk about "Blue Lives Matter" after continual and well-documented police atrocities is to support racist violence.
We along with many New Yorkers remember all too well the 1992 police rally where thousands of cops rallied in a racist and intimidating attack upon Mayor David Dinkins. It was the launching pad for the ugly climate that surrounded Rudolph Giuliani's rise to mayor. Even the New York Times admitted that "Beer-drinking officers broke through barricades to rush the steps of City Hall; others blocked traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge and used racial epithets to describe the Mayor." (Sept. 30, 1992)
Afterwards two drunken cops assaulted and seriously injured a young Black man on the J train. We fully believe that this racist pro-police brutality, #BlueLivesMatter rally scheduled for this Friday, Dec. 19 threatens more violence on communities of color of New York.
In the face of this ominous threat we cannot be silent. We urge all people deeply disturbed by the ongoing police occupation and militarization of communities of color, as well as the escalation of police violence to do the following on Dec. 19th:
** We ask people to use the hashtags: "#NoThankYouNYPD", "#BlackLivesMatter" and "#ThisStopsToday" along with others.
** We ask for solidarity rallies at city halls and police precincts across the U.S. and around the world, as our sisters and brothers in London, England have called.
** We urge legal observers and media activists to mobilize and protect our communities against the potential racist and right-wing provocations of these pro-police brutality protesters.
** We urge trade unions and social formations to respond to defend communities under continuing police attack.
** Once again, we call upon all people of conscience to protest a racist pro-police brutality mobilization of armed off-duty cops and their supporters that threatens further violence in New York City.
News headlines from "Liberation News":
* "
Huge demonstrations sustain movement against racism, cops" (2014-12-16) [
http://www.liberationnews.org/huge-demonstrations-sustain-movement-racism-cops/] [

* Photo from "23ABC Bakersfield", 2014-12-21: Dozens of protesters partially blocked a very busy intersection and demanded an end to police brutality this Sunday near Valley Plaza Mall!

* "
St. Pete, Fla., 'March for Justice' is a wake up call" (2014-12-10) [
http://www.liberationnews.org/st-pete-fla-march-for-justice-demands-self-determination-for-black-community/] [
* "
Women bring the police brutality struggle to Brooklyn" (2014-12-09) [
http://www.liberationnews.org/women-bring-the-police-brutality-struggle-to-brooklyn/] [
* "
Syracuse shuts it down in protest of police terror" (2014-12-08) [
http://www.liberationnews.org/syracuse-shuts-it-down-in-protest-of-police-terror/] [
* "
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: The Police Aren’t Under Attack. Institutionalized Racism Is." (2014-12-21) [
http://time.com/3643462/kareem-abdul-jabbar-nypd-shootings-police/] [

* "
NYPD supporters wear 'I can breathe' hoodies at City Hall, sparking war with opposing demonstrators" (2014-12-19) [
http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/suspect-arrested-assault-cops-brooklyn-bridge-article-1.2051361] [

Eric Garner, whose crime was selling loose cigarettes, was killed by police. His last words were "I can't breath". Activists have used this phrase as a reminder of the murder.
Police Officer Jason Barthel of South Bend Uniform Company thought it would be funny to mock this mans dying words by selling T-shirts to fellow cops which say "Breath Easy, Don't Break the Law".
Apparently the implication is that no matter how ridiculous the law you can expect to be killed if you don't follow it. And that is your fault.
Cops are buying the shirts by the dozen.
* Photo 2014-12-29 at New York City:

* "
Targeted Attack on New York Police Officers Reopens Wounds From the Militant 1970s" (2014-12-22) [
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/23/nyregion/targeted-attacks-on-new-york-police-reopen-old-wounds-from-70s.html?_r=0] [
* "
Cop's Lib" (1978-06, Mother Jones newsmagazine), referring to "Women's Lib" and the act of Bra Burning, which was a stereotypical act of disobedience:

* "
Union: NYPD Now a 'Wartime' Police Dept." (2014-12-20) [
http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/nypd-union-wartime-dept/2014/12/20/id/614270/] [
* "
Did Pat Lynch of the NY Police Union Literally Declare War On Black Citizens?" (2014-12-21) [
http://melanoidnation.org/did-pat-lynch-of-the-ny-police-union-literally-declare-war-on-black-citizens/] [
* "
Detroit Police Chief James Craig says DPD on alert after shootings" (2014-12-21) [
http://www.myfoxdetroit.com/story/27679424/detroit-police-chief-james-craig-says-dpd-on-alert-after-shootings] [
* "
Police Union President Blames Protesters For Murder Of Two New York City Police Officers" (2014-12-20) [
http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2014/12/20/3606034/police-union-president-blames-protesters-mayor-deblasio-for-murder-of-two-new-york-city-police-officers/] [
* "
NYC police officers turn backs on Mayor de Blasio following shooting death of two officers" (2014-12-20) [
http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/12/watch-nyc-police-officers-turn-backs-on-mayor-de-blasio-following-shooting-death-of-two-officers/comments/#disqus] [
* "
N.J. police union blames 'hatred aimed at officers' after 2 NYPD cops killed" (2014-12-21) [
http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2014/12/nypd_officers_shot_nj_reacts.html] [
* "
Conspiracy Theory Suggests the NYPD Killed Two Police Officers To Drum Up Support" (2014-12-21) [
http://countercurrentnews.com/2014/12/conspiracy-theory-suggests-nypd-trying-drum-up-support/] [
* "
Is the NYPD killings a False Flag or a Hoax? We have questions" (2014-12-22) [
http://nation19.com/is-the-nypd-killings-a-false-flag-or-a-hoax-we-have-questions/] [
* "
Man Shoots 2 Cops & Himself In Brooklyn, Accused Of Shooting Baltimore Woman" (2014-12-20) [
* "
Man aimed empty gun in cop’s face, pulled trigger: officials" (2014-12-21) [
http://nypost.com/2014/12/21/man-aimed-gun-in-cops-face-pulled-trigger-officials/] [
* "
Gunman kills self after 2 NYPD cops fatally shot ‘execution style’ as ‘revenge’ for Garner" (2014-12-20) [
http://nypost.com/2014/12/20/2-nypd-cops-shot-execution-style-in-brooklyn/] [
* "
Shaneka Thompson's Life Matters: Twenty-nine-year old Shaneka Thompson was the first victim of Ismaiyil Brinsley" (2014-12-23) [
http://www.ebony.com/news-views/shaneka-thompsons-life-matters-403#axzz3Mqwb8drF] [
* "
Police believe New York City cop killer was a member of the Black Guerrilla Family" (2014-12-20) [
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/killer-nypd-slays-ran-black-guerrilla-family-article-1.2052069] [
* "
Woman Claims Slain NYPD Officer Slammed Her Head On The Floor Via Facebook" (2014-12-22) [
http://thesource.com/2014/12/22/woman-claims-slain-nypd-officer-slammed-her-head-on-the-floor-via-facebook/] [
So, why are folks doubting the official story about what happened with the NYPD Officers shot dead? From "Ghettos against Police Brutality" [
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ghettos-against-Police-Brutality/101527543229631] (2014-12-22):
I feel some very critical details should be looked at in the instances of the officers recently falling victim to "random" gun violence and the connection that the pigs and the state are trying to make between that and the righteous cries against terrorism and injustice that are currently bellowing across the nation and the globe.
History has shown and proven that the state is never above and often better equipped than ourselves at creating the situations necessary to engage in and pursuer their agenda. Period.
When analyzing the information provided by both media and eyewitness it is hard not to draw comparisons between this event and previous Manchurian style tactics that have been used to create chaos, illusion and fear in the mind of the people. These murders were set up to create a state of nation emergency in the minds of the people to perpetuate the idea of P.O.C. being the agents of DOMESTIC TERRORISM.
In fact, if we take a critical look at the incident in question we know that
- Average Brothers From the Hood does not use a “SHOOTERS” stance when firing a weapon
- Average *BFH do not possess the skill necessary to walk up and shoot two trained officers in the head with enough speed and accuracy to prevent either officer from drawing their weapon. (The average BFH cannot approach within 30 feet of their vehicle without officers drawing their weapon.)
- Average untrained BFH would of used the whole clip instead of precise shots to the head
- Media commented that officers must have felt comfortable with the shooter to allow him to approach their vehicle without attempting to draw their weapons.
- Media comments has claimed that this average BFH was ranting and dismay over the racially motivated killings of P.O.C. by white law enforcement and state agents yet choose to prove his point by first assassinating to officers that were also P.O.C.
*If his message was in adherence to the current national cry out against WHITE police terrorism against P.O.C. then it should stand to reason his victims would have been WHITE.
- Also that he immediately committed suicide and seemed adamant about not surviving once again suggest a more Manchurian set of circumstances than what the Media and the police are currently portraying to the people.
Be cautioned that police and the state are now using these incidents as reasons to heighten their aggression and violence against P.O.C. and to further their campaign for our genocide. This includes a direct attack against your rights as US CITIZEN – Your freedom of speech via media, phone and word of mouth can now be used as measure of DOMESTIC Terrorism. Be safe and be prepared!
* "
Tarpon Springs Police identify officer shot, killed Sunday morning" (2014-12-21) [
http://www.wfla.com/story/27680183/tarpon-springs-police-officer-shot-and-killed-early-sunday-morning] [
* "
Off-duty police officer shot in North St. Louis" (2014-12-19) [
http://fox2now.com/2014/12/19/off-duty-police-officer-shot-in-north-st-louis/] [
* "
Black Gang Issues Order… Murder All White Cops" (2014-12-19) [
http://conservativetribune.com/black-gang-murder-white-cops/] [
https://archive.today/2jmBo], [begin excerpt]: Unfortunately, this type of behavior is not much of a surprise in a country run by an administration that is soft on crime and insists on inserting race into public discourse at every opportunity. Our thoughts and prayers are with the men and women of law enforcement who ignore the race baiting of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder and the like and do their individual best to keep their communities safe for Americans of all races. [end excerpt]
* "
Ohio Officials: Cleveland-Area Gang Has Ordered Members To Kill White Police Officers" (2014-12-18) [
http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/crime/ohio-officials-cleveland-area-gang-has-ordered-members-kill-white-police-officers] [
* “
Your Police are being trained by the Israeli Army to defeat and control their enemy, and when your police come back, you become their enemy”, Eran Efrati, an Israeli Army Whistleblower, warning the public about the United States police forces being trained by the Israeli Army, during a talk, 2014-03-03 [
* "
NYPD opens counterterrorism unit in Israel" (2014-12-17) [
https://www.intellihub.com/nypd-opens-counterterrorism-unit-israel/] [
* "
NYPD opens branch in Kfar Saba; Veteran Israeli-born police detective to tighten cooperation between the Israel Police and New York’s Finest" (2012-09-07) [
http://www.timesofisrael.com/nypd-opens-local-branch-in-kfar-saba] [
* "
NYPD 'Cop Of The Year' Arrested For Trafficking 10 Kilos Of Cocaine" (2014-12-07) [
http://thefreethoughtproject.com/nypd-cop-year-arrested-trafficking-10-kilos-cocaine/] [
* "
Meet the Pro-Slavery Fairview Park Auxiliary Cop" (2014-12-19) [
http://m.clevescene.com/scene-and-heard/archives/2014/12/19/meet-the-pro-slavery-fairview-park-auxiliary-cop] [
* "
Racist Cop Resigns After Being Exposed Saying African Americans Should Still Be Slaves" (2014-12-19) [
http://countercurrentnews.com/2014/12/racist-cop-resigns-after-being-exposed-saying-african-americans-should-still-be-slaves/#] [
* "
Beavercreek Walmart ‘Die-In’ Demanding Justice For John Crawford" (2014-12-20) [
http://countercurrentnews.com/2014/12/beavercreek-walmart-protest-demands-justice-for-john-crawford/#] [https://archive.today/97hS1]
* "
Beavercreek Police Run Cruiser Into Elderly Woman, Then Arrest Her At John Crawford Walmart Protest" (2014-12-20) [
http://countercurrentnews.com/2014/12/police-run-cruiser-into-elderly-woman-and-arrest-her-after-she-asked-question-about-john-crawford-protester-being-arrested-at-walmart/] [
* The website "CopBlock" on Facebook.com [
https://www.facebook.com/CopBlock], is documenting human-rights abuse by domestic public-sector security agencies, and is currently being attacked by ideologically conservative people who not only deny human-rights abuse is happening, but who also support all actions of abuse [
* "
Detroit vendor sparks storm with NYC cop comments" (2014-12-22) [
http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/wayne-county/2014/12/22/facebook-posting-nypd/20761945/] [
* "
Why Detroit BBQ Company is being unfairly targeted" (2014-12-22) [
http://www.metrotimes.com/Blogs/archives/2014/12/22/why-detroit-bbq-company-is-being-unfairly-targeted] [
* "
Detroit BBQ Company Owner In Hot Water Over Social Media Comments" (2014-12-22) [
http://detroit.eater.com/2014/12/22/7434233/detroit-bbq-company-owner-in-hot-water-over-social-media-comments] [
* "
Charges Filed Against Man Who Made Anti-Police Comment On Facebook" (2014-12-23) [
http://countercurrentnews.com/2014/12/charges-filed-against-man-who-made-anti-police-comment-on-facebook/] [
* "
Horrific Racist Song at Charity Event 'AND HE'S DEAD, DEAD MICHAEL BROWN' " (2014-12-23) [
http://www.tmz.com/2014/12/23/michael-brown-song-video-dead-police-parody-leroy-brown] [
* "
Fox Affiliate Edits Peaceful Protest Chant To Sound Like ‘Kill A Cop’ (VIDEO)" (2014-12-22) [
http://www.addictinginfo.org/2014/12/22/fox-affiliate-edits-peaceful-protest-chant-to-sound-like-kill-a-cop-video/] [
* "
Conservative Media And Cop Killers Of A Different Color" (2014-12-22) [
http://ourfuture.org/20141222/conservative-media-and-cop-killers-of-a-different-color] [
* "
Modesto Police Department Correspondence with Predictive Policing Company PredPol, Inc." (2014-12-12) [
https://publicintelligence.net/modesto-police-correspondence-with-predpol-inc/] [
https://archive.today/EWo9i], [begin excerpt]: The following documents containing email correspondence between the Modesto Police Department and PredPol, Inc. were obtained by journalist Darwin BondGraham via the California Public Records Act. BondGraham’s Twitter account [
https://twitter.com/DarwinBondGraha] was suspended following a complaint issued by PredPol, Inc. after he posted images of a few pages from the documents. It is unclear what specific content was the reason for the complaint. [end excerpt]
* Bond Graham attempted to receive an explanation from Twitter why an act of censorship had occurred, but with no response:

* And PredPol used the old 'bad apple did it', when a journalist got de-twittered...
https://twitter.com/PredPol/status/543227319242870784] [
https://archive.today/9CNlo]: "
We didn't ask to censor a journalist - nor would we ever. An employee, using their personal account, requested it without our knowledge.", to which someone responds, "
@PredPol @OKcouncil because apparently one of your employees decided she wanted cell phone linked to her office extension? #easyfix"
* PredPol also has targeted Dr. John Colby, the Gorilla Advocate, who writes, "
PredPol.com blocked me from looking at their tweets...interesting. They must perceive me as an adversarial researcher. This provided me information I otherwise wouldn't have. I'm actually thankful to them. Not only do I know they perceive me as a threat, but they have also provided me an opportunity to make their recalcitrance a news story: apparently they only like journalists who create 'puff pieces'. They're not willing to answer potentially critical questions."
How to deal with internet trolls and provocateurs:
You are going to like this!
On Monday evening I was reading a common dreams article on police brutality in the black community and some of the comments in response to the article. At the time there were very few comments, but I did notice several nasty right wing comments. Ok, free speech! But I decided to click on the posters history and I found he/she had posted 1788 other comments on Common Dreams. I check a few other of his/her comments and they were all right wing garbage. So I wrote the reply below. Then some others took up my cause and now I have noticed he/she and another right wing poster have removed their comments! Now all the comments to the article seem to be from more progressive minded people! I hope you and others will do something similar whenever you see obviously paid right wingers disrupting progressive communications on our websites!
http://www.commondreams.org/further/2014/12/15/our-life#comment-1744557005] [
https://archive.today/0r0zP], [begin excerpt]
FeralUrchin, 2014-12-15-930pm: Places like Ferguson's black community won't experience justice in a broad sense until they themselves demonstrate effective and constructive collective action to, for example, rid their streets of dope dealers [dope dealers on the streets of my community would be unconscious or dead before the police had a chance to bust them], as well as effectively parent and educate their kids. You want more justice in the world? If so, create some--starting at home. And it isn't created by whining about "police brutality".
Mike Kerr 2014-12-15-1030pm: Why would anyone with this most obnoxious right wing attitude make the all effort and time to post 1788 similar obnoxious comments on a website like Common Dreams which he/she hates for its progressive postings? I say FeralUrchin is a paid agent for some right wing think tank! Don't waste time with him/her except to call him/her out to other innocent readers! His/her only purpose is to cause disruption and drive others away from the Common Dreams website.
Short interviews with folks, Live and direct from the streets! Event page [
https://archive.today/7zxfa], Produced by #Sellassie, revolutionary artist from the Bay! [
Part 1 [
Part 2 [
Part 3 [
Part 4 [
Part 5 [
Part 6 [
Part 7 [
Part 8 [
Part 9 [
Part 10 [
Part 11 [
Part 12 [

Live and direct from the mission! We will get justice for #AlexNieto, #BrownLivesMatter, #BLACKLIVESMATTER [
* "
A Changing Mission: Who belongs in S.F.’s oldest neighborhood?" (2014-12-21) [
http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/A-Changing-Mission-Who-belongs-in-S-F-s-5970263.php] [
* "
To deli owner, mingling cultures mean stronger neighborhood" [
http://www.sfchronicle.com/the-mission/wise-sons/] [
* "
Bilingual newspaper provides passionate voice as it faces own challenges" [
http://www.sfchronicle.com/the-mission/eltecolote/] [
* "
Free Antione Thomas - our co-founder's brother" message from People's Community Medics [peoplescommunitymedics@) gmail.com], video posted at [
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHcGXIRya7c] (youtube video by Earl Black)
Antione Thomas was racially profiled, pulled over, cavity searched, arrested on false charges to cover up the illegal search and subsequently convicted and sentenced to 65 years. His sister and attorney make the case for Antione's freedom and the freedom for all the other brothers who have had the same thing done to them.
* "
Racism and Injustice in America: National Defense Campaign Building for Rev. Edward Pinkney" (2014-12-21) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/racism-and-injustice-in-america-national-defense-campaign-building-for-rev-edward-pinkney/5421062] [
* "
Assange: US prosecuting Barrett Brown for quoting assassination threats against me" (2014-12-18) [
http://rt.com/news/215423-assange-defends-brown-wikileaks/] [
* "
Study confirms what Minnesota low-wage workers know: life is tough" (2014-12-17) [
http://www.peoplesworld.org/study-confirms-what-minnesota-low-wage-workers-know-life-is-tough/] [

* "
‘Employee Engagement’ No Substitute for a Union at VW" (2014-12-17) [
http://labornotes.org/2014/12/employee-engagement-no-substitute-union-vw] [
* "
Cheap heroin, unaffordable solutions" (2014-12-08) [
http://www.liberationnews.org/cheap-heroin-unaffordable-solutions/] [
* "
Harm Reduction: Dealing with the prevalence of opiates and other 'hard' drugs"[
* "
Acts of provocation" letter by Dan Spitzer of Berkeley to the editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, posted 2014-12-24 [
http://www.sfgate.com/opinion/letterstoeditor/article/Letters-to-the-editor-Dec-24-5976453.php] [
https://archive.today/tJUdS]: The Chronicle’s editorials remain as naive as they are politically correct. The Dec. 23 editorial, “An act of madness,” excoriates police union leaders for suggesting that protesters didn’t deeply influence the murderer of two NYPD officers, calling the criticism “disingenuous and disgraceful.” Does the editorial author truly believe that demonstrations nationwide as promulgated by major media outlets (such as The Chronicle itself) reporting protesters ranting “Kill the cops” and profanity-laced invectives had no influence upon the murderer of the two officers? Really? This is not simply absurd — it’s shameful.
[end letter]
Th video evidence showing protesters chanting "Kill the Cops" was a fake created by FoxNews. The writer himself is a self-described racial supremacist who has a history of working with others in the Eastbay terrorising and destroying those who criticize the national government representing his race, especially Jewish people of whom he physically attacks and torments with glee while photographing them. David Spitzer is protected and has never been arrested or successfully sued in court:
* "
The Campaign Against the Daily Planet" (2009-06-04) [
http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/issue/2009-06-04/full_text] [
* "
Berkeley Daily Planet is still being harassed for tolerance of critics of Israel" (2009-06-08) [
http://notmytribe.com/2009/berkeley-daily-planet-still-being-harassed-for-tolerance-of-criticism-of-israel-88324.html/comment-page-1] [
* Article by David Spitzer's friend, another racial supremacist who attacks ideological opponents with falsifications (slander) [
http://dpwatchdog.com/somethreat.html] [
* "
Intolerance fuels Zionist attacks on critics" (2010-06-23) [
http://richardbrenneman.wordpress.com/2010/06/23/intolerance-fuels-zionist-attacks-on-critics/] [
https://archive.today/EchNU], [begin excerpt]: chalk marks scrawled on the sidewalk in front of a Holocaust survivor’s home after the person had dared write a submission to the paper criticizing Israel for its treatment of Palestinians: WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE. Zionist extremists these days seem to be lashing out with threats whenever anything appears that questions the infallibility of the Israeli government or the humanity of its policies. Berkeley’s homegrown Zionist thugs are at it again, acting as agents —whether simply de facto or de jure remains an open question —of a foreign government. Dan Spitzer, a foul-mouthed bully, and John Gertz trained their guns on city councilmembers and forced them to retract proposed resolutions critical of the bloody Israeli attack on the Gaza aid flotilla. The Planet, esnl’s last employer, went out of the print business after the pair, joined by Oakland PR guru Jim Sinkinson, an equally duplicitous bully, successfully intimidated the paper’s advertisers with over and implied threats of boycotts—all because the paper published criticisms of Israeli policies, many of them written by Jews. [end excerpt]
* "
Eyewitness testimony from Berekeley Daily Planet reporter about SWU attacks" (2010-11-17) [
http://jewishvoiceforpeace.org/blog/eyewitness-testimony-berekeley-daily-planet-reporter-about-swu-attacks] [
* "
Council shutdown over Armored Attack Vehicle" (2014-12-15) [
https://www.credomobilize.com/petitions/give-back-the-bearcat-stop-militarization-of-local-law-enforcment]. With virtually no time to alert the community, the Santa Cruz City Council held a quick vote on an item that the Police Dept. had hidden within the agenda of a council meeting on Dec. 9, 2014. The few activists who were in the room, awaiting another agenda item relating to homeless issues, were angered over the lack of community process on the matter. The item in question is the $251,000 Homeland Security funded newly constructed ARMORED ATTACK VEHICLE.
Santa Cruz PD displays negligence and criminal association, adverse political influence [
http://northbaymds.blogspot.com/2014/12/santa-cruz-pd-displays-negligence-and.html], [begin excerpt]: The Santa Cruz Police Department protected these criminals, who terrorize the Mission Gardens community and pose a threat to the surrounding neighborhood, including but not limited to fraudsters, sex criminals, alleged methamphetamine addicts and drug dealers, reckless DUI drivers, homophobes, mail thieves and hate criminals. [end excerpt]
Officer Frank Azua has been accused of racial profiling downtown. See "
Santa Cruz Police Racism by Officer Azua and Unidentified PO" [
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYa65BTWrHU] and "
Selective Enforcement of Smoking Ban, Obstruction of Video Reporting--Report to the Chief!"[
http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/08/02/18759451.php]. He has also been identified in numerous incidents in radio interviews with those who reported abuse: (search for "Azua" at
http://www.huffsantacruz.org/brb-descriptions.html ).
Officer Joe Hernandez was identified by Jasmine Byron, her partner, and her mom as the man who drew a gun on her for taking a plate of food out of the Salvation Army Thanksgiving meal last year. In radio interviews on November 28, 2013 and December 8, 2013, Hernandez was described as the gun-pointing and subsequently taunting individual. They reported Hernandez was menacing them for "taking a plate of food outside" as others were doing.
from "HUFF Santa Cruz":
* Police abuse against poor and homeless persons is a widespread reality, empowered by laws that criminalize basic human needs and rights—like sleeping at night & public assembly.
* New laws coming to City Council will criminalize homeless with cop-initiated Stay-Away orders & ban RV parking city-wide. [
* Recycling centers and needle exchange have already been removed from Santa Cruz City Limits as the new “brand the homeless as criminals” campaign has taken hold.
* Nearly three of every four of Officer Bradly Barnett's citations made downtown were issued to homeless people for essentially victimless crimes, such as sitting, smoking, and skateboarding. [
* Officer Hernandez confronted Jasmine Byron & her mother at last year's Thanksgiving Salvation Army meal with a drawn gun for “taking a plate of food outside”. No response from Chief Kevin Vogel of the SCPD. [
* Officer Arnold Vasquez dropped a handcuffed Richard Hardy to the sidewalk face-first on Pacific Avenue in a video picked up by the Sentinel (http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/ci_23185274/use-force-investigation-not-complete-videotaped-arrest-santa) [
http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2013/04/23/18735710.php] )
* Additionally, nearly 10% of the citations Barnett issued were to African-Americans, in a county where 1.4% of the population is black according to a recent census. [
* Yannidies Brown reports her brother and cousin were brutalized and jailed in another “no smoking or else” Barnett incident. [
* Officer Azua has been videoed harassing blacks for “smoking on Pacific” while ignoring whites doing the same thing. [
* The local ACLU, NAACP, and SCCCCR have named no names, nor acted on any specific complaints in the last decade in spite of the widespread awareness among the black community that racial profiling is a humiliating reality here.
* Police-partial “review” boards, co-opted city council committees, & “law and order” neighborhood organizations will do nothing but support more “tools” for cops.
* Frequent Street Protest, Sit-in's, & Occupations may help deter police violence-as-usual.
Real tools are the camera, the internet, the press, and our own voices!
Video, audio, and post incidents on line when you see them!
Stop and make time to hold police accountable. No one else will.
'Homeless People Matter' Protest Gets Honks, Volunteers, at Cop Corner" (2014-12-22) [
https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/12/22/18765911.php] [
The Baltimore Board of Education met on Wednesday evening to close several city schools but were stopped by 10 students who interrupted the hearing chanting 'Black Lives Matter'. They laid down on the floor and refused to leave or allow the meeting to continue. The commissioners, unable to continue discussion, left the room and the students took their seats to launch their own community forum against the closures. The students successfully stopped the vote and now have a formal meeting with officials. Another historic action by the Baltimore Algebra Project [
* "
Protesters take over school board, delay controversial votes" (2014-12-18) [
https://www.baltimorebrew.com/2014/12/18/protesters-take-over-school-board-delay-controversial-votes/] [
* "
How to Fix Poverty: Write Every Family a Basic Income Check" (2014-12-14) [
http://www.newsweek.com/2014/12/26/how-fix-poverty-write-every-family-basic-income-check-291583.html] [
* "
Activists shut down Nestle bottling plant in Sacramento, CA" (2014-11-13) [
http://fresnopeoplesmedia.com/2014/11/13/activist-lock-down-a-nestle-bottling-plant-in-sacramento-ca] [
* "
Will state gas prices soar in protest of 2015 environmental law?" (2014-12-22) [
http://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Will-state-gas-prices-soar-in-protest-of-2015-5974297.php] [
https://archive.today/IK4XB], [begin excerpt]:
Jamie Court, president of the Consumer Watchdog nonprofit, is convinced oil companies may try to artificially inflate California’s gasoline prices in January.
The reason? Come the new year, California’s cap-and-trade system for reining in the greenhouse gases behind global warming will expand to cover transportation fuels sold in the state. In ads and on websites, the oil industry and its allies have spent months calling the move a “hidden gas tax” that will send California’s gas prices soaring as much as 79 cents per gallon. Independent analysts expect the change will boost prices only about 10 cents.
“There is no new gas tax, so how could you run a public opinion campaign about the gas tax if people don’t see higher gas prices?” said Court, a longtime critic of the industry. “The endgame here has to be raising prices as a warning shot to other states not to try this.”
And Court isn’t alone. Consumers Union, the policy arm of Consumer Reports, sent California officials a letter last week warning that oil companies might try to manufacture a price increase to scuttle cap and trade. [end excerpt]
A typical propaganda article is shown in the following article, which promotes "happy thoughts" and contains nothing about the historical practice of price-gouging in California:
"Expect Less Pain at the Pump Through 2015" (2014-08-12) [
http://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/expect-less-pain-pump-through-2015-n178806] [
The truth is that the monopolists energy corporations have never needed a reason to price-gouge California:
* "
Gas prices skyrocket in California" (2012-10-06) [
http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Gas-prices-skyrocket-in-California-3924254.php] [
* "
Why California drivers pay more for gasoline" (2011-03-09) [
http://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Why-California-drivers-pay-more-for-gasoline-2527826.php] [
* "
California drivers worried about gouging at the pump" (2005-09-02) [
http://www.consumerwatchdog.org/story/california-drivers-worried-about-gouging-pump] [
Ecobalance of a Solar Energy Transmission Grid" [
The following map shows only how much land is needed to either power the entire world, or only the European Union, or a singe state like the Federal Republic of Germany. It is not a map showing actual plans, but to show that it wouldn't take much land to create a Global Solar Power Farm.
Solano Peace, Freedom & Justice Coalition
* "
Remembering the Christmas Truce" [
www.veteransforpeace.org], [
http://www.veteransforpeace.org/our-work/remembering-christmas-truce/] [
* "
The Christmas Truce" podcast [
http://www.iwm.org.uk/history/podcasts/voices-of-the-first-world-war/podcast-9-the-christmas-truce] [

* Veterans Peace Council [
http://www.veteranspeacecouncil.org/] asks: "JOIN US IN CALLING FOR AN INTERNATIONAL NEW YEAR’S CEASEFIRE AND A PEACE TO END ALL WAR". Sign the petition at their homepage, archived for posterity at [
December 2014 will mark 100 years since the World War I Christmas Truce. In the days leading up to the holiday, ordinary soldiers from opposing armies stopped fighting, and whole sectors of the Western Front fell silent. The truce broke out spontaneously, with soldiers emerging from the trenches, exchanging cigarettes and gifts, singing carols, burying their dead and, in some places, participating in impromptu football games.
It was an extraordinary event—a truce created by soldiers, and opposed by generals. And so hostilities resumed. By the end of World War I over 10 million soldiers were dead and 6 million missing; military and civilian casualties totaled over 37 million. The Great War—the “war to end all wars”—became instead the opening volley in a century filled with wars.
As veterans, we’ve been witnesses and instruments of the brutality, destruction and dehumanization of combat. We have learned that armed con flict is no solution to the world’s many problems. Let’s honor the Christmas Truce centenary with a new determination to lay down arms, reconcile with enemies, and reconstruct and rebuild after war’s devastation.
*Sent to us from Michael Kerr in Diablo Valley, member of
Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center, and the Occupy Beale AFB anti-drone campaign:
The USA is playing dangerous game of Chicken! Putin and Russia's restraint is saving the world right now, but the USA keeps relentlessly pushing Russia to the brink of having to respond. The USA actions involving Ukraine and increasing sanctions are more threatening to Russia now than when USA felt threatened as the USSR tried to move offensive missiles to Cuba in 1962, when the USA under JFK threatened an all out war escalation that most likely would have been a nuclear WWIII. Think back about that insanity. Our leaders proudly rejoiced that the USSR had blinked first, but maybe it was just that the USSR leaders were more sane. Again, it is Russia that has so far acted with more restraint and sanity, but if we keep pushing her further into a corner there could only be losers! All of life on this Nuclear Weapon crazed world.
* "
Despite Warnings of Future War, Obama to Impose New Russian Sanctions" (2014-12-17) [
http://www.commondreams.org/news/2014/12/17/despite-warnings-future-war-obama-impose-new-russian-sanctions] [
When the war starts, remember this insanity! Latest Russian sanctions passed late at night in House with only 3 Congressmen present out of 425.
* "
Three Members of Congress Just Reignited the Cold War While No One Was Looking" (2014-12-16) [
http://www.commondreams.org/views/2014/12/16/three-members-congress-just-reignited-cold-war-while-no-one-was-looking] [
* "
A FBI proclaimed terrorist visits the Peace and Justice Center - of all places" (2013) [
http://woaroof.tumblr.com/post/46355122616/a-fbi-proclaimed-terrorist-visits-the-peace-and] [
Deep Green Resistance (2014-12-17) [
In what has been called one of the largest fraud investigations in the history of the so-called organic industry, formal legal complaints are being filed against 14 industrial livestock operations producing milk, meat, and eggs being marketed, allegedly illegally, as "Organic."
After years of inaction by the USDA, the Cornucopia Institute contracted for aerial photography in nine states, from West Texas to New York and Maryland, over the past eight months, to really document what is going on at these massive, hidden, big corporate "organic" farms. What they found confirmed earlier site visits: a systemic pattern of corporate agribusiness interests operating industrial-scale confinement livestock facilities providing no legitimate grazing, or even access to the outdoors, as required by federal organic regulations.
DGR opposes factory farms 100%. Our resistance to factory farms comes in many shades - we boycott agribusiness and support local, small farms and polyculture practices which are good for the earth - and many of us are aspiring small farmers and/or serious food co-op members.
In addition, Deep Green Resistance stands in solidarity with the rights of Indigenous peoples to continue to restore and maintain traditional food gathering & hunting practices that are based in a long history of harmonious, intimate relationship with the living world.
* "
Investigation: “Factory Farms” Producing Massive Quantities of Organic Milk and Eggs; Regulations Not Being Enforced—Watchdog Asks for USDA to Remove Program Management" (2014-12-11) [
http://www.cornucopia.org/2014/12/investigation-factory-farms-producing-massive-quantities-organic-milk-eggs/] [
* "
New law could affect criminal sentences in marijuana cases" (2014-12-22) [
http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/New-law-could-affect-criminal-sentences-in-5974026.php] [
* "
http://informacionaldesnudo.com/1-1-trillion-spending-bill-great-for-wall-street-and-the-rich-major-setback-for-working-class/] [
* "
Richard Hofstadter and America’s New Wave of Anti-Intellectualism" (2014-03-09) [
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/03/09/richard-hofstadter-and-america-s-new-wave-of-anti-intellectualism.html] [
* "
Anti-intellectualism is taking over the US; The rise in academic book bannings and firings is compounded by the US's growing disregard for scholarship itself" (2012-05-18) [
http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/may/18/anti-intellectualism-us-book-banning?CMP] [
* "
Inside The Koch-Backed History Lessons North Carolina Wants To Teach High School Students" (2014-12-14) [
http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2014/12/14/3602343/koch-fueled-history-lessons/] [
* "
The Treasury Secretary's Misperceptions About Wealth" (2014-12-19) [
http://www.creators.com/liberal/david-sirota/the-treasury-secretarys-misperceptions-about-wealth.html] [
https://archive.today/N9Sof], [begin excerpt]: By Treasury Secretary Jack Lew's reckoning, being a millionaire does not constitute living high above the ranks of ordinary people. Lew said last week that back when he was in the private sector enjoying six- and seven-figure pay packages, "My own compensation was never in the stratosphere."
Lew made that pronouncement as he sought to defend President Barack Obama's embattled Treasury undersecretary nominee Antonio Weiss from charges that as a financial executive, he is out of touch with the interests of regular people. Lew was seeking to cast his own lot with the ranks of ordinary Americans at a time of growing economic inequality.
But in doing so, Lew shed light on a uniquely American phenomenon — the tendency of extraordinarily rich people to cast themselves as everyday members of the middle class.
According to New York University records, Lew was usually paid between $700,000 and $800,000 a year as the school's vice president, while also receiving a $440,000 mortgage subsidy. Lew also earned $300,000 a year from Citigroup, with a "guaranteed incentive and retention award of not less than $1 million," according to an employment agreement obtained by Businessweek.
That agreement said that the seven-figure award would be terminated if he left for another job, but with one exception: He would indeed get the cash if he accepted "a full-time high-level position with the United States government or regulatory body." Lew was given a $940,000 bonus from Citigroup in the same week the bank received a $300 billion bailout from the federal government. [end excerpt]
* "
How ‘Awesome’ Is America?" (2014-12-12) [
https://consortiumnews.com/2014/12/12/how-awesome-is-america/] [
https://archive.today/Gjr70], [begin excerpt]:
Fox News host Andrea Tantaros is facing some well-deserved ridicule for refuting the stomach-turning Senate Intelligence Committee report on torture by declaring that “The United States is awesome. We are awesome” and claiming that the Democrats and President Barack Obama released the report because they want “to show us how we’re not awesome.” Fox News may be the poster child of this infantile anti-intellectualism but the same sentiments can be found on the Washington Post’s neocon editorial pages or in the higher-brow New Republic. If you dare point out that America or one of its favored “allies” has done some wrong around the world, you’re an enemy “apologist.” If you regularly adopt a critical stance, you will be marginalized.
That’s why so many serious national problems have lingered or gotten worse. If we don’t kill the messenger, we denounce him or her as un-American. So, when white police shoot or otherwise apply excessive violence against blacks at a wildly disproportionate rate to whites, many white Americans just shrug. They even get annoyed if black athletes join in some symbolic protests like raising their hands as Michael Brown did before he was shot to death in Ferguson, Missouri. Many people hate to have the real world intrude on their sports entertainment. In reaction to such events, Fox News and much of talk radio find reasons to ridicule the victims and the protesters rather than address the real problems. The unwelcome evidence of racism is just another excuse to roll the eyes and infuse the voice with dripping sarcasm.
On a more mundane level in Arlington County, Virginia, where I live, many whites simply don’t see the racial disparities though they are all around. While overwhelmingly white North Arlington benefits from all manner of public investments, including a state-of-the-art subway system which cost billions upon billions of dollars and amenities likes a $2 million “dog park renovation,” racially diverse South Arlington, the historic home of the County’s black population, is systematically shortchanged, except when it comes to expanding the sewage treatment plant. When the County Board finally approved a much cheaper light-rail mass-transit plan for South Arlington’s Columbia Pike and voted for a public pool complex in another South Arlington neighborhood, North Arlington residents rose up in fury. The local newspaper, the Sun-Gazette, which doesn’t even distribute in much of South Arlington – due to the demographics – rallied the political opposition. Before long, the County Board was in retreat, killing both the public pools and the light-rail plan, all the better to free up taxpayer money for more North Arlington projects. Yet, when I have noted the racial component to how the two halves of the county are treated, many Arlington whites get furious. They simply don’t see the residual racism or don’t want to see it. They view themselves as enlightened even as they favor neglecting their black and brown neighbors.
[end excerpt]
* "
Banning Dissent in the Name of Civility" (2014-12-22) [
http://www.commondreams.org/views/2014/12/22/banning-dissent-name-civility] [
* "
Stop the sexual assault of women at Karnes!" (2014-12-20) [
http://act.weareultraviolet.org/sign/Karnes_ck] [
https://archive.today/iE3dx], [begin excerpt]:
Countless women have been raped at a for-profit detention center in Texas. Male guards at Karnes County Residential Center have open access to women detainees' cells at any time of the day or night. Women detail an environment of rape and harassment, in which they are often told that they will receive assistance with their cases or money in exchange for sexual favors. Attorneys from multiple firms have all launched complaints about the large number of women reporting the same stories of abuse--guards who call detainees their "girlfriends" and enter their cells late at night to rape them. Women also report being groped and assaulted in front of other detainees, including children. It's downright horrific. [end excerpt]
* "
The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings" (2014-12-16) [
http://www.thenation.com/article/193185/cia-didnt-just-torture-it-experimented-human-beings] [
* "
CIA Torture Queen Bought $825K House While Torturing Her Way to the Top" (2014-12-20) [
http://www.legitgov.org/CLG-Exclusive-CIA-Torture-Queen-Bought-825K-House-While-Torturing-Her-Way-Top] [

* "
Classified Evidence: US Soldiers Raped Boys In Front Of Their Mothers" (2014-12-17) [
http://theantimedia.org/us-soldiers-raped-boys-in-front-of-their-mothers/] [

* Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin was one of the elite warriors chosen in 1978 to make up the first unit in America's ultrasecretive and deadly Delta Force. He then became commander of the unit, and later still, commander of all U.S. Army Special Forces. His thirty-six years in the military included a tour at the Central Intelligence Agency and clandestine missions around the wait Jerry retired in 2007, serving his last four years as the deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence.

* Photo: Major General William G. Boykin speaks at the National FAITH Institute during the Tuesday evening worship service. Photo by Kent Harville
* "
American Theocrat: Dangerous Former US General Unabashedly Calls Himself God's 'Warrior' ; Retired three-star general William “Jerry” Boykin refuses to fade away." (2014-12-12) [
http://www.alternet.org/tea-party-and-right/american-theocrat-dangerous-former-us-general-unabashedly-calls-himself-gods?paging=off¤t_page=1] [
https://web.archive.org/web/20141219225842/http://www.alternet.org/tea-party-and-right/american-theocrat-dangerous-former-us-general-unabashedly-calls-himself-gods?paging=off¤t_page=1#bookmark], [begin excerpt]: Boykin is not just stubborn. The barrel-chested, ordained minister with a shoulder-fired SA-7 rocket on his basement wall and “probably more guns than anybody in here” claims to have some well-connected back-up in his crusade to restore and save his version of America. “
Me plus the Holy Spirit,” he said, “
is the majority.”
Boykin’s far-right résumé since retiring from the military includes a seat on the board of the Christian Dominionist-leaning Oak Initiative, which, according to its website, promotes a grassroots movement to “mobilize and organize a cohesive force of activated Christians.” Dominion theology calls for Christians to implement a nation governed by Christians or by a conservative Christian interpretation of biblical law. [end excerpt]
* "
None Dare Call It Treason: Are Prominent Right-Wingers Plotting Overthrow or Secession?" (2013-10-05) [
http://my.firedoglake.com/phoenix/2013/10/05/none-dare-call-it-treason/] [
* "
Do Right-Wing Christians Want People to be Destitute? The anti-government rhetoric of conservatives would mean throwing millions of people into destitution -- and they're counting on it" (2014-11-26) [
http://www.alternet.org/do-right-wing-christians-want-people-be-destitute?paging=off¤t_page=1#bookmark] [
* "
The Mass Looting of Pension Plans Begins as Federal Law Altered to Reduce Pension Payouts" (2014-12-17) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-mass-looting-of-pension-plans-begins-as-federal-law-altered-to-reduce-pension-payouts/5420343] [
* "
10 Year-Old Boy Has Spent 2 Months in Adult Jail, Facing Minimum 25 Years" (2014-12-22) [
http://theantimedia.org/10-year-old-boy-spent-2-months-adult-jail/] [
* "
Tell AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, Walmart and others: Stop funding the political resegregation of America" [
* "
A Multi-Billion Dollar Secret" (2014-12-04) [
http://www.creators.com/liberal/david-sirota/a-multi-billion-dollar-secret.html] [
If you are a public school teacher in Kentucky, the state has a message for you: You have no right to know the details of the investments being made with your retirement savings. That was the crux of the declaration issued by state officials to a high school history teacher when he asked to see the terms of the agreements between the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System and the Wall Street firms that are managing the system's money on behalf of him, his colleagues and thousands of retirees.
The denial was the latest case of public officials blocking the release of information about how billions of dollars of public employees' retirement nest eggs are being invested. Though some of the fine print of the investments has occasionally leaked, the agreements are tightly held in most states and cities. Critics say such secrecy prevents lawmakers and the public from evaluating the propriety of the increasing fees being paid to private financial firms for pension management services.
The secrecy trend is spreading throughout the country. Last month, for instance, Illinois officials denied an open records request for information identifying which financial firms are managing that state's pension money. Like their Kentucky counterparts, Illinois officials asserted that the firms' identities "constitute trade secrets." Illinois' Freedom of Information Act includes special exemptions for information about private equity firms. [end excerpt]
* "
Jeb Bush Just Took a Big Step Toward Running for President. Here Are 23 Reasons He Should Reconsider. From questionable business dealings to allegations of philandering, the former Florida governor's past is an opposition researcher's dream." (2014-09-09) [
http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/09/23-reasons-why-jeb-bush-shouldnt-run-president] [
The article shows the culture of the most famous of families of the Republic Party, a culture is based on an ideology opposed to any type of social morality and personal restraint, and is supported by a majority of members of the Republican Party... The Bush family includes prominent Banker and Senator Prescott Bush who firmly supported and was a member of Nazi Party, whose son George HW Bush aided and protected Nazis and other fascists throughout the Cold War as director of the CIA and private clandestine operations that included a dominant cocaine trade cartel, and whose son George W. Bushkilled millions of Arabs, Baluch and Afghan people through indiscriminate bombings of civilian targets... his brother Jeb Bush is being considered for the Office of the President of the USA, but shares the Bush family morality, as shown in the following list:

The Republican Party represents a segment of the USA's electorate that supports not only the moral values of the Bush Family (including human rights abuse and unregulated business practices), but who openly support classical fascism in the USA as a traditional ideology of "conservatism" which is opposed to "progressive" tendencies in society and politics, who support anti-progressive dictatorships like Honduras, and who accept the Bush family's relations with Nazis and various fascist vanguards across the world throughout the Cold War. The Democrat Party is the controlled opposition to the Republican Party and is supported by the segment of the electorate who are opposed to fascism but who also believe in "the system" of controlled elections, and whose national leadership is composed of employees of the same monopolies funding the Republican Party, but which intends on channeling anti-fascist (i/e anti-monopolist) opposition. An example of a openly fascist state regime in the USA is Texas under the Republican Party, which, as the chart says, ranks last among the 50 states of the USA in high-school graduation, an indictment of their ideology as this fact is a symptom of their anti-intellectual priorities as a regime which also blames the individual as opposed to helping the community

Like the Bush family, other high-ranking members of the national Republican Party are part of families that profit from the CIA's controlled cocaine trafficking networks. For example, tons of cocaine have been found on ship controlled by...
* "
Mitch McConnell’s Freighted Ties to a Shadowy Shipping Company; After drugs were found aboard the Ping May, a vessel owned by his wife’s family’s company, Colombian authorities are investigating." (2014-10-30) [
http://www.thenation.com/article/186689/mitch-mcconnells-freighted-ties-shadowy-shipping-company] [
* "
Other McConnell father-in-law businesses that look a little shady" (2014-10-31) [
http://louisvillecourant.blogspot.de/2014/10/other-mcconnell-father-in-law.html] [
* "
Pillaging the World. The History and Politics of the IMF" (2014-12-17) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/pillaging-the-world-the-history-and-politics-of-the-imf/5420397] [
* "
The Bond Bubble's Risk Hits an Unbelievable $555 TRILLION in Size" (2014-12-22) [
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-12-22/bond-bubbles-risk-hits-unbelievable-555-trillion-size] [
* "
Plunging oil price to reset global defence budgets: IHS" (2014-12-20) [
http://www.observerbd.com/2014/12/20/61740.php] [
https://archive.today/E6Lnj] [
http://www.peeep.us/3508f61e]. The monopolist energy companies of Saudi Arabia and the USA artificially manipulated the price of their commodity specifically to destabilize their competitors in the EEU and ALBA, according to statements by both state and industry officials. The energy companies of the targeted political unions are under direct control by state governments, and the profits from these state energy companies is financing their state social programs and military. The globally accepted price for a barrel of crude petroleum, the main commodity of the energy companies, was struck down to $60 after spending years well above $120. Unlike the USA, however, the states of the ALBA and EEU are not slashing social spending to the degree that it leads to artificial famine and homelessness, and are restraining military spending when compared to the USA.
* "
Hackers trick way into ICANN computers" (2014-12-18) [
http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Hackers_trick_way_into_ICANN_computers_999.html] [
* "
Imperialism and the Politics of Torture: Towards a Global Secret Police Force" (2014-12-16) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/imperialism-and-the-politics-of-torture-towards-a-global-secret-police-force/5420091] [
* "
Former British citizen, Mahdi Hashi, ‘illegally interrogated’ by US officials in Djibouti" (2014-12-19) [
http://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/2014/12/19/former-british-citizen-mahdi-hashi-illegally-interrogated-by-us-officials-in-djibouti/] [
World Fascism Watch: Mexico
Introduction from El Organizador<elorganizador@earthlink.net>, 2014-11-29:
In this message we are forwarding to you Bulletin No. 1 of the Organizing Committee of the "Justice for Ayotzinapa" International Campaign. It describes the social explosion of students and youth throughout Mexico, with a special focus on November 20 -- a day when the largest demonstration in defense of the Ayotzinapa students (estimated at 500,000 people and even higher) took place in Mexico City and when hundreds of thousands more took to the streets in every state of the country.
As the rally on November 20 was coming to a close in the downtown main plaza -- the Zócalo – of Mexico City, the federal government, together with the municipal government of Mexico City, mounted a provocation and violently stormed the Zócalo with special riot police. Eleven protesters were arrested and sent to high-security prisons on charges of attempted murder, conspiracy, and rioting. The Organizing Committee of the International Campaign is demanding the immediate and unconditional release of the political prisoners, whose only “crime” has been to demand that the 43 kidnapped students of Ayotzinapa be brought back alive and that those responsible be brought to justice.
* BULLETIN # 1 Organizing Committee of the "Justice for Ayotzinapa" International Campaign
email: justicia.por.ayotzi@gmail.com
Mexico City, November 23, 2014
Bring the 43 Ayotzinapa Students Back Alive! Punish Those Responsible for their Acts of Barbarism! Release All Political Prisoners Who Have Voiced These Demands Immediately and Unconditionally!
Appeal to youth, youth organizations and students the world over:
On November 20, during the fourth global day of protests in support of the Ayotzinapa students, a huge crowd, much larger than on any of the previous days of action, took to the streets in cities across Mexico and throughout the world to demand that the government of Enrique Peña Nieto meet the demands presented by the parents of the missing students in Ayotzinapa: “Bring the 43 Students Back Alive! Punish Those Responsible! Justice!”
In Mexico City, with the participation of the parents of the disappeared students, three separate feeder marchers converged in the downtown square -- the Zócalo – on November 20. The marches began at 5 pm with contingents of students, workers, families, and peasants. At 8 pm, when the main rally in the Zócalo was coming to a close, tens of thousands of protesters had not yet managed to reach the square from the three distinct departure sites. Human rights organizations have estimated that 500,000 people mobilized in Mexico City on that date.
From the speakers’ platform in the Zócalo, a parent of one of the disappeared students responded directly to a remark made one day earlier by President Peña Nieto, who had warned that he would use force against the demonstrators. Another parent told the crowd that, “if the president and his cabinet are not able to meet the demands of the families and the protesters, then they should step down!”
The Government's Response to the November 20 Mobilizations -
Around 8:30 pm, after a provocation involving fireworks at the gates of the National Palace, the federal police -- joined by the municipal police called in by the PRD mayor and city government -- violently occupied the Zócalo. Eleven of the protesters were arrested and sent to jail.
The 11 compañer@s who were detained have since been sent to high-security prisons far from Mexico City on charges of terrorism, attempted murder, conspiracy, and rioting. This is the Mexican government's attempt to contain and squash the protests.
Crisis of the Regime -
Ayotzinapa is the straw that broke the camel’s back. It expresses the accumulated discontent that has been mounting over years. It has exposed the deep crisis of the regime after years of implementing policies of privatization, “free trade,” the destruction of the rights of young students and workers, the direct involvement of U.S. police forces in Mexico, and the imposition of Peña Nieto as president.
We call on youth and student organizations and students the world over, on young people everywhere, to speak out in defense of these just demands. We call on you to address the Mexican government, organizing delegations to Mexican embassies and Mexican consulates in different countries, as well as any other activities that you see fit, in defense of the Ayotzinapa demands and for the immediate and unconditional release of the political prisoners.
We present below the list of the detainees apprehended by the Deputy Attorney General’s Department for Specialized Investigation of Organized Crime (SEIDO):
- Luis Moreno Carlos Pichardo, 45, worker;
- Francisco García Martínez;
- Tania Damian Ivonne Rojas, 21, student at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM);
- Juan Daniel López Ávila, 18 years of age, student at the Instituto de Educación Media Superior del gobierno del Distrito Federal;
- Hilary Analy González Olguin, 22, student at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM.
- Atzin Andradre Gonzalez, 29, student at the La Esmeralda school of painting, National Institute of Fine Arts;
- Roberto César Gasso Angel, 30, student;
- Laurence Maxwell Ilabaca, Chilean, 47, Graduate Student in Literature at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM);
- Lilian Garduño Ortega, 30, high school opn-enrollment student;
- Isaac Dominguez Ayala, 31, former student of Psychology, UNAM;
- Hugo Bautista Hernandez, 22, student of Sociology at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences (FCPyS) UNAM.
* Bring the 43 Ayotzinapa Students Back Alive!
* Punish Those Responsible for their Acts of Barbarism!
* Release All Political Prisoners Who Have Voiced These Demands Immediately and Unconditionally!
* Arbitrariness and the criminalization of protest
From the Mexican daily newspaper La Jornada [
The Attorney General of the Republic of Mexico (a public ministry) confirmed yesterday (22 November) that eleven of those arrested in the demonstration of last 20 November in the centre of Mexico City have been sent to the high-security prisons of Nayarit and Veracruz. The demonstration had been called to protest the disappearance of the 43 teachers’ college students in Iguala two months ago.
Amongst the persons being held, accused of offences such as attempted homicide, criminal association and riot, are students and activists such as the Chilean citizen Laurence Maxwell Ilabaca who, according the department of the Prime Minister of his country, had not in the slightest participated in the confrontations between the demonstrators and the anti-riot forces, as well as the art student Atzin Andrade Gonzalez, whose arrest – which was recorded on a video and broadcast on the social networks – was but one of the violations of the law and the arbitrary arrest committed by the police of the capital city during the events of last Thursday (20 November).
It is first of all regrettable that a demonstration in protest against a crime committed by the police force – which is what the murder and the disappearance of the Iguala teachers’ college last September was – should end in abuse of authority against innocent citizens. The arbitrary unfounded detentions are a violation of legality by those who are supposed to uphold legality, which weakens the State of law, accelerates the discrediting of institutions and amplifies the rising wave of discontent – already quite large – throughout the country.
Moreover, just as reprehensible as the repeated police violations against innocent citizens, the inability of the forces of law and order to distinguish between the innocent and the presumed guilty and the unjustified random arrests, is the fact that the citizens who were arrested in these circumstances were, a mere few hours afterwards, given the same treatment as murderers, drug dealers or kidnappers and were sent off to federal prisons with a swiftness that is unusual in the national institutions of the public ministry, whose role it is to exercise justice.
In this respect, it cannot be omitted that over the past two days, after the excesses of repression that were committed by the capital and federal police during the historical gathering of last Thursday, the federal government has been attempting detours to justify the excessive use of force and to criminalize the social protest, at time where the wave of indignation that is sweeping the country seems to revolve around the demand for the investigation and the re-appearance of the forty-three teachers college students kidnapped in Iguala.
From what has been seen, this trend has gone from speech to act, as the arbitrariness that those in uniform who dispersed the gathering have acted, as well as the agents of the public ministry who detained the arrested, can only be understood as a means for terrorizing those who participated in these massive demonstrations and for the forbidding of organizing future mobilisations.
Such a perspective is inadmissible, because it reveals that the institutions have not only been unable to produce even one single believable fact of what happened on the spot where the students disappeared but also, furthermore, that they are beginning to concentrate their forces more and more on silencing and repressing the expression of discontent that this crime has aroused than in trying to clarify it.
Sign the appeal by the Mexican students
Send your signatures to: justicia.para.ayotzi@gmail.com
In order to obtain this appeal, to communicate your positions, your motions and messages, and for any other information, please address: alliance.jeunes.revolution@gmail.com
World Fascism Watch: Honduras
Most of the comments are collected from the daily "Presente Honduras Digest", and from the "Honduras Solidarity Network" listserve, authored by experts in geopolitics and history of Latin America. Libre is the "leftist" party working to uphold human rights and sovereignty, JOH is the dictator of Honduras supported by the USA.
* "
The IMF and Privatization in Honduras: Impacts on the National Energy Company" (2014-12-17) [
http://desdeaquiabajoabajo.blogspot.ca/2014/12/the-imf-and-privatization-in-honduras.html] [
* "
Honduras: Gov't Hides Info to Change Violent Crimes Rates" (2014-12-18) [
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVgEutTIbnw]: The World Health Organization presented a preliminary report that stated that Honduras has has the world´s highest rate of violent murders with 103.9 for every 100 thousand citizens. However the Government denied this and claimed that their data shows that the rate is fewer than 70.
* Miguel Vasquez, Human Rights Defender and journalist from Zacate Grande attacked. Human rights defender and journalist for the Zacate Grande radio, Miguel Angel Vasquez was stabbed by two men in Zacate Grande on Dec. 14th. Miguel is very active in the social movement and also has protective measures from the InterAmerican Commission. The AfGJ model cities delegation met with him last year. [
http://conexihon.hn/site/noticia/libertad-de-expresión/hieren-en-honduras-comunicador-comunitario-de-radio-la-voz-de-zacate] [
* The Inter-American Press Society (SIP) condemns the murder of journalist and owner of Channel 28, Reynaldo Paz. Source in Spanish [
http://www.hondurastierralibre.com/2014/12/sip-condena-asesinato-de-periodista-en.html] [
* SIP's representative in Honduras, Rodolfo Dumas, laments the Honduran government's indifference to the murder of journalists in the recent years. Source in Spanish [
http://www.ellibertador.hn/?q=article/“el-gobierno-no-ha-cumplido-con-seguridad-de-periodistas”-denuncia-representante-de-sip-en-h] [
* The yearly report by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) lists Honduras as one of the ten deadliest countries in the world for journalists. Source in Spanish [
http://conexihon.hn/site/noticia/libertad-de-expresión/honduras-entre-los-10-países-más-mortíferos-para-periodistas-pec] [
* ConexiHon also took up the story of the attack against human rights defender and social communicator Miguel Angel Vasquez. Source in Spanish [
http://conexihon.hn/site/noticia/libertad-de-expresión/hieren-en-honduras-comunicador-comunitario-de-radio-la-voz-de-zacate] [
* Southcom commander Gen. Kelly is back in Honduras. It is very interesting that Kelly has been to Honduras now at least twice in just a few weeks (he was there right before Thanksgiving also). [
http://www.elheraldo.hn/inicio/777998-331/jefe-de-comando-sur-visita-honduras] [
* Defensores en Linea summarizes the situation in the Bajo Aguan - injustice and impunity.
http://www.hondurastierralibre.com/2014/12/honduras-una-estela-de-injusticia.html] [
* The organization Public Services International denounces that Honduras is violating labor rights.
http://www.elheraldo.hn/pais/777477-331/derechos-laborales-son-violentados] [
* A report by the Alliance for Peace and Justice (APJ) found that of 566 examined homicide cases in the cities of San Pedro Sula, Comayagua and Tegucigalpa only one percent resulted in convictions.
Source [
http://www.insightcrime.org/news-briefs/honduras-solves-1-of-homicide-cases] [
* According to a report by CONADEH, 2500 Honduran women were murdered in the last four years.
Source in Spanish [
http://www.laprensa.hn/inicio/778268-410/cada-mes-unas-36-mujeres-mueren-de-forma-violenta-en-honduras] [
* An interesting blog post on the consequences of the Honduran IMF deal on the Honduran public sector. The workers won't take this quietly and there was a day of protest in Honduras' big cities December 17th. Sources (1) "
The IMF and Privatization in Honduras: Impacts on the National Energy Company" (2014-12-17) [
http://desdeaquiabajoabajo.blogspot.ca/2014/12/the-imf-and-privatization-in-honduras.html] [
https://archive.today/g2tCE], (2) in Spanish [
http://www.radiohrn.hn/l/noticias/día-de-protestas-en-tegucigalpa-y-sps] [
* The journalist Marvin Lopez Zuchiny denounces that he was laid-off by Channel 6 due to pressure by JOH. Source in Spanish [
http://conexihon.hn/site/noticia/libertad-de-expresión/periodista-despedido-por-presiones-del-presidente-de-honduras] [
* The coordinator of the children's rights organization Coiproden, Wilmer V?squez, denounces an attempted attack against him. Source in Spanish [
http://www.ellibertador.hn/?q=article/honduras-atentan-contra-defensor-de-la-niñez-wilmer-vásquez] [
* After the attack against human rights defender Miguel V?squez, ADEPZA denounces the general climate of persecution, threats and attacks against them. Source in Spanish [
http://zacategrande.blogspot.ch/2014/12/denuncia-publica-de-adepza-asociacion.html] [
Updates on the
* "
http://voiceofdetroit.net/2014/12/18/u-s-cuba-to-restore-diplomatic-ties-embargo-continues-as-u-s-advocates-privatization/] [
* "
Statement by Cuban anarchists on the recent announcement of normalizing relations with the US" (2014-12-20) [
http://www.ainfos.ca/en/ainfos30480.html] [
* "
Veterans Group Calls Restoration of Diplomatic Ties Between U.S. and Cuba Only a First Step" [
http://www.veteransforpeace.org/index.php?cID=785#5-steps] [
* "
US seeks to overthrow Venezuela government: official" (2014-12-20) [
http://news.yahoo.com/us-seeks-overthrow-venezuela-government-official-234048242.html] [
* "
Police and UN Fire on Swelling Demonstrations Demanding Martelly Step Down" (2014-12-17) [
http://haiti-liberte.com/archives/volume8-23/As%20Lamothe%20Resigns.asp] [
* "
WikiLeaked Diplomatic Cables Reveal: Rudy Hériveaux is a “Close Contact” of the U.S. Embassy in Haiti" (2014-12-17) [
http://haiti-liberte.com/archives/volume8-23/WikiLeaked%20Diplomatic%20Cables%20Reveal.asp] [
Updates from the
New African Peace Movement
* "
African leaders call on UN for intervention in Libya" (2014-12-19) [
http://www.africadaily.net/reports/African_leaders_call_on_UN_for_intervention_in_Libya_999.html] [
* "
Sudan unveils oil ambitions" (2014-12-17) [
http://www.oilgasdaily.com/reports/Sudan_unveils_oil_ambitions_999.html] [
* "
The Unholy Alliance — The Far Right and Zionism; Ulster Unionists, KKK, English Defence League (EDL), Britain First, Christian Zionists and the End of Worlders" (2014-09-02) [
https://medium.com/@anontomorrow/the-unholy-alliance-the-far-right-and-zionism-f1f051ffeb68] [
* "
Israel’s anti-Semitic friends" (2009-11-03) [
http://electronicintifada.net/content/israels-anti-semitic-friends/8516] [
* "
BNP leader Nick Griffin, friend of Israel?" (2009-10-23) [
http://www.thejc.com/blogpost/bnp-leader-nick-griffin-friend-israel] [
* "
KKK man makes 'death ray' against Israel's enemies" (2013-06-20) [
http://www.jpost.com/International/KKK-member-designs-death-ray-to-kill-enemies-of-Israel-317151] [
Islamo-Fascism Watch
* "
ISIS’ Bloody Footprints Lead From NATO Territory" (2014-12-17) [
http://journal-neo.org/2014/12/17/isis-bloody-footprints-lead-from-nato-territory/] [
* "
Israel’s Role in Syrian Conflict Brought into the Open: Direct Support to Al Qaeda Terrorists" (2014-12-17) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/israels-role-in-syrian-conflict-brought-into-the-open-direct-support-to-al-qaeda-terrorists/5420427] [
* "
Terrorist Op-Ed: Libya’s Al Qaeda Rebel Commander Writes Column for Britain’s Progressive Media" (2011-09-28) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/terrorist-op-ed-libya-s-al-qaeda-rebel-commander-writes-column-for-britain-s-progressive-media/26839] [
* "
The 'Shape-Shifting Sheik' and the 'Sydney Siege' " (2014-12-16) [
http://landdestroyer.blogspot.ca/2014/12/the-shape-shifting-sheik-and-sydney.html] [
* "
America's Terrorist Mercenaries Wreck Havoc in Sydney" (2014-12-15) [
http://landdestroyer.blogspot.ca/2014/12/americas-terrorist-mercenaries-wreck.html] [
* "
Alleged Al Qaeda Siege in Sydney? Terrorism and Australia’s Security State" (2014-12-15) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/alleged-al-qaeda-siege-in-sydney-terrorism-and-australias-security-state/5419942] [
* "
Australia: Police Lockdown as Sydney Siege Continues" (2014-12-15) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/australia-police-lockdown-as-sydney-siege-continues/5420033] [
World Fascism Watch: UKGB
* "
Will the real David Cameron please stand up?" (2014-12-17) [
https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/articles/europe/15869-will-the-real-david-cameron-please-stand-up] [
* "
Why are London’s Police travelling to Israel?" (2014-11-29) [
https://medium.com/wake-up-act/why-are-londons-police-travelling-to-israel-cf15bb9b8848] [
* "
Bristol anarchist groups claim police use 'Stasi tactics' " (2014-12-17) [
http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-bristol-30512635] [
World Fascism Watch: Spain
* "
Fascism Is Back In Spain" (2014-12-21) [
http://www.rabble.ie/2014/12/21/fascism-is-back-in-spain/] [
https://web.archive.org/web/20141222043701/http://www.rabble.ie/2014/12/21/fascism-is-back-in-spain/], [begin excerpt]:
Journalism is no longer possible in Spain as new laws ban photographing security forces.
Strange the media silence in Ireland and Britain over this. Here are some of the fines and results of the latest Spanish laws enacted this month.
1. Photographing or recording police – 600 to 30.000€ fine.
2. Peaceful disobedience to authority – 600 to 30.000€ fine.
3. Occupying banks as means of protest – 600 to 30.000€ fine.
4. Not formalizing a protest – 600 to 30.000€ fine.
5. For carrying out assemblies or meetings in public spaces – 100 to 600€ fine.
6. For impeding or stopping an eviction – 600 to 30.000€ fine.
7. For presence at an occupied space (not only social centers but also houses occupied by evicted families) – 100 to 600€ fine.
8. Police black lists for protesters, activists and alternative press have been legalized.
9. Meeting or gathering in front of Congress – 600 to 30.000€ fine.
10. Appealing the fines in court requires the payment of judicial costs, whose amount depends on the fine.
11. It allows random identity checks, allowing for racial profiling of immigrants and minorities.
12. Police can now carry out raids at their discretion, without the need for “order” to have been disrupted.
* "
Spain will soon approve the most repressive anti-protest law in Europe; The Congress of Deputies has approved the Citizen’s Security Law, a legislative project very dear to those nostalgic for General Franco" (2014-12-20) [
http://www.valigiablu.it/anti-protest-law-spain/] [
* "
Spain: Operation Pandora" (2014-12-16) [
http://www.x-pressed.org/?xpd_article=spain-operation-pandora] [
* "
Spain: big wave of searches and arrests in Barcelona and Madrid" (2014-12-20) [
http://www.ainfos.ca/en/ainfos30481.html] [
* "
Why are Spain’s Police Travelling to Israel? Civilian facing police given military training" (2014-12-20) [
https://medium.com/wake-up-act/spanish-police-become-paramilitaries-trained-by-israel-be87aa0b7ca8] [
* "
Mossad Agents in Barcelona: Demand they Leave!" (2014-08-04) [
https://medium.com/@anontomorrow/mossad-agents-in-barcelona-b1bfe959a968] [
World Fascism Watch: Ukraine
* "
The Devil’s in the Details: Inside The Ukrainian Freedom Support Act" (2014-12-16) [
http://orientalreview.org/2014/12/16/the-devils-in-the-details-inside-the-ukrainian-freedom-support-act/] [
* "
Kiev Regime is Forcing Death by Starvation and Relocation in East Ukraine" (2014-12-17) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/kiev-regime-is-forcing-death-by-starvation-and-relocation-in-east-ukraine/5420460] [
* "
U.S. Taxpayers Now Alone in Financing Ukraine’s Ethnic Cleansing Campaign. IMF Says Ukraine Fails to Meet Conditions of $17 Billion Loan" (2014-12-15) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/u-s-taxpayers-now-alone-in-financing-ukraines-ethnic-cleansing-campaign-imf-says-ukraine-fails-to-meet-conditions-of-17-billion-loan/5419885] [
* "
Head of Stratfor, ‘Private CIA’, Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was ‘The Most Blatant Coup in History’" (2014-12-21) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/head-of-stratfor-private-cia-says-overthrow-of-yanukovych-was-the-most-blatant-coup-in-history/5420978] [
* "
Targeting Russia Escalates. Washington and Wall Street Declare Russia as the Enemy" (2014-12-21) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/targeting-russia-escalates-washington-and-wall-street-declare-russia-as-the-enemy/5421020] [
* "
Stratfor: Ukraine Coup Plotted by US Over Russian Stance on Syria" (2014-12-19) [
http://sputniknews.com/politics/20141219/1016024377.html] [
* "
Challenging Russia, Ukraine moves to drop neutral status" (2014-12-20) [
http://m.tengrinews.kz/en/politics_sub/258004] [
https://archive.today/iiGVG] [
* "
Foreign Bankers Rape Ukraine" (2014-12-18) [
http://journal-neo.org/2014/12/18/foreign-bankers-rape-ukraine/] [
* "
Obama authorizes ‘economic embargo’ on Russia’s Crimea" (2014-12-19) [
http://rt.com/usa/216143-obama-sanctions-russia-crimea/] [
* "
Ukraine's 'Ministry of Truth' to deal with mass media that criticize Poroshenko" (2014-12-10) [
http://english.pravda.ru/news/world/10-12-2014/129264-ukraine_media_poroshenko-0/#.VJc5DfBBA] [
* "
America Confronts Russia: Kiev Anti-Russian False Flag Planned?" (2014-12-17) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/kiev-anti-russian-false-flag-planned/5420435] [
* "
Major Anti-Russian False Flag Coming?" (2014-12-15) [
http://sjlendman.blogspot.de/2014/12/major-anti-russian-false-flag-coming.html] [
* "
NAF Intel: Kiev is Preparing False Flag Terrorist Attacks on Strategic Objects" (2014-12-15) [
http://fortruss.blogspot.de/2014/12/naf-intel-kiev-is-preparing-false-flag.html] [
* "
Lavrov: Why don’t the BBC and CNN show 'Russian troops in Ukraine'?" (2014-12-06) [
http://en.ukraina.ru/news/20141206/1011401701.html] [
https://archive.today/pC7Bj], [begin excerpt]: Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed surprise at the lack of any video evidence of the US Department of State’s claims about Russia’s "invasion" of Ukraine from American TV channels. [end excerpt]
Updates on the
* "
Russia Expects a Color Revolution to Follow the Destruction of Its Economy – Putin Warned of Threat in November" (2014-12-17) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/russia-expects-a-color-revolution-to-follow-the-destruction-of-its-economy-putin-warned-of-threat-in-november/5420586] [
* "
Lavrov: US is organizing a coup d'etat in Russia" (2014-12-18) [
http://en.ukraina.ru/news/20141218/1011529656.html] [
* "
The 'Impending' Russian Maidan" (2014-12-20) [
http://journal-neo.org/2014/12/20/the-impending-russian-maidan/] [
* "
What Putin is not telling us" [
http://rt.com/op-edge/215675-putin-economic-sanctions-us-oil/] [
* For striking fear into the hearts of the economic dictators of the global market regime, we nominate Vladimir Putin as "
Our Favorite Cracker!"

* "
Empire of Chaos" (2014-12-19) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/empire-of-chaos/5420734] [
Russia & the EEU, and China & the SCO, vs. The Empire of Chaos

* "
China pledges to help Russia overcome economic hardships" (2014-12-22) [
http://rt.com/news/216563-china-russia-economic-hardships/] [
* "
Santa's real workshop: the town in China that makes the world's Christmas decorations" (2014-12-22) [
http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/architecture-design-blog/2014/dec/19/santas-real-workshop-the-town-in-china-that-makes-the-worlds-christmas-decorations] [
* "
Christmas in China, with saxophones, Smurfs and steam trains" (2014-12-21) [
http://www.sinodaily.com/reports/Christmas_in_China_with_saxophones_Smurfs_and_steam_trains_999.html] [
* "
Billionaire brothers at heart of Hong Kong corruption trial" (2014-12-19) [
http://www.sinodaily.com/reports/Billionaire_brothers_at_heart_of_Hong_Kong_corruption_trial_999.html] [
* "
A Suitable Donor: Harvesting Kidneys in the Philippines" (2014-12-15) [
http://japanfocus.org/-Rey-Ventura/4235] [
Free West Papua Campaign [

Students Alliance of Papua, AMP, did a mass protests on a remembrance day, where Indonesia started violation to the people of West Papua on December 19, 1961, with invasion operation Trikora.
Hundreds of students who joined in the Students Alliance of Papua did a mass protests on the street of, Yogyakarta City, the place where Trikora was formed.
Demanding, the government of Indonesia under the regime of Jokowi-Kala, has to give Freedom and the Rights to Self Determination as a Democratic Solution for the people of West Papua.
The government of Indonesia will never find the right solution for the people of West Papua but they will create problems again and again.
We believe that our people, the people of Melanesia, our brothers and sisters will hear the long cry of the people of West Papua. Our people are the people from PNG, FIJI, Solomon Island, Vanuatu, and Kanaky. They are behind us to support our struggle.
Source: [
http://ampjogja.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/seruan-aksi-hari-trikora-19-desember.html] [
* "
The End of Democracy in the Republic of Korea" (2014-12-18) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/republic-of-korea-imminent-threat-to-political-expression-and-civil-rights/5420702] [
https://archive.today/ifggN], [begin excerpt]:
The UPP has been dissolved by an 8-1 vote of the Constitutional Court. It is a sad day for The Republic Korea which has been precipitated back to the era of martial law.
This decision is a de facto repeal of parliamentary democracy, whereby an opposition party can be silenced for opposing the policies of the ROK government of Mrs. Park Geun-hye.
UPP leader Lee Jung-hee said the ROK has been “degraded into a dictatorship,”
Political debate regarding the reunification of the two Koreas is considered to constitute treason.
President Park Geun-hye is the daughter of military dictator Park Chung-hee of the period of martial law, which is now being glorified as an era of successful economic growth.On November 5, 2013, the South Korean government requested that the Korean Constitutional Court initiate dissolution proceedings against the Unified Progressive Party (UPP), the third largest political party in Korea, following the arrest of one if its members, the parliamentarian Lee Seok-Ki.
Representative Lee Seokki was accused (allegedly on trumped up charges) and later convicted of violating South Korea’s national security law and for planning a future incitement of violence. The incitement of violence charge was reversed by the ROK Court of Appeals.
[end excerpt]
* "
South Korea’s Daughter Dictator Adopts HER Father’s Political Terror Campaign" (2013-09-22) [
http://www.4thmedia.org/2013/09/daughter-dictator-wields-father-dictators-political-terror-campaign-neo-mccarthyism-in-south-korea/] [
A publicity stunt becomes a propaganda tool to attack the DPRK. The Daily Beast reported yesterday on leaked emails from the Sony hack which show that the United States government was involved at high levels with the content development of The Interview, especially its controversial ending depicting the assassination of North Korean ruler Kim Jong-Un. Now that the movie will not be shown, it looks as though SONY is not only going to be able to recoup its loss, but it also leads to more war...
* "
Obama chides Sony’s decision to nix film, says US must retaliate and pass cyber act" (2014-12-19) [
http://rt.com/usa/216111-obama-sony-korea-hack/] [
* "
U.S. Weighs Response To Sony Hack Blamed On North Korea" (2014-12-18) [
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/18/us-response-sony-hack_n_6349066.html] [
Yes, the US blames North Korea, but with an assist from Iran. Why Iran? Because this malware bears a striking resemblance to the Shamoon sabotool that the US and Israeli cyberteams cooked up between them to take down Iran's nuclear processing facilities. Their contention is that this proves Iran reverse-engineered our wickedly effective cybertage malware and then passed it on to NK.
In other words, "We know Iran used our malware code against us because, well, we created it. How dare they! "Us" purely in the sense that the Sony "person" is obviously far more important than the actual US people. Just look at it. The US government is "weighing appropriate response" to get back at NK for attacking a JAPANESE CORPORATION. When's the last time they "weighed appropriately" on behalf of the US people. Real people, not this corporate person bullshit.
* "
Obama Says Sony Hacks Not an Act of War, but Republicans Disagree" (2014-12-21) [
http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2014-12-21/obama-says-sony-hacks-not-an-act-of-war-but-republicans-disagree] [
* "
Sony Emails that a CIA agent and a former Hillary Clinton aide looked at the film’s script" (2014-12-18) [
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/12/18/exclusive-sony-emails-say-studio-exec-picked-kim-jong-un-as-the-villain-of-the-interview.html] [
* "
Hacking Collective Anonymous Says FBI Is Lying, 'North Korea Is Not Source Of Hack' " (2014-12-21) [
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-12-21/hacking-collective-anonymous-says-fbi-lying-north-korea-not-source-hack] [
* "
The FBI told their story about North Korea attacking Sony. Before we retaliate, read what they didn’t tell you" (2014-12-20) [
http://fabiusmaximus.com/2014/12/20/rebuttal-holes-fbi-north-korea-sony-attack-74873/] [
* "
Sony Hack Blamed on North Korea Bears Hallmarks of U.S. Intelligence Operation" (2014-12-18) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/sony-hack-blamed-on-north-korea-bears-hallmarks-of-u-s-intelligence-operation/5420754] [
* "
What is FBI evidence for North Korea hack attack?" (2014-12-19) [
http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-30554444] [
* "
Why the Sony hack is unlikely to be the work of North Korea." (2014-12-18) [
http://marcrogers.org/2014/12/18/why-the-sony-hack-is-unlikely-to-be-the-work-of-north-korea/] [
* "
These experts still don't buy the FBI claim that North Korea hacked Sony" (2014-12-21) [
http://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-mh-these-experts-still-dont-buy-20141221-column.html] [
* "
The Evidence That North Korea Hacked Sony Is Flimsy" (2014-12-17) [
http://www.wired.com/2014/12/evidence-of-north-korea-hack-is-thin/] [
The monopolist newspapers and TV/Radio news contained the following report, giving prominence to an audience of "educated voters" another "threat" to terrorize their minds...
* "
A Look at North Korea's Cyberwar Capabilities" (2014-12-18) [
http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/north-koreas-cyberwar-capabilities-27684445] [
* "
US Escalates Campaign against North Korea" (2014-12-21) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-escalates-campaign-against-north-korea/5421159] [
https://archive.today/UD4uu], [begin excerpt]:
“We cannot have a society where some dictator someplace can start imposing censorship here in the United States,” Obama said, “because if somebody is able to intimidate folks out of releasing a satirical movie, imagine what they’ll do when they see a documentary that they don’t like, or news reports that they don’t like.” This pretense of alarm over the threat to the civil liberties of Americans is just as hypocritical coming from Obama as from the FBI. His administration has prosecuted more whistleblowers for leaking information about government crimes to the press than any other in American history. Obama has presided over dragnet surveillance of the telecommunications and email of every American by the National Security Agency, trampling on the Bill of Rights. As for censorship, this is a government that doesn’t hesitate to demand that major newspapers and television networks withhold information from the public, including information on massive violations of the Constitution by the government itself, in the name of “national security.” The media routinely complies, allowing the government to vet and/or censor articles and news reports before they are aired. The daily newspapers and television networks have largely dropped any reporting on last week’s Senate Intelligence Committee report documenting systematic torture by the CIA of prisoners held in secret prisons overseas. Not a single question was raised about the torture report at Obama’s hour-long press conference. Obama made it clear that the US government would retaliate against North Korea for the alleged hacking attack on Sony. “They caused a lot of damage, and we will respond,” he said. “We will respond proportionally, and we’ll respond in a place and time and manner that we choose.” While the tone was matter-of-fact, Obama refused to rule out military action in response to a follow-up question by a reporter, saying only that he would not expand on his previous statement about an indeterminate future response.
Meanwhile, evidence continues to surface that the entire Sony Pictures affair, going back to the original decision by the studio to make a film depicting the murder of Kim Jong-un, was a provocation inspired by the US military-intelligence apparatus.
Email communications obtained by the online publication Daily Beast and cited in many columns and commentaries Friday strongly suggest this. Sony Pictures co-chairman Michael Lynton is on the board of trustees of the Rand Corporation, a leading private consulting firm for the CIA and Pentagon, and it was Rand’s North Korea specialist, Bruce Bennett, who pushed hard for the Sony film to focus on the assassination of North Korea’s ruler.
According to one of these emails, Seth Rogen, the film’s co-director, had initially intended the film to target an unnamed leader of an unnamed country, and it was Lynton himself “that told them to not use a fictitious name, but to go with Kim Jong-un.” The same message, written by Marisa Liston, a Sony senior vice president, said that Rogen and co-director Evan Goldberg “mention that a former CIA agent and someone who used to work for Hillary Clinton looked at the script.”
An email from Bennett, the Rand analyst, to Lynton suggested that the film could actually help unseat the North Korean regime. “I have been clear that the assassination of Kim Jong Un is the most likely path to a collapse of the North Korean government,” Bennett wrote. “I believe that a story that talks about the removal of the Kim family regime and the creation of a new government by the North Korean people (well, at least the elites) will start some real thinking in South Korea and, I believe, in the North once the DVD leaks into the North (which it almost certainly will).”
[end excerpt]
* "
North Korea experiencing severe Internet outages; Severe Internet connectivity problems seen in North Korea in wake of Sony hacking attack" (2014-12-23) [
http://news.yahoo.com/north-korea-experiencing-severe-internet-200418060.html] [
* "
A Reply to Kim’s Cyberterrorism: Financial sanctions squeezed the North before and could again" (2014-12-19) [
http://www.wsj.com/articles/a-reply-to-kims-cyberterrorism-1419033248] [
* "
How Hollywood Smears North Koreans" (2013-04-03) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/war-against-the-axis-of-evil-how-hollywood-smears-north-koreans/5329570] [
* "
An Antidote to Disinformation about North Korea" (2005) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/an-antidote-to-disinformation-about-north-korea/1663] [
https://archive.today/NjFWx], [begin excerpt]:
A declassified CIA report on North Korea describes the achievements of that society. The report says “North Korea provides compassionate care for war orphans in particular and children in general; ‘radical change’ in the position of women (there are more college-educated women than college-educated men); genuinely free-housing; preventive medicine on a national scale accomplished to a comparatively high standard; infant mortality and life expectancy rates comparable to the most advanced countries until the recent famine; ‘no organized prostitution’ and ‘the police are difficult if not impossible to bribe.’”
North Korea experienced record-breaking floods (1995 and 1996) followed by an equally severe drought and famine (1997). The author believes that the food shortage problem “has provided little evidence of a collapse of state power, except for breakdowns at the local level.” And, even at its worst, “the famine only began to approach India’s year-in, year-out toll (in proportionate terms) of infant mortality and deaths from malnutrition or starvation which I only mention because the media’s recent habit of depicting Kim Jung Il’s frolicking among a heap of starved cadavers.”
[end excerpt]
More News & Views
* "CCDSLinks: Radical Ideas for Radical Change" weekly newsletter (2014-12-19) [
SubMedia.tv, "
A Decade of Subversion" Free DVD Download!
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Internet Archive [
A Letter from Michael Metelits, Son of Marion Stokes -
My mother didn’t go to college. Black women didn’t go to university in the late 40s. Instead, she was directed to library school. She became a feminist and an activist. But mostly, she was an archivist.
The first video recorder we got was in 1976—it was one of those old Sony consoles with a Betamax on the side. Then CNN started in 1980. My mother thought this was going to have an impact on how people would form their opinions. Quickly she started taping CNN 24 hours a day. She wanted to have everything. When you would visit her, you were just swept up in it. Change that tape. Bring that one over here. Put that one in. No that’s not how you do it. She was very specific about how you should write the label. You would stack this very precarious arrangement of tapes 15-high, 20-high, 30-high. And then you would start again. When people would ask her why, she would say, “Nobody else is going to keep it. All sorts of things fall between the cracks. Stories change. People need to be able to see what was going on in the early development of the story.” When she died, we found 192 Macintosh computers. And 40,000 videocassettes. My mother was very sensitive to issues of surveillance. She viewed the archive—the ability of the public to see everything that is going on—as a bulwark against that kind of government. She was motivated by this impulse to enable human freedom through information.Now we need your help. We estimate it will cost $1.5 million to digitize, store, and make her collection of television news accessible to the public. Can you give $10, $20 or $100 to help realize my mother’s vision?
PM Press is offering 50% off all Books, e-Books, DVDs, and CD titles until December 31st, 2014.
More information at [
https://archive.today/DToAK]. Including books like "The Debt Resisters' Operations Manual", and "Bicycle! A Repair & Maintenance Manifesto, 2nd Edition", plus other books for revolution and sovereignty!
* TransAtlantic Productions [
Welcome to TransAtlantic Productions with over 30,000 hours of footage, it's among the largest archive of African and African American History on Video Tape. This archive is a tool to help heal the African Mind and help free it so it can pursue the task of creating a world of peace and prosperity for all people. The Ingenuity and achievement of Ancient Africans and her descendants have proven that they are necessary in solving the crises of today Through the African Mind rooted in the principles of Maat, The African world view is a gift offered to the world at a critical time when world civilization must save itself from self-destruction.

Black Riders is calling for a Nation Wide Gang Truce/Cease Fire - Bloods, Crips, GDs, Stones, Vice Lords: All Gangs. Hoods, Turfs, and Sets Must Unite to Ride on our Real Racist enemy! [
INTERCOMMUNAL SOLIDARITY, building the federation of nations, uniting for peace among ourselves, that we may stand strong and protect our brothers and sisters.
* "
Black Ridah Anthem" [
https://soundcloud.com/k-lon/black-ridah-anthem], by K-Lon of Oakland [
https://www.facebook.com/klon.spirit], #UrbanGuerillaRap
* "
No Blood to Bleed" by Askari Mwari of Oakland, CA, from the mixtape "
Military Apparatus" (2014)
John Iversen (2014-12-23): The best political speech of my life was by Richard Dhoruba Moore of NY21 (political prisoners from the Black Panther Party) when he spoke at the Revolutionary People's Constitutional Convention in Philly. Sadly the second one in DC was not as successful. I left college in Chicago for two weeks and went to DC to help organize for it. I think one of the main peeps in the office was an agent, but cannot prove it--talking about metaphysical crap and such. I've come into contact with 2 fbi agents and one Chgo Red Squad. I did not realize it until they were outed. The Philly confab was incredible--tho "Cornbread Titty and Earl" had far overwhelmed any leftist spray painters.
It's sort of a blur but I remember the palpable electricity in the room. Long speech that seemed so short and sweet. I don't remember anyone else who spoke there. I wonder if there's a written copy of that speech anywhere or maybe the notes he had for it. He seemed to be spontaneous, channeling the universe. I never heard Fred Hampton speak. I wonder if Pacifica Radio archives might have recorded it?
Our main BPP connect was Lynn French. Bobby rush cakes to meetings in our apt a few times to see if he thought he could fully trust me and 3 roommates...he did. The Black PP Defense Committee of Chicago- BPP, BPP Defense, Rising Up Angry and Chicago Sun- got 3000 peeps downtown with 6 weeks notice for Free Bobby Seale in 71(70?). He was separated from Chicago 8 (political prisoners). In Albuquerque, the Brown Berets and Seer's Catalog (the underground paper I wrote for), got 400 out when BB leader Richard Moore (I think that was his name) was shot by cops. I chaired many of the Karl Armstrong Defense Committee meetings.
Doing mostly Leonard Peltier stuff now, and a lot of native stuff as I am a diluted enrolled Chippewa.
"Huey P. Newton Footage Compilation" [
* "
FBI Attacks Black Panther for NOT Being Racist! FOIA request reveals FBI’s concern with former Black Panther leader’s ability to rally people of different races" (2014-11-22) [
http://thefreethoughtproject.com/special-report-fbi-attacks-black-panther-racist/] [
* "
Biased reporting on the Black Panther Party" by Larry Pinkney (2006) [
http://assatashakur.org/forum/shoulders-our-freedom-fighters/17485-biased-reporting-bpp.html#post86233] [
* Bill Mandel on Larry Pinkney [
http://www.struggle-and-win.net/13201/43480.html] [
* More info at [
http://www.blackactivistwg.org] [

* "
7 Things You Didn’t Know About the Largest Slave Revolution in History"
Page 1 [
http://atlantablackstar.com/2014/12/22/7-things-didnt-know-largest-slave-revolution-history/] [
Page 2 [
http://atlantablackstar.com/2014/12/22/7-things-didnt-know-largest-slave-revolution-history/2/] [
Page 3 [
http://atlantablackstar.com/2014/12/22/7-things-didnt-know-largest-slave-revolution-history/3/] [
* "
Origins of the police" [
https://worxintheory.wordpress.com/2014/12/07/origins-of-the-police/] [
* "
Malcolm X Prophetically Describes Today’s Police Situation in this 50-Year-Old Interview" [
http://thefreethoughtproject.com/watch-malcolm-prophetically-describes-todays-police-situation-50-year-old-interview/] [
https://archive.today/dlPcy], [begin excerpt]: The police commissioner feeds the type of statistics to the white public to make them think that Harlem is a complete criminal area where everyone is prone towards violence. This gives the police the impression that they can then go and brutalize the Negroes, or suppress the Negroes, or even frighten the Negroes. This force that is so visible in the Harlem community, creates a spirit of resentment in every Negro. They think they are living in a police state, and they become hostile toward the policemen. They think that the policeman is there to be against them rather than to protect them. And these thoughts, these frustrations, these apprehensions, automatically are sufficient to make these Negroes begin to form means and ways to protect themselves in case the police themselves get too far out of line. [end excerpt]
* "
The only way we'll get freedom for ourselves is to identify ourselves with every oppressed people in the world. We are blood brothers to the people of Brazil, Venezuela, Haiti, Cuba -- yes, Cuba too." - Malcolm X

* "
North American Universities and the 1965 Indonesian Massacre: Indonesian Guilt and Western Responsibility" (2014-12-15) [
http://japanfocus.org/-Peter_Dale-Scott/4234] [
https://archive.today/fdFLd], [begin excerpt]:
By 1958, however, the PKI (the Indonesian Communist Party) had emerged as the largest mass movement in the country, and everyone expected that they might come to power in the next election. At this point Pauker and other American social scientists in the U.S. Air Force and CIA-subsidized "think-tanks" began to argue in favor of military-led economic development, and to urge this new notion, successfully, on their military contacts in Indonesia and Brazil. Five economists – all trained by the Ford Foundation – at the Indonesian Army Staff and Command School in Bandung , which served before the 1965 coup as a training-ground for the takeover of political power by the army. Civilians were also trained at SESKOAD, and U.S. officials have confirmed that the civilians, who themselves were in a training program funded by the Ford Foundation, became involved in what the (then) U.S. military attaché called "contingency planning" to prevent a PKI takeover. After the coup, Suharto used the same five (by then known in the new government as the “Berkeley Mafia,” because four of them had trained at UC Berkeley under Prof. Guy Pauker) to implement IMF-style economic reforms; in this they were “working alongside Ford-sponsored American economists – this time from Harvard’s Development Advisory Service.”
Paramilitary groups and assorted thugs deputized by the country’s soon-to-be dictator, General Suharto, executed more than a million people. Starving prisoners were dumped into rivers alongside corpses; women were molested and raped; victims were shot, beheaded with swords, and dismembered while still alive; thousands more, spared death, were forced into concentration camps and prisons.
These efforts were of little benefit to Indonesians. A Ford report in 1978 declared that despite “massive foreign investment” based on “concessions,” very few new jobs had been created. In addition, the armed forces “remain massively involved in illegal tax collection, smuggling and commercial activities.” University professors did not just offer a skewed notion of economic development; some of them also advocated military takeovers in order to achieve it. Before the 1955 Indonesian election, most US Indonesianists, above all those who were faculty at Harvard, MIT, and UC Berkeley, had naively assumed that U.S. advice and aid would enable Indonesia to evolve into a more and more western-oriented nation willing to engage in western-style economic development.
* "
CIA Torture in Latin America. The Historical Record" (2014-12-15) [
This video production provides a historical insight on CIA torture practices in Latin America directed against “Communist terrorists”. This record is of particular relevance in relation to the Senate report on CIA torture committed during the Bush administration. "The media has been glorifying the CIA. Our job was to promote repression" (Phil Agee, former CIA). USAID served as a front organization.
* "
Remembering the Horrible Things America Did to Cuba Over the Past 6 Decades There is a long list of U.S. state-sponsored and CIA-led terrorist acts against Cuba." (2014-12-18) [
http://www.alternet.org/world/remembering-horrible-things-america-did-cuba-over-past-6-decades?paging=off¤t_page=1] [
https://web.archive.org/web/20141219225630/http://www.alternet.org/world/remembering-horrible-things-america-did-cuba-over-past-6-decades?paging=off¤t_page=1#bookmark], [begin excerpt]:
1981, A Cuban-exile group under CIA leadership introduces Type II dengue into Cuba. Since then, the potentially fatal illness has affected more than 344,000 people. In 1984 a member of Omega 7, another exile group under CIA leadership, says the intention was to sicken as many people as possible. [end excerpt]
* "
Fascism and War: Elite Tools to Crush and Kill Dissent" (2014-12-17) [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/fascism-and-war-elite-tools-to-crush-and-kill-dissent/5420224] [
* "
The British Royal Family Supported Hitler and the Nazis; Prince Charles Compares Putin to Hitler - Remark ironic considering Saxe-Coburg-Gotha royals loved Hitler and the Nazis" [
http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-british-royal-family-supported-hitler-and-the-nazis/5383589] [
* "
The New Deal and the New Order of Capitalist Institutions" (1972) [
http://viewpointmag.com/2014/10/02/the-new-deal-and-the-new-order-of-capitalist-institutions-1972/] [
War Pigs of the late 1960s were fierce enforcers of the Establishment. They would use chemical weapons and military tactics when attacking entire ghettos or hippie "Liberated Zones". Some War Pigs came out of police departments with special "Red Squads" dedicated to attacking just "leftists". Others were verifiably Death Squads like what are used in fascist states in Latin America, shooting at non-violent protesters just to terrorize them. Nobody expected the police to attack white people protesting the war or in support of the Black Panthers, but when it began to happen, it only served to increase the People's resistance to the point of open Guerilla warfare in most major cities by 1969,

The use of War Pigs against non-violent Peace and Liberation activists was routine, and lead to the use of helmets by activists and the alternative news media journalists, as shown in the following photos:
* "
Women Demonstrators Outside Fort Dix, A Major Transshipment Port for U.S. Army Soldiers Leaving For Vietnam" photo by David Fenton, October 12th, 1969 [
https://archive.today/GtbpW], their sign saying "
FREE: Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Martin Sostre, Ahmed (?)". All are New African political prisoners. Martin Sostre, owner of an Afro-Asian bookstore in Buffalo's Black ghetto, was arrested and charged with inciting to riot during 1967. More info about him at [

* "
Fuck the Pigs" photo by Leon Levinstein [

The following photo shows an alternative news journalist at the right wearing a helmet, and a mainstream news journalist on the left wearing one too, The police in this photo had spent days attacking, kidnapping, and torturing Justice and Liberation activists across Berkeley. The graffiti "Welcome to Prague" compares the police tyranny to the worst of what was heard about eastern European Communism, that is, the suppression of the fascist rebellion in Prague was publicized in the monopolist press world wide as a tragedy against freedom, yet in Berkeley the same oppression was happening against "hippies", and it wasn't the only city in the USA whose police are comparable to what was said about what happened in Prague...
* "
Berkeley Protests and Arrests" photo by Danny Lyon (1969) [

Berkeley’s ‘Seven Days in May’ " [
http://www.berkeleyside.com/2011/07/25/shooting-for-posterity-berkeleys-seven-days-in-may/] [

* "
A Not-So-Brief and Extremely Sordid History of Cheerleading" (2014-12-15) [
http://www.motherjones.com/media/2014/12/cheerleader-history-timeline] [
1968: Two weeks after John Carlos and Tommie Smith's iconic medal stand demonstration at the Summer Olympics in Mexico City, Yale cheerleaders Greg Parker and Bill Brown give Black Power salutes during the National Anthem before a game against Dartmouth.

1969: As integration spreads at Southern schools, some black cheerleaders refuse to dance to "Dixie" or wave the Confederate flag. Violence erupts in Burlington, North Carolina, after recently integrated Walter Williams High School fails to select any black cheerleaders. The governor declares a state of emergency and a curfew, and 400 National Guard troops arrive to quell riots. A black 15-year-old student named Leon Mebane is killed.
Deconstructing The Western Tradition", Part 1 [
http://syncreticstudies.com/2013/07/22/deconstructing-history-part-i/] [
https://archive.today/w1j5P], Part 2 [
http://syncreticstudies.com/2013/08/30/deconstructing-the-western-tradition-part-ii/] [
During the years before Europeans began to use the printing press, history books were either one-of-a-kind or copied by hand onto calf-skin. Often, European history is based on the records of the winning political entities, therefore, evidence has been corroborated time and again showing that European history is, literally, less than a thousand years old, and that their history before this time is relatively unknown, similar to the sources for the history of China, which had printing presses hundreds of years before Europe and encyclopedias published throughout the previous dynasties, however, succeeding dynasties would burn all of the books published during the previous dynasty. When history is absolutely controlled by economic hierarchies, history is managed as a tool of propaganda.