I am exercising my CPRA rights anticipating litigation to obtain (all) the requested records without waiting for the Santa Cruz Police Department to conclude its investigation and capture the suspect(s) if there actually are any.
I am acting in the public’s interest:
* They have a fundamental right to understand the threat to them and their children (if this reveals related acts of domestic terrorism against Santa Cruz County residents).
* I know about the Santa Cruz Police Department, the crimes of its leaders, and the unresolved murder of nineteen year old surfer Carl Reimer at the Mission Gardens Apartments at 90 Grandview Street (which has been investigated by at least eight lead detectives according to Carl’s distraught mother)
* I have observed that Deputy Chief Steve Clark seems embedded with domestic terror group Take Back Santa Cruz.
* I have observed from the Internet posting of Take Back Santa Cruz hate mongers (who have been gang stalking my sister and I although they and their leader Analicia Cube crazily claim we are stalking them) that Clark appears to have colluded with them to unethically and illegally destroy the progressive City Council campaigns of Leonie Sherman and Bruce Van Allen
* I don’t trust the Santa Cruz Police Department can complete a professional, competent, successful and speedy investigation.
* Carl Reimer’s family still has not received justice although he was slain at Mission Gardens where my sister Patricia Colby and I witnessed the probable shooter Dax Lachica yet they took the witness testimony of his gangster friends Dmitri Palmer, Drew Levine and Nick Peddle (none who called 911 like we did) and the testimony of gang den mother Rory Lachica who tutored them all in crime.
* The Santa Cruz Police Department adamantly refuses to use our witness testimony although we were passing confidential updates to then lead investigator Sergeant Jonathan Bush.
* Santa Cruz Police Department officers perjured themselves by telling federal agents from HUD’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) that there were gangsters at Mission Gardens while officers taking criminal police reports for us denied this.
* Santa Cruz Police Department officers claimed these criminals terrorizing me posed no threat to me — potentially to reduce the City of Santa Cruz’s liability for criminal negligence because I used court and police records to prove the department knowingly allowed dangerous criminals to reside and return there.
* The Santa Cruz Police Department protected these criminals (who terrorize the Mission Gardens community and pose a threat to the surrounding neighborhood) including but not limited to (fraudsters, sex criminals, alleged methamphetamine addicts and drug dealers, reckless DUI drivers, homophobes, mail thieves and hate criminals) Tania Story and Craig Akey, the (violent and reckless driving) Lachica mafioso family, (violent felon, reckless DUI driver and fraudster) Nebosia Freeman. (fraudster, homophobe and hate criminal) Kim Ellis and (fraudster, former methamphetamine abuser, alcoholic, reckless DUI driver, homophobe, mail thief and hate criminal) Robin Jansen who with others committed hate crimes against my sister and I claiming to other residents that we are insane and mentally unstable harassers, that I was and still am a *gay* child molester (especially to resident parents trying to incite hate violence against me), that my sister ad I are incestuous, that I eat her “clam”, that we fake our disabilities to defraud the government, that I hacked their computers, that I peep in Section 8 residents’ windows and who stalked my asthmatic sister with cigarettes and second hand tobacco smoke.
* The Santa Cruz Police Department allowed John Stewart Company Senior Vice President and Santa Cruz planning commissioner Mari Tustin — who endorsed former mayor and present County Supervisor Ryan Coonerty, former mayor Lynn Robinson, former mayor Cynthia Mathews and present city council member David Terrazas — to deny criminals resided at Mission Gardens while they terrorized my sister, I and other residents, then allowed John Stewart Company attorney Nathan Benjamin to falsely terminate my tenancy (during a HUD OIG investigation) claiming I was harassing these criminals by calling the police about their continuing criminal acts.
Thank you for noting all of this when you consider whether the Santa Cruz Police Department — especially Deputy Chief Steve Clark — will truly protect your students and their families over the interests of domestic terror group Take Back Santa Cruz and City Council members and City staff who are beholden to their anti-homeless, racist agenda of fear mongering to cement their hold on power.
Because a City of Santa Cruz Deputy Attorney claimed (in a letter) that about 20 carbon copied City of Santa Cruz officials all denied receiving an emailed CPRA request, I ask you to confirm receipt of this message ASAP via fax, email and telephone voicemail or I will continue resending it until I receive a confirmation.
[end message]
Gorilla Advocates Dr. John Cohen-Colby and Patricia Colby [http://northbaymds.blogspot.com/2014/12/gorilla-advocates-dr-john-cohen-colby.html]
Posted 2014-12-20 by Pat Colby to Citizens for Positive Change in Santa Cruz
John found a TBSC threat note placed under the mat of his secret residence. TBSC has gone too far! They are trying to scare his landlord to evict him and make him homeless! The SCPD and or FBI better do something this is outrageous. These nuts think the rest of us have no right to a differing opinion!

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