Tune in Thursdays 4 to 5pm (PST), with our online webstream [
link], and in the San Pablo Bay Area at 89.5FM KZCT [
link]. Hosted by Dr.G.,
Minister of Information of the
Northbay Movement for a Democratic Society,
with a California-wide network of journalists, organizers, and
entertainers, breaking the blockade of censorship, with research
archives and verified sources!
View past headlines [link]. Join the Community Journalist program, send news & info to [NorthbayMDS@gmail.com]. Know more with the
Community Journalist's Notebook [
managers of 89.5FM KZCT, their associates, and sponsors, are not to be
held liable for the information and commentary provided by the Northbay
Uprising Radio News, produced by the Northbay Movement for a Democratic Society, as a non-partisan research and education project.
Join us as we learn about Pan-African Solidarity with
Bro. Akubundu, of the All-African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) [
www.facebook.com/AAPRP] [
www.aaprp-intl.org], in honor of...
African Liberation Day, May 25th, 2014 [
www.africanliberationday.net] [
African Liberation Day came out of the 1st Conference of Independent African States hosted by Pres. Kwame Nkrumah in Ghana, where April 15 was declared Africa Freedom Day. During 1963, thirty-one African Heads of State convened a summit meeting to found the Organization of African Unity (OAU). They renamed Africa Freedom Day "African Liberation Day" and changed its date to May 25th.
Pan-African solidarity is a necessity to counteract the captivity of African communities across the USA, "Latin" America, and across the mother continent of Africa, especially during the ongoing imperialist invasion of Africa by the USA and European Union, beginning during the genocidal war of 2011 against the Jamahiriya of Libya, a revolutionary democratic government which provided unlimited support for Pan-African unity and the struggle to free Africa from the grips of imperialism, while providing the people of Libya the best standard of living of any African jurisdiction, and cooperating with the African Union to uplift the standard of living for all nations of Africa with an independent bank and satellite communications free from European monopoly. Since 2011, the USA and European Union have installed brutal and repressive dictatorships over Libya and other jurisdictions, with millions being killed through slow starvation and death-squad activities against so-called "minority" nations, while economically dominated African-American communities across the USA are being brutally attacked with no regard for human rights.
African Liberation Day is the time to show solidarity for all African nations, everywhere!
Start the New African Peace Movement!
NewAfricaPeace.blogspot.com], with information about the new imperialist wars across the continent of Africa!
Stories are reviewed and provided by Northbay MDS Committees.
Hands off the Black Riders' Mecca & Etana Shakur!
(All text adapted from May 12th message by BRLP founder Gen. TACO) Defend Mecca & Etana Shakur and their human right to self defense against police abuse and political repression! They stood up for you -- stand up for them! They defended themselves and the human right to self-defense against a racist police assault -- defend them against racist political repression!
Keep these two revolutionary Black moms, community leaders and freedom fighters Mecca & Etana Shakur FREE! You can donate on a new GoFundMe page set up for their defense and community education efforts: [
http://www.gofundme.com/939rw0]. All donations will go to the BRLP to help keep Mecca & Etana free or to deal with the consequences if these two revolutionary Black moms are imprisoned. For more information, go to [
facebook.com/BlackRidersLiberationParty], or contact the BRLP of LA at [323-289-4457] [blackriders1996@gmail.com].

On the day after Mother's Day (May 12th), the Ingleside KKKourt trial continues as the Jury is still trying to figure out if the LAPD "officer" had notified Etana of her arrest before he assaulted her, and whether Mecca allegedly "jumped in" with intent to harm the "officer". What will be the verdict?! Will the criminal "injustice" system slap Black People in the face again like in the cases of Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis?! On May 6th, the original trespassing charge was dropped by the judge. If the probable cause for the initial arrest was proven false, then logically one would think all the charges would be dropped! But the racist law of the dominant nation is insane, crazy, and illogical. It would exterminate all Black People! Other Black Riders in L.A. and Oakland are also facing political trials in the coming weeks. Drop all charges!! Not guilty!!!
According to a recent report from Women’s Justice Center of Sonoma, racist police officers in the U.S.A. commit routine violence against women of color without proper reporting, accountability, or consequences.
Late 2013, just a few days after the Black Riders Liberation Party were honored by Kathleen Cleaver and other elders of the original Black Panther Party for service and dedication to revolutionary struggle [
link], Etana and Mecca Shakur were physically assaulted by a (single) Inglewood male pig Roger Zeller as they attempted to leave a grocery store while carrying copies of the BRLP newspaper. Etana and Mecca Shakur successfully defended themselves against the assault by saying "NO!", and bringing attention from community members in the vicinity to act as witnesses to an illegal kidnapping. Both were arrested and suffered three days of jail time
for nothing, and were released...
Now, during their KKKourt trial stemming from the incident, both women are facing further incarceration, isolation from their community, and separation from their children, all for their political belief that women have the right to stand up and say NO to physical attack.
These strong Black Women are high-ranking members of the BRLP leadership, and highly respected in the community. Etana Shakur is Minister of Community Programs; Mecca Shakur is Minister of Information and a member of the local station board of KPFK Pacifica free speech community radio. These mothers helped to create the George Jackson Freedom School, which provides self-defense and African cultural awareness classes to young Black Children in South Central LA.
Both Mecca and Etana are mothers facing separation from their children if this state attack succeeds.
We're calling on all revolutionary and progressive people to come out to support these two strong sisters!
All Power to the People who don't fear freedom!!! We will be free by any means necessary!
(2013 photo showing Gen. TACO, Etana Shakur and Mecca Shakur leading a march for community liberation!)
Judge Says State Unconstitutionally Stripped Tens of Thousands of Californians of Their Right to Vote" [
Political Prisoner spotlight:
* Bomani Shakur (Keith LaMar) [
Last Stand for the Albany Bulb?! [
Share The Bulb - Light Brigade Action in Support of the Homeless in Albany, California (2014-03-16) [
To learn more please visit:
The Albany Bulb: The Albany landfill is an undeveloped spit of land, densely carpeted with vegetation, that pokes a little over a mile into San Francisco Bay from its east shore. Shaped like a tree that has fallen in the water, it begins as a broad elevated plateau, thins to a narrow neck, then widens out at the end to form what is known as “The Bulb.” Looking out from the Bulb on a clear day the eye can sweep in a wide arc from the Bay Bridge and the skyline of San Francisco in the south, to Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge and the headlands of Marin. Overhead a huge sky. Far behind the freeway clogged with cars, and the cities of Albany, Richmond, and Berkeley.
The landfill opened for business in 1963 when the City of Albany signed a contract with the Sante Fe Railroad Company “for the purpose of creating usable land.” Prior to 1975, the operators of the landfill accepted garbage and refuse. But the landfill was intended for “demolition debris” and over time the garbage was buried under tons of concrete rubble, rebar, wire mesh, corrugated tin, steel, iron, coke, slag, asphalt, glass, plastic and excavated dirt. The first years of dumping created the plateau. When the mesa of rubble reached its peak the trucks began dumping their loads further out into the Bay. The finger of fill narrowed to create the neck, then widened at its tip and kept widening until December 1983 when the landfill was closed. In 20 years over 60 acres of new land had been created by the dumping of approximately 2 million cubic yards of waste to an average depth of 40 feet.
Over the past three decades, Nature and a particularly resourceful group of homeless people have reclaimed the Bulb as a wild space and a community space. The combination of reclaimed nature, community, and outsider art have made this former dump one of the most beautiful peninsulas into the San Francisco Bay, and has attracted daily dog-walkers, day-strollers, curious wanderers, picnickers, and others to an amazing place that reminds us of the many ways humans need the wild."
Albany Bulb Update (2014-05-15):
Come out to the Albany Bulb for camping, good time, and defending this beautiful free space. Today there was a lockdown, which ended in no arrest
and cops and bulldozers leaving. We are going to need to build power in the coming days to win. Come out anytime. There are about half a dozen present campers who have diverse schedules. Contact Amber at 510.978.8850 if you are going to come out and need to know what's going on. We could also use food, tents, blankets flashlights, first aid stuff, and water to sustain this occupation. Thank you. Spread the word!
Albany Bulb Update (2014-05-16):
Elliot locked down to a backhoe and negotiated -
Today, Elliot Hughes locked down to a backhoe and negotiated with Albany police that the Amber's house and the two barricaded roads leading to it would not be demolished for the day after hearing cops threaten to demolish her house early in the morning. We need support to stop the eviction of the Albany Bulb ASAP!. Read the declaration of the Bulb Autonomous Zone! [

Amber and Phyl, were just given 3 days notice to be evicted (7 days is the legal minimum for their case and they were refused appropriate benefits for their disabilities).
* Musicians!
* Nature Lovers!
* Organizers and Rebels!
* Cop watchers!
* Ragamuffins!
The last stand of the Bulb is on Tuesday morning . So we need people to converge to plan an all out defense and help the 8 year residents that are still there!
***3 PM sharp Monday *** or as soon as possible. Bring food, tents, and anything that will empower us to resist effectively.
* Let's have a sick generator show!
* A dance party!
* A feast of a potluck!
* Starry sleep overs!
* Big bonfires!
* Golden gate sunsets!
* A giant game of capture the flag!
You name it let's do it!
The last remaining residents of the Albany Bulb, Amber and Phyl, were just given 3 days notice to be evicted (7 days is the legal minimum for their case and they were refused appropriate benefits for their disabilities).
In response we call on all free thinking people to take some time off to join us at the Bulb Autonomous Zone to defend the the last house standing! We need as many people as possible to reclaim and blockade the space for creative use.
Come whenever, bring whatever.
The Bulb is our playground!
Love and Solidarity, [signed] The B.A.Z.
The People stand against fascism:
In the mainstream news, you may have heard about how "Obama touts green energy at Walmart in Mountain View" (2014-05-09 San Francisco Chronicle) [
link], and Wal*Mart's controversial corporate policy of supporting anti-environmental (and fascist) policies in the USA and around the world... what the news left out was that the President was being protested by people for his administration's policies at another function.
During May 8th, the People protested President Obama's fundraiser in San Jose, where they gathered at el Plaza de Cesar Chavez. Local community members spoke out for peace and justice, calling on those attending the fundraiser to convince the president to Stop Killer Drones and Stop NSA Spying, and to say NO to the Keystone Pipeline and keep his promises on climate! The protest was initiated by CODEPINK San Jose, and 350 Silicon Valley.
They were met by a man who appeared to give support for NSA surveillance...

The following week, Wednesday, May 14th, the People protested at a "Google don't fund evil" rally at the Google Headquarters in Mountain View. As explained by the San Jose Peace and Justice Center [
www.sanjosepeace.org], "
Google claims that climate action is a central component of its work and operations, but shovels undisclosed amounts of money to enemies of climate legislation, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). On Wednesday, May 14th, corporate top brass gathered for Google's annual shareholder meeting, where a group of shareholders called on the company to disclose its lobbying spending and the amount of funding it provides to anti-clean energy groups like ALEC and the Chamber of Commerce. Can Google explain its funding of conflicting agendas?" The protest was organized by the Action League Raging Grannies in a coalition with organizers for "Forecast the Facts", "Common Cause", "Public Citizen", "SierraRise", "Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter", "Sunflower Alliance", and "350 Silicon Valley"!
Justice for Captive Nations!
* Garifuna Nation [
* Yukpas [
On International Conscientious Objectors’ Day, Celebrate the
8th Annual Berkeley C.O. and War Resisters’ Day
11:30 A.M. Thursday, May 15, 2014
Peace Flag raising ceremony, first at Civic Center flagpole at 2180 Milvia Street, corner of Allston Way and then at the flagpole at MLK, Jr. Civic Center Park, 2151 MLK, Jr. Way (between Center Street and Allston Way, across from Old City Hall), Berkeley
With Conscientious Objectors and War Resisters from World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars:
* Toby Blome, Code Pink Activist, speaking on Conscientious Objection to Drone Wars
* Emma Cape, Chelsea Manning Support Network [
www.chelseamanning.org], Courage to Resist
* Bob Meola, Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission, War Resisters League, Courage to Resist
Sing along “Ain’t fest” ["I Ain't Marching Anymore,” “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around,” “Down By the Riverside (Ain’t Gonna Study War No More)” with Max Ventura, Nancy Schimmel, and Vic Sadot.
Sponsored by City of Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission [
www.cityofberkeley.info/ContentDisplay.aspx?id=13054], and endorsed by War Resisters League-West [
www.warresisters.org] and Courage to Resist [
In 2007, on recommendation of the Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission, the Berkeley City Council unanimously passed a resolution and the mayor issued a proclamation which recognized that May 15th is International Conscientious Objectors' Day and stated, "that the Council of the City of Berkeley declares that May 15th of each year be publicly designated and recognized as the day on which Berkeley honors, acknowledges, and celebrates conscientious objectors and war resisters, civilian and military, past, present, and future." We have been celebrating and raising peace flags on Berkeley city flag poles ever since. The Peace Flag raising ceremony was held at two locations: Civic Center flagpole at 2180 Milvia Street, and then at the flagpole at Civic Center Park, Berkeley.
Peace Flag flies near City Hall (photo by Jeff Paterson of Courage to Resist)

* Berkeley Peace Flag Raising 2012 Photos [
* Read the 2007 Berkeley Resolution marking May 15th for Conscientious Objectors' and War Resisters' Day [
www.warresisters.org/berkeleycoresolution], to honor war resisters, both military and civilian, of the past, present and future who have sacrificed their freedom.
* "Ten years on: US COs from illegal wars and their reception" by Bob meola [
Currently, COs around the world are imprisoned, some on a repeated basis, when they are released and repeatedly refuse to participate in military service. In the United States, U.S. Army PFC. Kimberly Rivera, a pregnant mother of four, was sentenced on April 29th, 2013, during a court-martial hearing at Fort Carson, Colorado, to 14 months in military prison and a dishonorable discharge after publicly expressing her conscientious objection to the Iraq War while in Canada. She was made to give birth in military custody last November, rather than be released to give birth as a civilian and be with her baby. The Army has issued the harshest sentences to COs and war resisters who have publicly expressed their feelings about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.In recent years, there has been a need, felt globally, to have the right of selective conscientious objection recognized by nations. The U.S. wars of aggression, of the last decade, have caused many U.S. soldiers to wake to the fact that even if they would defend their country militarily, they refuse to fight what they see as illegal and immoral U.S. wars.
A Walk to Peace: To Resist Global Militarization and Drone Warfare
May 17-27, San Francisco to Beale Air Force Base
* Day 1: Saturday, May 17th, 10 am: San Francisco to Vallejo.
* Day 2: Sunday, May 18th: Vallejo to Rockville Hills Park (West end of Fairfield).
* Day 3: Monday, May 19th: Rockville Hills Park to Pena Adobe Park (near Vacaville).
* Day 4: Tuesday, May 20th: Pena Adobe Park to Vineyard RV Park (Vacaville).
* Day 5: Wed., May 21st: Vacaville to Dixon, CA.
* Day 6: Thursday, May 22nd: Dixon, CA to Davis, CA. Occupy Davis is planning to have a welcoming rally/potluck at Central Park.
* Day 7: Friday, May 23rd: Davis, CA to Sacramento, CA. Friday morning, before heading to Sacramento, we will walk to the Monsanto Davis Lock Downhappening that day at their Corporate office. Event: [
www.facebook.com/events/394542770690715/]. Monsanto manufactured Agent Orange among many other atrocities. Also on this day, when we reach the Sacramento River we will have a moment of silence for Guantanamo Bay Prisoners as well as all prisoners being unjustly held around the world. We will stay near the Capitol, camping at 5 Rivers Art Collective, 315 V St., Sacramento.
* Day 8: Saturday, May 24th: Sacramento to 15 North. We will walk to the March against Monsanto action happening at the Capitol Building at 11 am. Event: [
* Day 9: Sunday, May 25th: 15 Miles North of Sac. to 30 Miles North of Sac.
* Day 10: Monday, May 26th: 30 Miles North of Sac. to Beale Air Force Base, Main Gate. We will arrive at the Main Gate to camp the final night at 3 pm. We will hold our protest at the gate, and a copy of "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn will be offered to the Base Commander.
Connect the Dots Refinery Corridor Healing Walks
Saturday, May 17 (All day) (see also June 14 and July 12)
Martinez to Benicia
Opening Rally in Martinez - morning
* Native American prayer by Idle No More SF Bay
* Local speakers
Ending Rally in Benicia - Afternoon
* Process of Imagining: The future of our community
* Art Projects
* Picnic
Our purpose:
* Walk in prayer with each step we take on Mother Earth
* Bring people together who are concerned about the effects of the fossil fuel industry on our communities
* Learn from one another
* Bring attention to the refinery corridor in the northeast San Francisco Bay
* To walk by the refineries: Shell & Tesoro (Martinez), Valero (Benicia), Phillips 66 (Rodeo), Chevron (Richmond)
* Imagine our communities beyond fossil fuel
There is a long history of healing walks and runs in Native America, as well as the history of pilgrimages in different religious traditions. The Connect the Dots healing walks were inspired by these traditions.
Contact: 510-619-3279
African Liberation Day
African Liberation Day has a history. It came out of the 1st Conference of Independent African States hosted by Pres. Kwame Nkrumah in Ghana, where April 15 was declared Africa Freedom Day.In 1963, thirty-one African Heads of State convened a summit meeting to found the Organization of African Unity (OAU). They renamed Africa Freedom Day "African Liberation Day" and changed its date to May 25th.
www.africanliberationday.net] [
www.facebook.com/AAPRP] [