Tune in Thursdays 4 to 5pm (PST), at 89.5FM in the northeast San Pablo Bay Area, or on a Smart Phone [link], Desktop U-stream [link], w. chat box [link], Live Mp3 (.pls) stream [link], Netbook [link]. Hosted by Dr.G., Minister of Information of the Northbay MDS, breaking the blockade of censorship, with research archives and verified sources! Be a Community Journalist with our Community Journalist's Notebook [link], send news & info to [NorthbayMDS@) gmail.com]!
[Links] are in-house, offsite links are noted . Backed-up links are to (archive.org) and (archive.today).
Stories are reviewed and provided by Northbay MDS Committees.
[popularresistance.org/popular-resistance-newsletter-congress-flees-but-were-still-fighting] [archive.today]
Ras Ceylon: "Here & Now" [YouTube.com link]
See the weapons, vehicles, and other equipment police in your area have acquired from the military. Searchable by state and county. [bridge.caspio.net/dp.asp?AppKey=36701000b255adcfe6ca4b13a8a4]
"Santa Cruz Police and First Alarm Brutalize and Arrest People for Being Black and Homeless" (2014-08-21) [IndyBay.org link] [archive.today]
"SCPD Message to African-Americans, 'Get Your Black Ass Out Of My City' " (2014-08-24 by Dennis Etler) [IndyBay.org link] [archive.today]: The same tactics of racial profiling and police intimidation used by cops in Ferguson, MO occur right here in Santa Cruz. People in Santa Cruz must address these issues head on before we are faced with a Ferguson, MO right here at home. There needs to be a greater awareness that the SCPD is targeting people of color and the homeless with selective enforcement of City ordinances in order to harass and intimidate them. Measures need to be taken to stop the SCPD from engaging in bullying and other abusive practices before it is too late and tragedy strikes..
Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom (HUFF) preps for possible sustained campaign against huma-rights abuse and racial profiling in Santa Cruz -
Wednesday, Sept. 23rd message from HUFF: In the wake of last Wednesday's small but successful "Cop Corner" demo, some HUFFsters are hoping for a renewed effort tomorrow while simultaneously (or previously) viewing stats on race classifications of the citations Barnett has given out downtown.
See "Report from SCPD Corner" by Robert Norse (2014-09-17) [IndyBay.org link] [archive.org].
Other concerns: the new possible class action lawsuit by Bary, Leonard, and Pleich against homeless property theft by police and other groups, defense of the Circles Church against Permit Parking, a 2nd look at the City's last minute attack on the Mime Troupe last month, city stonewalling on its "we dismiss citations if you're on the Waiting List" law (MC 636.055), World Homelessness Day confab on October 10th...and more!
Berkley: "Police Beat Woman on Telegraph as People Prepare for March Against Repression" (2014-09-03) [IndyBay.org link] [archive.today]
"BART Police Deputy Chief Faces Trial for Retaliation Against Indybay Reporter" by Dave Id (2014-09-17) [IndyBay.org link] [archive.today], read the original court documents and story details from earlier this year [archive.org].
"EBALDC targets African-American tenant protester with restraining order and eviction" [IndyBay.org link] [archive.org]
"Eviction Without Reason", by Aimee Inglis [IndyBay.org link] [archive.today]:
If it was your eviction, Bruce would have your back. He has fought hard for other tenants in his community, now he's facing eviction. Send a letter now to demand his eviction notice be withdrawn. There is strength in numbers. Will you join us? Send a letter NOW to the Tioga owner and manager and demand that Bruce's eviction notice be withdrawn: [http://bit.ly/MercedJustCause].

Now Bruce Needs Your Help! On July 30, 2014, the management served a 60-day notice on Bruce and did not specify a reason for his eviction. Unfortunately, under current state law tenants have little protection against this kind of notice, so we must stand together to pressure management to rescind Bruce's eviction.
Under California State Law, landlords are not required to give tenants a reason for eviction (if they are not currently in a lease). Why are Merced tenants subject to eviction FOR NO REASON? Arbitrary evictions like this should be illegal. Merced passed the Central Valley’s only just cause for eviction law, but Mayor Thurston and Councilmembers Murphy and Pedroza teamed up to repeal it shortly after taking office. This has left all Merced residents in danger of no-fault, arbitrary evictions.
Tenants Together Releases Guide for Tenants Victimized by Napa Earthquake, press release posted to [IndyBay.org link] [archive.today]. Tenants can visit [TenantsTogether.org/EarthquakeAnswers], for more information and to request a copy of the Guide for tenants impacted by the Napa earthquake. Renters in Napa are discovering the hard way that they don’t know their rights following last month’s earthquake. Hundreds of homes have been red-tagged and many tenants have been unable to return because of earthquake damage. In Napa’s tight and expensive real estate market, this has meant major hardship for tenants who are displaced. Local nonprofits have been struggling to keep up with the inquiries, but lacking to date is any tenant-focused fact sheet to answer the recurring questions that have come up. In response, Tenants Together has compiled the key information into a Guide for Napa tenants impacted by the earthquake.
"My dream for Benicia" by Sue Kibbe [archive.today/EPEaD]
"Isleton community divided on cannabis dispensary" (2014-08-27) [RiverNewsHerald.org link] [archive.today]
"Angst rising over Youth Center; lack of youth opportunity in Rio Vista" (2014-08-27) [RiverNewsHerald.org] [archive.today]
"Fifty Years Later: Who Really Won the Battle of Berkeley?" (2014-09-24) [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today]
** "Denver students stage mass walk-out over US history ‘censorship’" (2014-09-25 ) [RT.com link] [archive.org]
** "Told They Cannot Learn About Social Movements, Colorado Students Take To the Streets; Rightwing tries to ban history of "social strife" in the United States, so students teach them a lesson" (2014-09-24) [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today]
** "Secret GOP Documents Show MASSIVE CORPORATE SUPPORT" (2014-09-24) [DailyKos.com link] [archive.org]
** "RNC files lawsuit seeking to raise unlimited sums" (2014-05-23) [WashingtonPost.com link] [archive.today]
"Some 400,000 climate marchers paint New York green" (2014-09-22) [PeoplesWorld.org link] [archive.today]
Message from the United farm Workers:
Injured cows, injured workers. This has to stop. Kroger sells Darigold milk. Send your message NOW!

We've shared workers' stories with you about the injured and sick cows at Darigold dairies. Sadly, these injuries also go for workers. Working with dairy cows is not easy. A dairy cow typically weighs 1,400 pounds-- almost 3/4 of a ton. As a live animal, it has a mind of its own and does what it wants. Working with these animals takes skills and knowledge. If you're not careful, you get injured. According to the Department of Labor, in 2012 at least 5.6% of dairy workers were injured, almost twice the average of 3.2% for private industry.
"Pedro," not his real name, received no training before being put to work with cows. He had to learn the work on the fly. The work is grueling: no breaks, no holidays, and lots of pressure. One day, while working outside where the cows are corralled, a cow fell on top of him and smashed his left knee. He wonders how he is going to pay his bills, and if he is ever going to do the kind of work he used to do before the injury. He's currently on temporary disability for 60% of his salary, but is concerned about being fired when he returns to his job.
Another worker, we'll call him "Juan" (we are unable to reveal his name as he is afraid of retaliation) tells us about getting injured on the job. "A cow crushed me in the alley concrete walls and it fractured three of my ribs. I reported this to my boss ...The boss was blaming me. I told her I was going to the hospital because I couldn't breathe and I was feeling dizzy. When I coughed phlegm with blood, I got really fearful and I thought I had hurt or damaged my lung. I asked her to take me to the doctor and she told me that she couldn't, to call someone to pick me up, because she was not going to leave her job." It was seven hours until Juan's brother was able to come and take him to the doctor.
"Efren" had worked for 8 years at Darigold dairy. He had 3 accidents, his last one on May 12th of this year. He didn't even have the time to tell his supervisor that he had hurt his back before he was fired. Getting injured is about more than just the physical pain. Efren's family is also feeling the impact. "I felt really bad when my daughter asked me for money for the college tuition and I couldn't help her with any money."
The Kroger Co. operates also under the following banners: Kroger, Ralphs, Dillons, Smith's, King Soopers, Fry's, QFC, City Market, Owen's, Jay C, Payless, Baker's, Gerbers, Scott's Food and Pharmacy, Harris Teeter, Food 4 Less, and Food Co. It is a major seller of Darigold milk. As a large retailer and someone who sells Darigold products, you'd think they'd do something about what's going on. But they remain silent.
Take action and support Pedro, Juan, Efren and the hundreds of other dairy workers injured every year. All workers should receive adequate training, injured workers should receive prompt medical attention and should not have to be afraid of being fired for getting injured. These are basic rights, but rights not respected at every Darigold dairy.
Northbay Copwatch [link]
"Cytel, LLC / Urban Shield" scandal (2014) [link].
** Reply From Sheriff's Office Regarding Cytel Group, LLC / Urban Shield [link]
** "Threat of lawsuit from James Baker of Cytel Group / Urban Shield" (2014-09-22) [IndyBay.org link] [archive.org]
** "Police Officers Association Declares War on 'Beggars' and 'Gypsies' " (2014-09-22) [TheAntiMedia.org link] [archive.today]
** "Police-Backed Cyberterrorists Fail to Shut Down Cop Block" (2014-09-22) [TheAntiMedia.org link] [archive.today]
** "Planned Attack to Stop Police Accountability Backfires: A Win For Free Speech" (2014-09-22) [TheFreeThoughtProject.com link] [archive.today]

** Solidarity message from Jb of "Police the Police (A Community Project)"[facebook.com/PoliceThePoliceACP]: Just a heads up to our fans. We are under attack. If you feel so obliged to have a word or two with the two pages "National Police Wives Association" & "Police Blotter", feel free. The last thing they want to hear is the truth obviously. [facebook.com/CopBlock].
** UPDATE from Copblock.org (2014-09-23):
We had a close call yesterday. You all should like these pages just in case Cop Block ever gets unpublished by fb. They can never stop us.
'Like' these pages:
* Police the Police (A Community Project) [https://www.facebook.com/policethepoliceACP]
* The Anti-Media [https://www.facebook.com/TheAntiMedia]
* Cop Logic [https://www.facebook.com/coplogic]
* Virginia Cop Block [https://www.facebook.com/VirginiaCopBlock]
* The Free Thought Project.com [https://www.facebook.com/thefreethoughtprojectcom]
* We Copwatch [https://www.facebook.com/WeCopwatch]
* Emancipated Human [https://www.facebook.com/emancipatedhuman]
* Policing the Police [https://www.facebook.com/PolicingThePolice]
* CopBlockRadioShow [https://www.facebook.com/Copblockradioshow]
* Filming Cops [https://www.facebook.com/FilmingCops]
* Nevada Cop Block (NVCopBlock.org) [https://www.facebook.com/NVCopBlock.org]
* Massachusetts Cop Block [https://www.facebook.com/MassCopBlock]
* Police State USA: Land of the Checkpoints [https://www.facebook.com/PoliceStateUSA]
* Cop Spike Project [https://www.facebook.com/CopSpike]
* Florida Cop Watch [https://www.facebook.com/FloridaCopWatch]
* Photography Is Not A Crime! [https://www.facebook.com/photographyisnotacrime]
* Another Isolated Incident [https://www.facebook.com/rarebadapples]
* Cop Watch Canada [https://www.facebook.com/copwatchcanada]
* Cop Block San Diego [https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cop-Block-San-Diego/316327548417340]
* Greater Cleveland Cop Block [https://www.facebook.com/GreaterClevelandCopBlock]
* Eapen Thampy [https://www.facebook.com/EapenGThampy]
* Stop Police Brutality [https://www.facebook.com/policebrutality]
* Skeptic Society [https://www.facebook.com/SkepticSociety]
* Cop Block Los Angeles [https://www.facebook.com/copblockla]
* Montana Cop Block [https://www.facebook.com/MontanaCopWatch]
* Emporia COP BLOCK [https://www.facebook.com/pages/Emporia-COP-BLOCK/1454843861431908]
* Cop Block Europe [https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cop-Block-Europe/1473897692853281]
* Brave New Films: Justice [https://www.facebook.com/BNFJustice]
* Rob Hustle [http://therundownlive.com/call-cops-rob-hustle/] [http://justiceforbabyboubou.com]
* North Texas Cop Block [https://www.facebook.com/NorthTexasCBlock]
* The Police Are Welfare Whores [https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Police-Are-Welfare-Whores/164848263552589]
* Drug Policy Alliance [https://www.facebook.com/drugpolicy]

UPDATE, 2014-09-23: The following was posted by the shutdown organizer

from "SubMedia.tv" [http://www.submedia.tv/stimulator/2014/09/21/ferguson-chronicle-insurrection/]:
An in depth look at the events that unfolded in Ferguson, Missouri following the police murder of Michael Brown, a black teenager. Also features an interview with former Black Panther, Ashanti Alston, about the state of black "America" [http://www.anarchistpanther.net/].
"3 White Ferguson Police Officers Watch As The Mike Brown Memorial Burns to The Ground", 2014-09-23 from "We Copwatch": The Neighborhood Of Canfield Have Ideas of Who's Behind This... And for the White Supremacist deniers, Police Relations with the Ferguson Community Has Everything To Do With Race.White Officers Hunt African Americans in Ferguson. The Proof is in Their Own Stats. How Many of Those White Officers Had Fire Extinguishers in their Car? Why Was it The Only African American Officer Present Was The Sole Officer Attempting to Put The Fire Out?

EASTWEST: An Anarchist Newspaper [IndyBay.org link] [archive.today]
Download a copy [.pdf link]

Free Radical Radio! an anti-civilization anarchist podcast and radio show. Every week for almost two hours, broadcasting as part of the Berkeley Liberation Radio (BLR) Collective in West Oakland, Free Radical Radio has brought thousands of listeners thoroughgoing anti-civilization analysis and direct action news. Support their work with a donation towards new equipment [indiegogo.com/projects/free-radical-radio-a-pirate-radio-podcast--2]
Free Radical Radio is celebrating its one-year anniversary. As we get ready to release a series of in-depth interviews with friends of the show as well as new voices, we also look to the future with a desire to get new equipment that would help us continue and better our project. We hope that the hundreds of people who download and listen to our show every week can help us meet this goal. We are suggesting a donation of ten to fifty dollars, depending on what individuals believe is practical given their resources and desirable given their interest.
Decidedly anti-journalistic, FRR makes no pretense of adhering to the mythical and undesirable nonsense of "journalistic objectivity". Instead, the hosts - Rydra, Bellamy, and Doug, along with occasional guest hosts - make clear their views and thus speak passionately and unequivocally on all topics, pushing past any ill-conceived notions of impartiality and instead pursuing sincere and subjective critique and analysis.
Topics are diverse, especially in light of the show's intentionally improvised nature (another intentional revolt against the excessive formality and stifling rigidity of traditional journalism), but include: anti-civilization critique informed by anarcho-primitivist and egoist theory; unapologetic vitriol toward Leftist currents of "anarchism" and other civilization reformism thinly veiled as "revolutionary movements"; digest and editorial on world news and events; commentary on radical activity in the Bay Area; resistance worldwide and our frank take on what is being done and what might be done differently, with a special focus on current eruptions (such as the recent events in Ferguson, MO: https://archive.org/details/RevoltInFerguson); horticulture, forest gardening, intentional communities, rewilding, primitive reskilling, and other activity on the "constructive" end of anarchy; and interviews (released regularly in addition to the weekly show) with authors, organizers, resisters, rewilders, and others.
We hope that contributors, as with all listeners, will contact us at freeradicalradio [at] riseup.net to give us feedback (positive or negative), suggestions on how to improve the show, and information on potential interviewees (including themselves). We look forward to continuing to work hard to produce content that makes an impact.
Ukraine, victim of a fascist coup [link]:
** German TV Shows Nazi Symbols on Helmets of Ukraine Soldiers (NBC News, 2014-09-09)
[NBCNews.com link] [archive.today]
** "Wolfsangel in E. Ukraine: Foreign Policy talks to deputy leader of ‘pro-govt’ Azov Battalion" (2014-09-07) [RT.com link] [archive.org]
** "Neo-Nazis Travelling to Ukraine to Fight Against 'Separatists' and Establish a 'Fascist Dictatorship'; 'My goal is a white Ukraine' - Swedish neo-Nazi Mikael Skillt" (2014-07-31) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.org]
** "British neo-Nazis volunteer for the Azov Battalion in Ukraine" (2014-07-15) [TheDailyAgenda.wordpress.com link] [archive.org]
** "In Ukraine, Joe Biden’s son mixes business with pleasure" (2014-05-15) [VoltaireNet.org] [archive.org]
** "Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis. Stepan Bandera and the Legacy of World War II" (2014-03-17) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.org]
** "Seven Decades of Nazi Collaboration: America’s Dirty Little Ukraine Secret" (2014-03-28) [TheNation.com link] [archive.org]
** "Corporate Interests Behind Ukraine Putsch" (2014-03-16) [ConsortiumNews.com link] [archive.org]
** "BBC Now Admits: Armed Nazis Led “Revolution” in Kiev, Ukraine" (2014-03-07) [Journal-Neo.org link/] [archive.org]
** "Israelis in Odessa: We're attacked by neo-Nazis" (2013-11-11) [YNetNews.com link] [archive.org]
"WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?" review of the current war in Syria, from US Labor Against the War, read more, and see the extensive links list, at [httpsarchive.today/dSel3]:
The U.S. is at war once again in Iraq and now in Syria, although President Obama previously said "Why is it that everybody is so eager to use military force after we've just gone through a decade of war at enormous costs? And what is it exactly that these critics think would have been accomplished?" (Huffington Post, August 11, 2014)
Why is the president ignoring his own advice? The choice is not between war and doing nothing.
The choice is between doing what's smart and doing what's stupid! "There Is No Military Solution" – But Obama Launches a New U.S. War in Syria!

Green Charter Committee & the New African Peace Movement [link]
** "Uprising against Islamists begins in the capital of Libya" (2014-09-24) [Itar-TASS.com link] [archive.org]
** "Behind the Sound Bites Lies the Hideous Truth" (2014-07-24) [FinalCall.com] [archive.org]

Activists Lounge presents...
100 Thousand Poets for Change
Friday, Sept. 26, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Poetry and music (to be announced) celebrating four years of 100 Thousand Poets for Change.
$5.00 minimum purchase; vegetarian buffet dinner available
Sponsored by the Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County, 467 Sebastopol Ave., Santa Rosa
Gaia's Garden Restaurant, 1899 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa
Vigil Against the Bombing of Iraq and Syria!
Friday, Sept. 26th, 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
They say that doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of stupidity. Well, all of these presidents have bombed Iraq and each enemy they have created is more violent than the last. Every rebel group we arm turns those arms against us. Maybe killing people to avenge the killing of people doesn't work in the long run. Maybe the U.S. is doing it all wrong.
Here's a letter we and Vets for Peace have sent to the newspapers. Join us if you agree!
[begin letter]
Veterans For Peace and the Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County absolutely oppose U.S. military intervention in the Middle East, no matter what the rationalization. We call on all our members to speak out against any U.S. attacks on Iraq and Syria.
Our Peace & Justice Center and Veterans For Peace communities have witnessed the brutality and the futility of war, including the war in Iraq. Some of us are veterans of a war based on lies and we became part of the killing of a nation, along with as many as one million of its people. We watched as U.S. policy makers consciously stirred up ethnic and religious divisions, creating the conditions for civil war today.
The fruits of more than a century of U.S./European meddling and exploitation in the Middle East cannot be eradicated with more bombing. It is time for a change.
We wish to see a U.S. foreign policy based on true humanitarianism and real diplomacy based on mutual respect, guided by international law, and dedicated to human rights and equality for all.
September 26, join the first ever...
International Day for Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons!
Vigils and Resistance to Militerization at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Schedule for September [livermore.catholicworker.biz/NEWSaWHAT/R18.html].
It's the "Don't Bank On The Bomb" International Day For Total Nuclear Disarmament, connected with Pax Christi International's campaign, on the 26th of Sept. and the 31st of October. And we have the civil resistance action coming on Epiphany, Monday January 6th 2015. (And of course, a vigil in November and the Quaker vigil in December too.)
Monthly Gathering of West County Community Seed Exchange
Saturday, Sept. 27, 9:00 a.m. to noon
St. Stephen's Church, 500 Robinson Rd, Sebastopol
Join us to work in our seed garden from 9 to 10:30 am. Seed Library open to check out seed for growing in your garden- 9 to 11am. Round table discussion on gardening, harvesting, fall garden discussion 11am to 12 pm.
100 Thousand Poets for Change presents
2nd Annual March for Peace & Sustainability
Saturday, Sept. 27, Noon to 4:00 p.m.
A march celebrating peace and sustainability with local poets, activists, musicians, artists, and concerned citizens of Sonoma County! This is part of the 100TPC global day with over 700 events around the world!
Freedom Fest, with performances by participating groups, begins at 3:00 in Courthouse Square, Santa Rosa.
Route to be announced
Monthly Gathering of West County Community Seed Exchange
Saturday, Sept. 27, 9:00 a.m. to noon
Join us to work in our seed garden from 9 to 10:30 am. Seed Library open to check out seed for growing in your garden- 9 to 11am. Round table discussion on gardening, harvesting, fall garden discussion 11am to 12 pm.
St. Stephen's Church, 500 Robinson Rd, Sebastopol
2nd Annual 100 Thousand Poets for Change March for Peace & Sustainability
Saturday, Sept. 27, Noon to 4:00 p.m.
Poets, activists, musicians, community leaders, DJ’s, mimes, performance artists and concerned citizens from throughout Sonoma County will march, dance, demonstrate, sing, recite poetry, and speak out through the streets of Santa Rosa in a freedom of speech march calling for peace & sustainability. This local event is part of the 100 Thousand Poets Global Event, which includes over 700 events happening all over the world! Local issues are key to this massive global event as communities around the world raise their voices on issues such as homelessness, global warming, education, gender equality, police brutality, racism and censorship, through concerts, readings, lectures, workshops, performances and other actions. The Santa Rosa march starts at noon and will travel through downtown Santa Rosa ending at Old Court-house Square for a After Fest with musical performances, arts exhibits, and more! Local organiza-tions and groups will also be tabling to share information about their work in the community.
Freedom Fest, with performances by participating groups, begins at 3:00 in Courthouse Square, Santa Rosa.
Starting point at Julliard Park, Santa Rosa Ave., Santa Rosa

Radical Women Public Meeting:

Saturday, September 27, 3pm.
Light Snacks at 2:15pm for a $5 donation.
New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St., San Francisco
(7 blocks from Civic Center Bart & on #19, 31, 38, 47 & 49 Muni bus lines.)
Radical Women discusses the leadership of women of color in the environmental justice movement around the world. Join the discussion, get involved and learn about other activities. Everyone welcome. The meeting is free.
For more information or childcare, call 415-864-1278 or email baradicalwomen@earthlink.net or visit www.radicalwomen.org.
The 17th Annual Progressive Festival
Sunday, Sept. 28, Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Walnut Park, Petaluma Blvd. S. & D St., Petaluma
Network! Learn! Dance! Food! Drinks! Enjoy!
Featuring Jim Hightower, author, activist, rabble-rouser and Maria Muldaur & Red-Hot Bluesiana Band
More music and speakers as well as social justice, environmental, labor and community organizations
Calling for an end to War, Poverty, and Climate Change
Campaign Nonviolence Action at Beale AFB
Monday, September 29 (3 to 5 p.m.) to Tuesday, September 30 (6 to 8 a.m.)
** Occupy Beale! website [occupybealeafb.org]
** Facebook: Occupy Beale Air Force Base
** Find out more about Campaign Nonviolence at [paceebene.org/programs/campaign-nonviolence].
Join anti-drone activists at Beale Air Force Base in a coordinated action with Campaign Nonviolence, a nationally-coordinated campaign calling for an end to war, poverty, and climate change. Come and participate in or support participation in nonviolent direct action on Tuesday morning. This demonstration will also be a celebration of the dismissal of charges of 16 demonstrators who were arrested at Beale last April, and of our hope for and commitment to helping to bring about a peaceful, just, and environmentally sustainable world.
** Monday, September 29, 2014: We will arrive at the Wheatland Gate on South Beale Road early on Monday afternoon to put up signs & banners before the air force personnel begin their afternoon commute home. We will have a peace vigil between 3:00 and 5:00 am, then take down the banners and flags. We will then go to the Main gate on N. Beale Road, where there is a nice grove of trees, for a potluck dinner, nonviolence training (if requested), conference to discuss our direct action, and overnight encampment. (For directions and other accommodations, see below.)
** Tuesday, September 30, 2014: 6:00am vigil at the Main Gate, N. Beale Rd., for the morning commute of air force personnel into the base. After reviewing plans and nonviolent guidelines, there will be a nonviolent direct action around 7 am. Direct action at other gates may also take place, depending on participation. Some will stand in support as others participate in the action. We will wait for anyone who was arrested to be processed and released—it usually takes between 1½ to 2 hours. After people are released, those who are able will meet at the Brick House coffee house at 316 D Street in Marysville for breakfast and to discuss what happened and make plans for future demonstrations.
** More about Campaign Nonviolence:
This action at Beale is one of over 160 nonviolent actions taking place around the country, coordinated with Campaign Nonviolence, calling for an end to war, poverty and the climate crisis. Campaign Nonviolence is a long-term movement to build a culture of peace by mainstreaming active nonviolence and by joining the enduring, nonviolent struggle to abolish war, end poverty, reverse climate change, and challenge all violence. Campaign Nonviolence invites you to practice nonviolence toward yourself, toward all others, and toward the world!

Support Richmond Battle Against Corporate Domination

Tuesday, September 30, 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Lafayette Library Community Room, 3491 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Lafayette
Please join us! Light refreshments served.
$5 donation requested to cover room expense
Co-sponsored by: Lamorinda Great Decisions Discussion Group, League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley.
Are you concerned about the inequality of wealth? Increasing evidence documents the rapidly widening gap. Do you wonder how this affects political and social tensions?
Join us as we review Thomas Piketty's research included in his New York Times best selling book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century.
Presenter Ramsay Thomas, a retired AP History and AP Comparative Government and Economics teacher from the Acalanes High School District, will summarize Piketty's core explanations, views, and insights.
- Why does the value of capital almost always grow faster than the economy?
- What have been wealth trends during the last two centuries?
- Why did the wealth gap drop so dramatically from 1914 to the 1970s?
- Why is the growing wealth gap a problem?
- What policies would reduce the widening wealth gap?
"State of the Sonoma County Latino Community" Forum
Thursday, Oct. 2, 8:00 a.m. to Noon
Los Cien (Sonoma County Latino Leaders Building Bridges) invites you to this forum, united with the desire to transform Sonoma County into the healthiest and strongest county in the state of California for all of us.
losciensonomacounty@gmail.com to register
Flamingo Conference Resort, 2777 4th St., Santa Rosa