Tune in Thursdays 4 to 5pm (PST), at 89.5FM in the northeast San Pablo Bay Area, or on a Smart Phone [link], Desktop U-stream [link], w. chat box [link], Live Mp3 (.pls) stream [link], Netbook [link]. Hosted by Dr.G., Minister of Information of the Northbay MDS, breaking the blockade of censorship, with research archives and verified sources! Be a Community Journalist with our Community Journalist's Notebook [link], send news & info to [NorthbayMDS@) gmail.com]!
[Links] are in-house, offsite links are noted . Backed-up links are to (archive.org) and (archive.today).
Youth Rise Up, There Is No Future in War (a Manifesto)
[CommonDreams.org link]
American Empire in the Year 2014: The Great Concentration or the Great Fragmentation?
[archive.org] [archive.today]
In commemoration of the fascist coup of 1944...
Seventy years of perpetual war for perpetual profits has followed since this day, Sept. 1944, at a time when the absolute majority of the American People expected full employment, equal rights, public healthcare, an end to segregation, and more, with the "Century of the Common Man" promised by the guarantee that "After Total War, comes Total Peace", backed up by executive offices under the President of the United States in coordination labor unions, democracy organizers (against Jim Crow), and community organizations. See more about the plan at [link]. The promise was that war-time factories would convert to consumer and agricultural products, without massive lay-offs, and that this guarantee would be "exported" across Latin America, with an international peace industry subsidized by the Federal government to facilitate trade and human rights, preventing persistant poverty and economic "ghettos" seen today across the USA and Latin America!
See "The Fascist Plot to Seize Washington" [archive.today], a comprehensive article about the monopolist plan for a coup against Pres. Roosevelt during the 1930s. Not one of the architects for this plan were arrested, and they continued to accumulate power.
A vicious ideological struggle dominated the Presidential election of 1944, and against this Vision for Progress were the "conservative" forces dominated by certain financial interests, representing a conservative attitude concerning integration and unionization of the workforce, and competition with not-for-profit government services. "They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective ... using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously (is to) keep the common man in eternal subjugation." - 1944, Vice-President Henry Wallace interview with the New York Times, (and what happened afterwards [link]).
Today, 70 years ago, the vision of unity and progress was brought down when "conservative" monopolists chose to financially prop-up Harry Truman as their choice to replace Henry Wallace as Vice-President, a choice which ensured the monopolist holdings across the world which funded fascist governments would remain untouched. After the death of President Roosevelt, 1945, his replacement, Truman immediately began opening relations with fascist governments in Latin America and Asia, and launched a crusade against "leftists" that saw the murder of 3 million people in Korea, hundreds of thousands in Guatemala and El Salvador, and financial support for dictatorships in Arabia, etc.
On February 25, 1946, Russell Nixon, Director of the Division of Investigation of Cartels and External Assets in the US Military Government in Germany, testified before the Kilgore Committee of the US Congress that the United States and Britain were protecting Nazi-collected assets stashed in "neutral countries", and that an international investigation would "lay bare the Fascist or reactionary regimes in countries such as Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden and Argentina and would reveal all the elements of collaboration of certain interests in the Allied countries with those regimes", referring to private cartels operating in many fascist nations out of corporate headquarters in the USA and UKGB.
Also see "How Nazis Escaped Justice in South America" [archive.today]
Since the removal of Henry Wallace's plan for "Total Peace", the USA Federal agencies has protected, aided, and expanded with monopolist cartel operations with the fascist regimes that had survived World War 2, incorporating an empire that controlled 50% of the wealth of the world, as documented in "Document PPS23, 24th February 1948", written by George Kennan, Former Head of the US State Department Policy Planning Staff, with the complete text of PPS/23 published 1976 in "Foreign Relations of the United States 1948", Vol. 1, No. 2, and is archived online at [archive.org]:
[ … ] Furthermore, we have about 50% of the world's wealth but only 6.3% of its population. This disparity is particularly great as between ourselves and the peoples of Asia. In this situation, we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security. To do so, we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming; and our attention will have to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives. We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford today the luxury of altruism and world-benefaction. [ … ] We should dispense with the aspiration to "be liked" or to be regarded as the repository of a high-minded international altruism. We should stop putting ourselves in the position of being our brothers' keeper and refrain from offering moral and ideological advice. We should cease to talk about vague and—for the Far East—unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better. [ ... ]
George Kennen is recognized as a primary architect of the "Cold War", or World War Three, against governments outside the "50%" of the world controlled by the USA, and this man promoted an ideology hostile against democracy throughout his career as a statesman, and after his retirement, as seen in this example from 1977 about George Kennen's anti-democracy views [link].
Stories are reviewed and provided by Northbay MDS Committees.

POPULAR RESISTANCE newsletter [offsite link] backed up at (archive.org)
People's Park update-The 9/13 Fight Back event got attention to issues like the stayaway orders given to keep people out of the park and increasingly off of Telegraph, undercover pot busts(watch out for pretty young female collegiate(s) wanting to buy pot), deliberate efforts to keep street musicians off the streets during Sunday Streets, the efforts to stop the arming of the Berkeley police with tasers... We will be getting more "Tasers Kill" stickers. We are continuing the Sunday meetings at 1pm in the park to focus on setting up on an unemployment council to deal with those on the streets who want a paycheck not govt assistance and fixing the stage. Tomorrow Tuesday after Food not Bombs at 4:30pm after Food not Bombs in advance of the World Music event this Saturday we will do a thorough cleaning of the stage and a patching of a certain areas so performers won't trip. More work will have to be done following that event but we want done by the People not UC or professional artists not willing to work collaboratively. -Michael Diehl
Northbay Copwatch [link], special archive about the "Cytel, LLC / Urban Shield" scandal (2014) [link].
Sept. 17 extra-judicial execution in Humboldt [LostCoastOutpost link] [archive.today].
Message from the RedwoodCurtainCopwatch.net:
Don't believe the story from the cops. There is NO BASIS to believe them.
Please don't go around claiming the victim was "armed" or "combative" or any of those phrases the cops use to justify their murderous actions (this time and every time).
Remember Chris Burgess, Martin Cotton, Cheri Moore... Mike Brown?
* Demand a coroner's inquest!
* No paid vacation for the killer cop(s)!
* No Terry Liles (psycho cop who murdered Chris Burgess, Zack Cook, and 'assisted' in murdering Cheri Moore) to be the detective/investigator for this shooting!
Peace and comfort for the family of the slain man.
Justice For Tommy McClain!
Please come to the candlelight vigil, Friday, Sept 19th at 6:00pm. 1620 Allard Street Eureka. News crews will be there also to help get this story out there.
Tommy, 22 years old, was murdered by a Eureka Police Officer (13 years at EPD) in front of his relatives' home on Allard Street, September 16, 2014. Tommy brandished no weapon, just a cell phone. Cops claiming they were threatened by a gun after they shoot someone who merely had a cell phone is all-too-common and unacceptable!
And WHO is the cop who killed Tommy? The EPD won't tell!! We have a right to know.
Call for a CORONER'S INQUEST, a public forum for the cops to testify in front of anyone who wants to listen and watch. Inquests are not the most probing hearings, but they are PUBLIC and require the cops to show their faces and tell their "story" to the public. Also, other witnesses are seen and heard.
Let's get a PEOPLE'S INVESTIGATION together. There will be NO meaningful investigation by the police themselves or their buddies in the DA's office or Sheriff's Department.
In Eureka, CA, the Fair Wage Folks [FairWages.org] [EurekaFairWageAct.wordpress.com] are gearing up for the elections to pass Measure R, guaranteeing a $12.00 an hour Minimum Wage for Large Employers
Fast food workers on West Coast were part of national strikes [PeoplesWorld.org link] [archive.today]
How a small town council routed the union busters [PeoplesWorld.org link] (archive.today) (archive.org)
Darigold workers report not being provided with clean drinking water
Take Action! [action.ufw.org/kroger_water] (archive.today):

Milking cows is a difficult job. It's not a nice environment. Dairy employees often have to stand hours and hours, risk being stepped on by a cow, toil in hazardous conditions and work with injured animals. But it gets worse. At too many Darigold dairies, workers feel they have to bring their own water to drink.
Darigold has refused to address worker concerns so we've asked the stores that sell the products to step in. Since we last wrote to you, we've asked Kroger’s subsidiary in the Northwest, Fred Meyer, to take responsibility for what's happening at Darigold. The Kroger Co. operates also under the following banners: Kroger, Ralphs, Dillons, Smith's, King Soopers, Fry's, QFC, City Market, Owen's, Jay C, Payless, Baker's, Gerbers, Scott's Food and Pharmacy, Harris Teeter, Food 4 Less, and Food Co.
As a major seller of Darigold products, Kroger has a responsibility to tell Darigold to resolve the many reported abuses at Darigold member dairies. To date, Kroger has been non-responsive.

The following sets of links detail important battles for worker's rights in the Bay Area throughout the 2013. Originally from the Labor Notes Bay Area newsletter (2014-07-31) -
BART workers struggle of 2013, a one-year analysis:
** "What's Behind the BART Strike?" (2013-07) [MotherJones.com link] (archive.today) (archive.org)
** "Demanding Better Pay and Workplace Safety, BART Workers Go On Strike" (2013-07)[InTheseTimes.com link] (archive.today) (archive.org)
** "BART Strike: Another Instance of Media Portraying Workers as Greedy" (2013-07) [TheNation.com blog link] (archive.today) (archive.org)
** "Bay Area Transit Workers Beat Back the Worst, End Strike" (2013-10) [LaborNotes.org link] (archive.today) (archive.org)
** "One More Crash for the Working Class" (2013-10) [Solidarity-US.org link] (archive.today) (archive.org)
** "THE BART STRIKE, AND BEYOND" (2013-10) [CJJC.org link] (archive.today) (archive.org)
** "Some lessons from the Bay Area BART strike" (2013-11) [StansburyForum.com link] (archive.today)
San Francisco Muni worker struggles and issues:
** "Bay Area Transit Workers Beat Back the Worst, End Strike" (2013-10-23) [LaborNotes.org link] [archive.today] [archive.org]
** "Hundreds of San Francisco Transit Workers Stage ‘Sickout’ to Protest Pension Cuts" (2014-06-03)[InTheseTimes.com link] [archive.org] [archive.today]
** "Why Muni workers are feeling sick" (2014-06-05) [48HillsOnline.org link] [archive.org] [archive.today]
** "Muni sickout: Q&A with transit union president" (2014-06-05) [SFBG.com link] [archive.org] [archive.today]
** "San Francisco Riders and Workers Unite for M.O.R.E. Public Transit" (2010-09) [ReimagineRPE.org link] [archive.today]
California teachers' pension issues:
** "California's Prop 30 Gains Could Be Eaten Up By Crisis In Teacher Pension System" (2013-04-03)[HuffingtonPost.com link] [archive.today] [archive.org]
** "California Teacher Pensions Need $4.5 Billion More Each Year: Legislative Analyst's Office Report" (2013-03-20) [HuffingtonPost.com link] [archive.org] [archive.today]
** "CalSTRS estimates $22.7 billion savings from pension reform" (2012-09-06) [EdSource.org link] [archive.today] [archive.org]
** "Summary of AB 340, the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 and its Impact on CalSTRS Members" fact-sheet (2012-09-04) [.pdf EdSource.org link] [archive.org]
** CBP Conference 2014 presentation on California's Debt [.pdf CBP.org link] [archive.org]
Official responses to teachers' pension issues:
** California Teachers Association (CTA): WHERE WE STAND ON TEACHERS' RETIREMENT [CTA.org link] [archive.org]
** California Federation of Teachers (CFT): "Legislature passes changes in contributions to CalSTRS" (2014-06-21): [CFT.org link] [archive.org]
Vergara Lawsuit - An attack on tenure/job security: [VergaraTrial.com]
Organizing: Art college adjuncts head toward union vote -

Adjunct faculty at California College of the Arts in San Francisco and Oakland will vote this month on whether to form their union with SEIU Local 1021, as their counterparts at Mills College and San Francisco Art Institute did this spring. Now administrators and students alike are taking sides — opposite sides — as the vote approaches.
CCA administration has decided to fight the union organizing drive in a variety of ways. Their tactics range from subtly negative official communications from the president intended to sow seeds of doubt about SEIU; to department meetings where department chairs, at the administration's request, have spouted the usual anti-union rhetoric; to follow-up emails after those meetings to vocal supporters, questioning their motives for wanting to organize.
At the same time, CCA students are taking a stand of their own. Last Tuesday was the first day of the fall semester, and students were ready with banners and flyers to both show their support and inform their fellow students about what is happening at CCA.
Union support among the adjunct faculty remains strong. About 78 percent of CCA's faculty is part-time, and three-quarters of all courses are taught by non-tenure track faculty. This means the overwhelming majority of professors are working under precarious conditions: low pay, no job security from semester to semester or year to year, few to no benefits, and poor working conditions.
By contrast, CCA President Stephen Beal brought home $413,000 last year in base pay plus an $85,000 bonus — a $53,000 increase over fiscal year 2012. Most adjunct faculty at CCA earn less than $30,000 a year, even teaching a full course load.
Meanwhile, tuition continues to climb; undergrads at CCA pay $41,592 in tuition alone. As students learn more about where their tuition and fees are going — or not going — they are ready to stand alongside their teachers in fighting for social, economic and education justice.
At Mills College, where adjunct faculty joined SEIU 1021 in May, students and alumni are banding together and holding actions in support of the adjunct union as they head into their first contract negotiations.

Walmart's Gerawan / Prima brand engaged in militant anti-Labor union activity [link], according to a new update from the "United Farm Workers (UFW)" [UFW.org] campaign at Gerawan (producers of Prima brand peaches, nectarines and plums), with a new 28-page complaint (download the .pdf file at [archive.org]) from ALRB chief prosecutor detailing Gerawan’s anti-Labor union campaign. The bosses hired a militant decertification "leader" Sylvia Lopez as an embedded agent, starting work at Gerawan in June 2013; her work ethic, according to company complaints, show details like how she missed 75 percent of work over the next four months without penalty, as part of her guaranteed employment contract with the company, corrupt as it was already in their bid to get rid of the union.
"Big Brother 3.0: FBI Launches Facial Recognition Program, Bureau calls system "fully operational" despite one-fifth false positive rate" [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today]
'They're Right': Citing Climate, Prosecutor Drops Charges Against Coal Blockaders: 'Climate change is one of the gravest crises our planet has ever faced,' said Bristol County DA Sam Sutter. 'In my humble opinion, the political leadership on this issue has been gravely lacking.' [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.org] [archive.today]
STUDENT NATION: "To Start the Semester, Students Walk Out, Shut Down Traffic and ‘Carry That Weight’" [TheNation.com blog link] [archive.today] [archive.org]
For-Profit College Chain Sued by Feds for Predatory Lending Scheme, "We want to put an end to these predatory practices and get relief for the students who are bearing the weight of more than half a billion dollars in Corinthian’s private student loans." [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today]
As the 50th anniversary of the Free Speech Movement (1964) nears, Chancellor Dirks of UC Berkeley issues edict restricting political speech by faculty and students, laying the groundwork for further disciplinary action. Read the edict at [archive.org].
** The Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA) Statement on "Civility" and Academic Freedom [CUCFA.org link] [archive.today]
The language of civility has also been used this year so far by -
** University of Illinois, Urbana, Chancellor Statement at [archive.today], and the statement of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois [.pdf archive.org]. More about restrictions of political speech at University of Illinois [ChicagoTribune.com link] [archive.today].
** Kansas Board of Regents, in retaliation for a University of Kansas professor’s anti-NRA tweet [LAReviewOfBooks.org link] [archive.today]. Isn't a public political statement protected, even if posted by a University faculty? Read more at [InsideHigherEd.com link] [archive.today]. The University of Kansas Rules pertaining to the case [KansasRegents.org link] [archive.today].
** "Penn State administration's new statement on civility" [psu.edu link] [archive.today]
In so far as it is a matter of the State acting as a sovereign (e.g., as a ruler seeking to curtail the speech of citizens), the courts have not directly challenged the Warren court’s ringing affirmation of academic freedom in Sweezy v. State of New Hampshire (1957): "The essentiality of freedom in the community of American universities is almost self-evident. No one should underestimate the vital role in a democracy that is played by those who guide and train our youth. To impose any strait jacket upon the intellectual leaders in our colleges and universities would imperil the future of our Nation. No field of education is so thoroughly comprehended by man that new discoveries cannot yet be made. Particularly is that true in the social sciences, where few, if any, principles are accepted as absolutes. Scholarship cannot flourish in an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust. Teachers and students must always remain free to inquire, to study and to evaluate, to gain new maturity and understanding; otherwise our civilization will stagnate and die."
The Court presumes that scholarship — in both its teaching and writing — addresses matters of public concern and therefore deserves First Amendment protection from the State. Although it is unclear what legal force such paeans to academic freedom possess in the context of concrete cases, the Court has recognized that academic freedom is a “special concern of the First Amendment” as the Court later put it in Keyishian v. Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York (1967).
When the courts have considered the State as an employer, however, matters have been different. In Pickering v. Board of Education (1968), the Supreme Court imposed a balancing test (as in the Kansas rules above) to determine whether the First Amendment extends to public employees, including faculty. There are two parts of the test: first, whether the public employee is addressing an issue of public concern and, second, whether s/he is speaking as a private citizen. If the employee’s speech met these thresholds then the employee could raise First Amendment claims against an effort by a public employer to punish them for their speech. The Court acknowledged the interest of public employers to run an efficient workplace, but they also insisted being a public employee did not mean losing one’s First Amendment rights as a citizen.
In recent years, the courts have moved to curtail public employee rights and to strengthen the power of the state as employer — most importantly in Garcetti v. Ceballos (2006) and the cases that have followed in its wake. Garcetti concerned the actions of the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office in allegedly punishing one of its deputies for protesting the way that the office handled evidence in one case, communicating his disagreements with the defense, and then testifying to those doubts in a hearing. Crucially for our purposes, the Supreme Court ruled that although Richard Ceballos’s concerns that justice be done did implicate the sort of issue of public concern that might fall under First Amendment protection, he had done so as a responsibility of his job, and therefore was not acting as a private citizen. Since the District Attorney responded to actions Ceballos took as an employee rather than a private citizen, no First Amendment claim could be made.
Given the increasingly statist and corporate inclinations of the federal courts, it is not surprising that they have followed Garcetti by moving to restrict and undermine the reach of academic freedom — especially when it concerns faculty participation in the affairs of the university.
These court decisions, then, are a first context for understanding the significance of the Kansas regents’s policy. Unlike the Universities of California or Minnesota, the Kansas Board of Regents has embraced rather than resisted the tendencies of our increasingly conservative judiciary. Through their concern with the anarchistic nature of social media, they have claimed greater authority to surveil and discipline their faculty and staff. And through the vagueness of their language, they may have assumed the power to police scholarship and teaching whenever it is done electronically. Recent court decisions have provided them with authority to reduce faculty to simple employees if they wish.
An attempt to "white-wash" (censor) history books in Texas has been unmasked. They neglected to mention Jim Crow in the history books in a state which allowed for the Jim Crow regime through the 1960s! What's more, Education Watchdog calls out religious 'Attempted Indoctrination' in Texas Text Books that they find run deep with inaccuracies and distortions of history, read more here [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today] [archive.org]
"Stop Feeding The Hand that Bites Us" [LaborNotes.org link] [archive.org] [archive.today].
When elected governments on the state or local-level sell out your area for "jobs", they usually do it by giving up tax revenue from the factory's revenue stream, and sacrificing social programs which hurt the wallet of the potentialy employed. What's more, without social programs, low-income workers and the unemployed have waaay less money to live on, and the quality of life gets worse, generally, according to what has been seen this year in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the economic effects against the external colony of New Africans within the city limits. The current regime made an economic sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of people... Life has gotten worse in the so-called Ghetto, for the sake of new jobs.
Profits Soar As Pentagon Leans on Private Corporations for Special Ops; New research shows how US Special Operations Command is outsourcing many of its most sensitive information activities, including interrogation, drone and psychological operations [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today].
** "Denver crime stats since marijuana legalization buck fears of Louisiana lawmakers over lowering penalties" (2014-07-02) [NOLA.com link] [archive.org] [archive.today]
** "Since Denver legalized pot sales, revenue is up and crime is down" (2014-05-13) [Vox.com link] [archive.org] [archive.today]
** "Colorado One Year Later: Thousands Not Arrested for Marijuana, Millions of Dollars Saved" (2013-12-10) [DrugPolicy.org link] [archive.today] [archive.org]
** "If Legalizing Marijuana Was Supposed To Cause More Crime, It's Not Doing A Very Good Job" (2014-07-17) [HuffingtonPost.com link] [archive.today] [archive.org]
** "Colorado’s Marijuana Legalization Creates 10,000 New Jobs" (2014-05-23) [archive.org]
Committee for the Study of History and the Current Context [link] presents an advancement of your studies as fearless researchers. Examine with a clear mind...
the "Dark Enlightenment" and neo-Reactionary Studies [link], providing the intellectual foundation for the resurgent fascist parties of Europe and movements in North America, with increasing popularity among certain segments in the Bay Area (especially Silicon Valley) and in SoCal.
The Northbay Uprising media collective brings your attention to:

[TheRebelPress.com] [facebook.com/pages/The-Rebel-Press]
A "Rebel Press" is one who attempts to be an alternative to the large media conglomerates' monopoly on mass communications which give a false illusion of diversity in a market dominated by few companies that dictate the content on everything from music, tv shows, news, advertisements, and even "education". While their purpose is standardizing "culture" and shaping public opinion - in their interest, our goal is precisely the opposite; challenging the status quo and swaying public opinion against them.

Adj. 1. in league - (usually followed by `with') united in effort as if in a league; "they found out that some press were in league with the people"
united - characterized by unity; being or joined into a single entity; "presented a united front".
* [InLeaguePress.com]
* [facebook.com/InLeagueThePeoplesPress]
* [youtube.com/sweet1eaf]
* [ustream.tv/channel/sweet1eaf]
* [bambuser.com/channel/inLeague%2BPress]
We began filming during the Kelly Thomas protests July 2011. Since then we have been growing in this strange new world of social media and citizen journalism. We attempt to get involved with all forms of Multi-Media in order to bring forth awareness. We cover events that peek the interest of our online & on-location communities. Some times the police are involved, that's when our primary job is to protect the rights of the PEOPLE, by Filming The Police. As my friend Joe once said "We don't hate the police, We hate bad cops." We believe in transparent government and civil servants, whether that's politicians or police. Expect Us
We are a Independent News Group that follows stories from the Peoples perspective. We pitch tents, make cardboard beds on the sidewalk, travel to cover political and historical events. We'll move to volunteer in national emergencies. Anything for the real story, a new era in modern news.
from the Committee to Free 'em All! [link]:
brought to us from Aisha and friends, a call-out to the Bay Area
Solidarity for Jalil Muntaqim

MISSSION: An ongoing solidarity event to establish a group of friends and supporters for Jalil. We will review and discuss Jalil's historic case as well as engage in reading, films, discussing his books, writings and Poetry. We meet bimonthly, at 7:00 pm; locations TBD a few days prior to meeting.
*** A Special Thank you to The National Jericho Movement, The Freedom Archives, the B.R.L.P., & The Commemoration Committee for the Black Panther Party, for Endorsing and Supporting this Ongoing Event *** PLEASE SEE OUR FB PAGE: [facebook.com/pages/Support-for-Jalil/583001495072004]
As supporters of justice, end of oppression and advocates for freedom for political prisoners such as Jalil, we hope you will join us in solidarity at our meetings. Every voice makes a difference, as the unification of a committed community helps contribute to the cause for his ultimate release.
For more information about Jalil Muntaqim, please review these sites & blogs:
* [freejalil.com/]
Anthony Jalil Bottom #77A4283
Attica Correctional Facility, P.O. Box 149, Attica NY 14011-0149
ABOUT: "Jalil Abdul Muntaqim (Anthony Bottom) and Albert Nub Washington were arrested in San Francisco during an armed confrontation with police. Their arrests came only one week after the assassination of ....." [http://www.freejalil.com/history.html]
Over forty years later and more than seven denials at the parole board, Jalil remains strong in hope and missive.
“In 1986, Mr. Bottom drafted a legislative bill for New York State prisoners to obtain good time off their sentence. The bill was submitted and introduced into the New York State Assembly – Committee on Corrections by former Assemblyman Arthur O. Eve.
In 1994, while incarcerated at Shawangunk Correctional Facility, Mr. Bottom established the first Men's Council in the United States prison. His efforts were featured on television in Japan and written about in the NY Times. During this period, he also graduated from SUNY New Paltz with a B.S. in Psychology and a B.A. in Sociology.
Instead of resting on his success, he taught African Studies to a group of prisoners. On two occasions, he received commendations from prison officials for quelling potential prison riots, one in the mess hall at Great Meadow Correctional Facility and another time in the auditorium at Greenhaven, Correctional Facility.
From 1996 to 1999, Mr. Bottom was the office manager of the prison computer lab at Eastern Correctional Facility. His duties consisted of teaching prisoners keyboarding skills and how to use computer software programs. Despite his busy schedule, he found the time to raise money from inmate accounts to support the charitable Children's Funds.
In 1999, in Auburn Correctional Facility, Mr. Bottom established sociology, poetry, and legal research and discussion classes under the auspices of the Lifer's Committee that he chaired.
Mr. Bottom co-sponsored the Victory Gardens Project, a program in which farmers in Maine grew tons of fresh produce for distribution to poor urban communities in New York, New Jersey and Boston, Massachusetts. In the four years of its existence, the Project distributed nearly 10,000 pounds of fresh produce in urban centers.
In response to the tragedy of September 11, 2001, while in Auburn Correctional Facility, Mr. Bottom proposed raising funds from inmates to donate to the American Red Cross. Former Deputy Superintendent of Programs R. Nelson acknowledged Anthony's efforts in a memorandum.
While in Auburn Correctional Facility he worked as a Pre-GED Teacher's Assistant and earned a vocational certificate for Architectural Drafting. Mr. Bottom has proposed and gained the approval for a Life Skills Program for inmates.
Mr. Bottom is a published poet and essayist; his writings are found in several University sponsored books of compilations of prison writers. He has also written an unpublished novel and teleplay."
- from [freejalil.com/parole01.html]
“First, I want to thank all of you who wrote letters and signed the petition in support of my release on parole. We did everything right!
However, the problem is that the New York State parole system is overwhelmingly comprised of law enforcement advocates and sympathizers prejudicial to community growth and development. Obviously, if the community needs were supported by policy makers, crime would decrease, job security in the overall Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) would be threatened, and the profit-based prison system would be less profitable. Therefore any prisoner, who advocates, as I do, community control of the institutions, is deemed a threat to the PIC’s; future, and we are continuously denied release on parole.
We presented an excellent parole plan, with over fifty support letters, 750 names on a signature petition, two independent psychological risk assessment reports favoring release on parole, the DOCCS own computer Risk Assessment analysis and report that indicated low risk to be a recidivist, two housing and work assurance letters, no prison disciplinary reports, every recognized certificate for rehabilitation programs, copies of High School diploma and two college degrees (BA in Sociology and BS in Psychology) and, just as importantly, two letters from the victim’s & family expressing forgiveness and urging my release on parole.
Nonetheless, as you can see, the parole board issued a boilerplate denial in abject disregard of the factual record of community support for my release and return to the community, disrespecting the victim & family and their own risk assessment analysis and report.
It has become ever more apparent that the New York State Division of Parole is a political institution with a right-wing agenda, which Governor Andrew Cuomo supports. He recently failed to appoint a single Black person as a commissioner to the parole board, despite the fact that 48% of all New York State prisoners are Black.
The parole denial will be appealed, so the fight for freedom continues. We need a community review board of the parole system, community direct involvement in the decision-making process on who will be returned to the community. Again, thank you for your support.
Jalil Muntaqim, August 27, 2012
>A Political Prisoner’s Journey in the U.S. Prison System by A. Jalil Bottom
>Exiting the Prism….Fade to Black- A book of poems by Jalil Muntaqim
>We Are Our Own Liberator’s- by Jalil Muntaqim
L.I.F.E.", a poem by Jalil Muntaqim, September 8, 2012, at Attica, NY State
I am not a dream killer
I am a people healer —
some say I am a heart stealer
but like a peeler my spirit
is a revealer, shedding layers
leaving bare for you to stare
at that which cannot be compared,
can not be shared, no despair, just
declare that I truly care.
My live has evolved into a chemistry
of tears and fears, life experience borne
of jeers, absent cheers — the haters, betrayers,
the spirit emasculators have sought to break
me down, have me running around as would
a honey bee from flower to flower — searching …
searching … as the nectar of life eludes me
like an escaped convict daring to be recaptured
as freedom is found hostile to a life of
regimen, procedures and unwarranted discipline —
are you listening?
True love is lost as prison bars like
scarred tattoos X across the heart — tic-tac-toe,
only the pain knows the sorrow etched across my
chest like cardiac arrest, hiding under cloth green,
and numbered with no expiration date, only
labeled — L.I.F.E.!

Resolution in Support of the Northern California People’s Climate Rally [link]
** "Why I am going to the People's Climate March" by Sydnee Odei-Ntiri [PeoplesWorld.org link] [archive.today]
** Aiming at Roots of Climate Chaos, 'Flood Wall Street' Targets Capitalism Itself: Ahead of UN summit, organizers of direct action say the planetary crisis of global warming 'is a result of an economic system that is based on endless extraction, endless growth, and ceaseless exploitation of the earth and people.' [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today]
Friday, Sept. 19, 5:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Make Your Neighborhood Count! We'll be hosting a FREE outdoor movie night, and will show Cesar Chavez. This event is about creating community and we'll be having a potluck from 5:30pm to 6:30pm, followed by a brief program until 7pm, which will then be followed by the showing of the film. So bring your lawn chair and/or blankets along with a dish to share! Let's create community and make our neighborhoods count! There will also be onsite voter registration.
Bayer Farm Neighborhood Park & Gardens, 1550 West Ave., Santa Rosa
Justice For Our Desert
September 20th to 22nd
At the Nevada National Security Site & Creech Air Force Base
* The USA's 2015 budget for nuclearism is $1,560,000,000
* The USA's 2015 budget for new militarism is $786,000,000,000
* The USA's 2015 budget for education is $ 130,700,000,000
What's wrong with the US Government's fiscal priorities? Why so much for violence? Are we learning and teaching self-care? The fiscal indicators above reflect a value-system that violates all mainline religions (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist) and therefore represent anti-human practices such as nuclearism, racism, consumerism, militarism, and terrorism. The billions spent on making more military violence is theft from the masses needing a healthy environment and a healthy society. If those who are spending communal resources (e.g. tax dollars) unjustly, without conscientious approval of the masses, are continuing the injustices, then people of conscience must sing out, take action, make peace in the desert where much of this trouble begins at Creech and the NNSS! The first step is to stop the current works of war at these sites, as together we can begin the work of spiritual cleansing at these institutions of death and mega-death.
Join NDE for three days in September to stop the drone assassinations, to banish the violence-mongering, to protect our precious desert region from the spiritual sickness of the NNSS and Creech. Sing, Pray, Love Enemies, and bring about long-awaited environmental justice to our desert!
* Nonviolence Training: SATURDAY 20 Sept.
* Workshops + Eileen & The In-Betweens: SUNDAY 21 Sept.
* Direct Action at Creech & the NNSS: MONDAY 22 Sept.
Call NDE or email NDE for more info: 702.646.4814 or info@NevadaDesertExperience.org
Updates on this event: [NevadaDesertExperience.org/programs/2014/JusticeDesert2014.htm]
Sept. 21st International Day of Peace
NorCal People's Climate Change Rally

Lake Merritt Park Amphitheater, Lake Merritt near 12th St., a few blocks from the Lake Merritt Bart station, Oakland
This is a solidarity action with the New York City protest just days before the UN Climate Summit of world leaders. Tragically, more inaction or inadequate action can be expected. While people all over the country are mobilizing in New York, many of us will gather in support in Oakland. Join us to stand for the world we want: A world with an economy that works for people and the planet; A world safe from the ravages of climate change; A world with good jobs, clean air and water, peace and justice and healthy communities.
Organized by 350.org and hundreds of local and national environmental, trade union and social justice organizations across the country, including the Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County.
Carpools are being organized - call 707-575-8902
** Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent to March at People's Climate March in New York City, September 21, 2014 [CommonDreams.org link]
** About the Global Climate Convergence in NYC [http://globalclimateconvergence.org/about/]

Monday, Sept. 22, 6:00pm - 10:00pm
At Sundiata, 5329 Fairfax Ave, Oakland, California 94601
(510) 842-1009
The Poetic/Hip-Hop Day of Action follows and builds on the very successful May 2nd Haikus for Sundiata, a social media event that resulted in hundreds of haikus inspired by Sundiata (you can read them here: http://haikus4sundiata.tumblr.com/).
On Monday, September 22 in Oakland at Sundiata bookstore and cafe, a number of poets and hip hop performers will dedicate their expressions to Sundiata Acoli, and reach out to the community to step up their efforts in pursuit of freedom for Sundiata. Performers will be announced the first week of September. If you would like to participate in the Oakland event, please contact sundiata5329@gmail.com
Sundiata Acoli is a member of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army. On May 2, 1973, former Black Panthers Sundiata Acoli, Assata Shakur and Zayd Shakur were ambushed and attacked by state troopers on the New Jersey Turnpike. Assata was wounded and Zayd was killed. During the gun battle a state trooper was shot and killed in the crossfire. Sundiata was tried in an environment of mass hysteria and convicted.
Sundiata is 77 years-old and has completed his sentence serving almost 40 years in prison. Despite having a clean disciplinary record and the fact that the recidivism rate for senior citizens is almost nonexistent, Sundiata has been denied parole numerous times. Currently we are waiting to hear back from the New Jersey courts on an appeal on the last parole hearing.He has been denied parole three times in violation of his constitutional and human right to freedom.
If you are not able to make an event, you can still participate! Write a piece responding to Sundiata's writing prompt:
Sense(s) of Freedom: What would Freedom feel, look, taste, smell and sound like to you after the Revolution?
Then mail it to Sundiata on Sept. 22:
Sundiata Acoli
#39794-066 (Squire)
FCI Cumberland
PO Box 1000
Cumberland, MD 21501
Please also send your poems via email to thesafc@gmail.com, if you would like it shared publicly.

Occupy Sonoma County!
Join the anti-GMO campaign.
Monday, Sept. 22, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Unitarian/Universalist Congregation, 547 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa
Picketing for Andy Lopez at the Hall of Justice
Tuesday, Sept. 23, 9:00 a.m. to noon
Justice Coalition for Andy Lopez's on-going weekly picket to demand Justice for Andy Lopez.
600 Administration Drive, Santa Rosa
Justice for Andy Lopez Cruz! (d. 2013-10-22; Santa Rosa) [link]
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