Tune in Thursdays 4 to 5pm (PST), with our online webstream [link], and in the San Pablo Bay Area at 89.5FM KZCT [link]. News Beat track is "Education" by Casket Taste of Vallejo.
Hosted by Dr.G., Minister of Information of the Northbay Movement for a Democratic Society, with a California-wide network of journalists, organizers, and entertainers, breaking the blockade of censorship, with research archives and verified sources! View past headlines [link]. Join the Community Journalist program, send news & info to [NorthbayMDS@gmail.com].
Know more with the Community Journalist's Notebook [link]!

The managers of 89.5FM KZCT, their associates, and sponsors, are not to be held liable for the information and commentary provided by the Northbay Uprising Radio News, produced by the Northbay Movement for a Democratic Society, as a non-partisan research and education project.

New supply of buttons at the Peace & Justice Center! "Hands UP Don't SHOOT", "Ground the Drones", "Give Earth a Chance", "Peace in the Mideast", and more! $1.00 donation - available at the Peace and Justice Center, 467 Sebastopol Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Stories are reviewed and provided by Northbay MDS Committees.
Northbay Copwatch [link]:
** Justice for Andy Lopez! Action called for Sept. 9th in Santa Rosa! [link]
** Justice for Yanira! Action called for September 6th in Half Moon Bay! [link], Facebook event page [link]
** Retaliation against the man who recorded an extra-judicial murder? "Wife of Man Who Filmed NYPD Chokehold Is Arrested", 2014-08-06 [link]: The wife of the man who recorded video of New York Police Department officers performing a fatal chokehold has been arrested on assault charges. Chrissie Ortiz, 30, allegedly struck a woman outside a Staten Island grocery in New York Tuesday after the two got into an argument. She faces a misdemeanor assault charge, the Staten Island Advance reports [link]. Ortiz's arrest comes just days after her husband, 22-year-old Ramsey Orta, was arrested on gun possession charges. While being taken into custody, Orta told arresting officers, "You're just mad because I filmed your boy."
The recent action by the "Justice for Mario Romero!" campaign brought together a number of community members speaking out against human-rights abuse in Vallejo! (Photos 2014-09-02 by Dee Dee Dunson)

Student Power!
Student Unity Movement activists sent us the following:
** "UC regents reconfirmed over criticisms of out-of-state recruiting", 2014-08-22 by Alexei Koseff for "SacBee.com: Capital Alert" blog [link]: The state Senate overwhelmingly reconfirmed four members of the University of California Board of Regents Friday, but not before raising concerns over the university’s increasing enrollment of out-of-state and international students.
Regents Richard C. Blum, Norman J. Pattiz and Richard Sherman were reconfirmed for another 12-year term by a vote of 29-3, while regent Monica Lozano was reconfirmed in a separate vote of 31-0.
Worker's Defense Committee [link]:
Fast Food workers on strike across the USA!

** Photos 2014-09-03 in Sacramento, Worker's Power! with The ANSWER Coalition, SOL Collective :
- 8am, #FF15 #FastFoodWorkers rally in front of McDonald's in Sacramento

- at 9am, Police attempting to intimidate #FF15 #FastFoodWorkers organizers in Sacramento:

** "Oakland: Workers demand investigation of noose found on city truck", 2014-09-03 from "1021 Newswire": SEIU 1021 members took action to demand an investigation of a noose found hanging on a city truck last week. At a meeting with the City Administrator and Public Works Director, members made it clear that hatred and violence have no place at work and in our communities. OPD is now investigating the incident.
* Oakland Tribune: "Oakland workers outraged over noose hung from city truck" [link]
* KTVU: "Oakland city workers discover noose hanging from vehicle" [link]
* KPIX: "Noose Found on Oakland Public Works Truck Used by African-American Employees" [link]
** "La Clinica workers picket for patient care", 2014-09-03 from "1021 Newswire":

They called on CEO Jane Garcia to meet with them to address increased workloads, short staffing, longer wait times, and problems in the medical records department spreading workers too thin and ultimately diminishing the quality of care their patients deserve.
“We’re here to bring attention to the community that patient care at La Clinica is at risk due to many factors,” said Chapter President Angel Valdez. “We are short staffed, people are overworked, and there’s just not enough help to go around. We want to be able to provide quality care to our patients and communities but these issues are making it very complicated.”
“Increased workloads, an increasing number of patients, and decreased personnel has affected every department at La Clinica in every one of our clinics,” said Chapter Secretary Rosa Lutrario.
Northbay Entheogenic Freedom [link]:
** "Reefer Madness Redux", from [http://media-alliance.org/article.php?id=2431]:

Media Alliance has long argued that the presentation of statistical data without background context, or with deliberately confusing background context, allows subtle editorial advocacy, often in favor of reactive and reactionary political stances.
As a case in point, a Media News reader drew our attention to a story in USA Today that used emergency room statistics to infer that casual marijuana use is more dangerous and has more adverse health risks than people think. Writer Liz Szabo presented drug related emergency room visits statistics nationwide:
2011 - 505,000 Cocaine
2011 - 455,000 Marijuana
2011 - 258,000 Heroin
What Szabo left out of her statistical analysis was the relative total number of users of each of the 3 drugs, with marijuana usage dwarfing the use of cocaine or heroin.
When the data is analyzed including the quantity metric, (using 2010 data in a study by the NIH puvlished in the Washington Post), heroin use is 34.8 times more likely to result in an emergency trip visit for a user and cocaine is 12 times more likely. In fact, even alcohol users have a slightly higher likelihood of ending up in an emergency room.
That Szabo's chart and article don't make these distinctions conveys a deeply misleading impression to USA Today's readers.
* USA Today chart and story by Szabo [http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/07/27/risks-of-marijuana/10386699/?sf29269095=1]
* NIH Study from Washington Post [http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2014/07/31/the-federal-governments-own-statistics-show-that-marijuana-is-safer-than-alcohol/]
Committee for the Study of Fascism, domestic [link], and worldwide [link]:
** Popular Resistance Newsletter - Ferguson And Global Struggle For Justice [link]
** Community-Labor Alliance counters fascism in Ferguson, Missouri [link]
** Freedom Summer in Ferguson, Missouri, with young people organizing for worker's rights and human rights [link]
** Young #Ferguson activists, Lost Voices, who have been sleeping outdoors in protest since Mike Brown's killing woke up to a noose in their yard. (Photo 2014-08-31 by Nyle Fort)

"ALBA Expresses Solidarity with Protesters in Ferguson", 2014-08-19 from "TeleSur" [link]:
The Latin American and Caribbean bloc asked U.S. authorities to carry out a fair investigation into the death of Michael Brown.
The ALBA countries released a joint statement Tuesday expressing their "profound concern" with the violence sparked by the police killing of an unarmed black teenager, which the bloc said is a reminder of the serious racial discrimination that has yet to be resolved in the United States.
"The countries of ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance of the People of Our Americas, integrated by Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Cuba, Bolivia, and various Caribbean nations) express their solidarity with the African descent communities of the United States," the statement added.
The bloc's statement calls on the U.S. government to carry out a fair and transparent investigation into the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson and demanded that security forces respect human rights when trying to control protests in the Missouri township, which has been affected by violent clashes of police against demostrators that claim justice.
"Alba also expresses its solidarity with the familiy of Michael Brown, ase well as with the other victims of the violence that has spread throughout Ferguson," the statement said.
Hands Off Bolivarian Venezuela and ALBA! [link]
And in world news...
** Fascist Ukraine publicly punishes dissenting lawmaker who spoke against mass-killing of civilians [link]
** Fascist Ukraine death-squad murders journalist Andrey Stenin who had been reporting on mass-killing of civilians [link]
** The Economics of Ebola (EboBun) [link]
** "The Covert Origins of ISIS --Evidence exposing who put ISIS in power, and how it was done", updated 2014-09-03,
FULL REPORT [http://scgnews.com/the-covert-origins-of-isis],
VIDEO [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMjXbuj7BPI].

SYNOPSIS: In June of 2014 Al-Nusra merged with ISIS at the border between Iraq and Syria. So to review, the FSA [Free Syrian Army, the 'rebels'] is working with Al-Nusra, Al-Nusra is working with ISIS [link], and the U.S. has been sending money and weapons to the FSA even though they've known since 2012 that most of these weapons were ending up in the hands of extremists. You do the math. In that context, the sarin gas attacks of 2013 which turned out to have been committed by the Syrian rebels [link], makes a lot more sense doesn't it? If it wasn't enough that U.N. investigators [link], Russian investigators [link], and Pulitzer prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh [link] all pinned that crime on Washington's proxies, the rebels themselves threatened the West that they would expose what really happened if they were not given more advanced weaponry within one month. By the way, this also explains why Washington then decided to target Russia next. This threat was made on June 10th, 2013. In what can only be described as an amazing coincidence, just nine days later, the rebels received their first official shipment of heavy weapons in Aleppo [link].
Also see:
** ISIL completely fabricated enemy by US: Former CIA contractor [link]
** How America Made ISIS [link]

Friday, Sept. 5th, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
in front of the Oakland Marriott City Center, 1001 Broadway, Oakland.
Organized by the War Resisters League as a part of the Week of Education & Action to Stop Urban Shield in Oakland.
Join us as we converge on the Oakland Marriott! The Marriott manages the City Center for the City of Oakland, and that convention center will be the site of much Urban Shield activity.
Urban Shield is an annual SWAT team training and weapons expo that brings together local, regional, and global police-military units. It takes place every year in Oakland. This year it will take place from September 4th through the 8th.ENOUGH! Pushing the Marriott is our first step to Stopping Urban Shield in Oakland and ending Urban Shield war games entirely. Building on growing resistance to police militarization in the US, Bay Area community organizations and the Facing Tear Gas campaign have come together to call for Oakland's non-participation in Urban Shield, community self-determination, and solidarity with global movements. Urban Shield is connected to national police militarization programs such as 1033, 1122, Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) and DHS Fusion Centers. Stopping Urban Shield is one step to roll back police militarization.
Organizations endorsing the resistance to Urban Shield so far include:
Screening of Generations in Solidarity
Friday, September 5, 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Danville Congregational Church, 989 San Ramon Valley Blvd., Danville
The film tells the story of Sister Parish's beginnings during the civil wars in Central America and how Sister Parish communities continue to struggle for justice today amid violence, globalization and environmental degradation. The documentary includes footage from our 25th Anniversary delegation, as well as interviews of Sister Parish leaders from Guatemala, El Salvador and the United States. The film serves as a powerful reminder of our shared journey, and how we can continue to stand in solidarity with each other today.
We are excited that the producer of a fantastic documentary, "Generations in Solidarity", will be in the Bay Area for a week beginning September 2nd .
For more info see [http://generationsinsolidarity.homestead.com] and also [http://sisterparish.org]
Kick-off Rally for Measure FF (Oakland minimum wage)
Saturday, Sept. 6th,
8:30 AM
Rally @ Maxwell Park School, 4618 Allendale, Oakland
& then precinct walking :)
sponsored by: Lift Up Oakland campaign [http://www.liftupoakland.org/] [510 269 2213] [info@) liftupoakland.org]
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