"Teacher Sues District for Racial Discrimination"
2011-04-13 by Rowena Lugtu-Shaddox from "Fox 40" news affiliate [www.fox40.com/news/headlines/ktxl-will-c-wood-former-teacher-says-fired-for-discrimination-20110413,0,6650466.story]:

According the the suit filed in Superior Court on Wednesday, Shukri Rashid, worked part-time for nearly three weeks at Will C. Wood High School. During that time, he showed Michael Moore's latest movie.
He also asked students to read the communist works of Karl Marx.
In one assignment, Rashid had students share three ways to resist government in a democratic society without overthrowing the government. He points to one 17-year-old student's response.
Her answers were: one, vote out the people in power; two, murder the president; and three, become a government teacher and shove liberal views down the mouths of high school seniors.
The district dismissed Rashid on Feb. 9th, saying in the suit, if Rashid reflects on the few days of his teaching, he would know why he was dismissed.
His attorney said Rashid is out of the country and unavailable for comment. The district didn't return phone calls.