2009-01-10 by Kirstina Sangsaha for "Oh, Dang!" magazine []:
By now, you've already heard about Wednesday's peaceful-turned-violent protest against BART police for the death of 22-year-old Oscar Grant, who was shot and killed by a BART police officer on New Year's Day. Most reports highlight the instance when the protest turned into a riot damaging more than 300 storefronts and several vehicles (including cop cars) and setting small fires. Rightfully so, the people are fed up and sometimes it takes hurling a brick through a window to get a point across. I'm all for flipping cop cars, but breaking the windows of independent minority-owned businesses and burning the cars of random Oakland citizens loses sight of the cause.
Regardless of the violence that occurred later in the evening, those demanding justice held a successful peaceful protest earlier that day. But, as the saying goes in the news industry, "If it bleeds, it leads," and negative news will always trump positive news. However, Ninoy Brown at FOBBDeep gives a brief firsthand account, writing that "passion and emotion filled the crowd of what was estimated to be around 700" at the Fruitvale BART station.
Freelance photographer and Oh Dang! contributor Kirstina Sangsahachart was also there and shares her photos from the peaceful protest below.--Zoneil Maharaj
A young boy holds a sign with Oscar Grant's picture during the peaceful protest rally at the Fruitvale BART station in Oakland on Wed., Jan. 7.

Sharee Robinson shows her support with a white rose.

Salvin Moore, 18, peacefully protests at the Fruitvale BART station for his friend Oscar Grant.

Laverne Barnes holds a candle for Grant.

Mistah FAB speaks to the crowd gathered at the rally.