Tune in Thursdays 4 to 5pm (PST), at 89.5FM in the northeast San Pablo Bay Area, or on a Smart Phone [link], Desktop U-stream [link], Live Mp3 (.pls) stream [link], Netbook [link]. Hosted by Dr.G., Minister of Information of the Northbay MDS, breaking the blockade of censorship, with research archives and verified sources! Be a Community Journalist with our Community Journalist's Notebook [link], send news & info to [NorthbayMDS@) gmail.com]!
Link sources are noted. Backed-up links are to (archive.org), (archive.today), (peeep.us).


You can cut and paste any offline image onto your own publication.
You can publicize any community organization that you support.
You can sell copies of your publication as a fundraiser.
You can promote local artists who are willing to distribute you publication.
You can fight fascism through education!
* "Fight every instance of police violence" (2014-11) [PeoplesTribune.org link] [archive.today]
* " 'My children deserve to not be shot down,' says St. Louis mom" (2014-11) [PeoplesTribune.org link] [archive.today]
* "In Ferguson, a Prosecutor Manipulates the Justice System to Prevent Indictment" (2014-12-04) [http://truth-out.org/news/item/27796-in-ferguson-a-prosecutor-manipulates-the-justice-system-to-prevent-indictment] [https://archive.today/dDYfa]
* "Today its Ferguson. Tomorrow It’s You." (2014-11) [PeoplesTribune.org link] [archive.today]
* "#BlackLivesMatter: Anonymous calls for march of millions over police brutality" (2014-12-07) [http://rt.com/usa/212307-anonymous-march-of-millions/] [https://archive.today/vZL4J]
* "Protests erupt across the country after Darren Wilson non-indictment" (2014-11-27)[answercoalition.org link] [archive.org]

Protesters march on a highway in a steady drizzle on the final day of a 7-day march Friday, Dec. 5, 2014, in Jefferson City, Mo. Scores of people protesting the police shooting of Michael Brown arrived Friday at the Missouri Capitol, completing a 130-mile march from the shooting site in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)

Across New York City, "die-in" demonstrations in honor of recently murdered Eric Garner showed shoppers and regular folks alike that the "New Jim Crow" social-cleansing campaign has to end.
* "Demonstrators stage 'die in' at NYC Apple store, Macy's" (2014-12-06) [usatoday.com link] [archive.today]
* A group instrumental in organizing for Justice and Liberation are the "People's Power Assemblies" [PeoplesPowerAssemblies.org], homepage archived 2014-12-08 [archive.today]

OAKLAND, CA - DECEMBER 4: Protesters march on the second night of demonstrations following a Staten Island, New York grand jury's decision not to indict a police officer in the chokehold death of Eric Garner on December 4, 2014 in Oakland, California. The grand jury declined to indict New York City Police Officer Daniel Pantaleo in Garner's death. (Photo by Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images)

* "Protesters take to streets again in Oakland, S.F." (2014-12-05) [http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Protesters-take-to-streets-again-in-Oakland-S-F-5936431.php] [https://archive.today/FzSd3]
* "California protesters march for 4th straight night" (2014-12-10) [ajc.com link] [archive.today]
* "Protests over police killings continue in Northern California" (2014-12-10) [wsws.org link] [archive.today]
Letter by Andrea Saltzman of Berkeley to the Editor of the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper, Dec. 10 [http://www.sfgate.com/opinion/letterstoeditor/article/Letters-to-the-Editor-Dec-10-5945941.php] [https://archive.today/QVcYx]:
Concerning “Protests’ intensity refuses to subside” (Dec. 9), the problem may be the media focus. I was caught in a protest on College Avenue in Oakland on Saturday afternoon. The demonstrators entered and took over a restaurant where I was lunching; they sang, chanted, made short speeches and recited names of people killed by police.
It was uncomfortable and even scary, but the demonstrators were peaceful and got their message across articulately. However, although the demonstrators went to several other locations on College Avenue and it was a busy shopping day in a popular and crowded area, the demonstration has not garnered media attention.
After much Internet searching, I only found coverage on one San Jose newspaper’s site, which appears to be only tweets. In contrast, the violent demonstrations that started in Berkeley a few hours later and shut down the freeway and roads less than a mile from where I was lunching got immediate national and international coverage.
If the violent demonstrations get coverage and the nonviolent ones get none, is it any wonder that there will be more violent demonstrations? Aren’t peaceful demonstrations being discouraged if there is no coverage of them?
* "Oakland: Protesters stop traffic on Interstate 880" (2014-12-05) [http://www.insidebayarea.com/breaking-news/ci_27081414/oakland-protesters-stop-traffic-interstate-880?source=rss] [https://archive.today/vcU4r]
* Interstate highway 580 in California, USA shut down by protesters marching against police brutality. Black Lives Matter (photo by Jackie Hasa)

* "Looting, freeway closures put attention on protests, not message" (2014-12-08) [http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Vandalism-freeway-shutdowns-focus-protest-5944076.php] [https://archive.today/INrrv]
* "Proof of Oakland PD infiltrators and agents provocateurs at Occupy Oakland?" (2011-10-31) [http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/10/31/1031732/-Proof-of-Oakland-PD-infiltrators-and-agents-provocateurs-at-Occupy-Oakland] [https://web.archive.org/web/20120202114207/http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/10/31/1031732/-Proof-of-Oakland-PD-infiltrators-and-agents-provocateurs-at-Occupy-Oakland]
* "Undercover Cops Outed and Pull Gun on Crowd" (2014-12-10) [https://storify.com/CourtneyPFB/undercover-cops-outed-and-pull-gun-on-crowd] [https://archive.today/cefgE]
* "Attention Protesters: That Over-Zealous Agitator Might Be A Cop" (2014-12-11) [http://reverbpress.com/features/undercover-cops-infiltrate-protest-movements/] [https://archive.today/bVwci]
* "Undercover Cop Draws Gun on Protesters in Oakland" (2014-12-11) [http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/michael-brown-shooting/undercover-cop-draws-gun-protesters-oakland-n266176] [https://archive.today/ZQMVX]
* "THE EVENING OF DECEMBER 6TH IN A QUIET BERKELEY NEIGHBORHOOD" [http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/12/08/18765229.php] [https://archive.today/pcidp]
* "Photos from Anti Cop march in Berkeley 12.7.14" by WeCopwatch [http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/12/08/18765222.php] [https://archive.today/zVDoH]
* "Photos from the Anti Police March 12/8/14" [http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/12/09/18765318.php] [https://archive.today/dI05M]* "More Photos from the Ongoing Anti Police Movement 12.09.14" (2014-12-10) [http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/12/10/18765351.php] [https://archive.today/XMmQ1]
* US Uncut [https://www.facebook.com/usauncut], 2014-12-10: Police brutally beat protesters with batons and fired tear gas and bean bags last night in Berkeley, California. But police violence didn't stop the first civil rights movement from succeeding, and it sure as hell won't stop us. #ICantBreathe #EricGarner #SHUTITDOWN
* Photo posted 2014-12-09 showing the last image recorded by a news camera before being destroyed by California Highway Patrol

* "SPJ NorCal Responds to Reports of Police Force Used on Journalists in Berkeley" (2014-12-08) [http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/12/08/18765248.php] [https://archive.today/rAli9]
Taylor Brickner, Anarchist and IWW member from Sacramento, 2014-12-10: Bruise from rubber bullet shot by chp on Monday night at the Berkeley #kettleatross

[Comment from Linda Roberts] Some fool cop friend of mine said that these were like ear plugs. This is BS, they are very hard. If you had certain medical conditions, it could be fatal, or if you were hit in the wrong place.
[Comment from Jenifer] Its a tough job policing the police.
[Comment from Rudy Ruiz] These can be fatal without any type of medical condition. These are kill shots. They can cause internal bleeding and all sorts of shit. I love you Taylor get well soon brother.
Update from Taylor:
All the solidarity I experienced during and after the event from friends, comrades, and even strangers makes any wound, or jail time worth the fight for liberation. Much thanks to y'all for caring so much about my privileged white ass but I was out there cause because many institutions are discriminatory and racist, especially the police. If a white stomach behind that bruise gets more sympathy, then I only hope I'm using that privilege to change the institutions and individuals who value white males over all other races, genders etc. #ftp #solidarityforever
Cyndi Mitchell, Justice campaign organizer in Vallejo for her brother Mario Romero, writes Monday night at around midnight: "These killer cops are attacking people on the sidewalk. One just threw a peaceful protester ontop of me."

* "Chronicle photographer hit with baton during Berkeley protest" (2014-12-08) [http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Video-shows-police-baton-blow-to-Chronicle-5943845.php] [https://archive.today/dvA6H]
* "#Anonymous brings down Oakland PD website after cops gas protesters" (2014-12-08) [http://rt.com/usa/212335-police-protesters-oakland-gas/] [https://archive.today/UArto]
* "More protests: Highway 24 blocked; vandalism, looting in Berkeley" (2014-12-08) [http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Protesters-plan-more-action-Sunday-after-a-night-5941613.php] [https://archive.today/sHooP]; article re-headlined by a "conservative" fascist as "Frothing Mob Chanting “Peaceful Protest” Turns Violent in Berkeley" (2014-12-08) [http://www.jammiewf.com/2014/frothing-mob-chanting-peaceful-protest-turns-violent-in-berkeley/] [https://archive.today/sPrq8], [begin excerpt]: Even as the crowd chanted “peaceful protest,” a group of people jumped on top of two law enforcement vehicles and kicked at the sirens, and several set small fires nearby. After the brief standoff with police, protesters marched south on Shattuck. When a handful of demonstrators broke off and began smashing windows of a Radio Shack at Shattuck and Dwight Way, the crowd booed and shouted, “Peaceful protest.” One man who broke into the store threw boxes of looted electronic gear into the crowd, but several protesters tossed the gear back inside. A protester was injured when he tried to stop someone from damaging the store, according to Berkeley police. [end excerpt]
* Tear gas deployed near UC Berkeley, 2014-12-06 [http://www.dailycal.org/2014/12/06/storify-updates-tweets-ferguson-garner-ayotzinapa-protest] [http://www.peeep.us/a1edb8c1]
* "Protesters March Again in Berkeley and S.F.; Police use tear gas on Berkeley protesters" (2014-12-07) [http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Protesters-march-again-in-S-F-and-Berkeley-5940498.php] [https://archive.today/2ybgq],[begin excerpt]: The march began peacefully at 5 p.m. at UC Berkeley’s Sproul Plaza, but the protesters were soon joined by groups of black-masked demonstrators looking for trouble, onlookers said. After warning the crowd of vocal, but mostly non-violent protesters, officers fired tear gas, sending people fleeing in panic and pain. It wasn’t just protesters who were gassed. Minutes before the police dispersed the crowd at about 10:30, several concerts had let out downtown. Well-dressed concertgoers waiting to pay in a nearby garage were enveloped in a cloud of stinging gas, sending them running into elevators. [end excerpt]
UPDATE (posted 10:30pm, 2014-12-06 Saturday night, at facebook.com [https://archive.today/AcrUZ]): The march began peacefully UC Berkeley’s Sproul Plaza, but protesters were soon joined by groups of black-masked demonstrators looking for trouble. [end update].
Original version of the preceding article, with the online headline "Violence mars new protests in Berkeley", was erased from the internet, but was reproduced without attribution by the "Institute of American Studies" in Iran [https://archive.today/KCoF2], and with attribution by "GlobalNews.co" [https://archive.today/2Vkxr], and there is a video with that headline at [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9AviA9ZiyE].
. The original version as it appeared in print is below.
* "BAY AREA PROTESTS: Berkeley march not entirely peaceful", 2014-12-07 from the "San Francisco Chronicle" pg. A-8, written Saturday night for the early morning Sunday edition, by Hamed Aleaziz, Greta Kaul, Evan Sernoffsky, and Victoria Colliver. text provided after the article image:

"You're f—ing cow-ards," screamed one skateboard-carrying young man, his face hidden by a black ban-danna. "You don't represent us," a woman shouted at police. "This is supposed to be about stopping vio-lence," said Francesca Rivera of Berkeley, who was marching with the protesters. "There seem to be a number of very young people who don't how to channel their violence." The march began peacefully at 5 p.m. at UC Berkeley's Sproul Plaza, but the protesters were soon joined by groups of black-masked demonstrators looking for trouble, onlookers said. The demonstrators walked to Berkeley police headquarters and then scuffled with a skirmish line of officers trying to keep marchers from heading down University Avenue toward Interstate 580. Smoke bombs were detonated, sending clouds of vapor drifting over the area.
As protesters approached the highway, a line of police blocked the on-ramp. Some protesters tried to turn toward Oakland, but police blocked them, funneling the marchers back up University Avenue. Scott Bishop Falcone, a UC Berkeley graduate student, came out to protest peacefully. "Out of the houses and into the streets," he yelled as he passed his home on University Avenue, hoping his neighbors would join. "I'm really glad there's a broad variety of people out," he said, emphasizing that he believed those breaking windows and looting were a small minority.
Demonstrators in the Bay Area, especially Oakland and San Fran-cisco, have been taking to the streets and free-ways, disrupting transit, staging die-ins and, in some cases, vandalizing businesses since the grand jury's decision in the Eric Garner case Wednesday. A Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict New York City police Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who was captured on a cell phone video putting Garner, suspected of illegally selling loose cigarettes, in a hold that a medical examiner said contributed to the man's death.
Demonstrators in the Bay Area, especially Oakland and San Fran-cisco, have been taking to the streets and free-ways, disrupting transit, staging die-ins and, in some cases, vandalizing businesses since the grand jury's decision in the Eric Garner case Wednesday. A Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict New York City police Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who was captured on a cell phone video putting Garner, suspected of illegally selling loose cigarettes, in a hold that a medical examiner said contributed to the man's death.
That decision came on the heels of the Missouri grand jury's decision on Nov. 24 not to indict a white officer in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old suspected of robbing a store. Many of the Berkeley protesters were hoping to avoid the violence and vandalism that has plagued other demonstrations. "Peacefully, nonviolently, we are here to talk justice," said one of the demonstrators, Moni Law of Berkeley, who as a black mother of a son feels especially close to the events. "I'm the father of a biracial son. He's been stopped many times driving while black. He's been stopped many times walking while black," said Sam Frankel, a 65-year-old Berkeley resident.
Protester Kelly Osaji-ma, 24, of Emeryville said she had to speak out because "black lives matter. ... How can I stand by while this is happening?" she said. "Everyone should be out on the streets when this is happening." The Berkeley demonstration followed a rally earlier Saturday in San Francisco where more than 100 demonstrators gathered on Market Street in front of the Westfield San Francisco Centre, disrupting the bustling holiday shop-ping scene.
Police arrested at least a dozen demonstrators holding up signs in the middle of Market Street and stopping traffic, with some onlookers and fellow protesters booing and yelling "Shame!" Some of the Powell Street BART entrances were shut during the protest. Chanting "I can't breathe! We can't breathe" and "Hands up, don't shoot!" the demon-strators shouted the rallying cries of the dem-onstrations that have taken place across the country.
Police in San Francisco said it could be Monday before a final list is available of the arrests connected to Saturday protest.
* "BAY AREA: Protests remain mostly peaceful", 2014-12-05 from the "San Francisco Chronicle" pg. A-18, by Vivian Ho, Peter Fimrite and Kale Williams: Swarms of chanting protesters swept through Oakland and San Francisco for the second straight night Thursday to castigate authorities for the killings of unarmed black men by police. A sign-waving throng marched through foggy Oak-land and a large band of demonstrators blocked Market Street in San Francisco in an attempt to deliver their point: that the two police officers responsible for the deaths of Eric Garner, in New York, and Michael Brown, in Missouri, should have been prosecuted for murder. The marchers shouted, "No justice! No peace! Jail the racist police!" and other slogans as they marched from 14th Street and Broadway through West Oakland. A smaller group in San Francisco chanted and, at one point, laid down en masse on Market at Powell Street, as they had done the previous night, but this time they cleared out peacefully before police had to step in. "When you look at history, the people that make revolution and change are people like us right here," said Oakland resident Yvette Felarca, 44, an organizer with By Any Means Necessary, addressing the crowd at Frank Ogawa Plaza. The rally in Oakland grew as the night went on, with many marchers holding signs reading, "Ferguson is Everywhere" and "Black Lives Matter." They yelled, "Out of the house, into the street!" in an attempt to inspire residents and passers-by to join them. Several shouted their support and many cheered the group on. By 9:30 p.m. the crowd had dwindled to a scattered few dozen, some of whom carried on at the Fruitvale BART Station, where the gates were closed before their arrival. In San Francisco, protesters blocked traffic on Market Street, but by 7:45 p.m., the human chain was broken when protest leaders met with a contingent of police and agreed to move off the busy thorough-fare and reconvene at Union Square. "For me, tonight was really about being peaceful," said James Nielssen, 20, a University of San Francisco student who helped negotiate the move off the street, "so we wanted to cooperate with the cops."

Melvin Dickson, of the Commemmoration Committee for the Black Panther Party, 2014-12-07:

tho anger with practical-positive action
can transforms phenomena,
can overcome antagonistic and none-antagonistic contradictions
- can organize-discipline planning
whereby exploited and oppressed communities everywhere
can roll forward
can unify mind and body
can strengthens self
- as connects to one's community
can successfully resist local capitalist fascist oppression
by building at all levels community sustainability
with the basic fundamentals: nutritional food, affordable housing, comprehensive healthcare and relevant education...
Jabari Shaw is a Black Liberation organizer in Oakland, with the Laney College BSU and the Commemoration Committee for the Black Panther Party. He is organizing the "Puma People", of which he asks, "We are for education, liberation, anti-incarceration, and making children amazing across the nation! We need community participation!". Of his own reasons for organizing for Liberation, Jabari writes:

I'm thinking EFF this application!
We don't need government assistance we need government resistance!
EFF the police #endpoliceterriorisiom
We need to apply some pressure on the police! #allblacklifematter"
"Letters to the Editor, Dec. 6 San Francisco Chronicle" [http://www.sfgate.com/opinion/letterstoeditor/article/Letters-to-the-Editor-Dec-6-5939062.php] [https://archive.today/NeTkA]
- "Teaching Children about Racism" by Ann Latta, Menlo Park: When my white son started driving on his own, I gave him instructions: If you are stopped by an officer; say, yes officer; keep your hands visible on the steering wheel; don’t go to your glove compartment for your license until asked. What do Black mothers tell their sons? Don’t play with toy guns in parks. Don’t sell cigarettes on the street. Don’t pick up a gun in a Walmart gun department. Don’t walk through a dark apartment lobby. Don’t take BART on New Years Eve. If a cop appears, drop to your knees, hands on head, pray. How can we teach our kids about justice, rule of law and respect for all when they need only access media to see the lies? And how do we help our cops to stay safe, keep the peace and keep us all safe? We need to get to work.
- "Police state" by Jean Mont-Eton, San Francisco: The militarization of our police forces reads like the history of the rise of nazism prior to World War II. The surplus weapons of war should be dismantled, destroyed, not given a new life in our cities to be used against our citizens.

(1) Chargers linebacker Melvin Ingram makes a statement at Sunday’s game. [https://archive.today/QVcYx]
(2) Los Angeles Lakers' Kobe Bryant, center, warms up before an NBA basketball game against the Sacramento Kings, Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2014, in Los Angeles. [https://archive.today/IwJuE]

* "My Vassar College Faculty ID Makes Everything OK" (2014-11-29) [http://gawker.com/my-vassar-college-faculty-id-makes-everything-ok-1664133077] [https://archive.today/itPFh]
Intro from Joseph Anderson of Berkely:
This commentary is a locational and institutional metaphor examining and questioning the white racism-imposed heavy social price in the role that status and elite African American professionals --certainly, but hardly only, in their academic status role-- are meant to pay about persistent, liberal and not so liberal, entrenched racism at places like ever-so-stately Vassar College, in the Hudson River town of Poughkeepsie (~60mi/100km north of NYC), NY.
Vassar used to be considered an Ivy League parallel, women's college -- one of the elite, Northeast Coast states, so-called, "Seven Sisters" colleges -- before it finally went co-ed.
And, from the comments section below the commentary, a laconic poem:
"I swear to the Lord,
I still can't see,
Why Democracy means,
Everybody but me."
-Langston Hughes
And so it be's...
* "Why Are Black People Ignoring the Economic Empowerment Teachings of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Marcus Garvey?" (2014-09-07) [http://atlantablackstar.com/2014/09/07/black-people-ignoring-economic-empowerment-teachings-dr-king-malcolm-x-marcus-garvey/] [https://archive.today/Hg5gc]

We Are Asking All Blacks & Latinos To Join The Boycott
"Only Buy Necessities" should be our permanent economic mantra. If you ever wonder why people come from other countries with two nickles in their pockets and surpass us in wealth inside of ten years or less? That's their mindset. They realize that wasting money on trinkets like $200 tennis shoes, $3000 and $4000 rims, and low quality jewlery. Not only robs not them, but their children of their wealth. Quit robbing your babies to build other people's wealth.
"Helping babies", letter 2014-12-09 by Christie Kiefer of El Cerrito to the editor of the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper [https://archive.today/QVcYx]:
Thanks for your article “Oakland 'godmother’ retiring” (Dec. 8). A few years ago, I worked with Sandra Tramiel’s Berkeley counterpart, Yvonne Lacey. During her tenure at the Black Infant Health Program, the low birth weight rate fell from about 10 per 1,000 to about half that, and watching her work, I saw why.
These African American nurses know their clients’ stories intimately and can communicate love and care in their own idiom.
As the recent focus on police racial bias underlines, many black residents of our cities do not feel comfortable getting services from white-dominated agencies, including the health care system. They feel judged, misunderstood, disrespected and often short-changed.
An advocate and advisor like Ms. Tramiel or Ms. Lacey can make a huge difference. Let’s make sure our public health agencies keep recruiting and training these gems.
* "Cal Progressive Coalition" [https://calprogressivecoalition.wordpress.com/] has produced their 2014 Cal Disorientation Guide with information on how to start rebelling and creating a more humane society. You can print the Disorientation Guide by downloading the .pdf file at [https://web.archive.org/web/20141208094251/http://calprogressivecoalition.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/cal-disorientation-guide-20141.pdf]
* "Police Harassment of Peaceful Protesters @ UCB Student Hike treesit" (2014-12-10) [http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/12/03/18765008.php] [https://archive.today/ZXQOl]
Northbay Copwatch
* "Sheriff: ‘Shiny metallic object’ drew fire from American Canyon police; FOUR OFFICERS SHOT AT SUSPECT IN FATAL INCIDENT FRIDAY" (2013-03-19) [http://napavalleyregister.com/news/local/sheriff-shiny-metallic-object-drew-fire-from-american-canyon-police/article_e4dc27d4-90f0-11e2-b30d-0019bb2963f4.html] [https://archive.today/z4jFd]
* "District attorney says officer-involved shooting was justified; PABLO RAMIREZ WAS WOUNDED OUTSIDE SOUTH NAPA MARKETPLACE IN APRIL" (2013-08-23) [http://napavalleyregister.com/news/local/district-attorney-says-officer-involved-shooting-was-justified/article_dfcfe4a0-0c57-11e3-acc1-001a4bcf887a.html] [https://archive.today/BybxT], [begin excerpt]:
Other recent police-involved shootings
• June, 29, 2010: Two Napa Special Investigations Bureau agents shot and killed Jose Luis Martinez, 38, after officers said Martinez brandished a handgun during a marijuana grow raid at Lake Berryessa. The Napa County District Attorney’s Office found the shooting justified.
• Nov. 28, 2010: A Napa Police officer shot and killed Richard Poccia, 60, in front of his Alta Heights house after police said they thought he was reaching for a knife. The Napa County District Attorney’s Office ruled the shooting was justified. The family has filed suit in federal court.
• May 13, 2012: Napa Police officer shot and injured Luis Alejandre, 27, during a foot pursuit and struggle in the 2100 block of Parrish Road. The Napa County District Attorney’s Office ruled the shooting was justified. Alejandre has filed suit in federal court.
• March 15, 2013: American Canyon Police officers shot and killed a motorist, Angelo D. Moreno, 27, after a vehicle pursuit after he pointed a 4.5-inch multi-tool to the officers. The District Attorney has not issued a report.
[end excerpt]
* "San Leandro police shoot, critically wound car-theft suspect" (2014-12-08) [http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Woman-shot-by-police-after-chase-said-to-be-in-5943104.php] [https://archive.today/B9rTH]
* Anti-Police Terrorism Project (APTP) [https://www.facebook.com/pages/Anti-Police-Terrorism-Project/513658562107268], information describing the incident in San Leandro 2014-12-08:
The Anti-Police Terrorism Project meets every third Thursday at 7:30 pm Eastside Arts Alliance.
According to KTVU Channel 2 news, The woman shot by police last night at 98th and Bancroft is not dead but in critical condition...
Police are saying the high speed chase began in San Leandro and that the white pick-up was a stolen vehicle. The police also stated that the woman shot at the police.
Members of the Anti-Police Terrorism Project went to the scene last night and collected statements from witnesses this morning.
According to these witnesses, NO gunfire ever came from the car with the two women. But rather, ALL shots came from the police from all directions .. including the BACK of the vehicle.
This is the second deadly encounter with law enforcement over the weekend.
No one in the car had a gun, all 20-30 bullets came from pigs firing at the women from behind. Not a single tire was hit. Every bullet was aiming for the women. And they hit their cab, and the houses they were near.
(Update, the following day) So after headed back out today APTP learned: She did not shoot a pig. She ran over a police car with a pig in it, and injured the pig who was released from hospital. In fact all witnesses said no gunshots were seen or heard from the women.
(Comment from a reader) Ok, they didn't even say this morning on the news that she supposedly was firing a gun. No gun was mentioned at all. When was that added to the "facts"? Ugh.
(APTP responds) That is what we were told on scene last night ... that a cop was shot in the arms.
Additionally when police were called to a residence where a man was cutting himself. To "subdue" the man - police tased him. The police say that he bled out in custody.
* "Santa Cruz Police to Procure $250K 'Rescue Vehicle' " (2014-12-08) [http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/12/08/18765238.php?show_comments=1#comments] [https://archive.today/gQZ7R]
* "Council Moves to Shut Down "Shame" Protest; Excludes Public; Jettisons Agenda" (2014-12-09) [http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/12/09/18765331.php?show_comments=1#comments] [https://archive.today/lkneZ]
"Law Enforcement Related Deaths in Sonoma County" (2014-12-06) [http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/12/06/18765130.php] [https://archive.today/bq7VY]
"This White Guy Points His Gun At The Police And What Happens Next Is Unbelievable" video posted 2014-09-05 at [http://atlantablackstar.com/2014/09/05/white-guy-points-gun-police-happens-next-unbelievable/], showing an example of a common double standard, where a man of the dominant nationality is NOT shot by police despite engaging in deadly behavior.

10 months ago today, lived my 14 year old son Andrew Joseph, III, he was the light of our life and air that we breath, we lived our life daily for the benefit and sustainability of our children. Then one day on the evening of 2/7/14, when we allowed him to attend a school sponsored state fair, that the Hillsborough County School District promoted with free tickets for students and a day off from school. My son was killed, he was innocently standing in line for a ride and pulled away into a detainment and line up with law enforcement, when he asked "What's going on I didn't do anything he was still taken away,questioned, photographed and processed, no records, no attachments, he was "Clean". He was transported via the sheriff patty wagon to a busy roadway to die. No calls to Parents, No Investigation. No Arrest as of today. We out here fighting and praying everyday, seeking Justice for what has been wrong to be made right. Nothing will bring our 14 year old son back and this we do know, but mankind will also know that his life mattered and we will not sit idle in allowing a lack of Justice and Accountability be made into his death. If you can help, help, If you can speak, then speak, If you can do something, do something. My loss today, may be your loss tomorrow or maybe tonight. I hope the best for you and yours, just as I hoped the best for my own family, but the hope and prayers were not enough to save us from this travesty. Forever in our heart my little boy Andrew Joseph, III
* La Mesha Irizarry, 2014-12-06, writes: "A weird Birthday present of sort. Today, SFPD Officer Furminger, who is one of the 9 cops who killed my child 13 yrs ago, is going to jail on 9 counts (corruption, theft etc). Last February, he said in an interview, smirking 'The odds of me going to jail is greater than the odds of me getting pregnant' ".
* "2 San Francisco police officers convicted of corruption" (2014-12-05) [http://www.sfgate.com/crime/article/Two-San-Francisco-police-officers-convicted-in-5937963.php] [https://archive.today/wghaQ]
* " 'I Hate N*ggers. That Is All': 5 Ohio Deputies Probed for Years of Shockingly Racist Text Messages" (2014-12-04) [http://www.alternet.org/i-hate-nggers-all-5-ohio-deputies-probed-years-shockingly-racist-text-messages] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141206014748/http://www.alternet.org/i-hate-nggers-all-5-ohio-deputies-probed-years-shockingly-racist-text-messages]
* "No charges for Utah cops who shot man holding cosplay sword six times in back" (2014-11-04) [http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/11/no-charges-for-utah-cops-who-shot-man-holding-cosplay-sword-six-times-in-back/] [https://archive.today/DK3iM]
* "Focus in cop-killing cases shifts from grand juries to feds" (2014-12-07) [http://www.sfchronicle.com/crime/article/Focus-in-cop-killing-cases-shifts-from-grand-5940426.php#/0] [https://archive.today/WgAqh]
* "The Struggle Against Capitalism and White Supremacy Inside of Alabama's Prisons" [http://northbaymds.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-struggle-against-capitalism-and.html]
* "The Truth About Who Is Really Responsible for Our Current Police and Prison State; The shameful complicity of Democratic leaders in creating our out-of-control, militarized police forces." (2014-12-05) [http://www.alternet.org/civil-liberties/truth-about-who-really-responsible-our-current-police-and-prison-state?paging=off¤t_page=1] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141206014713/http://www.alternet.org/civil-liberties/truth-about-who-really-responsible-our-current-police-and-prison-state?paging=off¤t_page=1#bookmark]

* "Hands Up, Fast Food!" (2014-12-05) [http://labornotes.org/2014/12/hands-fast-food] [https://archive.today/Q4fsT]
* "Fast-food workers’ strike adds momentum to movement" (2014-12-05) [http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Fast-food-workers-walk-out-for-higher-pay-5935953.php] [https://archive.today/VPfxa]

Fast-food workers and supporters rally for higher wages in a one-day strike as they occupy the McDonald’s at 98th Avenue and International Boulevard in Oakland

McDonald’s fast-food worker Xavier Dillon was persuaded to leave his job and join the rally for higher wages during a protest occupying the McDonald’s at 98th Avenue and International Boulevard in Oakland on Thursday.

Claude Joseph (33) of Oakland leads a march down International Boulevard in Oakland on Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014. Joseph is an organizer with the East Bay Organizing Committee, one of several groups who joined a national movement among fast-food, home health care, airport, and other low-wage workers who are pushing for minimum wage increases and other demands.

* Oakland Worker's Collective [http://www.oaklanddaylabor.com/], original announcement archived 2014-12-07 [https://archive.today/iybks], and AFL-CIO [https://archive.today/mIPne]

Twinkies may have been an icon of 50's kitsch, but now they're an icon of vulture capitalism funded by the looting of their workers pensions. Writes one observor, "The fact that it is perfectly legal for executives of a U.S. corporation to get rid of workers solely because they are earning a living wage, and steal their retirement savings in order to make a huge profit is a crime worth prosecuting. Worse yet, this scenario is happening over and over again throughout America."
* "The Great Twinkie Caper -- How U.S. Workers Get Flipped" (2014-12-03) [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lawrence-j-hanley/hostess-sale_b_6250650.html] [https://archive.today/qtyr8]
* "Twinkie CEO Admits Company Took Employees Pensions and Put It Toward Executive Pay Hostess company continues to screw over its workers." (2012-12-11) [http://www.alternet.org/corporate-accountability-and-workplace/twinkie-ceo-admits-company-took-employees-pensions-and-put-it?paging=off¤t_page=1] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141206055818/http://www.alternet.org/corporate-accountability-and-workplace/twinkie-ceo-admits-company-took-employees-pensions-and-put-it?paging=off¤t_page=1#bookmark]
* "Ethnic studies courses coming to all S.F. high schools" (2014-12-09) [http://www.sfgate.com/education/article/Ethnic-studies-courses-coming-to-all-S-F-high-5946855.php] [https://archive.today/UrUzY], [begin excerpt]:
All San Francisco high schools will offer ethnic studies courses starting in the fall, a $500,000 annual expense the school board approved Tuesday in a unanimous vote.
Currently, the courses, which focus on ethnic identity and race-based systems of oppression, are offered at five high schools as part of a pilot program initiated six years ago.
Early indications show the program has helped reduce unexcused student absences and increased the grade point average of those in ethnic studies courses, district officials said.
[end excerpt]
* "Patrolling the Boundaries Inside America: The boundary separating white Anglo upscale school districts from the burgeoning non-white and non-Anglo populations in downscale communities is fast becoming a flashpoint inside America" (2014-11-28) [http://portside.org/2014-12-01/patrolling-boundaries-inside-america] [https://archive.today/NniYA]
Commentary from Joseph Anderson of Berkeley:
I liked this passage in the commentary, below -- it is very incisive: "Parents who can afford it... they’re moving into towns like Orinda, with excellent public schools. Such schools are “public” in name only. [That'll soon be like UC Berkeley.] Tuition payments are buried inside [very] high home prices, [often purposely exclusionary] extra taxes, [considerable] parental donations, and small armies of [economically available] parental volunteers."
And then there's this passage -- now *who's* getting an unfair advantage (from unfair wealth accumulation and drastically increasing income polarization, who makes one's children's even public educational privileges a happenstance of birth and/or "race", instead of an equitable right, wherever one lives, to, especially, the institutional resources of the nation)?: "These parents are intent on policing the boundaries, lest a child whose parents haven’t paid the “tuition” reap the same advantages as their own child. Hell hath no fury like an upscale parent who thinks another kid is getting an unfair advantage by sneaking in under the fence."
I think that even a better title for this article is: "Patrolling the Borders Inside America".
It would be a more apt title and parallel for how the U.S. impoverishes the masses or even countries south of our U.S. border, then tries to keep the impoverished out with a fence or wall.
All Together in The Struggle!
* Letters to the editor, Dec. 8, San Francisco Chronicle [http://www.sfgate.com/opinion/letterstoeditor/article/Letters-to-the-editor-Dec-8-5942131.php] [https://archive.today/cSNcn]:
I went to UC Berkeley at a time when you didn’t have to be rich or a genius to get in. I started in the fall of 1967, shortly after Ronald Reagan became governor and was beginning to use public education as a political football. Kids these days gasp when I tell them the entire fee for that quarter was $81.25.
The public knew, then at least, that an educated populace is a worthwhile and valuable form of intangible infrastructure. Until Reagan came along, it just wasn’t an issue.
Since then, attacking public education has somehow become respectable, but it shouldn’t be.
Since 1967, the Legislature has weakened UC so much that it has basically prostituted itself to individuals and companies that will help it financially, and sometimes with strings attached.
Along with that come the ratings derbies that administrators within UC use to solicit a continuous stream of donations in order to fund this or that star professor whose presence will bring prestige to UC or its various schools.
It bothers me that the California supports UC so little that it’s basically paying UC a licensing fee.
That lack of support doesn’t really occur to the public as a problem, so it seldom even comes up, but I see it as the root of many of UC’s problems. That’s the debate I’d like to see, and if greater transparency is the price UC has to pay, I support it wholeheartedly.
John Anderson, San Bruno
* "Stop the corporate assault on Benton Harbor, Mich." (2007) [http://peoplestribune.org/pt-news/2014/11/stop-corporate-assault-benton-harbor-mich/] [https://archive.today/tgRxI]
* "DISMANTLING OF DEMOCRACY: The story of Rev. Edward Pinkney, Benton Harbor, and Michigan" (2014-11) [http://peoplestribune.org/pt-news/free-pinkney/] [https://archive.today/DaZ7c]
* "Benton Harbor, MI: Fighting the Corporate Dictatorship in America's Rustbelt", download the pamphlet, 2014-06 [http://peoplestribune.org/pt-news/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/BH-Pamphlet.pdf] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141211004109/http://peoplestribune.org/pt-news/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/BH-Pamphlet.pdf]
* "On the significance of the Rev. Edward Pinkney trial" (2014-11) [http://peoplestribune.org/pt-news/2014/11/significance-rev-edward-pinkney-trial/] [https://archive.today/I09uN]

* "Michigan’s Corporate Dictatorship Impacts California" (2014-11) [http://peoplestribune.org/pt-news/2014/11/michigans-corporate-dictatorship-impacts-california/] [https://archive.today/TWQXL], [begin excerpt]: The Detroit bankruptcy judge gave his opinion that people do not have an inherent right to water. This was a direct challenge to the UN, which is investigating water shutoffs to over 300,000 families in Detroit. This opinion has vast implications.
Water wars have gone national this year with massive shutoffs in West Virginia, Toledo, Ohio and elsewhere. Most of Detroit’s water debt is owed by corporations, but they are not being cut off. Fracking destroys millions of gallons with every well.
Nestle pumps 65 million gallons a year out of the Colorado River, which no longer reaches the sea. Drought-stricken California depends on this river for water to drink.
Agribusiness corporations get 80% of California’s water. Water is distributed in the state by private water contractors who get it for next to nothing and sell it for a profit. Corporate water is highly subsidized by charging the people high rates. Gov. Brown’s Proposition One doesn’t create one drop of new water; instead it diverts billions of dollars to corporations to escalate the private control over water for profit.
The legal precedent that people have priority over corporations for water was eliminated in California in1994. Their next step will be to follow Detroit and establish the legal principle that people have no right to water at all. We must hold government accountable and demand it reverse the corporate dispossession of the public’s water. [end excerpt]
* "UN representatives recommend restoration of all residential water" (2014-11) [http://peoplestribune.org/pt-news/2014/11/un-representatives-recommend-restoration-residential-water/] [https://archive.today/Rf4NF]
* "Water belongs to the People" (2014-11) [http://peoplestribune.org/pt-news/2014/11/water-belongs-people/] [https://archive.today/RFaEH]
* "Locally-Controlled, Renewable Energy Championed as Key to Climate Justice" (2014-12-05) [http://www.commondreams.org/news/2014/12/05/locally-controlled-renewable-energy-championed-key-climate-justice] [https://archive.today/ilG1E]
* "Australian scientists announce solar energy breakthrough" (2014-12-07) [http://www.solardaily.com/reports/Australian_scientists_announce_solar_energy_breakthrough_999.html] [https://archive.today/JLEvI], [begin excerpt]: In what the University of New South Wales described as a world first, the researchers were able to convert more than 40 percent of sunlight hitting the panels into electricity."This is the highest efficiency ever reported for sunlight conversion into electricity," UNSW Professor Martin Green said in a statement."We used commercial solar cells, but in a new way, so these efficiency improvements are readily accessible to the solar industry." [end excerpt]
* "Indymedia Marks 15 Years of Making Media and Making Trouble" [https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/11/30/18764874.php]
* "Indymedia and Indybay History" (2005-03-11) [https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2005/03/11/17262451.php?show_comments=1#comments] [https://archive.today/eveL8]
* "Ending homelessness starts with resistance" (2014-11) [http://peoplestribune.org/pt-news/2014/11/ending-homelessness-starts-resistance/] [https://archive.today/0jbOB]
* "Homeless Rights Are Human Rights" (2014-11) [http://peoplestribune.org/pt-news/2014/11/homeless-rights-human-rights/] [https://archive.today/qZbeE]

* "Silicon Valley clears out homeless 'Jungle' camp" (2014-12-05) [TerraDaily.com link] [archive.today].
Photos by Mark DuFrene of Bay Area News Group, 2014-12-04, showing the eviction of residents of The Jungle at Coyote Creek along Story rd. in San Jose

A worker from Tucker Construction displays a mannequin head found in a campsite in the homeless encampment

Two police officers watch Ricardo Lopez tow his shopping cart filled with his belongings and a Christmas tree as he leaves The Jungle homeless camp in San Jose, Calif., looking for a place to stay Thursday afternoon
Toy Larks-Scott, a resident of The Jungle homeless camp, holds onto her possessions and her two dogs as evictions are served Thursday

Troy (no last name given) removes the flag from his campsite and treehouse

Eva Marie Martinez, 63, a longtime resident of The Jungle homeless camp

As construction crews clear campsites behind him, Valentin Cortez-Oseguer prays before he leaves the homeless encampment
With a badly infected right leg, Tramp, a resident of The Jungle, leaves the homeless camp with only a few personal papers salvaged from his trailer before being physically evicted Thursday morning

Dragging a large Mickey Mouse doll, Erich Von Shultz leaves his home in The Jungle homeless camp

* "Rain or Shine: Bay Area Internet Users Take the Net Neutrality Fight to City Hall" (2014-11-24) [https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/11/rain-or-shine-bay-area-internet-users-take-net-neutrality-fight-city-hall] [https://archive.today/k0HIE]

* "Comcast sued for turning home Wi-Fi routers into public hotspots" (2014-12-08) [http://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Comcast-sued-for-turning-home-Wi-Fi-routers-into-5943750.php] [https://archive.today/Jm767]
* "The Pirate Bay Raided By Police, Site Down" (2014-12-10) [http://gizmodo.com/swedish-police-raid-the-pirate-bay-1668902014] [https://archive.today/RtjhY].
And they're back, at [https://thepiratebay.cr/], and there's [http://kickass.so/].
"UK lawmakers: Spy law needs stronger scrutiny" (2014-12-06) [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-2863322/UK-lawmakers-Spy-law-needs-stronger-scrutiny.html] [https://archive.today/SPSjQ]
President Obama has appointed a Montsano exec to head the FDA - he appointed Tim Geithner, a former Goldman Sach Banker to be U.S. Treasury Secretary, and he appointed a vocal proponent of fracking as his energy tzar - Dr. Ernest Moniz. Now, Pres. Obama has appointed another enemy of the People:
* "Abusive Cop Picked to Head Police Reform Commission Chief Charles Ramsey has been a national leader in militarized policing." (2014-12-02) [http://www.alternet.org/activism/abusive-cop-picked-head-police-reform-commission?page=0%2C1&paging=off¤t_page=1] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141206013657/http://www.alternet.org/activism/abusive-cop-picked-head-police-reform-commission?page=0%2C1&paging=off¤t_page=1#bookmark]
* "California bans wildlife-killing contests" (2014-12-05) [http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/California-bans-wildlife-killing-contests-5936309.php] [https://archive.today/bd6Ax]
* Project Coyote [http://www.projectcoyote.org/], a network of Citizens seeking to protect the balance in the ecosystem for large predators.
* "Living Rabbit Found in Carcass Freezer at Bay Area's Pacific Biolabs; Watchdog Group Files Complaint" (2014-11-18) [http://www.all-creatures.org/saen/press-20141118.html] [https://archive.today/ZV5lf]
* "How attorneys general ally with energy firms to fight regulation" (2014-12-06) [http://www.sfchronicle.com/nation/article/How-attorneys-general-ally-with-energy-firms-to-5940235.php] [https://archive.today/3OpDi]
* "Police: SUV in boy's death had anti-Muslim message" (2014-12-06) [http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_KANSAS_CITY_BOY_SLAIN?SITE=FLPET&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT] [https://archive.today/LMs6Y]
The US Senate Intelligence committee released its long-awaited report of the CIA torture practices.
* "The CIA Torture Report and the Crisis of Legitimacy in the United States" [http://northbaymds.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-cia-torture-report-and-crisis-of.html].
The monopolist news, mirrored also in the alternative media self-identified as "liberal", have been publicizing the Torture Report, describing the practice of torture by State Dept. of the USA Federal Executive Branch.
Dennis Kucinich released the same information 2008 in Article XVIII of the Impeachment President Bush [https://archive.today/mxBkr]. But, never has there been a single government-sponsered report about the State Dept. training allies in Guatemala, 1970s thru 80s, in torture techniques to security agents whose victims included pregnant mothers whose guts were torn out with chainsaws for living in the village of Marxist Mayans. The various USA agencies altogether are estimated to have tortured Tens of Thousands (or millions through collective punishment regimes) throughout Cold War... USA is an Evil Empire whose heritage is Jim Crow, and the legacy is the New Jim Crow of systematic torture in domestic Prisons, especially against Muslims and New Afrikans, Chicanos, and uppity "political types".
As Mark Mason of Richmond say, "None of this should be a surprise or news to us. The media and the politicians will try to take the "We're shocked... and then do nothing" approach. We've been watching 500 years of colonial brutality emanating from western Europe and the US. So, WHAT ARE WE, THE PEOPLE, GOING TO DO? Anything? Or, do we sit back and wait, or whine about the politicians because we know they won't do anything."
Today's two-party dictatorship supposedly represents not ideology but of brain hemispheres: Left / Right.
* "How Conservative Brains Are Wired Differently and What This Means for Our Politics" (2014-12-04) [http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/how-conservative-brains-are-wired-differently-and-what-means-our-politics?paging=off¤t_page=1] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141206061801/http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/how-conservative-brains-are-wired-differently-and-what-means-our-politics?paging=off¤t_page=1#bookmark].
* "How Soil Microorganisms Get Out of Step through Climate Change" (2014-12-03) [http://www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/en/news/latest-news/press-information-news/article/25650/index.html] [https://archive.today/UvoIv]
* "See it, touch it, feel it: New research, using ultrasound, has developed a virtual 3D haptic shape that can be seen and felt" (2014-12-02) [http://www.bris.ac.uk/news/2014/december/haptic-shapes-using-ultrasound.html] [http://www.peeep.us/44022841]

"Samsung's Devastating Secret: The Tears Of 'Semiconductor Children' " (2014-12-01) [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/01/samsung-semiconductor-children_n_6200380.html] [https://archive.today/1ySKZ]
* "Mexican farmer immolates self during protest" (2014-12-06) [http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2014/dec/06/mexican-farmer-immolates-self-during-protest/] [https://archive.today/4HiWf]
* "Se prende fuego indígena en Chiapas; exige la liberación de un familiar acusado de robo (video)" (2014-12-05) [http://aristeguinoticias.com/0512/mexico/se-prende-fuego-indigena-en-chiapas-exige-justicia-por-familiar/] [https://archive.today/ATkt7]

"EU court hits Italy with giant illegal waste fine" (2014-12-02) [http://www.terradaily.com/reports/EU_court_hits_Italy_with_giant_illegal_waste_fine_999.html] [https://archive.today/188vb]
"EU will have to transport Russian gas from Turkey on its own – Gazprom chief" (2014-12-06) [http://rt.com/business/212095-gazprom-eu-turkey-setup/] [https://archive.today/uWEyT]
"Russia develops hybrid fusion-fission reactor, offers China role" (2014-10-15) [http://rt.com/news/196088-russia-hybrid-nuclear-reactor/] [https://archive.today/1arzR]
"Russia and Peru agree to boost food imports, may share GLONASS" (2014-11-07) [http://rt.com/news/203331-putin-peru-food-glonass/] [https://archive.today/Y47yt]
"Disappearing Crimea's anti-Russia activists" (2014-12-04) [http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2014/12/disappearing-crimea-anti-russia-activists-201412110405525656.html] [https://archive.today/BHhTK]
World Fascism Watch: Honduras
* Here's the terrific report from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights' trip to Honduras, now translated into English. You can get a Spanish version by clicking on Spanish in the upper right hand corner. [http://www.oas.org/en/iachr/media_center/PReleases/2014/146A.asp] [https://archive.today/sZ8US]
Peace Brigades International (PBI) Honduras Project brings your attention to the security situation of the member communities of the Independent Indigenous Lenca Movement of La Paz - Honduras (Movimiento Independiente Indigena Lenca de La Paz- Honduras - MILPAH) in relation to the construction of
hydroelectric projects in their territory. The Honduran Centre for the Promotion of Community Development (Centro Hondureno de Promocion al Desarrollo Comunitario - CEHPRODEC), accompanied by PBI since May 2014, provides advice to MILPAH in cases under litigation where negative impacts have been identified in relation to their rights to water, land and territory.
PBI has observed patterns of attack in this case that are replicated in other regions of the country which have led to severe conflicts over land. In light of this situation, PBI considers that preventive actions should be taken and early warnings should be emitted, aimed at guaranteeing the respect, promotion and implementation of international human rights law.
The publication and distribution of this briefing at the present time has been planned to coincide with the 10th December being the International Human Rights day.
"TIGRES, a US vetted unit, suspended after taking narco $ found during raid", 2014-12-10 by Karen Spring:
At least 22 agents of the TIGRES, a SWAT-style elite police unit were allegedly suspended after it was discovered that a team of TIGRES divided $1.3 million dollars amongst themselves. The money was found during a raid on property owned by the Valle Valle family in Copan.
The TIGRES are vetted and trained by the United States. This is just another example of how 'vetting' units is a deeply flawed concept that will never work.
The Honduran press reports that two TIGRES captains permitted the team to divide the money up and describe the way they avoided disclosing the amount of money that was found. La Prensa is also reporting how some spent the money including buying sports cars, houses, and prostitution.
Although this is another case against corruption in police units, its suspicious (in my opinion) that the press is reporting it in such detail. The Honduran government and those in favour of further militarizing Honduran society will likely try anything possible to make police units look terrible in the next few months. Having said that, I'm also not promoting the Honduran police and do agree that the level of corruption and impunity in which the police operate is a big, huge problem.
Some articles on the issue:
* [http://www.elheraldo.hn/alfrente/774985-209/honduras-comisarios-ordenaron-la-repartici%C3%B3n-del-bot%C3%ADn-de-los-valle] [https://archive.today/1hut8]
* [http://www.laprensa.hn/sucesos/775040-98/carro-deportivo-y-casa-compraron-agentes-tigres-que-robaron-a-los-valle] [https://archive.today/lHvP1]
* [http://www.latribuna.hn/2014/12/09/suspendidos-22-tigres-por-aranar-una-caleta/] [https://archive.today/5KRBg]
* [Commentary from Daniel Langmeir] Reacting to the theft by the 22 TIGRES agents, security minister Arturo Corrales announced that they're about to suspend 700 police agents in the coming days. Source [Proceso.hn link] [https://archive.today/LDzjJ]
* "Following the recent theft of $1.3 million dollars by 22 policemen in Honduras, InSight Crime counts down the top heists committed by the security forces Latin America." [http://www.insightcrime.org/news-analysis/top-5-security-force-heists-in-latin-america] [https://archive.today/HsVgX]
OFRANEH analyzes the influence of drug trafficking in Honduras and Mexico - two Drug democracies. Source in Spanish [https://ofraneh.wordpress.com/2014/12/08/masacres-y-el-despenamiento-de-las-narcodemocracias/] [https://archive.today/Diheb]
Amnesty International published a new report on the situation of human rights defenders in the Americas. Meanwhile in Tegucigalpa, human rights defenders met to discuss the difficult environment for them. In a joint statement the condemn the widespread impunity in Honduras as well as the campaigns of criminalization by the state.
Sources: (1) [Amnesty.org link] [https://archive.today/Gm4RV], (2) [DefensoresEnLinea.com link] [https://archive.today/mZIwJ], (3) [DefensoresEnLinea.com link] [https://archive.today/1w199]
"IMF loan and public sector lay-offs in Honduras": There is very little coverage in English of the mass public sector lay-offs that are occurring in Honduras. The lay offs are associate with the recent approval of an IMF loan to Honduras and the pressure on the Honduran government to reduce the deficit over the next three years. Here is one short article in English by Telesur covering one of the many protests organized to resist the measures:
* "Public Workers in Honduras March Against Job Cuts" (2014-12-01) [http://telesurtv.net/english/news/Public-Workers-in-Honduras-March-Against-Job-Cuts-20141201-0031.html] [https://archive.today/wxUTH], [begin excerpt]: There have been large-scale lay-offs in these public companies over the last few months, in what the trade unions have called a “labor massacre.” Two thousand workers at National Electrical Energy Company have been laid-off, whereas an estimated 700 are being laid-off at the Honduran Telecommunications Company, and similar amount is expected at the National Agrarian Institute as well.
Trade union leaders suspect that lay-offs are a result of pressure on the Honduran government of Juan Orlando by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) who is pushing the government to reduce its deficit as a conditions of a loan being provided to the Honduran government. In response the Honduras government has been working to reduce public spending, namely through lay-offs at public companies. [end excerpt]
"President Once and Future: The Spirited Inauguration of Evo Morales" (2010-03-27) [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nathaniel-loewentheil/president-once-and-future_b_436385.html] [https://archive.today/WKlKw]

"Snapshot – Afro-Bolivians" (2013-08-11) [http://yavamonos.wordpress.com/2013/08/11/snapshot-afro-bolivians/] [https://archive.today/SybS3]
"Shocking and Awful - The Real Face of Occupation" (2008) [https://archive.org/details/ddtvshock1], a video documenting the USA occupation of the colonial jurisdiction of Iraq, showing the inept capitalist revolution and systematic human rights abuse against minorities and workers.
"UN details Israel helping Syrian rebels at Golan Heights" (2014-12-08) [http://rt.com/news/212319-israel-helps-syrian-militants/] [https://archive.today/1AltT]
"North Korea Launches Bizarre Website In An Attempt To Encourage Tourism" (2014-12-02) [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/02/north-korea-tourism_n_6257342.html] [https://archive.today/GtcYj]
Free West Papua Campaign
Please help the West Papuan people in their struggle for self-determination and independence. Please visit [www.freewestpapua.org] for more information about West Papua and [http://freewestpapua.org/take-action/] to find out how you can help.
Please help the West Papuan people in their struggle against oppression, racism and genocide before it is too late.
BREAKING NEWS. We are sad to be receiving several reports that the Indonesian military, police and intelligence has once again gone on the rampage in West Papua. It is reported that up to 13 civilians have been shot dead, including 2 school children and their mothers.
Today Monday 8th December 2014.
Paniai, West Papua, BLOODY: situation Paniai four people were shot dead and dozens of people were injured. 4 Dead body in a Football Field Enarotali.
Then Dozens of others were injured and hospitalization were all common.
Then 7 people were shot by TNI-Police and Intelligence Indonesia, two of whom were children die a high school, and 18 schoolchildren were injured.
The situation Paniai currently gripping the people of Paniai scared and traumatized by the sound of gunshots were heard everywhere.
Possibility of casualties to rise as military-Police fired gunshots like Rain.
We understand that this image is graphic but we show it so that the world can really see what is happening in West Papua. The Indonesian government is trying stop news from West Papua getting to the outside world and bans foreign journalists from reporting from West Papua. More information and many other photos can be found in the following links. Please keep the West Papuan people in your hearts in their long struggle for the restoration of their independence.
* "FOTO : PELURUH PANAS MILITER INDONESIA BUNUH WARGA SIPIL DI PANIAI." (2014-12-07) [http://www.kobogaunews.com/2014/12/foto-peluruh-panas-militer-indonesia.html] [https://archive.today/ZPp6v]
* [http://suarawiyaimana.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/ketika-korban-dibariskan-di-lapangan.html] [https://archive.today/42I9Y]
* "Indonesian military and police fire into crowd of West Papuan civilians, killing 5" (2014-12-08) [http://www.theage.com.au/world/indonesian-military-and-police-fire-into-crowd-of-west-papuan-civilians-killing-5-20141208-122wf0.html] [https://archive.today/af2dr]

(info from www.papuansbehindbars.org)
This man is Atis Wenda, a peaceful activist in West Papua (a country which is under illegal Indonesian occupation, just 250km North of Australia.
Atis was a member of the peaceful civil movement, the West Papua National Committee [KNPB] which is struggling for independence from Indonesia.
The Human Rights organisation, Papuans Behind Bars reports that "On 4 April 2013, at around 18:30 Papuan time, Atis Rambo Wenda was attacked by an unidentified man in Waena, Jayapura, causing him to faint. Waena police had arrived at the scene and brought both the assailant and Wenda to the Waena police station. The assailant was released from police custody 30 minutes later, but Wenda continued to be detained. When Wenda questioned the police decision to continue to detain him, police allegedly responded with brutality and tortured him. He was reportedly stabbed in the ears and hand with a bayonet and his legs were beaten with wooden planks. He was allegedly denied medical treatment for the injuries he sustained.
A report received from a local human rights investigator stated that throughout the interrogation process Wenda was denied access to legal counsel. He was charged under Article 170 of the Indonesian Criminal Code and was not accompanied by a lawyer during his trial. He was sentenced to 10 months’ imprisonment. The same report stated that Wenda had allegedly been targeted due to his frequent activity with the KNPB in organising peaceful demonstrations from 2010 to 2012. Wenda had also reportedly declined medical treatment in Abepura prison as he is fearful of potential abuse that he may suffer at the hands of the authorities, similar to the brutal treatment he previously endured in detention in Waena."
Atis has been released from prison but his life remains in danger as do the lives of all West Papuans under a brutal Indonesian occupation which has resulted in genocide with the deaths of over 500,000 Melanesian West Papuans. (about a third of the indigenous population).
Millions March San Francisco
Saturday, Dec. 13th, at 2:00pm - 4:00pm
San Francisco Ferry Building [1 Ferry Building, San Francisco, California 94111]

We must come together in unity to show the world that black lives matter. There is power in numbers. Everyone is encouraged to come support this peaceful demonstration Saturday December 13th @ 2pm. Meet at Ferry Building.
We must not only show our power, but show that there is still hope for humanity, we must show the world these deaths are not in vain.
This must happen in every major city, so spread the word. From East to West. Copy this text, and make this happen in your city. Invite as many people as possible. This is happening in New York, DC, and Oakland .
This is not too ambitious. This is possible.
We march.
As one.
Because #wecantbreathe
San Francisco is Ferguson. Ferguson is San Francisco.
2:00 PM- Gather at the Ferry Building
2:30 PM-March to City Hall
3:00 PM- Arrive at City Hall
Featured Speaker(s) at City Hall
Refugio Nieto (Alex Nieto's father)
3:30 PM Closing remarks, depart
**This is a safe space for the Black Community to come together in solidarity. Can anyone deny that we need to come together? So thank you allies and friends, we appreciate all your support that holds us up and encircles us in peace as we come to hold each other up
Healing Stations available from 3-4pm
Legal Aide Stations available from 3-4pm
The 1984 Anti-Apartheid Longshore Boycott
Saturday, December 13, 2014 - 7pm
La Peña Cultural Center
3105 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, California 94705
* Jack Heyman, boycott support organizer, later ILWU Local 10 Exec. Board member (retired)
* Howard Keylor, co-leader of boycott, longtime ILWU Local 10 Exec. Board member (retired)
For eleven days in November-December 1984, a ship full of cargo from South Africa sat and rusted in San Francisco harbor as 300 longshoremen refused to touch the apartheid freight on board.
This dramatic act of militant labor solidarity by members of Local 10 of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) with the embattled black masses of South Africa sent a powerful message that reverberated world-wide. The longshore action was actively supported throughout by hundreds who rallied at the gates of Pier 80 to show their solidarity.
The 1984 Bay Area boycott originated with a motion put forward at a Local 10 Executive Board meeting by International Bolshevik Tendency (IBT) supporter Howard Keylor. Jack Heyman, who later became a leading militant in Local 10, played an important role in organizing support for the unionists.
The success of the 1984 anti-apartheid boycott helped lay the basis for subsequent political labor actions such as:
- The 1986 community-labor blockade of the Nedlloyd Kembla at Pier 80 by the Campaign Against Apartheid and the IBT
- The 1999 shutdown of all ports on the U.S. West Coast in support of Mumia Abu-Jamal
- The 2008 one-day West Coast strike against the occupation of Iraq
- The 2010 Bay Area port shutdown to protest the murder of Oscar Grant by BART police officer Johannes Mehserle
- Occupy Oakland's November 2011 “General Strike” and the December 2011 Port Shutdown
- The recent blockades of Israeli ZIM Line vessels in defense of the Palestinian people by Block the Boat and the Stop ZIM Action Committee
Come celebrate and learn about how this historic political strike was organized from two ILWU militants who played instrumental roles in an action which Nelson Mandela hailed as having “established [the ILWU] as the frontline of the anti-apartheid movement.”
Organized by the International Bolshevik Tendency (IBT)
For more information: [www.bolshevik.org] [facebook.com/Bolsheviks] [twitter.com/ibt1917]
War Tax Resisters
Sunday, Dec. 14, Time TBA
Curious about how to send a message to Washington, DC, through withholding taxes - just a bit or a lot? Join this group discussion. Find out what others have done.
Common C, Friends House, 684 Benicia Ave., Santa Rosa
CODEPINK Golden Gate Bridge Walk For Justice!
SUNDAY, December 14, NOON
NOON: Walk with "hands up" from SF and Marin sides of Eastern Walkway. Converge in middle of bridge for passionate cry for JUSTICE!
Optional: Wear Black, with white lettering: "Black Lives Matter," "I Can't Breath," or "Hands Up, Don't Shoot." Bring signs and props.
1:00pm: Rally on SF side after walk: Public reading of the victims and their tragic stories.
The Liberation Theology Movement - An Introduction
Monday, December 15, 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Facilitator: Bob Lane (economicjusticechair@mduuc.org)
Children's Chapel, Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church, 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek
Since its emergence in South America in the 1960s the movement known as "Liberation Theology" has had an enormous impact on both religious thought and the movement for social justice. This course will introduce the basic innovations of liberation theology, including the preferential option for the poor, salvation and liberation, the role of the church in the world, and the understanding of what it means to be human. Using Leonardo Boff's book, Introducing Liberation Theology, we will focus on what liberation theology means for us, individually and as members of various faith communities.
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