Tune in to the broadcast [link], Thursdays 4 to 5pm (PST), with news from across Northern California, produced by [NorthbayMDS.Blogspot.com]! Broadcast to the San Pablo bay area courtesy of Ozcat Radio 89.5FM KZCT Vallejo. Join the Community Journalist program, send news & info to [NorthbayMDS@gmail.com]. Know more with the Community Journalist's Notebook [link]!

Happy Solar-Return for Bob Marley, Warrior for Pan-Africanism & The Struggle for World Peace [panafricannews.blogspot.com/2006/05/bob-marley-pan-africanism-struggle-for.html]
Celebrate Black History by continuing the struggle against oppression,
and for the defense of a dominated nation!

Solidarity against the repression of a community in Santa Rosa! [link]
Free Ramon Cairo! [link]
“JCAL Blasts DA Ravitch and the SR Police Department’s Total Lack of Transparency in Deputy Gelhaus Shooting Investigation”, statement released 2014-01-30 [link]
From the Northbay MDS affiliate at NNIA Radio News Network...Freedom Speaks Radio Show - Justice for Mario Romero!
Join Host Author and Activist Anita Wills on her Show Freedom Speaks.
This weeks show is focused on the Unjustified KIlling of Twenty-Three Year old Mario Romero by Vallejo California Police Officers. Romero, an African American was brutally shot and killed by Vallejo Police Officers In the early morning hours of September 2, 2012. He and his brother-in-Law, were in a car sitting in front of their house, when the Tactical Force came upon them. The Vallejo Police Officers admit they never identified themselves , never asked for Driver's License, Insurance or registration. They were, in fact told to raise their hands at the same time they were fired upon. The Officers reloaded their clips several times as witnesses screamed for the officers to spare the lives of these two innocent men who. Their screams were to no avail as the police continued to spray their car with bullets living out a scene from a video gam. One officer jumped on the hood of Mario Romeros car to get a better aim at him. Two innocent unarmed men that they intended to kill not hurt but kill. The community of Vallejo is outraged by the excessive force that has been used on the citizens of Vallejo, California and all of the coincidences in the stories. The family of Mario Romero have spoken out against their murder of their loved one, and are now the target of the Vallejo Police Department. In the meantime Organizations like the NAACP sit silently by as the Police continue to pick our young people off, One By One!
His sister Cyndi Mitchell and others from the community will join us to share their story.
Put an end to the violation of injured workers' rights by insurance companies! [link]
Folk music by Vic Sadot, and written for Bruce Gagnon's speech, April 10, 2012, for the Social Justice Committee of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists. Free download at [soundcloud.com/broadsideballadeer/full-spectrum-dominance]
US corporate killers want more weapons in space!
They want “full spectrum dominance” all over the place!
By land, air, and sea... and by satellite too!
And all throughout cyberspace they want to spy on you!
Full spectrum dominance is the policy
Making systemic violence and tyranny!
Full spectrum dominance makes us all the enemy!
But a better world is possible! This ain't the way it has to be!
No, it's not paranoia! It's legitimate fear!
The New World Order is already here!
If we don't want to descend into a stinkin' fascist state
We better make some better history before it's all too late!
Now the media manipulators make a false world view!
Make the victims the aggressors! Make the lies seem true!
Making death and destruction from tax dollars spent!
Making ill-begotten profits for the one percent!
They got the great historic jump on us by doing genocide
The holocaust on native Americans is still denied
Now depleted uranium weapons do the same
To Afghans and Iraqis! And it's done in our name!
They're banning demonstrations 'cept in “free speech zones”!
They're planning violations of what the law condones!
You know a human being is more than flesh, blood and bones!
Beware of those who joke about “sending in the drones”!
Come on now, People! Open up your eyes!
It's time to stop swallowing all these corporate lies!
It's time to be aware and care, and to be wise!
Come on now, People! Keep your eyes on the prize!
Join the Fight Against VEOLIA: Stop Privatization, Defend Labor & Human Rights & The Environment
Saturday, February 8, 2014
1:00pm until 9:00pm in PST
at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts [2868 Mission Street @ 25th St., San Francisco]
The Veolia Group is a French owned multi-national, which plays a growing role in the world economy pushing privatization of water resources, transportation and other public services.
In the Bay Area, Veolia has pushed for the privatization of water treatment in Richmond, CA, which has led to union busting and environmental degradation. Thomas P. Hoch, Vice President of Veolia Transportation Services was hired to represent BART management in recent negotiations. Hoch attacked BART unions ATU 1555, SEIU 1021 and AFSCME 993.
Veolia is also involved in privatizing transportation services and has attacked unions such as the Boston School Bus Drivers USW 8751, where Veolia has blatantly violated their union contract and fired 4 of the union leaders. They are still fighting for their jobs back, (Team Solidarity- the Voice of United School Bus Union Workers).
Globally, the Veolia group is the largest water privatization company and various environmental groups have tracked its record of destruction and corruption. Communities all around the world have organized against Veolia and managed to get their cities and unions to pass anti-privatization resolutions declaring their cities “Veolia Free”.
Topics will include: Veolia's labor, environmental and human rights record and what poor and working people can do about their activities. We invite you, your union/organization to attend and endorse this conference.
1:00 PM Registration
1:15 PM Introductions
Speakers: Steve Gillis, VP USW 8751*, Boston School Bus 5; George Figueroa, BART ATU 1555*; Charles Smith, AFSCME 444* and Richmond Fight with Veolia; Omar Barghouti Co-founder BNC, Palestine (* for identification only)
2:45 PM International Panel
Speakers: Hugh Lanning, Chair, Palestine Solidarity Committee in UK; Jackie Lewis, London Regional Committee of Unison, Dump Veolia Information Group and PSC; Dalit Baum, Middle East Program, AFSC
3:45 PM Regional Panel
Speakers: Erin Diaz , Director, Public Water Works! Campaign, Corporate Accountability International (Boston); Lois Pearlman, Sonoma Campaign N. Coast Coalition For Palestine; Mikos Fabersonne, Chair, Davis Committee for Palestinian Rights (DCPR); Clarence Thomas, ILWU Local 10 Executive Board*
5:00 PM Workshops-Education and Action, Labor And Privatization, Organizing In Local Communities
6:00 - 6:30 PM Report Back and Action Proposals
7:30 PM Film Screening “Even The Rain” and poetry, music by Dave Welsh and others.
Endorsers: Team Solidarity- the Voice of United School Bus Union Workers, UTU 1741, San Francisco Labor Council, Food And Water Watch, United Public Workers For Action, Inter Union Organizing Committee at CDPH, Labor Video Project, Workers World Party, Marcha Patriótica - Capítulo California , International Action Center, American Friends Service Committee, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, Jewish Voice for Peace, Code Pink, Transportation Workers Solidarity Committee
National Network In Action (NNIA) presents...
3rd Annual African American Black History Celebration In "Mississippi" Fresno
Sunday, Feb 9th, 11:30am until 3:00pm
New Light For New Life Church Of God [1106 W.Woodward Ave, Fresno]
For More Information Contact: Rev. Dr. Floyd D. Harris, Jr. [559-790-4277]

National Network In Action invites you to a Black History Month Celebration in "Mississippi" Fresno, California, with International Civil Rights Leader, Rev. Dr. Floyd D. Harris Jr., founder of the National Network In Action (a Civil and Human Rights Organization) and the Assistant Pastor of New Light For New Life Church Of God. We are bringing truth and life to a community that is in the grip of racism. As the original people on this planet, African Americans were the originators of Religion, Science, and Education. It is okay to be proud of your people and to speak of their contributions. The history of African Americans here in California includes Colonial Allensworth the Black Panthers, and the Civil Rights Movement.
We will also meet on Saturday February 8, 2014 @ 4:30 pm at New Light for New Life Church of God [1106 W. Woodward Fresno] in an Economic Summit round table discussion about the State of African American People.
Rev. Dr. Floyd D. Harris, Jr. is the founder of National Network in Action (NNIA) Radio Network [blogtalkradio.com/nnia2] [northbaymds.blogspot.com/2014/01/national-network-in-action-on-blogtalk.html], with 28 international Blog Talk Radio shows, and 28 different radio hosts & co-hosts from around the world! The NNIA Radio Network will officially launch these show February 9, 2014 at the Black History program. Dr. Harris will also recognize organizations and Individuals for their commitment and dedication towards Justice, Freedom and Equality for African American People.
Information about guest speakers:
* Ms. Anita Wills from Oakland, Ca is a Writer and Author of several books, Notes and Documents of Free Persons of Color (first and second edition), Pieces of the Quilt The Mosaic of an African American Community, and Black Minqua The Life and Times of Henry Green. The books are about the history of America and Ms. Wills' ancestors who were Free and Slave, and she will be speaking on African American History as the main speaker.
"Notes and Documents of Free Persons of Color (including the Revised Edition)", "Pieces of the Quilt The Mosaic of An African American Famil"y, and "Black Minqua: The Life and Times of Henry Green", are all available at, Ms. Wills books are available at [amazon.com/Documents-Persons-Hundred-American-Familys/dp/1304226190/] Tune in Wednesdays @ 3:30 pm for Mrs. Wills radio show with National Network In Action, Freedom Speaks [blogtalkradio.com/nnia2/FreedomSpeaks]
* Dionne and Cary Downs, whose son, James Rivera was murdered by police in Stockton California
* Cyndi Mitchell the sister of Mario Romero shot and killed in Vallejo California. Yes we are still being hunted down and killed, just like in slavery days. We will go from talking about the past to talking about our present situation. Hope to see you all there!
International Black History Sponsors:
* Mario Romero Foundation (Vallejo, CA)
* People Community Medics (Oakland, CA)
* Peoples Database (Berkeley, CA)
* "Ye Ye’s Body Of Knowledge", NNIA Radio Network (Houston, Texas)
* "Open Mic Friday Night", NNIA Radio Network
* "Dr. Jean Kennedy's Freedom School", NNIA Radio Network (Atlanta, Georgia)
* "Reform Sex Offender Laws", NNIA Radio Network (Fresno, CA)
* "Faith and Fellowship" with Audrey (WFMA) NNIA Radio Network (Fresno, CA)
* Rev. Dr. Floyd D. Harris, Jr. "Enslavement and Genocide of Africans and Indigenous People", NNIA Radio Network (Fresno, CA)
* "Human Rights for Prisoners March", NNIA Radio Network (Atlanta, Georgia)
* "MaryLovesJustice Prayer Meeting", NNIA Radio Network (Atlanta, Georgia)
* "Recovery Radio" with Louis Angel and Isaac Ostos, NNIA Radio Network (Fresno, CA)
* "Dr. Harris Dr. Kennedy & Marcus Garvey: One God! One Aim! One Destiny!", NNIA Radio Network (Atlanta, Georgia)
* Anita Wills, "Freedom Speaks Radio", NNIA Radio Network (Oakland, CA)
* "Social Awareness" hosted by Darcy Delaproser, NNIA Radio Network (U.K)
* Jesse Ornelas and Brown Berets of Merced's "Radical Voice" NNIA Radio Network (Merced, CA)
* New Light For New Life Church of God (Fresno, CA)
* Mary Neal, Director of "Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill", NNIA Radio Network (Atlanta, Georgia)
* "Real Talk for Real Solutions", NNIA Radio Network
* "Real Talk With The #1 Drs. Dr. Harris & Dr. Kennedy", NNIA Radio Network (Fresno, CA)
* "Discussion" with Gaderia Lightbourn & Gregory Taylor, NNIA Radio Network (Atlanta, Georgia)
* KFCF 88.1 FM Radio (Fresno, CA)
* Willow Green, with "I Got Your Back" (Fresno, CA)
* "Northbay Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS)" (Vallejo, CA)
* "Peace and Freedom Party, Solano County" (Vallejo, CA)
An Eye-Witness Account of World Responses -
Join the UNA-USA East Bay Chapter at its dinner forum for photojournalist Rick Rocamora’s captivating presentation, on Thursday, February 27, 2014, at Bacheeso’s, 2650 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, from 6:15-8:45 pm. Contribution for Chapter members is $20, non-members $25, and students $10, payable at the door by cash or check. Advance reservations required by February 25. Call [510-717-5204] or e-mail [unaeastbaydinnerforum@gmail.com] For more information on the UNA-East Bay Chapter, visit our website [www.UNAusaEastBay.org].
Typhoon Haiyan, the strongest storm ever recorded at landfall, hit the Philippines on November 8, 2013, leaving over 6,000 dead and 4.1 million Filipinos displaced. As of January this year, bodies are still being found. How well have the UN and foreign friends responded? How can we help? What needs to be done?
Rick Rocamora, award-winning photojournalist, spent 20 days at ground-zero of this super typhoon, called Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines, working for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). He documented the aftermath of the typhoon and the work of UNHCR on the ground, reports that “Working for 20 days at ground zero of the super typhoon was not easy, but hopefully my work will help contribute in creating awareness of the need that we as a people and as a nation have to do to rehabilitate their lives and their land. I am committed to do my share in this effort”.
Rick Rocamora is based in Oakland, California, and is driven by a passion to use the medium as a tool to seek the truth and find meaningful purpose. He has traveled to Cuba, El Salvador, Nicaragua, South Africa, Vietnam, and the Philippines, as well as working in the United States, and documents social and political changes and their effect on daily life. He has participated in numerous solo and group shows at the Oakland Museum, California; the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Arts, California; the Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, Arizona; the International Museum of Photography, New York City; and the African American Museum of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.
14th Annual Sacramento
Cesar Chavez March!
March 29, 2014 (Saturday)
10:00pm Rally & March
12:00pm Festival
Speakers, Performers, Vendors & Info Booths, Low Riders, FOOD, Activities and More.
Brought together by the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement - Sacramento AFL- CIO (LCLAA)

[www.natgat2014.net] Please contact your nearest Occupy Movement, if one no longer exists, build it.
Bridge Gaps in the Food Justice Movements, Fighting a Crooked Just-Us System (Anti-Police brutality, Prison Industrial Complex, prosecutorial misconduct, Military IC, Border Inforcement, Immigration) and Political System and more... Socio-Economic Justice.
*WE are Looking for artwork for Posters, T-Shirts, Picket Signs etc.
We will be having an Idle No More gathering the Saturday of the event week.
A few Objectives are to bridge the gaps between our first nations Native peoples to wake up the movements to the next 7 Generations.
Art by Brian Heater of OccupySacramento

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