Tune in Thursdays 4 to 5pm (PST), at 89.5FM in the northeast San Pablo Bay Area, or on a Smart Phone [link], Desktop U-stream [link], w. chat box [link], Live Mp3 (.pls) stream [link], Netbook [link]. Hosted by Dr.G., Minister of Information of the Northbay MDS, breaking the blockade of censorship, with research archives and verified sources! Be a Community Journalist with our Community Journalist's Notebook [link], send news & info to [NorthbayMDS@) gmail.com]!
Link sources are noted . Backed-up links are to (archive.org), (archive.today), (peeep.us).
"Surveillance Self-Defense" from the Electronic Frontier Foundation [SSD.EFF.org].
Tips, Tools and How-to for Safer Online Communications.
Haiti Action Committee [HaitiSolidarity.net]

"Voices Against Police Brutality, Ch.1: The National Mixtape" from the "October 22 Coalition" [October22.org] [O22music.bandcamp.com].
Note from the producer DJ Oja [facebook.com/djOJA]: This is a mixed compilation of music, poetry and stories meant to educate listeners about the severity of police brutality, murder and terrorism in communities all over the nation and to incite action against these injustices. Music and poetry by independent artists across the U.S. are intertwined with first-hand accounts from family of those killed by law enforcement, along with several Public Service Announcements and drops denoting some of the resources that have been created by the community for the community, including the [StolenLivesProject.org]. Composed of songs of several genres from all over the country that have been produced from 1996-2010, this mixtape conveys expressions of rage, sadness, frustration, resilience and wisdom. This is a tool for empowerment. Please tell a friend about it and provide feedback: let us know which stories resonate with you the most, which songs are your favorites. Create events around this: use it as a teaching aid in classes, for workshops and to incite dialogue. Play tracks to people who have been directly affected in your community to sooth or uplift them.
It has been proven time and time again that the system will not look out for us, the people who are indiscriminately marginalized, criminalized, murdered and abused by the so-called authorities in these United States: that is something we must take the initiative to do ourselves. By purchasing this mix, you are supporting that movement.
Northbay Copwatch:

On Nov. 10th, a man walking his two dogs on leashes were attacked by an off-leash German Shepard in front of Gracie's BBQ in Vallejo, accompanied by a man who identified himself as Tom Toler, a bail bondsman and former Solano County Sheriff according to his facebook.com page [facebook.com/tom.toler.735], driving an unmarked police-style SUV with three trained attack dogs.
* "Fund Piggy's Emergency Surgery" [gofundme.com/piggydog] [archive.today].
It is not clear what business Toler had in the area. "There is no win in reporting this, no one will care at the HQ of those who are here to 'protect and serve' ", said the victim, a successful artist residing in Vallejo, "but we live in a literal police state. Complaint/reporting would only make us an easy target for harassment. Trust me." Commenting on what he knew about the offender, the victims says "He's a bounty hunter who ran for Sheriff and has spent plenty of time in court over misdeeds, including carrying a weapon into a government building." Tom unleashed a verbal assault, and was heard saying his victims deserved a "boot up the ass".
* "District Attorney Chief Investigator Al Garza placed under Citizen's Arrest by Thomas Toler for alleged perjury" (2009) [archive.today]
* Tom Toler ran for Solano County Sheriff in 2010, and wrote about his views, archived at [archive.today], [begin excerpt]: I will in deed stay true to my word. I did in fact state, promise or say that CCW should be available to any person that is not otherwise restricted from having one. I come from a family of farmers in southeast Arkansas, grew up with guns. The fact we are so free in this country is not by accident. Guns played a big role in front of people that loved and had reason to protect their family and country. I'm not sure why any person in elected office, or not ,would think they could keep Americans from owning, having and yes, carrying a loaded gun on their person. I really don't know why they would want that either. Maybe like other politicans they don't want the blame if someone gets' shot. The " I told you so people" will be out over that one. I am a combat veteran as my dad and his dad was. We all love our country, we all love our family, we all believe in god and we all believe we all have the right to bear arms. Yes you do have my word. As for being a stranger to law enforcement, I am not. That is why I keep my eye on them. It was a law enforcement officer that was arrested by the attorney general for giving false information on my case. The case where guns were reported on my ranch by the man that threatened my kids. He and his son were the only source the sheriff used to get a search warrant. He was a commander with the dept of correction. He is fired now. [end excerpt]
* "Judge rejects Toler's ballot request" (2014-04-06) [TheReporter.com link] [archive.today]
* "Judge rejects Tom Toler's Solano County sheriff bid" (2014-03-25) [TimesHeraldOnline.com link] [archive.today]
If you see this car, you know its not a cop! But watch out, he's armed and ideologically dangerous!

"Heartless Manteca, CA, adopts laws against homeless just in time for Christmas" (2014-11-10) [IfYouOnlyNews.com link] [archive.today]
"90-year-old Florida man faces 60 days in jail for feeding the homeless" (2014-11-04) [RawStory.com link] [archive.today]
Santa Cruz is experiencing a crackdown on homeless people, travelers, street artists, and just those seeking to use public spaces without police harassment.
Paranoia around the Drug War is being used to futile a thinly-concealed "Scare 'Em Out of Town" agenda against homeless people--long a target of city laws, police, and rangers.
Restoration of rights and restitution for damages is likely to come only when tenants, students, minorities, the elderly, working folks, and homeless join in a broad coalition to refocus on the white collar crimes of the 1% and the complicity of the 30%.
Steve Pleich, attorney Judy Bari, and MHCAN activist Sarah Leonard are working on filing a class action lawsuit that may stop the regular conflscation and/or destruction of homeless survival gear and personal items.
In a grim and little-noticed follow-up to NIMBY attacks on homeless recyclers, first one and then the only remaining recycling center in city limits has reportedly closed down without public hearing or notice. I am told the nearest one is now in Capitola.
We are seeing food programs driven or pressured indoors to avoid the community seeing visible poverty, prison-like conditions developing at the Homeless Services Center, harsh library regulations to step up the pressure on homeless people there, churches cutting back their programs, and massive over-policing downtown, in the parks, and at the Beach.
Against this ugly darkening picture, activists are working to document the financial and human cost of new Jim Crow laws against the poor, to speak out against them, and to mobilize legal resources to fight back.
"First-ever Study Reveals Amounts of Food Dyes in Brand-name Foods" (2014-05-07) [Cspinet.org link] [archive.today]
"Anti-organic: Why do some farmers resist profitable change?" (2014-11-11) [Phys.org link] [archive.today]
On Thursday, Nov. 6th, Whole Foods workers in SOMA have announced that they are telling their boss they want a raise and that they've formed a union with the IWW. Solidarity forever!
* Whole Foods Market Workers Unite! [WFMUnite.com] [archive.today]
Who We Are: We are workers at Whole Foods Market building a movement for power and a voice on the job. We are the Industrial Workers of the World. We are raising the quality of life for workers today while laying the foundation for a future free of class exploitation.
How We Organize: “We are all leaders!” goes an old slogan of the IWW.
We are committed to building each member’s leadership skills and political development, from one worker to another. History proves that workers have the power to make change when we come together to fight for our interests. We are re-igniting a workers’ movement where we have power: on the job. Further, we practice solidarity with all people fighting for emancipation from the domination and oppression of capitalist society. This is our movement, we are capable of victory, and we are worth it.

Whole Foods Market (WFM) makes great pains to appear to prioritize the well-being of humanity and the planet, but clearly puts profit before and above all else. We know that the source of their profit is our labor. Working conditions at Whole Foods reflect the low industry standards that dominate food and retail industries:
- Low wages, constant understaffing, inconsistent hours, punitive time and attendance policies
- Monotonous, uncreative, emotionally destructive, and irrational work
- Repetitive motion injuries, customer abuse, carrot-on-a-stick pay incentives
- Condescending managers who prioritize “growth” while slashing labor
- Unaffordable health care, no viable opportunities for retirement, high turnover, pro-company propaganda and many other characteristics that make it indistinguishable from any other corporate firm today.
Human Rights abuse at the monopolist dairy Darigold:
* "Not even able to take a lunch break", read the full report from "UFW" at [archive.today]: A lunch break is one of these basic rights we take for granted -- right? That's not what this Darigold worker and his fiancé reported. Many times the only way "Juan"* managed to eat during his shift was when his fiancé, “Lucia”* came to the dairy and literally hand-fed Juan as he worked. Lucia was concerned because "every day when [Juan] came back from work he looked like he had been assaulted." After questioning him about his day, Lucia realized Juan was coming home not only exhausted but famished. He simply didn't have time to eat during his shift that often lasted 10 hours. So rather than watching her fiancé waste away, Lucia got permission to help him at the dairy. She would bring Juan lunch and feed it to him while he worked milking the cows.
"SEIU 1021 Ballot Campaigns to Raise Minimum Wage Win in Both San Francisco and Oakland–190,000 Bay Area Workers Win a Pay Raise" (2014-11-05) [seiu1021.org link] [archive.today]
"CHEVRON “AIR WAR” FAILS TO SINK RICHMOND PROGRESSIVES" (2014-11-06) [BeyondChron.org link] [archive.today/]
Looks like the Richmond plan may be spreading.
* "SF considers plan to use eminent domain to lower mortgages" (2014-10-02) [SFExaminer.com link] [archive.today]
A mortgage buy-back and reduction, using eminent domain powers to force the banks to accept the deal. What's standing in the way? Fear of retaliation by the banksters:
From the article: "Mayor Ed Lee's administration opposed the proposal Wednesday, raising concerns about impacts to The City's borrowing interest rates.
"It is the same banks that you are going after that are buying your bonds," said Nadia Sesay, director of public finance. "They could respond by higher interest rates. But we don't know what that impact will be.""
"Don't Swallow It! The Brown Water Plan: It Costs Too Much" (2014-11-10) [archive.today]
Learn more about the threats to the ecology, the economy, and indigenous nations:
* [ShastaDamRaise.com]
* [BrownWaterPlan.com]
* [facebook.com/WinnememWintu]
"New Solar Power Material Converts 90 Percent of Captured Light into Heat" (2014-10-28) [JacobsSchool.ucsd.edu link] [archive.org]
"Iraq War Veteran, Outspoken War Critic Tomas Young Dead at 34" (2014-11-11) [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.org]
"Happening at Creech Air Force Base right now", update from "Desert Voices" (2014-11-10) [NevadaDesertExperience.org link]:

From Brian Terrell, "Desert Voices" Event Coordinator:
Creech Air Force Base was a modest installation when I first saw it in 2009. It was a nondescript place easily missed by motorists on the highway to Reno, as obscure to most Americans as the drones that were piloted from there by remote control over far away deserts and mountains. At the time, Creech was one of only a few sites from which drones were controlled by the US and by the United Kingdom, which also had a wing of the Royal Air Force stationed there to fly their own drones. Since then armed drones have become the weapon of choice for the Obama administration’s escalating wars around the world. Creech Air Force Base has dramatically expanded and so has the number of drone operation bases in communities around the US. My work with Voices for Creative Nonviolence has brought me to the scenes of drone crimes in Afghanistan, the CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia and to the gates of drone bases in New York, Iowa, Missouri and Michigan and in England as well.
Last April, the Sacred Peace Walk was on the road, just hours away from Creech when the story broke in the media that the Central Intelligence Agency’s covert program of assassination by drones is not distinct from the drone program of the US Air Force as the world had been made to believe. While the CIA’s drone program is shrouded in secrecy, the Air Force at bases like Creech supposedly had been using drones strictly as a weapon for waging war against combatants in recognized areas of conflict such as Afghanistan, under a chain of command that is accountable to elected officials. On April 15, this distinction was exposed as a lie as former Air Force drone operators, veterans of a super-secret Squadron 17 at Creech, revealed that “it’s always been the Air Force that flies” the CIA’s missions, “the CIA might be the customer, but the Air Force has always flown it.”
The revelation that Air Force personnel at Creech carry out assassination missions and extrajudicial executions far from declared zones of conflict on orders from unknown and unnamable bureaucrats was no surprise to us walkers but only the exposure of one more lie, one more layer of criminality and venality of this corrupt and dangerous program. Over the years since April 2009, the promises of a new era of better war through drone technology have been steadily unravelling, each of them proving false. It is increasingly clear that rather than limiting the scope of war, drones expand and proliferate it, killing more civilians both on battlefields and far from them, endangering our soldiers and the safety of our communities. This news was not a “game changer” in regard to the actions we had planned, although we quickly revised the indictment listing the war crimes committed at Creech that some of us were arrested for attempting to deliver to the base commander the next day.
As the United States government commits its resources to intensifying wars in Iraq and Syria and as it approaches the Non-proliferation Treaty Review at the United Nations in May with only the feeblest pretense of compliance, the Nevada National Security Site and Creech Air Force Base are apt places for people of faith and conscience to visit this spring.
Report Back: Justice For Our Desert, Autumn 2014
For 63 years the Nevada desert portion of Newe Sogobia (Shoshone homelands) has been undergoing spiritual and environmental violence due to nuclear attacks on the soil, water and air. For 33 years Nevada Desert Experience has been part of the tradition of creating healthy spaces for peace and justice to flourish, starting with enjoying the beauty of the desert.
Six years ago, NDE began actions at nearby Creech Air Force Base, helping to confront the physical and spiritual violence of drone warfare and assassinations. This year, NDE formalized its commitment to drone resistance by organizing a weekend autumn desert witness called Justice for Our Desert, which included nonviolence education and celebration. The focus: a compelling need for both environmental and social justice.
As our friend Corbin Harney used to say (God rest his soul in peace), “We, the people, gotta take matters into our own hands” for protecting the planet from the violence of drone assassins and nuclear waste disposal. The Justice for Our Desert event ended on Monday the 22nd of September with eight people peacefully blockading the Creech Air Force Base main entrance, while another dozen people prayed for peace along the side of the road, near three counter-demonstrators supporting drone violence.
The County Metro Police and Creech security redirected traffic during the blockade, arrested four people and released them on-site (possibly due to the fact that the non-arrestees were heading back to Vegas at the same moment the police were ready to transport defendants back to Vegas).
Join us next fall. Again we will seek Justice for Our Desert!
"Fact Sheet For CDCR Proposed Censorship Regulation Changes, 2014 (Revised)" (2014-11-06) [PrisonerHungerStrikeSolidarity.wordpress.com link] [archive.org]
"Radioactive Contamination at Magnuson Park, Seattle", 2014-11-01 from "Mind Over Matters" radio news, audio only [Radio4all.net link]
"Colorado Students Employ Civil Disobedience School Board Sought to Censor" (2014-11-07) [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.today]
"ONE DC takes a stand against the landlords and developers":
Marybeth Onyeukwu of ONE DC organizes residents of Washington, D.C., against the increasing rents of the landlords and developers. This fightback effort can be emulated elsewhere in the face of income inequality and rising housing costs. listen online [LiberationRadio.org link], download the radio podcast [.mp3 link at PSLweb.us]
The police repression against non-violent human-rights and justice actions in Ferguson, Missouri, was met on the ground by the members of the various self-defense groups who acted disciplined while conducting copwatching and protection services (none had engaged in the so-called "riot" that was all over the news). The Ferguson Police is promising more attacks against political actions.
* "Ferguson Resident: ‘We are Getting Prepared for War’ " (2014-11-10) [StLouis.cbslocal.com link] [archive.today]
The monopolist media have selectively censored information about the self-defense groups defending the people, so as not to inspire more people to join them. However, a militant self-defense group nobody has heard of, who have no cooperative ties to other self-defense groups, were posting provocative pictures online, and this was made into a monopolist media propaganda topic, used to vilify the other groups who have already the support of many of the people being attacked...
* "Radical #Ferguson Protest Group Stockpiles Ammo – Posts Photos Online" (2014-11-11) [http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/11/radical-ferguson-protest-group-stockpiles-ammo-posts-photos-online/] [archive.today]. UPDATE: "RbG Black Rebels" at Twitter.com has been taken down as of 2014-11-12, archived 2014-11-05 [archive.today],
* "Why Write-In Candidate Zaki Baruti Says He’s Already Won St. Louis County Executive Race" [SocialistOrganizer.org link] [archive.org].
For more info.: [www.UAPO.com]

Social Justice:
• Arrest-Indict- Prosecute & Convict Darren Wilson of Murder.
• Install a Special Prosecutor to replace Bob McCullough in the Darren Wilson/Michael Brown Case.
• Penalize/Punish Municipalities that Practice Racial Profiling in Traffic Stops
Community Control of Police and Fire Departments:
• Police and Fire Departments of St. Louis County should reflect the racial composition of the communities they serve.
• Police and Fire Employees should live in the community they work.
• Implement County Wide Police Civilian Review Board.
Economic Justice:
• Full Employment Opportunities for All
• St. Louis County Workforce and all Boards should reflect the Racial/Ethnic composition of the county.
• All contractual services should reflect a minimum of 30% minority contractors.
• Support the growth and development of under served small businesses.
• Support and advocate increase in minimum wage to $15.00 an hour
• Protect and Advocate the Rights and Fair Wage/Benefits for St. Louis County Workers.
• Oppose St. Louis County/City Merger
Voter suppression in the Indian Country (USA):
The Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) administers the 565 jurisdictional governments of "Indian Country", representing sovereign but captive "Treaty Nations" held on former military reservations, and even on their former slave-labor centers like in California, whose citizens are technically also USA Citizens and are therefore enfranchised to vote in State and Federal elections and participate in the two-party system and form their own political associations such as the National Congress for Native Americans for the influence of State and Federal policies. Many "Treaty Nations" are influential in elections.
Four Directions’ get-out-the-vote (GOTV) operation on the Oglala Sioux Tribe’s Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, within the State of South Dakota, is actively under suppression for the benefit of Republican Party candidates who promote the interests of the multi- billion dollar Keystone pipeline, which is opposed by the majority of Ogala Sioux.
Indigenous people rallied to get out the vote in South Dakota’s state capital, Pierre, on October 13, Native American Day (Columbus Day in other states). With speeches and ceremony, they kicked off reservation GOTV operations statewide. (Credit: Jesse Short Bull)

* "SD Indian activists are angry some ballots cast at two reservation polls will only be provisional" (2014-11-04) [DailyKos.com link] [archive.org]
* "With Control of the Senate at Stake, Native Voters Travel a Bumpy Road to the Polling Place" (2014-11-04) [BillMoyers.com link] [archive.org] [begin excerpt] Then one day, the county sheriff showed up in the voting office, and the moccasin telegraph started working overtime. “Voters entering the polling place would see the sheriff there and veer off,” said Donna Semans, the Rosebud Sioux field coordinator for Four Directions voting-rights group. “If I was driving them to the polls, they’d spot the sheriff’s vehicle out front and tell me, ‘No way. I’m not going in there.’”
In the 21st century, Native people are fighting for rights other minority groups largely secured decades ago, according to Lembrich. Across the nation, in counties near or overlapping Indian reservations, voting is a bastion of white privilege, he said. “It’s well understood in these locales that the more Indians vote, the more they’ll have the ear of their representatives, and the more they’ll run for office themselves. In fact, it’s already happened. Kevin Killer and other Native Americans are South Dakota state legislators, and measures to improve education, pave roads and more have benefitted Indian people.” [end excerpt]
* "Who Called the Sheriff? Pine Ridge Voter Turnout Plummets, Then Rebounds" (2014-11-01) [IndianCountryTodayMediaNetwork.com link] [archive.today]
* "How A South Dakota County Is Suppressing The Native Ameri
Unofficially, the spending was capped at can Vote" (2014-10-24) [ThinkProgress.org link] [archive.org]
* "Oglala Sioux Tribe Sues Jackson County Over Voting Rights" (2014-10-13) [KeloLand.com link] [archive.today]
* The Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa may have violated Wisconsin law with its get out the vote efforts: "Lac Courte Oreilles Band questioned for get out the vote efforts" (2014-11-05) [Indianz.com link] [archive.today]
Western Native Voice is establishing voting sites on the Crow and Blackfeet reservations.
* "Western Native Voice aims to get out American Indian vote" (2014-10-05), complete article located at the bottom of the archived page [peeep.us] [archive.today], these versions being scrubbed of spyware.
* Native Vote 2014 - Every Vote Counts! [NativeVote.org], [archive.today] archived 2014-11-09, [archive.org] archived 2014-11-07.
* "Did Supreme Court rob Alaska Natives of their voice?" (2014-07-18) [AnchoragePress.com link] [archive.org]
Thousands of nations across the world are not recognized despite facing disenfranchisement and active suppression.

Political Prisoners in the USA
* "Government increases damage estimates, quietly doubling Tyler Lang & Kevin Olliff’s maximum sentence to 20 years." (2014-11-09) [SupportKevinAndTyler.com link] [archive.org]
"Privatization seen as potential solution in Alabama's prison crisis" (2014-11-07) [AL.com link] [archive.today]
Private consultation firm "Desert Snow" has been named in a lawsuit identifying it as a primary advocate for aggressive police tactics.
* "Highway seizure in Iowa fuels debate about asset-forfeiture laws" (2014-11-10) [WashingtonPost.com link] [archive.today]
* "Police Use Department Wish List When Deciding Which Assets to Seize" (2014-11-09) [NYTimes.com link] [archive.today]
"Just 90 companies caused two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions. Chevron, Exxon and BP among companies most responsible for climate change since dawn of industrial age, figures show" (2014-11-20) [TheGuardian.com link] [archive.today]
Thousands of nations across the world are not recognized despite facing disenfranchisement and active suppression.

Political Prisoners in the USA
* "Government increases damage estimates, quietly doubling Tyler Lang & Kevin Olliff’s maximum sentence to 20 years." (2014-11-09) [SupportKevinAndTyler.com link] [archive.org]
"Privatization seen as potential solution in Alabama's prison crisis" (2014-11-07) [AL.com link] [archive.today]
Private consultation firm "Desert Snow" has been named in a lawsuit identifying it as a primary advocate for aggressive police tactics.
* "Highway seizure in Iowa fuels debate about asset-forfeiture laws" (2014-11-10) [WashingtonPost.com link] [archive.today]
* "Police Use Department Wish List When Deciding Which Assets to Seize" (2014-11-09) [NYTimes.com link] [archive.today]
"Just 90 companies caused two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions. Chevron, Exxon and BP among companies most responsible for climate change since dawn of industrial age, figures show" (2014-11-20) [TheGuardian.com link] [archive.today]
* "KKK Leader Disputes Hate Group Label: 'We're A Christian Organization' " (2014-03-21) [Huffingtonpost.com link] [archive.today]
* "Say What Now? The Ku-Klux-Klan is Rebranding… By Inviting Jewish, Black, and Hispanic People to Join" (2014-11-10) [LoveBScott.com link] [archive.today]
USA Fascism:
* "The 'Double Government' Secret Gets Out: 'Vote All You Want. The Secret Government Won’t Change.' " (2014-11-03) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.today]
* "GE, Microsoft and Proctor & Gamble Most Popular Stocks Owned by Members of Congress" (2014-11-12) [AllGov.com link] [archive.org]
Domestic Security Agencies and total surveillance:
* "The FBI: America’s Secret Police" (2014-11-04) [Rutherford.org link] [archive.today]
* "Uncle Sam’s Databases of Suspicion A shadow form of national ID" (2014-11-06) [CommonDreams.org link] [archive.org]
* "Peekaboo, I See You: Government Authority Intended for Terrorism is Used for Other Purposes" (2014-10-26) [EFF.org link] [archive.org]. US Patriot Act: Government Spying Powers Used for Terrorism Only 0.5% of the Time
* "The 90s and Now: FBI and its Inability to Cope with Encryption" (2014-10-29) [EFF.org link] [archive.org]
* "By Seizing E-Commerce Website Silk Road 2.0, the FBI Provides Protection for Violent Drug Cartels? Federal agents helped launch and run darknet drug market Silk Road 2.0" (2014-11-06) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.today]
Weapons of the New World Order
* "Airbus DS, DCNS partner to advance unmanned naval helicopter system" [archive.today]
Endless Wars, Endless Profits
* "The Neocon Plan for War and More War" (2014-11-11) [ConsortiumNews.com link] [archive.org
The majority of USA Federal Budget's discretionary spending is for military and related purposes, around 56%. During the height of the old Cold War, the rival to the USA spent around 35% (at the most extreme upper-limit estimation by the CIA).
* "How much did the Soviets really spend on defence? New evidence from the close of the Brezhnev era". Introduction [Warwick.ac.uk link] [archive.org], full report [.pdf link at archive.org], original source document, in Russian [.pdf link at archive.org]
Investigations found that the commanders of the USA Nuclear forces are, literally, psychotic, and undisciplined.
* "US air force fires two more nuclear commanders amid leadership crisis" (2014-11-04) [TheGuardian.com link] [archive.today]
* "Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities' " (2013-05) [LegitGov.org link] [archive.org] [archive.today]
$33 million is donated to a trans-national state military which engages in death-squad trainings and operations against so-called "leftists" across Latin America.
* "Star-studded event raises record $33 million for IDF" (2014-11-07) [JPost.com link] [archive.today]
* "Haim Saban Raises $34M to Support Israeli Defense Forces" (2014-11-07) [HollywoodReporter.com link] [archive.today]
"Haiti’s Nightmare: The Cocaine Coup and The CIA Connection" (2004-02-25) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.today]
"The Deep State and the Bias of Official History" by Peter Dale Scott (2014-10-26) [WhoWhatWhy.com link] [archive.today] [begin excerpt]: The CIA never abandoned its dependency on funds from outside its official budget to conduct its clandestine operations. In Southeast Asia in particular, its proprietary firm Sea Supply Inc. supplied an infrastructure for a drug traffic supporting a CIA-led paramilitary force, PARU. Two CIA proprietaries, Sea Supply Inc. and Civil Air Transport (CAT) Inc. (later Air America), initially supplied the KMT 93rd Division in Burma that organized opium mule trains down to Thailand, where opium sales were still legal.
Later, when the USG officially distanced itself from the KMT drug army, the CIA organized an offensive and defensive paramilitary unit, PARU, inside the Thai Border Police (BPP). Like the BPP, PARU financed itself by seizing KMT opium and turning it in to the Thai Government, receiving a bounty payment of 12.5 percent of the retail value. [end excerpt]
World Fascism Watch: A Banker's Dictatorship
* "Another 'Conspiracy Theory' Bites The Dust: UBS Settles Over Gold Rigging, Many More Banks To Follow" (2014-11-11) [archive.today]
* "When 'Conspiracy Theory' becomes Mainstream: Maybe A Secret Banking Cabal Does Run The World After All" (2010) [archive.today]
Uprising against fascism in Mexico!
The current self-defense groups are being organized by the students of the Normales Rurales, a network of public schools which emerged as a political project of the Mexican state in the 1920s. The objective was for rural communities to have access to education since students would become professors to serve their communities. These schools were also the roots of social and political transformation. Two important figures graduated from Ayotzinapa’s Normal School: Lucio Cabañas Barrientos (Party of the Poor) and Genaro Vázquez Rojas (National Revolutionary Civic Association), two important guerrilleros in Mexican history.
* "Mexico´s 43 Missing Students: ‘Enough! We Are Tired of Being Afraid’ " (2014-11-10) [LatinoRebels.com link] [archive.today]
* "Armed vigilantes back student protesters in Mexico" (2014-10-22) [Fusion.net link] [archive.today]
* "Ayotzinapa's Uncomfortable Dead" (2014-11-10) [OtherWorldsArePossible.org link][archive.today]
* "Forward to murders, disappearances and arrests... Organize rebellious and combative fight!" communique from "União Popular Anarquista (UNIPA)" of Mexico, machine translation distributed 2014-11-07 [ainfos.ca link] [archive.org]
* "Normalistas take the airport at Acapulco", 2014-11-10 @gcansecofoto :

* "Demonstrators light a fire and attempt to bring down the door to the National Palace", 2014-11-08 from "Noticias MVS", article [archive.today], photos [archive.today]: A group of demonstrators tried to destroy, including setting fire to, the main door of the National Palace during a tense demonstration Saturday night in central Mexico City concerning the disappearance of 43 students.

World Fascism Watch: Honduras
teleSUR Investigation: "Garifuna Take on Mega-Tourism, Displacement and Organized Crime in Honduras" (2014-11-06) [TelesurTV.net link] [archive.today]
New digest from "Presente-Honduras Digest", Vol 37, Issue 6, 2014-11-04:
* According to the coordinator of UNAH's Violence Observatory, Migdonia Ayestas, Honduras continues to be the most violent country in the world. Source in Spanish [Proceso.hn link] [archive.today].
* Three months after his murder, the Honduran authorities exhume the journalist Nery Francisco Soto Torres, because they failed to examine the body just after his murder. RAPCOS met with the Public Prosecution Office (MP) to ask about progress in the cases of murdered journalists. According to the MP, the main difficulty for the investigators is the fear of witnesses to speak...interesting way to turn the table around. Sources in Spanish (1) [Conexihon.hn link] [archive.today], (2) [Conexihon.hn link] [archive.today].
* The unbearable cynicism towards human rights defenders can be seen wiht a statement by the president of Congress, Mauricio Oliva. He told the public, that the best measure of protection is looking after oneself, he himself, meanwhile, is protected by a tight security deployment. Source in Spanish [ElLibertador.hn link] [archive.today].
* A judge let go two of the three military personnel accused of torturing miners in San Juan Arriba. Source in Spanish [ElLibertador.hn link] [archive.today].
* Meanwhile, the trial against the military official Elmer Geovanny Gomez Chinchilla continues. He is accused of possession of child pornography and paid sexual intercourse with a minor. Source in Spanish [Tercerpoder.hn link] [archive.today].
"Presente-Honduras Digest" Vol 37, Issue 8, 2014-11-05:
* MADJ, ERIC and the Forum of Women for Life denounce the ongoing human rights violations in San Francisco de Locomapa and demand that the state protects those indigenous Tolupan that protect their region against the looting of its natural resources. Source in Spanish [MovimientoAmplioDignidadyJusticia.blogspot.ch link] [archive.today].
PEN International has sent out a number of communiques, updates and other posts since PEN Honduras was formally recognized just over a month ago.
* "Honduras: ‘The coup was a total failure – but I’m happier with society now’ – PEN International talks to Victor Meza of CEDOH" [Pen-International.org link] [archive.org] [archive.today].
Left out of this article is the hundreds of thousands $USD that CEDOH has been receiving from the NED (A USA State Dept. agency used for clandestine war) to put a positive spin on the coup. CEDOH's lavish monthly NED-funded fora at the Clarion and Intercontinental have been a key part of USG strategy in the cooptation of Honduran intellectuals and reframing of the resistance narrative toward corporatized NGO discourses of "civil society" and the strengthening of public institutions since 2010. They also get IDB money along the lines of $200,000 over the past five years, assuming 2014 is in line with the previous four years. At least with NED funding, there's some public information. Certain other programs linked to the US government and military can sometimes be much harder to track.
> [ned.org 2013 report for Honduras link] [archive.today].
> [ned.org 2012 report for Honduras link] [archive.today].
> [ned.org 2011 report for Honduras link] [archive.today].
> [ned.org 2010 report for Honduras link] [archive.today].
Presente-Honduras Digest, Vol 37, Issue 16, 2014-11-08:
* A new article has been published on the Azacualpa community's struggle to protect their land against a mining company. A similar struggle takes place in the Lenca community San Jos?, La Paz. The community El Negrito, meanwhile, already has declared itself free of mining and they continue with fervor to protect their environment. Sources (1) [DesdeAquiAbajoabajo.blogspot.ch link] [archive.today], (2) [RadioProgresohn.net link] [archive.today], (3) [RadioProgresohn.net link] [archive.today]
* Radio Progreso talked with PINU congresswoman Doris Gutierrez about the state of the political opposition in Honduras. Source in Spanish [RadioProgresohn.net link] [archive.today].
* The main press is currently full of articles denigrating Libre, source in Spanish [LaTribuna.hn link] [archive.today].
* The Executive Committee of the Conference of Central American Armed Forces (CFAC) met yesterday in Honduras to talk about future collaborations. Source in Spanish [Radiohrn.hn link] [archive.today].
* "Presente-Honduras Digest", Vol 37, Issue 6, 2014-11-04: Dinant reacts to the claims that they produced a map of the Bajo Aguan region in which the Panama campesino community is no more. Source in Spanish [ElHeraldo.hn link] [archive.today]
"Hedge Fund Seeks Sanctions Against Argentina" (2014-11-04) [http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2014/11/04/hedge-fund-seeks-sanctions-against-argentina] [https://archive.today/JVdz4]
"15% Wage Increase, Workers’ Bank Launched by Venezuela’s Maduro" (2014-11-04) [http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/11001] [https://archive.today/jDVnp]
"Water Cannons, Tear Gas Unleashed on 100,000 Anti-Austerity Marchers in Brussels; Demonstration marks beginning of planned series of actions against free-market reforms" (2014-11-06) [http://www.commondreams.org/news/2014/11/06/water-cannons-tear-gas-unleashed-100000-anti-austerity-marchers-brussels] [https://archive.today/10p7W]
"Chinese Tear Gas v. US Freedom Spray", a "Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox" interview with radical author Mickey Z., (2014-10-05) [archive.org], more radio shows listed here [archive.today]. Cindy Sheehan chats with longtime activist/author Mickey Z., the newest featured author on The Soapbox People's Network [CindySheehansSoapbox.com link]. The topic is the NED/NDI/CIA sponsored "uprising" in Hong Kong and how the Obama regime publicly approves of it while violently suppressing protests here in the US, but we shouldn't really worry, because the US doesn't use teargas, it uses Freedom Spray™
USA War against the People of Novorossiya
* "Nazi NATO, Atrocities Committed in Eastern Ukraine, But No War Crimes Tribunals? Why?" (2014-11-10) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.today]
* "Ukraine: US Military Instructors Preparing Clandestine Terror Groups in Russian-Speaking Territories" (2014-11-02) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.today]
* "Ukraine’s Rada “Snap Elections” – A Battle of the Billionaires that Has Split Ukraine" (2014-11-01) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.today]
* "Right Sector Neo-Nazis and the Practice of Slavery in Ukraine. 'Kiev Officially Introduces Slavery, with Vague Terms' (And How Western ‘News’ Media Have Hidden All of This from You)" (2014-11-01) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.today] [archive.org]
* "Ukraine Government Officially Introduces Slavery, with Vague Terms" (2014-09-26) [WashingtonsBlog.com link] [archive.org], including an English language translation of the new Community Service law.
* “Ukrainians Forced to Dig Trenches” (2014-09-25) [Newstwenty4seven.com link] [archive.org]
* "On the way into the authoritarian State: Ukraine introduces forced labour" (2014-09-25) [Deutsche-Wirtschafts-Nachrichten.de link]. translated into English at [archive.today]
* “The Government has extended the list of community service under martial law”, 2014-09-23 press release from the Ukrainian Ministry of Social Policy, in the Ukraine language [MSLP.gov.ua link] [archive.org]
Eurasian Union (EEU) News:
The EEU is composed of the state governments of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia.
* "Putin to Western elites: Play-time is over" (2014-10-29) [ClubOrlov.blogspot.ru link] [archive.org]
* "Russia Completes Ratification Of Eurasian Economic Union" (2014-10-03) [InSerbia.info link] [archive.today]
* "CSTO Chief Accuses U.S. Embassies Of Fomenting Instability In Region" (2014-11-06) [EurasiaNet.org link] [archive.today]
* "Russia snubs US on nuclear summit" (2014-11-06) [SpaceWar.com link] [archive.today]
* "Russia Ratifies Cuba Space Deal" [SpaceDaily.com link] [archive.today], showing how the EEU has furthered the ALBA's various space programs.
* "To Russian Proposal On Integration, Abkhazia Says 'Not So Fast' " (2014-11-03) [EurasiaNet.org link] [archive.today]
* "Abkhazia's accession to Eurasian/Customs Union to be considered - interim president" (2014-06-03) [VoiceOfRussia.com link] [archive.org]
* "Donetsk People's Republic seeking Customs Union, Eurasian Economic Community membership" (2014-06-17) [VoiceOfRussia.com link] [archive.org]
* Map showing national jurisdictions (and the Crimea region whose people are nearly all Russian by ethnicity) under protection by a Russian Military peace-keeping mission since the early 1990s, when the nations declared themselves as sovereign entities (except Crimea, which did not declare independence until March, 2014, in a referendum that also saw it join with the Russian Federation) but then faced invasion and slaughter by USA-backed governments. The area of eastern Ukraine, now called the Union of Novorossiya composed of the People's Republics of Lunghask and Donetsk, is not shown on the map as there are no Russian military bases there or peace-keeping agreements.

Today, the GDP and growth rate of Russia is still below the economic performance it had during the eighties before the revolution of 1992, when a new system was installed which promised everything "Just like Americans... with Levi jeans, Coca-Cola, and Liberty", including a privatization process throughout the 1990s that allowed internationally connected oligarchs to steal trillions of dollars worth of publicly-owned infrastructure, and produce economic conditions that lead to homelessness, artificial famine, and persistent unemployment.
* "Mass privatisation in the post-communist world may have cost up to one million lives", from Oxford University [Ox.ac.uk link] [archive.org]
* "For Whom the Wall Fell? A balance-sheet of transition to capitalism" (2014-11-03) [Glineq.blogspot.com link] [archive.org link]
Recent economic studies show that the Russian economy is expanding, as the government-owned enterprises push the state-driven economy independently of global influences. The government is studying guaranteed employment programs, and disposable income for students, to stimulate local economies.
Fake News against Russia

* "Moscow to Kiev: Stick to Minsk ceasefire, stop making false ‘invasion’ claims" (2014-11-07) [RT.com link] [archive.today]
* "Ukraine says Russian military column has entered east of country" (2014-11-07) [TheGuardian.com link] [archive.today]
The EEU member states already have a military union with China.
* "The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)" official website [SectSCO.org link], archived 2014-10-14 at [archive.org], archived 2014-11-09 at [archive.today]

* "What Does Adding India And Pakistan Mean For The SCO?" (2014-10-07) [EurasiaNet.org link]
* "Shanghai Cooperation Organisation on the rise" (2014-09-18) [OrientalReview.org link] [archive.today]

* "The New, Improved Shanghai Cooperation Organization" (2014-09-13) [TheDiplomat.com link] [archive.today]
* "The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Allies of a New Type" (2014-09-12) [RT.com link] [archive.today]
* "Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit Opens" (2014-09-11) [Rferl.org link] [archive.today]
* "Washington’s Nightmare Comes True: The Russian-Chinese Strategic Partnership Goes Global" (2014-08-21) pg.1 [OrientalReview.org link] [archive.today], pg.2 [OrientalReview.org link] [archive.today]
* "China to build global quantum communication network in 2030" (2014-11-04) [SpaceDaily.com link] [archive.today]
* "Pakistan wins China investment worth $42 billion: official" (2014-11-08) [archive.today]
The SCO includes Iran as an observer state. This affords Iran a guarantee of peace and economic security. The following are propaganda describing Iran, and are provided as an example of how SCO member states view the political reality within Iran:
* "Demonizing the Enemy: Four Myths about Iran which need to be Debunked" (2012-11-10) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.today]
* "Discovering Iran. Women’s Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran" (2014-11-06) [GlobalResearch.ca link] [archive.today]
Cybernetics: Surfing The First Wave of Information Technology Networks, 1950s to 1970s
How Cybernetic Economics was implemented in Socialist Chile:
* "NINETEEN SEVENTY THREE" [DamnInteresting.com link] [archive.today]
The academic society that went even more wild over Cybernetics than in the USA was post-Stalinist USSR, although their military-industrial complex always was interested in cybernetics and computers in order to speed up the mathematical calculations needed to produce the H-bomb. The key guy for this amazing project was Engineer Admiral Aksel' Berg, the chairman of the Soviet Council on Cybernetics.
The Soviet Council on Cybernetics, as early as the mid 1950s, was proposing building a nationwide system of networked computers that would share and process economic information. Their end goal was to build a system that would sort out the inefficiencies inherent in centrally-planned economics. Some of the stuff they were proposing was two steps shy of the modern idea of Singularity, where all machines network together and develop some kind of hive-mind super-intelligence. The reason this project never happened was due to one major factor: bureaucrats were worried about losing their positions due to computer automation!
Some key books to read about the origins of cybernetics:
* "Giant Brains, or Machines That Think" (1949) [.pdf link at Monoskop.org], the first book on cybernetics to be publicly released in the USA. Read more about the book's predictions here [archive.today].
* Macy foundation conferences for cybernetics, held between 1946 and 1953 [archive.today].
* "Constructing a Social Science for Postwar America: The Cybernetics Group" (1991) by Steven Joshua Heims
* "Dark Hero of the Information Age: In Search of Norbert Wiener the Father of Cybernetics" book by Conway and Siegelman,
* "The Mechanization of the Mind" book by Jean-Pierre Dupuy, with info on the Macy Foundation
* "Cybernetics", and "Adventures of a Mathematician", by Norbert Wiener
* "Automation" book by John Diebold.
* "From Newspeak to Cyberspeak: A History of Soviet Cybernetics" book by Slava Gerovitch, intro at [archive.org].
* "Lyndon in Wiener world: Cybernetics, MIT, and the Macy Foundation (Boston, 1948 - 1953)" [LarouchePlanet.info link] [archive.org]
* "Dialectical Economics" book by Lyndon LaRouche [archive.org], written during the authors time working with cybernetic mathematicians and engineers, 1950s and 60s in New York, with a section describing an entire computer run economy, which included automation, in a Marxist context. During this time, in Moscow and Leningrad, there was a massive push to develop similar ideas.
"The CIA and Nazi War Criminals: National Security Archive Posts Secret CIA History Released Under Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act" Briefing Book No. 146, 2005 [archive.org].
Gen. Reinhard Gehlen persuaded the U.S. Army and then the CIA to sponsor his intelligence network even though he employed numerous former Nazis and known war criminals.

WikiSpooks [WikiSpooks.com] [WikiSpooks.com:Read_This_First], an independent study of the clandestine operations of the USA and allies since World War 2.
InDIYpendent Media
"Pirate Radio Station for $55 Could Help Decentralize Big-Telecom" (2014) [LocalOrg.blogspot.com link] [archive.today]

"The a-Infos Radio Project" [Radio4all.net], providing a full range of independent radio content for broadcast and downloading!

"Truth and Justice Radio", WZBC 90.3 fm Boston [TruthAndJusticeradio.org]
"Black Mask" anarchist radio show, CKUW 95.9 fm University of Winnipeg [CKUW.ca/programs/detail/black-mask]
"Global Research News Hour" [CKUW.ca/programs/detail/global-research-news-hour]
"Lobster" deep politics magazine, N67 [.pdf link at archive.org]
"Dandelion Salad" online news journal [Dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/]
"Popular Resistance" newsletter: "Link Arms We Are All Connected" (2014-11-09) [PopularResistance.org link] [archive.today]
"CCDSLinks: Radical Ideas for Radical Change" newsletter [archive.today]
"People's World" newspaper won three labor media awards from the International Labor Communications Association! Read more here [archive.today]. We are excited and honored to be recognized by ILCA, which is the professional organization of labor communicators in North America. The awards were:
* 1st Place: Best News, "Unity was their cry - fast food workers go global" [archive.today];
* 2nd Place: Best Analysis, "2013 - Year of the bold new labor movement" [archive.today];
* 3rd Place: Best Analysis, "Documents expose new ALEC scheme to kill clean energy" [archive.today].
The Rutherford Institute [Rutherford.org]

* "Should We Just Follow Orders? Rules of Engagement for Resisting the Police State" (2014-10-17) [Rutherford.org link] [archive.today]

* "The Absurd, Bureaucratic Hell That Is the American Police State" (2014-07-28) [Rutherford.org link] [archive.today]

* "Just Shoot: The Mindset Responsible for Turning Search Warrants into Death Warrants, and SWAT Teams into Death Squads" (2014-06-02)[Rutherford.org link] [archive.today]

* "The American Delusion: Distracted, Diverted and Insulated from the Grim Reality of the Police State" (2014-09-03) [Rutherford.org link] [archive.today]

* "Resistance is Futile: The Violent Cost of Challenging the American Police State"[Rutherford.org link] [archive.today]
"Aboriginal Press News Service Public Radio (APNSPR)":
* "Election 2014: Eurosettler Desperation At The Ballot Box" (2014-11-09) [Radio4all.net/index.php/program/77940]. TheAngryindian presents an Afro-Indigenist analysis of the US mid-term elections and attempts to deconstruct the obviously racialist aspects of the reactionary handful of settlers who actually voted and the open-book corruption that allowed more than 40,000 minority citizens to be cheated out of their Constitutional right to vote at all.
NU Power Radio Network, with host Queen Tahiyrah
with the "United African Coalition (UAC)" for Justice and Human Rights

"Black Heros" by Alia Sharrief, feat. Aminah Bell [soundcloud.com/AliaSharrief/BlackHeros]
As the so-called "Queen of Hiphop" Iggy Azalea's song "Black Widow" tops the charts, these two Muslimahs in Hiphop drop an appropriate response in the form of this fresh new "Black Heros" Music Video. Alia Sharrief and Aminah Bell are here to reclaim what it truly means to be Queens in Hiphop and remind us of the Roots of Hiphop Culture, that is often hidden from this current generation. This is a remix of "Black Widow" and is the first release from Alia Sharrief's upcoming mix tape. Also look out for her new album "Back On My Deen" coming early 2015. #BOMD
Full list of Black Heros depicted in the video at [Youtube.com link] [archive.org]
Photos at Zulu Nation, Thursday, Nov. 6th @onefam in West Oakland #UZN41:
* @aliasharrief x @realaminahbell debuting BlackHeros, live at #ZuluNationThursdays
* Bro. Sizwe aka #"SpearoftheNation", rockin #ZuluNationThursdays wit the Youth waving the RBG

The Mighty UNIVERSAL ZULU NATION [facebook.com/CalafiaZulu]

The Black Spades were a street gang from the Soundview section of The Bronx, one of many that were active in the South Bronx in the 70s. Others included the Ghetto Brothers, the Savage Skulls and the Savage Nomads. Hip Hop culture evolved out of these gangs. Afrika Bambaataa — a warlord in the Black Spades — formed the Zulu Nation from members of the Spades and other crews.

Comrade Jihad, Minister of the Spiritual Affairs for the Black Riders Liberation Party (BRLP) of Oakland, says "Liberate Our Mind By Any Means Necessary!"
"I've been thinking of the term, 'Bullet proof love" what does it mean and what it should mean. Bullet proof love for someone means that I would walk side by side with my comrades in the physical, as well as the metaphysical realms of life. Bullet proof love means to strive and protect my comrades by word and action, to help my comrade when spiritually deficient or down, to teach and learn spiritual realities of the Revolution, to have an open mind and consider the differences we have to learn from them." - Comrade Jihad Muhammad (Quote from prison letter in San Quentin during Hunger strike 2013)

Fighting Jim Crow from Ferguson to the Bay Area -
Black and Brown Lives Matter!
Friday, November 14, 6:00 - 10:00 PM
Humanist Hall, 390 27th Street, Oakland
Fighting Jim Crow from Ferguson to the Bay Area with knowledge and unity! Entertainment, Speakers, and food. Alex Salazar spent weeks in Ferguson and has set up Cop-watch Workshops. He is an Activist who will share his experience as someone who has been on the inside and outside of Police Work. We have short films, Bay Area Turfers, and good food! Anyone who wants to set up a booth please inbox for details. The event is a fundraiser and a donation of $15 is requested. Those who donate $20 or more online will receive a free dinner.
Speak Out Now! Presents:
Wealthcare vs Healthcare
6:30pm, Saturday, November 15th at Niebyl Proctor Library 6501 Telegraph Ave., Oakland
Our Health is one of the biggest markets for the big healthcare companies, pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies. The system profits off our illnesses, turning healthcare into wealthcare for big business. Join us for a discussion about healthcare under capitalism.
$3 suggested donation

Saturday, November 15 2014 @ 6:30 PM
* 6:30 pm: Candle Light Vigil/Balloon Release in memory of Antonio Guzman Lopez, 8th & San Salvador Streets, San Jose
* 7 pm Community Conversation to Bring Healing
At the St. Paul's Methodist Church, 405 S. 10th Street, San Jose
On February 21, 2014, the San Jose State University Police Department (UPD) killed a community member and father of two children.
If your Family has lost a loved one to murder by the Police, gangs or suicide and would like to share your story ...we welcome you to share. Our Community needs to hear our pain and understand our struggle for Justice!
Sponsored by Justice 4 Josiah
"State v. Reed" documentary
Join the Campaign to End the Death Penalty!
Bay Area showings of the award-winning documentary about Rodney Reed - an innocent man the State of Texas is preparing to “legally” lynch by execution on January 14th, 2015.
[facebook.com/texasinjustice] * [austincedp@) nodeathpenalty.org]
This man was convicted of murdering Stacey Stites, a woman with whom he was having an affair. However there there is abundant evidence that her fiancée Jimmy Fennell, a Texas police officer now incarcerated for raping a woman while in uniform, probably killed her. There are witnesses who, due to ineffective legal representation and prosecutor misconduct, did not testify in court that they had heard the policeman threaten to kill the victim if she continued to see Reed.
Bay Area showings:
Thursday Nov 13• 7:00 pm • African American Theme House
2347 Prospect St, Berkeley
Saturday Nov 15 • 6:00 pm • Long Haul Infoshop
3124 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley
Friday Nov 21• 7:00 pm • Sundiata Bookstore
5329 Fairfax Ave (near Foothill), Oakland
Sunday Nov 23• 7:00 pm • Out of Line Collective
4377 Adeline St (near 45th), Emeryville

Rodney Reed is facing an execution date of January 14, 2015, despite the fact that important DNA testing is happening that could prove his innocence. Rodney has been on Texas death row since 1998. He was convicted of killing Bastrop woman Stacey Stites in 1996. In March of 2006, Judge Reva Towslee-Corbett (daughter of the original trial judge) heard testimony from several witnesses which linked Stacey's fiancée and former police officer Jimmy Fennell to the crime. The defense also showed how some of this eyewitness testimony was hidden from the defense at the time of trial. However, both the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals and the federal 5th Circuit Court ruled to deny relief. Hidden eyewitness evidence is not the only problem in this case. Consider these facts
• The prosecution’s only forensic evidence linking Rodney to the crime was semen taken from Stacey’s body. However, defense attorneys at trial failed to call witnesses to testify to a known sexual relationship between Rodney and Stacey, which accounted for the DNA. In addition, Rodney's defense failed to challenge an expert witness who falsely testified that the semen could not be more than 24 hours old.
• Recently, the original medical examiner has stated that his findings regarding evidence of rape were either wrong or misinterpreted by the prosecution.
• During the initial investigation the main suspect was Fennell, who was Stacey’s fiancée. Fennell failed a polygraph test on the question “Did you strangle Stacey Stites?”
• Police failed to search Stacey and Fennell’s apartment, the last place she was known to be alive. Additionally, police released the truck Stacey was driving the night of the murder to Fennell, who sold the truck a few days later.
• Two beer cans found at the scene of the crime tested positive for the DNA of at least one police officer. This test was not reported to the defense at the time of the trial.
• At the 2006 hearings, Martha Barnett testified to seeing Stacey and Fennell together the morning of the murder. Mary Blackwell testified that during a police academy class she overheard Fennell saying that he would kill his girlfriend if she cheated on him, and that he would strangle her with a belt, which was how Stacey was killed. Both women testified that they had shared their stories with prosecutors at the time of trial.
• Defense attorneys have shown a pattern of violence on the part of Fennell, including his history of stalking and threatening former girlfriends. Fennell is currently serving a prison sentence for the rape of a woman who was in his custody while he was on duty as a police officer in the city of Georgetown, TX.
• Rodney Reed, a black man, was found guilty of murdering a white woman, by an all white jury in Bastrop, denying him the right of a jury of his peers. Learn more at nodeathpenalty.org
The Kurdish Struggle—Revolutionary Beacon
Sunday, November 16, 1:00pm

Today, the Kurds in Northern Syria are in a raging battle to stop ISIS, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, as are those Syrians in revolt against president Bashad Al-Assad. The Kurds have been the standard bearers for revolution in the region for decades as they fought for self-determination in Iraq,Turkey, Iran and Syria. How will these new developments affect their struggle for an independent homeland? What is their relationship now to the Syrian uprising and, most importantly, to revolution in Syria and in Kurdistan? Everyone welcome!
Home cooked brunch served at 12:15p (with vegetarian option) for a $8.00 donation
The meeting is held at New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St., San Francisco (at Ellis, near Civic Center, BART/Muni and on #19, 31,47, & 49 Muni bus lines)
Living Graveyard peace vigil

Oakland Federal Building, 1301 Clay Street
two blocks from 12th Street BART
Ecumenical Peace Institute [www.epicalc.org] [510-990-0374]
Covered with sheets to represent the dead of wars, people lie down on the city sidewalk in front of the Federal Building, This is legal, non-violent witness. People stop, look and think.
Participants lie at least three feet apart and do not block entry to the building.The names of some of the Californians who have died in Iraq or Afghanistan and the names of some of the Iraqi dead will be read. A gong is sounded after each name. People will hand out flyers.
Please bring a white sheet to cover yourself with. A pad to lie on is recommended.
* Iraqi Civilian Deaths: 2,066,389 / U.S. Military Deaths: 4,488 / Coalition: 4,806
* Afghan & Pakistani Civilian Deaths: 2 million + / U.S. Military Deaths in Afghanistan: 2350/ Coalition Deaths in Afghanistan 3478
Come stand with the Pomo Nation and the People of Willits!
Join A.I.M. elders, Pomo Indian People & Earth Defenders for a Demonstration in S.F. Nov. 18 to protest desecration of Ancient Pomo Indian Sites!
Pomo-AIM-Environmentalist Action at Construction Site Sept. 23

Join Native American Tribal members, including direct descendants of the Pomo peoples who once populated the Little Lake Valley (Mendocino Co.) where Caltrans is currently building an oversized freeway bypass, will join environmental groups and AIM elders to protest the desecration of archaeological sites and destruction of wetlands--on
Tuesday, Nov. 18.
The protest will be at the San Francisco office of the Army Corps of Engineers, 1455 Market St. at noon.
If you can help by being a puppeteer, we have a beautiful giant puppet who wants to be there! If you can help us publicize, we still need flyers put up in San Francisco--email us and we'll send you the flyer on email.
The Army Corps, as the permitting agency, has the authority to down-size the project, sparing both wetlands and many archaeological sites. Instead, they have stonewalled Tribal members' attempts to engage in government-to-government consultations.
Scores of protests at the construction site in Willits have included over 50 civil disobedience arrests, but Caltrans continues to violate permits, the law and all good sense.
The Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians’ Resolution for government consultation can be found at [https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/07/14/18758603.php]
Please join us Nov. 18 at noon, and tell your friends.
Info at [http://www.savelittlelakevalley.org] or phone BACH at [510/548-3113]
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