Saturday, June 29, 2013

Santa Cruz outlaws freedom to hold a sign at certain areas in public

Defend those without homes! campaign page [link]
Santa Cruz is attacking houseless people [link]
2013-06-29 "Open Season on Whistleblowers--in NYC and Santa Cruz"
The right-wing City Council "Public Safety" Committee and the Parks & Recreation Commission forwarded to the Santa Cruz City Council a bill that created a new crime:
“Any person who by his or her conduct, or by threatening, or abusive, or profane language annoys, willfully molests or unreasonably interferes with the use of a City park or beach by any other person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.”
The full text of the new law, which goes into effect on July 11th reads:
13.08.090 Disorderly Conduct on Park Property -
(a) Any person who willfully harasses or interferes with a City of Santa Cruz employee in the performance of his or her duties in a City park or beach, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(b) Any person who by his or her conduct, or by threatening or abusive, or profane language annoys,willfully molests or unreasonably interferes with the use of a City park or beach byany other person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

13.08.100 Order to Vacate any Property Maintained by the Parks & Recreation Department -
Any person who receives a citation or is arrested o\n City park or beach property or any property
maintained by the Parks and Recreation department,for a violation of the Santa Cruz Municipal
Code or state law may be directed by the citing/arresting City officer at the time of the citation/
arrest to vacate that park or beach property and not to re-enter said property again for a 24-hour
period from the time of the arrest/citation. Any person who violates such an order from a City
officer shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,

So now objecting to government sweeps of the park against homeless and poor people now becomes a crime that can be punished by up to a year in jail and $1000 fine as well as an immediate 24-hour stay-away order with a similar fine and imprisonment threat. Perfect ammunition for NIMBY's who want to drive homeless-looking young and minority people out of the parks and insulation for abusive P&R officials, security thugs, and SCPD heavies.
Fuller discussion of this law at []
Also read: 2013-06-05 "New York bill would make it a crime to ‘annoy’ police" by William R. Toler []

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