Learn the secrets of being an effective journalist in the service of the People using the Freedom of Information tools listed on this page, and have access to one of the most extensive list of reputable newsites, with updated links, categorized by region.
You can also research the Northbay Movement for a Democratic Society's open archive of articles compiled from a variety of sources, including at it's affiliated websites:
Solano Peace, Justice & Freedom Coalition [link]; San Pablo Bay EPA [link]; Sovereign San Pablo Bay [link]; Northbay Copwatch [link]; Political Prisoners U$A [link]; United States Fascism [link]; World Fascism [link]; 5th World News [link].
Project Censored is the inspiration for the Northbay MDS news archive:
What is Project Censored? [link]
* Project Censored Radio! [projectcensored.org/videos/radio-archive]
* Media Freedom International news site at [mediafreedominternational.org], containing only Validated Independent News Stories (VINS), which are news stories ignored by corporate media that have been vetted and researched by students and professors.
* Censored News aggregator [censorednews.org], compiling RSS-news feeds from some twenty sources trusted for quality news.
* Proyecto Censurado [proyectocensurado.org]
* Daily Censored newswire [dailycensored.com], which has over 50 regular writers posting news stories and opinion
Freedom of Information tools
* Google's News Browser [news.google.com]
* Webpage archivers [Archive.org/web], [Archive.today], [Webcitation.org/archive]
* "Reverse Tinyurl": See what is behind every tiny URL [tcpiputils.com/Reverse-Tinyurl]
* The Ultimate Online Investigation Tool! meta-data browser (IP Address, Domain Name and Provider) (scroll down towards the bottom of the page) [tcpiputils.com]
* Screen Shot [http://screenshot.net], take a screenshot of an entire webpage
* "Tin Eye" reverse image search [TinEye.com]
* "Zamzar", Convert nearly any digital file into another format [Zamzar.com]
* "Online OCR", Convert alphanumeral sections on an image or PDF file into usable text [OnlineOCR.net]
* Convert any webpage and HTML document and convert it to .pdf [PDFmyURL.com] [pdfcrowd.com]
* Look up a cached version of a webpage!
Copy and paste your URL and the following line into an address bar -
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:<your url without "http://">
* Surveillance Self-Defense [ssd.eff.org/tech], a guide describing the basics of DIY techniques to protect your digital research databases.
* "Cyber Shredder": Information contained in erased digital files are still found by security agents. Secure yourself by replacing all data in a file with unintelligible data! [Cylog.org/utilities/CyberShredder.jsp]
* Media Alliance [media-alliance.org/section.php?id=96]
* Be the Media! [bethemedia.org]
* CalAware Guide to Journalism Law in California [calaware.org/downloads/JGuideSummary.pdf]
* How CalAware Can Help You Keep Your Government Open [napavalley.patch.com/groups/politics-and-elections/p/how-calaware-can-help-you-keep-your-government-open]
* Historical documentation at Google.com newspaper archive [news.google.com/newspapers]
* [GovernmentAttic.org]: Government documents released for historical research.
* "The Deep Web for Journalists" by Alan Pearce, download at [media-alliance.org/downloads/Deep%20Web%20for%20Journalists%20by%20Alan%20Pearce.pdf]. How to protect yourself, cover your tracks and survive the practice of journalism. [prismbreak.org] [deepwebguides.com]
* The Hidden Internet: Exploring The Deep Web (video) [link]
* Untangling the Web: A Guide to Internet Research (pdf) [archive.org/download/Untangling_the_Web/Untangling_the_Web.pdf], 643-pages updated 2007, is filled with advice for using search engines, the Internet Archive and other online tools, including a chapter titled “Google Hacking.” “Nothing I am going to describe to you is illegal, nor does it in any way involve accessing unauthorized data,” the authors assert in their book. Instead it “involves using publicly available search engines to access publicly available information that almost certainly was not intended for public distribution.” More information at 2013-05-08 “Use These Secret NSA Google Search Tips to Become Your Own Spy Agency” by Kim Zetter [wired.com/threatlevel/2013/05/nsa-manual-on-hacking-internet].
* "Tutorial: How To Get Around Government Censorship Of YouTube Videos" (2011-05-20) [https://archive.today/uxKfv]
* Public Land Records accessible to researchers [northbayuprising.blogspot.com/2013/07/public-land-records-accessible-to.html]
* FOIA request for information from Federal government archives [link]
* MuckRock, a site that charges fees to process public records for activists and others. [MuckRock.com/about]
* Committee to Protect Journalists [CPJ.org]
Unfortunately, the various Security agencies, whether clandestine, military or civilian, are training people to consider, as hostile, acts of investigative journalism focusing on human-rights and ecological abuse by government or private entities. These Security agencies campaign against "rumor mongering" and "conspiracy theories" by producing mistruth, and even untruth (lies), in defense of whoever they work for.
Journalist protection program
$58 zoombang shoulder/rib combo shirt
$60 Anonymous web surfing [ultimate-anonymity.com]
$30 Anonymous print mailings for whistleblowers [silentsender.com]
$40 “The Professional Paranoid Library CD-R” [proparanoid@comcast.net] [PO 1941 Clackamas, Or 97015]
GNU & Linux Distributions (OS for desktops, laptops, netbooks, and tablets):
Originally posted 2014-06 at the Vineyard of the Saker [VineyardSaker.blogspot.ca] -
** Debian [Debian.org], the Universal Operating System
** Mint [LinuxMint.com], the easiest to use distribution
** Xubuntu [Xubuntu.org] distribution for older hardware
** Knoppix [Knoppix.net], general purpose distro on live-CD
** Puppy [PuppyLinux.org], small size distribution and live-CD
** Tails [Tails.Boum.org], the privacy and security oriented distro
** Ubuntu Studio [UbuntuStudio.org], distribution for artists
** Trisquel [Trisquel.info], the 100% free software distro
* [btguard.com] Subscription service for anonymous internet browsing.
Alternative Browsers
* Ghostzilla, the camouflage Browser [www.ghostzilla.com]
* Web browsers (not internet explorer or netscape) [www.download.com/Browsers]
* Lynx Browser info [www.crl.com/%7Esubir/lynx/release.html]
* Opera Browser [www.promo.net/opera/index.html]
* Netcom Browser [www.netcom.com/software/index.html]
Meta search engines
* Dogpile [www.dogpile.com]
* All4one [www.all4one.com]
* Highway 61 [www.highway61.com]
* Mama [www.mamma.com]
* Metasearch [metasearch.com]
* Starting Point [www.stpt.com]
Search Engine info
Pandia Search Central [pandia.com]
John Battelle’s Searchblog [battellemedia.com]
Philipp Lenssen’s Google Blogoscoped [blog.outer-court.com]
Phil Bradley’s Weblog [philbradley.typepad.com/phil_bradleys_weblog]
Research Buzz [www.researchbuzz.com]
Resource Shelf [www.resourceshelf.com]
Search Day [searchenginewatch.com/searchday]
Search Engine Showdown [www.searchengineshowdown.com]
Search Engine Showdown Reviews [www.searchengineshowdown.com/reviews]
Search Engine Watch [searchenginewatch.com]
Search Engine Land [searchengineland.com]
Web Master World [www.webmasterworld.com]
Web Search Guide [www.websearchguide.ca]
Yahoo Search Blog [www.ysearchblog.com]
Official Google Blog [googleblog.blogspot.com]
Google Operating System [googlesystem.blogspot.com]
Bay Area news
Indy Bay [indybay.org] [indybay.org/syn/generate_rss.php]
Bay Citizen [baycitizen.org]
Bay Keeper [baykeeper.org]
Vallejo Times-Herald [timesheraldonline.com]
Vallejo City Manager reports [ci.vallejo.ca.us/city_hall/departments___divisions/city_manager/bi-_weekly_reports]
Vallejo Arrest Records [sfgate.com/arrestrecords/vallejo]
Solano County Police and Fire Scanner [radioreference.com/apps/audio/?action=wp&feedId=820]
Vallejo Independent Bulletin [ibvallejo.com]
Vallejo Community Examiner [examiner.com/topic/vallejo-community] [examiner.com/community-in-san-francisco/patricia-kutza]
Vallejo Downtown [downtownvallejo.com]
Vallejo Lamplighter [vallejolamplighter.org]
Sweet Home Vallejo [sweethomevallejo.com]
Vallejo City Government archives [ci.vallejo.ca.us/GovSite/default.asp?serviceID1=253]
North Bay Amateur Radio Association [nbara.org/blog]
Solano College Tempest [solanotempest.net]
Benicia Herald [beniciaherald.me]
Benicia Patch [benicia.patch.com]
Weekender Magazine [weekendermagazine.com/events]
Solano Fit magazine [sofitmagazine.com]
Fairfield Daily Republic [dailyrepublic.com]
Tailwind AFB Travis [tailwind.dailyrepublic.net/home.php]
Suisun City Patch [suisuncity.patch.com]
Vacaville Reporter [thereporter.com]
Rio Vista Beacon [riovistabeacon.com]
River News-Herald & Isleton Journal [rivernewsherald.org]
Dixon Patch [dixon.patch.com]
California Aggie of UC Davis [theaggie.org]
North Bay Bohemian [bohemian.com]
North Bay Business Journal [northbaybusinessjournal.com]
North Bay Biz [northbaybiz.com]
Napa Valley Register [napavalleyregister.com]
American Canyon Eagle [americancanyoneagle.com]
St. Helena Star [sthelenastar.com]
Yountville Sun News [yountvilleneighbors.com/news]
Yountville Sun [yountvillesun.com]
Lake Berryessa News [lakeberryessanews.com]
Oak Leaf of Santa Rosa College [theoakleafnews.com]
Police Accountability Clinic and Helpline of Sonoma County [pachline.org]
Sonoma News [sonomanews.com]
Sonoma State Star [sonomastatestar.com]
Sonoma Valley Sun [news.sonomaportal.com]
Sonoma Patch [sonoma.patch.com]
Sonoma County Gazette [sonomacountygazette.com]
Sonoma County Watch [watchsonomacounty.com]
Sonoma Press-Democrat [pressdemocrat.com]
Sonoma West, Times & News [www.sonomawest.com]
Sonoma News Today [sonomanewstoday.blogspot.com]
Sonoma County Free Press [sonomacountyfreepress.com/index.html]
Community Voice - Rohnert Park, Cotati & Penngrove [thecommunityvoice.com]
Rohnert Park Patch [rohnertpark.patch.com]
Petaluma Patch [Petaluma.patch.com]
“We the People” LGBT news for Sonoma County [GaySonoma.com]
Novato Patch [novato.patch.com]
Marin Scope [marinscope.com/news]
Marin Independent Journal [marinij.com]
West Marin Citizen [westmarincitizen.com]
Pacific Sun of Marin [pacificsun.com]
Conscious Community Bulletin Board [waccobb.net]
Contra Costa Times [contracostatimes.com]
Martinez News-Gazette [martinezgazette.com]
Pleasant Hill Patch [pleasanthill.patch.com]
Hercules Patch [hercules.patch.com]
Martinez News-Gazette [MartinezGazette.com]
East County Today [facebook.com/EastCountyToday] [EastCountyToday.net]
Claycord [claycord.com]
My Concordian [myconcordian.com]
Concord Patch [concord-ca.patch.com]
Halfway to Concord [halfwaytoconcord.com]
La Voz de Richmond community newspaper [lavozderichmond.com]
Richmond Progressive Alliance [richmondprogressivealliance.net]
Richmond Pulse [richmondpulse.org]
Palo Alto Online [paloaltoonline.com]
Palo Alto Daily News (San Jose Mercury News) [mercurynews.com/peninsula]
Berkeley Daily Planet [berkeleydailyplanet.com]
Berkeley Calling [berkeleycalling.wordpress.com]
East Bay Express [eastbayexpress.com]
Berkeley Side [berkeleyside.com]
Oakland North [oaklandnorth.net]
Occupy Oakland Media [hellaoccupyoakland.org]
Oakland Xings w. Kenneth Epstein [blog.oaklandxings.com]
Onyx Express [onyxexpress.org]
Decolonize Oakland [decolonizeoakland.org]
Berkeley Political Review [bpr.berkeley.edu]
Berkeley Side [berkeleyside.com]
Alameda Labor Council [alamedalabor.org]
East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy [workingeastbay.org]
Stop the Injunctions in Oakland [stoptheinjunction.wordpress.com]
Alameda Sun [alamedasun.com]
Livermore Independent [independentnews.com]
Beyond Chron [beyondchron.org/news]
San Francisco Guardian [sfbg.com/index.php]
San Francisco Chronicle [sfgate.com/chronicle]
San Francisco Public Press [sfpublicpress.org]
San Francisco Examiner [sfexaminer.com]
San Francisco Bay View [sfbayview.com]
BAYAN USA - NorCal [bayanusanorcal.wordpress.com]
San Francisco Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines [sanfranchrp.com]
Examiner (San Francisco) [examiner.com/san-francisco]
SEIU 1021 [seiu1021.org]
Foghorn (San Francisco State University) [foghorn.usfca.edu]
Mission Loc@l (San Francisco) [missionlocal.org]
San Francisco Labor Council [sflaborcouncil.org]
Burbank ACTION (Against Cell Towers In Our Neighborhood) [sites.google.com/site/nocelltowerinourneighborhood]
Save MUNI: Working to Reverse MUNI's Death Spiral [www3.savemuni.com]
Fog City Journal [fogcityjournal.com/wordpress]
SFist Daily [sfist.com]
San Francisco FYI net [sanfranciscofyi.blogspot.com]
San Francisco Tenants Union [sftu.org]
Bay Area Reporter [ebar.com]
San Francisco Bay Times [sfbaytimes.com]
SF Streets Blog [sf.streetsblog.org]
Richmond Review and Sunset Beacon (San Francisco) [sfrichmondreview.com]
Northside SF [northsidesf.com]
Marina Times (north San Francisco) [marinatimes.com]
Pioneer news (California State University, East Bay) [thepioneeronline.com]
San Jose Mercury [mercurynews.com]
Silicon Valley De-Bug [siliconvalleydebug.org]
Bay Crossings [baycrossings.com]
Greenbelt Alliance [greenbelt.org]
Bay Localize [baylocalize.org/news/inthenews]
Bay Area Community Exchange [sfbace.org]
San Francisco Herald events listings [cal-list.com]
CBS TV [sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com]
NBC KRON-4 [nbcbayarea.com]
KTVU-2 [ktvu.com]
Western Outdoor News [wonews.com]
Environmental Protection Information Center [wildcalifornia.org]
Share Guide: Holistic Health magazine & resource directory [shareguide.com/issue.html]
Common Ground [commongroundmag.com]
Open Exchange: Healthy Living & Education Alternatives [openexchange.org]
Sharable [shareable.net]
Santa Cruz news
Santa Cruz Sentinel [santacruzsentinel.com]
Tea Party Patriots of Monterey County [montereycoteaparty.blogspot.com]
SantaCruz.com [news.santacruz.com]
Resource Center for Nonviolence [rcnv.org]
Good Times of Santa Cruz [goodtimessantacruz.com]
Surf City Revolt [surfcityrevolt.blogspot.com]
The Post & The Great Exchange [thepost.us.com]
Santa Cruz Connection [connectionmagazineonline.com]
Sacramento, Davis and Central Valley news
Sacramento News & Review [newsreview.com/sacramento/home]
Sacramento Progressive Alliance [sacramentopa.blogspot.com]
SubMerge [submergemag.com]
MidTown Monthly [midtownmonthly.net]
Outward Magazine [outwordmagazine.com]
Sacramento Bee (McClatchy Company) [sacbee.com]
Vida en el Valle (McClatchy Company) [vidaenelvalle.com/front/english]
Modesto Bee (McClatchy Company) [modbee.com]
Modesto Anarcho [modestoanarcho.org]
Voice of Modesto [voiceofmodesto.org]
Chico News & Review [newsreview.com/chico/home]
Fresno Community Alliance [fresnoalliance.com]
Fresno People's Media [fresnopeoplesmedia.com]
Stanislaus Connections: Working for Peace, Justice & Sustainable Living [stanislausconnections.org]
People's Vanguard of Davis [davisvanguard.org]
Reno News & Review [newsreview.com/reno/home]
Sacramento Peace and Freedom Examiner [examiner.com/peace-and-freedom-party-in-sacramento/amrik-singh]
Choosing Democracy (with an emphasis on public schooling) [choosingdemocracy.blogspot.com]
Norcal & Redwood Curtain news
Northern California River Watch [ncriverwatch.org/wordpress]
Humboldt Activist [http://humboldtactivist.wordpress.com/]
Two Rivers Tribune [tworiverstribune.com]
Arcata Eye [arcataeye.com]
Humboldt Sentinel [humboldtsentinel.com]
Eco-News [yournec.org]
Orland Press-Register [orland-press-register.com]
Appeal-Democrat [appeal-democrat.com]
Willows Journal [willows-journal.com]
After Five Magazine [after5online.com]
Northcoast Journal [northcoastjournal.com]
Without a Roof [woaroof.tumblr.com]
Humboldt Edge newspaper [HumboldtEdge.wordpress.com]
Anderson Valley Advertiser [theava.com]
Anderson Valley Post [andersonvalleypost.com]
People Project [peopleproject.wordpress.com]
Placer Sentinel [placersentinel.com]
Mendocino Country [mendocinocountry.com]
Mendocino Environmental Center [mecgrassroots.org]
Humboldt Grassroots [humboldtgrassroots.com/hg/?page_id=2]
Redwood Curtain Copwatch [redwoodcurtaincopwatch.net]
Steelhead Special [steelheadspecial.com]
Salem News [alem-news.com]
Pacific Free Press [pacificfreepress.com]
High Boldtage (Humboldt Politics and Music) [highboldtage.wordpress.com]
Voice of Ione [voiceinione.com]
Socal/Aztlan and the wastelands news
LA Activist, journal of Los Angeles activism [laactivist.com]
LA Weekly [laweekly.com]
Our Weekly [ourweekly.com]
LA Times blogs [latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow]
LA Rag blog [theragblog.blogspot.com]
LA Watts Times [lawattstimes.com]
LA Beez, hyperlocal news [labeez.org]
Los Angeles Sentinel [lasentinel.net]
Los Angeles Waves [wavenewspapers.com]
La Prensa de San Diego [laprensa-sandiego.org/category/breaking-news]
VozMob [vozmob.net]
Joaquin Cienfuegos, advocate for community sovereignty [joaquincienfuegos.blogspot.com]
Arizona Prison Watch [arizonaprisonwatch.blogspot.com]
California Republic news
* California Beat [californiabeat.org]
* Transparent California [transparentcalifornia.com/] California public employee salaries and pensions
* Occupy California [occupyca.wordpress.com]
* Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment [calorganize.org]
* Legalization Nation: Reporting on California Cannabis Culture [eastbayexpress.com/blogs/LegalizationNation]
* Solar Times [solartimes.org]
* California Rail News [calrailnews.com/calrailnews.html]
* Remaking the University [utotherescue.blogspot.com]
* Youth 4 Justice [youth4justice.org]
Labor news
* Labor Notes [labornotes.org]
* Labor Press [laborpress.org]
* Talking Union (Project of the DSA Labor Network) [talkingunion.wordpress.com]
* United Public Workers for Action (UPWA) [upwa.info]
* San Mateo Labor Council [sanmateolaborcouncil.org]
* Longshore Workers' Coalition LWC [lwcjustice.org]
* Teamsters for a Democratic Union [tdu.org]
* USW Local 7-669 [usw7-669.com]
* Transport Workers Solidarity Committee [transportworkers.org]
In Other News...* Killed by Police [http://killedbypolice.net/], a database of extrajudicial murder and officer involved fatalities, updated constantly.
* A-Infos newswire [www.ainfos.ca]
* Worker's Independent News [laborradio.org]
* Media Alliance [media-alliance.org]
* Occupy Wall Street [occupywallst.org]
* Waging Non-Violence [wagingnonviolence.org] People-Powered News & Analysis
* Occupied: Reports From the Front Lines [occupytogether.org/blog]
* Energy News [energy-net.org/blog]
* Science Magazine [sciencemag.org]
* Radiation Bulletin [energy-net.org/blog/category/radbull/rb-cal]
* Cops Shooting People [copsshootingpeople.wordpress.com]
* Committee Against Political Repression [nopoliticalrepression.wordpress.com]
* Center for Public Integrity [publicintegrity.org]
* Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) [cepr.net]
* The Americas Blog [cepr.net/index.php/blogs/the-americas-blog]
* Beat the Press [cepr.net/index.php/beat-the-press]
* Haiti Relief and Reconstruction Watch [cepr.net/index.php/blogs/relief-and-reconstruction-watch]
* Corporate Director Watch [cepr.net/index.php/blogs/director-watch]
* Right-Wing Watch [rightwingwatch.org]
* New American (John Birch Society) [thenewamerican.com]
* Western Rifle Shooters Association [westernrifleshooters.blogspot.com]
* Fugitive Watch, California [fugitive.com]
* Ballot Access News [ballot-access.org]
* Guerrilla News [guerrillanews.wordpress.com]
* Inter-Coincidental Cry (Indigenous Peoples' News) [intercontinentalcry.org]
* Weekly News Update on the Americas [weeklynewsupdate.blogspot.com/]
* Frontlines of Revolutionary Struggle (inter-continental news) [revolutionaryfrontlines.wordpress.com/]
* The AssoCIAted Press [hosted.ap.org/specials/bluepage.html]
* It's Getting Hot In Here (Dispatches from the Youth Climate Movement) [itsgettinghotinhere.org]
* black autonomy network community organization [bhbanco.blogspot.com]
* Antifascist Calling (Exploring the shadowlands of the corporate police state) [antifascist-calling.blogspot.com]
* POC Organize (Your Decolonial Anti-Patriarchal news resource) [peopleofcolororganize.com]
* Secrecy News (FAS Project on Government Secrecy) [fas.org/blog/secrecy]
* People's Tribune newspaper [peoplestribune.org]
* People’s Weekly World [PeoplesWorld.org]
* POOR Magazine [poormagazine.org]
* Earth First news [earthfirstnews.wordpress.com]
* InfoShop News [news.infoshop.org] [Infoshop.org]
* Photography is not a Crime [photographyisnotacrime.com]
* Pan African Newswire [panafricannews.blogspot.com]
* SubMedia [SubMedia.tv/Stimulator]
* Signalfire [SignalFire.org]
* Narco News [NarcoNews.com]
* Global Research [globalresearch.ca]
* Raw Story [RawStory.com]
* WW4 Report [WW4Report.com]
* Street Spirit newspaper [TheStreetSpirit.org], Justice News, Homeless Blues, National and local news from Berkeley and Oakland California
* Ultra Violet newsletter from LAGAI [LAGAI.org/Ultraviolet.htm]
* War Times newspaper of San Francisco [War-Times.org]
* Drug War Chronicle [stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle]
* Global Ganja Report [globalganjareport.com]
* World Fascism Watch [worldfascism.blogspot.com]
* Zine Library info aggregator [zinelibrary.info/aggregator]
* West Coast Native News [westcoastnativenews.com]
* Indigenous Environmental Network [www.ienearth.org]
* Newspaper Rock (Where Native America meets pop culture) [newspaperrock.bluecorncomics.com]
* Farm Wars (Fighting to Save the Family Farm!) [farmwars.info]
* Freedom From Religion Foundation [ffrf.org]
* Animal Liberation Frontline (Covering Animal Liberation Above the Law) [voiceofthevoiceless.org]
* Prison Watch Network [internationalprisonwatch.blogspot.com]
* Toke of the Town (cannabis news, views, rumor, and humor) [tokeofthetown.com]
* Black Commentator [blackcommentator.com]
* Color Lines [colorlines.com]
* Workers Independent News [laborradio.org]
* Intrepid Report [intrepidreport.com]
* It's Our Economy [itsoureconomy.us], People and the Planet before Profits
* Union Edge (Labor Talk Radio) [wfrnlive.com]
* Right Side News [RightsideNews.com]
* Social Rupture [ArtCultureWork.tumblr.com]
* Socialist Action [SocialistAction.org]
* One Penny Sheet (USA News) [onepennysheet.com]
* Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism [CC-DS.org]
* Veterans Today [VeteransToday.com]
* The Militant [TheMilitant.com/index.shtml]
* Malcom X Grassroots Movement [MXGM.org]
* The Real News Network [TheRealNews.com/t2]
* Kasama Project [kasamaproject.org]
* US Labor Against the War (USLAW) [uslaboragainstwar.org]
* subMedia.tv (Anarchist News & Resistance Updates) [submedia.tv/stimulator]
* Committee to Stop FBI Repression [stopfbi.net]
* Dissident Voice [dissidentvoice.org]
* Fight Back! News [fightbacknews.org]
* Upside Down World [upsidedownworld.org]
* World War 4 Report [ww4report.com]
* Narco News Sphere [narcosphere.narconews.com]
* Narco News [narconews.com]
* World Tribune [worldtribune.com/worldtribune]
* Military Advantage [military.com]
* Break For News [breakfornews.com]
* American Patrol Report [americanpatrol.com/index.html]
* Censored News (Indigenous of the Americas) [bsnorrell.blogspot.com]
* The Indypendent (New York City) [indypendent.org]
* Mapuche News (Spanish) [mapuexpress.net]
* Tikun Olam [richardsilverstein.com] for Israeli democracy, agaisst the national security state
* Reclaim Democracy! (restoring democratic authority over corporations) [reclaimdemocracy.org]
* Inter-Continental Cry [intercontinentalcry.org]
* Latin American Solidarity Network [latinlasnet.org]
* Latino Rebels [latinorebels.com]
* Weekly News Update on the Americas [weeklynewsupdate.blogspot.com]
* The Brussells Tribunal [BrussellsTribunal.org]
* First Amendment Coalition [firstamendmentcoalition.org]
* Speak Out Now! broadsides [speakout-now.org/category/broadsides]
* Green is the New Red [greenisthenewred.com]
* Slingshot Newspaper [slingshot.tao.ca]
* Grassroots Economic Organizing [geonewsletter.org]
* Linchpin, the site of Common Cause [linchpin.ca]
* Uhuru! [uhurunews.com] [blackisbackcoalition.org] [inpdum.org] [voxunion.com] [asiuhuru.org/index.shtml] [omaliyeshitela.org]
* Advance the Struggle [advancethestruggle.wordpress.com]
* La Voz de los Trabajadores [lavozlit.com]
* People's World [peoplesworld.org/labor/tag/California]
* Monthly Review [monthlyreview.org]
* Seventh Native American Generation [snagmagazine.com]
* Blacklisted News [blacklistednews.com]
* Horace Campbell (Pan-African news and commentary) [horacecampbell.net]
* TransAfrica (Justice for the African world) [transafrica.org]
* The Constantine Report (Anti-Fascist Newsletter & Encyclopedia) [constantinereport.com]
* Stop NATO (Opposition to global militarism) [rickrozoff.wordpress.com]
* Think Progress newswire [thinkprogress.org]
* The Achacachi Post online journal (of the Plurinational State of Bolivia) [achacachi.blogspot.com]
* International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) [wsws.org]
* International Liason Committee of Workers and People [international-liaison-committee-of-workers-and-peoples-eit-ilc.blogspirit.com]
* Marin Interfaith Task Force on the Americas [mitfamericas.org/Newsletter.htm]
* The Guardian worker's weekly (of Australia) [cpa.org.au/guardian/index.html]
* Socialist Worker (of the United Kingdom) [socialistworker.co.uk]
* Red Rave (revolutionary workers liaison committee in Aotearoa / New Zealand) [redrave.blogspot.com]
* Black Star News [blackstarnews.com]
* Green Party Black Caucus Journal [gpblackcaucus.blogspot.com]
* Bulatlat (news of the global Filipino movement for Human Rights) [bulatlat.com]
* Independent Progressive Politics Network [ippn.org]
* The Bell: The Interpreters' Blog [interpretermag.com], a Special Project of the Institute of Modern Russia
* The American Conservative [www.theamericanconservative.com]
* Unz Review [http://www.unz.com]
* Omega News [omega.twoday.net]
* Bürgerwelle [buergerwelle.de/cms/content/view/57/70] "Committed to inform about the health problems caused by electromagnetic radiation"
* Anarkismo [anarkismo.net]
* Independent Media Center [indymedia.org/en/index.shtml]
* Political Affairs [politicalaffairs.net]
* Expose Facts [https://exposefacts.org]
* Rainforest Action Network [understory.ran.org]
* Palestine News Network [english.pnn.ps/index.php]
* International Socialist Organizer [socialistworker.org]
* Progressive Labor Party [pslweb.org/liberationnews]
* International Marxist Tendency [Marxist.com]
* World Socialist Web Site [wsws.org]
* Pan-African News Wire [panafricannews.blogspot.com]
* The Final Call (Nation of Islam) [finalcall.com]
* FARS News Agency [english.farsnews.com]
* Press TV [http://www.presstv.ir]
* China Daily (USA Edition) [chinadaily.com.cn]
* China People's Daily (English edition) [english.people.com.cn/index.html]
* World Travel Watch [worldtravelwatch.com]
* Searchlight (fighting fascism and racism internationally) [searchlightmagazine.com]
* World People's Resistance Movement (Britain) [wprmbritain.org]
* Socialist Unity (Debate & analysis for activists & trade unionists) [socialistunity.com]
* Philippine Revolution Web Central [philippinerevolution.net]
* DPRK Central News Agency [kcna.co.jp/index-e.htm]
* DPRK official news journal [rodong.rep.kp/InterEn/index.php]
* Anglo-Peoples Korea/Songun [juche007-anglo-peopleskoreafriendship.blogspot.com]
* Mehr News Agency [old.mehrnews.com/en]
* Media Research Center [mrc.org] "Documenting, Exposing and Neutralizing Liberal Media Bias"
* Marine Corps Times [marinecorpstimes.com]
* Voices from Russia [02varvara.wordpress.com]
* News 24/7 [http://newstwenty4seven.com]
* Citizen Review Online [citizenreviewonline.org/current_news.html]
* Center for Public Integrity [PublicIntegrity.org]
* Republic Report [RepublicReport.org]
* Socialist Project [Socialistproject.ca]
* Workers Power [workerspower.net]
* World Press [WorldPress.org]
* Trinicenter [trinicenter.com]
* Middle East Newsline [menewsline.com]
* Palestine Information Center [palestine-info.co.uk/en]
* The People's Voice [thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3]
* 4 Struggle magazine [4strugglemag.org]
* Kazkaz Center newswire (Global Islamic Shari'a) [kavkazcenter.com/eng]
* Al Jazeerah news journal [aljazeerah.info]. NOTE: this is not the same as Al Jazeerah TV News.
* Venezuela Headline [vheadline.com/main.asp]
* North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) [nacla.org/blog] [nacla.org]
* Russia: Behind the Headlines [rbth.co.uk]
* Syria Solidarity Movement [syriasolidaritymovement.org]
* In Praise of China [inpraiseofchina.com]
* International Middle East Media Center [www.imemc.org]
* Top Level Telecommunications [electrospaces.blogspot.com], information about the USA information collection agencies, incl. the NSA
* Honduras Resists [http://hondurasresists.blogspot.de]
* Honduras Solidarity Network (HSN) [https://www.hondurassolidarity.org]
* [http://www.hondurasweekly.com]
* [conwebwatch.tripod.com/blog]
* [popularresistance.org]
* [internationalviewpoint.org]
* [socialistaction.org]
* [csmonitor.com/world/index.html]
* Security Affairs [securityaffairs.co]
* [plenglish.com]
* [zmag.org/weluser.htm]
* [practicalanarchy.org]
* [guerrillanews.com]
* [workingforchange.com]
* [lovearth.net]
* [fsrn.org]
* [originalpeople.org]
* [IndigenousAction.org]
* [OnkwehonweRising.wordpress.com]
* War Is A Crime [warisacrime.org], a collection of articles authored by over 30 dedicated researchers.
* David Swanson [davidswanson.org], a respected anti-War advocate in the USA.
* [straightgoods.com/index.php]
* [propagandamatrix.com/index.html]
* [democracynow.org]
* [viewzone.com/VIEW.ZONE.html]
* [batr.net/neoconwatch]
* [antiwar.com]
* [OilPrice.com]
* [brownwatch.squarespace.com]
* [corpwatch.org/index.php]
* [rawstory.com]
* [internationalviewpoint.org]
* [sploid.com]
* [thetruthseeker.co.uk]
* Russia Today [RT.com]
* Sputnik News Agency [SputnikNews.com]
* TASS [http://itar-tass.com]
* [TeleSurTV.net]
* [onepeoplesproject.com]
* [digthatcrazyfarout.com/gpd]
* [beyondchron.org/news]
* [nicanet.org]
* [aftermathnews.wordpress.com]
* [counterpunch.org]
* [covertaction.org/contact_us.htm]
* [colombiajournal.org/index.htm]
* [arabicnews.com]
* [Al-monitor.com]
* Dontrey Khmer video news [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQLZwqsc2bzjfuek7bpG0Ew]
* Khmer News / Cambodia News Today (Radio Free Asia) video news [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzo1f70rr3Mv-upsXS_9LYQ]
* PRORLOENG KHMER video news [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-F_A9YZVpsW5mnl-CRfmOQ]
* [FrontierWeekly.com]
* [http://www.ezilidanto.com/zili]
* [http://enews.fergananews.com]
* [english.cpc.people.com.cn]
* [fromoccupiedpalestine.org]
* [americanfreepress.net]
* [sianews.com/index.php]
* [cuttingedge.org]
* [empireslayer.org]
* [21stcenturywire.com]
* [chiapas.mediosindependientes.org/index.php?centro=radio]
* [freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/browse]
* [stopthedrugwar.org]
* [rinf.com]
* [professorsblogg.com]
* [amap.no/acia]
* [thelancet.com]
* [populist.com]
* [tumis.com/index.php]
* [bellaciao.org/en]
* [uruknet.info]
* [bilaterals.org]
* [anti-imperialism.com]
* New Compass Press [New-Compass.net], international Anarchist news
* Leading Light Communist Organization (Maoist) [http://llco.org/] [http://new-power.org/] [https://www.facebook.com/DawnOfTheRed]
* [SpaceMediaNetwork.com], publisher of technology, science, business and political news services: [InternDaily.com][Astronautix.com] [EnergyDaily.com] [BiofuelDaily.com] [GPSDaily.com] [IndoDaily.com] [InternDaily.com] [MarsDaily.com] [MoonDaily.com] [NanoDaily.com] [NuclearPowerDaily.com] [RadarDaily.com] [RoboDaily.com] [OilGasDaily.com] [RussoDaily.com] [SaturnDaily.com] [SeedDaily.com] [SinoDaily.com] [SkyNightly.com] [SolarDaily.com] [SpaceDaily.com] [SpaceMart.com] [Space-Travel.com] [SpaceWar.com] [TerraDaily.com] [WindDaily.com], (their original newswire, now defunct) [SPXDaily.com], with special article collections like "The Long War - Doctrine and Application" [spacewar.com/TerrorWars.html]
* InSerbia Nework [inserbia.info]
* New Eastern Europe [neweasterneurope.eu]
* StratRisks sampling archived 2014-10-20 [archive.today/uqRnl]
* Balkan Insight [BalkanInsight.com]
* Black Listed News [BlackListedNews.com]
* [http://leaksource.info]
* [http://www.empireslayer.org]
* [https://firstlook.org/theintercept/documents]
* The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus [JapanFocus.org]
* The 4th Media [4thMedia.org]
* Strategic Culture Foundation [Strategic-Culture.org]
* Oriental Review [OrientalReview.org]
* Washington's Blog [WashingtonsBlog.com]
* [http://sjlendman.blogspot.com/]
* Vineyard of the Saker [VineyardSaker.blogspot.com]
* Novorossiya Today [Novorossiya.today]
* Donbass: South Front [SouthFront.eu]
* Voice of Sevastopol [en.voicesevas.ru]
* Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity [UkraineAntiFascistSolidarity.wordpress.com]
* Institute for Policy Studies [ips-dc.org]
* Foreign Policy in Focus [fpif.org]
* [http://en.crisisua.net/]
* The 4th Media [4thMedia.org]
* Strategic Culture Foundation [Strategic-Culture.org]
* Oriental Review [OrientalReview.org]
* Washington's Blog [WashingtonsBlog.com]
* [http://sjlendman.blogspot.com/]
* Vineyard of the Saker [VineyardSaker.blogspot.com]
* Novorossiya Today [Novorossiya.today]
* Donbass: South Front [SouthFront.eu]
* Voice of Sevastopol [en.voicesevas.ru]
* Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity [UkraineAntiFascistSolidarity.wordpress.com]
* Institute for Policy Studies [ips-dc.org]
* Foreign Policy in Focus [fpif.org]
* [http://en.crisisua.net/]
Bay Area Spanish newspapers:
* El Superior [elsuperior.com]
* El Reportero de San Francisco [elreporterosf.com/]
* El Mensajero [elmensajero.com]
* La Voz: Northern California's Foremost Bilingual Newspaper [lavoz.us.com]
Northbay Filipino newspapers:
All of the following newspapers are available at Seafood City and Pacific Islander Market in Vallejo -
* [philippinenews.com]

* [filampost.com]

* [manilamailnews.com]

* [filamstar.net]

* [philippinestodayus.com]

* [sf-post.com]

* [pinasglobal.com]

* [asianjournal.com]

* [thepinoyweekly.com]
* [pinoyweekly.org]
Radio & Television
International television news channels
[indyradio.nu] [facebook.com/IndyRadio], playlists from Indyradio at [rd0.org]
Community Media Center of the Northbay
[1075 Mendocino ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401]
[www.communityradio.org] [postmaster@communitymedia.org]
KWTF Radio

Advancing Local and Global news, art and culture:
Starting a community radio station takes a community. We want to be a space for new voices to be heard, and we need your help.
We're putting out programs you can't hear anywhere else. We are proud to offer progressive news and public affairs programming covering local, national, and international news; technology and pop-culture talk-shows; audio dramas and music from every genre imaginable. Shows include:

Free Radio Santa Cruz
Pirate 101.3 FM, Santa Cruz
[http://tunein.com/radio/FRSC-s47254/] [831-427-3772] [www.freakradio.org]
* HUFF with Robert Norse [831-423-4833] who hosts in-studio guests, on-the-street interviews with the houseless, and listener call ins. Thursdays from 6-8 p.m. and Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
* Bathrobespierre's Broadsides
Magic Box Show
We are a comedy variety show with politics, art and science talk from Santa Cruz, California
94.1 FM Berkeley
Berkeley Liberation Radio
104.1 FM in Berkeley
[510-495-1666] [berkeleyliberationradio.net]
Listen online at [http://radio.indybay.org:8000/blr.mp3.m3u]
* Radical Perspectives withGerald Sanders, Saturdays 10 am - 12 noon.
SFLR - San Francisco Liberation Radio
Online radio, San Francisco
Mutiny Radio
Culture Center and Online radio, San Francisco
[pcrcollective.org] [415-550-0511] [info@mutinyradio.org]
Radio Valencia
89.7 FM, San Francisco
[415-875-9051] [radiovalencia.fm]
FCC Free Radio
Online radio, San Francisco
Santa Cruz [831-459-4036] [kzsc.org]
90.1 FM, People Powered Radio in Chico, CA
[kzfr.org/programs] STUDIO [530-895-0131]
Shows include:
* Cultural Roots of Aztlan, Fridays10:00pm–12:00am [kzfr.org/programs/aztlan]: Your host Smiley provides spiritual enlightenment for youth with a combination of Chicano hip-hop and culture. Stop the violence that is killing our youth by providing them with meaningful alternatives that will inspire positive change.
KZYX - Mendocino County Public Broadcasting
90.7 FM / 91.5 FM / 88.1 FM

UC Los Angeles
89.7FM Los Altos Hills
[707-584-2000] [krcb.org]
105.1 FM, Ukiah, Mendocino Environmental Center
[707-468-9800] [kmecradio.org]
[415-648-7327] [savekusf.org/]
KALX Radio 90.7 FM, Berkeley
[510-642-5259] [kalx.berkeley.edu]
International Pirate Radio
International News Net (INN) World Report
KPFZ 88.1 FM Radio, Lake County Community Radio, in Lakeport, CA
Guerilla Radio, Thursdays, 10am, repeated 11pm
Conrad Justice Kiczenski. Conrad is 19 years old (2011), lives in Lucerne, California, is an organic gardener, and is the host and producer of Guerrilla Radio on KPFZ 88.1 FM in Lake County.
[VisionRadioFree.net/?q=node/182] [KPFZ.org/programs/talk-politics/conrad-kiczenskigurilla-radio] [www.ustream.tv/user/RadicalJusticeMan]
THE SOAPBOX People's Network

No Lies Radio [noliesradio.org]

Speaking Truth to Expose the Forces of Greed

Prison Radio [prisonradio.org] [info@prisonradio.org] [415-648-4505]
Prison Radio's mission is to challenge unjust police and prosecutorial practices which result in mass incarceration, racism, and gender discrimination. We do this by bringing the voices of men, women, and kids into the public debate and dialogue on crime and punishment.
Free Thought Radio and Media [www.facebook.com/freethoughtradio/info] [freethoughtradiopress@gmail.com]
George Jackson University Radio, every Wednesday at 5pm PST.
All Power To The People who Don't fear Freedom!
[www.blogtalkradio.com/GeorgeJacksonRadio] [www.GeorgeJacksonUniversity.com]

Freedom Now
Broadcast Saturdays 2:00 - 3:00 PM, in Los Angeles at 90.7fm KPFK, and online at [kpfk.org/index.php/programs/100-freedom-now].
Host: Dedon Kamathi [dedonkamathipa@gmail.com] [323-294-3647]
Contact Dedon for access to guest & information about themes & Organizations.

Political Prisoner Radio
[politicalprisonerradio.blogspot.com] [facebook.com/politicalprisonerradio]
Listen by phone: [218-862-7200 ext. 62999] Free All Political Prisoners!

[blacktalkradionetwork.com/events/political-prisoner-radio-w-bro-dhoruba-al-mujahid-bin-wahad-8-00p]: Dhoruba al-Mujahid bin Wahad, formerly known as Richard Moore is a writer and activist, a former political prisoner, a former leader within the Black Panther Party for Self Defense and a co-founder of the Black Liberation Army. He was convicted of robbing a South Bronx social club to fund revolutionary activity. The club was known to be engaged in drug dealing and paying bribes to NYPD officers. An attempted murder charge would later be filed against him in an incident where two cops were fired upon and injured while guarding the home of Frank S. Hogan, a Manhattan district attorney. His first trial end in a hung jury, the second a mistrial and he was convicted after his third trial. While being held as political prisoner, he learned about the Church Committee which investigated the FBI and its illegal COINTELPRO program to target and discredited Black civil rights groups and Black Nationalist groups like the Black Panthers. Bro. Dhroba would sue the FBI and NYPD and as direct result of his lawsuit, the FBI released over 300,000 pages of documents related to COINTELPRO. These documents would become the basis of his appeal which he won. The FBI and NYPD settled out of court in his civil suit for damages. He would later start the Campaign to Free Black and New African Political Prisoners.
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville

Cannabis Nation Radio with Mike Boutin and Julie Rose
Listen Live on Fridays at 5pm pst

The Propaganda Hour, every Saturday at Noon on 540 AM). Listen online at [www.krxa540.com]
Hosted by Savva Vassiliev, Chair of Progressive Libertarian Coalition [facebook.com/pages/Progressive-Libertarian-Coalition/291273500180#!/pages/Progressive-Libertarian-Coalition/291273500180]. More info at [northbayuprising.blogspot.com/2011/02/new-radically-independent-radio-show-in.html]
Photo of Savva Vassiliev speaking to an audience with Ed Clark in the front row at a fundraiser in Carmel, California, 2011.

Citizen Radio progressive political podcast
Co-hosted by Allison Kilkenny, independent journalist who blogs at [allisonkilkenny.com]. Her work has appeared in The American Prospect, the L.A. Times, In These Times, Common Dreams, Truthout and the award-winning grassroots NYC newspaper The Indypendent.
* Canons of Journalism:
Ethical rules adopted by the American Society of Newspaper Editors on April 28, 1923, and since endorsed by many state associations and other groups of journalists.
The primary function of newspapers is to communicate to the human race what its members do, feel and think. Journalism, therefore, demands of its practitioners the widest range of intelligence of knowledge and of experience, as well as natural and trained powers of observation and reasoning. To its opportunities as a chronicle are indissoluble linked its obligations as teacher and interpreter.
To the end of finding some means of codifying sound practice and just aspirations of American journalism, these canons are set forth:
(1) Responsibility— The right of a newspaper to attract and hold readers is restricted by nothing but considerations of public welfare. The use of newspaper makes of the share of public attention it gains serves to determine its sense of responsibility, which it shares with every member of its staff. A journalist who uses his power for any selfish or otherwise unworthy purpose is faithless to a high trust.
(2) Freedom of the Press— Freedom of the press is to be guarded as a vital right of mankind. It is the unquestionable right by law, including the wisdom of any restrictive statute. To its privileges under the freedom of American institutions are inseparably joined its responsibilities for an intelligent fidelity to the Constitution of the United States.
(3) Independence— Freedom from all obligations except that of fidelity to the public interest is vital.
A. Promotion of any private interest contrary to the general welfare, for what ever reason, is not compatible with honest journalism. So-called news communications from private sources should not be published without public notice of their source or else substantiation of the claims to value as news, both in form and substance.
B. Partisanship in editorial comment which knowingly departs from the truth does violence to the best spirit of American journalism; in the news columns it is subversive of a fundamental principle of the profession.
(4) Sincerity, Truthfulness, Accuracy— Good faith with the reader is the foundation of all journalism worthy of the name.
A. By every consideration of good faith, a newspaper is constrained to be truthful. It is not to be excused for lack of thoroughness, or accuracy within its control, or failure to obtain command of these essential qualities.
B. Headlines should be fully warranted by the contents of the articles which they surmount.
(5) Impartiality— Sound practice makes clear distinction between news reports and expressions of opinion. News reports should be free from opinion or bias of any kind. This rule does not apply to so-called special articles unmistakably devoted to advocacy or characterized by a signature authorizing the writer’s own conclusions and interpretations.
(6) Fair Play— A newspaper should not publish unofficial charges affecting reputation or moral character, without opportunity given to the accused to be heard; right practice demands the giving of such opportunity in all cases of serious accusation outside judicial proceedings.
A. A newspaper should no invade rights of private feelings without sure warren of public right as distinguished from public curiosity.
B. It is the privilege, as it is the duty, of a newspaper to make prompt and complete correction of its own serious mistakes of fact or opinion, whatever their origin.
(7) Decency— A newspaper cannot escape conviction of insincerity if, while professing high moral purpose, it supplies incentives to base conduct, such as are to be found in details of crime and vice, publication of which is not demonstrably for the general good. Lacking authority to enforce its canons, the journalism here represented can but express the hope that deliberate pandering to vicious instincts will encounter effective public disapproval or yield to the influence of a preponderant professional condemnation.
Note: Leaks of classified information to the press have only rarely been punished as crimes, and we are aware of no case in which a publisher of information obtained through unauthorized disclosure by a government employee has been prosecuted for publishing it. There may be First Amendment implications that would make such a prosecution difficult, not to mention political ramifications based on concerns about government censorship. Source: EFF [archive.is/8I9pd]
* Moscow Rules:
- Assume nothing.
- Never go against your gut.
- Everyone is potentially under opposition control.
- Don't look back; you are never completely alone.
- Go with the flow, blend in.
- Vary your pattern and stay within your cover.
- Lull them into a sense of complacency.
- Don't harass the opposition.
- Pick the time and place for action.
- Keep your options open.
Online news media now can post reports that include monopolist-held content -
* (2015-09-15, sfgate.com) [archive.is/WwonR] [begin excerpt]: Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said the copyright-holder must first consider whether such a video amounts to “fair use” of the work, making it eligible to be legally posted. Fair use includes journalistic accounts and criticism, educational uses for teaching or research, and brief, private postings that don’t damage the commercial market for the work.
The law “requires copyright-holders to consider fair use before sending a takedown notification,” and those that fail to do so can be held liable for damages, said Judge Richard Tallman in the 3-0 ruling, the first on the issue by any appeals court. [end excerpt]
Private contractors for government services can no longer use copyright for secrecy -
* "Sebastopol nonprofit wins copyright case" (2013-07-11, by Bob Egelko, San Francisco Chronicle) [archive.is/9BnXA] [begin excerpt]: A Bay Area nonprofit has won the right to post online a set of nationwide construction standards that became part of federal law after being developed by a contractors' association, which had threatened a copyright suit to prevent publication. The Virginia-based contractors' association, which has 103 chapters in the United States and other countries, published standards for air-duct construction and testing in its manual in 1985. The U.S. Department of Energy incorporated the standards in its regulations in 2000, making them legally binding for federally funded construction. The case landed in court after Public Resource, a Sebastopol organization that compiles government documents for public view, paid the contractors' association $73.98 for a copy of the standards in May 2012 and posted them online. After the association threatened to sue for copyright infringement, Public Resource deleted the posting in February and then filed its own suit, contending the documents were now in the public domain. The contractors' group did not put up a defense, and settled the case Tuesday by dropping its copyright claim and agreeing to pay Public Resource $1. [end excerpt]
Public Land Records are accessible to researchers -
* "High court says county records must be accessible" (2013-07-08, by Bob Egelko, San Francisco Chronicle) [archive.is/1ozFF]: Counties' databases of every parcel of land within their borders - documents that let people monitor land use, taxes and housing policy - are public records that must be made available for a small copying charge, the state Supreme Court ruled Monday. The court unanimously overturned lower-court rulings that allowed counties to charge their costs of compiling and maintaining the database to anyone who wanted a copy. Although the state law on computer-generated records is somewhat unclear, Prop. 59 "requires us to interpret it in a way that maximizes the public's access to information," Justice Goodwin Liu said in the court's decision. The database is called a geographic information system. It allows a user to create a layered digital map for every property in the county, with links to information on the owners. [end excerpt]
View the ruling in Sierra Club vs. Superior Court, S194708, at [www.courts.ca.gov/opinions/documents/S194708.PDF].
The justices cited Proposition 59, a 2004 ballot measure that provided a state constitutional right of access to government records.
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