Hosted by Dr.G., Minister of Information of the Northbay MDS. Tune in Thursdays 4 to 5pm (PST), at 89.5FM in the northeast San Pablo Bay Area, or on a Smart Phone [link], Desktop U-stream [link], Live Mp3 (.pls) stream [link], Netbook [link].
Be a Community Journalist with our Community Journalist's Notebook [link]. Send news & info to [NorthbayMDS@) gmail.com]! Previous Northbay Uprising News Scripts [link] Archived links are available even if the original is taken down, stored at (archive.org), (archive.today). News links are provided for educational purposes only, and do not constitute an endorsement of political tendencies, or of foreign governments.
Interview with campaign organizers Maria Dominguez and Darris Young, for the
Jobs Not Jails! in Alameda County
* Campaign homepage [http://ellabakercenter.org/jobs-not-jails-for-alameda-county-0]
* Check out their vigil, December 14th, 2014: [http://ellabakercenter.org/blog/2014/12/a-vigil-for-jobs-not-jails-on-human-rights-day]
* The most recent action for Jobs Not Jails took place January 21st, 2015, to issue a set of Demands to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors:
1. Set aside 50% of the County Realignment budget for reentry programs and services.
2. Support the #BlackFriday14 and tell BART and the District Attorney to drop charges and restitution.
3. Follow Supervisor Keith Carson's call for 2015 as the year to attack issues of racial inequality. Protect and invest in Black and Brown lives because they are among the most criminalized, incarcerated, and subjected to violence by law enforcement.
Photo by Rich Russo

It's Time for Jobs Not Jails in Alameda County!
Our campaign for jobs not jails, books not bars, and healthcare not handcuffs in Alameda County asks the Board of Supervisors to devote half of the 2014-15 public safety realignment budget towards employment, education, healthcare, housing, and restorative justice initiatives to make our communities safer. Last year, the Board of Supervisors allocated $18 million—more than half of the realignment budget—towards incarceration and correctional purposes. If we do not adopt smart policies California's prison overcrowding and high recidivism rates could soon be replicated throughout our counties.

Be sure to check out the latest issue of CCDSLinks newsletter for 2015-02-06 [https://archive.today/u5GIg]
Updates on campaigns for for Peace, Justice, & Freedom across the greater Bay Area, Norcal, and Socal
"Stop us from organizing at the jail? We say No Way!" message from Sin Barras, a prisoners' rights community-based organization in Santa Cruz:
Only three days after hundred of people attended the the Cages Kill - Freedom Rally, the Sheriff along with other County bureaucrats have proposed an ordinance that would make it a misdemeanor to be within "designated security perimeters" around the jail.
This is a deliberate attempt to stop us from organizing against this deadly jail.
We are urgently requesting that you sign our letter to the Board of Supervisors asking them to reject (Chapter 10.24). This proposal would criminalize our rallies at the jail and our weekly jail support work.
* SIGN the Letter Against Santa Cruz Jail Trespassing Ordinance
[http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/51040/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=15584] [https://archive.today/IRleF]
* "Cages Kill-Freedom Rally in Santa Cruz" (2015-01-30) [http://sfbayview.com/2015/01/cages-kill-freedom-rally-in-santa-cruz/] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150211160259/http://sfbayview.com/2015/01/cages-kill-freedom-rally-in-santa-cruz/]
From Michael Kerr: Here is an article and my photos and videos of the March for Real Climate Leadership in Oakland today!
* [http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/02/07/game-changing-march-climate-californians-rise-against-fracking]
* [https://www.flickr.com/photos/baypointcommunity/collections/72157633380664120/]
The following is a "hit-piece" written to defame a member of the Richmond Progressive Alliance in order to influence her near-certain election in the Ruchmond City Council special election. The author denigrates genuine 9-11 Truth criticism, and chooses to degrade her because of it, using the word 'extremist'.
* "18 vie for hot vacant seat dividing Richmond council" (2015-02-09) [http://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/johnson/article/18-vie-for-hot-vacant-seat-dividing-Richmond-6071394.php] [https://archive.today/1V58M] [begin excerpt]: Marilyn Langlois, a retired community advocate, is the top choice of the Richmond Progressive Alliance, a slate of officeholders who vote as a bloc. In a nutshell, the alliance is a coalition of community activists that embrace liberal causes from immigrant rights to environmental concerns to government surveillance issues. Its members on the council are Beckles, Eduardo Martinez and Gayle McLaughlin, who was elected to the council in November after serving two terms as mayor. Langlois is considered more of a liberal extremist than the group that supports her run for the council seat. She is known in Richmond political circles for her conspiratorial views on the 9/11 terrorist attacks. [end excerpt]
Human rights advocates at UC Davis are denounced!
Supporters of human-rights abuse by the State of Israel are demonizing the University of California campuses at Davis and Stanford after both campuses voted to divest from any financial ties with that government which administers a theocratic race-based system that allows for politically motivated death-squads targeting even Citizens who aren't of the dominant culture who non-violently advocate for human rights. The State of Israel's colonization of land has displaced hundreds of thousands of Christians and Muslims, leading to uprisings among the people being affected.
* "Comic Roseanne Barr jumps into UC Davis fray, says she hopes campus ‘gets nuked’" (2015-02-11) [http://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article9771911.html] [https://archive.today/rKMZU], see the original message from R. Barr [https://archive.today/eNirK].
While the area of UC Davis is not known to harbor neo-Nazi vanguards, students close to the controversy described in the following article explain that someone they knew about had intended on bringing attention to the "hostile climate against Israel at UC Davis" through the use of the Nazi symbol...
* "UC Davis: the dirty dark core where BDS and anti-Semitism intersect" (2015-01-31) [https://archive.today/pot61], photos.
* "Jewish fraternity at UC Davis is defaced with swastikas" (2015-02-02) [http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/jewish-fraternity-at-uc-davis-is-defaced-with-swastikas/ar-AA8SlrE] [https://archive.today/NnC1T] [begin excerpt]: Fraternity leaders told CBS13 in Sacramento that they believed the swastikas were painted in retaliation for the fraternity's support for Israel. A student government body at the university called last week on the University of California Board of Regents to divest from "corporations that aid in the Israeli occupation of Palestine and illegal settlements in Palestinian territories." However, other student groups have said the ongoing campus debate over Israeli government actions cannot be blamed for the vandalism. "We reject any attempts to blame this on any single student community, including the UC Davis Divestment movement," said a joint letter from a long list of organizations, including the campus chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine. It condemned the graffiti as a hate crime. [end excerpt]
Cancel the #DetroitWater Debt and Start Afresh [http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/cancel-the-detroitwater-debt-and-start-afresh]
Detroit Water Brigade shut down the water shut-offs! [http://detroitwaterbrigade.org/waf/]

We call on the City of Detroit and the newly-formed Great Lakes Water Authority to cancel the existing debts of Detroit Water and Sewerage customers and start afresh with simple, affordable rates: all customer past-due balances are wiped clean.
Corruption in the DWSD has been rampant, with former Department head Victor Mercado currently serving an 8-month federal corruption sentence for "conspiracy to commit extortion" by padding department contracts and rigging bids that netted his business associates millions. Although many of those contracts are now being scrutinized by the city's legal team, Detroiters are still paying dearly for the fraud of past leaders.
The overbearing Detroit water debt has a human side, too: it has pushed Detroit into an outright humanitarian crisis. Rates of infectious disease and sickness are up dramatically, leading the National Nurses union recently to declare a 'Public Health Emergency' in Detroit. The water department is significantly under-staffed and water infrastructure is crumbling, leading to leaks that cost taxpayers tens of millions annually. The department is unable to address these time-sensitive issues due to lack of funding, as it currently spends 46% of its operating revenue on debt service to banks - the largest line-item by far in its budget.
The water department acknowledges that 90% of its operating costs are fixed, meaning they don't depend upon how much water is consumed by users. Still, they charge usage-based rates that fluctuate dramatically with weather (up to 18% decrease in usage) and with broader demographic shifts in the region (2/3 of Detroit's population has left the city since 1950). Creating a progressive rate structure based at least partially upon a family's income - as is done with many public services like streetlights, schools, libraries, etc - would more equitably distribute the burden of operating a system relied upon by over 4 million people for essential drinking water.
The Detroit Water Brigade has provided emergency relief and advocacy to hundreds of families since June of 2014, including providing immediate financial assistance to families currently without water. We've seen first-hand the disastrous effects of these harsh, debt-driven austerity policies.
We pledge to escalate this campaign in the coming months until we bring relief to the tens of thousands of metro Detroit families living without water today and the millions living precariously with unaffordable water rates.
Source: [http://www.nationalnursesunited.org/press/entry/nurses-activists-cite-public-health-emergency-in-detroit-water-shutoffs/]
Source: [http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/wayne-county/2015/01/22/water-use-jeopardizing-four-percent-rate-cap/22187455/]
* "SHELTER FROM THE STORM: Caring for the homeless and helping them reestablish themselves as self-sufficient is a daunting task" (2015-01) [http://www.northbaybiz.com/General_Articles/General_Articles/Shelter_from_the_Storm.php] [https://archive.today/vjgKq] [begin excerpt]: Thousands of people in Sonoma, Napa and Marin counties will be sleeping outside with nothing to shelter them from the cold and wet. They’re homeless, unable to find a dry spot in any of the myriad public shelters, because there’s literally “no room at the inn.” In Sonoma County alone, 75 percent of the homeless spend each night without a roof over their heads. That’s more than 3,000 people. In Marin, it’s about 250 to 300, and, in Napa, another 250. If those statistics aren’t sobering enough, try this one: According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Sonoma County has thehighest population of homeless youth (age 24 and under) of any nonurban county in the United States. Yep, right here in paradise. [end excerpt]
* "In CA Prisons, Hundreds Have Been Removed from Solitary Confinement——and Thousands Remain" (2015-02-06) [https://prisonerhungerstrikesolidarity.wordpress.com/2015/02/06/in-ca-prisons-hundreds-have-been-removed-from-solitary-confinement-and-thousands-remain/] [https://archive.today/6qDwK]
* "COREY WALKER, INNOCENT OF MURDER, TARGETED IN THE WAR ON DRUGS", by Rachel Wolkenstein, attorney for Corey Walker, February 2, 2015 [http://www.RachelWolkenstein.net]

This is an introduction to the case of Corey Walker who was framed for a December 1995 Harrisburg PA murder. The case of his also innocent co-defendant Lorenzo Johnson is more well-known. These men were sentenced to life imprisonment without any possibility of parole. In 2013 over 49,000 men and woman were imprisoned in what Mumia Abu-Jamal has bluntly described as “slow death row.”
Corey Walker and co-defendant Lorenzo Johnson are two of the estimated 100,000 actually innocent men incarcerated in the United States. They are part of the generation of young Black men imprisoned in the “war on drugs” that led to the mass incarceration of some 2.3 million men and women, of whom 60% are Black or Hispanic.
The Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General established a multi-jurisdictional Municipal Drug Task Force providing millions of dollars in federal and state funds to police for overtime and specialized surveillance. Corey Walker and Lorenzo Johnson were targeted as NY drug dealers, who the Dauphin County Drug Task Force called “New York N-----s .”
The murder charges brought against Walker and Johnson resulted not from any connection to the Harrisburg murder of Tarajay Williams, but from their refusal to “cooperate” and give false testimony on drug cases. Walker and Johnson insisted on their innocence and fighting the false murder charge. They rejected offers of plea deals. At the time of the shotgun killing, Walker was in a nearby bar and Johnson was in New York City. They each had numerous alibi witnesses. Until the jury rendered its guilty verdicts and the judge immediately sentenced them to life without parole, they hadn’t believed that innocent men could be convicted of murder.
Now eighteen years later, the evidence of state misconduct, extending from the Harrisburg Police and Dauphin County District Attorney’s office through the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office, is nakedly exposed in the PA state post-conviction appeals (PCRA) filings by Lorenzo Johnson and Corey Walker.
To continue reading...
for more information:
* [www.FreeCoreyWalker.org]
* [www.FreeLorenzoJohnson.org]
Free Rev. Pinkney!
* "On the significance of the Rev. Edward Pinkney trial" (2014-11) [http://peoplestribune.org/pt-news/2014/11/significance-rev-edward-pinkney-trial/] [https://archive.today/dlyf0]
* "Voices from Benton Harbor" from the People's Tribune pg. 1 [http://peoplestribune.org/pt-news/2014/12/voices-benton-harbor/] [https://archive.today/LwbuJ], pg. 2 [http://peoplestribune.org/pt-news/2015/02/voices-benton-harbor-2/] [https://archive.today/86iTE].
Order People’s Tribunes! Get up to date coverage of the movement to free Pinkney. Get timely analysis about the struggle for a new society. Call 800-691-6888 or visit peoplestribune.org. Donations are 50c per paper.
documenting human-rights abuse by domestic security agencies
* "Meet Militarized Police Counter-Insurgency with a Protracted People’s Insurgency" [https://archive.today/s4qhQ] [begin excerpt]:
Community policing is a strategy of counter-insurgency, described by its advocates as the “domestic equivalent of psychological operations [PSYOPS] in the military” -
Community policing is even worse. It is a strategy of counter-insurgency, specifically described by its advocates in the professional journals of the policing “profession” as the “domestic equivalent of psychological operations [PSYOPS] in the military,” designed to “control the thinking of the population or the enemy.” Whether you are considered “population” or “enemy” depends on your passivity in the face of police paramilitary operations. It is not an antidote to, but an expression of, the militarization of the police, just as much as the weaponry and the drones. Thankfully, we are beginning to see mass understanding of and resistance to this.
Cop-watching and “watch-a-pig” programs are primarily effective, not in the change observation makes in police behavior — the brutal actions of cops against people who video tape them, as well as the video taped killings of Oscar Grant in Oakland, Kelly Thomas in Fullerton and Eric Garner in New York, make clear that the cops have no shame and no fear of exposure. That’s because of the guarantee of impunity they have received from the civil authorities, who make sure that criminal prosecution in the few cases it is forced on them results in a slap on the wrist at worst, and that civil liabilities and penalties are treated as a “cost of doing business” for the city and state, and no individual cop has to pay.
No, the point of cop-watching and “Watch-a-pig” patrols is the impact they have on the behavior and consciousness of the people in the community, the growing recognition that people have to move beyond fear, and to come out and observe, not hide away, when the police are in action outside their homes, shops or laundromats. People have learned that the worst thing you can do in a mental health crisis or domestic dispute is to call the cops, and the community must begin to take responsibility for its own harmony, defense and collective interests. There is also a growing awareness that police killings are the tip of the iceberg not only of racial profiling and stops, but of the constant criminalization of Black and Brown people who are confined in massive numbers, as a means of social control as well as a profit center, in the prisons, jails and detention centers of the carceral state.
[end excerpt]
* "Police seize private Facebook account info in Black Lives Matter case" (2015-02-04) [http://www.fightbacknews.org/2015/2/4/police-seize-private-facebook-account-info-black-lives-matter-case] [https://archive.today/xSzkE]:
Photo: Dec. 20, 2014 Black Lives Matters protest at Mall of America Dec. 20, 2014 Black Lives Matters protest at Mall of America (Fight Back! News/Staff).

In response, Nick Espinosa issued this statement:
“I’m deeply disturbed to share that Bloomington Police have obtained a warrant to seize private information from my Facebook account as part of the ongoing political persecution and surveillance of alleged Black Lives Matter organizers who supported a peaceful gathering at the Mall of America on Dec. 20. The Bloomington Police Department hopes to find evidence of a conspiracy to aid and abet trespassing, among other ridiculous charges. But the only conspiracy we see here is the collusion of public officials and private corporations to abuse the people they were elected to serve. This blatant violation of my privacy and civil rights is part of an ill-conceived crusade by the City of Bloomington to intimidate and silence young activists of color at the behest of the largest shopping mall in the U.S., with our own public dollars. As was true of the civil rights activists who paved our way, these gross miscarriages of justice will only strengthen our resolve to dismantle the systems of oppression tearing apart our communities and will inspire thousands more to action. We have nothing to lose but our chains. End this political witch hunt. Drop the charges now.”
The city of Bloomington filed charges last month against 10 people they accuse of organizing a peaceful Black Lives Matter demonstration at the Mall of America in December 2014. City Attorney Sandra Johnson has said she will pursue restitution for “lost revenue” and $33,000 of police overtime to make an example of “ringleaders” to deter future demonstrations.
Defendants were charged with up to eight misdemeanors with a maximum penalty of two years in prison and an $8000 fine.
Espinosa, along with two defendants - Michael McDowell and Mica Grimm - were visited at their homes twice by Bloomington Police in the lead-up to the event and were threatened with arrest if the gathering was not cancelled.
Bloomington Police also sent undercover officers to infiltrate a training held in preparation for a peaceful event at the Mall of America to conduct surveillance and identify “leaders.”
* "FBI’s “rich white man” hypocrisy: How new policy will let the 1 Percent skate free" (2015-02-05) [http://www.salon.com/2015/02/05/fbis_rich_white_man_hypocrisy_how_new_policy_will_let_the_1_percent_skate_free/] [https://archive.today/Znmk0]
Five-Eyes and allies
* "Eyes In The Sky: Britain's GCHQ Sets Sights on Space" (2015-01-30) [http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150130/1013399914.html] [https://archive.today/Jxa4v]
articles recommended by the
Spring Rising: An Antiwar Intervention in DC
[http://SpringRising.org] [http://nepajac.org/springrising.html]

Ukranian Crisis: Prologue to World War III?

Wednesday, February 18, 4pm
The current political, economic, and military crisis in Ukraine, beginning in the fall of 2013, has been responsible for not only a civil war but also a new Cold War between the United States/the European Union (the West) and Russia. The ongoing geopolitical situation between the West and Russia has an ominous similarity to developments which led up to the World Wars I and II. Dr. George Wright, former Professor in the CSUC Dept of Political Science, intends to explain the internal situation in Ukraine as well as reasons for the new Cold War and its implications, including prospects for a World War III. The CSUC event will be followed by an informal community conversation at 7pm at the Chico Peace & Justice Center (526 Broadway in downtown Chico), to further explore the issues and consider options for citizen action.
For more information, contact Lidan Furr with the Chico Peace Vigil at 530-893-1291 or the CSUC Political Science Dept at 530-898-5301.
No U.S. Weapons to Ukraine! Stop Media Lies About Donbass!
Event page [https://www.facebook.com/events/813493832033426] [https://archive.today/5oGFB].
Campaign websites: International Action Center [IACenter.org] [http://www.No2NATO.org]

Say NO to another U.S. war based on lies, STOP $3.5 billion in weapons to Ukraine government that includes Nazis... In New York, Join the PROTEST, Tuesday, Feb. 17, 5:30 pm, at CNN / Time Warner Center (10 Columbus Circle at W. 59 St., Manhattan).
Millions of people around the world watched with alarm as the U.S.-backed Ukrainian government again escalated its war of terror against the independent Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics of the Donbass region. But there was utter silence about the massacre of civilians in Washington and European capitals – until the anti-fascist volunteer militias of Donbass surrounded up to 7,000 Ukrainian troops in the Debaltsevo region last week.
Suddenly, there is a flurry of diplomacy by France and Germany, who fear defeat of the far-right government in Kiev, which came to power through an illegal coup one year ago with U.S. and European Union support. In Washington, Republican Senator John McCain, along with high-ranking bipartisan allies in Congress and the Obama administration, is pushing for openly arming the Ukrainian junta, which includes open neo-Nazis in power for the first time since World War II.
According to German intelligence sources, up to 50,000 people have been killed in the Ukrainian civil war since April 2014. Ukraine’s military bombs schools, hospitals and homes, using U.S.-supplied weapons and tax dollars – OUR money.
Now McCain, Secretary of State John Kerry and others want to send $3.5 billion in heavy weaponry to continue the slaughter. All this to bring NATO to Russia’s doorstep. Meanwhile people in the U.S. are lied to by the media and officials, who blame Russia for the crisis and egg on further provocations.
Every bomb that falls on children in Donbass is money stolen from hungry children here, and brings us closer to a new world war that young Black, Brown and white workers will be expected to fight – the same young people who are resisting racist police terror and low wage exploitation.
Money for jobs, housing, schools and health care – not bombing of Donbass!
Justice for Mike Brown & Eric Garner – not war and destruction abroad!
It is time to draw the connections between #BlackLivesMatter, #Fightfor15 and #SaveDonbassPeople. People across Ukraine, led by women, are opposing the war and the latest military draft imposed by Kiev. It is urgent that anti-war and progressive people in the U.S. follow their heroic example.
At this moment, when the crisis in Ukraine is the top of the news, even a very modest action can have a big impact. Ask your local anti-war group, community organization or union to hold a rally or picket. Or get a couple of friends together to hold signs in a heavily trafficked area. Invite the media. Take some pictures that can be shared online. Every action against the growing war counts.
* "Trillions for Defense America's soldiers have become too expensive to use" (2015-02-10) [http://www.unz.com/article/trillions-for-defense/] [https://archive.today/madH8] [begin excerpt]: The new budget being proposed by President Barack Obama reflects the increased cost associated with having a large professional military. It provides a jump in the Pentagon share to $534 billion plus $51 billion for the wars in Afghanistan and against ISIS as well as another $27 billion outsourced for nuclear weapons development by the Department of Energy. The Pentagon budget does not include additional big ticket defense expenditures such as the $137 billion spent on Veterans Administration hospitals in 2013, which is earmarked separately, as are the military components of the Department of Homeland Security. Nor does the proposed budget appear to include any direct funding for the escalating conflict with Russia over Ukraine, though there is provision for more exercises involving US and NATO troops to include deployments in Eastern Europe. The incoming Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter has already indicated that he would be inclined to provide arms to Ukraine, setting the stage for a proxy or even a real war with Russia. [end excerpt]
* PETITION from WORLD BEYOND WAR: "NEGOTIATE WITH NORTH KOREA ON ITS OFFER TO CANCEL NUCLEAR TESTS" [http://diy.rootsaction.org/petitions/negotiate-with-north-korea-on-its-offer-to-cancel-nuclear-tests] [https://archive.today/hJeet] [begin excerpt]:

* "As a veteran, I see ‘American Sniper’ as dangerous, but not for the reasons you’d think" (2015-02-03) [http://wagingnonviolence.org/feature/focus-chris-kyle-distracts-real-problems-american-sniper/] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212025316/http://wagingnonviolence.org/feature/focus-chris-kyle-distracts-real-problems-american-sniper/] [begin excerpt]: After watching the movie “American Sniper,” I called a friend named Garett Reppenhagen who was an American sniper in Iraq. He deployed with a cavalry scout unit from 2004 to 2005 and was stationed near FOB Warhorse. I asked him if he thought this movie really mattered. “Every portrayal of a historical event should be historically accurate,” he explained. ”A movie like this is a cultural symbol that influences the way people remember history and feel about war.” I commend Chris Kyle for telling his story in his book “American Sniper.” The scariest thing I did while in the military was come home and tell my story to the public — the good, the bad and the ugly. Chris Kyle didn’t view Iraq like me and Garett, but neither of us have attacked him for it. He’s not the problem. We don’t care about the lies that Chris Kyle may or may not have told. They don’t matter. We care about the lies that Chris Kyle believed. The lie that Iraq was culpable for September 11. The lie that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The lie that people do evil things because they are evil. The film “American Sniper” is also rife with lies. This was not Chris Kyle’s story. And Bradley Cooper was not Chris Kyle. It was Jason Hall’s story, a one-time actor in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and screenwriter for “American Sniper,” who called his film a “character study.” Don’t believe him. His movie is as fictional as Buffy Summers. In Hall and Cooper’s Fallujah, it’s as if the Americans just found a city that was already laid to waste. The movie leaves out America’s bombardment of Fallujah. An officer explains that the city has been evacuated, so any military-aged male remaining must be an insurgent. Conveniently, every Iraqi that Cooper kills happens to be carrying a rifle or burying an IED, even though the real Chris Kyle wrote that he was told to shoot any military-aged male. Obviously, every non-insurgent did not evacuate Fallujah. “Many Iraqis didn’t have cars or other transportation,” Garett explained. “To get to the nearest town, you’d have to walk across very hot desert, and you wouldn’t be able to carry much. So a lot of residents just decided to stay indoors and wait it out. It’d be like telling people in San Antonio that they have to walk to El Paso; then they come back home and their city is bombed and contaminated with depleted uranium.” So what brought Bradley Cooper’s character to Iraq? Early in the film, Hall sets the stage for the moral theme of the movie. When Cooper was a child he sat at a kitchen table with his father, who explained that there are only three types of people in the world: sheep who believe “evil doesn’t exist,” wolves who prey on the sheep, and sheepdogs who are “blessed with aggression” and protect the sheep. In this world, when Cooper watches the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings on television, there is only one explanation: just evil wolves being evil. So he joins the military. When Cooper watches September 11 on television, there is one explanation: just evil wolves being evil. So he goes to war with them. [end excerpt]
* Friends of the Landless Workers Movement (Brazil) [http://www.mstbrazil.org/]
* "People's Agrarian Reform: An Alternative to the Capitalist Model" (2014-02-07) [http://www.mstbrazil.org/content/popular-agrarian-reform-alternative-capitalist-model] [https://archive.today/wrYJL] [begin excerpt]: In Via Campesina we have developed the concept of food sovereignty, based on the need, in every place in the world, for the people to have the right and duty to produce their own food. It is this that has guaranteed the survival of humanity, even under extremely difficult conditions. And it has been biologically demonstrated that in every part of our planet it is possible to produce food for human survival, based on local conditions.

We need to guarantee national and peoples’ sovereignty over the basic goods of nature. We cannot subject these goods to the rules of private property and profit. Natural assets are not the result of human labor. Because of this, the State, in the name of society, should subject these assets to a collective, social function, under social control. We need to prevent transnational companies from continuing to control any part of the production of agricultural inputs and the production and distribution of food. And at the same time, to move toward the adoption of practices of international trade in foods among peoples, based on solidarity, complementarity and exchange, rather than on oligopoly dominated by the US dollar.
In addition, it is incumbent on the State to develop public policy that guarantees the principle that food is not a commodity, that it is a right of all citizens. People can only survive in democratic societies, with minimal rights guaranteed, if they have access to the necessary food-energy. [end excerpt]
* "Congress Giving Sacred Apache Lands To Foreign Mining Company" (2014-12-10) [http://reverbpress.com/uncategorized/congress-giving-sacred-apache-lands-to-foreign-mining-company/] [https://archive.today/9vCcD]
* "America is headed full speed back to the 19th century" (2015-02-10) [http://www.salon.com/2015/02/10/robert_reich_america_is_heading_full_speed_back_to_the_19th_century_partner/] [https://archive.today/oxIph]
* "Keystone XL Pipeline Project Vote: Oil And Gas Industry Gave $250K To Senators Who Voted 'Yes'" (2015-02-11) [http://www.ibtimes.com/keystone-xl-pipeline-project-vote-oil-gas-industry-gave-250k-senators-who-voted-yes-1812594] [https://archive.today/Umygk]
* "Why Is Huge Trade Deal Being Kept Secret?" (2015-02-07) [http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/why_is_a_huge_trade_deal_being_kept_secret_20150207] [https://archive.today/q1x9h]
* "Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal Isn't Secret, Says US Official, But Access To Text Is Highly Restricted" (2015-01-23) [http://www.ibtimes.com/trans-pacific-partnership-deal-isnt-secret-says-us-official-access-text-highly-1793274] [https://archive.today/Z2PES]
* "Obama Trade Document Leaked, Revealing New Corporate Powers And Broken Campaign Promises" (2015-06-13) [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/13/obama-trade-document-leak_n_1592593.html] [https://archive.today/Tsm3g] [begin excerpt]:
"The outrageous stuff in this leaked text may well be why U.S. trade officials have been so extremely secretive about these past two years of [trade] negotiations," said Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch in a written statement.
The newly leaked document is one of the most controversial of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact. It addresses a broad sweep of regulations governing international investment and reveals the Obama administration's advocacy for policies that environmental activists, financial reform advocates and labor unions have long rejected for eroding key protections currently in domestic laws.
Under the agreement currently being advocated by the Obama administration, American corporations would continue to be subject to domestic laws and regulations on the environment, banking and other issues. But foreign corporations operating within the U.S. would be permitted to appeal key American legal or regulatory rulings to an international tribunal. That international tribunal would be granted the power to overrule American law and impose trade sanctions on the United States for failing to abide by its rulings.
[end excerpt]
* Read the leaked document here [https://web.archive.org/web/20120614045051/http://www.citizenstrade.org/ctc/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/tppinvestment.pdf]
* "Two out of Three Investigative Journalists in US Believe They're Being Spied On" (2015-02-05) [http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/02/05/two-out-three-investigative-journalists-us-believe-theyre-being-spied] [https://archive.today/rTjTk]
* "Fox Grows Its 'Empire' With Questionable Content" (2015-01-16) [http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/241894/fox-grows-its-empire-with-questionable-content.html] [https://archive.today/OzPaI] [begin excerpt]: When this week’s episode of “Empire” was over, it dawned on me that I’ve grown tired of TV and movies glorifying the thug life as the road to riches, and more to the point, happiness (although none of the characters in “Empire” strike me as particularly happy).
I also felt that the show was demeaning to African-Americans, whose contributions to American art and culture -- particularly when it comes to music -- are incalculable.
And yet, this show is a huge success. So what do I know? [end excerpt]
* "UPDATED: White Power Show Booked in North Philly For January 10th CANCELLED" (2015-01-08) [https://phillyantifa.wordpress.com/2015/01/04/alert-white-power-show-booked-in-north-philly-for-january-10th-cancelled] [https://archive.today/RwBSS]

* "Global capitalism’s terrifying new math" (2015-02-06) [http://wagingnonviolence.org/2015/02/global-capitalisms-terrifying-new-math/] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212025421/http://wagingnonviolence.org/2015/02/global-capitalisms-terrifying-new-math/] [begin excerpt]: McKinsey, one of the world’s preeminent business consultants, released a sobering new report this week detailing that, worldwide, total debt has risen by 40.1 percent — or $57 trillion — since the financial crisis of 2008. As “Renegade Economist” Ross Ashcroft explains for the Guardian, Kingston University economist Steve Keen, who predicted the financial crisis back before the bubble burst in 2008, has created a metric to understand when a global financial system needs some, for lack of a better word, updating. He’s written that when private debt reaches 150 percent of a country’s GDP, that that country should take some serious measures to get its financial house in order. Replicated on a global scale, a critical mass of countries all clocking in above the 150 number spells a highly fragile economic landscape. In the UK, private debt currently stands at 350 percent of GDP. In Japan? 400 percent. China? 217 percent. In the United States, that figure stands at a reasonable if-still-ominous 233 percent of GDP. Overall, private debt now stands at the greatest levels in human history. [end excerpt]
WORLD FASCISM WATCH: Republic of Honduras
* "Demand Protection of Honduran Communities" (2015-02-03) [http://act.grassrootsonline.org/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=19277] [https://archive.today/rqfWV]
Glen Eagle, a Canadian mining company has announced that it will begin operations in Choluteca, Honduras. For a quick description of the project and mining context in Choluteca, see [http://desdeaquiabajoabajo.blogspot.com/2015/01/another-canadian-mining-company-in.html] [https://archive.today/4t8QQ]
The Permanent Peoples' Tribunal emitted its first judgement of an investigation which will continue until 2016. It sees Canada and five of its mining companies as responsible for human rights violations in Latin America.
[http://movimientom4.org/2015/02/tribunal-popular-culpa-a-mineras-canadienses-en-america-latina] [https://archive.today/zF7HM]
Hondurans Protest World Bank Mining Plan (2015-02-05) [http://multimedia.telesurtv.net/web/telesur/#!en/video/hondurans-protest-world-bank-mining-plan] [https://archive.today/MPhrU]:
The Honduras government and World Bank representatives met in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa to sign deals to allow foreign companies to mine in the country. "The (Honduran) people have the right to water and to life. We have expressed ourselves very clearly. We are against mines because under the mining project, there are five water wells for our community where 12,000 people get their water," explained Raymundo Funes, a protester from the municipality of Pespire, in the south of the country. The new agreement signed with the World Bank will double the presence of international mining companies, without any community consultation. This is part of President Juan Orlando Hernandez's push to attract more investment in Honduras from international corporations.
Gerardo Torres has more for us on this story from Honduras.
Republic of Ukraine
* "Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault" (2014-09, Foreign Affairs magazine, Council of Foreign Relations) [https://archive.today/E3ROS]
* "US Targets Ukraine’s Military-Industrial Complex to Hurt Russia" (2015-02-05) [http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150205/1017800532.html] [https://archive.today/pBTwN]
* "American Lethal Military Aid to Ukraine is a Throwback to Iran-Contra Days" (2015-02-03) [http://www.strategic-culture.org/pview/2015/02/03/american-lethal-military-aid-ukraine-throwback-iran-contra-days.html] [https://archive.today/3AqOU] [begin excerpt]: In a repeat of the Central Intelligence Agency's globe hopping weapons transport cargo planes of the Iran-Contra scandal era and the more recent Libyan rebel supply caper to overthrow Muammar Qaddafi, a Ukrainian Antonov AN-124 (tail number UR-82072) heavy lifter military transport plane, denoted as an «International Cargo Transport» and belonging to the «Antonov Transport Bureau», astonished residents around Belgrade's Nikola Tesla International Airport in Serbia when it landed there on January 28, 2015. The Ukrainian plane, the world's largest aircraft, was a rare sight at an airport in a country that generally supports Russia in its conflict with Kiev.
Kerry and Breedlove are talking about commencing an arms shipment by NATO that actually began last year. In September 2014, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko stated that a number of NATO countries agreed to deliver weapons to Ukrainian forces, which consist not only of regular Ukrainian troops but irregular battalions supported by billionaire Ukrainian-Israeli warlord Ihor Kolomoisky consisting of neo-Nazis, U.S. and other private military forces, and ex-Israel Defense Force personnel. At the time of the September 2014 NATO summit in Wales, Ukrainian presidential adviser Yuri Lutsenko said that the United States, France, Poland, Norway and Italy had agreed to supply weapons to Ukraine and Canada later revealed that it had also commenced weapons transfers to the Kiev putschists.
Ukraine's military forces have received so much NATO military aid and assistance and personnel, Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said that the Ukrainian Army is acting as NATO's «foreign legion.» There are also credible reports that NATO has supplied the Kiev regime with deadly cluster bombs that are being used against the largely Russian-speaking civilian population of the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine.
The AN-124 that landed in Belgrade appears to have been ferrying weapons from a number of known NATO air terminals used for such purposes. After arriving in Bucharest, Romania on January 23, 2015 from the Italian island of Lampedusa, off the coast of Libya, the aircraft departed on January 23 for New Jersey in the United States. Lampedusa was a major staging base for NATO weapons supplies to Libyan rebels during the Western- and Islamist-inspired rebellion against the Qaddafi government. Bucharest has become a major base for NATO military support to Kiev. [end excerpt]
* "America Hell-Bent on War: 80-Year-Old Analyst Has Never Been More Afraid" (2015-02-10) [http://sputniknews.com/analysis/20150210/1018058746.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212005422/http://sputniknews.com/analysis/20150210/1018058746.html] [begin excerpt]: “I'm 80 years old. I was never scared throughout the Cold War years. I'm very scared now.” That is what Stephen Lendman, a Research Associate for the Centre for Research on Globalization told Sputnik in an exclusive interview regarding recent developments related to the military conflict in Ukraine. Washington under the Democrats or Republicans wants war, not peace, he said. "In the post-9/11 era alone, not a single day of peace has followed. Multiple US direct and proxy wars rage. US Special Forces (trained killers) operate covertly and overtly in over 130 countries disruptively." ‘Ignore What Germany and France Say Publicly; Follow What They Do’ He says that "Merkel and Hollande (Germany and France) are bedrock US-dominated NATO members." "Ignore what they say publicly; follow what they do," he advised. "Throughout the Ukrainian crisis, they haven't gone their own way against Washington…nor has Britain's David Cameron." America maintains an empire of bases in over 150 countries, he added, noting that Russia and China are increasingly surrounded by US bases, which he called "so-called defensive missiles for an offense target: their heartlands." Washington wants all sovereign independent governments eliminated, Lendman stated. "Replaced by pro-Western stooge ones. America's ultimate aim is unchallenged global dominance; it's willing to wage wars to achieve its objectives." ‘Peace is Anathema. US-Banker Led War Lobby Demands Wars’ The political analyst said that wars are hugely profitable. "The US-banker led war lobby demands them. Peace is anathema. Putin is right: Russia has been targeted for centuries, more than ever now since Hitler's Barbarossa campaign." Washington wants to plunder Russia's resources," he said. "Exploit its people. Balkanize the country like Yugoslavia for easier control." "Kiev's military is a proxy US force," Lendman went on. "One observer said America will wage the war down to the last Ukrainian. What's ongoing is a pretext to blame Moscow for US/Kiev high crimes against peace." [end excerpt]
* "XYZ: What would happen if the Russian army really invaded Ukraine" (2015-01-25) [http://fortruss.blogspot.de/2015/01/xyz-what-would-happen-if-russian-army.html] [https://archive.today/hX7Cr]
* "German Intelligence Estimates Death Toll in Ukraine Ten Times Higher" (2015-02-08) [http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150208/1017963580.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212005524/http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150208/1017963580.html] [begin excerpt]: German intelligence estimates that the total number of people who have been killed in Ukraine is almost 50,000, including both civilians and the military, the German media reported on Sunday. The estimates are ten times higher than the officially released death toll figures. The official data is clearly too low, German intelligence sources told a Frankfurt-based newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. [end excerpt]
* "Bloody changes in the Ukrainian power are already near" (2015-02-04) [http://www.worldandwe.com/en/page/bloody_changes_in_the_ukrainian_power_are_already_near.html] [https://archive.today/AnyXD] [begin excerpt]: The military analyst, the colonel of Ukraine military national reserve Boris Shipulin, predicts the big shock in the Ukrainian capital connected with an emergency on fronts of the Southeast and utter chaos in economy of Ukraine.
[Question]: How much do the Armed Forces of Ukraine ready for opposition to armed forces of DNR and LNR [Union of Novorossiya] today?
[Answer]: For the answer to this question I want to provide the statement of the press secretary of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine Victoria Kushnir who told that the status of participants of anti-terrorist operation is provided to 3 283 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 4 574 servicemen expect such «happy» fate. The work on strengthening of social protection of the military personnel and members of their families is continued in the Ministry of Defence», assured Vicka. She didn’t explain what does it mean. However there are questions. Even if everything will go so well as told Kushnir, the applied arithmetics speaks: participants of anti-terrorist operation are only about 8 thousand. And literally the other day the State agency of land resources of Ukraine reported that since June, 2014 there are 15 582 demands for receiving the land plots by the participating military personnel of anti-terrorist operation on Donbass and members of families of the dead. Also 6 999 decisions on providing permissions to development of projects of land management on branch of the land plots were already made and the lucky beggars got 7 747 land plots with a total area of 3 997,77 hectares. As we see it didn’t coincide. More people not simply apply for the land than were at war in Donbass, but also sites are already distributed much more — more on 4 464 persons (7 747 minus 3 283 official participants of anti-terrorist operation). What does it mean? We steal, huh? There is a lot of land and on the quiet will be enough for all. Or we punish innocent and award not privy? Or, it can be the most terrible, wrote down that allocated to «freights 200» in «taken-away land plots».
Already official statements of the Guarantor adviser Biryukov sounded that today up to 25% is stolen from the budget allocated in 2014 for army. After all the state provides the Armed Forces of Ukraine only with the weapon. And where are the huge amounts of money raised only for 1,5% of a tax on salaries and pensions of the population of Ukraine the sum of which made nearly 2 billion hryvnias? And what about donations of the population, voluntary and compulsory assignments of monthly 2-day earnings by each Ukrainian? [end excerpt]
* "West Justifying Use of Cluster Bombs in Ukraine" (2015-02-07) [http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150207/1017933652.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212005315/http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150207/1017933652.html]
* "McCain to Sputnik: Ukraine's Use of Cluster Bombs Is US' Fault" (2015-02-05) [http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150205/1017844947.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150207171947/http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150205/1017844947.html]
* "Use of Cluster Bombs in East Ukraine May Constitute War Crime: UN Report" (2014-11-20) [http://sputniknews.com/europe/20141120/1014944269.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212005929/http://sputniknews.com/politics/20141118/1014877648.html]
The following article, from a monopolist media newswire, serves as a source for educated discussion among even the liberal middle-class who can afford newspapers and cable TV news. By simply repeating the accusation from the President of Ukraine of an "invasion", and without explaining that the majority of the People in the regions being attacked by the USA and Ukraine are ethnic-Russians who are facing a regime hostile to them, it gives the news consumer the impression that the "Ukraine people" are fighting a literal invasion of thousands of military soldiers from the Federation of Russia, with absolutely no mention of the fact that it is the ethnic-Russians who are defending themselves using weapons and equipment captured from the fascist Ukraine military bases.
* " 'Russian forces' attack Ukraine troops in separatist east" (2015-02-20, AFP newswire) [http://www.spacewar.com/reports/Russian_forces_attack_Ukraine_troops_in_separatist_east_999.html] [https://archive.today/yxZaS] [begin excerpt]: Ukraine on Tuesday accused Russian forces of attacking its soldiers fighting pro-Kremlin insurgents in the ex-Soviet republic's separatist east. The charge came only hours after Moscow denied claims by Kiev of about 700 new Russian soldiers crossing over into eastern Ukraine to help the rebels' latest advance on government troops. It also marked the first time that Kiev has accused Russian soldiers of attacking its forces since the warring sides signed an often-violated September 5 truce. [end excerpt]
* "Petro Poroshenko's fail in Munich on the 7th of February, 2015", posted at "Truth about situation in Ukraine" [https://www.facebook.com/TruthfromUkraine]:

The servicemen of the Russian Federation use military cards instead of passports. They receive their passports back after they finish doing the military service.
Earlier Poroshenko brought a piece of the Volnovakha bus to Switzerland. Today he is holding the Russian passports in Germany. Don’t be surprised when you will see Poroshenko with someone’s excrements in another European country, Poroshenko is badly in need of money.
One more thing: On the 29th of January, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Viktor Muzhenko stated that there are NO Russian troops fighting in Donbass.
* "Moscow Astounded As Top Mob Boss Becomes Ukraine Leader" (2014-05-26) [http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1772.htm] [https://archive.today/AtN62] [begin excerpt]:
WHO IS THE REAL Poroshenko & CO :
"Being hailed by the propaganda Western media as the “Chocolate King” for his ownership of candy companies, this report continues, Poroshenko (Forbes #1335 richest man in world) is most importantly known to Russian intelligence agencies as being one of the global leaders of the feared Red Mafiya (aka The Russian Mob) , a position once held by his father Alexei Valtsman from the Odessa region and who in 1956 took on the last name of his wife, Yevgenya Poroshenko.
Poroshenko, this report says, started his weapons, gambling and prostitution business by laundering the money of Soviet times’ administrators. He has never been an entrepreneur to start a business of his own, that story was invented by Western media propagandists.
Poroshenko business was dirty and it started with plundering Ukraine state property by armed gangs. The Poroshenko family had plans to expand the activities beyond Ukraine and Tatyana Mikoyan, a well-known Kiev-based lawyer, remembers what the family did in Transnistria, “It was horrible back in the 1990s: illegal arms, prostitutes, drugs – all bringing profits to father and son.”
* "Kiev’s Bloody War Is Backfiring, And the War Party is pushing to prop up their Ukrainian sock puppets" (2015-02-09) [http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2015/02/08/kievs-bloody-war-is-backfiring/] [https://archive.today/8qiU0] [end excerpt]: in Ukrainian Transcarpathia, well-known journalist for Ukrainian Channel 112 Ruslan Kotsaba has been arrested and charged with "treason" and "espionage" for making a video in which he declared: "I would rather sit in jail for three to five years than go to the east to kill my Ukrainian brothers. This fear-mongering must be stopped." Kotsaba may sit in jail for twenty-three years, the prescribed term for the charges filed against him. Kotsaba’s arrest is part of a desperate effort by the Ukrainian government to intimidate the growing antiwar and anti-draft movement, which threatens to upend Kiev’s dreams of conquering the rebellious eastern provinces. Kotsaba’s particular crime, according to prosecutors, was in describing the conflict as a civil war rather than a Russian "invasion." This is a point the authorities cannot tolerate: the same meme being relentlessly broadcast by the Western media – that an indigenous rebellion with substantial support is really a Russian plot to "subvert" Ukraine and reestablish the Warsaw Pact – now has the force of law in Ukraine. Anyone who contradicts it is subject to arrest.
President Petro Poroshenko, the Chocolate Oligarch, is readying a decree imposing possible restrictions on foreign travel for those of draft age – which means anyone from age 25 to 60. Ukrainians may soon be prisoners in their own country – but they aren’t taking it lying down.
Draft resistance is at an all-time high: a mere 6 percent of those called up have reported voluntarily. This has forced the Kiev authorities to go knocking on doors – where they are met either with a mass of angry villagers, who refuse to let them take anyone, or else ghost towns where virtually everyone has fled. In the Transcarpathia region of western Ukraine, entire villages have been emptied, the inhabitants fleeing to Russia to wait out the war – or the fall of the Kiev regime, whichever comes first. "It may seem a paradox," says Transcarpathia’s chief recruitment officer, "but from the western Ukrainian region of Ternopyl people have fled to Russia in order to escape army conscription."
[end excerpt]
* "Ukrainian Red Cross loading Ambulance with RPGs" video (2015-02-07) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xufABo7DypY], photos [https://archive.today/XaNCr] [https://archive.today/sLm1B]
* "War crimes of Kiev junta: transportation of ammunition in ambulances. US Radio Liberty kindly provided us by the evidence" (2015-02-06, by Konstantin) [https://archive.today/5YIvd]:
Video from Radio Liberty channel, watch from 37th second
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzvY4U8DS40]. In the video of US Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda ) is seen as gunmen of fascist battalion "Dnieper -1" loaded weapons and ammunition into the ambulance car. It is seen from 37th to 45th second of the video. Surprisingly, the US propaganda media doesn't even erased the footage from the video. Apparently for journalists and editors of this media are familiar and commonplace to see gunmen Kiev junta who carry weapons on the ambulance cars. This publication equipped by photograph of an ambulance, you can see the identity of the coloring. White car with a broad red stripe, is the standard for the ambulance cars.
I want to remind you that the mercenaries - "revolutionaries" in the Libya and Syria, trained by the US-NATO also carried weapons and ammunition at local ambulances and cars of the Red Cross. More accurately to say that the International organization Red Cross supplied the insurgents by arms and drugs, abusing their immunity to inspection.
This video is an additional proof of the use by the Kiev junta ambulances for military purposes. The owners of Kiev junta allow their "sons of bitch" violate any laws.
(2015-02-08) Ukrainian Nazis decided to use the big ambulance cars for their war crimes. Such vehicles have the viewing windows with the gun slots under them on each side. On the pictures you can see that these armored vehicles look like the big ambulance cars due to which the Nazis hope that they will be able to shoot and kill from such vehicles with a perfect impunity. If such vehicle will be put out of order during a battle by the separatists, then the Nazis will have an opportunity to show their "ambulance car" to the journalists and say that the separatist shoot at the "ambulances".
Photos: [https://archive.today/o0wZp] [https://archive.today/hHTUy] [https://archive.today/3QzHb]
* "Ukrainian "heroes" disguised personal carrier as school bus" (2015-02-09) [https://archive.today/Uu2JW]
* "The Israel Lobby Protects Neo-Nazis in Ukraine" video (2014-11-18) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdSWsSk_Fhc]
* "How the Israel Lobby Protected Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Rep. John Conyers wanted to block U.S. funding to neo-Nazis in Ukraine. But the ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center refused to help" (2014-11-18) [http://www.alternet.org/world/how-israel-lobby-protected-ukrainian-neo-nazis] [https://archive.today/QNJV4]
Chechen Kavkaz Emirate wahabi terrorist Isa Munaev, commander of the Ukrainian "Dudaev" battalion, killed near Debeltseve. (2015-02-02) [https://archive.today/8w0RG]

* "Representatives of the Kiev junta intimidated by arrests all who are against illegal mobilization" (2015-02-09) [https://archive.today/ComSU]
* 10th February 2015, city Lviv, fascist state Ukraine -
Forced Mobilization: Police and Security Service agents involved in this, the agents of the SBU has a database on citizens who are dissatisfied with the current government, which is awarded to the agenda to mobilize - by information of blogger from city Lviv.
Oleg Kutserib from Lviv stated yesterday: "Don't pretend to laurels of Kotsaba, I have no desire to share his fate, but I write the truth about the "mobilization". [Kotsaba is blogger and journalist from western Ukraine who recorded video appeal against mobilization and arrested for this by SBU, about him we published news in the our page]
I do not know the situation in other regions, but here in the Lviv region road police, policemen and Security Service agents are engaged in mobilization. They operate in brigades consisting of two or three road police cars, a car or a van with a team of Security Service agent and enlistment officers. They stop cars on the roads, demand that men identify themselves and on the spot feed the data to the system with the help of the SS agent’s laptop. If they find the name in the lists, they fill out a draft note at once and hand it in against written acknowledgement. And now – to the most interesting point! The Security Service has got TWO databases, which are cross-checked. The first database contains the list of enlistment offices and all the absconders (those who failed to receive the draft notice), and the second database was compiled by the Security Service of Ukraine (!!!). The brigades operate on highways (such as Kiev-Uzhgorod) as well as on field roads in the smallest villages; they even stop scooter drivers. Knowing the facts, I am sure that Poroshenko has switched on the repressive machine against all the protesters. Dissenters, bloggers, even those who cannot stay indifferent and their relatives are added to the lists of potential rebels and at the same times in the draft lists. Such is our reality”.
* "Trade unions: Working for the future" [http://borotba.su/trade_unions-_working_for_the_future.html] [https://archive.today/43u2r] [begin excerpt]: Now, in a new, neoliberal and nationalist Ukraine, we are facing an even more uphill battle with the state, the oligarchs, and their right-wing guardians and protectors of all kinds. Work with the masses, which in peacetime was under the protection of laws and bourgeois-democratic freedoms, is slowly becoming a criminal offense -- "communist propaganda," "work for Putin" and "national betrayal." In mid-December 2014, workers at Kyivpastrans [Kiev Passenger Transport] (which, as a union organizer, I had worked with) went on strike to stop the trams in the city. A day later, the workers involved in the strike, and all who helped them, were declared agents of Putin. Two women even ended up in the hospital, though as yet the various volunteer battalions have not been sent to attack striking workers. But such tactics to combat the labor movement still lie ahead – like the criminalization of communist ideology. Former leftists and current national-patriots who supported the Maidan, even now shamefully try to argue that Maidan was the living embodiment of the self-organization of the Ukrainian masses. But how is it that a year ago, popular self-organization and unity blossomed in the central square of the capital, and now has completely vanished? How is it that those who spoke on the Maidan about self-organization have no influence on the oligarchs, flourishing as never before, who they helped bring to power? Anarchist and social-democratic supporters of Maidan have no idea what constitutes "self-organization of the masses,” understanding it as delivering pies and soup on the square, pogroms to hunt informers, or the organization of the "Women's Hundreds" to promote Maidan among Western liberals, and which from the beginning was meant to muddle the massive presence of the ultra-right in the center of the Ukrainian capital. Part of effective self-organization of social movements is the capability to systematically solve social problems in the field, guided by the principle, "think globally, act locally." Examples of this are community organizations and unions, not controlled by the government or dependent on grants from Western donors, which are now almost absent in Ukraine. The Maidan quasi-protest did not rely on these independent social institutions, organized on a territorial or production principles, but was in fact, a crowd standing in the square, dominated by the ideology of ultra-right politicians or open Nazis. The kitchen, self-defense and medical service of Maidan worked in their interests, and now serve the war, not the interests of the Ukrainian people. [end excerpt]
* "Massive Crater left behind after explosion in Donetsk" (2015-02-09)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ormPVQh-3fs]. Screen Shot from the video:

* "Kiev Forces Cause Explosion at Chemical Factory in Donetsk – Officials" (2015-02-09) [http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150209/1017984234.html] [https://archive.today/zIL3u] [begin excerpt]: Borys Filatov, former deputy governor of Dnipropetrovsk, and current member of the Ukrainian parliament, Verkhovna Rada, wrote on Facebook that the same "heroes" who had cut the "aviation of LPR [self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic]" have shelled Donetsk from the Smerch rocket launchers. Earlier, leader of Ukraine's Right Sector movement Dmytro Yarosh announced that the explosion was caused by artillery belonging to Kiev forces. Meanwhile, Konstantin Dolgoff, co-chairman of the People's Front of Novorossiya (united front established last spring by the self-proclaimed people's republics in Ukraine's southeast) said on his Facebook page that the explosion occurred at a chemical plant in Donetsk. The plant had already been targeted by shelling, in September and November of last year. [end excerpt]
* DONBASS-INFORMATION : 09.02.2015 [https://archive.today/1mSEi] [begin excerpt]:
Kiev press celebrate mass murder in Donetsk, claims it was Tochka U ballistic missile
This is typical CRIMINAL behave of #Ukraine, as it "negotiates", it hits plant w/ dangerous CHEMICALS w/o reason & w/ unpredictable results.
I don't believe was a TOCHKA-U ballistic missile precisely because those explosions were small, big blast might been the chemical ignited.
So this was the giant explosion that we felt in Donetsk last night, then [http://youtu.be/ZuQ5EPnSE_4].
Just for the record. #Ukraine media R boasting that the huge explosion in Donetsk was caused by Tochka ballistic missile.
Neighbourhood near chemical plant #Donetsk under artillery shellings. Plant wasn't hit. Fireball came from explosion missile #donbass.
Locals report Kazenniy Chemical Plant in #Donetsk was struck tonight. Meanwhile, #Ukraine gov't sources say it was arms depot.
Few different angles on the massive explosion in #Donetsk over night [http://youtu.be/chD7uFjsfH0].
It's true. Pantsir has already been used to shoot down the Tochka missile last week near #Lugansk.
[end excerpt]
* "In the skies over Donetsk appeared fiery 'mushroom' " (2015-02-08)[http://tvzvezda.ru/news/vstrane_i_mire/content/201502082355-woza.htm] [https://archive.today/dLV09]:
Strong explosions rocked the center of Donetsk, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the correspondent at the scene. According to him, residents felt the vibration and saw the bright flashes.
The blast wave swept across Donetsk, in some houses smashed window glass.
According to the headquarters of the militia the area "Tekstilshik" was under the shelling. At the time of one of the explosions locals observed a huge flash in the sky, which is described as a bright "mushroom".
Spokesman for the Defence Ministry Eduard Basurin DNR named possible causes of explosion.
"Option two - or (tactical missile)" Point U "or an explosion at the plant," - he told RIA Novosti.
According to Basurin, the exact cause of the explosion is under investigation and results of it will be available in the morning on 9 February.
"There is a firing all over the city and what has exploded hard to say now," - he added
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=QY3PK4dPlvE]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuQ5EPnSE_4]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-MtlreaauI]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lb1TAMTZv8]
* "Military plant bombing by Ukraine forces turns night into day" (2015-02-09) [http://www.9news.com.au/world/2015/02/09/17/48/090215-ukraine-bombing-of-chemical-plant-creates-huge-mushroom-cloud] [https://archive.today/tdQrJ]
* "Ukraine: Artillery Fire, Not ‘Tactical Nuke’ Attack, Sets Off Large Donetsk Explosion" (2015-02-08) [http://republicbroadcasting.org/ukraine-artillery-fire-not-tactical-nuke-attack-sets-off-large-donetsk-explosion/] [https://archive.today/buBfW]
* "Nuclear bomb detonated in Ukraine – nuclear blast detected" (2015-02-08) [https://archive.today/Ox20G]
Kiev junta possibly used Israel powerful anti-bunker bomb tonight. Night video of Israel bombing near Damask (4- 5.05.2013) and today explosion at Donetsk suburb are practically identical.
Today's explosion in Donetsk was an extraordinary power, nothing like that hasn't been before (top photo). The power of the explosion and the outward signs are similar to the explosion of bombs during Israel bombing of a hill near Damascus, on the night of the 4th to 5th May 2013, on the night of Passover (bottom photo). Then al Qaeda terrorists were losing battles near Damascus and Israel has helped al-Qaeda openly. Compare today's video explosion in Donetsk and the explosion in Syria during the Israeli bombardment.
If you will take into account the different degrees of light, different distance of camera operator from the place of explosion and other conditions, you'd see that explosions are almost identical.
I think we shouldn't remind that Kiev junta is for 80% formed from the Jews and various international Jewish organizations supplying fascists battalions and Kiev junta directly.
Kiev junta loses war and therefore uses a powerful anti-bunker bombs of Israel to cause as much as possible destruction for the city.
Media of Kiev junta by an order began to write about the explosion of a munitions depot or humanitarian convoy from Russia, which allegedly was carrying ammunition. Idiots do not realize that the explosion of a munitions depot looks like a series of consecutive explosions, which usually lasts a few days in the conditions of Ukraine. Momentary and so powerful explosion, as we can see in video, it is the consequence of the explosion of a powerful bomb or ballistic missile Tochka U with more powerful warhead.
Video about bombing by Israel near Damask at night to 5th May 2013

Today video from Donetsk [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGix83I4nUY]

Interesting developments re reported from the Debaltsevo pocket (we’ve got every right to call it so now. Weak-willed army, formed out or forcibly mobilized by criminals in Kiev men, starts to surrender. They even give up by way of fighting with the punitive units of the “patriots”.
In Krasnyi Pakhar Ukrainian conscripts took to perimeter defense and began response fire on the fanatics in Ukrainian army. Militiamen arrived from locality Troitskoye in time and they jointly mopped up the Ukies. Ukrainian rebellious soldiers are now taking part in the mopping-up operations in locality Mironovskiy.
There was also an incident in settlement Lozovoye. Ukrainian command sent a unit of kamikaze to meet the army of Novorossiya. They had to be driven by machine-gun fire of the castigator units. Nevertheless, it was the castigators who got shot in the backs, and not the conscripts. The origin of the fire is being specified. It could have been a covert group of the DPR, or the next rebellion in the ranks of Ukrainian army.
372 CORPSES OF UKRAINIAN FIGHTERS ARE TOOK TO CITY KHARKOV MORGUES. THERE WILL BE A HIDDEN CREMATION AND RECORDING FIGHTERS AS MISSING PERSONS. (2015-02-06) [http://www.u-f.ru/News/u198/2015/02/06/702540] [https://archive.today/Zhxy4]: A message came from a Kharkov health system employee; he asked to be without naming names. As he reported, wounded and dead soldiers had been brought together to Kharkov for last days. Сity morgues became completely full of dead Ukrainian fighters. Our source estimated that 372 corpses had been taken from the front line to city Kharkov morgues since Feb 2 to Feb 4. It was done in a secret way, he said. Accompanying forms were about unidentified civilians. The employee also said about a hidden cremation soon. The fighters are likely to be enter in forms as “missing persons” according to the glorious UAF tradition.
The cover-up of the cremation of Ukraine's conscripts, and victims of death squads.
* "Russian General Staff expects its casualties at 56-70 killed per day, brought in 7 mobile crematoria" (2015-01-29) [http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/01/28/russian-general-staff-expects-its-losses-at-56-70-killed-per-day-brought-in-7-mobile-crematoria/] [https://archive.today/S3IDx]
* "Nalivaychenko: In Donbas Russian military body burned in mobile crematoria" (2015-01-280 [https://archive.today/9Ux5m]
* More of the same for "reputable sources" world wide [https://archive.today/ns9en]
* "Kiev and the DNI exchanged prisoners" (2015-02-05, translated by Konstantin) [https://archive.today/WyZVS]
Video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvkB0Dmk7bM]
Donetsk republic, state Novorossiya.
Exchange of prisoners: Wounded Ukro-fascists were operated in hospitals of Donetsk and were fed (top photo). Soldiers of Brigade "Vostok" who were taken prisoner without wounds were beaten, tortured and were kept without food (bottom photo)
In the first few seconds of the video you can see two Ukrainian POW in an emergency car they were carried from the hospital with comfort. They have clean clothes, they are well fed and clean. One of Ukrainian fascist on the top photo.
From 37th second you see fighters of Brigade East, whom in bus brought Ukrainian fascists. One of them you see on bottom photo. Bruises are even on their faces, I want to remind you that even during Euromaidan in December 2014, the fascists brutally beat their victims but didn't hit the faces. This Ukrainian fascists were taught by American and European instructors, severe beatings are throughout the body, but the face of the victims were left untouched. Victims of the fascists later were forced to make self-incriminating on camera, so faces which always gets into the camera of journalist, the fascists didn't touch.
Soldiers of Brigade "Vostok", released from captivity, said that torture and beatings were daily, one of their comrades was beaten to death. One of the former prisoners said that the fascists hit him by knives as one of the forms of torture. He showed one of his scars, rough sewn with black thread and reported that the fascists repeatedly cut him with a knife and then sutured without anesthesia. Soldiers of Brigade Vostok were held in captivity 10 days of unending nightmare. Woman captive by the fascists wasn't show, apparently by her request.
6th February 2015, city Donetsk, Donetsk republic
Kiev junta war crimes - shelling of civilian infrastructure
More than two hours ago was shelled neighborhood of city Donetsk - "Smolyanka" . On the Kornienko str. shell smashed shop, several people got shrapnel wounds, one girl in serious condition.

* "Uglegorsk residents evacuated by the militias from the town destroyed by UAF 'Grads' " video (2015-02-03) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MuPIBg7-d0] [https://archive.today/9HU5r]. People are crying, asking the cameramen to film their messages to their relatives and let them know that they've survived. Several days ago town was seized by the NAF Upon their retreat, UAF forces called a "Grad" strike at the town destroying its center. People have been hiding in the basements for days being in the middle of forntline between the militias and counter-attacking UAF groups.
* "Kiev mercenaries mined Chernuhinskuyu school, which have driven out the locals", translated 2015-02-06 by Konstantin using materials from [http://lug-info.com/news/one/kievskie-naemniki-zaminirovali-chernukhinskuyu-shkolu-v-kotoruyu-sognali-mestnykh-zhitelei-glava-lnr-1424] [https://archive.today/MxPdP]: Chernukhino village, Lugansk republic.
Kiev junta mercenaries atrocities: using locals as human shield.
Kiev mercenaries from the former Dudayev thugs (war criminals from Chechen wars 1992 - 2000 ) and members of Aydar mined the school in the village Chernukhino to which they previously herded locals. About this today after his visit to the area Debaltsevo "boiler" said Igor Plotnitskiy, the head of Lugansk People's Republic.
"The situation there is indeed there is a very heavy. Chechens mercenaries from the former "Dudayev units" and members of Aydar " - for today commit atrocities, which are comparable only with those that were doing Germans and Banderovites in due time" - Plotnitskiy said.
"They herded to school more than a hundred people - it's mostly women and the elderly, after mined and closed building. Also Russian-speaking men are tied to stakes on the streets, so by them (Kiev junta forces - note Lugansk InformCenter) don't be fired artillery" - said the head of LPR .
Also, according to Igor Plotnitskiy, gunmen have mined other buildings in the village.
"It is practically all are mined. They took away all the cars - most likely they preparing to skedaddle," - he said.
Head of the Lugansk Republic noted that, despite all the insurgents actions, forces of the People's Militia continue to liberate the village.
"In order to save and preserve people, fighters have to move slowly. Now fierce fighting was going against Chechen units. Arrived therefrom people say that there are already more than a hundred of Chechens were killed, they have already lost bodies lie in the streets," - Plotnitskiy said.
Earlier today, Plotnitsky said that in addition to "Dudayevits" in Chernukhino also committing atrocities mercenaries from Belgium, Poland and other foreign countries. He stressed that, despite repeated requests by the People's Militia of LPR, thugs of Kiev junta refuse to provide a corridor for release of women and children.
* "What is the Debaltsevo cauldron hiding?" editorial (2015-02-08) [https://archive.today/pL41K], English translation [https://archive.today/5JSYK]:
What's inside in the Debaltsevo cauldron? Why did the leaders of Europe rush to Russia?
Admittedly, when "the mousetrap" began to shut, everyone began to shout about the need... the need of what? Oh, about the need to follow the Minsk agreements..
The "Debaltsevo cauldron" was intended as a "Debaltsevo springboard" to start a victorious attack on DPR and LPR. In this regard, huge quantities of weapons, ammunition and food was brought to this area. This was confirmed by the militia after the capture of Uglegorsk. They got arsenals overflowing with weapons and warehouses with American food.
To foolishly lose such volume of weapons and "illegal American aid" for tens and hundreds of millions of dollars, and then to beg for the "ultimate weapon to defeat Putin" - this is the height of idiocy and helplessness of senior command.
Likely for this reason, to rehabilitate themselves in the eyes of sponsors, the Ukrainian offensive started today on all fronts at once, and with a simultaneous request for a truce...
It is a madhouse, and not a government and a General staff! They are so unpredictable, that honestly, it's laughable! And yet, there are theories that in the arsenals of Debaltsevo one will find phosphorous and cluster shells and bombs, banned by international conventions, but used by the Ukrainian armed forces during the shelling of cities and towns. This could be evidence of war crimes... [end article]
And, to remind everyone how captured weapons are what moved the war forward in favor of Novorossiya...
* "Reinforcements for DPR Air Defense" (2014-06-30) [https://web.archive.org/web/20150210211558/http://cassad-eng.livejournal.com/11020.html] [begin excerpt]: Regarding the capture of the air defense unit in Donetsk [https://archive.today/Yhuvd] (in Russian), which in some sense provided the DPR militia with special machinery that is necessary to create sites of air defense. Introducing these machines into combat, as it happened with tanks earlier, may shift the balance of forces on tactical and even on the operational level, because it complicates taking advantage of one of the junta's main trump cards that has to do with its aerial superiority. If indeed only junk remained there, then the militia will have to keep hammering at the remaining radar stations and keep saturating their battle lines with MANPANDS. [end excerpt]
* "Kiev accepted the proposal to create a corridor with DNR to evacuate residents Debaltseve" (2015-02-05) [http://dan-news.info/defence/kiev-prinyal-prodolzhenie-dnr-sozdat-koridor-dlya-evakuacii-zhitelej-debalcevo-minoborony-dnr.html] [https://archive.today/bsY9W]: The Kiev junta has accepted a proposal by the authorities of the Donetsk People's Republic to establish a fully-fledged ceasefire in the contested Debaltsevo area on Friday to ensure the safe evacuation of civilians from the town of Debaltsevo.
According to a spokesman for the DPR Defense Ministry Eduard Basurin, the ceasefire will be introduced at 09.00 am local time on February 6.
“The DPR is preparing buses and cars to transport the civilians. The evacuation through a humanitarian corridor will start at 11.00 am local time with refugees heading either to Gorlovka [controlled by Novorossiya] or Artemovsk [controlled by the Kiev junta]. People have a choice,” – Eduard Basurin said.
* "Rebels, Ukraine government forces jointly evacuate war-hit town" (2015-02-06, Associated Press) [https://archive.today/CTzSd] [https://archive.today/RhpmR] [begin excerpt]: Separatist fighters have made advances, taking Vuhlehirsk, a rural settlement 10 kilometers (6 miles) to the west, as they sought to capture Debaltseve, which links by rail their two main strongholds, the eastern cities of Donetsk and Luhansk.
On Friday, in a move not seen before in this war, the two sides briefly ceased hostilities to jointly evacuate the few residents still remaining. Dozens of buses traveled in convoys to Debaltseve from both rebel and government territory to ferry locals away from danger.
"We agreed with the Ukrainian authorities that this would be done jointly, to give people the right to choose to go to the Ukrainian side or to go to Donetsk," said Daria Morozova, a separatist official.
Despite earlier claims by Ukraine, the town of Vuhlehirsk appeared Friday to be fully under the control of the separatists. Several residents didn't know the evacuation was taking place until the buses arrived. Some said they could not get back home and bring family members to the collection point in time. Many looked exhausted.
Eduard Basurin, a rebel spokesman, said some 1,000 civilians were expected to be evacuated Friday but Morozova later told the AP that only about 50 people left on the rebels' 20-odd buses. Shortly after the bus convoys arrived, the Ukrainian army began firing outgoing artillery from positions near the center of town. Groups of Ukrainian military, separatists and international observers huddled to one side of the square where the food was being handed out, unfazed by the shelling.
"So when are the Americans going to send us some tanks?" National Guard officer Ilya Kiva asked AP reporters. [end excerpt]
* "KIEV JUNTA DISRUPTED EVACUATION OF DEBALTSEVO CIVILIANS TO THE DONETSK PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC" (2015-02-06) [http://dan-news.info/defence/ukrainskaya-storona-sorvala-evakuaciyu-mirnyx-zhitelej-iz-debalcevo-v-dnr-minoborony.html] [https://archive.today/rg9A4]:
"Evacuation of Debaltsevo civilians to the Donetsk People's Republic has been disrupted through the fault of Ukraine," - DPR Defense Ministry spokesman Eduard Basurin told the Donetsk news agency.
"40 people arrived at the place of evacuation. People failed to come as the Ukrainian side had not issued a notification of the opportunity to be evacuated to the DPR. People don’t know anything. When we entered Debaltsevo, there was a provocation, fire was being delivered from the city," - Eduard Basurin said. Note: The plan of evacuation offered 2 options to civilians: to go to Gorlovka [controlled by the DPR] or Artemovsk [controlled by the Kiev junta]. According to a Donetsk correspondent reporting from the site, a convoy of about 20 nearly empty buses is heading for Donetsk. Shelling of the evacuation area from the Ukrainian side did not stop, with both artillery and sniper fire being delivered.
* " 'Kiev Forces shot at us' says Chernukhino refugee" video (2015-02-06) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnu7HksUsgs]: Residents from the village of Chernukhino in the Donetsk region stated that the Ukrainian army had stopped them from leaving the warzone that has engulfed their homes, while they were being evacuated Friday.
* "LC on Sunday will try again to organize the evacuation of residents Chernukhin" (2015-02-07) [http://lug-info.com/news/one/lnr-v-voskresene-vnov-popytaetsya-organizovat-evakuatsiyu-zhitelei-chernukhino-plotnitskii-1469] [https://archive.today/bEZTL]: Lugansk People's Republic, Novorossiya. On the 8th of February the LPR authorities will try to organize a humanitarian corridor in order to evacuate the civilians of Chernukhino. “The situation in Chernukhino remains complicated because Ukraine refuses to provide a humanitarian corridor. We planned to evacuate civilians today, but failed. We are going to do it tomorrow. We will evacuate as many people as possible. Everything (accommodation, food, etc) is ready for them,” – Igor Plotnitsky said. Earlier a spokesman for the LPR emergencies ministry said that the LPR rescues had failed to move further than a checkpoint on the outskirts of the town of Zorinsk because of intense artillery shelling from the Ukrainian side. However, 18 elderly people decided to leave the village of Chernukhino on their own, they walked more than 10 km and reached the checkpoint.
* Photos (2015-02-06) [https://archive.today/yUCLe]: There is evacuation of locals from battlefield area in Uglegorks (controlled by Novorossian military). The evacuation of civilians from Debaltsevo basically failed because pro-Kiev "heroes" shell road.
* "Debaltsevo evacuation sabotaged by the Ukrainian party" video (2015-02-07) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTCVwdYmAb8]

* "In Yenakievo arrived about 1,500 refugees from the surrounding villages and Uglegorsk" (2015-02-06) [http://dan-news.info/defence/v-enakievo-pribylo-okolo-1500-bezhencev-iz-uglegorska-i-prilegayushhix-sel.html] [https://archive.today/FJVW9], video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jg8lbcp2XZg]:
Enakievo, Novorossiya. “Around 1500 civilians of Uglegorsk and nearby settlements were evacuated to Enakievo over the past 4 days,” – the Head of the local charitable foundation “Pomozhem drug drugu” Igor Korovyakovsky told the Donetsk news agency. “Around 600 people arrived on Tuesday. Refugees are accommodated in vacant wards of two hospitals, rehabilitation center, hotel and hostels of the town. Around 40 people were accommodated in a recreation center of Enakievo metallurgical plant. They are provided with bed-clothes and warm clothes,” – Igor Korovyakovsky said. He also stressed that they call on Enakievo residents of private houses to give refugees houseroom if possible.
“As concerns food, 3 social canteens work in Enakievo, where people can eat for free on a daily basis. The volunteers of non-government organizations help us with food products and clothes. Yesterday the staff of the regional Committee of the Red Cross brought warm jackets and blankets,” – he added. The head of administration of Enakievo Roman Khramenkov also takes part in the evacuation of Uglegorsk civilians.
* "Fighting for Logvinovo" (2015-02-09) [https://web.archive.org/web/20150210203626/http://cassad-eng.livejournal.com/114378.html]
* DONBASS-INFORMATION : 09.02.2015 [https://archive.today/1mSEi] [begin excerpt]:
Oligarchs beginning to realize the Kyiv regime has failed & will soon be swept away. Now want to negotiate with Novorossiya. There are separatist movements in WEST Ukraine, Galicia and TransCarpathia - growing opposition to Kyiv regime. Ukraine is falling apart [end excerpt]
The following article is from a monopolist newswire and is republished in newspapers and used as a source for TV news across the world. The rockets shot by the fascist Ukraine military is blamed, literally, on Russia, and not on "behind the lines" soldiers of Ukraine sending rockets against the forward lines of the Novorossiya military!

[end excerpt]
Video & Photo 2015-02-10 from Kramatorsk showing unexploded Hurricane rocket:
* "Explosive Talks: Poroshenko to Bring Shell Splinter to Minsk" (2015-02-11) [http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150211/1018111266.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212004832/http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150211/1018111266.html] [begin excerpt]: Earlier in the day, Poroshenko visited the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk that came under shelling on February 10 to inspect the situation there. "These are the evidence of the usage of dispensing weaponry against civilians in the center of Kramatorsk. Here in my hands I have an element of cluster munition 'Smerch'. … I will show this evidence in Minsk and at the session of the EU Council," Poroshenko was quoted as saying by the press service. Poroshenko's statement comes ahead of the much-anticipated Normandy Quartet meeting in the Belarusian capital. Leaders of Russia, Germany and France are also taking part in the talks. This is not the first time the Ukrainian leader has brought evidence to international negotiations. On February 7, the Ukrainian president addressed the Munich Security Conference in Germany, brandishing the covers of Russian passports and military IDs, saying they were evidence of "Russian presence" in Ukraine's southeast. Moscow then asked for copies of the documents but Kiev failed to provide them. [end excerpt]
Union of the People's Republic of Novorossiya
* "New Russia for the first time showed a new monetary tool" (2015-01-24) [http://12polos.ru/politika/novorossiya-vpervye-pokazala-novoe-denezhnoe-sredstvo/] [https://archive.today/b9n95]: Last week in Sevastopol was a draft bill in the 25 "settlement marks Novorossiya" for the Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republic. The new banknotes will operate as long as the self-proclaimed republics formed not real monetary system - said the delegate of New Russia Dmitry midday. He is concerned that after the economic blockade of the Kiev authorities in Novarossiya catastrophically end access of Ukraine's currency the hryvnia, residents can not pay salaries. So that the public endorsed the initiative and now need to work out a mechanism to support and spread the new currency.

* "Novorossiya Unrolls Its New Currency" (2014-10-04) [http://02varvara.wordpress.com/2014/10/04/novorossiya-unrolls-its-new-currency/] [https://archive.today/tGCB3]
* "Foreign Ministry statement in connection with the DNR wave locks the official websites of government agencies DNR" (2015-01-29) [http://republic.su/blog/mid_dnr/132.html] [https://archive.today/vXXng]:
Two days ago, on 27 January 2015, was blocked by the official website of the Council of Ministers and the National Council of DNI - dnr.today. Domain of the site was registered abroad - the Austro-American company ICANN, which has refused to make further service.
This fact is not the first of its kind disruption of official resources DNI.
Earlier, on January 20, 2015, was also blocked www.mid-dnr.org site and mailing address office@mid-dnr.org, is the official resources of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DNI. Site domain was registered in the United States. A formal request regarding the reason for blocking the site, the company administrator LogicBoxes directly pointed at the political implications of such a move, as subjects of a site is subject to US sanctions under the ban.
There is a systematic campaign aimed at the systematic destruction of all electronic resources of state structures DNR. Such actions may qualify as overt pressure on the key agencies DNR that does not correspond to generally accepted standards of freedom of expression and pluralism of opinions. This is a blatant political provocation, the perpetrators of which, after a thorough investigation, must necessarily be subject to legal liability.
In this regard, the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs DNR moves to a new domain and is available at the following addresses: [mid-dnr.su], [mid-dnr.com], [mid-dnr.ru], and the site of the Ministerial Council - [http://dnr-online.ru].
* "East Ukraine's Luhansk republic promises social guarantees to volunteer militia" (2015-02-09) [http://tass.ru/en/world/776464] [https://archive.today/oQBwI]
* "Donetsk Plans to Conscript 100,000 in General Mobilization" (2015-02-02) [http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150202/1017641904.html] [https://archive.today/cPNae]
* "ALEXANDER Zakharchenko: military buildup DNR will be due VOLUNTEERS" (2015-02-02) [http://novopressa.ru/articles-18.html] [https://archive.today/CLQDW]:
The head of the People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zakharchenko answered questions about the voluntary mobilization.
"The enemy increases by several times the number of the army, we also need to align the situation: most likely, will be announced conscription Donetsk People's Republic. While there is time, new units should have time to learn in our centers, to pass military training, conduct exercises, and I think the spring we will meet in another quantitative composition of the army DNR. "
We plan to create five additional brigades - a provision that can withstand any attack of the enemy and, if successful, to counter-attack.
"We want to increase the number of the armies of the DNI and the LC up to one hundred thousand troops, primarily due to the volunteers. If we treat this quantity, the mobilization is not necessary. Wishing to join the ranks of the army DNI enough already. During the fighting in Uglegorsk locals joined the army units DNR on a voluntary basis, "- said the Head of the Republic.
* "Luhansk republic leader would prefer Russian, Belorusian peacekeepers if any" (2015-02-09) [http://tass.ru/en/world/776404] [https://archive.today/NQ3R7]
* "Aircraft of Russia hit Debaltseve, based ATO denies" (2015-02-09) [http://news.liga.net/news/politics/5040875-rossiyskie_samolety_nanesli_udar_v_rayone_debaltsevo.htm] [https://archive.today/3LWDM]
* "SERIOUS ESCALATION: Russia attacks Ukraine from the air?" (2015-02-09) [http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/escalation-russia-attacks-ukraine-from.html] [https://archive.today/ntNwq]
* "Aviation LC continues to guard the airspace of the Republic" (2015-01-29) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53orCbYs4DA]
"Aviation LC attacked an armored column Ukrainian army " (2015-02-03) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIEO1kbCAA8]
* "STRATCOM, Germany make arrangement to share space services, data" (2015-01-30) [http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/STRATCOM_Germany_make_arrangement_to_share_space_services_data_999.html] [https://archive.today/FrPq1] [begin excerpt]: U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) signed a technical arrangement with Germany to share Space Situational Awareness (SSA) services and information, Jan. 9. The arrangement, signed by Maj. Gen. David D. Thompson, the STRATCOM director of Plans and Policy, and German army Brig. Gen. Dirk H. Backen, the defense attache at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Washington, D.C., will enable and enhance each nation's awareness within the space domain and increase the safety of their spaceflight operations. "Space Situational Awareness requires cooperation, and arrangements such as this allow us to partner more effectively," said U.S. Navy Adm. Cecil D. Haney, the STRATCOM commander. [end excerpt]
* "Munich security meet to focus on 'collapse of global order' " (2015-02-04) [http://www.spacewar.com/reports/Munich_security_meet_to_focus_on_collapse_of_global_order_999.html] [https://archive.today/UXgNN] [begin excerpt]: German Chancellor Angela Merkel is among 20 heads of government and state on the guest list, along with 60-odd foreign and defence ministers including US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russia's top diplomat Sergei Lavrov. Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko and US Vice President Joe Biden will also join the 51st MSC, a gathering launched at the height of the Cold War that is expected to focus heavily on the new East-West standoff over Ukraine. The event's organiser, veteran German diplomat Wolfgang Ischinger, said the meeting will discuss what he called an unprecedented upsurge in global crises over the past year, and the inability of the international community to tackle them. "The international order is collapsing right now," he warned. "We live in the age of the collapse of order. In this vacuum everyone is testing how far he can go: (Russian President Vladimir) Putin in Ukraine, China against Japan, Iran in the nuclear dispute, the jihadists with the horrible things they do. There is a massive need for 'global governance'. Really the UN Security Council should be resolving a crisis a week -- Iraq, Syria... Instead the council is blocked and so is any will to reform." [end excerpt]
Federation of Russia (SCO / EEU member state)
The following was distributed by monopolist news sources across the world, for the purpose of denigrating Vladimir Putin by making him seem to be a mentally disabled person.
* "Pentagon study claimed Putin has Asperger's syndrome" (2015-02-05, AFP newswire) [https://archive.today/4FKW1]
Arab Republic of Syria
* "Russia’s Support of Assad Flexible if Saudis Promise to Cut Oil Output" (2015-02-04) [http://sputniknews.com/analysis/20150204/1017782824.html] [https://archive.today/rD19Q]
* "Kremlin denies it's in oil talks with Riyadh" (2015-02-04) [http://www.oilgasdaily.com/reports/Kremlin_denies_its_in_oil_talks_with_Riyadh_999.html] [https://archive.today/k5k1k]
Republic of Iraq
The following article describes an economically significant contract put forward by the Royal Dutch Shell energy company, which is an EU-Chartered Transnational Corporation in consortium with USA-Chartered energy companies to implement foreign policy measures, and, in this case, to continue their influence over Iraq and to prevent an alliance between Iraq, Syria and Iran.
* "Iraq, Shell initial $11-billion petrochemical deal" (2015-01-28) [http://www.oilgasdaily.com/reports/Iraq_Shell_initial_11-billion_petrochemical_deal_999.html] [https://archive.today/7HKt6] [begin excerpt]: The Iraqi government and Royal Dutch Shell signed Wednesday an agreement in principle potentially worth $11 billion (9.6 billion euros) to build a large petrochemicals plant in the country's south. "The deal is huge and the plant should be operational in five years," oil ministry spokesman Assem Jihad told AFP. The deal, which still has to be formally agreed with the Anglo-Dutch giant, was signed by Industry Minister Naseer al-Issawi and envisions what would be the region's largest petrochemicals plant near the oil city of Basra. "A heads of agreement for a potential petrochemicals project in southern Iraq was signed by representatives of Shell and the Iraqi government," said a company spokesman, declining to provide further details. Assem Jihad said the plant would produce plastics, fertilisers and other petroleum derivatives that will help diversify Iraq's economy. [end excerpt]
Islamic Republic of Iran (SCO / EEU affiliate state)
* "Fajr satellite serves no military purpose" (2015-02-03) [http://www.irna.ir/en/News/81490795/] [https://archive.today/vgpsf] [begin excerpt]: Director of space projects at Iran Electronics Industries Company Mehdi Sarvi told IRNA that Fajr satellite which was successfully placed into orbit by Safir satellite carrier, serves no military purpose and could be used in the fields of shipping, sea, road, agricultural and meteorological. [end excerpt]
* "IGIL is interested in both Kyrgyzstan and all Central Asia!" (2015-02-02) [http://www.worldandwe.com/en/page/toktogul_kakchekeev_igil_is_interested_in_both_kyrgyzstan_and_all_central_asia.html] [https://archive.today/pHKIx]
* "Birth of a Caliphate" (2014-06-30) [https://web.archive.org/web/20150210214726/http://cassad-eng.livejournal.com/11461.html], with a map distributed originally by the CIA and related clandestine agencies, before being publicly released, and is now a part of the established record concerning the movement of the global Caliphate financed by certain princes of Arabia's kingdoms. Their financial-backing of groups within Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan enhances the 'new' Operation Cyclone for the Breakup of the Eurasian Union.
People's Republic of China
* "How China Became Capitalist" (2013-01) [https://archive.today/n55rX]
* "China is NOT Communist" online debate [https://archive.today/knhTe]: They're not Socialist. They have pretty much unregulated Capitalism considering the amount of sweatshops they have as well as the toxic toothpaste and melamine milk they exported in the past. Not to mention that the western regions (including Tibet and Xinjang/East Turkestan) of China have lower living conditions than than it's eastern areas. Not too long ago, Honda factory workers there went on strike because they weren't getting payed enough. Capitalism doesn't make a country free [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJLaRhTKzw8] It's a speech from Michael Parenti about Capitalism and whether it works or not. Speech starts at 1:22 of the video..
* "China & Market Socialism: A Question of State & Revolution" (2011-05-20) [https://archive.today/LssnM] [begin excerpt]: Though each face very specific obstacles in building socialism, these five countries–the Republic of Cuba, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and the People’s Republic of China–stand as a challenge to the goliath of Western imperialist hegemony. Among them, however, China stands unique as a socialist country whose economic growth continues to supersede even the most powerful imperialist countries.
Though an embarrassing number of Western “left” groups challenge the designation of any of these five countries as socialist, no country raises greater opposition than China. Many Western “left” groups claim that modern China is a full-fledged capitalist country. Owing their ideological heritage to bogus theoreticians like Leon Trotsky, Tony Cliffe, and Hal Draper, some groups argue that China was never a socialist country, claiming instead that the Chinese state is and has been state capitalist.
I counter their outrageous reactionary assertions with six theses:
First, Chinese market socialism is a method of resolving the primary contradiction facing socialist construction in China: backwards productive forces.
Second, market socialism in China is a Marxist-Leninist tool that is important to socialist construction.
Third, the Chinese Communist Party’s continued leadership and control of China’s market economy is central to Chinese socialism.
Fourth, Chinese socialism has catapulted a workers state to previously unknown economic heights.
Fifth, the successful elevation of China as a modern industrial economy has laid the basis for ‘higher’ forms of socialist economic organization.
And sixth, China applies market socialism to its relations with the Third World and plays a major role in the fight against imperialism.
* "China vows no 'Western values' in universities" (2015-01-30, AFP newswire) [https://archive.today/gXwO2]
* "China 2015 military drills to focus on 'winning local wars' " (2015-01-29, AFP newswire) [https://archive.today/8UXNQ]
Vallejo Housing Authority Receives Visit from Chinese Delegates
City Manager’s Bi-Weekly Report
Volume 3, Issue 8 | February 6, 2015
Daniel E. Keen, City Manager [https://web.archive.org/web/20150209182543/http://www.cityofvallejo.net/common/pages/DisplayFile.aspx?itemId=184826]
The Vallejo Housing Authority (VHA) recently hosted a group of 13 delegates from China’s Sichuan Province, reportedly the birthplace of the panda.
The delegates, who are government officials, work to provide programs and services to help low-income families and individuals with affordable housing, food, and other necessities.
The delegates are seeking to learn about the Housing Choice Voucher program in Vallejo, and how the VHA helps low-income Vallejo res-idents to locate housing. They were also inter-ested in the City’s First-Time Homebuyer pro-grams. The delegates were greeted by Val-lejo’s Sister City Association and spent some time with the Mayor to learn about the City’s programs from a political perspective.

Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in northern Korea
* "Russia and DPRK May Develop $20-30 Billion Power Grid Project" (2015-01-24) [http://sputniknews.com/asia/20150124/1017291523.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212011159/http://sputniknews.com/asia/20150124/1017291523.html]
* "Russia, North Korea Discuss Possible Visa-Free Regime, Economic Cooperation" (2014-10-28) [http://sputniknews.com/asia/20141028/1014052515.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212011657/http://sputniknews.com/asia/20141028/1014052515.html]
* "North Korean Financial Reforms Include Introduction of Credit Cards" (2015-02-07) [http://sputniknews.com/asia/20150207/1017941869.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212052501/http://sputniknews.com/asia/20150207/1017941869.html]
* "Pyongyang Invites English Speakers to Teach North Korean Tourism Students" (2015-01-22) [http://sputniknews.com/asia/20150122/1017223173.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212011659/http://sputniknews.com/asia/20150122/1017223173.html]
* "China Approves Kim Jong Un's Possible Visit to Moscow for Victory Day" (2015-01-22) [http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150122/1017241978.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150122222700/http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150122/1017241978.html]
* "China to Boost Cooperation with North Korea in 2015: Foreign Ministry" (2015-01-09) [http://sputniknews.com/asia/20150109/1016705678.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212012316/http://sputniknews.com/asia/20150109/1016705678.html]
* "North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Ready for Summit Talks With Seoul: Reports" (2015-01-01) [http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150101/1016446477.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212012316/http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150101/1016446477.html]
* "China to Benefit From Korea Reunification: South Korean Speaker" (2014-12-18) [http://sputniknews.com/politics/20141218/1015968550.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212021631/http://sputniknews.com/politics/20141218/1015968550.html]
* "DPRK Writes Off Power Shortage, Says 'Flashy Lights not Essence of Society' " (2015-02-09) [http://sputniknews.com/asia/20150209/1017998342.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150209183018/http://sputniknews.com/asia/20150209/1017998342.html]
* "North Korea by night: satellite images shed new light on the secretive state" (2014-04-23) [http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/23/north-korea-by-night-satellite-images-shed-new-light-on-the-secretive-state] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212053156/http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/23/north-korea-by-night-satellite-images-shed-new-light-on-the-secretive-state]
Unfortunately for the genuine dialogue of human-rights abuse in the DPRK, many of the well-known 'defectors' who escape the DPRK jurisdiction describe details which turn out to be falsified, or based only on the events of the mid-1990s when the quality of life was at its lowest for the people. A notorious example is when visitors to DPRK look for 'death' camps as shown by 'Korean experts' using Google maps, only to find a farm, or a fish cannery, and not knowing that millions of Koreans left during the famine and went to China or the Federation of Russia and never returned (if they're all missing, they must be dead!) For an example of how these 'death' camps are spotted using Google maps, see the following.
* "DPRK Map Scan" (2014-02 to 03) [https://archive.today/3gbVR] [https://archive.today/DCRwv]: About 200,000 North Koreans are believed to be detained in camps and prisons scattered across North Korea. But about 3 million have disappeared since the mid-1990s. Where are they? Are they in unknown camps and prisons? Or are they all gone?
* "US INTELLIGENCE FLAWS ON NORTH KOREA", by Dr. Roy U.T. Kim, Professor of International Political Economy, Drexel University, and Senior Fellow at Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The following example is an article published in monopolist-owned newspapers, and distributed by an established and respected monopolist newswire which is financially associated with the tight-knit family of fanatical cult-leader Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a person employed by the CIA who claimed himself to be the 'Son of God' and the true King of Earth, but whose operations are associated with weapons and contraband under the cover of a religion (a clandestine operative's technique). For more on him, see [https://archive.today/c5tfe] and at [https://archive.today/7HUU2]. The article ends with the statement "UPI's ultimate sole shareholder provides grants to Global Peace Foundation", of which more info can be found at [https://archive.today/ZhFX3], which promotes the creation of an interreligious council at the United Nations as a check and balance to its political-only structure, with the tyrannical King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and the fascist King Juan Carlos of Spain, officially giving their full support for the idea.
* "Woman guarded rice supply with machine gun" (2015-01-19, UPI newswire) [http://www.spacewar.com/reports/Voices_of_North_Korea_Woman_guarded_rice_supply_with_machine_gun_Some_were_very_hungry_999.html] [https://archive.today/7zgGt]
* "West’s favorite North Korean defector lied to UN" (2015-02-02) [http://www.liberationnews.org/wests-favorite-north-korean-defector-lied-un/] [https://archive.today/4opin]: Liar to liar. In 2013, Shin Dong-hyuk went on a tour to help build a campaign against the DPRK. He stopped at the George Bush Institute in order to add his falsified stories to Bush's "Freedom Collection."

This is a very significant development. Shin Dong-hyuk is literally the global voice and face of the human rights campaign that Western countries are waging against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea—a campaign that is part of a wider strategy to overthrow the government and bring all of Korea under U.S. neo-colonial control.
The exposure of Shin Dong-hyuk’s falsehoods should bring an immediate end to the entire shoddy “human rights” campaign against North Korea.
The United Nations has referred the DPRK to the International Criminal Court for “Crimes Against Humanity” solely on the basis of witness testimony and some fuzzy satellite pictures. Shin Dong-hyuk was literally “Witness #1” at the UN’s Commission of Inquiry on North Korea. This commission’s findings led to the proposed ICC charges.
Shin Dong-hyuk’s lies have been amplified a million-fold by the United Nations, Human Rights Watch, 60 Minutes, the New York Times, CNN, Amnesty International and many, many, many others. His “life-story” was turned into a best-selling book, “Escape from Camp 14: One Man’s Remarkable Journey from North Korea to Freedom in the West.” The book has been translated into 27 languages.
According to Blaine Harden, the author: “On Friday, Jan. 16, I learned that Shin Dong-hyuk, the North Korean prison camp survivor who is the subject of ‘Escape from Camp 14,’ had told friends an account of his life that differed substantially from my book.”
Shin Dong-hyuk’s sensational stories of torture and cruelty in the DPRK started to unravel late last year when his father spoke on North Korean television claiming that Shin Dong-hyuk had never been in a prison-camp at all.
End the phony human rights campaign against North Korea
In making their case against North Korea, the UN and HRW have both stated forcefully and repeatedly that Shin Dong-hyuk is “The single strongest voice on the atrocities taking place in North Korea.” Seriously?
Everyone should be drawing the same conclusions here: If the number one spokesperson, a defector who has been feted around the world and given human rights awards from the UN, HRW and many others, is lying, then how much credence should we give any of the testimony made before the UN’s Commission of Inquiry on North Korea? My answer: not a lot, if any. In fact, the UN has made little to no attempt to verify the accuracy of any of the witnesses against the DPRK.
Why should we trust the commission at all, especially when you consider that the human rights campaign against the DPRK is completely inseparable from the U.S. strategy to bring the country to its knees and move the U.S. military, already 27,000 strong in South Korea, to the very doorstep of China?
The falsehoods of Shin Dong-hyuk should bring to mind the numerous occasions when the United States and the West have used lies, racist demonization campaigns and phony human rights justifications to provide cover for their imperialist agenda of dominating the world’s peoples, markets and resources.
The people of the world must demand an immediate end to all Western campaigns to seize Korea for the benefit of Wall Street, including the hollow ICC case against the DPRK.
* "North Korea strikes down US talks, vows 'final doom' " (2015-02-04) [http://www.spacewar.com/reports/North_Korea_strikes_down_US_talks_vows_final_doom_999.html] [https://archive.today/8lCF5] [begin excerpt]: North Korea on Wednesday appeared to rule out any resumption of dialogue with the United States, threatening to react to any US "war of aggression" with nuclear strikes and cyber warfare. The statement was an apparent reaction to an interview Obama gave on January 22 in which he spoke of the eventual collapse of the North Korean regime, calling it "the most isolated, the most sanctioned, the most cut-off nation on Earth". North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, who is head of the NDC, said on the weekend that Pyongyang refused to sit any longer at the table "with rabid dogs barking" about toppling its socialist system. "Since the gangster-like US imperialists are blaring that they will 'bring down' the DPRK (North Korea)... the army and people of the DPRK cannot but officially notify the Obama administration... that the DPRK has neither need nor willingness to sit at negotiating table with the US any longer," the NDC said. If the US ignites "a war of aggression" and unleashes a nuclear war, North Korea will "counter it through its own nuclear strikes", it said in a statement carried by the North's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). "And if the former tries to bring down the latter through a cyber warfare, it will react to it with its own preeminent cyber warfare and will thus bring earlier the final ruin of the US," said the statement titled "US imperialists will face final doom". [end excerpt]
* "Pentagon Asks for $9.6 Bln to Counter Missile Threat From Iran, North Korea" (2015-02-03) [http://sputniknews.com/military/20150203/1017695545.html] [https://archive.today/SoYrk]
* "Northrop Grumman to start building Global Hawks for Korea" (2015-02-03, UPI newswire) [https://archive.today/0wujX]
* "EJI'S NEW LYNCHING REPORT DOCUMENTS AN ERA OF RACIAL TERRORISM" (2015-02-10) [http://www.eji.org/node/1037] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150211184941/http://www.eji.org/node/1037]
* "New Report Examines Lynchings And Their Legacy In The United States" (2015-02-10) [http://www.npr.org/blogs/codeswitch/2015/02/10/385263536/new-report-examines-lynchings-and-their-legacy-in-the-united-states] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150211184852/http://www.npr.org/blogs/codeswitch/2015/02/10/385263536/new-report-examines-lynchings-and-their-legacy-in-the-united-states] [begin excerpt]: We're focusing on lynchings of African-Americans because when whites were lynched it was really more about punishment — it wasn't sent to terrorize the white community, it was intended to actually make the white community feel safe. The lynching of African-Americans, on the other hand, was really a direct message to the entire African-American community — it was designed to traumatize and terrorize. In most of the places where these lynchings took place — in fact in all of them — there was a functioning criminal justice system that was deemed "too good" for African-Americans. You had lynching of whites and others in the far West and in the early parts of the 19th century that would be called "frontier justice"; you didn't have functioning justice system and so people took things in their hands. Here, we had very well established courts of laws, we had very well established criminal justice systems. Often these men were pulled from jails and pulled out of courthouses, where they could be lynched literally on the courthouse lawn. My thesis is essentially that slavery — the evil of slavery wasn't involuntary servitude. It was this narrative of racial difference, this ideology of white supremacy. And so when reconstruction collapsed, to restore the racial hierarchy you had to use force and violence and intimidation. And in the South that manifested itself with these lynchings. [end excerpt]
* "The Fiery Cage and the Lynching Tree, Brutality’s Never Far Away" (2015-02-05) [http://billmoyers.com/2015/02/05/isis-brutality-burning-lynching/] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150211214950/http://billmoyers.com/2015/02/05/isis-brutality-burning-lynching/]
* "New Report Compiles A Devastating Count of Nearly 4,000 Lynchings of Black People in the US, Showing This Form of White Terrorism Had Profound Impact on American History" (2015-02-10) [http://atlantablackstar.com/2015/02/10/new-report-compiles-devastating-count-nearly-4000-lynchings-black-people-us-showing-form-white-terrorism-profound-impact-american-history/] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150212032507/http://atlantablackstar.com/2015/02/10/new-report-compiles-devastating-count-nearly-4000-lynchings-black-people-us-showing-form-white-terrorism-profound-impact-american-history/]
* "History of Lynchings in the South Documents Nearly 4,000 Names" (2015-02-10) [http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/10/us/history-of-lynchings-in-the-south-documents-nearly-4000-names.html?_r=0] [https://archive.today/6SPWv]
* "Lynching as Racial Terrorism" (2015-02-11) [http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/11/opinion/lynching-as-racial-terrorism.html?_r=0] [https://archive.today/9bACX]
* "As Study Finds 4,000 Lynchings in Jim Crow South, Will U.S. Address Legacy of Racial Terrorism?" (2015-02-11) [http://www.democracynow.org/2015/2/11/as_study_finds_4_000_lynchings] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150211181548/http://www.democracynow.org/2015/2/11/as_study_finds_4_000_lynchings]
* "Mansons on the Mekong: Yesteryear’s Generation Kill" (2015-02-10) [http://antiwar.com/blog/2015/02/10/mansons-on-the-mekong/] [https://archive.today/hGQA0] [begin excerpt]: The mass murderer is Sergeant Scott Camile, and he was an American soldier in the Vietnam War. Like Chris Kyle, Camile participated in an immoral, imperial invasion of a poor country, driving townspeople and villagers from their homes, and massacring them in their homeland. At the beginning of his post-War career in antiwar activism, Camile voluntarily testified in the Winter Soldier Investigation. These were among his confessions:
“And it got to be where it was like someone says okay, “You come stay on my farm and you can go hunting everyday for free and I’ll give you all the ammo you want and you can hunt and there’s no limit and you can go and all go out together and just hunt.” It was like a hunting trip. The more people we killed the happier our officers were, you know. It got to be like a game. The object was to see who could kill the most people and the different ways you could prove how many people you had killed would be like cutting off ears. Now if you brought back someone’s ears, pretty likely you’d have to kill them to get them. And people would, whoever had the most ears they would get the most beers. You’d trade your ears for beers. And it got to be like a game. (…) Another time I had a friend of mine killed and I was very upset and I asked this Vietnamese for his ID card and he says “cum beck” which means ‘I don’t understand’ in Vietnamese and he just pissed me off so I pulled out my knife and I killed him and it didn’t bother me at all. I just called it in and I said “One VC killed.” and they said “How do you know he’s a VC?” and I said “because he’s dead” and they laughed and said “okay” you know.”
[end excerpt]
* "Tribe fighting Redskins name plans ‘Oz’ casino despite author’s racist past" (2015-02-06) [http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/tribe-fighting-redskins-name-builds-casino-honoring-racist-wizard-of-oz-author/2015/02/06/9d779c62-ac9f-11e4-ad71-7b9eba0f87d6_story.html] [https://archive.today/Jxzp1]
* "Honduras’ Five-Century War: From Spanish invaders to US imperialists, the Honduran struggle for self-determination has found enemies at every turn" (2015-02-11) [https://www.jacobinmag.com/2015/02/honduras-oligarchs-imperialism-land/] [https://archive.today/rMys0]
* "The Secret Meeting of 11 June 1965 on European Monetary Union" [http://www.voltairenet.org/article184422.html] [https://archive.today/fpQDP]
"Yeah, I believe it." The following scholarly article written by a fascist Ukrainian who omits even the mention of the original conversion of the Rus to Orthodox Christianity along the Greek rite, a significant omission to those who are familiar to Eastern European history.
* "How Moscow hijacked the history of Kyivan Rus’ " (2014-05-14) [http://strataforum.org/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150213191427/http://strataforum.org/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/], originally posted to [https://web.archive.org/web/20141128182519/http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/]:
The Tatar-Mongols who entered these lands were a big element in the formulation of ‘Great Russians’. The Great Russsian psychology absorbed many characteristics – the Tatar-Mongol instincts of a conqueror and despot, with the ultimate aim: world domination. Thus by the XVI cent. was established the type of a conqueror who was horrible in his lack of education, rage and cruelty. These people had no use for European culture and literacy. All such things like morality, honesty, shame, justice, human dignity and historical awareness were absolutely foreign to them.
Ukrainians had emerged as a nation in the XI to XII centuries, and probably, even earlier. Later they were labeled ‘Little Russians’ when Russians began to brainwash the world with their ‘version’ of history. For the smallest deviation from this official version, people were tortured, killed, and sent off to the GULAG. The Soviet period was especially brutal and vicious. During that time, Ukraine lost over 25 million of her sons and daughters, who perished in wars for Russian interests, and during collectivization, tortures, and forced relocations. [end excerpt].
The article is written by this guy [https://web.archive.org/web/20150213195451/http://strataforum.org/author/v-usenko/] [begin bio]:
Dr. Vitalii Usenko. Expert. MD, MBA has experience with international projects had have been working with EU Commission projects of TACIS of EU Commission for restructuring Ukraine’s pharmaceutical sector. Developed recommendations on the harmonization of the Ukrainian legislation with European Union in 1999-2001.

From a website that offers such important analysis as the following nugget (accompanied by the image) [https://web.archive.org/web/20150213200420/http://strataforum.org/truth-and-myths-about-russian-nuclear-potential-from-euromaidan-press/]:

Another history article from the website:
* "The Real Birth of the Ukrainian Nation" (2015-02-08) [https://web.archive.org/web/20150213202354/http://strataforum.org/the-real-birth-of-the-ukrainian-nation/]
* "Kiev junta by order of masters brainwashing children from the former East of Ukraine in museums of Stepan Bandera" (2015-02-08) [https://archive.today/sxca2]
* " 'Ancient Ukrainians dug the Black Sea in the Ukraine, and other made up stories", original version (2014-11-01) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jTdUOrqxdI], with English Captions [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuDmtzjd9a0]: Did you ever know that that Ukrainians were the first nation on Earth (140,000 years old !!!) or that Buddha himself had Ukrainian roots, and legendary Spartacus was Ukrainian too? And closer to our times: did you know that World War II was a Communist-Nazi war between Germany and Soviet Union for...the territory of Ukraine (being one of the Soviet Union Republics at the time, but who cares?). Facts aren't important anymore for those who are writing history books for Ukrainians schools.
* "Lies concerning the history of the Soviet Union: From Hitler to Hearst, from Conquest to Solzhenitsyn. The history of the millions of people who were allegedly incarcerated and died in the labour camps of the Soviet Union and as a result of starvation during Stalin’s time" (1998) [https://archive.today/l7Ny8] [begin excerpt]:
William Hearst – Friend of Hitler -
At Hitler’s side in the German leadership was Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda, the man in charge of inculcating the Nazi dream into the German people. This was a dream of a racially pure people living in a Greater Germany, a country with broad lebensraum, a wide space in which to live. One part of this lebensraum, an area to the east of Germany which was, indeed, far larger than Germany itself, had yet to be conquered and incorporated into the German nation. In 1925, in Mein Kampf, Hitler had already pointed to the Ukraine as an essential part of this German living space. The Ukraine and other regions of Eastern Europe needed to belong to the German nation so that they could be utilized in a ‘proper’ manner. According to Nazi propaganda, the Nazi sword would liberate this territory in order to make space for the German race. With German technology and German enterprise, the Ukraine would be transformed into an area producing cereals for Germany. But first the Germans had to liberate the Ukraine of its population of ‘inferior beings’ who, according to Nazi propaganda, would be put to work as a slave labor force in German homes, factories and fields - anywhere they were needed by the German economy.
The conquest of the Ukraine and other areas of the Soviet Union would necessitate war against the Soviet Union, and this war had to be prepared well in advance. To this end the Nazi propaganda ministry, headed by Goebbels, began a campaign around a supposed genocide committed by the Bolsheviks in the Ukraine, a dreadful period of catastrophic famine deliberately provoked by Stalin in order to force the peasantry to accept socialist policy. The purpose of the Nazi campaign was to prepare world public opinion for the ‘liberation’ of the Ukraine by German troops. Despite huge efforts and in spite of the fact that some of the German propaganda texts were published in the English press, the Nazi campaign around the supposed ‘genocide’ in the Ukraine was not very successful at the world level. It was clear that Hitler and Goebbels needed help in spreading their libelous rumors about the Soviet Union. That help they found in the USA.
William Randolph Hearst is the name of a multi-millionaire who sought to help the Nazis in their psychological warfare against the Soviet Union. Hearst was a well-known US newspaper proprietor known as the ‘father’ of the so-called ‘yellow press’, i.e., the sensationalist press. William Hearst began his career as a newspaper editor in 1885 when his father, George Hearst, a millionaire mining industrialist, Senator and newspaper proprietor himself, put him in charge of the San Francisco Daily Examiner.
This was also the start of the Hearst newspaper empire, an empire which strongly influenced the lives and thinking of North Americans. After his father died, William Hearst sold all the mining industry shares he inherited and began to invest capital in the world of journalism. His first purchase was the New York Morning Journal, a traditional newspaper which Hearst completely transformed into a sensationalist rag. He bought his stories at any price, and when there were no atrocities or crimes to report, it behooved his journalists and photographers to ‘arrange’ matters. It is this which in fact characterizes the ‘yellow press’: lies and ‘arranged’ atrocities served up as truth.
These lies of Hearst’s made him a millionaire and a very important personage in the newspaper world. In 1935 he was one of the richest men in the world, with a fortune estimated at $200 million. After his purchase of the Morning Journal, Hearst went on to buy and establish daily and weekly newspapers throughout the US. In the 1940s, William Hearst owned 25 daily newspapers, 24 weekly newspapers, 12 radio stations, 2 world news services, one business providing news items for films, the Cosmopolitan film company, and a lot of others. In 1948 he bought one of the US’s first TV stations, BWAL – TV in Baltimore. Hearst’s newspapers sold 13 million copies a day and had close to 40 million readers. Almost a third of the adult population of the US were reading Hearst newspapers every day. Furthermore, many millions of people throughout the world received information from the Hearst press via his news services, films and a series of newspapers that were translated and published in large quantities all over the world. The figures quoted above demonstrate how the Hearst empire was able to influence American politics, and indeed world politics, over very many years – on r issues which included opposition to the US entering the Second World War on the side of the Soviet Union and support for the McCarthyite anti-communist witch-hunts of the 1950s.
William Hearst’s outlook was ultra-conservative, nationalist and anti-communist. His politics were the politics of the extreme right. In 1934 he traveled to Germany, where he was received by Hitler as a guest and friend. After this trip, Hearst’s newspapers became even more reactionary, always carrying articles against socialism, against the Soviet Union and especially against Stalin. Hearst also tried to use his newspapers for overt Nazi propaganda purposes, publishing a series of articles by Goering, Hitler’s right-hand man. The protests of many readers, however, forced him to stop publishing such items and to withdraw them from circulation.
After his visit to Hitler, Hearst’s sensationalist newspapers were filled with ‘revelations’ about the terrible happenings in the Soviet Union – murders, genocide, slavery, luxury for the rulers and starvation for the people, all these were the big news items almost every day. The material was provided to Hearst by the Gestapo, Nazi Germany’s political police. On the front pages of the newspapers there often appeared caricatures and falsified pictures of the Soviet Union, with Stalin portrayed as a murderer holding a dagger in his hand. We should not forget that these articles were read each day by 40 million people in the US and millions of others worldwide!
The Hearst press used every means possible to make their lies seem like the truth, and succeeded in causing public opinion in the capitalist countries to turn sharply against the Soviet Union. This was the origin of the first giant myth manufactured alleging millions were dying in the Soviet Union. In the wave of protests against the supposedly communist-provoked famine which the Western press unleashed, nobody was interested in listening to the Soviet Union’s denials and complete exposure of the Hearst press lies, a situation which prevailed from 1934 until 1987! For more than 50 years several generations of people the world over were brought up on a diet of these slanders to harbor a negative view of socialism in the Soviet Union.
William Hearst died in 1951 at his house in Beverley Hills, California. Hearst left behind him a mass-media empire which to this day continues to spread his reactionary message throughout the world. The Hearst Corporation is one of the largest enterprises in the world, incorporating more than 100 companies and employing 15,000 people. The Hearst empire today comprises newspapers, magazines, books, radio, TV, cable TV, news agencies and multimedia.
In 1953 a book on this subject was published in the US. This book was entitled ‘Black Deeds of the Kremlin’. Its publication was financed by Ukrainian refugees in the US, people who had collaborated with the Nazis in the Second world War and to whom the American government gave political asylum, presenting them to the world as ‘democrats’.
When Reagan was elected to the US Presidency and began his 1980s anti-communist crusade, propaganda about the millions who died in the Ukraine was again revived. In 1984 a Harvard professor published a book called 'Human Life in Russia’ which repeated all the false information produced by the Hearst press in 1934. In 1984, then, we were finding Nazi lies and falsifications dating from the 1930s being revived, but this time under the ‘respectable’ cloak of an American university. But this was not the end of it. In 1986 yet another book appeared on the subject, entitled ‘Harvest of Sorrow’, written by a former member of the British secret service, Robert Conquest, now a professor at Stamford University in California. For his ‘work’ on the book, Conquest received $80,000 from the Ukraine National Organization. This same organization also paid for a film made in 1986 called ‘Harvest of Despair’, in which, inter alia, material from Conquest’s book was used. By this time the number of people it was being alleged in the US had lost their lives in the Ukraine through starvation had been upped to 15 million!
Nevertheless the millions said to have died of starvation in the Ukraine according to the Hearst press in America, parroted in books and films, was completely false information. The Canadian journalist, Douglas Tottle, meticulously exposed the falsifications in his book ‘Fraud, famine and fascism – the Ukrainian genocide myth from Hitler to Harvard’, published in Toronto in 1987. Among other things, Tottle proved that the photographic material used, horrifying photographs of starving children, had been taken from 1922 publications at a time when millions of people did die from hunger and war conditions because eight foreign armies had invaded the Soviet Union during the Civil War of 1918-1921. Douglas Tottle gives the facts surrounding the reporting of the famine of 1934 and exposes the assorted lies published in the Hearst press. One journalist who had over a long period of time sent reports and photographs from supposed famine areas was Thomas Walter, a man who never set foot in the Ukraine and even in Moscow had spent but a bare five days. This fact was revealed by the journalist Louis Fisher, Moscow Correspondent of The Nation, an American newspaper. Fisher also revealed that the journalist M Parrott, the real Hearst press correspondent in Moscow, had sent Hearst reports that were never published concerning the excellent harvest achieved by the Soviet Union in 1933 and on the Ukraine’s advancement. Tottle proves as well that the journalist who wrote the reports on the alleged Ukrainian famine, ‘Thomas Walker’, was really called Robert Green and was a convict who had escaped from a state prison in Colorado! This Walker, or Green, was arrested when he returned to the US and when he appeared in court, he admitted that he had never been to the Ukraine. All the lies concerning millions dead of starvation in the Ukraine in the 1930s, in a famine supposedly engineered by Stalin only came to be unmasked in 1987! Hearst, the Nazi, the police agent Conquest and others had conned millions of people with their lies and fake reports.
According to Robert Conquest (in an estimate he made in 1961) 6 million people died of starvation in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. This number Conquest increased to 14 million in 1986. As regards what he says about the gulag labor camps, there were detained there, according to Conquest, 5 million prisoners in 1937 before the purges of the party, the army and the state apparatus began. After the start of the purges then, according to Conquest, during 1937-38, there would have been an additional 7 million prisoners, making the total 12 million prisoners in the labor camps in 1939! And these 12 million of Conquest’s would only have been the political prisoners! In the labor camps there were also common criminals, who, according to Conquest, would have far outnumbered the political prisoners. This means, according to Conquest, that there would have been 25-30 million prisoners in the labor camps of the Soviet Union.
Again according to Conquest, a million political prisoners were executed between 1937 and 1939, and another 2 million died of hunger. The final tally resulting from the purges of 1937-39, then, according to Conquest, was 9 million, of whom 3 million would have died in prison. These figures were immediately subjected to ‘statistical adjustment’ by Conquest to enable him to reach the conclusion that the Bolsheviks had killed no fewer than 12 million political prisoners between 1930 and 1953. Adding these figures to the numbers said to have died in the famine of the 1930s, Conquest arrived at the conclusion that the Bolsheviks killed 26 million people. In one of his last statistical manipulations, Conquest claimed that in 1950 there had been 12 million political prisoners in the Soviet Union.
Let the reader not forget that Conquest is here talking only about political prisoners! Apart from these, says Conquest, there were also common criminals who, according to him, were much greater in number than the political prisoners! In 1950 there were, according to Conquest, 12 million political prisoners! Armed with the true facts, we can readily see what a fraudster Conquest really is. Not one of his figures corresponds even remotely to the truth. In 1939 there was a total in all the camps, colonies and prisons of close to 2 million prisoners. Of these 454,000 had committed political crimes, not 9 million as Conquest asserts. Those who died in labor camps between 1937 and 1939 numbered about 160,000, not 3 million as Conquest asserts. In 1950 there were 578,000 political prisoners in labor camps, not 12 million.
During this very difficult time (1930s to 1940s), the Soviet Union held a maximum number of 2.5 million people in its prison system, i.e., 2.4% of the adult population. How can we evaluate this figure? Is it a lot or a little? Let us compare.
In the United States of America, for example, a country of 252 million inhabitants (in 1996), the richest country in the world, which consumes 60% of the world resources, how many people are in prison? What is the situation in the US, a country not threatened by any war and where there are no deep social changes affecting economic stability?
In a rather small news item appearing in the newspapers of August 1997, the FLT-AP news agency reported that in the US there had never previously been so many people in the prison system as the 5.5 million held in 1996. This represents an increase of 200,0000 people since 1995 and means that the number of criminals in the US equals 2.8% of the adult population. These data are available to all those who are part of the North American department of justice. (Bureau of Justice Statistics Home page, http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/ ). The number of convicts in the US today is 3 million higher than the maximum number ever held in the Soviet Union! In the Soviet Union there was a maximum of 2.4% of the adult population in prison for their crimes – in the US the figure is 2.8%, and rising! According to a press release put out by the US department of justice on 18 January 1998, the number of convicts in the US in 1997 rose by 96,100.
As far as the Soviet labour camps were concerned, it is true that the regime was harsh and difficult for the prisoners, but what is the situation today in the prisons of the US, which are rife with violence, drugs, prostitution, sexual slavery? [end excerpt]
The source for the statistics for prisoners come from formerly secret records released from the State Archives of the USSR, and were compiled by anti-USSR historians in the following authoritative article:
* "Soviet Union Penal System" (1993-10) from "The American Historical Review" [https://web.archive.org/web/20150210000436/http://mariosousa.se/The%20American%20Historical%20Review%20October%201993%20Soviet%20Union%20penal%20system.pdf]

Critics of the following book rely only on the words of the hoax materials themselves as irrefutable proof, even as the book is showing the hoax materials to be fraudulent, or critics rely on personal attacks against the author. Skimming through the book will educate a reader about how "history" can originate as propaganda.
* "Fraud, Famine, Fascism" book by Douglas Tottle [https://web.archive.org/web/20150210001013/http://mariosousa.se/Douglas%20Tottle%20-%20Fraud,%20Famine%20and%20Fascism.pdf]
Robert Conquest worked for the IRD and the CIA.
IRD, Information Research Department 1947 – 1978 (provisional title - Communist Information Department), “a worldwide British propaganda network, operating against communism and mostly in the Third World.”
“IRD also encouraged book production described in Whitehall as “cross fertilisation.” Robert Conquest, the scholar and author, who has been frequently critical of the Soviet Union, was one of those who worked for IRD. He was in the FO until 1956.
After he left, he says, IRD suggested to him that he could combine some of the data he had gathered from Soviet publications into a book. He sold Bodley Head a ready-made series of eight called “Soviet studies.” Bodley Head says it published as a normal commercial arrangement selling 1,500 copies, a third of the total to a US publisher Fred Praeger. Praeger, who had published a number of books previously at the request of the CIA, also says this was a normal commercial arrangement.” – The Guardian Friday January 27 1978.
* "Death of the department that never was", The Guardian, Friday January 27, 1978 [https://archive.today/Q83Am], scans pg. 1 [https://archive.today/K6aDp] pg. 2 [https://archive.today/Od9Fu]
* "How the FO waged secret propaganda war in Britain", The Observer, Sunday January 29, 1978, [https://archive.today/i8FCm], scans pages 1 [https://archive.today/VAjGx] pg. 2 [https://archive.today/HefEZ]
* " 'Stalingrad' book by Antony Beevor - a piece of Nazi war propaganda" (2000) [https://archive.today/5rdn2] [begin excerpt]: Antony Beevor’s book “Stalingrad” has been highly praised in Swedish media. Antony Beevor, a former officer in the British army, has now been presented as a writer of war history. This astonished me and awakened my curiosity. According to right wing critics, the book is “a brilliant and very well written book” (the Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet) and “Stalingrad beats most of what has been written on the Second World War” (the Swedish newspaper Vestmanlands Läns Tidning). Remarkable, I thought! They cried when the Nazis had been defeated and destroyed at Stalingrad! And now they admire Antony Beevor’s Stalingrad!? Perhaps they had sobered up after all these years? After all it was a fight against Nazism. Perhaps they wanted to do a little justice to the Soviet victory after all these years? With these thoughts in my mind I began to read Beevor’s “Stalingrad”.
On the very first page of the introduction, I begin to ask myself if there isn’t something wrong. Beevor ruthlessly assails the Soviet army, not the Nazis who invaded the Soviet Union and carried out a war of extermination and genocide, killing more than 25 million people in four years! On the very first page of the book, Beevor points out that the Soviet army executed deserters. But nothing about the Germans executing deserters! Why does Beevor criticize only the Soviet army? It is well known that the German military police executed several thousand German deserters, without a trial. It’s equally well known that when the 6th German army was encircled at Stalingrad, the German military police executed several thousand German soldiers who tried to steal something to eat from packages of food thrown down from German military aircraft. These packages of food were primarily intended for the officers and the military police.
Why doesn't Beevor speak about that? But first of all, why doesn’t Beevor speak about the millions of Soviet people who were executed by the Nazi army? And about all the Communists and Jews, about whole families, in the conquered villages and cities who were separated from other people and then executed by the German army? Why doesn’t Beevor speak about the millions of people who were driven out of their houses with only the clothes they were wearing, freezing to death at minus 20 degrees? Why doesn’t he write about the millions of Soviet citizens who were made prisoners by the German army and sent to Germany to be sold as slaves? Why doesn’t Beevor write about the hundreds of thousands of Soviet girls sold as sex slaves in Germany? Why doesn’t Beevor write about the slave markets all over Nazi Germany where these persons were sold? This is the real face of the German army and the German invasion. But Beevor does not have anything to say about all this. He wants to hide the Nazi crimes.
Moreover, Beevor writes that there were "50 000 Soviet citizens in German uniform". All through the book, he mentions these "hiwis", as he calls them. He tries to make us believe that the Soviet population welcomed the Nazis. Beevor writes that in Stalingrad there were 50 000 Russians in the front divisions and 70 000 in the other divisions! The Russians would thus have constituted almost half of the German army at Stalingrad! A completely idiotic and untruthful statement, which does not find any support in any book of war history, including German books.
Most "Soviet citizens in German uniform" were people who were forced to work for the Germans as slaves. They had been made prisoners in the conquered villages and cities and forced to carry equipment for the Germans and to carry out all the heavy and dirty work. They were badly maltreated and suffered from starvation. Many of them died, and were replaced by new slaves. Together with Jews and other people from extermination camps in Poland, some of these prisoners were used to clear the minefields, facing a certain death. These mine clearing teams were completed every day with more Jews and "Soviet citizens in German uniform". Some of the Soviet women prisoners had to work in the kitchen and clean the lodgings of the German soldiers in the daytime. In the night, they were used as sex slaves. When the 6th German army was encircled at Stalingrad and the Germans fled inside the encircled area, these Soviet women were forced to go with them on the overcrowded trucks. Thousands of wounded German soldiers were left to die of hunger or cold[4].
Beevor’s "Soviet citizens in German uniform" were mainly prisoners and enslaved Soviet citizens. Beevor’s insinuations about massive soviet desertions is only a way of luring the reader into his tale. It might be added that a part of the "Soviet citizens in German uniform" had actually been taken to Russia from France by the Germans! During the 1930’s, the The French general Weygand – the general who surrendered to the Germans – had set up a legion of right wing Russians as a part of the French Army. They were supposed to take part in "the war of the West" that France and Britain were preparing against the Soviet Union. These troops were taken over by the Nazis after the French capitulation. In the German army there were also troops of Ukranian Nazis. Beevor calls them "Ukrainian nationalists"[5]. He wants to give a positive image of these Nazi supporting troops. These Ukrainian Nazis were among the worst murderers in the war. They persecuted all opponents in the occupied Ukraine and they were the worst murderers in the German death camps where Jewish and antifascist Ukranians disappeared, just like millions of Soviet prisoners of war.
There are some questions of historical interest worth comment. As could be expected, Beevor blames Hitler for the German defeat at Stalingrad. The “legendary” German generals from “the best German military families” escape from responsibility for the defeat. This is not fair. The plans for the conquest of Stalingrad had been made in total agreement between Hitler and all the generals of the Headquarters and the General Command. The conquest of Stalingrad was in fact a necessity. The Nazis had sent the army group A with a force of 500 000 men into the Caucasus to conquer the Soviet oil sources. Left in the South, north of Rostow, was the army group B which included the 6th army and the 4th armoured army. It was necessary to defend the army group B as well as the left wing of the army group A against attacks from the Soviet forces west of Stalingrad. The Nazis must have control over the Soviet territory as far as to the river Volga in order to be able to transport oil from the Caucasus. This is the reason why it was necessary to conquer Stalingrad. But the German attack against Stalingrad was based on erroneous premises.
In the summer of 1942, Hitler and the German Headquarters and General Staff, estimated that the Soviet Union was unable to continue the war on a large scale. They thought the Soviet Union was completely finished as a military power. They did not understand that the Soviet socialist system could muster forces in a way which is impossible for a capitalist country. They reckoned in a capitalist manner that a certain number of inhabitants only can support a certain number of soldiers, considering the cost of training and weapons. They did not understand that socialism liberates man and makes it possible to create much greater forces than capitalism. Hitler and the generals thought that Stalingrad was going to be an easy battle. Later, in October 1942, the German high command wrote that “The Russians have been badly exhausted in recent combat actions. In the winter of 1942/43 they will not be able to raise forces as strong as they had last winter”. But in reality, the Soviet war industry was at that time stronger than ever, and to Hitler and his generals, the Soviet counter-attack came like a bolt from the blue.
In terms of killed, wounded and disappeared soldiers, Nazi Germany had until September 1942 lost more than 1.6 million soldiers[83].
With pomp and circumstance General Manstein took over the command. An armoured army was sent from Kotelnikovo (about 100 km south-east of Stalingrad) to rescue the 6th army. Beevor wants to make this German attack to “almost a victory”. But wars are always won by the part which wins the last battle.
“In the period from July to November, in the battles along the Don and the Volga, and in Stalingrad itself, the enemy had lost 700,000 men, more than a thousand tanks, over two thousand guns and mortars, and nearly 1,400 aircraft” (Georgi Zhukov, Reminiscences and Reflections, Vol 2, Moscow 1985 p 103.
The defeat was disastrous. Never before had a German army been so totally defeated and destroyed. In Germany, Hitler proclaimed three days of national mourning.
When we turn the last page of Beevor’s "Stalingrad", two questions arise. Why are deceitful books written? In whose interest? We live in an era when neo-liberalism has spread over the world. The new liberal capitalism wants to deprive the workers of everything: their living conditions, their safety, and even their history. The capitalists want us to lose confidence in ourselves so as to be able to rule without restrictions. There is not much difference between liberalism and nazism in this respect. The author of this text once wrote that neo-liberalism and nazism are cousins. But they might even be identical twins. Antony Beevor is one of the new liberal writers who have taken upon themselves to degrade the victory of the Soviet Union in the Second World War. Penguin Books publishes Beevor’s book as if it were a history book. Why? The book is almost to be considered as a book of Nazi war propaganda.
[end excerpt]
The Great Purge of 1937 is regarded as the worst act of political suppression by Stalin. According to the USA Ambassador, it was a comprehensive legal operation targeting fascist-financed agents and their associates, it worked well, and in hindsight, it prevented the promised Nazi Germany takeover of the USSR and the planned genocide of the Slavic people (Hitler's race war, which did end up killing nearly 25 MILLION Russians, not counting other nationalities, during World War 2).
* "The class struggle during the thirties in the Soviet Union. The purges of the CPSU and the political trials" [https://archive.today/mmiBA]:
The treason trials crushed Hitler’s fifth columnists in Russia -
Let us once more render a quotation from ambassador Joseph Davie’s book Mission to Moscow. He treats the activities of the fifth columnists in Soviet Union. The fifth columnists is the name given to traitors serving an exterior enemy. The term emanates from the attacks of the Fascists against Madrid during the Spanish civil war. The Fascists advanced in four columns and proclaimed that they had a fifth one, which would attack the defenders in their back. Let us hear what ambassador Davies had to say about the “fifth columnists” in the Soviet Union. Note that this chapter of Mission to Moscow was written during the Summer of 1941 but is inserted in the book right after the confidential despatch to the US state secretary for defence 17th March 1938.
Ambassador Joseph Davies: “Fifth Columnists in Russia. A study in hindsight" – 1941
Note: Although this was written after the German invasion of Russia in the summer 1941 it is inserted here because this seems the logical place to illustrate how the treason trials destroyed Hitler’s Fifth Column in Russia.-J.E.D.
Passing through Chicago, on my way home from the June commencement of my old University, I was asked to talk to the University Club and combined Wisconsin societies. It was just three days after Hitler had invaded Russia. Someone in the audience asked: “What about Fifth Columnists in Russia?” Off the anvil, I said: “There aren’t any-they shot them.”
On the train that day, that thought lingered in my mind. It was rather extraordinary, when one stopped to think of it, that in this last Nazi invasion, not a word had appeared of “inside work” back of the Russian lines. There was no so-called “internal aggression” in Russia co-operating with the German High Command. Hitler’s march into Prague in 1939 was accompanied by the active military support of Henlein’s organisations in Czechoslovakia. The same was true of his invasion of Norway. There were no Sudeten Henleins, no Slovakian Tisos, no Belgian De Grelles, no Norwegian Quislings in the Soviet picture.
Thinking over the things, there came a flash in my mind of a possible new significance to some of the things that happened in Russian when I was there. Upon my arrival in Washington, I hastened to reread my old diary entries and, with the permission of the State Department, went through some of my official reports.
None of us in Russia in 1937 and 1938 were thinking in terms of “Fifth Column” activities. The phrase was not current. It is comparatively recent that we have found in our language phrases descriptive of Nazi technique such as “Fifth Column” and “internal aggression”.
Generally speaking, the well informed suspected such methods might be employed by Hitler; but it was one of those things which many thought just couldn’t really happen. It is only within the last two years, through the Dies Committee and the F.B.I., that there have been uncovered the activities of German organisations in this country and in South America, and that we have seen the actual work of German agents operating with traitors in Norway, Czechoslovakia, and Austria, who betrayed their country from within in co-operation with a planned Hitler attack.
These activities and methods, apparently, existed in Russia, as a part of the German plan against the Soviets, as long ago as 1935.
It was in 1936 that Hitler made his now famous Nuremberg speech, in which he clearly indicated his designs upon the Ukraine.
The Soviet government, it now appears, was even then acutely aware of the plans of the German high military and political commands and of the “inside work” being done in Russia, preparatory to German attack upon Russia.
As I ruminated over this situation, I suddenly saw the picture as I should have seen it at the time. The story had been told in the so-called treason or purge trials of 1937 and 1938 which I had attended and listened to. In re-examining the record of these cases and also what I had written at the time from this new angle, I found that practically every device of German Fifth Columnist activity, as we now know it, was disclosed and laid bare by the confessions and testimony elicited at these trials of self-confessed “Quislings” in Russia.
It was clear that the Soviet government believed that these activities existed, was thoroughly alarmed, and had proceeded to crush them vigorously. By 1941, when the German invasion came, they had wiped out any Fifth Column which had been organised.
Another fact which was difficult to understand at the time, but which takes on a new significance in view of developments, was the manner in which the Soviet government was “bearing down” on consular agencies of Germany and Italy in 1937 and 1938. It was done in a very highhanded manner. There was a callous and almost brutal disregard of the sensibilities of the countries involved. The reason assigned by the Soviet government was that these consulates were engaged upon internal, political, and subversive activities; and that because of these facts they had to be closed up. The announcements of the trials and executions (purges), all over Russia that year, invariably charged the defendants with being guilty of treasonable and subversive activity in aiding “a foreign power” to overthrow the Soviet state.”
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