Wednesday, March 27, 2013

GG Home Defended by Occupy Oakland Foreclosure Defense Group

OCCUPY AND DEFEND OUR HOMES! Defend your neighbors from illegal foreclosures! [link]

"Activist GG Needs Home Defense"
from "Occupy Oakland Foreclosure Defense Group" []:
GG has been a key member of our group from the beginning. Whether it’s door-knocking, closing down a bank, or planning an action, GG is there. Meanwhile, in her own home, US Bank put her into a fraudulent loan she couldn’t pay and then foreclosed on her, but she’s been keeping them at bay for a long time. Various judges have granted her stays of eviction and told US Bank to negotiate a loan modification, but the bank wants the home.
A new judge has yet to rule on an extended stay of eviction, but meanwhile the Alameda sheriff’s department has an open eviction order. These cops (the same ones who brutalized OO/Alan Blueford activist Mollie Costello at the Justice 4 Alan Blueford rally at the Courthouse) could come at any time [].
Some members of the Occupy Oakland Foreclosure Defense Group gathered at GG’s house early Tuesday morning in case the sheriffs came, but Tuesday wasn’t the day. (That’s GG, second from the left.) It was, however, a good day for doughnuts.
 To sign up for text alerts, text “OOForeclosure” to 69302.
If GG’s eviction appears imminent, you’ll get a text message requesting you to show up on GG’s doorstep. She lives at 1415 Allman St., Oakland, 94602, near Highland Hospital and across from the Edna Brewer Middle School.
Please help GG, her friends, our group, ACCE [] and others defend GG’s home.

2013-03-27 "Help GG defend her Home against the merciless Banksters!"

from []:
"GG has been a key member of our group from the beginning. Whether it’s door-knocking, closing down a bank, or planning an action, GG is there. Meanwhile, in her own home, US Bank put her into a fraudulent loan she couldn’t pay and then foreclosed on her, but she’s been keeping them at bay for a long time. Various judges have granted her stays of eviction and told US Bank to negotiate a loan modification, but the bank wants the home."
 More about this article: []
GG’s Story: []

2013-02-23 "GG’s Story" from "Occupy Oakland Foreclosure Defense Group" []:
One of the hardcore fighters in OOFDG, GG Winter, was successful in quashing her immediate foreclosure eviction, which Capital One bank had ordered for Tuesday, February 26. The new date is likely to be Tuesday, March 26. Watch this space and sign up for our text alerts (text 69302) to be ready to support keeping GG in her home!
GG has been successfully fighting the banksters since 2008 and continues that battle today. She is still in her happy home, but the capitalist onslaught is relentless. On February 14th (although a judge had promised her personally that it wouldn’t happen), the court sent an eviction order to the Alameda County Sheriff to evict her, her roommate and all furniture and personal belongings.
The eviction is set for February 26 (next Tuesday) at 6 am.
GG is no stranger to the fight against capitalist imperialists. Her parents demonstrated for Tom Mooney at the 1932 Worlds Fair. Her mother got 6 months and her father got a year in prison. Her father was in the historic heroic general strike in San Francisco in 1934. Her father later organized the ILWU (International Longshore and Warehouse Union) local in Sacramento. He was a union leader and was paid the same as the workers. The Workers always said “he’d give you the shirt off his back”
…and GG is the same way because her parents were Reds. She remembers fondly as a child being held by Paul Robeson. At 14, she went on strike in the Sacramento pear cannery. As a young married woman with kids, she worked for the phone company, and was a union shop steward in the Comunication Workers Union in San Francisco. She was a member of the Maoist-oriented Progressive Labor Party, which was fighting against the Imperialist wars ,racist killer police ,organizing the Mission Tenants Union and leading the historic 1968 San Francisco State University strike.
Later, still living in Sacramento, she learned the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers were hiring women. She joined the union as an apprentice and worked her way up to journeyman. She worked in the IBEW for 30 years. During this time she also led three trips to Russia, talking and visiting with everyday Russian workers. She befriended Bill Mandel.
Since 2008, she has been fighting foreclosure in her Oakland home. She has been through numerous close calls. On February 7, she went to court, and Judge Clay ruled not to evict her; however, the court docket for that day says the opposite. She is moving to quash the eviction order, since it is a lie and goes against the judge’s decision.

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