Tune in Thursdays 4 to 5pm (PST), at 89.5FM in the northeast San Pablo Bay Area, or on a Smart Phone [link], Desktop U-stream [link], Live Mp3 (.pls) stream [link], Netbook [link]. Hosted by Dr.G., Minister of Information of the Northbay MDS, breaking the blockade of censorship, with research archives and verified sources! Be a Community Journalist with our Community Journalist's Notebook [link], send news & info to [NorthbayMDS@) gmail.com]!
Link sources are noted. Backed-up pages are available even if the original is taken down, archived at (archive.org), (archive.today), (peeep.us).
This week's radio script is not yet finished, but is posted for y'all to check up on information, enjoy!

Download your FREE 2015 UFW Calendar! Si Se Puede! Happy New Year!
[http://action.ufw.org/2015calendar] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141230180711/http://unitedfarm.3cdn.net/e99b50afc45d86c083_mlbrg5a7a.pdf]
Hi my name is Jabari Shaw this is an old picture of me years ago. I use to believe that I could make change working within the system, boy was I wrong. I have been beaten, arrested, choked, threatened, hand cuffed on school campus, ridiculed, and have lost Many friends while fighting for justice for people I don't know and have never met. I have family members who don't associate with me because of fear of government repression. The church calls my torment a blessing, the masses thinks I'm too radical. The student club doesn't like me, there they say here comes that political negro. And my children believe that I will die at the hands of the police. It is very discouraging, but I have been blessed with the presence of the ancestors, and have learned that you can kill a man but not an idea. Dare to think outside of the box fight for what you believe in, and don't depend on people to do what we know is right. We are the future. Take these chains off my mind and set me free. Be the change you want to see.

Gangbangers Gangbanging against Racism and Police Brutality! Bloods And Crips Unite! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYpGsOjGFCY]
BLOOD = Brotherly Love Override Oppressive Dominion
CRIP = Community Revolution In Progress
How to write to a Political Prisoner [http://nycabc.wordpress.com/write-a-letter/] [https://archive.today/8TqXd]
Dr. Mutulu Shakur
U.S.P. Victorville
Federal Correctional Complex
P.O. Box 3900
Adelanto, CA 92301

Justice for Mario Romero
The devils are at it again, Self absorbed, reckless racists who carry badges are at it again, they terrorize us in our lives and mock us in our death , death at the hands of out of control ,murderers hiding behind a costume and a mask, pretending to protect our community ..No these sons of bitches cant breathe, they are overfed , overpaid, and they are eating the bodies of our loved ones while holding a false sense of entitlement to praise. Vallejo has a serious problem ,it's nothing new , it's long and dark history of racism is nothing new to people who have lived their entire lives in a city that has been called one of the most diverse cities in the country ...Guess whose been fighting a loosing battle to make sure that it isn't, all while making a living off of terrorizing people of color. Lets shows these racist that we all matter and that when you murder our loved ones we won't go away , we will stand up and fight back...Tomorrow while these murderers and those who support murder while failing to open their eyes and see the full picture are praising these cowardly cops we will be there to expose their crimes ...come join us!

UPDATE: A very nice afternoon. Free doughnuts from cops and when 20 of us began to shout 40 of them just headed out. Quite entertiaing I must say. First time I've ever seen grown ups plug their ears like children.
* "Dozens gather to show support for Vallejo police" (2014-12-27) [http://www.timesheraldonline.com/general-news/20141227/dozens-gather-to-show-support-for-vallejo-police] [https://archive.today/FxfTl]
* "VALLEJO POLICE SUPPORT RALLY — PHOTO HIGHLIGHTS AND FLIER" (2014-12-28) [http://www.vibvallejo.com/editorial/vallejo-police-support-rally-photo-highlights-and-flier/] [http://www.peeep.us/bbf50ba1], [begin excerpt]: There were around 60 in attendance in support of the VPD as well as members of Mario Romero’s family who held signs of protest and others who have issues around alleged police conduct. No sworn officers were seen participating in the event.
There was also a flier passed out referring to Mario Romero, Michael Brown and Eric Garner stating, “THEY COME COLOR CODED FOR A REASON! THINK ABOUT IT” and referring to the three men who died in incidents with police as “THUGS”. Whether the flier represents the position of event organizer Sam Kurshan, or if it is from some other source present at the event is unknown. [end excerpt]

TIME: - 1:00PM
The photo showing the flier was originally posted at the Justice for Mario Romero page [https://www.facebook.com/JusticeForMarioRomero], archived 2014-12-29 [https://archive.today/SbHy7], and the original unedited posting is archived at [https://archive.today/XyUls]. At no point on the posting or on the entire page does a Justice for Mario Romero page moderator claim that the flier was made by anyone with the #PoliceLivesMatter gathering. However, the organizer, Sam Kurshan, did attack Cyndi Mitchell, the sister of Mario Romero, in a remarkably racist letter archived here [https://archive.today/MIQPD], claiming that the Justice for Mario Romero campaign did indeed name him and associates as the authors of the flier, as part of an "ad hominem" attack where one states a falsehood and keep pretending it's real in order to influence public perception of the target. Also, sources close to the organizer claim that the flier was released in limited quantities to certain people in downtown Vallejo in order to provoke a reaction on part of the Justice for Mario Romero campaign that would then be used to show how under siege Vallejo Police is. The "ad hominem" provocation was intended to also show how "racist those Black people really are" against white people, yet on the entire archived page for the Justice for Mario Romero campaign, one will not see racist remarks and instead it shows unity with White, Brown and Black folks against endemic human rights abuse.
Response from Cyndi Mitchell (2014-12-28): "Sam, It takes a very miserable person to continue down the road that you are traveling. to continue to cause a ruckus , attempt to create a racial divide while demanding support for a police department that doesn't support nor respect you. I don't support or respect you either but I do pitty the fool that stands on the other side of your mirror.
You don't like me but I'll never loose any sleep behind that. your many attempts to gain support through morally disgusting tactics always have and will continue to be exposed.
The truths that I speak about the murder of my brother Mario Romero will never be silenced, Not by you or the criminals who support criminals like you. The state of New York calls you a violent thug who likes to beat women and if this is not the truth then the behavior you displayed yesterday before your walk of shame proved just that. You walk around like you own the world jumping into the faces of people who speak truths that you do not like. Yesterday you threatened a reporter who simply asked you a couple of questions, spitting and foaming at the mouth because you were upset, were you upset that the racial violence that you planned to cause did not happen the way you orchestrated in your head or that you had to take another walk of shame in the same manner that you did the last time you planned a silly rally like this?"
Comments collected from various social forums concerning this flier:
* PLANET VALLEJO (2014-12-28): It’s all so very interesting, and so very obviously contrived. I see that the organizers of the rally deny any involvement with the racist flier. Yet, both the flier and the printed matter at the rally use the same hashtags, #bluelivesmatter and #policelivesmatter (as if anyone suggested they don’t). The flier goes even further to use #whitelivesmatter. It’s obvious they were created by the same people. Another example of more division being created in Vallejo by the use of false equivalences, once again drumming up manufactured conflicts, and a case of ignorance and racism running rampant. I find it all so very sad and so very disgusting. The organizers can rest soundly knowing they have once again served to use an issue to drum up more hatred and division.
* At facebook, a Vallejo resident commented, "It isn't a joke, it was a real rally, put on by a man that threatened to bash my brain in on an anonymous news discussion forum. He's a slime ball, that Sam Kurshan, but he was gone quickly once the counter protest arrived. I love how he tries to deny any involvement, yet he makes the same spelling mistakes, perhaps intentionally for emphasis, as always."
* "The Curious Case of the LAPD and the Ezell Ford Autopsy Results" (2014-12-23)[http://www.peeep.us/0af06111]: The autopsy and investigative findings into the death of an unarmed Black man in Los Angeles names Ezell Ford were supposed to be announced Monday, December 22 at 3 p.m. The press conference was cancelled because of what happened in New York. LAPD believes that its officers are under ADDED threat based on what happened.
* "Autopsy reveals LAPD shot unarmed black man Ezell Ford in back, side, arm" (2014-12-30) [http://rt.com/usa/218571-ezell-ford-autopsy-lapd/] [https://archive.today/Pj4f3]
* "Black Lives Matter: Report from Oakland" (2014-12-25) [http://www.racialjusticeallies.org/black-lives-matter-report-from-oakland/] [https://archive.today/5yhAs]
* "'I Can't Breathe' T-shirts see high-school basketball team disinvited from event; Mendocino High School teams out of Fort Bragg tournament; Too few members of girls team promised not to wear the shirts" (2014-12-27) [http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/27/i-cant-breathe-t-shirts-high-school-basketball] [https://archive.today/mn7cn]
* "'I Can't Breathe' T-Shirts Banned From High School Basketball Tournament" (2014-12-28) [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/28/school-bans-i-cant-breath_n_6387066.html] [https://archive.today/pv6es]
Photo showing Mendocino High School basketball team wearing the shirts.

Phoenix Suns' Markieff Morris, left, and his brother, Marcus, warm up prior to an NBA basketball game against the Milwaukee Bucks.

* "Is It Right to Compare Ferguson to Gaza? Reflections from a Jewish Protester" (2014-12-11) [http://www.tikkun.org/nextgen/is-it-right-to-compare-ferguson-to-gaza-reflections-from-a-jewish-protester] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141230173319/http://www.tikkun.org/nextgen/is-it-right-to-compare-ferguson-to-gaza-reflections-from-a-jewish-protester]

Tell El Super: Stop Terrorizing Workers and Our Community for Exercising Our Rights! El Super hired private ARMED security guards (such as the one shown in the picture) and called the Los Angeles Sheriff multiple times in one day to terrorize, harass, and intimidate picketers at the East Los Angeles El Super. One of the armed guards pushed a female picketer and a 15 year-old supporter. These picketers were mothers, grandmothers, youths, workers, shoppers, and residents of East Los Angeles. They were picketing in support of the unionized workers call for a boycott against El Super.
Workers and our community demand El Super to negotiate a fair contract that includes RESPECT, living wages, paid sick days, and a 40-hour guarantee work-week.

KKK "Veiled Prophet" gathering attended by Sam Dotson, Chief of St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department [https://archive.today/sT2D2].

Founded by a small group of business leaders in St. Louis (consisting mostly of former Confederate Calvary men who believed that St. Louis was the Northwestern border of the Confederacy), the first Veiled Prophet, the only one ever willingly revealed by the organization, turned out to be St. Louis Police Commissioner John G. Priest. The 1972 Veiled Prophet was unmasked in what was one of the most dramatic guerrilla protests ever organized by local civil-rights leader Percy Green. The Ball that year was held in cavernous Kiel Auditorium. Activist Gena Scott, dramatically sliding down a power cable a la Mission Impossible, unmasked the enthroned Prophet. It turned out to be the then-executive vice president of Monsanto, Tom K. Smith. Scott’s car was bombed and her house vandalized.
* "The Mystery of St. Louis's Veiled Prophet: Racial and class tensions are nothing new in the city, as the story of a parade founded by white elites in 1877 to protect their position shows" (2014-09-02) [http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/09/fair-st-louis-and-the-veiled-prophet/379460/] [https://archive.today/KcQLw]
* 2014 Veiled Prophet photo collection and description [https://archive.today/NJe4q]
* Interview with activist Percy Green by Alderman Antonio French about the time he unmasked the "Veiled Prophet" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m2Fe_tER5Y]
* "Cops crack down on anti-police internet threats" (2014-12-24) [http://rt.com/usa/217435-social-media-police-threats/] [https://archive.today/9WjuD]
* "Cocaine snorting owner of the Boom Boom Room in SF supports police, blames Obama for police death" [https://archive.today/iEIro]
Even the police in RUSSIA don't show the same lawlessness displayed by the NYPD!
* "Cops Threaten a Blue Coup in New York City" (2014-12-25) [http://www.blackagendareport.com/node/14590] [https://archive.today/i9NNq]
* " 'I have my own army in the NYPD - the seventh largest army in the world' " (2011) [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2068428/Bloomberg-I-army-NYPD-State-Department-New-York-City.html] [https://archive.today/Mmj6Q]
* "NYPD Union President Patrick Lynch Is Completely Nuts: A History" (2014-12-22) [http://gawker.com/nypd-union-president-patrick-lynch-is-completely-nuts-1674178970] [https://archive.today/pQYJz]
* "How Undercover Cops Have Infiltrated Protest Movements, From Zucotti Park To Ferguson"
[http://reverbpress.com/features/undercover-cops-infiltrate-protest-movements/] [https://archive.today/o0LZJ], [begin excerpt]
In New York City, Occupy activist Marshall Garrett told The Village Voice about how undercover cops came and acted “disruptive” and “loud” during an action at Citibank to make the the protesters look bad: "But what was unknown to us and to a lot of people that day, including those in Times Square, was that there were undercover cops already there, paid to be disruptive and to be loud. One undercover cop present [at Citi] was louder than the entire group." And despite the protesters’ carefully laid out plans to comply with the law, avoid ticking off Citibank’s workers and customers, and to keep an eye on the exits, they found themselves trapped and outwitted at every turn.
[end excerpt]
Photo Composite: Reverb Press/We Cop Watch


* "Murder of Two Cops in New York City Leads To Calls for the Movement to Step Back" (2014-12-24) [http://socialistorganizer.org/murder-of-two-cops-in-new-york-city-leads-to-calls-for-the-movement-to-step-back/] [https://archive.today/Klftk]

* "Where’s the Outrage Now?", Statement of Capital Area Against Mass Incarceration in Response to Shooting Death of Two NYC Police Officers (2014-12-26):
In response to the shooting deaths of two New York City police officers, Capital Area Against Mass Incarceration, along with many other organizations, was asked by community leaders to release a statement of condolence -- and to distance our organization from the shooting. “Where’s the outrage now?” was heard from police officers; and community leaders have suggested it is our obligation to clarify our position.
We may be missing something, but as far as we know, no condolences have been expressed by police forces, PBA’s, or FOP’s on the deaths of Mike Brown, Eric Garner, and the many other police killing victims; nor have they distanced themselves from Darren Wilson or Daniel Pantaleo.
There are many heartbreaking and unnecessary deaths in our world every day, from many causes, from inadequate health care to pollution to poverty to drone attacks. We regret them all, we are outraged by them all; but we have never before been asked to issue a statement of condolence.
CAAMI, #BlackLivesMatter, and the movement we are part of were created to respond to a particular kind of unnecessary death -- the systematic killing and brutality directed toward youth of color by police with the approval of the criminal justice system.
There is no parallel between the deaths of these officers and the deaths we are protesting, of youth of color at the hands of police. The death of the officers was the act of a lone individual. The deaths we are protesting are institutionalized, systemic, official, continuing, and approved by criminal justice officialdom, the courts, and every level of government.
The job of policing is inherently dangerous, and made more so by the antagonistic, us-versus-them approach taken by police, especially white police in communities of color. We are told it is only “some” police officers, that the majority are professional and fair. This will only be true if and when the “some” are held accountable rather than protected by an entire system of power. We sincerely believe that a system of equal justice, transparency, community control and accountability will make the job of police officers much safer -- as well as make our communities safer and our youth less likely to be gunned down.
In addition, the call for us to respond with sympathy implies that our movement has some responsibility for these deaths, or that we have called for revenge. The opposite is true. The system of violent policing and mass incarceration is a system based on punishment and revenge -- the system we are trying to overturn. It is exactly because violence and punishment, coming from the most powerful forces in our society, beget more violence as well as untold suffering in our communities and around the world, that we oppose them. An eye for an eye is not coming from us, but is the dominant culture of our racist, hierarchical, violent, punitive society. A society’s dominant culture comes from its dominant forces -- in this case, its government, oligarchy (the 1%), corporations, police, military, media, and other entrenched institutions, not from the people on the ground and in the street.
Capital Area Against Mass Incarceration extends condolences to the families of New York City police officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. We regret all violent and unnecessary deaths; and we continue to assert that dismantling the racist, violent, and oppressive criminal justice system is a crucial step in preventing them.
* "Two White Men Took BB-Guns Off Walmart Shelves, Loaded Them, Shot Up Store, Weren’t Shot By Police" (2014-12-28) [http://countercurrentnews.com/2014/12/two-men-took-bb-off-walmart-shelves/] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141229220847/http://countercurrentnews.com/2014/12/two-men-took-bb-off-walmart-shelves/]
* "2 Suspects In Stolen Newspaper Delivery Van Arrested After Leading Police On Chase From SF To San Leandro" (2014-12-29) [http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2014/12/29/2-suspects-in-stolen-newspaper-delivery-van-arrested-after-leading-police-on-chase-from-sf-to-san-leandro/] [https://archive.today/1kMle]
White Thugs Arrested! They were chasing some White Boys who stole a Newspaper delivery truck from San Francisco. They chased them up 92 through San Leandro where one of them was dropped off and was caught (alive). The other one went up by Chabot Park where he was caught (alive). Not one shot was fired by all of the Police Agencies, SFPD, CHP, San Mateo County Sheriff's and Police, Alameda County Sheriffs, San Leandro Police Dept. They fired not one shot!
* "Protests resume in New York to oppose police brutality despite Bill de Blasio’s plea to suspend demonstrations" (2014-12-23) [http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/protesters-ignore-mayor-plea-resume-rallies-ny-article-1.2055207] [https://archive.today/59IFk]

* "Arrests plummet 66% with NYPD in virtual work stoppage" (2014-12-29) [http://nypost.com/2014/12/29/arrests-plummet-following-execution-of-two-cops/] [https://archive.today/V5BVd]
"Kill The Cops" chant was faked by Fox News [https://archive.today/4TyPW].
A conservative uploaded the CSPAN video of the incident uncensored at [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZfbrItDvrU] (now taken down) apparently not noticing that the unedited chant was not anything like the man labeled it as it was uploaded with reference to the chant being about killing a cop... after the unedited video was uploaded, researchers began to question the validity of the Fox News edit of the video.
* "Slimy Baltimore FOX Affiliate Caught Faking "Kill a Cop" Protest Chant" (2014-12-22) [http://gawker.com/slimy-baltimore-fox-affiliate-caught-faking-kill-a-cop-1674040381] [https://archive.today/shcjU]
* "Baltimore Fox Affiliate Edits Protest Footage To Sound Like 'Kill A Cop' " (2014-12-22) [http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/fox-wbff-edit-protest-kill-a-cop] [https://archive.today/iAv9j]
* "Fox Affiliate Deceptively Edits Protest Footage To Show Protesters Chanting “Kill A Cop' " (2014-12-22) [http://www.politicususa.com/2014/12/22/fox-affiliate-deceptively-edits-protest-footage-show-protesters-chanting-kill-cop.html] [https://archive.today/4yWFd]
* "Sharpton's 'Go Kill A Cop' march in Wash DC" (2014-12-23) [http://www.vidheaven.com/video/149884/sharpton-039-s-quot-go-kill-a-cop-quot-march-in-wash-dc/] [https://archive.today/4RFJz]
* "Protester Confronts Fox Affiliate Over False Story That Claimed She Said 'Kill A Cop' " (2014-12-23) [http://www.politicususa.com/2014/12/23/protester-confronts-fox-affiliate-false-story-claimed-kill-cop.html] [https://archive.today/ddk6N]
She should SUE FOR LIBEL because that is what it is. As an editor, it is unmistakable. They took the word 'cell' and deliberately moved it over 'until' and did this to the crowd too. They created the word 'so'. And we all see how they changed the meaning of 'killer' to 'kill a' due to pronunciation. Moving a person's words around, changing the meaning, and putting that out as truth is the exact same thing as lying about what someone actually said. No mistake here, straight libel. I hope she takes this to court and makes a high profile case out of this to shine a light on media manipulation of the situation.

FCC can sanction news stations that purposely broadcast false information, and to lodge a complaint, you can visit [http://www.fcc.gov/guides/broadcast-journalism-complaints].
In February 2004, FOX News won a legal appeal that declared that FOX News had no legal obligation to be truthful in its reporting (FL 13th District New World Communications of Tampa, Inc. vs. Jane Akre, Case No. 2D01-529). The Court agreed that a FOX News affiliate in Florida had indeed been untruthful but ultimately agreed with FOX's argument that the FCC's policy against the intentional falsification of the news is not a legal mandate, requirement or regulation and that FOX may falsify news reports. This fact is refuted by highly regarded experts like at Snopes.com [https://archive.today/yeCqD], but if you read the denial at the link, you will find that it is a highly selective argument that leaves out the actual truth of the statement. The FCC concluded in 2007 that the conflict between Akre and Wilson and the affiliate boiled down to an "editorial dispute ... rather than a deliberate effort by [WTVT] to distort news." The 2003 Court of Appeals decision found that the truth of a news story is only an editorial decision, and is not based on the news story itself. In other words, as long as the News network's editors and producers consider a false story to be "true", then it is "true". For more info, and details on the Amicus Briefs issued by monopolist news agencies to the 2003 Court Trial that confirms that the court decision legitimized the practice of false news stories, read “Court Ruled That Media Can Legally Lie” (2003) [http://www.projectcensored.org/11-the-media-can-legally-lie/] [https://archive.today/XtVml]. See Fox News at its Finest [https://archive.today/LZoKp], with fake statistics, and incorrect maps!
* "NYC protesters chant for dead cops" (2014-12-13) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj4ARsxrZh8], recorded from above either on a rooftop or a helicopter, showing 100 protesters marching down a street in the Murray Hill neighborhood of NYC, December 13th, 2014, during daytime, chanting "What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? Now!". The identity of the group is not known. Following is posted at [https://archive.today/mAUVm] referring to the video:[begin posting]: In other news, there was a video awhile back, where protestors in NYC are chanting that they want "dead cops" on video. The media seems to have been passing this off as real.
I'm of the opinion that the footage has had audio spliced over it.
There are three chants - one is kind of hard to hear, but sounds like "hands down, shoot back" or something to that effect. The second is the "dead cops" chant. The third is... "A Anti Anticapitalista." There are problems with this. That the comments are disabled is a bit of a warning flag. The chants seem to start instantly, partly while the previous chant is still going. It is odd that the anti-capitalist chant would be used here - it was used by OWS, taken from Latin/South American protests, apparently. The volume fluctuation also seems odd.
Additionally, I've tried to track back to the earliest mention of the "dead cops" chant - and every lead points to the video. One would also think that other people would be taping protestors chanting that they want "dead cops" - yet there only seems to be this one video. No twitter mentions until hours after the video is uploaded, so far as I have found. The video was uploaded on Dec. 13th, at 4:48pm, which doesn't fit too well with the march timeline. Oh, and the march that day didn't go through the area the video says this took place. Also, the march was quite a lot larger than the group there.
Most damning, the protestors are chanting the third chant fairly close to the camera. The third chant contains clapping. I don't see anyone clapping on video in the crowd. [end posting]
* "The Demon in Darren Wilson’s Head" (2014-12-24) [http://www.tikkun.org/nextgen/the-demon-in-darren-wilsons-head] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141230173410/http://www.tikkun.org/nextgen/the-demon-in-darren-wilsons-head], [begin excerpt]: In his testimony before the St. Louis County Grand Jury, Darren Wilson said he felt like a five-year-old peering into the face of someone who “looks like a demon” as he wrestled with Michael Brown, the black teen he later shot to death in Ferguson, Missouri.
In other words, Wilson’s eyes perceived an unarmed teenager, but within his head that image was transfigured into a demonic apparition. [end excerpt]

* "Sickening Racist Song At Charity Held By LAPD Cop, Celebrates the Death of Mike Brown" (2014-12-23) [http://thefreethoughtproject.com/wtf-sickening-racist-song-charity-held-lapd-cop-celebrates-death-mike-brown/] [https://archive.today/dlllr]
* "Los Angeles on Tactical Alert After Two People Fire at Patrol Car" (2014-12-29) [http://sputniknews.com/us/20141229/1016353436.html] [https://archive.today/JzJWw]
Many domestic security agents (Police, Sheriff, DHS, DoD) are members of the highly influential political action group the "National Rifle Association (NRA), an organization on whose Board of Directors sits an open White supremacist. This Board member has also publicly said that "African-Americans should be profiled in the same way members of a community might profile a breed of dog that was biting children", read more at [https://archive.today/Qujp3].
* "NRA's Ted Nugent Goes On Racially Charged Ferguson Rant Targeting 'Black Klansmen' " (2014-11-25) [http://mediamatters.org/blog/2014/11/25/nras-ted-nugent-goes-on-racially-charged-fergus/201707] [https://archive.today/iLeBa]
* "Who gives the orders? Oakland police, City Hall and Occupy" (2014-12-21) [http://libcom.org/library/who-gives-orders-oakland-police-city-hall-occupy] [https://archive.today/4WXK0].
From Gary H., Revolutionary Poet of Oaland: Police unions are in reality fascist political parties. They often determine the outcome of elections. They deeply influence our mores and cultural/ folkloric life. They intimidate other segments of the labor movement while pretending to be at one with that movement. They cultivate white supremacist-based rogue elements, for decades on end now. They are at least wink-and-nod aware of police death squads...the ones who encourage suicide by cop when they're not shooting black people carrying ham sandwiches, bb guns, and black wallets. In short, they are always at war with the people. They serve the rich and protect their property. It would not be a bad thing to find ways to destroy them...and soon...before they destroy us.
* "Alleged Gun-Planting by Brooklyn Cops Raises New Questions About the Death of Kimani Gray" (2014-12-23) [http://www.vice.com/read/alleged-gun-planting-in-brooklyn-raises-new-questions-about-the-death-of-kimani-gray-1223] [https://archive.today/n3c7Q]
"@_attilio arranging the #Antonio Martin memorial at Frost & Hanley (2014-12-24)" [https://archive.today/sZI0Z]
* "Antonio Martin Shot by Police 12/23/14" photo series originally posted 2014-12-24 by Jessie Sandoval to facebook.com, montage archived at [https://archive.today/7qdmA]. From the comments at one of the photos, [begin excerpt]:
Jessie Sandoval: This was the scene last night, about an hour after another officer killed a young Black 18 year old man, at Frost/Hanley, in Berkeley, MO. Police claiming Antonio Martin was armed, but no witnesses have confirmed this so far. FYI: the cops were terrified and twitchy last night. Not a good combo. We got tear gassed and flash bang grenades were used without any warning...
Tiffany Thompson: Wow the media reported this morning that the protesters had fireworks and that the teen pointed a gun at an officer.
Jessie Sandoval: Tiffany Thompson, No fireworks. Absolutely not. I was only a few feet away. My ears rang, sudden flash, and my neck whiplashed from the boom. I know the difference between fireworks (even the heavy duty fireworks, like the ones used in Nicaragua for New Years) and a flash bang grenade. The cops used tear gas and flash bang grenades on us with no warning.
[end excerpt]

* "UPDATED: Black Teen Shot Dead By Police Outside Ferguson (Video)" [http://www.peeep.us/775a442f]
* "Police Kill Young Man In Missouri; 'It's Not What People Portray,' Mayor Says" (2014-12-24) [http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2014/12/24/372867144/police-kill-young-man-in-st-louis-area-sparking-new-anger] [https://archive.today/3FkwJ]
* "#Antonio Martin Might Have Pointed A Gun, But Keep Your Eye On The Ball" (2014-12-24) [http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/12/24/1353971/--Antonio-Martin-Might-Have-Pointed-A-Gun-But-Keep-Your-Eye-On-The-Ball] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141224215307/http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/12/24/1353971/--Antonio-Martin-Might-Have-Pointed-A-Gun-But-Keep-Your-Eye-On-The-Ball]
* A copy of the original statement from the St. Louis County Police Department [https://archive.today/Ne2A0], and the "Berkeley Officer-Involved Shooting 12-23-2014" press statement video posted 2014-12-24 by St. Louis County Police [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15vqUf6H-po] [http://www.peeep.us/00d1d941]. However, the official police story changes!
* "Keanna Brown, Antonio Martin's Girlfriend, Grieves: 'He Didn't Deserve To Die' " (2014-12-25) [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/25/antonio-martin-girlfriend_n_6379262.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000047] [https://archive.today/ewNhO], [begin excerpt]: St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said Martin pointed a gun at the officer, a six-year veteran of the Berkeley Police Department who was responding to reports of a theft at the gas station when he confronted Martin and another person. It took close to 30 minutes for ambulances to arrive. [end excerpt]. Compare the preceding version to this version, also from the monopolist media, [https://archive.today/vai1R], [begin excerpt]: At about 11:15 p.m. CT Tuesday while conducting a routine business check, a police officer saw two males at the side of a gas station, Sgt. Brian Schellman, a St. Louis County police spokesman, said in a statement. [end excerpt].
1st video - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15vqUf6H-po] [http://www.peeep.us/d5ac2345]
2nd video - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G3q3yPrKoU] [http://www.peeep.us/9cc0e663]
3rd video - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkqPix9t0-k] [http://www.peeep.us/76f2f1fd]
This reminds us of the Kenneth Harding extra-judicial execution 2010-07-12 in San Francisco, where police issued a manipulated video that changed a piece of litter into something that resembled a chrome-plated gun...
* The following is a montage of 4 photos from two angles at the crime scene, in sequential order according to the time stamps, posted by somebody whose comments seem as though he was on the scene. At his posts archived at [https://archive.today/pQj3F], [https://archive.today/RYpTi] and at [https://archive.today/mpBXe], in reference to the two photos showing the scene of the crime 30 minutes after the extra-judicial execution, he says "but that image I showed you was before the rest of them showed up." & "Well by the 2nd image its police lighting. Bc more cars blocked the body and then pulled away." & "they brought in another car and barricade to block it as well." & "the barricade appeared. Blocked the body. Then it was removed and the gun and the market appeared man." & "I mean the car disappeared also. If there was a gun why move the car and barricade exposing the body again."
The montage was posted 2014-12-24-0558am Central Time (2014-12-24-0358am Pacific Time) at [https://archive.today/efa0E], containing photos from the following sources:
(top) "Berkeley police just killed a man 63134 frost & Hanley NOW" [https://twitter.com/search4swag/status/547628792572047360/photo/1] [https://archive.today/l45FX], close-up of both photos at [https://archive.today/9BZn7], and [https://archive.today/ovYCb], posted 2014-12-23-1144pm Central Time (944pm Pacific Time), by Search4Swag [https://twitter.com/search4swag], homepage archived 2014-12-25-1125pm Pacific Time at [https://archive.today/SjfYB]
(bottom) Posted by Valerie Hahn [https://twitter.com/valeriehahn/media], homepage archived 2014-12-25-1000pm Pacific Time at [https://archive.today/nPd4b], a monopolist news journalist with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch as their nightside public safety reporter. The earliest posting by Valerie from the scene of the extra-judicial murder was at 2014-12-24-1238am Central Time (2014-12-23-1038pm Pacific Time) [https://archive.today/rX6DR].
* (left) "Black gun seen at scene where body was, with evidence marker next to it" posted 2014-12-24-0126am Central Time (2014-12-23-1126pm Pacific Time) [https://archive.today/nPd4b]
* (right) "Better view of gun at scene" posted 2014-12-24-0132am Central Time (2014-12-23-1132pm Pacific Time) [https://archive.today/bk3oX]

Valerie posts a manipulated version of the close-up photo of the gun (actually a screengrab, possibly from the Police vehicle), showing the image in reverse. It is presented here in its original form, showing the unique dent in the curb's edge which can then be compared to the photos of the crime-scene posted 1144pm Central Time, and which can used to judge where the gun is placed. It is placed away from the body so that it would not be covered under the blanket covering Antonio.

Notice that the area of the crime scene is well lit, and details such as the shadow underneath the police cruiser emerge even in the following close-ups of a two photos from a cell-phone camera that had been uploaded to Twitter.com 30 minutes by Search4Swag after the extra-judicial execution, at 1144pm Central Time [https://archive.today/l45FX]. The black backpack's resolution is good enough that if placed on the asphalt, it would be seen. The question remains, would a gun be seen?

Other photos of the crime scene by the same Search4Swag photographer:
* The earliest photo showing Antonio on the ground before he was covered with a yellow sheet [https://archive.today/bxrqs], found at "Here are the pics--first two before cars moved and last two with gun. #AntonioMartin", posted at "FilmingInFerguson" by @BellaEiko [https://archive.today/Df5Rc].
* "#Berkeley 63134 it is real cops kill black man frost & Hanley at the Mobile station", posted 2014-11-23-1147pm Central Time by Search4Swag [https://archive.today/HguDf].
Other photos of the crime scene by Jessie Sandoval, who writes "This was the scene last night, about an hour after another officer killed a young Black 18 year old man, at Frost/Hanley, in Berkeley, MO. Police claiming Antonio Martin was armed, but no witnesses have confirmed this so far"
* Crime Scene Unit Van [https://archive.today/cUHVT]
* Site of the body [https://archive.today/zp3ja], notice that the yellow tarp is in another location although neither police vehicle is in a different spot from what is shown in Valerie Hahn's photos.
* " ‘The gun was supposedly planted.’ Conspiracy theories abound after police shooting of #AntonioMartin" [http://www.peeep.us/d69cb175]
* "Antonio Martin conspiracy theorists still doing their thing" [http://www.peeep.us/67023043]
* "Thousands of Twitter Users Think These Images Prove ‘The Gun Was Planted’ on Antonio Martin" [http://www.mediaite.com/online/thousands-of-twitter-users-think-these-images-prove-the-gun-was-planted-on-antonio-martin/] [https://archive.today/ajI52]
* "No Gun at scene. 2 Hours Later a gun appears?" photo montage posted by "Bay Area Intifada", archived at [https://archive.today/hUGdK]: The plot thickens in the police shooting of #AntonioMartin. No gun spotted for over 2 hours. How is that possible with all the witnesses, reporters and cameras?
* "Chemicals’ phaseout a 'success story’ for S.F. Bay wildlife" (2014-12-28) [http://www.sfgate.com/science/article/Dramatic-drop-found-in-PBDE-levels-of-S-F-Bay-5981427.php] [https://archive.today/hrLKa]
* "Children Who Eat More Fast Food Show Less Academic Improvement, Study Shows" (2014-12-23) [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/23/fast-food-school-effects_n_6369284.html] [https://archive.today/xeeRP]
* "Premature death more likely in areas with lots of alcohol outlets" (2014-12-23) [http://www.terradaily.com/reports/Premature_death_more_likely_in_areas_with_lots_of_alcohol_outlets_999.html] [https://archive.today/GL1Pr]
Save the People's Post Office!
Message from action organizer Mike Wilson of Berkeley:
Thousands of Berkeley community members along with elected officials here have objected by every peaceful method conceivable to the plans announced by the USPS administration in 2011 to sell the Berkeley PO.
From filing objections with the USPS to petitioning to enacting a zoning overlay for the sake of making it as difficult as possible for the USPS to find a buyer for the building to filing a lawsuit claiming the USPS has not followed Federal procedures for processing the sale to occupations of the postal property in 2013 and presently - we've demonstrated our collective intention to hold onto what we know to be a vital part of our public wealth and infrastructure.
Currently, the USPS is negotiating the sale of the building with interested developers. If they follow all the Federally mandated regulations, in particular with regard to environmental impact and preservation of a New Deal era mural and bas-relief sculpture - along with the building itself, which is on the National Registry of Historic Places - then there may be no legal means of preventing the sale.
Two grass roots organizations, Berkeley Post Office Defenders and First They Came For The Homeless, have maintained an occupation on the post office property since Nov. 1 of this year. During these 6-1/2 weeks we've been visited with increasing frequency by the USPS Police. All of the police officers wear bullet-proof vests when they visit, and some carry pistols and handcuffs. Each time, they advise us that we're trespassing on USPS property and that we must leave. They also confiscate any "abandoned property", which means that if some one of the occupiers is away from the site at the bathroom or the library when the cops show up then their property is considered abandoned. (My tent was confiscated on Dec. 8 when I was at work. Two of the occupiers tried to prevent the seizure, but the cops got between them and my tent.) The postal police have not yet threatened to arrest us and have not confiscated any of property claimed by an occupier (tents, sleeping bags, clothes, food, etc.).
As I said, the visits from the postal police are occurring with increasing frequency. Seven of their nine visits have occurred since Dec. 4, and they told us yesterday that they'd be returning every day. So far true to their word, they came this morning at a little after 5:00. Each visit, with one exception, lasts about 15 minutes. They wake us all up, inform us that we're trespassing and have to leave, and search for any abandoned property to confiscate. During some visits they ask one or two occupiers to give their names.
One point I'd like to make concerns the strategy of privatization as it's being implemented by the Board of Governors of the USPS. It's become quite clear to us that the B of G is trying to sell itself out of business, that they are tools of the neoliberals who view the public postal service as a very efficient and successful contradiction to the principle that competitive markets are the most efficient models for production, distribution, and finance. But in this "democratic" nation we've had no referendum to decide if we should get rid of our Constitutionally-mandated public postal service. Each time the USPS announces it's intention to sell a post office, the local community must use what few resources it can summon to resist the power of the Board of Governors. And I think it's reasonable to infer that these Goliaths at the helm of the Postal Service are using some of the proceeds from the sale of post offices to cover the lawyers' fees to fight off subsequent challenges from Davids across the country.
* "City of Berkeley et al v. United States Postal Service et al" Case summary: [http://dockets.justia.com/docket/california/candce/3:2014cv04916/282000] [https://archive.today/6Bybg]
* Berkeley Post Office Defenders (BPOD): [http://berkeleypostofficedefenders.wordpress.com/], archived 2014-12-30 [https://archive.today/fZvhv].
* "First They Came for the Homeless" social media page: [https://www.facebook.com/pages/First-they-came-for-the-homeless/253882908111999], archived 2014-12-30 [https://archive.today/qZN33]
* BPOD is affiliated with Strike Debt Bay Area: [http://strike-debt-bay-area.tumblr.com/], archived 2014-12-30 [https://archive.today/eU4NI]
* For more on the Staples boycott: "The Seeds of Protest Bloom. Staples Boycott Goes National" [
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/07/12/1313465/-The-Seeds-of-Protest-Bloom-Staples-Boycott-Goes-National#] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141230185059/http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/07/12/1313465/-The-Seeds-of-Protest-Bloom-Staples-Boycott-Goes-National].
* USPS mission: [http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/39/101] [https://archive.today/xXWBs]
* "Saving the United States Postal Service as a Public Enterprise" [http://strike-debt-bay-area.tumblr.com/post/52141381590/our-flyer-handed-out-at-the-public-banking] [https://archive.today/Bepra]
* "Privatization Is Social Cancer; Saving the US Postal Service" [http://strike-debt-bay-area.tumblr.com/post/51987248526/privatization-is-social-cancer-saving-the-us] [https://archive.today/rQskV]

11th of the month a demand letter is presented to the through the Japanese Consulate
Report In Berkeley from Fukushima by Chieko Shiina
Tuesday! Jan 20, 2015 at 7 pm
BFF Fellowship Hall
1924 Cedar Street, Berkeley, CA 94709
Chieko Shiina, Anti-Nuke Activist in Japan
The contamination of the people of Fukushima and Japan continues. Children and families are getting sick. There is a growing epidemic of thyroid cysts and surgeries. The statistics are being covered up by the Japanese government. Additionally, Shunichi Tanaka, the chairman of the Nuclear Regulation Authority is preparing to release thousands of tons of contaminated radioactive water into the Pacific ocean. [http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201412130042]
This will be lethal to life in the oceans! It will reach California and the entire Pacific rim. The Abe government in power is continuing to tell the Japanese people that they can "overcome" radiation, and that they can de-contaminate Fukushima. Chieko Shiina is an anti-nuclear activist in Fukushima who has been fighting to get emergency healthcare to the residents. They are organizing against the restart of Japan's remaining 50 nuclear plants, which the Abe government wants to restart.
The SF Bay Area “No Nukes Action Committee” has been campaigning to protect the people of Fukushima and Japan, and to keep other Japanese nuclear plants closed. The Committee also opposes all nuclear plants, including the PG&E operated Diablo Canyon nuclear plant on the Pacific coast over earthquake faults and near San Louis Obispo. They have monthly rallies to speak-out at the Japanese Consulate in San Francisco on the 11th of every month at 3:00 pm. The consulate is located at 275 Battery St/California St., San Francisco, near the Embarcadero BART Station. Next action is on Sunday, January 11, 2015.
Wheel-chair accessible via the ramp on Bonita Avenue.
(At Bonita Ave, one block east of MLK Way & three blocks west of Shattuck Ave)
This location is wheelchair accessible via the ramp on the Bonita Avenue side of the building.
Suggested Donation $5 - 10 No one turned away for lack of funds!
Sponsored by No Nuke Action Committee [http://nonukesaction.wordpress.com/]
Endorsed by BFFU Social Justice Committee [www.bfuu.org/events/social-justice]
* "Vermonters Ready Celebration as Nuclear Plant Shuts Down for Good Owners of Vermont Yankee lost their battle with local residents to keep accident-prone plant running for decades more" (2014-12-29) [http://www.commondreams.org/news/2014/12/29/vermonters-ready-celebration-nuclear-plant-shuts-down-good] [https://archive.today/YBCPN]
* "A Drone Flew Over A Pig Farm To Discover It’s Not Really A Farm. It’s Something Much More Disturbing" (2014-12) [http://www.upworthy.com/a-drone-flew-over-a-pig-farm-to-discover-its-not-really-a-farm-its-something-much-more-disturbing] [https://archive.today/9Ec4e]
* "Reaching out to help the rural homeless" (2014-12-27) in Contra Costa County, San Pablo bay area [http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Reaching-out-to-help-the-rural-homeless-5980753.php#photo-7318706] [https://archive.today/9D3jh]
Gary Wayne, 65, a former Army sergeant who was a POW, is “the mayor” of the riverside encamp ment for homeless in Antioch, where he’s lived for four years.

* " ‘Some sort of hell’: How one of the wealthiest cities in America treats its homeless" (2014-12-27) [http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/12/some-sort-of-hell-how-one-of-the-wealthiest-cities-in-america-treats-its-homeless/] [https://archive.today/63GlF]
* "San Jose Runs Its Homeless Off; Santa Cruz Does the Same" by Robert Norse of "HUFF Santa Cruz" (2014-12-27)
NORSE'S NOTES: The series of comments following this article at [www.alternet.org/comments/some-sort-hell-how-one-wealthiest-cities-america-treats-its-homeless#disqus_thread] (archived 2014-12-28) [https://archive.today/UTCge] is unusually homeless-positive. The posters--at least the first bunch--highly critical of authorities and supportive of the despoiled rights poor people outside. In Santa Cruz, San Jose's bedroom community, we find even more intense hypocrisy and anti-homeless removal/criminalization policies.
In the last two years, City Council as passed a variety of homeless-removal measures masquerading as "public safety" actions, relabeling life-sustaining behaviors like sleeping as crimes needing more intensive police pressure.
Citations and stay-aways (still the one-day kind) for being a "closed area" (i.e. a park after dark), "camping", and smoking have escalated substantially. And target those who are homeless or traveling.
National outrage at exposed police violence and its rubberstamping by authorities local, state, and national may give us new hope for some changes if Santa Cruz can move from symbolic protest to meaningful and locally-focused direct action. The new "performance pens" outlined by the "dots for dodos" on Pacific Avenue are an example of the liberal sell Mayor Lane and Councilmember Comstock that criminalizes 98% of the downtown sidewalks for vending, tabling, speaking, performing, and displaying artwork. It is packaged as "reform" because it doubles the previous 1% available. Meanwhile huge swaths of the sidewalk have been leased to private businesses, with another 14' penumbra around those "sidewalk cafes" made illegal for non-commercial street activity. All the while illegal free-standing merchant signs occupy public spaces that human beings are barred from sitting or tabling at.
Do-It-Yourself New Year's Parade is coming up on December 31st--usually around 5 p.m. in the Saturn Cafe parking lot. And an angry protest against the Council's BEARCAT Xmas gift to the SCPD of a militarized "Rescue" vehicle on January 13th is also focused on the anti-homeless "we don't need no stinkin' courts to get rid of you, just a 'stay-away' order from a cop or ranger" law. On January 24th, Sin Barras and other groups will protest the deaths of prisoners locally (see www.http://sinbarras.org/ ). And HUFF is still shining a strong light on the local SCPD to assess Officer Bill Azua's alleged racial targeting and the department's use of force policies.
Happy New Year--here comes 2015.
Surgically disabled, medically blacklisted Ms. Bobbie Jenke seeks medical asylum in Cuba
December 21, 2014
Dear Mr. President:
I write to you on behalf of my client Ms. Bobbie Jenke. She was surgically disabled by predatory medical corporations then denied treatment. If untreated, she will soon die.
U.S. Senator Feinstein promised Ms. Jenke that California Governor Jerry Brown’s staff would do everything they could to help her. They denied her service under the Medicaid insurance program. The DHHS OIG opened an emergency complaint on her behalf last January.
I called DHHS OIG again last October — just before I opened a constituent case for Ms. Jenke with U.S. Senator Boxer — and they opened up another emergency complaint. Senator Feinstein claims she can't compel the DHHS to serve Ms. Jenke. Senator Boxer’s staff have ignored me. The DHHS OIG cannot inform me of their progress. Recently, the DHHS and CMS have extended so called “Fraud Waivers” for criminals.
Ms. Jenke seeks medical asylum in Cuba. She has no ability to transport herself.
I ask you to facilitate transport and arrange for her to receive medical asylum.
Most Respectfully,
Dr. John E. Cohen-Colby
I am an independent postdoctoral researcher who shares my research with the news media and the (federal) government. I am an independent journalist who blogs and posts video interviews on social media and on Santa Cruz Indymedia.
But most importantly, I am an advocate for human and civil rights, particularly patients rights
My client and friend, CA Special Educator Ms. Bobbie Jenke, has been tragically failed by Democratic politicians and Democratic run federal and state agencies. They have allowed predatory medical corporations who routinely harm their patients, then are allowed to evade consequences for criminal negligence, to commit further fraud and criminal negligence, denying medical treatment under the Medicaid and Medicare insurance programs to those they surgically butchered (to hide evidence of their crimes).
The USDOJ and the DHHS OIG have hampered surgically disabled patients, like Ms. Jenke, from receiving necessary treatment under the Medicaid and Medicare insurance program by cutting the budgets to investigate fraud then extending so called "Fraud Waivers' to medical criminals: this is an appalling corporatist takeover of so called federal medical top cops.
Point: Since Ms. Jenke's Democratic run government has utterly failed her, we turn to Cuba to save her from a torturous, painful death, in which she will be strangled like a tortured puppy she once saved, ultimately dying of asphyxiation or pulmonary failure.
Request: Since the White House staff I spoke to claimed my letter to President Obama, attached as a PDF, won't be looked at for another eight weeks, while Ms. Jenke will probably die long before then, I ask you to bring this request for medical asylum in Cuba directly to President Obama. If he is not disingenuous about lifting the Cuban Embargo, let this be a test whether he just dramatized a nice photo-op or he really wants to allow Americans to benefit from Cuban medical care, which is run for the People not for huge medical corporations.
Request: I ask for a written press statement by your office about Ms. Jenke being transported then medically treated in Cuba under asylum from the United Stated because her own country has turned its back on her, allowing her to cruelly suffer and die a continuing painful death. Please provide this statement to me in writing via email and facsimile.
Thank you for the president's serious attention to Ms. Jenke to show he cares about patient rights unlike her Democratic U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, and her Democratic California State Governor Jerry Brown (whose staff treated her with disdain and criminal disregard).
* "CIA in CLG Website Logs, Reading About Their Torture Queen" (2014-12-23) [http://www.legitgov.org/CIA-CLG-Website-Logs-Reading-About-Their-Torture-Queen] [https://archive.today/GSqJN], also see "CIA Torture Queen Bought $825K House While Torturing Her Way to the Top" [https://archive.today/qIqhJ]
* "Chris Hedges is blackballed by Penn after likening ISIS to Israel" (2014-12-26) [http://mondoweiss.net/2014/12/blacklisted-likening-israel] [https://archive.today/KxXGI], [begin excerpt]: Hedges’s banning is a reminder that none of the rules apply when it comes to Israel. Americans are allowed to mock and satirize any country we like– or even make a movie about assassinating a foreign dictator, and the president will stand up for you against efforts to suppress it– but don’t touch a hair on Israel’s chinny chin chin. So Ari Roth is gone from the theater company he built at the DC Jewish Community Center because he dared to broach the Nakba, and at Penn, an intellectual is blacklisted because of his criticism of Israel’s origins in ethnic cleansing and its constitutional failure to separate church and state– a great American principle. This is McCarthyism, on a broader scale than the original in the ’50s. [end excerpt]
"House GOP Leader Once Addressed White Supremacists" (2014-12-29) [http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/house-gop-leader-addressed-white-supremacists-27886647] [https://archive.today/pidr6], [begin excerpt]]:
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, the chamber's third-ranking Republican, served in the Louisiana Legislature when he appeared in 2002 at a convention of the European-American Unity and Rights Organization. Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke founded the group, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has classified as a hate group.
In a written statement, Scalise aide Moira Bagley Smith confirmed that Scalise addressed the group as it gathered at a New Orleans-area hotel near the neighborhoods that both Scalise and Duke represented during separate stints as state lawmakers.
Smith said in her statement that Scalise spoke only to rally support for conservative fiscal policies in Louisiana, not to endorse the mission and views of his audience. Smith's statement came after a liberal Louisiana blogger, Lamar White Jr., first reported the 12-year-old story using online postings from members.
"Throughout his career in public service, Mr. Scalise has spoken to hundreds of different groups with a broad range of viewpoints," Smith wrote. "In every case, he was building support for his policies, not the other way around. In 2002, he made himself available to anyone who wanted to hear his" legislative agenda.
[end excerpt]
A Lesson in White Privilege:
* "Richard Sherman: 'Thug' is accepted way of calling someone N-word" (2014-01-22) [http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24417234] [https://archive.today/lgMIt]
* "Monson: Don’t laugh at Max Hall now" (2014-09-02) [http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/cougars/58366231-88/hall-monson-laugh-needs.html.csp] [https://archive.today/6FwyL]

"To sin by silence, when we should protest, Makes cowards out of men." - Ella Wheeler Wilcox

"Black Struggle Against Police in U.S. Gets Powerful Supporter in Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei" (2014-12-29) [http://atlantablackstar.com/2014/12/29/black-struggle-police-u-s-gets-powerful-supporter-irans-supreme-leader-ayatollah-khamenei/] [https://archive.today/y89zp], [begin excerpt]:
After the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson led to nationwide protests, Khamenei tweeted, “Today like previous years, African-Americans are still under pressure, oppressed and subjected to discrimination. #Ferguson”
After the grand jury decided not to indict police officer Darren Wilson, he wrote, “At events in #Ferguson US is fighting w its ppl. #BlackLivesMatter”
[end excerpt]
* "A plague called apathy: The star on what’s wrong with our communities — and why the revolution needs to begin at home" by Bill Cosby (2013-06-10) [http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/bill_cosby_plague_called_apathy_tbvGiDoQUJe3g9eav1R5wK/2] [https://web.archive.org/web/20130704222106/http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/bill_cosby_plague_called_apathy_tbvGiDoQUJe3g9eav1R5wK/2]
[begin excerpt]
When you have all of these things going wrong, we go back to the drink and the cigarette smoking. There are things that, if we behave better, eat better, we will feel better, think clearly. We will begin to challenge the apathy.
I’ve said it 100 times, the revolution is in the house. Now if you don’t want to be a part of the revolution, you say to the school system, “I want you to raise my child.” No, the revolution is at home.
I’m a Christian. But Muslims are misunderstood. Intentionally misunderstood. We should all be more like them. They make sense, especially with their children. There is no other group like the Black Muslims, who put so much effort into teaching children the right things, they don’t smoke, they don’t drink or overindulge in alcohol, they protect their women, they command respect. And what do these other people do?
They complain about them, they criticize them. We’d be a better world if we emulated them. We don’t have to become black Muslims, but we can embrace the things that work.
We need people, not just in the church but in the community, who are not afraid to speak up because they want to hear a child’s laughter — not a child’s blood-curdling scream because a bullet hit them. We want them playing outside.
* "Did Bill Cosby troubles start when he praised the Nation of Islam?" message board (begun 2014-11-17), archived 2014-12-28 [https://archive.today/ejOrU]
* "Bill Cosby Nation of Islam" websearch, archived results [https://archive.today/qhtPR].
* "Solidarity Action At Spanish Consulate Against repression, against authority" (2014-12-24) [https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/12/22/18765921.php?show_comments=1#comments] [https://archive.today/xg4ks]:
On December, 22nd, 2014, a group of anarchists stormed the Spanish consulate in San Francisco. After throwing leaflets into the consulate, tipping over the Spanish flag, and yelling curses, the group left without incident.
On December, 15, 2014, the Spanish state passed the "ley de mordaza", a gag law that makes it a crime to insult a cop, film a cop, or assemble in large groups. On December 16th, 2014, the Spanish state raided several houses and apartments in Barcelona. After seizing electronics, documents, and clothing, the state imprisoned 7 anarchist on vague charges relating to terrorism. These anarchists are meant to be an example of what happens when you lift your head against fascism.
If the Spanish state wants to imprison and criminalize anarchists, we are more than willing to fight back. Never again will the dictatorship rise! Freedom to the prisoners! Down with the state!
Long live anarchy!
* "Hollywood’s race problem: An insular industry struggles to change" (2014-12-23) [http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/hollywoods-race-problem-an-insular-industry-struggles-to-change/2014/12/19/d870df04-8625-11e4-9534-f79a23c40e6c_story.html?hpid=z1] [https://archive.today/60wji]

[http://www.nukeresister.org/2014/12/13/dr-shakir-hamoodi-in-prison-for-violating-iraq-sanctions-released-to-halfway-house/] [https://archive.today/idNlu]
Dr. Shakir Hamoodi was released from the Federal Prison Camp in Leavenworth, Kansas on December 9, and transferred to a halfway house in Columbia, Missouri. He was later transferred to house arrest until the end of his sentence. Hamoodi had been found guilty of sending money for food, medicines, clothing and shelter to poor family members who were suffering under the brutal sanctions on Iraq from 1991-2003. His final release date is April 7, 2015.
* "Urban Dreams Finally Restored!" (2014-12-19) [http://www.laboractionmumia.org/2014/12/19/lac-successful-meeting-vs-gag-law-and/] [https://archive.today/4qstJ], [begin excerpt]: Under pressure from the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)—operating through a friendly publicity agent called Fox News—the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) earlier this year shut down an entire website composed of teacher-drafted curriculum material called Urban Dreams. Why? Because this site included a course guideline which dealt with the censorship of innocent political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal! This teacher-driven web site has finally been restored, thanks to the relentless work of Oakland Teachers for Mumia and their supporters. At an OUSD School Board meeting in late November, the new School Superintendent, Antwan Wilson, announced the reinstatement of the site. Three weeks after the initial public promise to repost Urban Dreams and stop police control of Oakland School curriculum, Urban Dreams had still not been posted, ostensibly for aesthetic reasons. [end excerpt]
To learn how the website was finally brough back online, read the rest of the article at the link.
* "Overturn Senate Bill 508: defend the First Amendment rights of prisoners, journalists & all of us" [https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/protect-freedom-of-speech-keep-mumia-on-the-air] [https://archive.today/XYC8z]:
The Pennsylvania “gag” law (officially the Revictimization Relief Act, PA SB 508), was passed and signed in record time after Mumia delivered a recorded address to the graduating class of is alma mater, Goddard College. Designed explicitly to “shut him up” (ie, Mumia), this law is a blatantly unconstitutional attack on the free speech rights of those convicted of violent crimes (whether innocent or guilty—the legal system doesn’t care about that), as well as a dire threat to the rights of any group which distributes or promotes the speech or writings of prisoners! (See the web site mentioned above, or our earlier postings about the “gag” law)
"No, China does not hold more than 50 percent of U.S. debt" (2014-12-29) [http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/wp/2014/12/29/no-china-does-not-hold-more-than-50-percent-of-u-s-debt/] [https://archive.today/sx45y], [begin excerpt]:
Among the incorrect beliefs held with conviction, no matter the party: China holds more than 50 percent of the U.S. debt; there is no time limit for benefits under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, commonly known as welfare; salaries for all members of Congress is a bigger part of the federal budget than salaries for all members of the military. In other words, these were beliefs not colored by partisanship. (The welfare answer is fascinating given that President Bill Clinton in 1996 signed a bipartisan bill that cut off benefits at 60 months.)
[end excerpt]
The Fastfood industry is dominated by bureaucrats who fund "right-wing" campaigns against food & safety regulations, and as advertisers who fund Fox News, are able to include their opinions into the Fox News talking points, including a falsified report concerning with a trans-fat ban...

* "Fox & Friends claims federal ‘sprinkle ban’ that doesn’t really exist is proof Obama will ban Christmas cookies" (2014-12-30) [http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/12/fox-friends-claims-federal-sprinkle-ban-that-doesnt-really-exist-is-proof-obama-will-ban-christmas-cookies/] [https://archive.today/BrVjH], [begin excerpt]:
A Fox & Friends segment warned on Tuesday that President Barack Obama’s administration was set to enact a ban on doughnut sprinkles, which meant that the government could take control of where you live and work next. [end excerpt]
* "HAPPY HOLIDAYS: FDA MOVES TO BAN CAKE, DONUT ‘SPRINKLES’ " (2014-12-22) [http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/12/22/happy-holidays-fda-moves-to-ban-cake-donut-sprinkles/] [https://archive.today/pjv2c]

* "The Prison State of America" (2014-12-29) [http://www.commondreams.org/views/2014/12/29/prison-state-america] [https://archive.today/cadYO], [begin excerpt]: The lives of modern-day prisoners in the U.S. system are emblematic of the disempowerment and exploitation that corporations seek to inflict on all workers. Prisons employ and exploit the ideal worker. Prisoners do not receive benefits or pensions. They are not paid overtime. They are forbidden to organize and strike. They must show up on time. They are not paid for sick days or granted vacations. They cannot formally complain about working conditions or safety hazards. If they are disobedient, or attempt to protest their pitiful wages, they lose their jobs and can be sent to isolation cells. The roughly 1 million prisoners who work for corporations and government industries in the American prison system are models for what the corporate state expects us all to become. And corporations have no intention of permitting prison reforms that would reduce the size of their bonded workforce. In fact, they are seeking to replicate these conditions throughout the society. [end excerpt]
* "The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings; Reframing the CIA’s interrogation techniques as a violation of scientific and medical ethics may be the best way to achieve accountability" (2014-12-16) [http://www.thenation.com/article/193185/cia-didnt-just-torture-it-experimented-human-beings] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141219082049/http://www.thenation.com/article/193185/cia-didnt-just-torture-it-experimented-human-beings]
* "Leaked Video Shows Police Chief Candidate Sadistically Tasering Non-Combative Inmates; Instead of investigating the officers for their disgusting actions, police are investigating how the video got released" (2014-12-03) [http://thefreethoughtproject.com/leaked-video-shows-police-chief-candidate-sadistically-tasering-non-combative-inmates/] [https://archive.today/LFOxg]
The clips all present the same scenario, two cops walk up to the cell, open the door and taser the non-violent, non-combative, and otherwise completely peaceful inmates. It is truly disgusting.

* "Federal judge tosses Iraqi woman’s suit against George W. Bush" (2014-12-25) [http://www.sfgate.com/nation/article/Federal-judge-tosses-Iraqi-woman-s-suit-against-5979253.php] [https://archive.today/Tjp0G], [begin excerpt]: An Iraqi woman’s suit against former President George W. Bush and other architects of the U.S. war in Iraq has been dismissed by a Bay Area federal judge in a ruling that appears to preclude any such suits by foreigners harmed by America’s wars. [end excerpt]
Pentagon requests $1.2B for Iraqi army as investigation reveals Iraqi army paying at least 50,000 soldiers who don't exist
* "Investigation finds 50,000 ‘ghost’ soldiers in Iraqi army, prime minister says" (2014-11-30) [http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/investigation-finds-50000-ghost-soldiers-in-iraqi-army-prime-minister-says/2014/11/30/d8864d6c-78ab-11e4-9721-80b3d95a28a9_story.html] [https://archive.today/lMyue]
" ‘End’ of Afghanistan occupation a lie" (2014-12-28) [http://www.liberationnews.org/end-afghanistan-occupation-lie/] [https://archive.today/LCUw9], [begin excerpt]: Taking a break from his Christmas vacation in Hawaii, President Obama gave a speech at a Marine base claiming that “Next week, we will be ending our combat mission in Afghanistan.” This is not true. Nominal control over military bases may have been handed over to the Afghan government, but the U.S. government is set to continue its occupation indefinitely with nearly 11,000 troops. They will be joined by thousands of soldiers from other NATO member countries. [end excerpt]

"Report on UNAC's trip to Russia" [http://nepajac.org/rusrpt1.html] [https://archive.today/T4neC], [begin excerpt]: Along with the presentations by the UNAC members, we also heard presentations by a number of leaders from Novorossia (the area declared independent by the people of Eastern Ukraine), including Oleg Tsarev, the speaker of the Parliament of Novorossia and Alexander Kofman, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Donetsk People’s Republic. Leading Russian journalists spoke, as did representatives of the Italian European Communitarian movement; a representative from Srpska, the Serbian section of Bosnia; and others.
The UNAC speakers gave strong antiwar talks (see below for links to the various talks). Additionally, Margaret Kimberley spoke on the police murders of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, the ensuing protests and the connections of police brutality of Black Americans with the wars abroad and at home. The reporters were very interested in these issues and she did a number of media interviews. Joe Iosbaker talked about the case of Rasmea Odeh, the Palestinian women organizer who is being threatened with deportation and prison. He also spoke about his own case where he and other antiwar activists had their homes raided by the FBI and may face a federal grand jury.
Later, we attended a demonstration at the US Embassy organized by our Russian hosts. At the demonstration, we chanted, "Hands up, don't shoot," and carried signs with the logos of UNAC and the Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia in support of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. We laid flowers in front of the Embassy in honor of the murdered men.
While in Moscow, we also watched the TV coverage of Russian president Putin giving his annual press conference. It was very interesting and different from an Obama press conference. First of all, it lasted for three hours. The entire press conference was televised. After a short talk, Putin answered all questions, even those unfriendly toward him. He even took questions from reporters from Kiev who hold right-wing positions and from a hostile BBC reporter. In the US, if such questions were asked, the reporters would never be allowed back to a press conference and their media outlet would be banned from future White House press conferences.
Moscow is a modern city much like any large U.S. city. The people were dressed well, and looked healthy and cared for. We learned that many of the social benefits that existed under the Soviet Union still exist. These include free universal healthcare. For most people, college was free, and students received a stipend for their living expenses.
[end excerpt]

Below are links to the written talks by each of the UNAC members who attended the conference in Moscow.
* Joe Lombardo, Co-coordinator, United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) [http://nepajac.org/JoeL.htm] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141230061058/http://nepajac.org/JoeL.htm]
* Margaret Kimberley, "Ferguson and American History" [http://nepajac.org/margaret.htm] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141230061218/http://nepajac.org/margaret.htm]
* Joe Losbaker, "Rasmea Odeh: Political Prisoner, and the case of the 23 anti-war and international solidarity activists" [http://nepajac.org/JoeI.htm] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141230061255/http://nepajac.org/JoeI.htm]
* Bill Dores, "NO TO WORLD WAR!!" [http://nepajac.org/billtalk.htm] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141230061317/http://nepajac.org/billtalk.htm]
* Mo Hannah [http://nepajac.org/motalk.htm] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141230061412/http://nepajac.org/motalk.htm]
* The web sites for the Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia are here: [http://anti-global.ru] and [http://stop-imperialism.com]
DECLARATION: The Right of Peoples to Self-determination and Building a Multipolar World
Moscow. December 13, 2014
[http://nepajac.org/conferencedeclaration.htm] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141230060533/http://nepajac.org/conferencedeclaration.htm]
The world is changing. And, unfortunately, it is changing for the worse. The worsening geopolitical situation calls on us to support the nations and peoples who oppose the dictate a unipolar world and seek to propose an alternative agenda. Progressive part of mankind stands for the development of international cooperation and solidarity, respectful of other peoples, their sovereignty, values and lifestyles as opposed to the current destructive manifestations of the "new world order": the barbaric exploitation of the majority of the world population, the destruction of national sovereignty and spiritual foundations of society, suppression of sovereignty of personality through the illegal collection of information.
Organizations participating in the international panel discussion urge people worldwide to unite and establish a united front against discrimination, violation of human rights, religious and racial intolerance. We condemn the crimes and murders perpetrated against the people of Novorossia. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the innocent victims in Odessa, Lugansk and Donetsk. We strongly condemn political repression, particularly in countries that have positioned themselves as democratic nations.
The interference in the affairs of sovereign states, the sponsorship and support of extremist and terrorist entities are unacceptable in the XXI century. Events in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine demonstrate the predatory foreign policy of the US and its NATO allies. Local conflicts have affected more people than those affected during the World War II. The UN no longer performs their role as peacekeepers, as more than 70 armed conflicts have taken place since the establishment of the organization.
The US government has a depressing statistics in the field of human rights. The latest example of political repressions is Rasmia Odah, an activist of the Palestinian community of Chicago, who is a political prisoner now. The US Department of Justice has sent her to the tribunal because her migration card had no information about the fact that in 1969 she was imprisoned in Israel by the Israeli military court based on the information extracted under torture. As part of the support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the US government supports the Israeli occupation and military courts. Rasmia’s torture was part of a series of repressions against pro-Palestinian movement in the United States. We demand to release Rasmia Oda and put an end to the US support for the occupation of Palestine!
African Americans, Hispanics and other minorities are oppressed in the US. We condemn the systematic killings by the police in the USA!
We condemn the murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Eric Garner in New York City and many others!
We support the protests in the US cities as part of their struggle for freedom from police brutality, against mass defiance of human rights by the police, and call for the release of political prisoners such as Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu Jamal!
We call upon the people of the United States to take activities of the police under their control and demand investigation into the atrocities committed by the police officers!
The time of retreat has passed! It’s time for advancing! This Declaration is the first step towards the consolidation of the progressive part of mankind! We will make every effort to build a multi-polar world! We are the alternative!
* "New class of synthetic molecules mimics antibodies" (2014-12-17) [http://news.yale.edu/2014/12/17/new-class-synthetic-molecules-mimics-antibodies] [https://archive.today/MK2il]
The USA has a long history of experimenting with novel diseases on the public.
* "New Tick-Borne 'Bourbon Virus' Is Deadly And Unlike Anything Previously Seen In U.S." (2014-12-24) [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/24/bourbon-virus-tick-kansas_n_6377932.html] [https://archive.today/4xShP]
* "Zoom in, Zoom out: Speedy, Agile UAVs Envisioned for Troops in Urban Missions" (2014-12-23) [https://archive.today/WaMBv]
* "Atom-thick CCD could capture images; Rice University scientists develop two-dimensional, light-sensitive material" (2014-12-19) [http://news.rice.edu/2014/12/19/atom-thick-ccd-could-capture-images/] [https://archive.today/m0QW4]. Photo: Rice University graduate student Sidong Lei displays a three-pixel prototype made with atomically thin layers of CIS. The new material developed at Rice shows promise for two-dimensional electronics.

* "The Lawless Manipulation of the Gold and Silver Bullion Markets: The Complicity of the Public Authorities" (2014-12-22) [http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-lawless-manipulation-of-the-gold-bullion-market/5421260] [https://archive.today/s7zcy]

More information:
* Death Eaters: Members of a sociopathic society where the societal norms or culture are driven by sadism or sexual sadism disorder. The agony of others is not a side effect of their actions but a goal. Death eaters are distinct from those with an individual personality disorder in that their society’s norms, structure and actions are all constructed to feed their sadism.
* "THE LONDON TAPE – AN EXPOSÉ" (2014-12-22) [http://www.hundhaus.uk/2014/12/the-london-tape-an-expose/] [https://archive.today/HQI1t]
* "OPDEATHEATERS: AN OVERVIEW AND HOW IT LINKS IN TO THE CSA INQUIRY" (2014-12-22) [http://www.hundhaus.uk/2014/12/opdeatheaters-an-overview-and-how-it-links-in-to-the-csa-inquiry/] [https://archive.today/dnLur]
* "Child abuse inquiry: 'The Government might not want to get to the truth,' says Labour MP" (2014-12-22) [http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/child-abuse-inquiry-the-government-might-not-want-to-get-to-the-truth-says-labour-mp-9939828.html] [https://archive.today/XuEbS]
* "Scotland Yard is probing five VIP paedophile rings after Labour MP hands in dossier naming six serving politicians and Lords" (2014-12-22) [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2883012/Scotland-Yard-probing-five-VIP-paedophile-rings-Labour-MP-hands-dossier-naming-six-serving-politicians-Lords.html] [https://archive.today/cHmui]
* "Child abuse inquiry: Three MPs and three peers named in paedophile dossier handed to Scotland Yard" (2014-12-21) [http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/child-abuse-inquiry-mps-and-peers-named-in-paedophile-dossier-handed-to-scotland-yard-9938374.html] [https://archive.today/NWrOU]
* " Homicide links to paedo ring but Cameron wants to move on" (2014-12-19) [http://www.tekjournalismuk.com/only-in-the-uk/homicide-links-to-paedo-ring-but-cameron-wants-to-move-on] [https://archive.today/yiwEv]
* "JEREMY, CYRIL, JIMMY, RAY AND PETER: SOME ALARMING SIMILARITIES" (2014-12-13) [http://nyenquirer.uk/jeremy-cyril-jimmy-ray-peter-alarming-similarities/] [https://archive.today/uouE8]
* "Ottawa continues to block information from St Anne’s Residential School abuse of students" (2014-09-09) [http://westcoastnativenews.com/ottawa-continues-to-block-information-from-st-annes-residential-school-abuse-of-students/] [https://archive.today/Awktw]
* "Did We Finish Looking Into Those 1,700 Pentagon Child Porn Cases?" (2014-07-22) [http://blackbag.gawker.com/uh-did-we-finish-looking-into-those-1-700-pentagon-chi-1609060355] [https://archive.today/9eSUL]
* "MI5’s murky role in Kincora scandal yet to be exposed" (2014-07-14) [http://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/mi5-s-murky-role-in-kincora-scandal-yet-to-be-exposed-1.1875925] [https://archive.today/wVIEd]
* "Bryan Singer Sex Abuse Suit Will Be First Of Many, Says Attorney In Case Against “X-Men” Director" (2014-04-17) [http://linkis.com/www.buzzfeed.com/hun/9v86K] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141227043528/http://linkis.com/www.buzzfeed.com/hun/9v86K]
* "Timebomb at Elm Guest House: Pop stars, a bishop and a top politician appear on a list seized by police investigating child abuse at the London hotel in the 1980s" (2013-02-01) [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2272253/Timebomb-Elm-Guest-House-Pop-stars-bishop-politician-appear-list-seized-police-investigating-child-abuse-London-hotel-1980s.html] [https://archive.today/BAKXj]
* "Olof Palme Suspected Of Paedophilia" (2007-12-06) [http://newtonline.wordpress.com/2007/12/06/olof-palme-suspected-of-paedophilia/] [https://archive.today/Vigh6]
* "Finders Keepers" (1987) [https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Document:Finders_Keepers] [https://archive.today/CsO9q]
* "CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE: Transcription of Unaired Documentary on the Franklin Cover-up" (1993) [http://www.alamoministries.com/content/english/newsreleases/conspiracyofsilence.html] [https://archive.today/AMWwV]
Updates on the ALBA
* "Revolutionary transformation of Venezuela’s police" (2014-12-28) [http://www.liberationnews.org/interview-revolutionary-transformation-of-venezuelas-police/] [https://archive.today/iRA5I]
* "Corporate Predators Want Compensation for Lost Cuban Assets They Stole" (2014-12-25) [http://www.globalresearch.ca/corporate-predators-want-compensation-for-lost-cuban-assets-they-stole/5421479] [https://archive.today/Cm2va]
* " 'Offended' Israel not to support publicly the US-Cuba breakthrough - report" (2014-12-25) [http://rt.com/usa/217595-israel-us-cuba-embargo/] [https://archive.today/DrsYX]
Donate Now Honduras Solidarity Network [http://www.hondurassolidarity.org/2014/12/26/support-solidarity-with-honduras-now/] [https://archive.today/KrLIP]
On June 28, 2009 gunshots rang out at the presidential residence in Tegucigalpa as the Honduran military stormed his home and kidnapped democratically elected President Manual Zelaya. Immediately the Honduran people took to the streets across the country in the tens of thousands and began a resistance movement that continues today. There was also a quick response to the crisis from solidarity and human rights groups in the United States and Canada. It took only a few weeks for groups to begin coordinating solidarity and by January 2010 the Honduras Solidarity Network (HSN) was created.

"Honduras: Private Security evicts Campesinos from land in State possession",
Message from International Human Rights Defender [http://hrohblog.wordpress.com] [http://gregmccain.pressfolios.com]: The below alert describes evictions of peasant farmers carried out by the private security of the Tela Railroad Company which grows bananas for Chiquita Brands. An English translation from an alert by the CNTC in El Progreso, Yoro:
Security guards from the Tela Railroad Company with high caliber weapons encircled peasant farmers in order to evict them from about 174 acres of land which the farmers had cultivated with maize and beans in the Guanchia sector of El Progreso, Yoro.The Farmers are members of the Rancho Escondido Campesina Association, organized by the National Confederation of Workers (CNTC). About 18 families depend on this area cultivated by the peasant farmers.The owners of the Sugar Company of the North S.A. (AZUNOSA), had also argued for this land, but when it was confirmed that the property is located in an area that is a relief channel of the Ulua River, AZUNOSA withdrew its claim.Farmers constantly receive threats of eviction by members of the private security of the Tela Railoard Company, who also kicked them off of a bridge built by peasants so that they could cross to the area where they have crops.The peasant farmers don?t live on these lands they only work it to support their families.
The lands of our campaneros are lands without an owner that are in the possession of the State of Honduras. The guards continue to demand to see ownership papers to let the farmers continue their work in the fields. We condemn this abuse of power and hold responsible the Tela Railroad Company for whatever actions that happen against our compas," said Magdalena Morales, CNTC Regional Secretary General of El Progress.The peasant farmers of Rancho Escondido demand of the three branches of the State of Honduras that their possession of the land is respected since its purpose is to develop a Campesino Model City where they can grow food and maintain their families, because there is no will of the government to develop policies in favor of farmers.Equally, they call on human rights organizations to make an appearance to ensure respect for the lives of thousands of farmers who are recovering land.
Coming January, the newly created task force Maya-Chorti will start its work at the border with Guatemala. Source (2014-12-28) [http://www.radiohrn.hn/l/noticias/en-enero-de-2015-entrará-en-operación-la-llamada-fuerza-de-tarea-maya-chortí] [https://archive.today/nJGMc]

"US Contractor based in Palmerola- illicit sexual activity with a 13-yr old Honduran girl" letter from Jack Herbert of Portland, Oregon, to [dane.schiller@) chron.com] [nancy.barnes@) chron.com].
"Feds charge Army contractor for alleged relationship with 13-year-old in Honduras" (2014-12-22)[http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Feds-charge-Army-contractor-for-alleged-5974213.php] [https://archive.today/AvlHs].
You need to correct your article on an American contractor to the US Army having sex w an Honduran 13 year old girl. Report the evidence relevant to the claims, and don't imply that rape is not rape or let that assertion get reported without the background evidence.
Haven't you learned how to do investigative journalism?? You need to do it to report this case. You don't report the evidence available to inform us about the evidence and background relevant to the validity or invalidity of claims in court. None of you went to a competent school of journalism?
1. "an alleged sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl in the Central American country", "may have been legal where it occurred," You don't state the evidence that it's rape in Honduras, too, under international law, under the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Did Honduras sign the latter? What are the precedents under the Latin American court that handles appeals of human rights violations? I've been told it's actually rape no matter what according to Honduran law (article 140, penal code). Look it up and consult Honduran attorneys who protect victims' rights and other uncorrupted experts on the relevant Honduran law.
2. Sex with minors is rape. You allow the suggestion that it's legal and moral to have sexual intercourse with children in another country. Your presentation and permissive attitude promotes such abuse because you don't look up the law and relevant morality in Honduras and anywhere.
3. You quote an FBI agent who claims to know what was in the girl's mind, as if that matters (sex with children is rape, whether you persuade them or not; persuasion is abuse). The agent's testimony was false; all he can testify to is what she said. You let this slide by.
4. Was the FBI interrogating her? That would likely be abuse. If the FBI is interrogating people without their own counsel and witnesses present and children without parents and legal protectors, they are violating peoples' rights and not representing us. "McGrath and the girl, who admits she at first deceived him about her age, allegedly went on to have an ongoing sexual relationship during which he gave her cash and gifts and took her out on dates to restaurants and hotels." You need to report the evidence for whatever the girl said, and the conditions -- under oath, with her parents and others there to protect her from pressure,....?? "Allegedly"? Alleged by whom, under oath in this case?
5. "His lawyer, public defender Marjorie Meyers said the allegations in a November indictment are outside the scope of U.S. law because they don't relate to any criminal activity committed in the U.S." So, what are the precedents here? There have been prosecutions of people committing crimes in other countries, like committing and ordering murders in Latin America by military officers detained in the US and in other countries.
6. Do we need to educate YOU about why sex with a minor damages the child permanently and is a crime anywhere?
This kind of sloppiness, avoidance of nailing the issues, moral, legal, factual,... is not journalism.
Your writing is propaganda for allowing Americans to exploit people in other countries and not have it considered as immoral and criminal as here, and supporting not taking legal protections there as legitimate. You should be aware and report that Honduran governments and police and many US agencies and/or their employees are corrupt, supporting exploitation of most people by the rich, corporations, and government, including US.
[end letter]
Further comments about the article from another researcher:
* No matter what the terms used in court documents and defense statements were, it's pretty awful to use "sexual relationship" unquestioningly when writing about statutory rape and to leave statements like this uncontested: "Prosecution of Mr. McGrath for sexual activity in Honduras is akin to prosecuting an American citizen who smokes hashish in Amsterdam, an activity that is legal in the Netherlands". Um no, WTF. If she was 13 it's actually rape no matter what according to Honduran law (article 140, penal code). "As for the woman in Honduras..." "In this young lady's mind..." At 13, a girl is still legally a *child* in Honduras (birth to 14 for girls; birth to 12 for boys; then they're adolescents until they're 18). The whole thing is disgusting, but so is this article.
Syn Allois Cooperative in Greece and trade with the EZLN [http://www.ainfos.ca/en/ainfos30510.html] [https://archive.today/9xYAO], an interview with an anarchist collective which distributes in the European Union coffee grown in the Liberated Zones of Good Governance within the State of Chiapas. This is an example of non-capitalist trade models which can federate liberated zones and collectives across the globe.
Solidarity with the revolutionary anarchist region of Rojave / West Kurdistan!
* “No. This is a Genuine Revolution” (2014-12-26) [https://zcomm.org/znetarticle/no-this-is-a-genuine-revolution/] [https://archive.today/bV1Gy]
* "Why is the world ignoring the revolutionary Kurds in Syria?" (2014-10-09) [https://zcomm.org/znetarticle/why-is-the-world-ignoring-the-revolutionary-kurds-in-syria/] [https://archive.today/8fLT6]
The USA is allied with the State of Israel and with Saudi Arabia (a government worse than what we are told about North Korea). All three use anti-terrorism laws to punish political activists, because all three are coordinated by a similar clandestine security regime, despite their different cultures.
* "Saudi women who defied driving ban referred to terrorism court" (2014-12-25) [http://www.cbsnews.com/news/saudi-women-who-defied-driving-ban-referred-to-terrorism-court/] [https://archive.today/1o8Go]
American helicopters drop boxes of weapons in ISIL-held areas in Iraq; US previously airdropped weapons captured by ISIL in Syria.
* "US military drops weapons in areas held by ISIL in Iraq" (2014-12-30) [http://www.presstv.com/detail/2014/12/27/392011/us-drops-weapons-in-areas-held-by-isil/] [https://archive.today/bnHQo]
* "Israel Empowers Islamic State (ISIS) Terrorists in Syria" (2014-12-24) [http://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-empowers-islamic-state-isis-terrorists-in-syria/5421424] [https://archive.today/Pkbvt]
* "ISIS—the New Israel" (2014-12-15) pg.1 [http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/isis_--_the_new_israel_20141214] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141224183552/http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/isis_--_the_new_israel_20141214]; pg.2 [http://www.truthdig.com/report/page2/isis_--_the_new_israel_20141214] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141227161305/http://www.truthdig.com/report/page2/isis_--_the_new_israel_20141214]
SOLIDARITY with the Maasai nation [http://www.maasai-association.org/maasai.html] [https://archive.today/BJHDW]

* "Tanzania's Maasai prefer death to eviction" (2014-11-23) [http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/11/tanzania-maasai-prefer-death-e-2014112254354523508.html] [https://archive.today/D9wcM]
* "Maasai Mara re-threatened by eviction" (2014-11-19) [http://www.geographical.co.uk/people/cultures/item/404-maasai-mara-eviction-notice] [https://archive.today/MNxmG]
* "Tanzania orders 40,000 Maasai tribesmen to leave their homeland after going back on their promise not to turn their land into a hunting ground for Dubai royal family" (2014-11-17) [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2837533/Tanzania-orders-40-000-Maasai-tribesmen-leave-homeland-going-promise-not-turn-land-hunting-ground-Dubai-royal-family.html] [https://archive.today/9nsjI]
* "Tanzania accused of backtracking over sale of Masai’s ancestral land" (2014-11-16) [http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/16/tanzania-government-accused-serengeti-sale-maasai-lands] [https://archive.today/Owd5Q]
Federal State of Novorossiya / Union of the People's Republics of the DNR & LNR.
* Novorossiya Today [http://novorossia.today]
* Novorossiya Herald, a news journal with two editions:
N1, 2014-11 [https://web.archive.org/web/20141227062535/http://novorossia.today/wp-content/uploads/nh/nh1.pdf]
N2, 2014-12 [https://web.archive.org/web/20141225204036/http://novorossia.today/wp-content/uploads/nh/nh2.pdf]
* Map, 2014-12 [https://archive.today/jD6Qh]
* "‘United economic area will be between the DPR and LPR’, announced Zaharchenko" (2014-12-27) [http://novorossia.today/?p=10566] [https://archive.today/qh6n5]
* "The summary: occupants subjected to the shelling the territory of Novorossiya at least 8 times" (2014-12-26) [http://novorossia.today/?p=10441] [https://archive.today/ocMmH]
* Ukraine: "Military dictatorship in the fascists state - last step was done." (2014-12-25) [https://www.facebook.com/TruthfromUkraine/posts/1589685544588125:0] [https://archive.today/LCiW2]
* "War Crimes of the armed forces and security forces of Ukraine: Torture of the Donbass region residents" [https://web.archive.org/web/20141227054057/http://cassad.net/documents/war_eng.pdf]
* "Ukraine’s Government Is Starving Residents of the Breakaway Region" (2014-12-26) [http://www.globalresearch.ca/ukraines-government-is-starving-residents-of-the-breakaway-region/5421564] [https://archive.today/dKIAH]
* "Afghanistan against US plans to transfer military gear to Ukraine - Kabul official" (2014-12-27) [http://rt.com/news/218067-us-afghanistan-ukraine-weapons/] [https://archive.today/cPOfY]

* "24 December 2014. A Point to Ponder…" [https://archive.today/wK9zs]: One of the Cabinet sent me this: "If Communism is Orthodoxy without Christ, does this mean that: Orthodoxy is Communism with Christ?" Indeed. Our Lord Christ was the farthest thing from a contemporary American Republican greedster or Radical Sectarian (“Evangelical”) believer in American Exceptionalism. After all, the moneybags, religious careerists, and political sycophants all called for His death… LOUDLY. I’d observe that not much has changed, has it? “Theomachist” and “secularist” are NOT synonyms… [end article]. By the same author at another article, [begin excerpt]: You may have godless Crapitalistic Sectarian Anglo America or you can have Communitarian Orthodox Holy Rus (but all people of all faiths, including secularism, of good will are welcome, make no mistake on that). Shall we have Christ or Anti-Christ? Read the Apocalypse of St John the Theologian, you’d see that the descriptions of the Anti-Christ’s faith are disturbingly close to “Evangelical” notions of the godless Anglo American hegemonists (especially, their “Evangelical” attack dogs... that isn’t a religion, it’s an apologia for American Self-Centered Individualism. “Me n’ Jayzuss”, indeed!). [end excerpt]
The following image references the classic Christian morality of "Do unto Others as you would have them do unto you", and is in reference to the cultural value of communal socialism:

* "Lavrov Proposes Conference on Christianophobia… He Sez Russia Looks After the Interests of Christians in the World" (2014-12-23) [https://archive.today/gxxJr]: Russia stands up for oppressed Christians… the USA stands up for oppressors… whether they’re Saudi Wahhabis, Afghan semi-Talibans, or Ukrainian Uniate murderers; it stands for those who oppress and kill confessing Christians. Fancy that… that puts the bloviations of Marie Harf and Jen Psaki in a new light and it shows Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz up as consummate hypocrites and poseurs. Never trust an “Evangelical” or those who associate with them… one of our bishops called them “Christian atheists”… that’s so true! I’ve never seen a group more grasping and impious… whilst they mouthed pietistic platitudes with ingratiating smiles on their faces! None dare call it deceit… the Devil isn’t called the Father of Lies for nought.
* RE: Anti-Semitism in in E.Ukraine
The Union of Novorossiya, consisting of the two republics in E.Ukraine with a majority Russian ethnicity, has been shown to be tolerant of all religions. But charges of anti-Semitism were publicized when USA Today and other monopolist news media broke the story that a "flier had been found" that reportedly showed that Jewish folks were "being forced to register"... like how the Nazis did in Germany during the 1930s. The flier was false, and retractions were later issued by the monopolist media, but the purpose of psyops in the monopolist media is to introduce the idea, even a false idea, as it influences public opinion.
Here's the original news article (archived):
* "Leaflet tells Jews to register in East Ukraine" (2014-04-17) [http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/04/17/jews-ordered-to-register-in-east-ukraine/7816951/] [https://archive.today/LJuyq]
And the subsequent retractions and investigations:
* Google.com search results, archived 2014-12-31 [https://archive.today/ZSwWp]
* "Fake Donetsk Letter Circulating" (2014-04-19) [http://sjlendman.blogspot.de/2014/04/fake-donetsk-letter-circulating.html] [https://archive.today/HVvxH]
* "Paris, Boulevard de Sébastopol: Descendants of the White Émigrés Address European Leaders on the Ukrainian Tragedy" (2014-12-26) [https://archive.today/peKhG]
* " ‘Stop blaming everything on Russia’: Heirs to 1917 revolutionary-era emigrants appeal to EU" (2014-12-25) [http://rt.com/politics/217551-russia-emigrants-letter-history/] [https://archive.today/bp5tR]
* "Anger against water tax shakes up Ireland" (2014-12-24) [http://www.terradaily.com/reports/Anger_against_water_tax_shakes_up_Ireland_999.html] [https://archive.today/zwCgB]
* "¡Podemos! Spanish Party Rises from Grassroots to Challenge Corruption of Elite Party Rule; In tandem with other rising parties of the Left in Europe, supporters of new political party in Spain have organized their way to doorstep of power" (2014-12-29) [http://www.commondreams.org/news/2014/12/29/podemos-spanish-party-rises-grassroots-challenge-corruption-elite-party-rule] [https://archive.today/24ZWV]
* "Vowing to End 'Neoliberal Experiment,' Greek Left Rises as Snap Elections Called" (2014-12-29) [http://www.commondreams.org/news/2014/12/29/vowing-end-neoliberal-experiment-greek-left-rises-snap-elections-called] [https://archive.today/v82sI]
* "Bosnian Workers who Started February Demonstrations are Leaving the Country on Foot" (2014-12-26) [http://revolution-news.com/bosnian-workers-who-started-february-demonstrations-are-leaving-the-country-on-foot/] [https://archive.today/c49nn]
* "Radiation Levels Spike at Ukrainian Nuclear Plant: DPR Official" (2014-12-30) [http://www.nuclearpowerdaily.com/reports/Radiation_Levels_Spike_at_Ukrainian_Nuclear_Plant_DPR_Official_999.html] [https://archive.today/tTh3G]
* "Ukraine shuts down faulty nuclear power plant reactor" (2014-12-28) [http://www.nuclearpowerdaily.com/reports/Ukraine_shuts_down_faulty_nuclear_power_plant_reactor_999.html] [https://archive.today/xTGPJ]
Updates on the EEU / SCO
* "Russia, China Mock 'Divide and Rule': The American 'Empire of Chaos' " [http://www.globalresearch.ca/russia-china-mock-divide-and-rule/5421417] [https://archive.today/djoLq]
* "Food Embargo Economically Meaningful, Production Level Growing in Russia" (2014-12-27) [http://sputniknews.com/politics/20141227/1016298095.html] [https://archive.today/cRhWZ]
* "From Energy War to Currency War: America’s Attack on the Russian Ruble" (2014-12-26) [http://www.globalresearch.ca/from-energy-war-to-currency-war-americas-attack-on-the-russian-ruble/5421554] [https://archive.today/1HKNs]
* "Grandmaster Putin’s Trap" (2014-12-25) [http://orientalreview.org/2014/12/25/grandmaster-putins-trap/] [https://archive.today/cpkvE]
* "Chechen president offers 'special regiment' to defend Russia" (2014-12-28) [http://www.spacewar.com/reports/Chechen_president_offers_special_regiment_to_defend_Russia_999.html] [https://archive.today/INEzq]
* "Russia in Talks With China Over Fast Neutron Nuclear Reactors Construction" (2014-12-26) [http://sputniknews.com/asia/20141226/1016268829.html] [https://archive.today/aqDjc]
* "Russian-Indian Joint Military Projects to Boost Delhi's Defense Industry" (2014-12-19) [http://sputniknews.com/military/20141219/1016057954.html] [https://archive.today/PrQcg]
* "Chinese city makes 'socalist values' mandatory: report" (2014-12-26) [http://www.sinodaily.com/reports/Chinese_city_makes_socalist_values_mandatory_report_999.html] [https://archive.today/Enb8o]
* "People Before Profits: Economic stimulus in China and the U.S." (2008) pg.1 [http://peoplesworld.org/people-before-profits-economic-stimulus-in-china-and-the-u-s/] [https://archive.today/nzDin], pg.2 [http://peoplesworld.org/economic-stimulus-in-china-and-the-u-s-part-2/] [https://archive.today/6Aj2V]
The demand of the Occupy Central HQ in Hong Kong was to call for elections free of government influence, which is significant as this affects state power in the autonomous city of Hong Kong, whose economy is worth over a trillion dollars. This was not a call for independent worker's councils, or an anarchist federation of neighborhoods, but was simply a demand to allow for foreigners to influence elections in the autonomous city through unrestricted elections, whereby foreign agencies can prop up their own candidates with funding and resources. The actual protesters participating in Occupy Central HQ represented a spectrum of demands, many of whom are against capitalism and want to protect human rights, however, the Occupy Central HQ "leadership" were promoting the action of foreign influence over state elections as "Freedom"... and ignored calls for worker's rights or economic democracy, because the so-called "leadership" were paid agents of foreign banks, with a group called "Banking and Finance Professionals in Support of Occupy Central" [https://archive.today/Ccd9R], and the USA State Department! The tragedy is that the genuine workers and students demands are not heard, and instead, the demands of foreign agencies were promoted internationally by the monopolist press owned by the same holding companies (and banks) funding the Occupy Central HQ. What is amazing is that, unlike elsewhere in China, the police treated the protesters with restraint when compared to the actions of Police in the USA against Occupy encampments!
* "China praises Hong Kong for not giving in to protesters" (2014-12-26) [http://www.terradaily.com/reports/China_praises_Hong_Kong_for_not_giving_in_to_protesters_999.html] [https://archive.today/Hvbat]
* "Bankers in Hong Kong Join Fight Against Mainland Influence" (2014-04-21) [http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/22/world/asia/in-hong-kong-some-bankers-back-an-occupy-movement.html?_r=1] [https://archive.today/sOg3C]
* "Occupy Central: Benny Tai Doesn't Care Why You Think You Protest" (2014-10-03) [http://landdestroyer.blogspot.ca/2014/10/occupy-central-benny-tai-doesnt-care.html] [https://archive.today/Xq8jw]
* "Documents Show US Openly Approves Hong Kong Chaos It Created" (2014-10-02) [http://www.mintpressnews.com/documents-show-us-openly-approves-hong-kong-chaos-it-created/197149/] [https://archive.today/Bev0B]
* "US Covers Up Support for Hong Kong 'Occupy Central' " (2014-10-28) [http://landdestroyer.blogspot.de/2014/10/us-covers-up-support-for-hong-kong.html] [https://archive.today/mkwMx]
* "Hong Kong’s “Occupy Central” is US-backed Sedition" (2014-10-01) [http://journal-neo.org/2014/10/01/hong-kong-s-occupy-central-is-us-backed-sedition/] [https://archive.today/BADmT]
* "Tibetan woman burns herself to death in China: reports" (2014-12-23) [http://www.sinodaily.com/reports/Tibetan_woman_burns_herself_to_death_in_China_reports_999.html] [https://archive.today/og5ed]

Those Hollywood Death Eaters, including tantrum-throwing Seth Rogen, made millions from participating in a clandestine operation designed to make war against the people of northern Korea!
* "North Korea Threatens To Attack U.S. If Obama Retaliates Over Sony Hacking" (2014-12-21) [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/21/north-korea-threatens-us_n_6362608.html] [https://archive.today/YiSjK], [begin excerpt]: In Sunday's statement, the National Defense Commission said it had "clear evidence" that the U.S. government was involved in the making of the film, with the intention of undermining Kim's regime. It's not clear what evidence, if any, exists to support that claim. "The army and people of the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea] are fully ready to stand in confrontation with the U.S. in all war spaces including cyber warfare space to blow up those citadels," said the statement, which was attributed to North Korea's top policymaking institution, the National Defense Commission. [end excerpt] An interesting note, this article mistranslates the official statement of the DPRK, and denies the existence of evidence that contradicts the FBI report!
* " 'The Interview' - A review of reactionary white power arrogance" (2014-12-28) [http://uhurunews.com/story?resource_name=the-interview-a-review-of-white-power-arrogance] [https://archive.today/fBr32], [begin excerpt]:
Indeed, the leaked Sony emails revealed that The Interview was screened for at least two US government officials who gave it “Two Thumbs Up!” before it was unleashed onto the world.
RAND Corporation senior defense analyst Bruce Bennet wrote of the film, “I believe that a story that talks about the removal of the Kim family regime and the creation of a new government by the North Korean people (well, at least the elites) will start some real thinking in South Korea and, I believe, in the North once the DVD leaks.”
“I have to admit that the only resolution I can see to the North Korean nuclear and other threats is for the North Korean regime to eventually go away,” Bennett continued. “In fact, when I have briefed my book on ‘preparing for the possibility of a North Korean collapse’ [Sept 2013], I have been clear that the assassination of Kim Jong-un is the most likely path to a collapse of the North Korean government.”
Sony Pictures Entertainment Chairman and CEO Michael Lynton wrote back to Bennett and told him that a US government official backed his assessment.
[end excerpt]
* "Ex-Worker Theory Casts Doubt on N. Korea as Sony Hacker" (2014-12-31) [http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-12-30/ex-sony-worker-hacking-theory-casts-doubt-on-north-korea-origins.html] [https://archive.today/H6EKS], [begin excerpt]: At least one former employee of Sony Corp. may have helped hackers orchestrate the cyber-attack on the company’s film and TV unit, according to security researcher Norse Corp. The company narrowed the list of suspects to a group of six people, including at least one Sony veteran with the necessary technical background to carry out the attack, said Kurt Stammberger, senior vice president at Norse. The company used Sony’s leaked human-resources documents and cross-referenced the data with communications on hacker chat rooms and its own network of Web sensors, he said. “When the FBI made this announcement, just a few days after the attack was made public, it raised eyebrows in the community because it’s hard to do that kind of an attribution that quickly -- it’s almost unheard of,” Stammberger said in a telephone interview from San Francisco. “All the leads that we did turn up that had a Korean connection turned out to be dead ends.”
[end excerpt]
* "North Korea was NOT behind the Sony hack according to multiple security experts who discredit FBI findings and reveal that a studio insider named 'Lena' may be responsible" (2014-12-25) [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2887081/North-Korea-NOT-Sony-hack-according-multiple-security-experts-discredit-FBI-findings-reveal-insider-named-Lena-responsible.html] [https://archive.today/ojemQ]
* "Evil torturers catch a break: How America got distracted from a national travesty" (2014-12-24) [http://www.salon.com/2014/12/24/evil_torturers_catch_a_break_how_america_got_distracted_from_a_national_travesty/] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141226013455/http://www.salon.com/2014/12/24/evil_torturers_catch_a_break_how_america_got_distracted_from_a_national_travesty/]
* "US, allies agree trilateral accord on N. Korea intelligence" (2014-12-26) [http://www.spacewar.com/reports/US_allies_agree_trilateral_accord_on_N_Korea_intelligence_999.html] [https://archive.today/Z44C8]
The USA State Department is taking their little conspiracy theory that the DPRK orchestrated acyberspace attack against Sony Corp. of Japan, and expanded the theory to now blame China!
* "China a likely factor in North Korea cyber prowess: experts" (2014-12-26) [http://www.spacewar.com/reports/China_a_likely_factor_in_North_Korea_cyber_prowess_experts_999.html] [https://archive.today/QG7wT]
DPRK is expanding their economic democracy as the Korean People's Army builds public-sector farms, houses for young families, and modernized industrial facilities, adding billions of dollars in value to the state's infrastructure portfolio, meanwhile enough food is being raised to prevent the persistent malnutrition that is seen in southern Korea under the administration of a fascist dicatorship.
* "KPA Taking Lead in Building Thriving Nation" (2014-12-24) (Page 1) [https://archive.today/K3k6X], (Page 2) [https://archive.today/WPliW], (Page 3) [https://archive.today/XsyUK].
* "Kim Jong Un Visits June 8 Farm of KPA" (2014-12-26) [https://archive.today/8bT52]
* "DPRK Premier Makes Field Survey of Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex" (2014-12-26) [https://archive.today/9ey6J]
* "Table-tennis Tournament for Disabled in DPRK" (2014-12-25) [https://archive.today/z22kp]
* "Kim Jong Un's Work Published in Russia" [https://archive.today/Uwe4D]
* "Kim Jong Il's Work Published in Russia" (2014-12-26) [https://archive.today/01KOO]
* "Kim Jong Un Sends Thanks to Chairwoman of Hyundai Group" (2014-12-24) [https://archive.today/4cVfe]
* "The North Korean Website List" (updated 2014-07-17) [http://www.northkoreatech.org/the-north-korean-website-list/] [https://web.archive.org/web/20141227083914/http://www.northkoreatech.org/the-north-korean-website-list/]
Republic of Korea is now a fascist dictatorship...
* "S. Korean Puppet Group's Disbandment of UPP Flailed" (2014-12-26) [https://archive.today/m5Tj6]
* "S. Korean Regime's Politically-motivated Terrorism against Progressive Political Party Blasted" (2014-12-25) [https://archive.today/xb0TA]
* "Terrorist Act against S. Korean Progressive Activists Slammed" (2014-12-24) [https://archive.today/b60sN]
* "Park Geun Hye Group's Disbandment of Progressive Party Slammed by Overseas Koreans Body" (2014-12-25) [https://archive.today/IX05z]
* "S. Korean Puppet Police Authorities' Search for Eliminating Progressive Forces" (2014-12-25) [https://archive.today/u6GSc]
* "Nepal's thirsty capital loses ancient taps to construction" (2014-12-28) [http://www.terradaily.com/reports/Nepals_thirsty_capital_loses_ancient_taps_to_construction_999.html] [https://archive.today/byAJb]
The Republic of the Philippines conducts death-squad operations against minorities and labor union organizers. There is persistent malnourishment, artificial famine, and forced homelessness. These conditions haven't changed since the days the USA ruled over the area, nor has it changed since the days of the USA-backed dictatorship, which is the reason why a rebellion has lasted for decades...
* "Peace talks with Philippine communist rebels to restart soon" (2014-12-26) [http://www.spacewar.com/reports/Peace_talks_with_Philippine_communist_rebels_to_restart_soon_999.html] [https://archive.today/acXFI]
* "Federal And Local Action Needed To Protect Hawaii's Spinner Dolphins" (2014-12-17) [http://nicholas.duke.edu/news/federal-and-local-action-needed-protect-hawaiis-spinner-dolphins] [https://archive.today/EpKcN]

"A Message to My Sistas" by Assata Shakur [http://www.assatashakur.org/sistas.htm] [https://archive.today/HCh8E]
* "Our Historical New Afrikan Origins" BY MUTOPE DUGUMA [http://4strugglemag.org/2010/07/23/our-historical-new-afrikan-origins/] [https://archive.today/xsDCY]
* On adopting the self-identity of the New Afrikan, by Sanyika Shakur [https://archive.today/4Hkbx]:
"We have chosen New Afrikan as our Nationality because it adequately defines our experience. It brings the reality of Our transformation and new unity right down from and where it needs to be. It also affords Us an identity of our own, out and away from that given to us by our oppressors."
Bunchy Carter Tribute 2014[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPhFUM55LFc]
Originally recorded during the Black August Martyrs Tour 2013 in Compton, CA
Woodlawn Memorial Park, Range 2, Block 9. Speaker: Harold Welton
of the So Cal Chapter of the Black Panther Party and the Jonathan Jackson
Educational Cadre. Speaker: Harold Welton of the So Cal Chapter of the Black Panther Party and the Jonathan Jackson Educational Cadre.
*"Special News Bulletin", November 19, 1969, from R. Chaka Walls, Deputy Minister of Information, Illinois Chapter Black Panther Party:
"The racist dog policeman must withdraw immediately from our communities, cease their wanton murder and brutality and torture of Black people, or face the wrath of the armed people."
Because of this statement made by Huey P. Newton, our minister of defense, and point 7 of the ten-point program and platform that says: "We want an immediate end to police brutality and murder of black people," we must stand firm on the ten-point program which was canvassed from the Black community by the founders of the Black Panther Party, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale.
Jake Winters, a brother, a much beloved brother, a revolutionary, a Black Panther made of red-hot nigger steel, and the baddest son of slaves that ever came from the womb of woman. I have said these things about Jake Winters, because they are already fact. It's objective reality, proven by words and actions in defending the Black community.
On November 13, 1969, Jake Winters stood face to face and toe to toe, his shotgun in hand, with pig Daley's murderous task force. He defined political power by blowing away racist pig Frank Rappaport and racist pig John Gilhooley and retired 8 other reactionary racist pigs before he was shot down.
It is also a proven fact and reality that Daley's task force makes daily and weekly raids on the Black community. They murdered little John Soto, 16 years old. They murdered Michael Soto, 20 years old, and shot wildly and unconcerned through every window in one of the buildings in the Henry Honer project, injuring scores of children. They murdered Jimmy Tucker and untold others.
Another Martyr in the Liberation struggle rarely talked about.
Jake Winters understood that the only way to stop fascist pig forces from invading and slaughtering Black people and people, period, and that is by defending yourself with arms in hand! He didn't talk about Black capitalism for surviving nor did he talk about teaching "pork chop" cultural nationalism for surviving like Ron Karenga US organization in L.A. Jake Winters was 18 years old and he made a far greater commitment than most men will ever make in their entire life time. This brother was an honor student, a graduate of Engleworth High School who turned down five scholarships to work for the people. He helped as much as he possibly could at the free breakfast for children centers, plus he worked 7 days a week at the post office to bring in money to keep the center operating.
Jake Winters is the highest personification of Huey P. Newton and Malcolm X. The spirit of these revolutionaries is manifested in each member of the Black Panther Party and we will always remember Jake Winters. Because of Jake Winters we will intensify the struggle, because of Jake Winters we will continue serving the poor oppressed people--the proletariat.
Long Live The Spirit of Jake Winters
All Power to the People
Right On Jake
Seize The Time
White supremacists claim not to be racists, and accept Black people as long as they do not celebrate their history, and nation. If a Black person asserts their nationality, the white supremacists will campaign to discredit all aspects of cultural exhibition by Black people. The following is written by a well-known white supremacist Anne Coulter, who is using deep political history of FBI involvement with Ron Karenga to discredit the New African Kwanzaa cultural celebration, and actually claims all good Black people must celebrate Christmas instead! This article is part of a propaganda campaign to assert that Black people have no culture or independent history, and to lay down the idea that Black people must be like white people in order to be accepted! Read it for yourself:
* "Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought To You By the FBI" (2014-12-24) [http://townhall.com/columnists/anncoulter/2014/12/24/happy-kwanzaa-the-holiday-brought-to-you-by-the-fbi-n1935693] [https://archive.today/MusKt]
* "North Vietnam, 1972: The Christmas bombing of Hanoi" (2014-12-24) [http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-20719382] [https://archive.today/pHlk5]
* "A Soviet Quarter Century (1930-1955)" (2013-06-16) [http://orientalreview.org/2013/06/16/episode-11-a-soviet-quarter-century-1930-1955/] [https://archive.today/nNjdZ]
* "Capitalist democracy & Life in the former Soviet Union" (2005) [http://peoplesworld.org/capitalist-democracy-life-in-the-former-soviet-union/] [https://archive.today/xgjsY]
* "Who Organised the Famine in the USSR in 1932-1933?" (2012-12-17) [http://orientalreview.org/2012/12/17/episodes-10-who-organised-famine-in-the-ussr-in-1932-1933/] [https://archive.today/wvjTY]
* "Operation Unthinkable: Churchill’s plan to start World War III" in 1945 (2013-06-13) [http://indrus.in/blogs/2013/06/13/operation_unthinkable_churchills_plan_to_start_world_war_iii_26091.html] [https://archive.today/zifef]
Almost 100 years ago, at 1919, after collapse of Russian Empire was first attempt of Europe and USA to capture territory of Russia and make state Ukraine. As now, they did that under false flag of democracy and freedom. Ukraine: On the road to freedom published by the Ukrainian National Committee of the U.S. in New York (1919) [https://web.archive.org/web/20141227053224/http://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/7278/file.pdf]
* "British Government Says It Did Not Operate 'System' of Abuse in Colonial Kenya" (2014-12-17) [https://news.vice.com/article/british-government-says-it-did-not-operate-system-of-abuse-in-colonial-kenya] [https://archive.today/g1UfW]
* "The Kenyan claimants" [http://www.leighday.co.uk/International-and-group-claims/Kenya/The-Mau-Mau-claims/The-Mau-Mau-claimants] [https://web.archive.org/web/20140803064138/http://www.leighday.co.uk/International-and-group-claims/Kenya/The-Mau-Mau-claims/The-Mau-Mau-claimants]
VIETNAM VETS AGAINST THE WAR STATEMENT ON SEPT. 11 ATTACKS (2001-09-30) [https://archive.today/PY9Uo]
"From the Wilderness" newsletter (2001-11-20) [https://archive.today/K0lTn]
Susan Lindauer
"I was arrested on the Patriot Act when I requested to testify about Iraq & 9/11."
Intro from [https://archive.today/qKegm]: As a U.S. Intelligence Asset, Susan Lindauer covered anti-terrorism at the Iraqi Embassy in New York from 1996 up to the invasion. Independent sources have confirmed that she gave advance warning about the 9/11 attack. She also started talks for the Lockerbie Trial with Libyan diplomats. Shortly after requesting to testify before Congress about successful elements of Pre-War Intelligence, Lindauer became one of the first non-Arab Americans arrested on the Patriot Act as an “Iraqi Agent.” She was accused of warning her second cousin, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and Secretary of State Colin Powell that war with Iraq would have catastrophic consequences. Gratis of the Patriot Act, her indictment was loaded with “secret charges” and “secret evidence.” She was subjected to one year in prison on Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas without a trial or hearing, and threatened with indefinite detention and forcible drugging to shut her up. After five years of indictment without a conviction or guilty plea, the Justice Department dismissed all charges five days before President Obama’s inauguration. [End intro]
* "The Missing Security Tapes From The World Trade Center" by Susan Lindauer (2011-08-01) [https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Document:The_Missing_Security_Tapes_From_The_World_Trade_Center] [https://archive.today/BjkaV]
* "A Time For Truth: Bin Laden's Death Won't End War On Terror Until Americans Understand The Threat Was Always Us" by Susan Lindauer (2011-05-10) [https://extremeprejudiceusa.wordpress.com/2011/05/10/a-time-for-truth-bin-ladens-death-wont-end-war-on-terror-until-americans-understand-the-threat-was-always-us/] [https://archive.today/yA75A]
* "9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer On Life In a Military Prison" (2011-01-30)
Introduction [http://theintelhub.com/2011/01/30/911-whistleblower-susan-lindauer-on-life-in-a-military-prison/] [https://web.archive.org/web/20110404063520/http://theintelhub.com/2011/01/30/911-whistleblower-susan-lindauer-on-life-in-a-military-prison/]
Part 1 [https://web.archive.org/web/20110404063520/http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/Intel_Hub/Intel_Hub.2011-01-16_16k.mp3]
Part 2 [https://web.archive.org/web/20110404063520/http://mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com/Intel_Hub/Intel_Hub.2011-01-30_16k.mp3]
* " 'Legacy of Deception' by Susan Lindauer" (2011-01-24) [http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2011/01/legacy-of-deception-by-susan-lindauer.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20111224230148/http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2011/01/legacy-of-deception-by-susan-lindauer.html]
* "Debating 9/11 hijackers with ex-CIA asset Susan Lindauer" (2011-01-21) [http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2011/01/debating-911-hijackers-with-ex-cia.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20111224230043/http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2011/01/debating-911-hijackers-with-ex-cia.html]
* January 13th interview with JACK BLOOD, she comes in at around the 70 mins mark. [https://web.archive.org/web/20111011022144/http://deadlinelive.info/wp-content/uploads/jb011311.mp3]
* January 10th interview with THE UGLY TRUTH, about 25 mins into the show, where Lindauer reveals that Sanctions Against Iraq cost 9,000 lives PER MONTH. There was a total of 2 million Iraqis before the Coalition went in - 1 million of them were CHILDREN UNDER FIVE years of age.
Happy that sanctions work, now? Listen [https://web.archive.org/web/20111011022144/http://theuglytruth.podbean.com/mf/web/pb9ryz/UT10JAN2010LindauerFIN.mp3]
* "CIA Asset Susan Lindauer blows the whistle on 9/11, Iraq" (2011-01-08) [http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2011/01/cia-asset-susan-lindauer-blows-whistle.html] [https://web.archive.org/web/20111008123411/http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2011/01/cia-asset-susan-lindauer-blows-whistle.html]
* Susan Lindauer Interview on The Kevin Barrett Show (2011-01-04), Introduction [www.noliesradio.org/archives/27509] [https://archive.today/NUyIx], Listen [https://web.archive.org/web/20111011022144/http://www.radiodujour.com/mp3/20110104-kevin-barrett-susan-lindauer.mp3]
* Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG) has released an interesting compilation, "My Best Facebook Statuses, through December 26, 2014 (Topically arranged by alphabetical order)" by Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., CLG Founder. These updates fall under several categories, including the following: Liberals and Liberalism, Democrats, Elections, Neoliberalism, Economists, Revolution (and Revolution vs. Reform), Belief and Non-belief/Religion and Secularism, 'Race' in America, Identity Politics, Writing and Literature, Education, and more.
* "Popular Resistance" newsletter: 2014 In Review (2014-12-27) [https://www.popularresistance.org/newsletter-2014-in-review/] [https://archive.today/aKSSe]
* "The Nuclear Resister" newsletter (2014-12) [http://www.nukeresister.org/2014/12/30/e-bulletin-december-2014/] [https://archive.today/ggx6e]


Congratulations to the "People's World" online newsjournal [http://peoplesworld.org] with over a million visitors per year, more than 6,000 subscribers to their twice monthly newsletter, 30,000 viewers of the on-the-spot coverage of national sit-downs at Walmart last month, alongside a brigade of 800 readers who have pledged to guarantee the circulation every week of a designated critical labor story. They're sharing on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google plus; a facebook.com page with 75,000 likes, and there has been tens of thousands of viewers for the Peoplesworld.org monthly Google Air programs feature live in-depth interviews ranging from Ferguson activists fighting for justice for Michael Brown to leaders of Chicago's Immigrant Youth Justice League.
PeoplesWorld was recognized with three awards from the International Labor Communications Association:
* 1st Place Best News, "Unity was their cry: fast food workers go global!" by Teresa Albano [https://archive.today/U1CcK]
* 2nd Place for for Best Analysis, "2013: Year of bold new labor movement" by John Wojcik [https://archive.today/JfB0L]
* 3rd Place for Best Analysis, "Documents expose new ALEC scheme to kill clean energy" by John Wojcik [https://archive.today/9VBqO]
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