Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Solidarity with Mexico's Workers against Fascism

Unions in Mexico are fighting for survival!
In central Mexico 44,000 Electrical Power Workers (SME) were fired to privatize the industry and destroy the union. "There are no borders in the working class struggle to build a better world."
We will hear from two dynamic leaders in the front ranks of our common struggle against the 1%.
TUESDAY April 3rd
12:00 noon @ Sac State (CSUS) Hinde Auditorium 6000 J st. Sacramento
5:30pm SEIU Local 1000, 1808 14th Street Sacramento (Cross street is "S street" & 14th Street)
Info: gabrielstorres@yahoo.com
or call: Paramo Hernandez (916) 825-0402
the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) Sacramento Chapter, Sacramento Central Labor Council, Los Rios College Federation of Teachers (CFT/AFT Local 2279), Unión Cívica Primero de Mayo, CFA, Serna Center, Chican@/Latin@ Faculty and Staff Association de CSU Sacramento, Mecha De SacState; Organizacion de Trabajadores Agricolas de California (OTAC), Frente de Mexicanos en el Exterior (FME), El Organizador
CC: Occupy Woodland, OccupySacramento, Occupy Davis, Occupy UC Davis